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Betreff: [AISWorld] Conf-IRM 2017 May 17-19 Santiago de Chile -
Deadline 9 Jan 2017
Datum: Sun, 4 Dec 2016 21:12:42 +0000
Von: Felix Tan <Felix.Tan(a)excelsia.edu.au>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
2017 International Conference on Information Resources Management;
Conf-IRM is an AIS Affiliated Conference and hosted by the
Faculty of Economics & Business (Facultad de Economía y Negocios);
University of Chile in Santiago;
Theme: Democratization and Participation: People's Roles in the Digital World;
May 17-19, 2017 at the Universidad de Chile Santiago de Chile
Submission deadline: January 9, 2017;
Notification of submission decision: February 20, 2017;
Final submission due date for accepted papers: March 15, 2017;
Early registration deadline: April 10, 2017
A Paper Development Workshop (PDW) is being planned. This will be in a round-table format. Selected papers from the conference will be invited to participate in the PDW. So far, a number of senior scholars have agreed to be mentors, including:
Professor Izak Benbasat, University of British Columbia, Canada
Professor Anol Bhattacherjee, University of South Florida, USA
Professor Fred Niederman, Saint Louis University, USA
Professor Luiz Joia, Fundacao Getulio Vargas , Brazil
Professor Alexandre Reis Graeml, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil
Papers selected for the PDW may be channelled to the following journals that are supporting Conf-IRM 2017:
Electronic Journal of IS in Developing Countries
Journal of Global Information Management
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
Revista Eletrônica de Sistemas de Informação (Portuguese)
Revista Latinoamericana Y Del Caribe De La (Spanish)
The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems
SUBMISSIONS NOW OPEN - Deadline 09 January 2017
Details of Tracks and Instructions for Authors, please see:
The organizing committee invites you to submit your research (full and research-in-progress), teaching cases and proposals for panels and tutorials to Conf-IRM 2017. All conference submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed. The review process will be handled by the track chairs and program co-chairs.
Big Data, Business Intelligence, and Data Analytics;
Enterprise Systems and Knowledge Management;
ICT Design, Development, and Service Management;
ICT for Development;
Information Security, Privacy, and Risk Management;
ICT in Government, Healthcare and Education;
Impacts of ICT on People, Organizations, and Society;
Digital Transformation and Innovation;
Management and Governance of ICT;
IT Project Management and Requirements Engineering;
ICT in Latin America and the Caribbean;
E-Business and The Internet of Things;
Workshops, Tutorials and Panels;
Practitioners and General Track
Full Length Submissions
Submissions must be no more than 12 pages, including references, appendices and title page. All submissions must follow the submission template specifications. Submissions must be original and previously unpublished, conceptual or empirical research manuscripts. Papers that are highly rated by the reviewers will be workshopped for submission to a supporting journal. The paper that best represents, in terms of quality and suitability, the theme and ideals of the conference will be awarded the "Best Paper Award" during the conference.
Research-in-Progress Submissions
Submissions must be no more than 7 pages. All research-in-progress submissions will be published in the proceedings as short papers.
Teaching Cases
We welcome submissions of teaching cases. The cases should be based on real situations and targeted at specific learning objectives. Cases should be no more than 12 pages and must be accompanied by instructor teaching notes (not included in the 12 pages). The teaching notes will not be published.
Workshop, Panel, and Tutorial Submissions Submissions must be no more than 3 pages. Proposals should include the objectives, topics to be covered and the full details of all presenters. Method of presentation is at the submitter's discretion; however, the submitter has the responsibility for providing his/her own panel members. All accepted proposals will appear in the conference proceedings.
1. While the primary language of the conferences is English. The ICT in Latin America and the Caribbean tracks will accept papers in Portuguese and Spanish, as well as English.
2. The number of submissions by an author (including joint authorship) is strictly limited to a maximum of two.
3. Authors of accepted papers (at least one person per submission) and all panel members and tutorial presenters MUST register AND attend the conference.
4. Submissions of ALL TYPES must be received by the above deadlines.
5. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in their entirety upon payment of registration fees. Papers accepted and presented at the conference will also be placed in the AIS e-Library. Papers not presented at the conference, for any reason, will not be included in the AIS e-Library.
Conference Co-Chairs
Ariel La Paz, University of Chile, Chile lapaz(a)fen.uchile.cl;
Felix B Tan, Excelsia College - Sydney, Australia felix.tan(a)excelsia.edu.au
Program Co-Chairs
Aurora Sánchez, Catholic University of the North, Chile asanchez(a)ucn.cl;
Alfonso Rodriguez, University of Bio Bio, Chile alfonso(a)ubiobio.cl;
Maria Alexandra Cunha, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Brazil alexandra.cunha(a)fgv.br
Publications and Proceedings Co-Chair
Lech Janczewski, The University of Auckland, New Zealand lech(a)auckland.ac.nz
Conf-IRM Executive Committee
Gerald Grant, Carleton University, Canada (co-chair);
Jairo Gutierrez, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand:
G. Harindranath, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK;
Lech Janczewski, University of Auckland, New Zealand;
Sherif Kamel, The American University in Cairo, Egypt;
Felix B. Tan, Excelsia College - Sydney, Australia (co-chair)
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: 1st International Workshop on
Advanced Enterprise Modelling - AEM 2017
Datum: Sun, 4 Dec 2016 14:51:06 +0100
Von: Ulrich Reimer <ulrich0reimer(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: ulrich.reimer(a)fhsg.ch
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling - AEM 2017
In conjunction with ICEIS 2017 - the 19th International Conference on
Enterprise Information Systems, Porto, Portugal, 26 - 29 April 2017
Workshop website:http://www.iceis.org/AEM.aspx
The operating environment of most organizations or enterprises today is
increasingly complex and changing rapidly. Leading technology discussions
today often refer to the emerging and disruptive technology trends that
would dramatically alter our socio-technical and socio-economic landscape in
the near future. Technologies, techniques and methodologies that can assist
enterprises with not only positioning for disruptive environments but also
harnessing of potential benefits provided by the fast changing operating
environment, such as included in enterprise architecture and engineering,
are increasingly important. A core component of any enterprise approach are
the models that need to be developed in order to understand, organize,
simulate, design, communicate, implement and integrate all aspects of the
enterprise that are embodied in its elements (people, processes,
applications, etc.), their relationships to each other and to the
environment, and the principles guiding its design and evolution.
The 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling (AEM 2017)
aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share
research and experiences and discuss emerging developments in advanced
enterprise modelling. The Workshop Chairs therefore invite authors to submit
original research and development papers on topics of interest in advanced
enterprise modelling that include, but are not limited to:
Modelling approaches/methods:
. Agile methods for enterprise modelling and enterprise architecture
. Enterprise ontologies
. Ontologies and enterprise modelling
. Domain-specific modelling languages
. Enterprise models with formal semantics
. Rule systems in enterprise modelling
. Meta-modelling for enterprises and enterprise information systems
. Enterprise systems engineering
. Interoperability of (models for) enterprise information systems.
Modelling for specific domains/fields of study:
. Modelling knowledge work
. Decision modelling and decision management
. Business capability modelling
. Enterprise modelling for business-IT alignment
. Enterprise interoperability
. Interoperability in enterprise information systems
. Conceptual modelling for enterprises and enterprise architecture
. Modelling organisational change.
. Paper Submission: January 26, 2017
. Authors Notification: February 13, 2017
. Camera Ready and Registration: February 27, 2017
Two types of papers will be considered for AEM 2017: Regular Papers and
Position Papers.
Regular Papers
. Submission: It is recommended that Regular Papers are submitted for review
with around 8 to 10 pages, with the appropriate font size and page format,
including references, tables, graphs, images and appendices. Submissions
with less than 4 pages or more than 13 pages will be automatically rejected.
. Acceptance: After a double-blind peer review, qualifying Regular Papers
may be accepted as either Full Papers or Short Papers. Regular Papers
classified as Full Papers will be assigned a 12-page limit in the Workshop
Proceedings, while Regular Papers classified as Short Papers have an 8-page
Position Papers
. Submission: Position Papers should be submitted for review with around 6
or 7 pages, with the appropriate font size and page format, including
references, tables, graphs, images and appendices. Submissions with less
than 4 pages or more than 9 pages will be automatically rejected.
. Acceptance: After a double-blind peer review, qualifying Position Papers
will be accepted as Short Papers. Regular Papers will be assigned an 8-page
limit in the Workshop Proceedings.
. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the topics or
paper categories or related fields listed above.
. Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word and Latex formats) are
available at:http://www.iceis.org/Templates.aspx
. Please also check the Guidelines:http://www.iceis.org/Guidelines.aspx
. Papers should be submitted electronically via the link to the web-based
submission system provided at:http://www.iceis.org/AEM.aspx
. All reviews are based on submissions of full papers (not abstracts)
following a double-blind process. All papers are subject to plagiarism
analysis using a software tool prior to review.
. All regular papers are reviewed by at least two reviewers, but usually by
three or more, and rated considering their: Relevance, Originality,
Technical Quality, Significance and Presentation;
The reviewers are also asked to answer a group of questions that may help
the authors to improve the paper, should it be accepted, namely: Abstract
and Introduction are adequate?, Needs more experimental results?, Needs
comparative evaluation?, Improve critical discussion?, Figures are
Adequate?, Conclusions/Future Work are convincing?, References are
up-to-date and appropriate?, Paper formatting needs adjustment?, Improve
. Finally, the reviewers can provide some free text observations which was
given to the authors and also some free text private observations, made
available only to the program chair. Conflicting reviews may require
assignment of a new reviewer. In the end the program chairs decide. The
author has a period for rebuttal, which triggers a workflow involving the
chairs and the reviewers if necessary. All rebuttals are answered but
decisions are final.
. Position papers follow a similar process but the criteria used for
classification are slightly different in order to account for the nature of
these papers, i.e. speculative ideas and/or ongoing work not yet fully
After thorough reviewing by the workshop program committee complemented by
members of the main conference program committee, all accepted papers will
be published in a special section of the ICEIS 2017 conference proceedings
book - under an ISBN reference and on CD-ROM support.
All papers presented in person at the workshop venue will be available at
the SCITEPRESS Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/).
SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/) and every
paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
Prof Aurona Gerber, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Prof Knut Hinkelmann, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern FHNW,
Paula Kotze, CSIR Meraka Insititute, South Africa
Prof Ulrich Reimer, University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen, Switzerland
Prof Alta van der Merwe, University of Pretoria, South Africa
ICEIS Workshops - AEM 2017
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] EMISA'17 | Call for Contributions
Datum: Sat, 3 Dec 2016 18:26:44 +0000
Von: Michael Fellmann <michael.fellmann(a)uni-rostock.de>
Antwort an: Michael Fellmann <michael.fellmann(a)uni-rostock.de>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>, 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org'
Kopie (CC): matthias.weidlich(a)hu-berlin.de
Call for Contributions
*8th International Workshop on
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA’17)
*co-located with the 29th International Conference on Advanced
Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE)*
*June 12-13, 2017 — Essen, Germany
The strategic importance of enterprise modelling has been recognized by
an increasing number of companies and public agencies. Enterprise
modelling delivers the ‘blueprints’ for co-designing and aligning
business and enterprise information systems such that they complement
each other in an optimal way. As example consider the support of
business processes by process-aware information systems. Achieving such
interplay requires a multi-perspective approach taking organizational,
economic, and technical aspects into account. In a world of cloud,
social and big data, additional challenges for enterprise modelling and
the design of information systems architectures are introduced, e.g., in
respect to the design of data-driven processes or processes enabling
cross-enterprise collaboration. To deal with these challenges, a close
cooperation of researchers from different disciplines such as
information systems, business informatics, and computer science will be
EMISA 2017 is the eighth international workshop in a series that
provides a key forum for researchers and practitioners in the fields of
enterprise modelling and the design of information system (IS)
architectures. The workshop series emphasizes a holistic view on these
fields, fostering integrated approaches that address and relate business
processes, business people and information technology. The workshop is
open for a broad range of subjects. Possible topics include, but are not
limited to:
• Enterprise modelling: languages, methods, tools
• Patterns for enterprise modelling
• Patterns for information systems architectures
• Model life cycle management
• Model evolution
• Model configuration and model variants
• Model quality: metrics, case studies, and experiments
• Process modelling and process-aware information systems
• Collaborative enterprise modelling
• Model-driven architectures
• Model-driven IS development
• Component- and service-oriented software architectures
• Service engineering and evolution
• Service composition, orchestration and choreography
• Complex event processing and event-driven architectures
• Human aspects in enterprise modelling
• Modelling social information and innovation networks
• Information systems in the cloud
• Mobile enterprise services
EMISA 2017 calls for submissions in the following categories:
*(1) PhD Research Proposals:*EMISA 2017 invites PhD students to
submit research proposals. There will be a dedicated slot in the program
to discuss PhD research proposals including the current status and the
further plan of the research work. PhD research proposals shall be
submitted as a short paper of 5 pages.
*(2) Current Research Talk Proposals: *EMISA 2017 invites
proposals for scientific talks of international excellence. Eligible are
proposal submissions that are based on published or accepted papers from
international conferences or journals. Proposals for research talks
shall be submitted as an extended abstract of 2 pages.
*(3) Novel Directions Talk Proposals: *EMISA 2017 invites
proposals for talks that motivate a novel research direction, outline
the research gaps to address, and carve out major challenges. These
talks shall serve as a stimulus for discussions as part of a dedicated
slot in the workshop program. Novel directions talk proposals shall be
submitted as a short paper of 5 pages.
Proposals can be submitted according to instructions on the EMISA 2017
website: https://hu.berlin/emisa17
All submissions have to strictly follow the formatting guidelines of
LNI. Template and explanations can be found at
Submissions have to be made via easychair.org.
All accepted submissions (PhD Research, Current Research, Novel
Directions) will be published in the next print edition of EMISA Forum.
The short papers proposing PhD Research or a Novel Directions Talk will
also be published as an electronic CEUR proceedings volume.
The workshop is organized by the GI Special Interest Group on Design
Methods for Information Systems (GI-SIG EMISA, www.emisa.org), which
provides a forum for researchers from various disciplines who develop
and apply methods to support the analysis and design of information
systems. EMISA 2017 will take place in Essen, Germany, co-located with
the 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems
Engineering (CAiSE).
*Important Dates*
Submission of proposals: March 24, 2017
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2017
Final paper version: May 1, 2017
*Program Committee Co-Chairs*
Michael Fellmann, Universität Rostock, Germany
Matthias Weidlich, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] dg.o 2017: 18th Annual International Conference on
Digital Government Research, CUNY, College of Staten Island, Staten
Island, NY, June 7-9, 2017
Datum: Thu, 01 Dec 2016 18:30:01 -0500
Von: Chris Hinnant <chinnant(a)fsu.edu>
Antwort an: chinnant(a)fsu.edu
Organisation: Florida State University
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
dg.o 2017: 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government
Theme: Innovations and Transformations in Government
City University of New York
College of Staten Island, Staten Island, NY
June 7-9, 2017
Twitter handle: #dgo2017
The Digital Government Society (DGS) announces the 18th Annual
International Conference on Digital Government Research - dg.o 2017,
with the theme "Innovations and Transformations in Government." The dg.o
2017 conference will be hosted by the City University of New York,
College of Staten Island Campus, NY, June 7--9, 2017.
The dg.o conference is an established forum for presentation,
discussion, and demonstration of interdisciplinary research on digital
government, political participation, civic engagement, and the impact of
technology and innovation on government and governance. Each year the
conference brings together scholars recognized for the interdisciplinary
and innovative nature of their work, their contributions to theory
(rigor) and practice (relevance), and their focus on important and
timely topics. The conference program combines:
- Keynote and track presentations and discussions on new research on
digital government at the intersections of information technology
research, social and behavioral science research, and the challenges and
missions of government.
- Presentations of effective partnerships and collaborations among
government professionals and agencies, university researchers, relevant
businesses, and NGOs, as well as grassroots citizen groups, to advance
the practice of digital government.
- A showcase of digital government projects, implementations, and
initiatives that bring together the research and practitioner
communities, demonstrate the effectiveness and/or challenges of digital
government and offer best practices.
Two global communities, the Digital Government Society (DGS) and the
Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), will partner in June 2017 to build
new bridges between research and practice, with a shared goal of
creating new interdisciplinary, multi-sector partnerships within the
world's communities focused on innovation. Both DGS and the ICF have
convened respective communities in cities all around the world. This
year they are bringing their communities together in New York to share
knowledge, allow each group to network at a deeper level and explore new
partnerships to advance urban and rural innovation.
On June 7, 2017, the DGS and ICF's representatives will host the joint
program at the City University of New York Staten Island campus for the
ICF's annual Summit and the dg.o conference. For one day, members of
both communities will present a set of joint and complementary sessions
that provide attendees with a chance to hear from global leaders from
across the world's leading regions, cities and towns. Attendees will
participate in master classes and workshops, and seek to build
collaborations focused on advancing the scholarship, policy and practice
of urban and rural innovation. The capstone of the collaboration of
these two communities will be the announcement of the world's Top7
intelligent communities at a joint reception in Manhattan on the evening
of June 7th.
The 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research
will feature the main theme of Innovations and Transformations in
Government. Technological advances, such as big data and collective
intelligence, together with policy innovations including open
government, open data, and the creation of new public data labs have
been a catalyst for disruptive innovations in government, causing
radical re-thinking of the traditional assumptions and expectations
regarding how governments should function. Public goods and services
once considered exclusively the responsibility of government agencies
are now often initiated and produced through collaborations with
citizens, non-profits, and/or private sector partners.
The conference theme will highlight challenges and solutions in
harnessing innovations and transformations in government. Innovative
designs in all aspects of government, including people, services, data,
policy, governance, collaboration, and democracy, require leadership
talent, creative ideas and implementation strategies, and clear success
criteria for evaluating solutions. We welcome research and practice
contributions from around the world on the topics including but not
limited to innovation strategies, policy innovations, citizen services,
engagement innovations, and data-driven decision innovations that
address various current societal, environmental and economic challenges,
across all the eight tracks below. Each track will accept full research
papers as well as research in progress, management case studies and
policy papers. Panel, tutorial, workshop, poster and demonstration
proposals are also invited. Each conference element has co-chairs who
are responsible for managing the submission and review process for their
track. Feel free to contact track chairs for guidance as necessary.
Track 1. Social Media and Government
Track Chairs: Andrea Kavanaugh (kavan(a)cs.vt.edu) and Rodrigo Sandoval
The use of social media has been growing rapidly and globally.
Governments at all levels have been using microblogs, such as Twitter,
and social network sites, such as Facebook, among
other platforms and tools for public administration and outreach to
citizens. Citizens, businesses and voluntary associations have been
using these tools and affordances to share information, ask questions,
and compete or collaborate on problem solving within and among
neighborhoods, industries, states, and nations. The growing use of
social media has created new challenges and opportunities for many users
such as changes in regulations and policies, marketing, highly diverse
perspectives, and feedback. Analysis of communication behavior,
messages, and systems and institutions, should contribute to our
knowledge of the ways these media are affecting collective problem
solving and public policy development. Future trends in social media and
government point to new synergies, as well as disruptions, among public
agencies and users. This track welcomes research and practice papers
addressing a range of similar or related topics on social media analysis
on content, metrics, case studies or theoretical models to advance this
area of research.
Track 2. Organizational Factors, Adoption Issues and Digital Government
Track chairs: Jing Zhang (jizhang(a)clarku.edu), Yu-Che Chen, and Lei
Public organizations employ information and communication technologies
(ICT) to facilitate communication and transactions with many
stakeholders in public and private sectors. The adoption and
implementation of new ICT by public organizations is influenced by
organizational factors such as the availability of resources (i.e.
funding, technological knowledge, and personnel), leadership, trust,
organization's technological culture, as well as inter-organizational
dynamics. Similarly, the adoption of ICT in government and society has
generated important impacts on the organizational effectiveness,
efficiency, and innovativeness of public organizations. This track
solicits research that examines the organizational factors that
influence the adoption and implementation of new ICT as well as the
impact of new ICT. Research papers in this track examine the adoption,
use, and organizational impacts of a variety of innovative technologies
and policies or practices that include but are not limited to social
media, citizen-centric technologies, virtual collaboration, open data,
big data, and modeling tools.
Track 3. Opening Government: From Open Data Infrastructures to
Track chairs: Marijn Janssen (m.f.w.h.a.janssen(a)tudelft.nl), Vishanth
Weerakkody, and Adegboyega Ojo
Governments are utilizing the Internet to achieve an open, transparent
and accountable government while providing responsive services. This
extensive transformation is required both within the government and in
the way governments engage with the public. The opening and sharing of
data, the deployment of tools and instruments to engage the public,
collaboration amongst public organizations and between governments and
the public are important drivers for realizing these goals. Governments
initiate open data portals, develop apps, and open more data to engage
with the public to create more value. To successfully achieve this
vision, fundamental changes in practice and new research on governments
as open systems are needed. Successful cases, measurement instruments,
information sharing, adoption, stakeholder analysis and theoretical
models and frameworks are necessary to advance this field. In
particular, this track solicits papers addressing the issue of public
sector transformation achieved through open government, collaboration
amongst actors and information sharing within and between public and
private organizations.
Track 4. Smart Cities, Smart Citizens, Smart Governments
Track chairs: Sehl Mellouli (sehl.mellouli(a)fsa.ulaval.ca), Yigal Arens
The slogan "Smart Cities, Smart Citizens, Smart Governments" refers to
the promise of using linked and intertwined technologies to create
innovative and intelligent solutions to life in a city that will result
not only in operational efficiency, but also in government
transformation through co-creative governance. Topics for this track
include but are not limited to: Applications and collaborations based on
the "internet of things"; Smart sensors; Big data analytics; The Civic
Technology Movement, and Intercity and intergovernmental collaborations;
Intelligent solutions for cities and governments. Descriptions of
research and development efforts that demonstrate advances in technology
and/or policy innovations in the areas of energy, transportation,
health, education, public safety, structures, natural environment, and
business, are all welcome, as are related issues of cybersecurity and
privacy, community-based infrastructure resilience, urban informatics
and governance.
Track 5. Cybersecurity and Government
Track Chairs: Loni Hagen (lonihagen(a)usf.edu), Hun-Yeong Kwon, Wookjoon
Sung and Soon Ae Chun
Increasing threats of domestic and international cyber-attacks, and
growing dependencies on inter-connected cyberspace, require a need for
national and global collaborations to develop secure and resilient cyber
infrastructure. This track focuses on technical, policy and social
dimensions of cyber security research, including theoretical and
empirical models and frameworks, to address ever-expanding cyber
security challenges. Topics include but not limited to: information
security in e-government, cybercrimes, cyber incident response, critical
infrastructure protection, national and global information sharing,
surveillance and privacy, cryptography policy governance, security
governance and strategies, civil engagement and public awareness. We
also invite domain-specific cases and innovative approaches on security
challenges, cybernational defence, private/public joint efforts, and
education, such as workforce training and retention.
Track 6. Beyond Bureaucracy, Co-Producing Governance & New Models of
Track Chairs: Alois Paulin (alois(a)apaulin.com) and Leonidas Anthopoulos
The Beyond Bureaucracy track aims to outline and discuss challenges
along the boundaries of society, technology, and governance, which reach
beyond established e-governance research paths and priorities. Where
well-established e-government / e-governance research ambitions focus on
providing and/or studying technology that supports the work and mission
of government agencies and governmental agents (incremental innovation),
Beyond Bureaucracy addresses the question how radical technological
innovation transforms the power of citizens and the conceptual sovereign
body to actively control (rather than passively observe and follow)
government agencies and governmental agents. The Beyond Bureaucracy
track invites contributions that discuss pending technological (design
science) challenges, promotes the economic potentials of disruptive new
technological ecosystems, and serves as a platform for pro/con
deliberations on Beyond Bureaucracy thought and knowledge. Research
keywords includes but not limited to: Liquid Democracy, Informating
Governance, e-Anarchy, Participatory Budgeting & Bottom-Up Excise,
Non-Bureaucratic Government, etc.
Track 7. Participatory Democracy
Track Chairs: Claudia Cappelli (claudia.cappelli(a)uniriotec.br),
Cristiano Maciel, José Viterbo Filho
E-participation comprises the use of information and communication
technologies to broaden and deepen political participation by enabling
citizens to connect with one another and with their elected
representatives. It can lead to new methods of producing public policies
and services that contrast with transaction-based methods of service
delivery, in which citizens consume public services solely conceived and
provided by governments. In the novel coproduction-based approaches,
citizens are not only consulted but are part of the conception, design,
steering, and management of public policies and services. Hence, this
track focuses on e-participation approaches that instrument
Participatory Democracy, supporting cooperation among citizens and
governments on regular basis. Its major topics will discuss strategies,
methods, techniques and tools that can contribute to the coproduction of
public services.
Track 8. Open Government Data Policies & Politics
Track chairs: Boyi Li (b.li(a)exeter.ac.uk) and Kyung Ryul Park
A growing body of literature has been focused on the benefits,
motivations, as well as best practices to adopt open data in government
sectors. Many theorizing efforts regard institutional structures as
critical barriers to promote open innovation paradigm in public sector.
In this track, we discuss the impact and change of these institutional
structures by inviting research papers that examine open data
initiatives as either government policies or politics. The policy lens
critically analyses the policy documents and reveals how open data
policies are drafted, interpreted, and implemented in a specific
context. The politics lens is mainly concerned with the power relations
between the state, civil society, and business. It leads to a critical
reflection on the agenda of open data movement in the context of power
structures of informational capitalism. Therefore, we particularly
welcome the content and discourse analysis of open data documents, and
the storytelling of government-business collaboration in open data
Chair: Teresa Harrison
Panel proposals may address themes or topics related to any of the
tracks for the conference. Additionally, we welcome panel proposals that
put a spotlight on practice and application. Proposals from
practitioners at all levels of government featuring experiences with,
perspectives on, and evaluations of digital government practice are
encouraged. Individuals interested in submitting panel proposals are
invited to consult the panel co-chairs about their ideas prior to
developing their submissions. Please send expressions of interest for
panel development to Teresa Harrison (tharrison(a)albany.edu).
Poster and Demonstration
Poster and Demo Chair: Kellyton dos Santos Brito and Murray Scott
The poster session, held in conjunction with the system demonstrations,
allows presenters to discuss research in progress, application projects,
or government policies and program initiatives in one-to-one
conversations with other participants at the conference.
All accepted management or policy papers, research papers, student
papers, panels, posters, and system demonstrations will be published in
the printed proceedings and included in the ACM digital library and the
DBLP bibliography system. Selected papers will be invited for a journal
special issue.
Outstanding achievement awards will be presented in the categories
Research papers, Management, Case Study and Policy papers, Posters, and
System demonstrations. Papers that reflect the main theme of the
conference, Innovations and Transformations in Government, will be
preferred. Other selection criteria include the interdisciplinary and
innovative nature of the work, its contribution to and balance between
theory (rigor) and practice (relevance), the importance and reach of the
topic, and the quality of the writing for communicating to a broad
January 15, 2017: Papers, workshops, tutorials, and panel proposals due
March 1, 2017: Application deadline for 2017 doctoral colloquium
March 1, 2017: Author notifications March 15, 2017: Posters and demo
proposals due
April 1, 2017: Poster/demo author notifications
April 5, 2017: Camera-ready manuscripts due
May 5, 2017: Early registration closes!
. Research papers (maximum of 10 pages)
. Management, Case Study, or Policy papers (maximum of 6 pages)
. Panel descriptions (maximum of 4 pages)
. Posters (maximum of 2 pages)
. System demonstrations (maximum of 2 pages)
. Pre-Conference tutorial proposals (maximum of 2 pages)
. Pre-Conference workshop proposals (maximum of 2 pages)
. Doctoral colloquium application (maximum of 10 pages)
Submission Site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dgo2017
Submissions must not exceed the maximum number of pages specified for
each type of submission in camera-ready ACM Proceedings format (double
column, single spaced pages). Please do not use page numbers. Paper
titles should be on the first page of text, rather than on a separate
cover page.
. Research, Management, Case Study, and Policy papers will be reviewed
through a double-blind review process. Therefore, author names and
contact information must be omitted from all submissions. Authors must
identify the topic(s) being addressed in the paper to assist the program
committee in the review process.
. All other submissions should follow the same ACM proceedings
camera-ready format, but include author names.
. All accepted submissions require at least one author to be registered
for the conference before the camera-ready copy is due for it to be
included in the conference proceedings.
. At least one author is expected to attend the conference to present
the work.
Research papers (8 - 10 pages) - blind review
These submissions report innovative digital government research results
in the form of a formal scholarly paper. Papers on any digital
government topic and all research methodologies are welcome. Relevance
to digital government problems, goals, or policies must be explicit.
Management, case study, or policy papers (4 - 6 pages) - blind review
These submissions describe and evaluate practical digital government
projects or initiatives, discuss major policy themes, or present and
evaluate management approaches to digital government initiatives and
Panels (2 - 4 pages) - Proposals should include information about the
theme and goals of the panel, a summary of the digital government issues
or questions that the panel will address, statements about the value of
the discussion to conference attendees and how well suited the topic is
to a panel discussion. In addition, the proposal should include
information about the expertise of the moderator and panelists in the
selected issues. Please include names,
institutional affiliations, addresses, email, and phone contact numbers
of the contact person, moderator, and presenter(s).
Posters (1 - 2 pages): Two-page summaries should outline the nature of
the research, policy, or project and describe why the work will be of
interest to dg.o attendees. Posters prepared for the conference should
measure approximately 36" x 48." Each poster station is provided with a
table and an easel. Selected poster submissions may be asked to give an
oral presentation in the conference sessions.
System Demonstrations (1 - 2 pages): System demonstrations are held
concurrently with the poster session to the accompaniment of good food
and professional fellowship. The 2-page summaries should outline the
nature of the system and describe why the demonstration is likely to be
of interest to dg.o attendees. Demonstrations of interest include
systems under development or in active use in research or practice
domains. Submissions should include authors' names and contact
information according to that format. Each station is provided with a
table, an easel, and Internet access. Monitors will be available for
rent. Selected demo submissions may be asked to give an oral
presentation in the conference sessions.
Pre-conference Tutorials (1 - 2 pages): dg.o tutorials are half- or
full-day presentations that offer deeper insight into e-government
research, practice, research methodologies, technologies or field
experience. In particular, tutorials provide insights into good
practices, research strategies, uses of particular technologies such as
social media, and other insights into e-government that would benefit
researchers and practitioners.
Pre-conference Workshops (1 - 2 pages): We invite workshop proposals on
any e-government research or management topic. Workshops are half- or
full-day events intended to offer interactive sessions, in which the
workshop host and participants discuss and engage in activities designed
to facilitate joint learning and further exploration of a particular
subject. Individuals proposing workshops will assume the responsibility
of identifying and selecting participants for the workshop and for
conducting workshop activities.
Doctoral Colloquium (7 - 10 pages, not including references, tables and
figures): The doctoral colloquium is a highly interactive full-day forum
in which Ph.D. students meet and discuss their work with each other and
with senior faculty from a variety of disciplines associated with
digital government research. Ph.D. students can submit papers describing
their planned or in-progress doctoral dissertation covering any research
areas relevant to digital government. Ideally, student participants will
have completed one or two years of doctoral study or progressed far
enough in their research to have a structured proposal idea and
preliminary findings, but have not reached the stage of defending their
dissertations. We expect students at this stage of study will gain the
most value from feedback on their work and the more general discussions
of doctoral programs and scholarly careers. See the detailed
announcement for complete information on the colloquium and how to
submit an application. Material provided in applications to the doctoral
colloquium will not be published in the proceedings. However, we
encourage students to submit finished research to one of the paper
tracks or as a poster or demo.
Conference Chairs
. Soon Ae Chun, City University of New York (CUNY), US
. Beth Simon Noveck, New York University and Yale Law School, US
. Nabil R. Adam, Rutgers University, US
Organizing Chairs
. Paolo Cappellari, CUNY College of Staten Island, US
. Rob Domanski, CUNY College of Staten Island, US
. Richard Flanagan, CUNY College of Staten Island, US
Program Chairs
. Chris Hinnant, Florida State University, US
. Adegboyega Ojo, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Track Chairs
. Andrea Kavanaugh, Virginia Tech, US
. Jing Zhang, Clark University, US
. Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
. Rodrigo Sandoval, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico
. Sehl Mellouli, Laval University, Canada
. Soon Ae Chun, City University of New York, US
. Vishanth Weerakkody, Brunel University, UK
. Adegboyega Ojo, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
. Yigal Arens, University of Southern California, US
. Loni Hagen, South Florida University, US
. Hun-Yeong Kwon, Korea University, S. Korea
. Wookjoon Sung, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, S.
. Kyung Ryul Park, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
. Boyi Li, University of Exeter, UK
. Alois Paulin, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
. Leonidas Anthopoulos, University of Applied Sciences (TEI) of
Thessaly, Greece
. Yu-Che Chen, University of Nebraska Omaha, US
. Lei Zheng, Fudan University, China
. Claudia Cappelli, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,
. Cristiano Maciel, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, Brazil
. José Viterbo Filho, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
Panels Chair
. Teresa Harrison, University at Albany, SUNY, US
Workshop and Tutorial Chair
. Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
. Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar, University of Granada, Spain
Poster and Demo Chairs
. Kellyton dos Santos Brito, Pernambuco Rural Federal University, Brazil
. Murray Scott, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Doctoral Colloquium Chairs
. Sharon Dawes, Center for Technology in Government, University at
Albany, SUNY, US
. J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Center for Technology in Government, University
at Albany, SUNY, US
Publicity and Web Chairs
. Yoo Jung An, Essex County College, US
. Chulwoo Kim, Pace University, US
Liaison and Outreach Chairs
. Theresa Pardo, University at Albany, USA
. Norman Jacknis, Intelligent Community Forum, USA
Registration Chairs
. Lukasz Porwol, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
. Catherine Dumas, University at Albany, US
Finance Chair
. Andrea Kavanaugh, Virginia Tech, US
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] AW4city 2017 3rd ACM International Smart City Workshop in
Perth, Australia - Web Applications and Smart Cities: Enhancing
Livability with Web Applications for smart cities
Datum: Fri, 2 Dec 2016 00:37:34 +0200
Von: Dr. Leonidas Anthopoulos <lanthopo(a)teilar.gr>
Antwort an: Dr. Leonidas Anthopoulos <lanthopo(a)teilar.gr>
Organisation: Business School, TEI of Thessaly, Greece
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
(Apologies for cross-posts)
AW4city 2017, 3rd International ACM Smart City Workshop: Enhancing
Livability with Web Applications for smart cities
In conjunction with WWW’17: 25th World Wide Web International Conference
Perth, Australia, April 3, 2017
Workshop Objective
Following up the success of past events at WWW2015 and WWW2016, AW4City
2017 aims to keep on attracting a significant international attention
with regard to web applications for smart cities.
The aim of this workshop is to address web-based application and Apps’
design and development in the smart city and urban context. More
specifically, it focuses on innovative applications smart city component
and more specifically on the design and implementation of web-based
applications and Apps. This component is crucial, since it addresses all
the smart city dimensions:
• Economy, since new types of entrepreneurship and
innovative business models appear in data, creative and climate
economies, and develop web applications and Apps.
• Mobility, with regard to urban transportation (intelligent
transportation), distance working, job offering demonstration etc.
• Environment, since applications enhance resource management,
transportation improvement, environmental monitoring etc.
• Living, since applications enhance local life (i.e.,
e-learning, e-banking, e-commerce, e-tourism etc.).
• People, since they concern applications’ end users and
• Governance, where open data and e-government applications play crucial
roles in smart city operation.
This year, the workshop will emphasize on the contribution of web
applications and Apps to city livability. Livability stands for local
quality of life and citizen satisfaction in terms of education,
environment, stability, healthcare, and infrastructure. Livable
Melbourne for instance, is the outcome of a development, policy and
planning path, while today is the showpiece, the workplace, and the
venue for the young and restless to play. In this respect, this workshop
aims to demonstrate how web applications and Apps can enhance city’s
quality of life and citizen satisfaction (i.e., from smart service
delivery; from transactions with the local government and utilities;
from the existence of local online gaming, training, entertainment,
business etc.).
Theoretical concepts, empirical evidence and selected case studies from
leading scholars and practitioners in the field showing the “big
picture” of smart cities and urban areas will be examined in this workshop.
This workshop aims at gathering researchers from the fields of smart
cities and web application development to think about the obstacles that
hurdle the leveraging of understanding and capturing of smart city
trends with regard web application development that interconnect
citizens, businesses and government in a smart city.
AW4City 2017 is timely, since an increasing criticism is being generated
that smart city represents an ambiguous urban utopia, which is supported
by the partnership of local governments with big technological vendors.
We target researchers from both industry and academia to join forces in
this exciting area. We intend to discuss the recent and significant
developments in the general areas of smart cities and web applications
and to promote cross-fertilization of techniques. In particular, we aim
at identifying trends and respective applications in smart cities; the
potential impact of smart city in web applications; techniques from
end-to-end solutions’ or apps’ development that will enable researchers
to understand the dynamic phenomena in smart cities, as well as specify
important directions for the research communities. Standards for web
applications’ development in smart cities is interesting for several
areas such as sustainability, crisis management, marketing, security,
and interoperability. To address the above mentioned aspects, we solicit
the following topics (but not limited to):
• Theoretical foundations on Smart City applications and standards;
• Smart City management systems;
• Practices of Web applications and Apps in smart cities;
• Creative partnerships and creative industries in Smart
City (Internet Economics and Monetization);
• Pervasive Web and Mobility for Smart City emerging topics
(i.e., energy, water, waste, transportation etc.)
• The role of government for smart city applications
development and standardization (i.e., promotion push, start-ups, open
• Web Infrastructure standardization;
• The role of standards on smart city web mining;
• Smart city e-services for evaluation and benchmarking;
• Smart city information quality and evolution in social
• Ensuring security and privacy in Smart Cities: the role of
web applications.
We welcome full research papers, research in progress, and discussion
papers. Full papers should be up to 6 pages long (max 5000 words),
including the abstract and appendices. Discussion papers may be short
(up to 4 pages), but should clearly and distinctly address one or more
issues pertinent to Smart City research including research methods and
quality as well as focus of studies. Papers should be designed to
support in-depth discussions of one of these issues during the workshop.
Although it is a half-day event, the workshop papers will be clustered
and each session will discuss a small set of papers focusing on similar
or related issues.
Submission Guidelines
The accepted papers will be included in the companion volume of
WWW2017’s proceeding, which will be published by ACM and included in the
ACM Digital Library.
All submitted papers must be:
- written in English;
- contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses;
- be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings
template (http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template) with a
font size no smaller than 9pt;
- be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any
platform), and formatted for US Letter size. Files in Postscript (ps) or
any other format will not be accepted. Authors should submit a
.doc/.docx too to the workshop's chairs.
- occupy no more than six pages, including the abstract,
references, and appendices
It is the authors responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere
strictly to the required format.
Submissions that do not comply with the above guidelines may be rejected
without review.
All submissions must be entered into the reviewing system. Each
submission will be reviewed by the workshop co-chairs and at least one
external reviewer. More details regarding WWW2017 conference can be
found on http://www.www2017.com.au
Extended version of accepted articles are possible to be selected and
included in a special issue with relevant theme of International Journal
of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA), International
Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) or some other relative
journals (i.e., Journal of Knowledge Economy (JKEC) and Journal of
Innovation and Entrepreneurship (JoI) published by Springer).
Accepted refereed papers, must be presented at the conference by an
author who is registered to attend. Please be aware that the WWW 2016
organizers will require at least one registration per paper published in
either the main Proceedings or in the Companion volume. At the time of
submission of the final camera-ready copy, authors will have to indicate
the already registered person for that publication. We strongly
encourage at least one author of every paper to register by the
early-bird deadline so that session chairs can make plans for its
Please submit your papers (in .doc/docx and .pdf format) to:
lanthopo(a)teilar.gr with the subject: “AW4city 2017 proposal”
Details of the programme will be made available online.
Important Dates
Submissions due: Jan. 8th, 2017 (23:59 Hawaii Standard Time)
Notification of Acceptance: Feb. 9, 2017.
Workshop authors’ registration and camera-ready papers: Feb. 17, 2017
Workshop day: April 3, 2017
For any questions, please contact the Workshop chairs:
Leonidas ANTHOPOULOS, Associate Professor, University of Applied Science
(TEI) of Thessaly, Greece, lanthopo(a)teilar.gr
Marijn JANSSEN, Professor, Delft University of Technology, The
Netherlands, M.F.W.H.A.Janssen(a)tudelft.nl
Vishanth WEERAKKODY, Professor, Brunel Business School, Brunel
University London Uxbridge, United Kingdom, vishanth.weerakkody(a)brunel.ac.uk
Program Committee Members (tentative)
• Toru Ishida, Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan
• Sofia Toufic Shwayri, University of California at Berkeley
• Nicolas Douay, MCF Paris 7 / UMR Geographie-Cites / LabEx DynamiTe
• Beth Coleman, University of Waterloo, Director of City as Platform
• Arthur Riel, The World Bank, Washington, U.S.A.
• Cristina Maria Bueti, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
• Christopher G. Reddick, The University of Texas at San Antonio, U.S.A.
• Markus Rittenbruch, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
• Flora Salim, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
• Mag. Michael Sachs, Zentrum fur E-Governance, Donau-Universitat Krems.
• Stephen Cohen, Microsoft, USA
• Nikolaos Mavridis, NCFSR Demokritos, Greece
• Alois Paulin, TUWien, Vienna, Austria.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2017 in Boston MA - Call for Papers
Datum: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 21:44:06 +0000
Von: Traci Hess <thess(a)isenberg.umass.edu>
An: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Kopie (CC): AMCIS 2017 Program Chairs <amcis2017.program(a)gmail.com>
Dear Colleagues:
We invite the submission of Completed Research papers and Emergent Research Forum (ERF) papers to the 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2017), which will be held August 10-12, 2017 in Boston, MA (http://amcis2017.aisnet.org).
09-January-2017: ScholarOne opens for submissions
01-March-2017 1:00 PM EST (13:00): Submissions are due
17-April-2017: Notification of initial decision
AMCIS brings together academics and industry professionals around the world to exchange knowledge related to the AMCIS 2017 theme, A Tradition of Innovation. A Tradition of Innovation, reflects the conference committee's desire to strengthen and build consensus in existing research streams, while also taking on innovative theoretical or methodological challenges and exploring emerging technology opportunities. Together, we will create an exciting program that draws upon the best of SIG-driven AMCIS traditions and provides many opportunities for participation, collaboration, and dialogue. We look forward to gathering with you in Boston to strengthen our roots and expand our opportunities in information systems, the digital economy and beyond.
Completed Research papers must describe completed research and be submitted to a track/minitrack where they will be peer-reviewed using a double blind system. If accepted, Completed Research papers will be presented in a session, which consists of three or four papers. Completed (full) Research papers must not exceed 10 pages (approx. 5,000 words, including figures, tables, references, and appendices) and must conform to the AMCIS 2017 submission template. Full papers that are accepted will be published in their entirety in the conference proceedings.
Emergent Research Forum (ERF) papers are a research in progress option that was introduced at AMCIS 2015. Like completed research, ERF papers will be submitted to a track/minitrack for double blind review. Accepted ERF papers will be presented by the authors in a slam presentation session (limited to 3 minutes) during the program as well as a poster. Both the slam presentation and the poster are required. ERF paper submissions must not exceed 5 pages (approx. 2,500 words, including figures, tables, references, and appendices) and must conform to the AMCIS 2017 submission template. Authors of accepted ERF papers may submit an abstract for the proceedings OR a revised paper.
Other Types of Submissions
The AMCIS 2017 Conference is accepting the following types of submissions. Please see - http://amcis2017.aisnet.org/submissions/types-of-submissions/ for more information.
- Completed Research, due 01-March-2017 1:00 PM EST (13:00)
- Emergent Research Form (ERF), due 01-March-2017 1:00 PM EST (13:00)
- Workshops and Tutorials, due 03-April-2017
- Panels, due 03-April-2017
- Technology Research, Education, and Opinion (TREO) Talk Sessions, due 25-April-2017
- Professional Development Symposia (PDS), due 25-April-2017
We look forward to receiving your submissions. Please contact us or the relevant track/minitrack chairs with any questions or concerns.
Eleanor & Traci
Eleanor Loiacono and Traci Hess
AMCIS 2017 Program Co-Chairs
Eleanor Loiacono, eloiacon(a)wpi.edu
Traci Hess, thess(a)isenberg.umass.edu
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Final CfP Book "The Digital Transformation of the
Consulting Industry"
Datum: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 21:33:34 +0000
Von: Nissen Volker Prof. Dr. TU Ilmenau <volker.nissen(a)tu-ilmenau.de>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear colleagues,
the deadline for submitting abstracts to the edited book on
"The Digital Transformation of the Consulting Industry"
is approaching (5. Dec.).
I would be happy to receive contributions from this community.
With best wishes,
Volker Nissen
Prof. Dr. Volker Nissen
Chair of Business & Information Systems Engineering in Services
University of Technology Ilmenau
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Media
Institute of Business & Information Systems Engineering
P.O. Box 10 05 65
D-98684 Ilmenau
Phone.: +49 (0) 3677 69-4043 (Sec.: -4047 Mrs G. Franz)
Fax.: +49 (0) 3677 69-4219
Apologies for cross-postings.
for an edited book entitled
“The Digital Transformation of the Consulting Industry”
Editor: Volker Nissen
Institute of Business Informatics
University of Technology Ilmenau, Germany
About the Editor:
Prof. Nissen has more than twelve years of practical experience in IT-consulting. Since 2005 he holds the Chair of Business & Information Systems Engineering in Services at the University of Technology Ilmenau, Germany. Consulting Research is one of his main focus areas in academic research. Ilmenau is one of the top 5 educators in Business Informatics at University level in Germany, according to the 2016 survey of Wirtschaftswoche.
Publisher: Springer
Book is scheduled to be published in 2017.
Theme of the Book:
Consulting companies face new challenges today. These challenges, on the one hand, consist of the increased professionalism and price consciousness of the clients. On the other hand, a change to a buyer's market as well as high competitive pressure on standard services has been observed for years. In order to remain strong in the market, consultancies need to critically evaluate their own business model as well as the way they provide their consulting services. The digitization of consulting processes and services can be an innovative strategy for securing the success of the company and supplement the classical consulting portfolio with new, technology-based ‘virtual‘ services. The virtualization of consulting services can basically be understood as a continuum with different degrees of digitization. Its extreme points are determined on the one hand by a merely supportive use and on the other by an exclusive use of information and communication technology in consulting services.
By rethinking the delivery process of consulting itself consultancies can reshape the interaction with the client and reach new groups of clients. Using state-of-the-art technology enables consulting providers to deliver customized solutions anytime and anywhere while the individual work load of consultants can be optimized. The downside of such virtualized services is the reduced direct interaction of clients and consultants and thus the risk of a weaker client-consultant-relationship.
Digital transformation in the consulting industry is a complex process that will substantially reshape the interaction with the client and change the traditional roles of the actors. This requires a high degree of creativity and strategic thinking that reaches far beyond the pure 1:1 transfer of conventional consulting processes into the virtual world. This book will offer orientation and advice to anyone concerned with the digital transformation of consulting.
Topics of Contributions:
Basically all topics related to the general theme of the book are acceptable. Examples include, but are not limited to the following issues:
• Extending the traditional delivery model of consulting beyond people business – ways and means of virtualizing consulting services and processes
• Chances/Benefits and Risks/Disadvantages of digital business model innovations in consulting
• The customer view on digital consulting
• Security issues in digital consulting services
• Fully automated consulting solutions
• Differences in digitization strategies relating either to the consulting field (strategy, organization, IT, HR) or the consulting approach (assessments, expert consulting, coaching etc.)
• Comparing the situation in different countries and consulting markets
• The status quo of the digital transformation in the various consulting fields
• Assessing the virtualization potential of consulting services and processes
• Organizing the digital transformation of consulting services
• Integrating digital consulting services with a classical consulting portfolio
• Examples of digital consulting services, methods, tools and other artifacts
• Digitization in closely related fields, such as legal consulting, assurance and auditing, or wealth management – what can we learn here for business consulting?
• Comparisons between digitization in knowledge-intensive professional services and other branches of industry
• How digitization will influence the consulting market
• Relation between digitization and outsourcing in consulting
• Digitization and Inhouse-Consulting
• Underlying principles and technologies of digital consulting services, such as modularization, standardization, knowledge modelling, automated and case-based reasoning, mobile applications, cloud, big data, IoT, social networks etc.
• What consulting might look like in the future
Empirical as well as design-oriented research is welcome.
Types of Contributions:
Two types of contributions with a different focus are welcome:
• Scientific research papers should have approx. 15 – 20 pages. They must include a clear research question related to the theme of the book, outline the research methodology and discuss the results at an academic level.
• Application-oriented papers should have approx. 8 – 12 pages. They must describe the design, implementation and practical results of sample applications, demonstrating the relevance of digitization in the context of consulting services.
All contributions must be in English language. A Word-template will be provided to prospective authors after 5. Dec. 2016. Original research is preferred. However, as the book intends to collect state-of-the-art contributions on the digital transformation in consulting, submissions may have been published before. In this case, they must be substantially revised in order to avoid a copyright infringement. The copyright will have to be transferred to Springer by the corresponding author of each contribution.
Schedule for Contributors:
• Prospective authors should send an Extended Abstract of 2 – 4 pages to the editor until
5. Dec. 2016. The abstract must clearly communicate the core contribution of the intended paper and the methodology used to achieve the results. If a full paper is available at this stage, please send the full paper instead of an abstract. All submissions then undergo an editorial review process, based on thematic conformity with the general theme of the book, originality and quality.
• Authors of contributions not suitable for the book will be informed on 19. Dec. 2016 at the latest. All other submissions are conditionally accepted, provided a full paper according to academic standards is submitted until 12. Feb. 2017. Two types of contributions are possible: scientific research papers and application-oriented papers (see above).
• Information about final acceptance/rejection of papers or required revisions will be sent out until 6. March 2017.
• Final versions of papers are due on 3. April 2017.
Please feel free to forward this CfP to interested colleagues. If questions arise regarding the submission deadline or potential topics, please contact the editor at volker.nissen(a)tu-ilmenau.de<mailto:volker.nissen@tu-ilmenau.de> .
This CfP is also available at our website:
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Contents of Volume 17, Issue 11 (November) Journal
of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS)
Datum: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 18:55:57 +0000
Von: JAIS <JAIS(a)comm.virginia.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Kopie (CC): JAIS <JAIS(a)comm.virginia.edu>
Contents of Volume 17, Issue 11 (November) Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Official Publication of the
Association for Information Systems
Published: Monthly Electronically
ISSN: 1536-9323
Published by the Association for Information Systems, Atlanta, USA (http://aisel.aisnet.org/jais/)
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Suprateek Sarker, University of Virginia, USA
Culture, Conformity, and Emotional Suppression in Online Reviews
Yili Hong, Arizona State University
Ni Huang, Temple University
Gordon Burtch, University of Minnesota
Chunxiao Li, Arizona State University
In this study, we examine consumers' cultural background as an antecedent of online review characteristics. We theoretically propose and empirically examine the effect of cultural background (specifically individualism (versus collectivism)) on consumers' tendency to conform to prior opinion and review texts' emotionality. We also examine how conformity and emotionality relate to review helpfulness. We test our hypotheses using a unique dataset that combines online restaurant reviews from TripAdvisor with measures of individualism/collectivism values. We found that consumers from a collectivist culture were less likely to deviate from the average prior rating and to express emotion in their reviews. Moreover, individuals perceived those reviews that exhibited high conformity and intense emotions to be less helpful. We also present several important implications for managing online review platforms in light of these findings, which reflect the previously unidentified drivers of system
atic differences in the characteristics of online reviews.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below:
Overconfidence in Phishing Email Detection
Jingguo Wang, University of Texas at Arlington
Yuan Li, Columbia College
H. Raghav Rao, University of Texas at San Antonio
This study examines overconfidence in phishing email detection. Researchers believe that overconfidence (i.e., where one's judgmental confidence exceeds one's actual performance in decision making) can lead to one's adopting risky behavior in uncertain situations. This study focuses on what leads to overconfidence in phishing detection. We performed a survey experiment with 600 subjects to collect empirical data for the study. In the experiment, each subject judged a set of randomly selected phishing emails and authentic business emails. Specifically, we examined two metrics of overconfidence (i.e., overprecision and overestimation). Results show that cognitive effort decreased overconfidence, while variability in attention allocation, dispositional optimism, and familiarity with the business entities in the emails all increased overconfidence in phishing email detection. The effect of perceived self-efficacy of detecting phishing emails on overconfidence was marginal. In addition, a
ll confidence beliefs poorly predicted detection accuracy and poorly explained its variance, which highlights the issue of relying on them to guide one's behavior in detecting phishing. We discuss mechanisms to reduce overconfidence.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below:
Elizabeth White Baker, PhD
Production Managing Editor, Journal of the AIS
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Iwinac 2017 - International
Work-conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation
Datum: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 18:10:25 +0100 (CET)
Von: José Santos Reyes <santos(a)udc.es>
An: Computational Science Mailing List
The 7th. International Work-conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC) will take place in A Coruña, Spain, on June 19-23, 2017.
This interdisciplinary meeting with focus on the interplay between Nature and Computation expands the scope of neural computation at the physical level to cope with symbols and knowledge models of cognitive and social processes. The global purpose is to offer a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas between scientists and engineers from fields such as electronic engineering, artificial intelligence, knowledge engineering, physics, mathematics, computation, artificial vision, situated robotics, neurophysiology, cognitive science, linguistics and philosophy.
More information about topics and dates can be found at:
All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Moreover, the best papers will be selected to be included as extended versions in special issues of several journals:
International Journal of Neural Systems (IF 6.056)
Integrated Computer-aided Engineering (IF 4.667)
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (IF 2.5)
Pervasive and Mobile Computing (IF 1.667)
Expert Systems (UF 0.750).
José Santos Reyes
Departamento de Computación
Facultad de Informática
Universidad de A Coruña
tf: 981167000 Ext 1257
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 10th Information Systems conference 2017 in Budapest, Hungary
(2nd cfp): submit until 6 January
Datum: Thu, 01 Dec 2016 13:49:05 +0000
Von: Andreia Cruz <andreia.cruz(a)is-conf.org>
Antwort an: andreia.cruz(a)is-conf.org, andreia.cruz(a)is-conf.org
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
--------Call for Papers IS 2017 (2nd call): submissions until 6 January
2017 --------
Header Image
*10^th IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2017*
*10 - 12 April 2017, Budapest, Hungary *
** Keynote Speaker (confirmed):*
Professor Albert Boonstra, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and
Business and Professor of Information Management, University of
Groningen, The Netherlands
** Conference Scope*
The IS Conference aims to provide a forum for the discussion of IS
taking a socio-technological perspective. It aims to address the issues
related to design, development and use of IS in organisations from a
socio-technological perspective, as well as to discuss IS professional
practice, research and teaching.
The conference covers five main areas: IS in Practice, Technology
Infrastructures and Organisational Processes; IS Professional Issues; IS
Learning and Teaching; IS Design, Development and Management Issues and
Methodologies; and IS Research. These broad areas are divided into more
detailed areas, for more information please check
** Paper Submission*
This is a blind peer-reviewed conference. Authors are invited to submit
their papers in English through the conference submission system by
January 6, 2017. Submissions must be original and should not have been
published previously.
** Important Dates:*
- Submission Deadline (2nd call): 6 January 2017
- Notification to Authors (2nd call): 3 February 2017
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (2nd call): Until
27 February 2017
- Late Registration (2nd call): After 27 February 2017
** Paper Publication*
The papers will be published in book and electronic format with ISBN,
will be made available through the Digital Library available at
The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexation by IET’s
INSPEC, Elsevier, EI Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters Web of Science
and other important indexing services.
Extended versions of the best papers will be selected to be published in
a special issue of the Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations
(JECO) journal (ISSN: 1539-2937) and also in the IADIS Journal on
Computer Science and Information Systems (ISSN: 1646-3692) indexed by
Emerging Sources Citation index by Thomson Reuters.
** Conference Contact:*
E-mail: secretariat(a)is-conf.org
Web site: http://www.is-conf.org/
** Organized by:* International Association for Development of the
Information Society
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