-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Fwd: Call for Posters and Demos --
SenSys 2013 -- The 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked
Sensor Systems
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 20:11:43 -0700
From: SenSys'13 Publicity <sensys(a)cfpmail.info>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies in advance for any cross-postings]
-=* The 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2013) *=-
The ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys) is a
highly selective forum for the presentation of research results on
systems issues in the area of embedded, networked sensors. Distributed
systems based on networked sensors and actuators with embedded
computation capabilities allow for an instrumentation of the physical
world at an unprecedented scale and density, thus enabling a new
generation of monitoring and control applications. SenSys provides a
cross-disciplinary venue for researchers addressing the rich space of
networked sensor system design issues to interact, present and
exchange research results, and demonstrate their work in a hands-on
research exhibition.
SenSys 2013 solicits submissions of both poster and demo abstracts in
reflecting research and development in the above areas of interest.
Contributions from industry presenting prototypes of platforms and
solutions that might enhance future innovative applications are also
encouraged. Submitted abstracts will be evaluated based on technical
merit and innovation as well as their potential to stimulate
interesting discussions and exchange of ideas. Authors of accepted
abstracts will be given a one-minute slot in a "madness session"
during the conference to present their work in front of the conference
audience. As with previous editions of SenSys, the best poster and
demo will receive an award.
All abstracts shall be formatted according to the main conference
paper layout. Accepted abstracts will appear in the conference
Abstract submission: July 22nd, 2013
Notification of acceptance: August 19th, 2013
Camera-ready abstract: August 30th, 2013
If you are submitting a poster abstract, please add "Poster Abstract:"
at the beginning of the abstract's title. Use instead "Demo Abstract:"
otherwise. Please submit your abstract here:
The poster session at SenSys provides a forum for researchers to
present their work and receive feedback from experts attending the
conference. We explicitly encourage submissions from students.
Posters must be submitted as a single PDF containing no more than 3
pages. The first two pages should contain an abstract describing the
research content of the poster, along with title, authors,
institutional affiliations and contact information. The third page
should contain a thumbnail draft of the poster's contents.
For more information, please contact the poster chairs:
Chenyang Lu <lu(a)cse.wustl.edu <mailto:lu@cse.wustl.edu>>
Luca Mottola <luca.mottola(a)polimi.it <mailto:luca.mottola@polimi.it>>
Sensys solicits demonstrations showing innovative research and
applications. Demos which showcase working systems, new platforms and
tools, innovative applications, path breaking ideas, and other
revolutionary concepts are welcome. Submissions from both industry and
universities are encouraged.
Demos must be submitted as a single PDF containing no more than 3
pages. The first two pages should contain an abstract describing the
research content of the demo, along with title, authors, institutional
affiliations and contact information. The third, optional page, whose
format is at your discretion, should contain any additional
information that will be used only to evaluate your demonstration
proposal. For example, you may detail what you will show during the
demo, outline special requirements (e.g., unusual space needs,
exclusive access to a wireless channel, etc.), or provide links to
additional online material related to your demo. Links to videos
showing the demonstration are especially encouraged and videos of
accepted demos will be linked from the SenSys web pages.
For more information, please contact the demo chairs:
Emiliano Miluzzo <miluzzo(a)research.att.com <mailto:miluzzo@research.att.com>>
Amy Murphy <murphy(a)fbk.eu <mailto:murphy@fbk.eu>>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [wkwi] CfP: Telekommunikations- und Internetwirtschaft (MKWI
Datum: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 14:21:08 +0200 (CEST)
Von: Kraemer, Jan (IISM) <kraemer(a)kit.edu>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de
(Bitte entschuldigen Sie eventuelle Mehrfachzustellungen.)
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2014
26.-28.02.2014 in Paderborn
Website: http://mkwi2014.de
Teilkonferenz: Telekommunikations- und Internetwirtschaft
Webseite: http://mkwi2014.de/Cfps/Details/32
Die Telekommunikations- und Internetbranche ist im letzten Jahrzehnt zu
einer Schlüsselindustrie für das Wirtschaftswachstum geworden und aus
unserem gesellschaftlichen Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die gestiegene
Bedeutung der Industrie, die gepaart ist mit einem rasanten
technologischen Fortschritt, machen die Telekommunikations- und
Internetwirtschaft heute zu einem wichtigen Forschungsgebiet der
Wirtschaftsinformatik. Immanente Forschungsfelder ergeben sich
beispielsweise durch die tiefgreifenden Veränderungen in der
Wertschöpfungskette für digitale Dienste, in der die Over-the-top
Diensteanbieter (z.B. Google oder Facebook) zunehmend an Bedeutung
gewinnen und nunmehr in direkter Konkurrenz stehen zu den klassischen
Telekommunikationsanbietern. Bedingt durch den Bedarf an neuen,
breitbandigen Telekommunikationsnetzen, drängen auch neue Teilnehmer in
den Markt (z.B. Energieunternehmen) und tragen zu einer weiteren
Veränderung der Telekommunikations- und Internetwirtschaft bei. Weiterhin
ermöglichen technologische und gesellschaftliche Veränderungen neue
Geschäftsfelder und Services (z.B. Near-Field-Communication, Cloud
Computing) oder tragen zur weiteren Konvergenz der Märkte und Netze bei
(z.B. Smart Grids oder Femtozellen). Der Track ist sowohl offen für
qualitative als auch für quantitative Forschungsarbeiten und lädt daher
empirische, analytische, designorientierte oder konzeptionelle Papiere
gleichermaßen zur Einreichung ein. Interdisziplinäre Arbeiten sind
besonders willkommen.
* Open Internet und Netzneutralität
* Innovationen, Investitionen und Rentabilität von ICT
* Bewertung und Gestaltung neuer Geschäftsmodelle und Services
* Bewertung und Gestaltung von Quality-of-Service in
* Pricing von ICT Diensten, Märkten und Plattformen
* Standardisierung, Interoperabilität und Substitution von ICT Diensten,
Märkten und Plattformen
* Betriebswirtschaftliche Implikationen von Cloud Computing
* Management, Nutzung und Technologieakzeptanz von ICT
* Konvergenz von Energie- und Telekommunikationsmärkten
* Veränderungen im Ökosystem der Telekommunikations- und Internetwirtschaft
Beiträge können in deutscher oder englischer Sprache verfasst werden. Es
können Beiträge als Vollversion (12 Seiten inkl. Deckblatt,
Literaturverzeichnis etc.) und als Research in Progress (7 Seiten inkl.
Deckblatt, Literaturverzeichnis etc.) eingereicht werden. Diese müssen
exakt der Formatvorlage entsprechen. Sämtliche Beiträge werden durch ein
Programmkomitee mindestens 2-fach-blind begutachtet. Die Autoren werden
gebeten, ihre Beiträge zu anonymisieren, indem Namen, Anschrift etc. auf
dem Deckblatt weggelassen werden und die Metadaten in den Word- bzw. den
PDF-Dokumenten gelöscht werden. Die Formatvorlage steht unter
http://www.mkwi2014.de/Content/Formulare/MKWI_Word_Vorlage_2014.dot zum
Download zur Verfügung. Die Autoren werden gebeten, ihre Beiträge online
über die MKWI-2014-Seite einzureichen.
Einreichungsschluss für Beiträge
Benachrichtigung der Autoren
Einreichungsschluss der finalen Beiträge
PD Dr. Jan Krämer, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (Kontakt)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Seifert, Universität Bayreuth
* Dr. Andreas Fier (Deutsche Telekom AG)
* PD Dr. Jan Krämer (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
* Prof. Dr. Dirk Neumann (Universität Freiburg)
* Prof. Dr. Kai Rannenberg (Universität Frankfurt)
* Prof. Dr. Stefan Seifert (Universität Bayreuth)
* Dr. Lukas Wiewiorra (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
* Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Zarnekow (TU Berlin)
Bei Fragen stehe ich Ihnen als Ansprechpartner gerne zur Verfügung.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM)
PD Dr. Jan Krämer
Head of Research Group Telecommunications Markets
Englerstr. 14
Building 01.80
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 721 608-48378
Fax: +49 721 608-48399
Email: kraemer(a)kit.edu
Web: http://www.kraemer.biz
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Workshop on Applications of Software
Agents - WASA 2013
Datum: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 13:57:19 +0300 (EEST)
Von: Sorin Ilie <ilie_sorin(a)software.ucv.ro>
Antwort an: ilie_sorin(a)software.ucv.ro
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
3rd Workshop on Applications of Software Agents - WASA 2013
Sinaia, Romania, October 11-13, 2013
in conjunction with the 17th International Conference on System Theory,
Control and Computing: ICSTCC-2013
Workshop Description
Software agent technologies reached a certain level of maturity that
allows development of
applications spanning from lab prototypes to mature real-life systems, in
domains that could
have not been imagined before. Furthermore, software agent technologies
proved their usefulness
in synergy with methods of intelligent computing and artificial intelligence.
The aim of the WASA workshop is to contribute to the advancement of
technologies and
applications of software agents' with a special interest in intelligent
computing including,
but not limited to: reasoning, semantics, pattern recognition, learning
and cognition, etc. The
workshop welcomes papers addressing research and experience reports on
various applications of
software agents. Papers describing finalized research, as well as
work-in-progress, are
welcome. The topics of the workshop cover, broadly understood, software
agent and intelligent
technologies connected to applications and experiences in areas like:
- e-business
- social networks
- e-learning
- grid and cloud computing
- gaming
- smart environments
- e-health
- multimedia
- disaster and crisis management
- virtual organizations
- simulation
- energy conservation
- sustainability and green computing
- planning and decision making
- traffic control
- image and video understanding
- manufacturing and industrial management
etc. (but this list is not exhaustive).
Program Chairs
Mirjana Ivanovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Maria Ganzha, University of Gdansk and IBS PAN, Poland
Program Co-chairs
Marcin Paprzycki, IBS PAN and WSM, Poland
Costin Badica, University of Craiova, Romania
Program Committee Members (tentative)
Paolo Bresciani, FBK, Italy
Marius Brezovan, University of Craiova, Romania
Zoran Budimac, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Dumitru Dan Burdescu, University of Craiova, Romania
Giacomo Cabri, University of Modena, Italy
Luminita Dumitriu, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
Adina Magda Florea, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria, Italy
Galina Ilieva, University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarsky", Bulgaria
Amelia Badica, University of Craiova, Romania
Gordan Jezic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Petros Kefalas, The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY
College, Greece
Mario Kusek, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Florin Leon, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania
Marin Lujak, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Mihai Mocanu, University of Craiova, Romania
Viorel Negru, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Andrea Omicini, University of Bologna, Italy
Mihaela Oprea, University Petroleum-Gas of Ploiesti, Romania
Doru Panescu, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania
Stefan-Gheorghe Pentiuc, "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Romania
Agostino Poggi, University of Parma, Italy
Liana Stanescu, University of Craiova, Romania
Denis Trcek, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
George Vouros, University of Piraeus, Greece
Constantin-Bala Zamfirescu, University of Sibiu, Romania
Important Dates
Workshop paper submission deadline: July 1, 2013 (extended)
Workshop paper notification: July 15, 2013
Workshop authors' registration and camera-ready papers: July 31, 2013
Workshop: October 11-13, 2013
Post-conference publication
A selection of the best papers accepted and presented at WASA'2013 will be
invited for
extension and possible inclusion (subject to an additional review process)
into a Special Issue
of an internationally recognized journal.
Previous editions
1st Workshop on Applications of Software Agents - WASA 2011
2nd Workshop on Applications of Software Agents - WASA 2012
Romanian publicity chair,
Ph.D. Eng. Sorin Ilie
Member of the Intelligent Distributed Systems(IDS) research group
University of Craiova, Romania
Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronica
Bvd.Decebal 107, Craiova, 200440, Romania
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ECSCW 2013: Final Call for Demos & Videos
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2013 13:18:23 +0300
From: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
<SIGSAND-L(a)CLIFFY.UCS.MUN.CA>, confs-submit(a)hri.org
<confs-submit(a)hri.org>, irlist(a)lists.shef.ac.uk
<irlist(a)lists.shef.ac.uk>, hellas(a)lists.psu.edu
<hellas(a)lists.psu.edu>, CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS(a)LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>,
semantic-web(a)w3.org <semantic-web(a)w3.org>
::: ECSCW 2013 ::: Final Call for Demonstrations & Videos
The 13th European Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2013)
21-25 September 2013, Paphos, Cyprus
Live demonstrations and videos form an important part of the
technical conference
programme. Demonstrations of both research prototypes and
commercial products by
those directly involved in developing the systems are
welcomed. The purpose of
this track is to provide the authors with the ability to
demonstrate their creative
designs and novel groupware developments, to describe more
about their research and
results to interested delegates, and to involve them in
discussions about their work,
exchanging ideas, providing feedback, as well as sharing
Authors submitting a paper to ECSCW 2013 conference may
consider submitting the same
work to Demos & Videos, for example if they want to provide
a demonstration for an
accepted paper. Please note that a separate submission must
be made.
The submissions for Demos & Videos must be related to the
topics of interest of the
ECSCW 2013 main research tracks
Submissions should include a short two page paper, including
all figures, references and
a 50 word max. abstract. It should explicitly state the
contribution and originality of
the work, making it clear how it differs from significant
prior work. A full literature
review is not required.
All submissions should be formatted according to the ECSCW
formatting instructions:
(http://ecscw2013.cs.ucy.ac.cy/templates.zip) and submitted
via EasyChair
All submissions should be accompanied by an Exhibition Plan
(in MSWord format),
describing technical requirements (e.g. exceptional power
(V), dimensions and footprint
of exhibit (cm), lighting conditions, internet
connectivity). A power strip (230V),
a poster board (A1), and an ordinary table will be provided.
Additional equipment must
be supplied by the demonstrator unless explicitly confirmed
otherwise by the organisers.
The Demos & Videos papers will be published in ECSCW 2013
Proceedings Volume 2
(previously known as the conference supplement). Volume 2
will be printed in the
Aarhus University, Department of Computer Science Report
Series and will be available
in printed form for the conference participants as well as
?Submission Deadline: 7 June 2013 (5:00pm PDT) using EasyChair
?Notification Date: 12 July 2013
?Camera-Ready Deadline: 26 August 2013
Abigail Durrant, Newcastle University
David Kirk, Newcastle University
Contact: ecscw2013demos(a)gmail.com
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Final CFP: KM&EL Special Issue on
Technology for Higher Education, Adult Learning and Human
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2013 14:35:21 +0800
From: maggie wang <maggiemhwang(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*Final **Call for Papers***
*/Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International
Journal (KM&EL)/**//*
*(Indexed by SCOPUS)*
*Special Issue on***
*Technology **for**Higher Education, Adult Learning and
Human Performance***
*/Guest Editors/*
/Dr. Maggie M. Wang///
Faculty of Education,
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Email: magwang(a)hku.hk <mailto:magwang@hku.hk>
/Prof. Chi-Cheng Chang///
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Email: samchang(a)ntnu.edu.tw <mailto:samchang@ntnu.edu.tw>
/Dr. Feng Wu///
Department of Educational Technology,
Peking University, China
Email: wufeng(a)pku.edu.cn <mailto:wufeng@pku.edu.cn>
This special issue of the KM&EL international journal is
dedicated to technology-enabled solutions and novel
methodical approachesforhigher education, adult learning,and
human performance. Globalization and economic dynamics have
forced individuals and organizations to search for new ways
to strengthen their competitive advantages. Improvement of
learning and human performance for sustainable development
has been recognized as a key strategy. In this context, it
is crucial to help adult learners in educational
institutions and employees in the workplace to improve their
self-directed and life-long learning
capabilities.Furthermore, learning in this context has
expanded from individual to organizational and community
levels with new focuses such as externalization of tacit
knowledge embedded in expertise and practice, peer-driven
mutual learning and knowledge sharing, and systemic
retention of knowledge assets for long-term development.
In the meantime, advances in technology have been
increasingly enabling and facilitating learning and
knowledge-related initiatives. Technology has fundamentally
changed the way for access to knowledge and for
communication with others. Various technology-enhanced
solutions and novel methodical approachesare currently
widely used in educational institutions, corporations,
governments and communities. e-Learning, the use of
electronic media and ICTs, has largely extended learning and
training opportunities. More importantly, technologies have
considerably fostered self-directed knowledge construction
through the provision and support for resource-based,
learner-centered environment, computer-based learning
assistance, and expanded social interactions including the
development of new forms of learning communities and
networks. More recently, the cloud computing technology has
brought unprecedented opportunities for educational
institutions and other organizations to extend their ICT
capacity and for people to access knowledge resources with
high flexibility and wide choices.
This special issueaims to provide a forum for academics and
practitioners to explore issues related to use, analysis,
design, and evaluation of technologies-based approaches in
higher education and various organizational and community
environment as well as the impact of technology on improving
learning and human performance.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* e-Learning in higher education
* e-Learning for continuing education
* Distance education and lifelong learning
* Computer-supported self-directed learning
* Instructional design in e-learning
* Knowledge management and e-learning
* e-Learning/e-Training in organizations and communities
* Case study and best practice of e-learning
* Web-based corporate training
* e-Learning and human performance
* e-Learning and human resource development
* Evaluation of online learning performance
* Online learning environments and tools
* Online curriculum development
* Cloud computing in education
* Medical informatics and education
* Nurse educationand training
We are interested in both theoretical and practicalpapers
that aim to improve learning and human performanceby
applying the latest technological advances. We would like to
stimulate interest in the issues across academia, practice,
industry, research and policy,and therefore we welcome
focused papers from all sectors.
*_Important Dates_*_**_
Submission due: 15^th Jun 2013
Notification of acceptance: 26^th Jul 2013
Publication schedule: Sep 2013
*_Submission Instructions_*__
Electronic submission by email to Guest Editorsis
required(magwang(a)hku.hk <mailto:magwang@hku.hk>).
Papers must not have been published, accepted for
publication, or presently be under consideration for
publication elsewhere. A standard double-blind review
process will be used for selecting papers to be published in
this special issue. Authors should follow the instructions
outlined in the KM&EL Website (see
For more information about the KM&EL, please visit the web