-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Final CfP ECTEL 2014
Datum: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:01:54 +0100
Von: Drachsler, Hendrik <Hendrik.Drachsler(a)ou.nl>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
(Apologies for cross-posting)
Final Call for Contributions:
EC-TEL 2014: Ninth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning
Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities
16-19 September 2014, Graz, Austria
-> The deadline for full submissions was extended to 13th of April! NOTE: submission of an abstract of your contribution is still required by 28 March! There will be no more extensions to these deadlines.
-> There will be a Doctoral Consortium at EC-TEL. Information is now available at http://www.ec-tel.eu/index.php?id=678
The European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) is a unique opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to address current challenges and advances in the field. Through EC-TEL, established and emerging researchers as well as practitioners, entrepreneurs, and technology developers explore new collaborations, strengthen networks, and complement their core expertise.
Educational arrangements in our modern society are increasingly characterized by openness in terms of participation, of institutionalisation as well as of tools, devices and resources used. We see shifts between formal, non-formal and informal learning. Learners come together in different social settings and communities (such as in groups in schools, teams in a company, or in informal communities of learners). They share and co-create educational resources and interact with an ever increasing number of open educational resources. Learning communities differ in dimension from local ones, through distributed groups up to global communities (as witnessed by the emerging MOOCs paradigm). The learners use multiple computational tools and devices, often at the same time (e.g. tablets and smartphones for individual learning, interactive tables and electronic whiteboards for collaboration, or mobile technologies for taking learning outside the classroom). Access to the open educational arrangements takes place in a mobile ubiquitous fashion.
There is a pressing need to understand how learning in such open educational communities happens and how learning and teaching technology can support in this context. To address these challenges the theme of EC-TEL 2014 is "Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities".
EC-TEL 2014 is collocated with the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Computing (I-KNOW 2014). The focus of I-KNOW is on knowledge management and knowledge computing. I-KNOW will consider technologies and methods which are of high relevance to support smart learning.
Graz – the second largest city in Austria with 260.000 inhabitants – offers ideal conditions for academic conferences in beautiful countryside. Guests are always enthusiastic about the picturesque Old Town, the attractive cultural program, the quality and diversity of the cuisine and the excellent infrastructure of the conference venues. EC-TEL 2014 will take place at stadthalle|graz which is Austria's largest and most modern convention center. It was designed by the internationally renown architect Klaus Kada.
* Paper, short paper, poster, demonstration, & workshop proposals: Submission of Abstracts: March 28, 2014 (extended)
* Paper, short paper, poster, demonstration, & workshop proposals: Submission of Full Papers: April 13, 2014 (extended)
* Doctoral Consortium application submission: May 23, 2014
* Paper, short paper, poster, & demonstration: Notification of Acceptance: June 04, 2014
* Workshop notification: April 30, 2014
* Camera-ready versions: June 29, 2014
* Room reservation for project meetings deadline: June 20, 2014
* Project meetings: September 16-17, 2014
* Workshops: September 16-17, 2014
* Doctoral Consortium: September 16, 2014
* Main Conference: September 17-19, 2014
General Chair:
Tobias Ley, Tallinn University, Estonia
Programme Chairs:
Sara de Freitas, Curtin University, Australia
Christoph Rensing, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Workshop Chair:
Viktoria Pammer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Poster and Demonstration Chair:
Pedro J. Muñoz-Merino, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Doctoral Consortium Chairs:
Katherine Maillet, Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom Ecole de Management, France
Vanessa Camilleri, University of Malta, Malta
Dissemination Chair:
Hendrik Drachsler, Welten Institute, Open University of the Netherlands
Industry Chair:
Nils Faltin, imc information multimedia communication AG
Local Organization Chair:
Stefanie Lindstaedt, Know Center Graz, Austria
>From both research and innovative practice perspectives the following topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:
Technological underpinning
Pedagogical underpinning
Individual, social & organizational learning processes
Learning communities and contexts
Open Learning Arrangements
TEL in developing countries and for users with special needs
For detailed list of topics see http://www.ec-tel.eu/index.php?id=666
Submissions will be handled through EasyChair (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ectel2014). All papers will be reviewed through a non-blind review process. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. As every year, we will publish proceedings within Springer “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” (LNCS) Series which is ranked in the ISI Web of Knowledge (confirmation pending). The use of supplied template is mandatory: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376-0
* Full Papers: max. 14 pages, published in proceedings
* Short Papers: max. 6 pages, published in proceeding
* Demonstration Papers: max. 4 pages, published in proceedings
* Poster Papers: max. 4 pages, 2 page summary published in proceedings
* Workshop proposals: max. 4 pages, not published in proceedings.
The EC-TEL Demonstration session is your chance to fully engage EC-TEL attendees at a personal level by letting them see, touch, squeeze, or hear your visions for the future of TEL, or demonstrate highly interactive ‘TEL in Action’ (e.g. through videos, implemented tools, or real-time learning experiences). We expect that your Demonstration will be a reliably running prototype of your vision that is ready to be tried out, questioned and interacted with.
You need to submit a concise description of your prototype, clearly showing how your technological innovation realises a clear learning innovation. This needs to be in a paper that is a maximum 4 pages long that will be published in the EC-TEL 2014 proceedings if accepted.
At the conference, all accepted demonstrations will be invited to participate in the EC-TEL 2014 Demo-Shoutout session. The participants of the EC-TEL Demo-Shoutout session will vote for the best EC-TEL prototype in this session and the winner will be awarded.
In particular, we encourage Demonstration submissions that complement an EC-TEL Paper submission, so that attendees can get a direct experience of your work in addition to the scientific presentation.
Posters report on significant work in progress. We are planning a poster session in which you can present your work and elicit feedback from EC-TEL participants. Please submit a paper up to a maximum of 4 pages long describing your work and the results that you plan to achieve until September 2014. A 2-page summary of this will then be published within the EC-TEL proceedings.
EC-TEL 2014 offers the opportunity to host several workshops. Parties interested to organize a workshop are asked to submit a proposal of maximum 4 pages long outlining the theme of the workshop, workshop format, expected participants and domains addressed, dissemination activities, workshop organizing committee, plans for publishing workshop papers, and organizational requirements. Please also include as information whether your workshop should be a full-day or half-day workshop. Please outline the workshop timeline (submission and notification dates) in your proposal. We plan to add this timeline as information about the workshops on the EC-TEL Website, together with links to the workshops. Note that we expect workshop websites to be online by May 15. Proposals should be submitted via the EasyChair system of EC-TEL.
Workshop organizers are encouraged to propose innovative and interactive formats, which will be given priority in the selection process. As this year’s EC-TEL is co-located with the i-Know, we particularly welcome workshops that act as bridge between these communities.
The workshop selection will be handled competitively: proposals will be ranked according to their fit with EC-TEL’s topics, innovativeness, extent of interaction, overall quality, and comprehensiveness of planning.
Identification of workshop participants, solicitation of workshop contributions and publication of workshop outcomes will be handled by the workshop organizers themselves. In publishing the workshop contributions, workshop organizers are encouraged to target high-quality publication outlets (international impact-rated journals, including special issues in these).
At the conference, each accepted workshop is expected to produce a document (for example, a flipchart/poster or a PowerPoint slidepack) synthesising the key outcomes of the workshop and summarising agreed follow-on activities. Workshop organizers will be expected to deliver a short (2 min) presentation of these key outcomes at the EC-TEL 2014 main conference days. By this we intend to carry the focussed discussions that have been going on within the workshops into the wider community of the EC-TEL.
In addition to the regular sessions and workshops, EC-TEL offers a unique opportunity for European Projects in TEL to hold face-to-face meetings. Please contact the local organization chair at your earliest convenience to book meeting rooms.
The EC-TEL Doctoral Consortium brings together Ph.D. students working on topics related to Technology Enhanced Learning. The doctoral consortium will offer Ph.D. students the opportunity to present, discuss, and receive feedback on their research in an interdisciplinary and international atmosphere. Prominent professors and researchers in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning will provide feedback to the selected papers and participate actively and contribute to the discussions. The Doctoral Consortium will take place immediately before the EC-TEL 2014 conference.
The intention of this doctoral consortium is to support and inspire Ph.D. students during their ongoing research efforts. Therefore, it is necessary that authors will have neither achieved their Ph.D. degree nor officially submitted their thesis before the doctoral consortium (September 2014). To enforce this rule we require authors to disclose their expected graduation date and their advisor's name when submitting.
For detailed information about Doctoral Consortium see http://www.ec-tel.eu/index.php?id=678
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] [SenticNet] CFP: ICML14 workshop on sentiment analysis
Datum: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 04:49:50 -0500 (EST)
Von: feeds <feeds(a)sentic.net>
An: feeds(a)sentic.net
Apologies for cross-posting,
Submissions are invited for MASALA (Machine-learning Approaches to Sentiment
Analysis and Learning Algorithms), an ICML14 workshop exploring the new
frontiers of big data computing for opinion mining through machine-learning
techniques and sentiment learning methods. For more information, please visit:
The distillation of knowledge from social media is an extremely difficult task
as the content of today's Web, while perfectly suitable for human consumption,
remains hardly accessible to machines. The opportunity to capture the opinions
of the general public about social events, political movements, company
strategies, marketing campaigns, and product preferences has raised growing
interest both within the scientific community, leading to many exciting open
challenges, as well as in the business world, due to the remarkable benefits to
be had from marketing and financial market prediction.
Statistical NLP has been the mainstream NLP research direction since late 1990s.
It relies on language models based on popular machine-learning algorithms such
as maximum-likelihood, expectation maximization, conditional random fields, and
support vector machines. By feeding a large training corpus of annotated texts
to a machine-learning algorithm, it is possible for the system to not only learn
the valence of keywords, but also to take into account the valence of other
arbitrary keywords, punctuation, and word co-occurrence frequencies. However,
standard statistical methods are generally semantically weak if they merely
focus on lexical co-occurrence elements with little predictive value
Endogenous NLP, instead, involves the use of machine-learning techniques to
perform semantic analysis of a corpus by building structures that approximate
concepts from a large set of documents. It does not involve prior semantic
understanding of documents; instead, it relies only on the endogenous knowledge
of these (rather than on external knowledge bases). The advantages of this
approach over the knowledge engineering approach are effectiveness, considerable
savings in terms of expert manpower, and straightforward portability to
different domains. Endogenous NLP includes methods based either on lexical
semantics, which focuses on the meanings of individual words (e.g., LSA, LDA,
and MapReduce), or compositional semantics, which looks at the meanings of
sentences and longer utterances (e.g., HMM, association rule learning, and
probabilistic generative models).
MASALA aims to provide an international forum for researchers in the field of
machine learning for opinion mining and sentiment analysis to share information
on their latest investigations in social information retrieval and their
applications both in academic research areas and industrial sectors. The broader
context of the workshop comprehends opinion mining, social media marketing,
information retrieval, and natural language processing. Topics of interest
include but are not limited to:
• Endogenous NLP for sentiment analysis
• Sentiment learning algorithms
• Big social data analysis
• Opinion retrieval, extraction, classification, tracking and summarization
• Domain specific sentiment analysis and model adaptation
• Emotion detection
• Sentiment pattern mining
• Concept-level sentiment analysis
• Biologically-inspired opinion mining
• Social-network motivated methods for natural language processing
• Topic modeling for aspect-based sentiment analysis
• Learning to rank for social media
• Content-based and social-based recommendation
• Multimodal sentiment analysis
• Content-, concept-, and context-based sentiment analysis
• April 20th, 2014: Submission deadline
• May 11th, 2014: Notification of acceptance
• May 18th, 2014: Final manuscripts due
• June 25th, 2014: Workshop date
• Yunqing Xia, Tsinghua University (China)
• Erik Cambria, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
• Newton Howard, MIT Media Laboratory (USA)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Mobile-Forschung: Call for Posters MCTA 2014
Datum: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:55:24 +0100
Von: Key Pousttchi <key.pousttchi(a)wi-mobile.de>
Organisation: Forschungsgruppe wi-mobile
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
FRANKFURT, 12.-13.05.2014
- Universität Augsburg, Forschungsgruppe wi-mobile
- Gesellschaft für Informatik, Fachgruppe Mobilität und mobile
Die Konferenz MCTA bringt seit 2001 Wissenschaft und Industrie zu den Themen
rund um Mobile IT und digitale Märkte, insbesondere M-Commerce und Mobile
Business, zusammen. Dabei umfaßt sie ein weites Spektrum von technischen und
wirtschaftlichen Inhalten. Nach 8 Jahren in Augsburg und 5 Jahren in Berlin
findet sie 2014 erstmalig in Frankfurt statt. Es werden auch in diesem Jahr
wieder etwa 100-150 Teilnehmer erwartet (ca. 75% Industrie, 25%
Die MCTA ist im Gegensatz zu vielen Industriekonferenzen keine
Marketingplattform, sondern ein Ort für intensive fachliche Diskussion. Aus
diesem Grund ist sie ideal, um Kontakte zu knüpfen (z.B. zu potentiellen
Arbeitgebern, Projektpartnern, Drittmittelgebern) und findet häufig auch in
den Medien Beachtung; neben Printmedien waren u.a. bereits mehrfach das ZDF
und der Deutschlandfunk zu Gast. Ein Video mit Konferenzimpressionen ist
unter www.youtube.com/wimobilevideo abrufbar (MCTA ab 1:05).
In diesem Jahr wird die MCTA erstmals um eine akademische Postersession
erweitert. Hierzu können Forschungsprojekte aller Art eine Zusammenfassung
ihrer Aktivitäten/Ergebnisse in Form von Postern einreichen, die begutachtet
und aus denen bis zu 10 geeignete Einreichungen zur Präsentation auf der
Konferenz angenommen werden.
Prinzipiell ist dabei auch die Einreichung von Postern zu
forschungsorientierten Bachelor-/Masterarbeiten möglich, sofern bereits
aussagekräftige Ergebnisse vorliegen, die eine Präsentation rechtfertigen.
Die ausgewählten Beiträge werden im Rahmen der Konferenz als Poster während
der Pausen und Networking Events des Conference Day (13.05.) ausgestellt,
wobei der Einreicher als Aussteller/Ansprechpartner fungiert. Die
Ausstellungszeit beträgt insgesamt 4,5 Stunden.
- Einreichungsformat:
Poster im Format DIN A 0 als pdf-Datei (bei Annahme ist ein physisches
Poster mitzubringen). Die Auflösung für die Ersteinreichung ist so zu
wählen, daß eine Dateigröße von 20 MB nicht überschritten wird.
Auf dem Poster ist oben in großer Schrift der Name der Hochschule oder
Forschungseinrichtung, darunter des Lehrstuhls/der Abteilung o.ä., darunter
der Projektname anzugeben. Ansonsten sind die Poster in der Gestaltung frei.
(Für die Zielgruppe der MCTA wird ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis von gut
lesbaren Textelementen und Bildern/Grafiken empfohlen; typische
"Infografik"-Elemente werden erfahrungsgemäß besonders gut angenommen.)
- Einsendung und Deadlines:
Die Einreichung kann bis zum 07.04.2014 per E-Mail an posters(a)mcta.de
erfolgen, die Benachrichtigung der ausgewählten Beiträge erfolgt am
14.04.2014. Die finale Version des Posters und die Anmeldung zur Konferenz
müssen bis zum 30.04.2014 vorliegen.
- Sonderkonditionen:
Ist der Einreicher eines angenommenen Beitrages Angehöriger einer Hochschule
oder Forschungseinrichtung, erhält er das Konferenzticket für den Conference
Day (13.05.) zu Sonderkonditionen von 120 EUR (regulärer Preis: 340 EUR).
Diese Konditionen können außerdem für einen weiteren Projektbeteiligten in
Anspruch genommen werden. Für eine zusätzliche Teilnahme am Workshop Day
(12.05.) sowie für Industrieteilnehmer ist eine reguläre Anmeldung
- Ansprechpartner:
Für Fragen steht die Projektleiterin der MCTA, Yvonne Hufenbach, unter
yvonne.hufenbach(a)wi-mobile.de oder (0821) 598-4435 zur Verfügung.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CFP: Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'14) - DEADLINES
Datum: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 13:54:31 +0900
Von: cbc-inform(a)wi-lab.com
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
[Apologies for cross-postings]
The 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on
Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'14)
August 11-14, 2014, Warsaw, Poland
Homepage: http://wic2014.mimuw.edu.pl/iat/homepage
IAT'14 is a part of the 2014 Web Intelligence Congress (WIC'14).
The series of Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT) conferences was
started in Japan in 2001. Since then, IAT has been held yearly
in several countries, including: Canada, China, France, USA,
Australia and Italy. IAT series of conferences is recognized as
one of the most important events related to Multi-Agent Systems
with an emphasis on their connections to Information Technology.
Important Dates
# Online submission of full papers: March 30, 2014
# Workshop & special session paper submission: April 13, 2014
# Notification of paper acceptance: May 4, 2014
# Camera-ready of accepted papers: May 18, 2014
WIC'14 Keynote Speakers
- [Turing Award Winner:] Andrew Chi-Chih Yao (Tsinghua University)
- Stefan Decker (National University of Ireland & DERI)
- Karl Friston (University College London)
- Sadaaki Miyamoto (University of Tsukuba)
- Yi Pan (Georgia State University)
- Henryk Skarzynski (Inst. of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing)
- John F. Sowa (VivoMind Research, LLC)
- Andrzej Szalas (Linkoping University & the University of Warsaw)
Plenary Panel Speakers
- European Human Brain Project: Richard Frackowiak,
Piotr Bogorodzki, Thomas Heinis, Ferath Kherif
- [other plenary panels to be announced soon]
IAT'14 Co-Organizers/Co-Sponsors
- Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)
- IEEE-CS Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics (TCII)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) SIGART
- The University of Warsaw
- Polish Mathematical Society (PTM)
- Warsaw University of Technology
- Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) Committee on Informatics
- Polish Artificial Intelligence Society
IAT'14 Program Co-Chairs
- Barbara Dunin-Keplicz, Poland
- Mike Lewis, USA
- Takao Terano, Japan
Online Submissions & Publications
# Papers need to have up to 8 pages in IEEE 2-column format:
# http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting
# Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE proceedings.
1. Autonomy-Oriented Computing
* Autonomy-Oriented Modeling & Computing Methods
* Nature-Inspired Computing
* Self-Organization in Multi-Agent Systems
* Self-Organized Complex Networks
* Swarm or Collective Intelligence
* Multi-Robot Systems
2. Agent Systems Modeling
* Complex Agent Behavior Modeling
* Cognitive Models of Agency
* Emotional Models of Agency
* Peer-to-Peer Models for Multi-Agent Systems
* Large-Scale Agent-Based Simulation
* Simulation & Training
3. Agent Systems Engineering
* Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
* Agent Programming Languages
* Agent Communication Languages
* Evaluation of Multi-Agent Systems
* Efficiency, Scalability & Complexity in Multi-Agent Systems
* Fault-Tolerance in Multi-Agent Systems
4. Cooperation & Coordination
* Collective Group Behavior & Teamwork
* Social Interactions in Multi-Agent Systems
* Learning & Self-Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems
* Institutions & Normative Behavior
* Trust, Reputation
* Privacy, Safety, Security
* Multi-Agent Planning
5. Knowledge & Information Agents
* Formal Models of Agency
* Agent-Based Knowledge Discovery & Sharing
* Human-Agent/Robot Interactions
* Agent-Based Knowledge Fusion
* Autonomous Information Services
* Ontology-Based Services
* Uncertainty Management in Multi-Agent Systems
6. Economic Inspirations in Agency
* Algorithmic Game Theory
* Mechanism Design & Auctions
* Negotiations
* Computational Social Choice
* Mediating, Pricing & Trading Agents
* Agent-Based Marketplaces
7. Agent Systems Applications
* Traffic & Transportation
* Finance & Economics
* Decision Making & Policy Making
* History & Archaeology
* Military Applications
* Industrial Applications
Tutorial Proposals
# Electronic submission of proposals: April 13, 2014
# Notification of proposal acceptance: April 20, 2014
*** Post-Conference Journal Publications ***
- Web Intelligence and Agent Systems (IOS Press)
- Brain Informatics (Springer)
- Information Technology & Decision Making (World Scientific)
- Computational Intelligence (Wiley)
- Health Information Science and Systems (Springer)
- Cognitive Systems Research (Elsevier)
- Computational Cognitive Science (Springer)
- Semantic Computing (World Scientific)
- Fundamenta Informaticae (IOS Press)
*** About WIC'14 ***
The 2014 Web Intelligence Congress (WIC'14) includes four
international conferences related to intelligent informatics:
- IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence 2014 (WI'14)
- IEEE/WIC/ACM Intelligent Agent Technology 2014 (IAT'14)
- Active Media Technology 2014 (AMT'14)
- Brain Informatics & Heath 2014 (BIH'14)
They are co-located in order to bring together researchers and
practitioners from diverse fields with the purpose of exploring
the fundamental roles, interactions and practical impacts of
Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Information Technology.
*** About the Venue ***
The conference will be held in August - the best Summer period
to visit Warsaw and Poland. Lectures will take place in Central
Campus of the University of Warsaw, in the Old Library building
converted to a modern conference center. The campus is located
in downtown Warsaw, close to the Old Town and Vistula River.
*** Contact Information ***
Dominik Slezak <slezak(a)mimuw.edu.pl>
WIC'14 Congress Program Chair
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] 2 Calls || Inform. Systems & Managment in
eMedia/Creative Industries || Book Chapters (Springer-Verlag) ||
Workshop Papers (ICME 2014) ||
Datum: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 00:04:17 +0200 (EET)
Von: artur.lugmayr(a)tut.fi
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear All,
Two interesting possibilties:
- Call for book chapters (Springer-Verlag): Information Systems & Management
in eMedia and Creative Industries (ABSTRACT DEADLINE: 15th APRIL 2014)
- Call for Papers (ICME2014): Workshop on Information Systems & Managmeent in
Multimedia, Arts, Education, Entertainment, and Culture
(DEADLINE 2nd APRIL: 2014)
Call for Book Chapters
Information Systems and Management in eMedia and Creative Industries
Artur Lugmayr, Emilija Stojmenova, Katarina Stanoevska, and Robert Wellington (Eds.)
Special Focus on NEW Approaches in the eMedia Industries, or Approaches HOW eMedia
Support Information Systems: Strategic Importance of IT ans IS&M in Media, Big Data,
Crowd, Open Data, Linked Data, Cloud Application, New Business Analytics, Information
Visualization, Workflow Management, IS&M as Basis of New Business Models of New Media
Products, and Global Digital Production Pipelines.
* Management, Marketing, Business Aspects and Strategic Importance of IT and IS&M in
Creative eMedia Industries
* Technology Perspective of the Usage of Media in IS&M in Media Industry and the Application
of Media in IS&M across Domains: Technology, Processes, Workflows, Infrastructures and
Global Production Pipelines
* Methods, Approaches, and Importance of IT and Information Systems and Management in
Media - Media and Content as Part of IS&M across Application Domains
* Content, Service, Application, and Artistic Viewpoint on IS&M in Media and
Creativity Industries
Upcoming Deadline: 15th April (abstract), 15th June (manuscript), 30th Aug. (reviews)
Book Website: http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/ameamain/ismemedia
Email List: https://listmail.tut.fi/mailman/listinfo/ism-emedia
Submission System: http://www.tut.fi/emmi/Submissions/2014ISMeMedia/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ismemedia/
Contact us: lartur(a)acm.org or emilija.stojmenova(a)ltfe.org
2nd international workshop on information systems in multimedia arts, education,
entertainment, and culture (MIS-MEDIA 2014)
14th-18th July 2014
Chengdu, China
in conjunction with ICME 2014
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
EXTENDED DEADLINE: 2nd APRIL 2014 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
in cooperation with the International Asscocation for Ambient Media (iAMEA) and the
Assocation for Information Systems (AIS) SIG-eMedia (http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org
and http://aisnet.org/group/SIG-eMedia)
Paper Submission: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ICME2014W/ - please tick the correct
* Big Data & Multimedia Systems
* Cross-media offering, distribution channels and convergence
* Media business information management for multimedia
* Media information system design in multimedia
* Business intelligence in media industries
* Knowledge management systems applications
* Workflow management, operational efficiency and new capturing technologies
* Home platforms, mobility, multi-play and network convergence
* Systems for management reporting, analysis, and decision support
* Standards to enable technical convergence
* Data warehousing in converging environments
* Integration of analogue and digital media productions
* E2E systems and solutions in converging media environments
* Asset management and metadata management
* E2E systems, infrastructures and solutions
* Integration of analogue and digital media production and distribution
* Information systems and decision support systems
* Speech, audio, image, video, and text processing in information management
* Marketing information systems
* Content analysis, matching, and retrieval in information management
* Technologies in media art, education, entertainment, environment, and culture
* Consumer experience and quality assessment in MIS
* Theoretical foundations of entertainment computation
* Production process management
* Multimedia databases, digital libraries, and eLearning in MIS
* Technology and management of E2E media delivery
* Business information management in media
* Standards, policies, and regulation for MIS in media industry
* Mobility, Social media, ambient media, eLearning
* Practical media art, education, entertainment, and cultural applications
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
2014): on information systems in multimedia arts, education,
entertainment, and culture (MIS-MEDIA 2014)
Datum: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:29:48 +0000
Von: Lugmayr Artur <artur.lugmayr(a)tut.fi>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>,
amea(a)listmail.tut.fi <amea(a)listmail.tut.fi>
Kopie (CC): Lugmayr Artur <artur.lugmayr(a)tut.fi>
2nd international workshop on information systems in multimedia
arts, education,
entertainment, and culture (MIS-MEDIA 2014)
14th-18th July 2014
Chengdu, China
in conjunction with ICME 2014
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
EXTENDED DEADLINE: 2nd APRIL 2014 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
in cooperation with the International Asscocation for Ambient Media
(iAMEA) and the
Assocation for Information Systems (AIS) SIG-eMedia
and http://aisnet.org/group/SIG-eMedia)
IMPORTANT NOTE! the workshop system differs from the main ICME workshop
system, but it can
be found on: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ICME2014W/ - please tick
the correct
workshop name when you submit your papers
Multimedia technologies as video-audio processing, multimedia coding,
multi-modal coding, databases,
digital libraries, etc. are many times seen as single application that
are not part of a larger
application domain. Within the context of this workshop we focus on the
application of multimedia
technologies in management information systems in multimedia, arts,
education, and culture to
introduce a new research field: Media Technologies in Management
Information Systems. Management
Information Systems (MIS) support organizations from a people,
information, and technology
perspective to increase efficiency, provide increased productivity, and
develop information
systems to support management [1]. Within the scope of this workshop we
focus on the
application of multimedia technologies in the context of MISs in media
industry. Media
technologies support MISs in many various ways. Speech, audio, video,
and text processing
enable the generation of information for decision support systems or
advanced resource management.
Practical examples are technologies for E2E delivery of digital
content, data warehousing,
personalized and individualized offerings for customers, solutions for
IPR management,
advertisement management, consumer experience studies of MISs, metadata
& workflow management,
content adaptation, management reporting, multimedia supporting data
analytics, or cross-media
content offerings. The workshop is targeted at a wide community:
multimedia technology developer,
consumer experience scholars, business scholars, information systems
community, MIS developer,
content developer, and other R&D scholars involved in media and
entertainment industries.
We are interested at a multidisciplinary workshop and are seeking for
presentations of new ideas, artistic installations; applications in the
domain of arts, education,
entertainment, and culture; user-experience studies; management
information system studies;
and multimedia technologies supporting MISs.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management_information_system
* Big Data & Multimedia Systems
* Cross-media offering, distribution channels and convergence
* Media business information management for multimedia
* Media information system design in multimedia
* Business intelligence in media industries
* Knowledge management systems applications
* Workflow management, operational efficiency and new capturing technologies
* Home platforms, mobility, multi-play and network convergence
* Systems for management reporting, analysis, and decision support
* Standards to enable technical convergence
* Data warehousing in converging environments
* Integration of analogue and digital media productions
* E2E systems and solutions in converging media environments
* Asset management and metadata management
* E2E systems, infrastructures and solutions
* Integration of analogue and digital media production and distribution
* Information systems and decision support systems
* Speech, audio, image, video, and text processing in information management
* Marketing information systems
* Content analysis, matching, and retrieval in information management
* Technologies in media art, education, entertainment, environment, and
* Consumer experience and quality assessment in MIS
* Theoretical foundations of entertainment computation
* Production process management
* Multimedia databases, digital libraries, and eLearning in MIS
* Technology and management of E2E media delivery
* Business information management in media
* Standards, policies, and regulation for MIS in media industry
* Mobility, Social media, ambient media, eLearning
* Practical media art, education, entertainment, and cultural applications
* EXTENDED DEADLINE APRIL 2ND: workshop paper submission
* April 15th, 2014: notification of workshop paper acceptance
* April 30th, 2014: submission of camera ready papers
Papers will be selected in a double blind review process, and excellent
submissions will be
invited to submit extended versions of the paper in a journal special issue.
Please see the detailed submission guidelines on:
the submission system can be found on:
* Artur Lugmayr, EMMi Lab., Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FINLAND
* Matevz Pogacnik, University of Ljubjana, SLOVENIA
* Emilija Stojmenova, University of Ljubjana, SLOVENIA
In case of questions, please contact artur.lugmayr(a)tut.fi (Tel. +358 40
821 0558), or visit the workshop
website at: http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/ameamain/mis-media2014.
The workshop is organized as part of the activities of the International
Ambient Media Association
(iAMEA) www.ambientmediaassociation.org and the Association of
Information Systems (AIS) Special
Interest Group (SIG-eMedia) on Information Systems and Management in
Creative eMedia Industries
Prof. Dr. Artur Lugmayr
Tel.: +358 (0)40 849 0773 or +358 (0)40 821 0558, Fax.: +358 3 3115 4680
artur.lugmayr(a)tut.fi <mailto:artur.lugmayr@tut.fi>,
http://www.tut.fi/emmi/, http://www.facebook.com/artur.lugmayr,
http://www.artur-lugmayr.info/, http://twitter.com/lartur#
International Ambient Media Association (AMEA):
www.ambientmediaassociation.org <http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/>
Tampere University of Technology
Department of Information Management and Logistics
P.O. Box 541, Korkeakoulunkatu 8
FIN 33101 Tampere
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Call for Paper: IEEE 2014 Fourth International Workshop
on Security and Privacy Engineering (SPE2014)
Datum: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:44:55 +0100
Von: Fulvio Frati <fulvio.frati(a)unimi.it>
An: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
IEEE 2014 Fourth International Workshop on Security and Privacy
Engineering (SPE2014)
One day between June 27 and July 2, 2014, at Hilton Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Co-located with IEEE SERVICES 2014 (http://www.servicescongress.org/2014/)
Workshop Web page: http://sesar.dti.unimi.it/SPE2014/
Built upon the success of spectrum of conferences within the IEEE World
Congress on Services,
the Security and Privacy Engineering (SPE 2014) workshop is a unique
place to exchange ideas
of engineering secure systems in the context of service computing, cloud
computing, and big
data analytics. The emphasis on engineering in security and privacy of
services differentiates
the workshop from other traditional prestigious security and privacy
workshops, symposiums,
and conferences. The practicality and value realization are examined by
practitioners from
leading industries as well as scientists from academia.
In line with the engineering spirit, we solicit original papers on
building secure service
systems that can be applied to government procurement, digital medical
records, cloud
environments, social networking for business purposes, multimedia
application, mobile commerce,
education, and the like. Potential contributions could cover, but are
not limited to,
methodologies, protocols, tools, or verification and validation
techniques. We also welcome
review papers that analyze critically the status of current Security and
Privacy (S&P) in a
specific area. Papers from practitioners who encounter security and
privacy problems and seek
understanding are also welcome.
Topics of interests of SPE 2014 include, but are not limited to:
- S&P Engineering of Service-Based Applications
- Security Engineering of Service Compositions
- Practical Approaches to Security Engineering of Services
- Privacy-Aware Service Engineering
- Industrial and Real Use Cases in S&P Engineering of (Cloud) Services
- S&P Engineering of Cloud Services
- Auditing and Assessment
- Assurance and Certification
- Security Management and Governance
- Privacy Enforcement in Clouds and Services
- Cybersecurity Issues of Clouds and Services
- Validation and Verification of S&P in Clouds and Services
- Applied Cryptography for S&P in Clouds and Services
- S&P Testing in Clouds and Services
- Security and Privacy Modeling
- Socio-Economics and Compliance
- Education and Awareness
- Big Data S&P Engineering
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Due Date: March 29, 2014
Decision Notification (Electronic): April 12, 2014
Camera-Ready Copy Due Date & Pre-registration Due: May 1, 2014
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit full papers (about 8 pages) or short
papers (about 4 pages) as per
IEEE 8.5 x 11 manuscript guidelines (download Word templates
or LaTeX templates
The submitted papers can only be in the format of PDF or WORD. Please
follow the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings
Author Guidelines to prepare your papers, respectively. At least one
author of each accepted paper is required to attend the
workshop and present the paper. All papers must be submitted via the
confhub submission system for the SPE workshop (TBD).
First time users need to register with the system first (see these
instructions for
details http://www.servicescongress.org/2014/submission.html).
All the accepted papers by the workshops will be included in the
Proceedings of the
IEEE 10th World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2014) which will be
published by IEEE Computer Society.
Workshop Chairs
- Claudio Agostino Ardagna, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy,
- Meiko Jensen, Independent Centre for Privacy Protection
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Meiko.Jensen-AT-rub.de
- Zhixiong Chen, Mercy College, NY, USA, zchen-AT-mercy.edu
- Ernesto Damiani, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy,
Program Committee
- Rafael Accorsi, University of Freiburg, Germany
- Rasool Asal, British Telecommunications, UK
- Jens-atthias Bohli, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany
- Bud Brügger, Fraunhofer IAO, Germany
- Ali Chettih, Pivot Point Security, Mercy College NY, USA
- Frances Cleary, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
- Quiang Duan, Penn State at Abington, USA
- Massimo Felici, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, USA
- Christopher Frenz, CTO at See-Thru, USA
- Atsuhiro Goto, Institute of Information Security, Japan
- Nils Gruschka, University of Applied Sciences Kiel, Germany
- Marit Hansen, Independent Centre for Privacy Protection
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany,
- Patrick Hung, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
- Luigi Lo Iacono, University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany
- Florian Kerschbaum, SAP Research Karlsruhe, Germany
- Zhiqiang Lin, UT Dallas, USA
- Jörg Schwenk, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
- Wei Tan, IBM, USA
- Jong Yoon, Mercy College, USA
- Yingzhou Zhang, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Publicity Chair
- Fulvio Frati, Università degli studi di Milano, Italy
More information available at http://sesar.dti.unimi.it/SPE2014/
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise
Information Systems | Troia, Portugal, October 15-17 | Reminder
Datum: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:05:21 +0000
Von: Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha <mcunha(a)ipca.pt>
Antwort an: mcunha(a)ipca.pt
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems
an AIS affiliated conference
Troia, Portugal, October 15-17, 2014
Paper submission deadline: April 10, 2014
---------- Submission types and guidelines
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage (http://centeris.scika.org) until April 10, 2014.
Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage.
Only original contributions will be accepted and submissions will be double-blind reviewed.
---------- Proceedings and publications
All accepted short and full papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Industry and Poster papers will be published in a book with ISBN.
---------- Committees and Keynote speaker
General conference chairs:
- João Eduardo Quintela Varajão, University of Minho, Portugal
- Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Portugal
Program Chair:
- Niels Bjørn-Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Danmark
Keynote speaker:
- Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Organization Chair:
- Emanuel Peres, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
We look forward to welcoming you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 13th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL-2014 - Final Call
for papers
Datum: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 12:52:43 -0000
Von: Lists <Lists(a)academic-conferences.org>
An: <Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Hello Gustaf
*This is a FINAL CALL for papers for the****13^th _European Conference
on e-Learning_ ECEL-2014****being held at Aalborg University Copenhagen,
Denmark **on 30-31 October 2014**.***
This call will *close*on *10^th of April 2014.*
*We invite contributions for**academic research, case studies and
work-in-progress/posters are welcomed approaches. PhD Research,
proposals for roundtable discussions, non-academic contributions and
product demonstrations based on the main themes are also invited.***
*Publication opportunity*
Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference
proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. ECEL
proceedings are submitted to Thomson ISI World of Science, Scopus,
Google and a number of other citation organisations for indexing.
Papers that have been presented at the conference will be considered for
publication in a special issue of the Electronic Journal of e-Learning.
ISSN: 1479-4403 (http://www.ejel.org).
For more information, please go to
*Please feel free to circulate this message to any colleagues or
contacts you think may be interested.*
Follow the conference on LinkedIn
and Twitter <https://twitter.com/el_confs>
Kind regards
Sue Nugus
Conferences Director
http://www.academic-conferences.org <http://111.academic-conferences.org/>
sue(a)academic-conferences.org <mailto:sue@academic-conferences.org>
Tel: +44 (0) 118 972 4148
Follow me on Twitter <https://twitter.com/#%21/suenugus>
Connect with me on LinkedIn <http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/sue-nugus/7/616/1b4>
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC): Call for Papers
Datum: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:10:09 +0800
Von: cfp(a)grid.chu.edu.tw
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Colleagues:
The IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC) is seeking original and
innovative research papers in all areas related to Cloud computing. For
details, please see the attached call for papers. Please share it with
your colleagues, friends, and students working in the area of Cloud
computing and encourage them to submit their high-quality papers.
Best regards
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC)
Call for Papers
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing publishes peer-reviewed articles
that provide innovative research ideas and applications results in all
areas relating to cloud computing. Topics relating to novel theory,
algorithms, performance analyses and applications of techniques relating
to all areas of cloud computing will be considered for the transactions.
The transactions will consider submissions specifically in the areas of
cloud security, tradeoffs between privacy and utility of cloud, the
architecture of cloud computing, cloud development tools, cloud
software, cloud backup and recovery, cloud interoperability, cloud
applications management, cloud data analytics, cloud communications
protocols, mobile cloud, liability issues for data loss on clouds, data
integration on clouds, big data on clouds, cloud education, cloud skill
sets, cloud energy consumption, cloud applications in commerce,
education and industry. This title will also consider submissions on
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS),
Software as a Service (SaaS), and Business Process as a Service (BPaaS).
In 2013, TCC published 2 issues and for details on papers, please visit
TCC website: http://www.computer.org/csdl/trans/cc/2013/index.html
>From 2014, TCC will publish 4 issues per year. For details of the
submission process, please consult the relevant Web pages at
Editorial Board:
Editor-in-Chief (EiC):
Professor Rajkumar Buyya
Director, Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Lab
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Web: http://www.cloudbus.org/~raj
Associate Editors:
Jemal Abawajy - Deakin University, Australia
Gagan Agrawal - Ohio State University, USA
Shivnath Babu - Duke University, USA
Pavan Balaji - Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Sorav Bansal - Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, India
Umesh Bellur - Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, India
David Bernstein - Cloud Strategy Partners LLC, USA
Ricardo Bianchini - Rutgers University, USA
Irena Bojanova - University of Maryland University College, USA
Ivona Brandic - Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Roy Campbell - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Junwei Cao - Tsinghua University, China
K Chandrasekaran - National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India
Beng Chin OOI - National University of Singapore, Singapore
Peter Corcoran - National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway)
Yong Cui - Tsinghua University, China
Cesar Augusto F De Rose - PUCRS, Brazil
Murat Demirbas - SUNY Buffalo, USA
David De Roure - Oxford University, UK
Janakiram Dharanipragada - Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Beniamino Di Martino - Second University of Naples, Italy
Erik Elmroth - Umeå University and Elastisys, Sweden
Dick Epema - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Thomas Fahringer - University of Innsbruck , Austria
Jose Fortes - University of Florida, USA
Geoffrey Fox - Indiana University, USA
Erol Gelenbe - Imperial College, London, UK
Phillip B. Gibbons - Intel Labs Pittsburgh, USA
Mohan Gurusamy - National University of Singapore, Singapore
Masum Z. Hasan - CISCO, USA
Bingsheng He - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Pan Hui - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Kai Hwang - University of Southern California, USA
Hai Jin - Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
Rao Kotagiri - University of Melborune, Australia
Chandra Krintz - University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Ruby B. Lee - Princeton University, USA
Laurent Lefèvre - INRIA, France
Hui Lei - IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Qianhui Liang - HP Labs, Singapore
David Lie - University of Toronto, Canada
Ignacio Martín Llorente - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Andrew Martin - Oxford University, UK
Dejan Milojicic - HP Labs, USA
Vojislav Misic - Ryerson University, Canada
Leandro Navarro - UPC, Spain
Manish Parashar - Rutgers University, USA
Siani Pearson - HP Labs, UK
Meikang Qiu - San Jose State University, USA
Ioan Raicu - Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA
Omer Rana - Cardiff University, UK
Chunming Rong - University of Stavanger, Norway
Pierangela Samarati - Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Bruno Schulze - LNCC, Brazil
Thamarai Selvi - Anna University, India
Shubhashis Sengupta - Accenture, India
Hong Shen - University of Adelaide, Australia
Kwang Mong Sim - University of Kent, UK
Yogesh Simmhan - Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Ramesh Sitaraman - University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Ivan Stojmenovic - University of Ottawa, Canada
Domenico Talia - Università della Calabria, Italy
Ruppa Thulasiram - University of Manitoba, Canada
Vijaya Varadharajan - Macquarie University, Australia
Carlos Varela - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Thanos Vasilakos - National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Bharadwaj Veeravalli - National University of Singapore, Singapore
Anwar Walid - Bell Labs, USA
Cho-Li Wang - The University of Hong Kong, China
Lizhe Wang - Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Christof Weinhardt - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Adam Wierman - CalTech (California Institute of Technology), USA
Yongwei Wu - Tsingghua University, China
Cheng-Zhong Xu - Wayne State University, USA
Haiping Xu - University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA
Yun Yang - Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Xiaofang Zhou - University of Queensland, Australia
Albert Zomaya - University of Sydney, Australia
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