-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 83% [* SPAM *] Smart City Learning Observatory -
Newsletter N.0
Datum: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 12:42:56 +0100
Von: Carlo Giovannella <mifav(a)roma2.infn.it>
Antwort an: Carlo Giovannella <mifav(a)roma2.infn.it>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
SCLO Newsletter N.0
This is the zero issue of the newsletter of the
International Smart City Learning Observatory
** news to be published on next issues of the newsletter should be sent to:
Karl Donert
eurogeomail [at] yahoo [dot] com
and Carlo Giovannella
carlo [dot] giovannella [at] gmail [dot] com
please provide short stories (1 paragraph max) on events, achievements,
best practices, etc. relevant to the SCLO activity; eventually include
also one graphic/photo and hyperlink to main story information;
• "Dubai 2020: Smart City Learning" at ICWOAL 2014, 25th-27th November
• "SCL: Hack-my-town" a design challenge organized by the Free
University of Bozen in Glorenza. 21st -23th December
• SCLO members have started to investigate the possibility to make
emerge the smartness of a learning ecosystem by means of bottom-up
analytics approaches; the first exploration will be conducted on
a first questionnaire has been prepared and the exploratory phase has
started at the University of Tor Vergata - Rome and the Politehnica of
Bucarest; soon it will be tested also at the Aalborg University, the
University of Craiova, Rostock University and Politecnico di Torino;
a preliminary elaboration of the data collected and the design of
further tools are under way;
if you wish to be part of this exploratory investigation and/or let us
know your experience, please write to:
carlo [dot] giovannella [at] gmail [dot] com
• SCLO is seeking to create a world-wide platform and thus beside
fostering the expansion of the European network already established
it is also encouraging memberships from North America and Far-East
countries and more in general from all learning eco-systems and
territories involved in the processing of getting smart;
The template of the request of membership can be found here
Membership is at NO COST but should be duly motivated
and it is subjected to the approval of the SCLO board.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Call for Papers
Datum: Tue, 4 Nov 2014 18:41:07 +0600
Von: David Rony <davidrony1000(a)hotmail.com>
An: aripd.jcsit(a)gmail.com <aripd.jcsit(a)gmail.com>
_Call for Papers_
Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
ISSN: 2334-2366 (Print) 2334-2374 (Online)
Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
<http://aripd.org/jcsit#j_info>is an international peer-reviewed
journal. It is a forum for scientists and engineers involved in all
aspects of computer science and information technology to publish high
quality and refereed papers. Papers reporting original research and
innovative applications from all parts of the world are welcome. Papers
for publication in the journal are selected through rigorous peer
review, to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability.
The journal also seeks clearly written survey and review articles from
experts in the field, to promote insightful understanding of the
state-of-the-art and technology trends. All research articles in this
journal have undergone initial editorial screen and rigorous peer review.
The journal is published by the American Research Institute for Policy
Development <http://www.aripd.org>that serves as a focal point for
academicians, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students,
fellows, and associates pursuing research throughout the world.
The interested contributors are highly encouraged to submit their
manuscripts/papers to the executive editor via e-mail at
editor(a)aripd.org <mailto:editor@aripd.org>. Please indicate the name of
the journal (Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology) in
the cover letter or simply put ‘Journal of Computer Science and
Information Technology’ in the subject box during submission via e-mail.
The journal is Abstracted/Indexed in CrossRef, CrossCheck, Cabell's,
Ulrich's, Griffith Research Online, Google Scholar, Education.edu,
Informatics, Universe Digital Library, Standard Periodical Directory,
Gale, Open J-Gate, EBSCO, Journal Seek, DRJI, ProQuest, BASE, InfoBase
Index, OCLC, IBSS, Academic Journal Databases, Scientific Index.
E-Publication First^TM
E-Publication First^TM is a feature offered through our journal
platform. It allows PDF version of manuscripts that have been peer
reviewed and accepted, to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a
final printed journal. Readers can freely access or cite the article.
The accepted papers are published online within one week after the
completion of all necessary publishing steps.
DOI^® number
Each paper published in Journal of Computer Science and Information
Technology is assigned a DOI^® number, which appears beneath the
author's affiliation in the published paper. Click HERE
<http://www.crossref.org/>to know what is DOI (Digital Object
Identifier)? Click HERE <http://www.crossref.org/>to retrieve Digital
Object Identifiers (DOIs) for journal articles, books, and chapters.
JCSIT is inviting papers for Vol. 2, No. 2. The online publication date
is December 31, 2014. Submission Deadline: November 30, 2014.
You may view the complete list of the journals
<http://aripd.org/browse/alljournals>of the institute.
For any additional information, please contact with the executive editor
at editor(a)aripd.org <mailto:editor@aripd.org>
Dr. Pauline Ratnasingam, University of Central Missouri, USA.
Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
N. B. To unsubscribe, forward this email to info(a)aripd.org
<mailto:info@aripd.org> with 'Unsubscribe' in the subject line.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Fourth World Congress - SEMCMI2015 - Malaysia
Datum: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 05:46:21 -0700
Von: Conference Alert <jackie(a)sdiwc.info>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The International Conference on Software Engineering, Mobile Computing
and Media Informatics (SEMCMI2015)
- Part of The Fourth World Congress on Computing and Information
Technology (WCIT) -
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
September 29 - October 1, 2015
All registered papers will be included in SDIWC Digital Library
The proposed conference on the above theme will be held at Asia Pacific
University of Technology and Innovation (APU) on September 29 - October
1, 2015 which aims to enable researchers build connections between
different digital applications.
The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to)
research topics:
*Software Engineering
Advanced Database Systems
Advanced Human-Computer Interaction
Artificial Intelligence
Data Mining
Economics of Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Electronic Circuits
Embedded Systems Design & Interfacing
Globalisation & the World Economy
Managing the International Enterprise
Service-Oriented Architectures
Spatial and Multimedia Databases
Systems Safety Engineering
Virtual Organisation Management
Advanced Embedded Systems
Algorithms & Data Structures
Carbon & Energy Management
Distributed Computing
Electrical Energy Conversion & Utilisation
Embedded Systems Design & Interfacing
Engineering Project Management
Information Security
Operating Systems Architecture
Signals, Systems & Control
Systems Engineering
Systems Thinking for Sustainability
Web Information Systems
*Mobile Computing
Access Control
Application Service Providers
Broadband Wireless Networks
Enterprise Asset Management Software
Fixed Wireless Networks
Converged Networks
Data Security
PDA Operating Systems
Satellite Communications Systems
Wireless Application Development
Wireless Applications Software
Wireless Development Tools
Wireless Home Networks
Application Performance Management
Base Stations
Broadband Satellite Systems
Enhanced Messaging Service
Ethernet Cable
Fixed-mobile Convergence
Data Migration
Document Management
Voice Communications Software
Security Managers
Wireless Application Services Providers
Wireless Computing
Wireless Hardware
Wireless Infrared Communications
*Media Informatics
Computer Graphics/Animation/Visualisation
Data Communication
Digital Interactive Media
Game Design
Knowledge Management
Multimedia Technology
Speech/Image/Video Processing and Technology
Cooperative Work Environments
Designing Interactive Systems
Internet Infrastructures
Management of Information
Security and Cryptography
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically. All
papers will be fully refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees.
Before final acceptance, all referees comments must be considered.
Important Dates
Submission Dates : The submission is open from now until Aug. 30, 2015
Notification of Acceptance : 3-4 weeks from the submission date
Camera Ready Submission : September 15, 2015
Registration : September 15, 2015
Conference Dates : September 29 - October 1, 2015
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Special Issue of Information Systems Frontier
Journal on Big Data and Analytics for a Better World
Datum: Tue, 4 Nov 2014 12:27:58 -0500
Von: Lakshmi Iyer <lsiyer(a)uncg.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues:Â
Please find below the call for papers for a Special Issue of
Information Systems Frontier: A Journal of Research and Innovation
*Big Data and Analytics for a Better World*â??
The recent explosion of big data has radically changed the way managers
can measure and gain insights about their businesses (McAfee and
Brynjolfsson 2012). Application analytics and big data approaches enable
measurement and creation of knowledge that helps organizations make
effective decisions and gain high performance in various business
functions. The adoption of a data driven culture and the use of big data
approaches for decision-making has the potential to lead organizations
towards sustainable competitive advantage and productivity gains (Watson
As organizations in various sectors re-formulate IT strategies and
investments for the evolving market, it is imperative to understand how
big data can be used effectively for decision-making purposes. Companies
are actively seeking for mechanisms to outrun their competitors through
analytics driven innovation. For example, companies are strategizing to
increase their customer base by developing a better and deeper
understanding of customer needs through big data analytics.
Scientific community has a strong focus on understanding the paradigm
shifts resulting from increased use of big data from multiple sources
for decision-making. The management, processing and use of these large
data sets present new challenges for organizations and society.
Consequently, big data has become fertile grounds for further
development of new areas that will lead to improved functioning of
various components of society. Beyond organizational impact, analytics
is starting to play a critical role in non-profits, non-government and
government entities to address several social and global challenges. As
a result, there is considerable interest worldwide in examining how big
data and related new computing paradigms can improve or alter processes
and core functionalities while improving outcomes and key performance
This special issue of Information Systems Frontiers on â??Big Data and
Analytics for a better worldâ?? seeks theory building, design science,
behavioral research and emerging applications in innovative areas of big
data use, analytics, and decision support. Topics of interest include,
but not limited to:
* Energy analytics â?? sustainability, smart grid, etc.
* Health care analytics â?? personalized medicine, population health
management, smart HIT systems, fraud prevention, etc.
* Analytics for improved disease management, diagnostics, endemics,
and rural health
* Analytics in developing and underdeveloped nations, smart resource
sharing and allocation
* Analytics for climate and weather, environment and pollution management
* Analytics for open government and data portals
* Big data approaches applied to improve cognitive performance and
reduce the dark
* side of technology, (e.g. information overload, techno stress,
technology addiction,
* etc.).
* Application of analytics for global development
* Security and privacy in the social media and big data context;
* Case studies utilizing disparate and big data emphasizing on high
global and societal impact or problems of high value;
* Application of social network analysis (SNA) on big data in
collaborative systems,
* Transportation and traffic safety
A major focus of the issue will be on novel and high impact problems
having a positive impact on global and societal issues. However, the
special issue will also solicit original research on topics related to
innovative design and development of analytics models as applied to
solve such problems using approaches including but not limited to:
* Analytics for Decision Support: visual analytics; data warehousing;
OLAP and executive support; big data and large-scale data storage;
in-memory analytics;.
* Analytics for smarter Knowledge management: smart expert systems
applications using data from disparate sources and methodologies
such text mining, data mining, rule-based systems, semantic web
technologies to address specific decision support needs; mobile
* Predictive Analytics and descriptive analytics applied to large
scale datasets.
* Document-driven Analytics: knowledge coding, analysis, search and
retrieval for decision support for a variety of devices (e.g.,
tablets, smartphones).
* Analytics using social media, identifying socio-technical gaps,
benefits and challenges for collaboration in Big Data; novel storage
and management approaches for big data;
* Decision Outcomes and Performance Evaluation: effects of using
decision technologies, designing for improved decision performance;
metrics for data warehousing, BI, and analytics.
_*Projected Time Line:*_
Deadline for original submissions: May 1, 2015
Final notifications to authors: January 15, 2016
Opportunity to Fast track papers: In addition to direct submissions,
appropriate Track/Mini-track chairs of the following conferences will be
contacted to recommend â??high qualityâ?? papers that fit the theme of
the special issue to be fast tracked: ECIS 2014, SHARP 2014, ICIS and
Pre/Post-ICIS 2014, HICSS 2015 and AMCIS 2015.
McAfee, Andrew and Erik Brynjolfsson. (2012) "Big Data: The Management
Revolution". Harvard Business Review, October.
Watson, Hugh J. (2014) "Tutorial: Big Data Analytics: Concepts,
Technologies, and Applications," Communications of the Association for
Information Systems: Vol. 34, Article 65.
Editors Biography*
Lakshmi Iyer is an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Programs
in the Information Systems and Supply Chain Management Department, Bryan
School of Business and Economics at the University of North Carolina
Greensboro (UNCG). Her research interests are in the area of business
analytics, knowledge management, emerging technologies & its impact on
organizations and users, and diversity in computing. She is a Board
member of Teradata University Network, Chair of the Special Interest
Group in Decision Support and Analytics (formerly SIGDSS). She has
served as a Guest Editor for Communications of the ACM, and the Journal
of Electronic Commerce Research. She is also co-editor of a forthcoming
book: Annals of Information Systems Special Issue on â??Reshaping
Society through Analytics, Collaboration, and Decision Support: Role of
BI and Social Media,â?? from the 2013 pre-ICIS workshop in Milan, Italy.
Ashish Gupta* is the founding Director of Big Data & Analytics Research
Center (BDARC) and an Associate Professor of Analytics & IS in the
College of Business at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga. His
research interests are in the areas of analytics, big data, healthcare
informatics, and smart grid. His recent articles have appeared in
journals such as Journal of Biomedical Informatics, IEEE Transactions,
Information Systems Journal, European Journal of Information Systems,
Decision Support Systems, Information Systems Frontiers, and
Communications of the Association for Information Systems. He has edited
4 book volumes (springer) and guest edited special issues of journal
such as Decision Support Systems, Information Systems journal, etc.
Thilini Ariyachandra* is an Associate Professor, Management Information
Systems, in the Williams College of Business, Xavier University, USA.
Her main research interests focus on business intelligence, analytics
and big data frameworks, design, implementation and success, business
intelligence/analytics education. She has published in journals such as
the Communications of the AIS, Communications of the ACM, Decision
Support Systems, Business Intelligence Journal and International Journal
of Business Intelligence Research.
*Ramesh Sharda* is the Vice Dean of the Watson Graduate School of
Management, Watson/ConocoPhillips Chair and a Regents Professor of
Management Science and Information Systems in the Spears School of
Business at Oklahoma State University. He has coauthored two textbooks
(Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support, 10th
edition, Prentice Hall and Business Intelligence: A Managerial
Perspective on Analytics, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall). He is a member of
the editorial boards of journals such as the Decision Support Systems,
Decision Sciences, and Information Systems Frontiers. He is also serving
as the Executive Director of Teradata University Network.
*Dave Schrader* had over 22 years of experience as a marketing director
at Teradata, where he marketed the Teradata® Unified Data
Architectureâ?¢ Big Data and Active Intelligenceâ?¢ initiatives.
Throughout his career, Schrader assisted Teradata customers use both
traditional and big data to create analytical insights and predictive
models. He continues as a board member of the Teradata University
Network, giving talks at universities. He is known for creating 12
episodes of â??Business Scenario Investigationsâ?? (BSI), a CSI-like
â??showâ?? on YouTube that shows how data forensic investigators can
better use data. Schrader holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Purdue
University, has published in the areas of customer management and
business intelligence, and is a popular conference speaker.
Lakshmi S. Iyer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Information Systems Graduate Programs Director
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Email: Lsiyer(a)uncg.edu <mailto:Lsiyer@uncg.edu>; Phone: 336/334-4984;
Fax: 336/334-5580
URL: http://lsiyer.wp.uncg.edu/
*Women in IT - http://wiit.uncg.edu*, www.facebook.com/wemakeIT
Global IT conference <http://www.gitma.org>;Â AMCIS 2015
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - WorldCIST'15 - Best papers
published in JCR/SCI journals
Datum: Tue, 4 Nov 2014 18:06:56 +0000
Von: ML <marialemos72(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: worldcist(a)gmail.com
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
WorldCIST'15 - 3rd World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Ponta Delgada, Azores *, Portugal
1 - 3 April 2015
* Azores is ranked as the second most beautiful archipelago in the world by National Geographic.
The WorldCIST'15 - 3rd World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, to be held at Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Azores, Portugal, 1 - 3 April 2015, is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in the several perspectives of Information Systems and Technologies.
Azores is ranked as the second most beautiful archipelago in the world by National Geographic. Consisting of nine distinct islands, each of them special, is in fact a place in the world to be visited.
We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to WorldCISTI'15. All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity.
Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes proposed for the Conference:
A) Information and Knowledge Management (IKM);
B) Organizational Models and Information Systems (OMIS);
C) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems (IDSS);
D) Big Data Analytics and Applications (BDAA);
E) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (SSAAT);
F) Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA);
G) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems (CNMPS);
H) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI);
I) Health Informatics (HIS);
J) Information Technologies in Education (ITE).
K) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications (ITR)
Four types of papers can be submitted:
- Full paper: Finished or consolidated R&D works, to be included in one of the Conference themes. These papers are assigned a 10-page limit.
- Short paper: Ongoing works with relevant preliminary results, open to discussion. These papers are assigned a 7-page limit.
- Poster paper: Initial work with relevant ideas, open to discussion. These papers are assigned to a 4-page limit.
- Company paper: Companies' papers that show practical experience, R & D, tools, etc., focused on some topics of the conference. These papers are assigned to a 4-page limit.
Submitted papers must comply with the format of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series (see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website or download a DOC example) be written in English, must not have been published before, not be under review for any other conference or publication and not include any information leading to the authors? identification. Therefore, the authors? names, affiliations and bibliographic references should not be included in the version for evaluation by the Program Committee. This information should only be included in the camera-ready version, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF format. These files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publication form filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management system.
All papers will be subjected to a ?double-blind review? by at least two members of the Program Committee.
Based on Program Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or accepted by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be accepted as the type originally submitted or as another type. Thus, full papers can be accepted as short papers or poster papers only. Similarly, short papers can be accepted as poster papers only. In these cases, the authors will be allowed to maintain the original number of pages in the camera-ready version.
The authors of accepted poster papers must also build and print a poster to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or A2 vertical format. The Conference can includes Work Sessions where these posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 5 minute limit per poster.
The authors of accepted full papers will have 15 minutes to present their work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation. The authors of accepted short papers and company papers will have 11 minutes to present their work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 4 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation.
To ensure that a full paper, short paper, poster paper or company paper is published in the Proceedings, at least one of the authors must be fully registered by the 6th of January 2015, and the paper must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit. Additionally, all recommended changes must be addressed by the authors before they submit the camera-ready version.
No more than one paper per registration will be published in the Conference Proceedings. An extra fee must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum of one additional paper per registration.
Full and short papers will be published in Proceedings by Springer, in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series. Poster and company papers will be published by AISTI.
Published full and short papers will be submitted for indexation by ISI, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS and DBLP, among others, and will be available in the SpringerLink Digital Library.
The authors of the best selected papers will be invited to extend them for publication in international journals indexed by ISI/SCI, SCOPUS and DBLP, among others, such as:
- Computers in Human Behavior (IF: 2.273)
- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IF: 1.962)
- IEEE Intelligent Systems (IF: 1.92)
- Online Information Review (IF: 1.443)
- Journal of Medical Systems (IF: 1.372)
- Building Research & Information (IF: 1.319)
- Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (IF: 1.304)
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (IF: 1.116)
- Business & Information Systems Engineering (IF: 1.095)
- Multimedia Tools and Applications (IF: 1.058)
- Cluster Computing (IF: 0.949)
- IEEE Security & Privacy (IF: 0.721)
- Computer Science and Information Systems (IF: 0.575)
- Ethics and Information Technology (IF: 0.520)
- Journal of Global Information Management (IF: 0,483)
- Journal of Web Engineering (IF: 0.444)
- Journal of Internet Technology (IF: 0.418)
- Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization
- EAI Transactions on e-Learning
- International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
- Journal of Big Data
Paper Submission: November 23, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: December 28, 2014
Camera-ready Submission: January 11, 2015
Payment of Registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in the conference proceedings: January 9, 2015.
Best regards,
WorldCIST'15 Organizing Committee
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: ECIS 2015 - Track "Advancing Theories and
Theorizing in IS Research"
Datum: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 13:33:28 +0100
Von: Nils Urbach <nils.urbach(a)uni-bayreuth.de>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
(Apologies for cross-postings of this announcement.)
23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015)
Track: Advancing Theories and Theorizing in IS Research
May 27-29, 2015, Münster, Germany (http://ecis2015.eu/)
Dorothy E. Leidner, Baylor University, Texas, USA,
dorothy_leidner(a)baylor.edu <mailto:dorothy_leidner@baylor.edu>
Benjamin Mueller, University of Groningen, The Netherlands,
b.mueller(a)rug.nl <mailto:b.mueller@rug.nl> (Corresponding track chair)
Nils Urbach, University of Bayreuth, Germany,
nils.urbach(a)uni-bayreuth.de <mailto:nils.urbach@uni-bayreuth.de>
The generation of knowledge from data can likely be seen as one of the
key contributions of any science. Consequently, scholars like Whetten
(1989), Steinfield and Fulk (1990), and Blalock (1969) have emphasized
the centrality of theories for any scientific endeavor -- a thought
widely reflected in many disciplines from natural to social sciences
(Atmanspacher 2007). While this attention to theoretical work has been
at the heart of the IS discipline for a long time (cf. Keen 1980), we
believe that advanced theorizing in an increasingly networked society
calls for a dedicated discussion on the evolution of existing
methodological and conceptual approaches to theorizing. Particularly the
growing connection of individuals and groups with other people and
organizations forces us to pay attention to complexity and contingencies
that create opportunities and challenges for the careful development of
new theories.
Recently we have seen some of our reference disciplines turn towards
reviving their own examination of theories and theoretical work and
their role in producing high quality scholarly contributions (e.g., in
management research). It is this rekindled interest that leads us to
suggest that the IS discipline, too, should intensify its discussion of
theory and theorizing above and beyond such landmark papers as Gregor's
(2006) influential piece on the role of theory in IS research, Urquhart
et al.'s (2010) guidelines for theory building, Weber's (2012) treatment
of quality of theories and theorizing, or Straub's (2012) discussion on
native IS theories.
This track is targeted towards picking up this debate. It provides a
platform for the discussion and development of new approaches to
theorizing as well as new methods to inform this theorizing. We also
want to engage in a differentiated discussion on the nature and role of
our theorizing in our discipline in order to advance our understanding
of the "networked society."
We seek submissions that are innovative, novel, and significant in terms
of advancing our discipline's ability to theorize phenomena in the
networked society. We place particular emphasis on a submission's
ability to highlight how it helps us as a discipline to better describe,
explain, predict, and design these phenomena. The latter requires
special considerations. Following the classic work of Simon (1981),
artifacts have an inside and outside view and we encourage specific
consideration of both. In methodological contributions, we encourage
potential authors to elaborate on what in the phenomena we study can now
be captured better and how and why the method suggested is able to do
that. Authors of methodological pieces are encouraged to carefully
reflect on issues of epistemology in their work. In theoretical pieces,
we will look not only for novel ideas, but also for a careful
integration with what is known already and how and why the new
contribution advances existing nomological nets.
Conceptual advances in theories for IS research
* New theories on phenomena of the networked society
* Significant advances or critiques of existing theories (e.g.,
innovative or substantially improved construct conceptualizations or
meaningful extensions through additional constructs)
* Exploration of multi-level aspects extending existing theories
* Integration / synthesis of existing theories
* Detailed application of existing theories to inform design and action
(e.g., formal verification, design theories, as well as exploring the
interaction between technology artifact and humans)
* Reflections on theories-in-practice and what we can learn from their
Methodological advances in theorizing about IS phenomena
* New or advanced methods for data collection with an emphasis on what
kind of data they contribute beyond conventional methods as well as a
discussion of how and why this advances our theorizing
* New or refined methods of data analysis (i.e., theorizing, theory
building) with an emphasis on a comparison to established approaches and
a discussion of how and why they advance our theorizing
* Strategies for inductive theorizing and the building of substantive
theories grounded in an IS context
* The interplay of theory and design and how engaged forms of scholarly
work help to advance our discipline theoretically
* A constructive critique of existing methods and an identification of
impacts on and limits to current theorizing
The nature and role of theoretical contributions of IS research
* An analysis of the current state-of-the-art of the discipline's theorizing
* Reflections on what can be learned from reference disciplines
* Frameworks and typologies for theories and theoretical work in IS
Our track collaborates closely with the European Journal of Information
Systems (EJIS). Based on the reviews and editorial recommendations, the
authors of the best papers submitted to the track will be invited to
participate in the EJIS paper development workshop immediately after the
ECIS conference. There, authors will have the opportunity to further
develop their papers for consideration as part of a planned EJIS special
issue building upon the track.
Paper Submission begins: October 6, 2014
Submission Deadline Date: November 28, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: End of February 2015
Final version of accepted papers due: March 31, 2015
Early Bird Registration closes: April 12, 2015
Frederik Ahlemann, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Andrew Burton-Jones, University of Queensland, Australia
Samir Chatterjee, Claremont Graduate University, California, USA
Yogesh Dwivedi, Swansea University, UK
Nik R. Hassan, University of Minnesota Duluth, Minnesota, USA
Dirk Hovorka, University of Sydney, Australia
Allen Lee, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia, USA
Sebastian Olbrich, Mercator School of Management, Germany
Suzanne Rivard, HEC Montreal, Québec, Canada
Suprateek Sarker, Washington State University, Washington, USA
Henk Sol, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Ron Thompson, Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA
Ron Weber, Monash University, Australia
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: All things CeDEM
Datum: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:36:24 +0100
Von: Peter Parycek <peter.parycek(a)donau-uni.ac.at>
An: Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Gustaf,
The best things come in threes - all things CeDEM!
CeDEM Asia in Hong Kong: Registration and Programme
The programme has been finalised – see you in Hong Kong:
CeDEM15 - CfP: Deadline for Submission 8 Dec 2014!
Time is fleeting and the deadline for submission is approaching fast. So the CeDEM team and I Iook forward to your submissions:
CeDEM14 and the Proceedings
The complete CeDEM14 Proceedings are available online(OA)and for sale:
I look forward to seeing you later this year, next year or online!
All the best,
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Phd Symposium at ICWE 2015
Datum: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 11:18:53 +0100
Von: Irene <igarrigos(a)dlsi.ua.es>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
PhD Symposium of the 15th International Conference on Web Engineering
(ICWE 2015)
June 22-26, 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Paper submission deadline: February 12, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2015
Camera-ready version: April 10, 2015
The ICWE 2015 PhD Symposium aims to improve the research of PhD students
and broaden their perspectives by giving them the opportunity to share
and develop their research ideas in a critical but supportive
environment, get feedback from mentors who are senior members of the Web
engineering community, improve their communication skills, exchange
ideas and build relationships with other international Web engineering
PhD students.
This event will bring together PhD students working on topics related to
the Web Engineering field. The goal is to provide a forum for PhD
students to present ongoing research in a collaborative environment and
share ideas with other young researchers in an international atmosphere.
Selected contributions will be presented in a dedicated conference
session where participants will discuss their research ideas and
results, and receive constructive feedback from an audience consisting
of their peers as well as more senior experts in the field. In addition
to that, students will be invited to participate at the poster sessions
so that they also receive comments of other participants in the conference.
PhD students carrying out research in Web Engineering are invited to
submit a paper to the PhD Symposium, to be reviewed by the program
committee members. We particularly encourage submissions from students
who are at the last stages of their doctoral work but with sufficient
time prior to completing their dissertation, and from those who are in
the beginning stages but have a specific research proposal who can
obtain valuable feedback about their research plans.
The criteria used for accepting a paper include potential quality of the
research, contribution of the work to the field of Web Engineering,
originality of the work, and overall quality of  paper.
All PhD Symposium papers will be published in the main conference
proceedings that will be published in Springer LNCS.
Length: Submissions must not be longer than 4 (four) pages.
Format: Submissions should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS
guidelines (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html) and must include:
- author's name
- affiliation
- a 150 words abstract
- the name of the student's PhD supervisor(s)
- the problem(s) that the proposed research is going to solve and the
motivation for solving them
- related work: current approaches to solve this problem
- the aims and objectives of the proposed research
- the research methodology to be used to achieve the research goals,
including a brief description of the work done to date and a tentative
plan for future work
- the main contribution(s) of the research to Web Engineering
Submission: Authors should submit their contributions to the ICWE 2015
PhD Symposium submission site at EasyChair:
Irene Garrigos, University of Alicante, Spain
Manuel Wimmer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Contact: phdchair.icwe2015(a)webengineering.org
PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be completed)
Alessandro Bozzon, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Marco Brambilla, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Cinzia Cappiello, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Sven Casteleyn, Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain
Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy
Oscar Diaz, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Michael Grossniklaus, University of Konstanz, Germany
Gerti Kappel, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Oscar Pastor Lopez, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Gustavo Rossi, University of La Plata, Argentina
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CFP - ICWE PhD Symposium @ 15th International Conference
on Web Engineering (ICWE 2015)
Datum: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 10:36:20 +0000
Von: Wimmer Manuel <wimmer(a)big.tuwien.ac.at>
Antwort an: Wimmer Manuel <wimmer(a)big.tuwien.ac.at>
An: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de>
PhD Symposium of the 15th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2015)
June 22-26, 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Paper submission deadline: February 12, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2015
Camera-ready version: April 10, 2015
The ICWE 2015 PhD Symposium aims to improve the research of PhD students and broaden their perspectives by giving them the opportunity to share and develop their research ideas in a critical but supportive environment, get feedback from mentors who are senior members of the Web engineering community, improve their communication skills, exchange ideas and build relationships with other international Web engineering PhD students.
This event will bring together PhD students working on topics related to the Web Engineering field. The goal is to provide a forum for PhD students to present ongoing research in a collaborative environment and share ideas with other young researchers in an international atmosphere.
Selected contributions will be presented in a dedicated conference session where participants will discuss their research ideas and results, and receive constructive feedback from an audience consisting of their peers as well as more senior experts in the field. In addition to that, students will be invited to participate at the poster sessions so that they also receive comments of other participants in the conference.
PhD students carrying out research in Web Engineering are invited to submit a paper to the PhD Symposium, to be reviewed by the program committee members. We particularly encourage submissions from students who are at the last stages of their doctoral work but with sufficient time prior to completing their dissertation, and from those who are in the beginning stages but have a specific research proposal who can obtain valuable feedback about their research plans.
The criteria used for accepting a paper include potential quality of the research, contribution of the work to the field of Web Engineering, originality of the work, and overall quality of paper.
All PhD Symposium papers will be published in the main conference proceedings that will be published in Springer LNCS.
Length: Submissions must not be longer than 4 (four) pages.
Format: Submissions should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html) and must include:
- author's name
- affiliation
- a 150 words abstract
- the name of the student's PhD supervisor(s)
- the problem(s) that the proposed research is going to solve and the motivation for solving them
- related work: current approaches to solve this problem
- the aims and objectives of the proposed research
- the research methodology to be used to achieve the research goals, including a brief description of the work done to date and a tentative plan for future work
- the main contribution(s) of the research to Web Engineering
Submission: Authors should submit their contributions to the ICWE 2015 PhD Symposium submission site at EasyChair: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icwe2015phdsymposium
Irene Garrigos, University of Alicante, Spain
Manuel Wimmer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Contact: phdchair.icwe2015(a)webengineering.org
PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be completed)
Alessandro Bozzon, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Marco Brambilla, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Cinzia Cappiello, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Sven Casteleyn, Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain
Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy
Oscar Diaz, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Michael Grossniklaus, University of Konstanz, Germany
Gerti Kappel, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Oscar Pastor Lopez, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Gustavo Rossi, University of La Plata, Argentina
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 2nd European Conference on Social Media - ECSM 2015 - Second
Call For Submissions
Datum: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 10:51:13 +0000
Von: Lists <Lists(a)academic-conferences.org>
An: Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at <Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Hello Gustaf
This is a*Secondcall *for papers for the *_2nd European Conference on
Social Media - ECSM 2015 _*which is being held at the *Polytechnic
Institute of Porto, Portugal on the 9-10 July 2015.*
Social media is present in our everyday life, influencing the way we
communicate, collaborate, learn, do business, build relationships and
understand society. As a result of the rapid adoption of social media
there is a need to reflect on the practices and identify improvements
and seek solutions to overcome barriers.
This first European Conference on Social Media seeks to establish a
platform for researchers and practitioners with a wide range of
approaches to engage with the impact, use and potential of social media
across disciplines. Drawing on best practice in social media we will
call on interested parties, be they practitioners, scholars or doctoral
students, to bring together and share examples, cases, theories and
analysis of social media.
For more information please go to:
Academic research, case studies and work-in-progress/posters are
welcomed approaches. PhD Research, Masters Research, proposals for
roundtable discussions, non-academic contributions and product
demonstrations based on the main themes are also invited. *Please feel
free to circulate this message to any colleagues or contacts you think
may be interested.*
*In addition to the main conference topics, the advisory group invites
submissions to the following mini tracks:*
* Business Use of Social Media co-chaired by Paul Alpar, Univerity of
Marburg, Germany and Ute Klotz, Lucerne University. of Applied
Sciences and Arts, Switzerland
* Monitoring Social Media chaired by Dr. Martin Sykora, Centre for
Information Management (CIM), School of Business and Economics, at
the University of Loughborough, UK
* Social media and innovation co-chaired by Dr Irina Purcarea, ESC
Rennes School of Business, France and Dr Luísa Carvalho, Open
University in Lisbon, Portugal
* Social media in teacher education chaired by Prof. Dr. Wilfried
Admiraal, Leiden University, The Netherlands
* Social Media and Consumer Empowerment chaired by Dr. Nurdilek
Dalziel, ifs University College, London, UK
* The Rise of the Networked Citizen chaired by Dr Izzal Asnira
Zolkepli, School of Communication, Universiti Sains Malaysia
* Social Media and Public Safety chaired by Dr P. Saskia Bayerl,
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
* Social Media Technologies for Learning and Teaching co-chaired by Dr
Johannes Konert, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany and John
Knight, Buckinghamshire New University, UK
/Following a double-blind peer review process, those Papers accepted for
presentation will be published in the conference proceedings subject to
author registration and payment. /
*/Selected papers that have been presented at the conference will also
be considered for publication in a number of high quality journals,
/Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management published by ACPIL, ISSN/
/1479-4411 (www.ejkm.com <http://www.ejkm.com> ). /
/The International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning
Environments published by Inderscience, ISSN online: 2050-3962 ISSN
print: 2050-3954. /
/The Journal of Web Based Communities published by Inderscience/, /ISSN
online: 1741-8216 ISSN print: 1477-8394 /
*/The Proceedings have an ISBN and will be submitted for indexing in the
Thompson Web of Science/**/and Scopus/**/./*
Kind regards
Sue Nugus
Conferences Director
http://www.academic-conferences.org <http://111.academic-conferences.org/>
sue(a)academic-conferences.org <mailto:sue@academic-conferences.org>
Tel: +44 (0) 118 972 4148
Follow me on Twitter <https://twitter.com/#%21/suenugus>
Connect with me on LinkedIn <http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/sue-nugus/7/616/1b4>
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