-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] WI-IAT'13 Call for Posters
Datum: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 10:38:22 -0500
Von: Wenjun Zhou <wzhou7(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The 2013 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on
Web Intelligence (WI) / Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT) 2013
November 17 -20, Atlanta, GA , USA
Call for Posters
IAT 2013 provides a leading international forum to bring together
researchers and practitioners from diverse fields, such as computer
science, information technology, business, education, systems
engineering, and robotics, to (1) examine the design principles and
performance characteristics of various approaches in intelligent agent
technology, and (2) increase the cross-fertilization of ideas on the
development of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems among different
domains. Whereas WI'13 provides a leading international forum to bring
together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields, to increase
the cross-fertilization of ideas and explore the fundamental roles,
interactions as well as practical impacts of Artificial Intelligence
engineering and Advanced Information Technology on the next generation
of Web systems. By encouraging idea-sharing and discussions on the
underlying logical, cognitive, physical, and sociological foundations as
well as the enabling technologies of intelligent agents, WI-IAT 2013
will foster the development of novel paradigms and advanced solutions in
the aforementioned direction of research.
The poster track in WI-IAT?13 will be devoted for providing an
interaction opportunity for researchers and practitioners, in particular
advanced PhD students nearing their degree completion, to present and
demonstrate their new and innovative work-in-progress. The focus for
this track would be specifically directed towards the industrial
counterpart of the research in this domain so that for the attendees can
validate their work in the context of current industry standards,
requirements and trends. It gives conference participants a forum where
they can learn about novel on-going research projects that might not yet
be complete, but whose preliminary results are already in an interesting
phase. It also provides poster presenters with an excellent opportunity
to receive invaluable feedback from knowledgeable sources and as well as
chance to interact with industry people that have similar fields of
Posters Committee members of WI-IAT?13 will peer review the submissions
on this track based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity.
Poster authors should consult the main Call for papers of the conference
for the topics. Accepted poster papers will be allocated 2 pages in the
conference proceedings. In addition to the 2-page submission, accepted
poster authors will be asked to generate a poster and possible
demonstration to be displayed in a dedicated poster area and presented
during a poster session at the conference. Best poster awards would be
provided by the committee judges? panel to encourage quality effort.
*Paper Submission*
Complete manuscripts must be electronically submitted through the
WI-IAT? 13?s cyber chair system website at
http://cs.gsu.edu/wic2013/wi/paper-submission. Manuscripts should be at
most two (2) pages in IEEE two-column format, including figures, tables,
and references. Authors must use the IEEE manuscript templates to
prepare their manuscript. Submission MUST be in PDF format.
*Important Dates*
Electronic submission: May 1, 2013
Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2013
Camera-ready of accepted posters: September 1, 2013
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [wkwi] Last CFP - Green-IS for Sustainability in
Inter-OrganizationalNetworks at AMCIS 2013
Datum: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 08:35:28 +0100 (CET)
Von: Seidel Stefan <Stefan.Seidel(a)uni.li>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de
Apologies for cross-posting
*Last Call for Papers*
19^th American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013):
Track: Green IS and Sustainability
*Mini track: "Green-IS for Sustainability in Inter-Organizational Networks"*
Chicago, Illinois, USA (http://amcis2013.aisnet.org), 15--17 August 2013
Paper submission due: February 22, 2013
Notification of acceptance: April 22, 2013
Among scholars and practitioners alike issues related to corporate
sustainability have become increasingly important due to global warming,
environmental degradation, and the scarcity of (fossil) resources. In
making business practices more sustainable, information system (IS)
enhanced solutions, typically referred to Green IS, are expected to play
an essential role (Watson et al. 2011). The effects of Green IS can be
(1) direct, e.g. due to more efficient usage of IS/IT-resources (2)
indirect, e.g., due to more sustainable business processes, or (3)
systemic, for instance, causing behavioral changes of employees. While
many studies focus on single organizations, to date only little research
has been conducted regarding the adoption, usage, and design of Green IS
in inter-organizational networks. Supporting sustainable business
practices within and across organizations requires a research agenda
that investigates topics such as inter-organizational sustainability
governance, sustainable supply chain management, product life cycle
accounting, recycling, carbon management accounting, or energetic and
non-energetic resource consumption across value chains. The IS community
is thus challenged to contribute to our understanding of how IS can
foster sustainability in complex inter-organizational networks while
simultaneously considering economic imperatives. We invite contributions
that explore the range of technical, organizational, economic, and
social perspectives on Green IS for sustainability in
inter-organizational networks from diverse perspectives which include --
but are not limited to -- the field of business information systems,
management, machine learning, operations research, and computer science
as well as contributions from practitioners which provide business
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Adoption and usage of Green IS in corporate and inter-organizational
* IS for inter-organizational sustainability governance
* Green IS and their integration in corporate enterprise information
* IS for green supply chain management
* Resource efficiency in supply chains (e.g., smart logistics)
* Adoption and usage of environmental management information systems
in corporate and inter-organizational networks
* IS for environmental data collection
* IS for sustainability reporting
* Product lifecycle management and analysis in inter-organizational
networks (e.g., reuse,recycling, remanufacturing,energetic and
non-energetic consumption of resources)
* Product carbon footprints in inter-organizational networks
* IS for carbon management accounting in inter-organizational networks
* Use, effect, and design of technologies such as cloud computing
and virtualization that improve the greening of organizations
* Understanding Green IT practices and its strategic benefits for
* Adoption and effects of sustainable business practices
* Drivers for greening in organizations
* Measuring sustainability in management accounting and process
performance measurement
*Mini-Track Chairs*
Matthias Schumann
Chair of Application Systems and E-Business
University of Göttingen
Mschuma1(a)uni-goettingen.de <mailto:Mschuma1@uni-goettingen.de>
Johann Kranz
Chair of Management Information Systems and Methods
Georg-August-University Goettingen
jkranz(a)uni-goettingen.de <mailto:jkranz@uni-goettingen.de>
Stefan Seidel
Institute of Information Systems
University of Liechtenstein
stefan.seidel(a)uni.li <mailto:stefan.seidel@uni.li>
This e-mail message has been scanned for Viruses and Content and cleared
by *MailMarshal *
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFPs & Workshops Proposals: 4th Intl.
Conf. on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks
Datum: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 11:58:48 +0000
Von: Elhadi Shakshuki <elhadi.shakshuki(a)acadiau.ca>
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
The 4th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks
21-24 October, 2013
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Conference Website: http://cs-conferences.acadiau.ca/euspn-13/
- Workshop Proposal Due: February 25, 2013
- Papers Submission Deadline April 10, 2013
- Acceptance Notification: June 10, 2013
- Camera-Ready Submission: July 10, 2013
The 4th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN) is a premier venue for bringing together multi-disciplinary researchers, professionals and practitioners from both academia and industry, who are engaged in different facets of ubiquitous systems and pervasive networks. The conference encourages innovative research contributions providing the recent significant developments and promising future trends of EUSPN based applications, systems, tools, environments and infrastructures in the fields of EUSPN and related areas.
All EUSPN-2013 accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Computer Science series on-line. Procedia Computer Sciences is hosted on www.Elsevier.com and on Elsevier content platform ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect.com), and will be freely available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will also be indexed by Scopus (www.scopus.com) and Engineering Village (Ei) (www.engineeringvillage.com). This includes EI Compendex (www.ei.org/compendex). The papers will contain linked references, XML versions and citable DOI numbers. All accepted papers will also be indexed in DBLP (http://dblp.uni-trier.de/). Selected papers will be invited for publication, in the special issues of:
- Journal of Computer and System Sciences, by Elsevier http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-computer-and-system-sciences/
- The Computer Journal, by Oxford http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/
- Journal of Mobile Information Systems, by IOS Press http://www.iospress.nl/journal/mobile-information-systems/
EUSPN-2013 will be held in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH: http://cs-conferences.acadiau.ca/icth-13/).
Papers on either completed or ongoing research are invited in the following and related tracks. For further details, please see website at: http://cs-conferences.acadiau.ca/euspn-13/.
- Autonomic and Pervasive Network Management
- Databases and Ubiquitous Data Management
- Human Computer Interaction for Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing
- Internet of Things
- Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Networks
- Multi-agent Systems and Intelligent Computing
- Pervasive Algorithms, Protocols and Networks
- Pervasive Cloud, Cluster and Grid Computing
- Pervasive Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Vehicular Networks & Applications
- Pervasive/Ubiquitous Ad hoc, Mesh and Sensor Networks
- RFID Technologies for Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing
- Sensing and Actuation Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks
- Service Oriented Pervasive Computing
- Software Engineering for Pervasive Systems and Applications
- Ubiquitous Data Mining
- Ubiquitous Intelligence & Cyber-Physical Computing
- Ubiquitous Multimedia and Social Computing
- Ubiquitous Security and Privacy Solutions
- Ubiquitous Smart Systems and Applications
- Ubiquitous Static and Mobile Systems
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically using the online conference management system in PDF format before the deadline April 30, 2013.
The submission processes will be managed by easychair.org. If you have used this system before, you can use the same username and password. If this is your first time using EasyChair, you will need to register for an account by clicking "I have no EasyChair account" button. Upon completion of registration, you will get a notification email from the system and you are ready for submitting your paper. You can upload and re-upload the paper to the system by the submission due date.
General Chairs
Hossam Hassanein, Queen's University, Canada
Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia
General Vice-Chairs
Karim Djouani, South African Institute of Technology, South Africa
Soumaya Cherkaoui, Sherbrooke University, Canada
Mohamed Younis, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Program Chairs
Ridha Khedri, McMaster University, Canada
Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada
Advisory Committee
Ali Ghorbani, University of New Brunswick, Canada
David Taniar, Monash University, Australia
Edward Blum, University of Southern California, USA
Irfan Awan, University of Bradford, UK
Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada
Makoto Takizawa, Seikei University, Japan
Nirwan Ansari, University Heights Newark, USA
Vincenzo Loia, University of Salerno, Italy
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
Workshops Chairs
Ansar Yasser, Hasselt University, Belgium
Stephane Galland, UTBM, France
International Journals Chair
Michael Sheng, University of Adelaide, Australia
Publicity Chairs
Xitong Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Mike Ma, University of Adelaide, Australia
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Human-Centric Information Systems (HC-IS 2013
Workshop @ CAiSE'13) - Call for Papers
Datum: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 11:07:33 +0100
Von: Sonja Kabicher-Fuchs <sonja.kabicher-fuchs(a)univie.ac.at>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
HC-IS 2013
The 2st Workshop on Human-Centric Information Systems (HC-IS 2013,
continuation of the HC-PAIS workshop series) will be held in conjunction
with the 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems
Engineering (CAiSE'13) in Valencia, Spain, in June 17-21 2013.
Call for Papers
The HC-IS workshop is focused on human orientation and human factors in
the context of Information Systems (IS) research. The workshop aims to
support investigations and novel solutions for human integration into
IS, and interaction of humans with IS in general. In continuing the
successful series of the HC-PAIS workshop series, the HC-IS 2013
workshop will also provide a platform for discussing research on human
orientation in different types of IS, such as Process-Aware Information
Systems (PAIS), Business Process Management Suites (BPMS) and Workflow
Systems (WfS). The workshop aims to offer a portal for researchers,
discussions, and contributions of interdisciplinary research dedicated
to the investigation of particularly human-centric activities and
processes that demand human judgment, human skills and competencies,
human experiences, and discernment. The HC-IS workshop appreciates
diversity in the chosen research methodology (reaching from e.g.
empirical research to action research, and design science research), and
welcomes technical, empirical, experiential, and exploratory contributions.
Workshop Topics:
Contributions to further human factors in alliance with IS in general,
or specific IS such as PAIS, BPMS, WfS, are welcome. Topics include but
are not limited to:
• Human orientation and human factors in IS
• Human resource modeling in IS
• Human-centric functionalities and services in IS
• Motivation, satisfaction and performance of humans working with IS
• Work life quality of humans working with IS
• Creativity in IS
• Teams, groups, and social collaborative processes in IS
• Role conflicts, role motivation, compliance behavior in IS
• Visualization, personalized visualization and representation
• Context-integration, customization in IS
• Security and Privacy in human-centric IS
• (Organizational) Culture, gender, and diversity in IS
• Process innovation and process adaptation for human-centric IS
• Cognitive theory reflection in IS
• User properties in the context of process modeling and IS
• User-centric automatisms and feedback loops in IS
Important Dates
Workshop paper submission: 27th February 2013
Notification of acceptance: 20th March 2013
Submission of camera-ready papers: 27th March 2013
Workshop: 18th June 2013
More information about HC-IS 2013 can be found at
Papers should be submitted in PDF format until the 27th February 2013
via Easychair https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hcis2013 . The
results described must be unpublished and must not be under review
elsewhere. Submissions must conform to Springer's LNBIP format and
should not exceed 12 pages, including all text, figures, references and
appendices. Submissions not conforming to the LNBIP format, exceeding 12
pages, or being obviously out of the scope of the workshop, will be
rejected without review. Information about the Springer LNBIP format can
be found at
http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0. Three to
five keywords characterizing the paper should be indicated at the end of
the abstract.
Authors of the submitted HCIS workshop papers will receive the
notification of acceptance until the 20th March 2013. The accepted
papers will be published in the Springer LNBIP series.
Workshop Chairs
Sonja Kabicher-Fuchs (sonja.kabicher-fuchs(a)univie.ac.at)
University of Vienna, Research Group Workflow Systems and Technology
Stefanie Rinderle-Ma (stefanie.rinderle-ma(a)univie.ac.at)
University of Vienna, Research Group Workflow Systems and Technology
Jan Recker (j.recker(a)qut.edu.au)
Queensland University of Technology, Information Systems School, Science
& Engineering Faculty
Program Committee
Francois Charoy (Université de Lorraine)
Rob Christiaanse (Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Schahram Dustdar (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Kathrin Figl (Vienna University of Economics, Austria)
Gregor Grambow (Ulm University, Germany)
Marta Indulska (University of Queensland, Australia)
Jens Kolb (Ulm University, Germany)
Simone Kriglstein (University of Vienna, Austria)
Jan Mendling (Vienna University of Economics, Austria)
Manfred Reichert (Ulm University, Germany)
Hajo Reijers (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Stefan Seidel (University of Lichtenstein, Lichtenstein)
Kenia Sousa (Intrasoft International, Belgium)
Joyce Nakatumba (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Irene Vanderfeesten (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Barbara Weber (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Moe Wynn (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Workshops in CISTI'2013 - 8th Iberian
Conference on IST, Lisbon, June 19-22
Datum: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 16:26:14 +0000
Von: Maria Lemos <marialemos72(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: cistimail(a)gmail.com
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
8th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Lisbon, Portugal, June 19 - 22, 2013
Workshops in CISTI'2013 (8th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies) with CFP open:
> IAwDQ 2013 - Fourth Ibero-American Workshop on Data Quality
> SGaMePlay 2013 - Third Iberian Workshop on Serious Games and Meaningful Play
> TICAMES 2013 - First Workshop on Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education: Learning Mathematics
> WIA 2013 - Primero Workshop en Innovación Abierta
> WISA 2013 - Fifth Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications
> WISIS 2013 - Third Workshop on Information Systems for Interactive Spaces
> WSEQP 2013 - First Workshop in Software Engineering and Quality Process
URL: http://www.aisti.eu/cisti2013/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=…
Best regards,
Maria Lemos
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP AMCIS 2013: Understanding and Managing IS
Innovation in Collaborative Networks
Datum: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 17:27:08 +0100
Von: Joao Porto <jporto(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
August 15-17, 2013
MINITRACK: Understanding and Managing IS Innovation in Collaborative Networks
TRACK: End-User Information Systems, Innovation, and Organizational
Change (SIGOSRA)
Today’s organizations are highly interconnected in manifold kinds of
collaborative networks, such as virtual organizations, enterprise
alliances, business ecosystems, supply chains, ad-hoc networks (e.g.
in disaster scenarios). Furthermore, the widespread use of mobile
devices and social media by end-users are extending the reach of
collaborative networks across the usual limits of organizations.
Traditional approaches for IS/IT innovation management and
organizational change can hardly be applied in this context, since
they are generally focused on a single organization with well-defined
borders. The design, management and deployment of IS innovations
within and for such collaborative networks brings about important
challenges for IS research. These challenges include adapting existing
IS frameworks, methodologies and approaches to deal with the
socio-technical complexity of collaborative networks. Socio-technical
complexity arises in these networks not only from integrating a
diversity of organizations and their corresponding information and
technology infrastructures, but also from their interaction with
people outside the organization boundaries and with society (e. g. by
mobile devices and social media).
This mini-track aims at providing a forum for research on methods for
analyzing and intervening into collaborative networks that consider
the tremendous size, geographical dispersion, socio-technical
intertwining as well as the limited possibilities to influence these
networks. We encourage conceptual, theoretical, methodological as well
as empirical contributions towards understanding and managing IS
innovations in collaborative networks.
• Understanding and managing IS innovation in different types of
collaborative networks (business ecosystems, virtual organizations,
enterprise alliances, etc.)
• Theoretical approaches for unraveling socio-technical complexity in
collaborative networks
• Suitability of traditional IS management methods and tools (e.g.
Business Process Management, IT Governance, Enterprise Architecture)
for collaborative networks
• Design and cultivation approaches for IS innovation and
organizational change in collaborative networks
• IS innovation management in ad-hoc collaborative networks (e.g. in
disaster management)
• Inter-organizational information infrastructures for collaborative networks
• Geospatial approaches for dealing with collaborative networks
• IS interoperability and integration issues in collaborative networks
• Collaborative and open IS/IT innovation in systems of IS/IT innovation
• IS/IT innovation in ultra large-scale collaborative networks
• Success and failure of IS innovations in collaborative networks
• End-User integration in inter-organizational innovation processes
(e. g. by end-user mobile applications or social media)
• Methodologies for analyzing and intervening in complex collaborative networks
• Teaching cases for IS innovation in collaborative networks
January 4, 2013 Manuscript Central will start accepting paper submissions
February 22, 2013 Deadline for paper submissions
April 22, 2013 Authors will be notified of acceptances on or about this date
May 9, 2013 For accepted papers, camera-ready copy due
To submit a paper, please follow the directions below.
- Please use the AMCIS2013 Paper Template
- Submit your paper to http://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2013/ .
Submissions will close on February 22, 2013 at 11:59 CST.
João P. de Albuquerque
Department of Computer Systems
ICMC, University of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos, Brazil
P.O. Box 668, 13560-970 - Sao Carlos/SP, Brazil
Paul Drews
Department of Informatics
University of Hamburg, Germany
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30
D-22527 Hamburg
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 1st CFP: 6th Special Track on Computer-based Knowledge & Skill
Assessment and Feedback in Learning Settings (CAF 2013), Kazan, Russia
September 25 - 27, 2013
Datum: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 17:27:39 +0100
Von: Mohammad Smadi <msmadi(a)iicm.tu-graz.ac.at>
An: Mohammad Smadi <msmadi(a)iicm.tu-graz.ac.at>
** Apologies for Cross Postings **
* 6^th Special Track on **
Computer-based Knowledge & Skill Assessment*
*and Feedback in Learning Settings (CAF 2013)*
*Kazan, Russia **September 25 - 27, 2013**
http://www.iicm.edu/CAF2013 <http://www.iicm.edu/CAF2011>*
***In conjunction with **
16th International Conference on
Interactive Computer aided Learning (ICL 2013)*
*CAF 2013 -- September 25 -- 27, 2013, in Kazan, Russia***
*Sixth Special Track on *
*/Computer-based Knowledge & Skill Assessment and Feedback in Learning
Settings (CAF)/*
This special track will take place during ICL 2013 in Kazan, Russia (25
- 27 September 2013) as a special programme item.
/The Special Track CAF 2013/provides an interdisciplinary forum for
international scientists and practitioners to discuss various aspects of
e-assessment and learning analytics in learning settings and based on
that feedback provision for students and teachers. This year CAF is
organized in cooperation with the European funded project ALICE
(Adaptive Learning via Intuitive/Interactive, Collaborative and
Emotional System), http://www.aliceproject.eu.
The /International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Learning
(ICL)/ is an interdisciplinary conference which aims to focus on the
exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the
presentation of practical experiences in interactive computer aided
Our modern life at the beginning of the 21st century is strongly
influenced by effects such as rapidly changing and developing
information, technology-enhanced communication and information access,
and new forms of production and services in a globalized world. This
situation requires individuals to adapt their skills and competencies.
Consequently, educational objectives and societal expectations have
changed significantly in recent years. Modern learning settings must
consider learning community aspects as well as learner-centered,
knowledge-centered and assessment-centered aspects.
By focusing on the assessment, this concept can be further distinguished
in (1) summative assessment, performed at the end of a set of learning
activities, and (2) formative assessment, which is intended to give
continuous feedback to students and teachers. The latter mentioned
formative assessment gives information about the current state of
knowledge and/or the degree of knowledge acquisition within learning
Assessment is an important component of modern teaching and learning
processes in face-to-face courses as well as in e-learning environments;
it provides valuable feedback to teachers and students which allows the
revision and adaptation of teaching and learning activities.
Furthermore, assessment activities and results can also be utilized for
building and strengthening metacognitive skills. However, continuous and
frequent assessment in learning processes may cause excessive efforts
and costs. Therefore, computer-assisted assessment systems (CaAS) and
computer-based assessment systems (CbAS) have become of increasing
interest over the years. Assessment systems may support parts or the
entire chain of the assessment lifecycle. This lifecycle includes
authoring and management of assessment items, compilation of specific
tests, performance of assessments, and compilation and management
results. Additionally, emerging interest in the sharing and re-use of
assessment items or compiled assessment tests and the exchangeability of
assessment outcomes has resulted in standardization efforts, such as the
IMS Question & Test Interoperability Specification (IMS QTI).
The special track will bring together international researchers as well
as practitioners from different organisations who will have plenty of
time for networking and real-world knowledge sharing.
CAF is interested in novel scientific research, findings from
experiments and results from real-life applications. We invite
submissions that deal with issues including, but not limited to:
* Aspects of formative and summative assessment
* History and challenges of e-assessment
* Computer-supported assessment rubric
* Computer-based knowledge & skill assessment for individuals and groups
* Computer-supported peer assessment for individuals and groups
* Computer-supported self-assessment and group assessment
* Computer-based student and teacher feedback about knowledge state
and acquisition
* Computer-based assessment in adaptive e-learning
* Learning analytics
* Web 2.0 and assessment & feedback for individual and group learning
* Assessment in Immersive Educational Environments
* Automated essay grading
* Natural short answer assessment
* Assessment and feedback in computer-based simulations
* Assessment and feedback in game-based learning settings
* Test & training data and evaluation procedures
* Reuse, Interoperability and Standardization
* Security and Privacy
*Important Dates*
* 22 April 2013: Submission of full papers (8 pages), short papers (4
* 27 May 2013: Notification of acceptance
* 30 Aug. 2013: Camera ready version (8 pages)
* 25.-27. Sept. 2013: ICL Conference in Kazan, Russia
*Submission Procedure*
File Types: Word for Windows
Language: English (British or US)
Style Guides & Template:http://www.icl-conference.org/template.doc
Paper Submission System: Please use the Electronic Submission Page
In case of problems or questions concerning the submission of papers,
please contact the track chairs at CAF2013(a)iicm.edu
*Notification of Acceptance and Publishing*
Accepted papers will be published within the ICL conference
proceedings. At least one author has to register within 2 weeks after
the notification of acceptance to be included into the conference
programme (11. June 2013). Authors fee is applicable only once per paper!
Some authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their
paper for publication in the "European Journal of Open and Distance
Learning" (EURODL) or the "International Journal of Emerging
Technologies in Learning" (iJET).
*CAF 2013 Chairs*
Christian Gütl, Graz University of Technology, Austria & Curtin
University, Western Australia
Barbara Kerr, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Mohammad AL-Smadi, Tallinn University, Estonia
*CAF 2013 Organization team*
Johanna Pirker, Graz University of Technology, Austria & MIT, USA
Alexander Nussbaumer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
*CAF 2013 Program Committee (tentative)*
* Dietrich Albert, University of Graz, Austria
* Manuel Castro, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain
* Vanessa Chang, Curtin University, Australia
* Carlos Delgado Kloos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
* Peter Dolog, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Heinz Dreher, Curtin University, Australia
* Baltasar Fernández-Manjón, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
* Michael Granitzer, University of Passau, Germany
* Margit Höfler, Graz University, Austria
* Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
* Narayanan Kulathuramaiyer, University Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
* Stephanie Linek, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Germany
* Peter Reimann, University of Sydney, Australia
* Sandra Schön, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, Austria
* Marcus Specht, Open University of the Netherlands, Netherlands
* Daniela Tuparov, South Western University, Bulgarian
* SylviaWong, Aston University, UK
*Further Information:*
Information about ICL 2013: http://www.icl-conference.org/icl2013/
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [EDEN-News] EDEN 2013 Conference, Oslo - Registration Open
Datum: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 18:20:17 +0100
Von: EDEN Annual Conference Secretariat 2013, Oslo <oslo(a)eden-online.org>
An: EDEN News <Eden-News(a)eden-online.org>
Learners in the Driving Seat
Registration is now open!
Due to several extension requests online paper submission
will remain open
until 15 February 2013!
Online Registration
The EDEN Secretariat is taking care of the registration for the 2013
Annual Conference <http://www.eden-online.org/2013_oslo.html>. Please,
visit the Registration menu
<http://www.eden-online.org/2013_oslo/registration.html> on the web and
use the Online Registration Form
<http://www.eden-online.org/online/oslo/register> to join the event. All
attendees (presenting or visiting) are expected to register.
Registration fee includes all conference facilities, the electronic
Conference Proceedings, the Book of Abstracts, the Welcome Cocktail,
lunches and coffees. Authors of contributions accepted for presentation
can benefit from a reduced fee. For each paper, only one reduced
author's fee will be offered.
Combined conference registration and EDEN membership with discounted fee
will be offered again. Group of more than 3 persons registering from the
same institution can apply for a reduced (by 15 %) conference fee. For
young scholars (under 35 years), full time students and PhD students
discounts may be granted.
Call for Contributions
The EDEN 2013 Annual Conference will include *paper presentations*,
interactive *workshops*, *poster* sessions and short *demonstrations*.
Double peer-reviewed accepted submissions will be published in the
electronic Conference Proceedings with ISBN and their summary in the
printed Book of Abstracts.
For details on submission categories, on how to submit your proposal and
format guidelines, please visit the conference website
<http://www.eden-online.org/2013_oslo.html> and the Call for
<http://www.eden-online.org/2013_oslo/call-for-contributions.html> menu.
Keynote Speakers
* *Sugata Mitra* <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugata_Mitra>,
Professor of Educational Technology, Newcastle University, UK
* *Bernie Luskin*
President for the Media Psychology Division of the American
* *Anne Kirah*
Senior Design and Innovation Anthropologist, Steria, Norway
* *Kristin Halvorsen*
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin_Halvorsen>, Norwegian Minister
of Education and Research
* *Ana Carla Pereira*
Head of Unit at EU Commission, DG Education and Culture
* Representative of the *Norwegian Nobel Committee*
* *"Nordic online": * The best practice of distance and e-learning
from the Nordic countries.
Anne Kirah
Sugata Mitra
Ana Carla Pereira
Online and Social
The Conference will be supported and accompanied intensively by social
networking, sharing, online and virtual presence and involvement
possibilities. You are invited to share on Twitter
<https://twitter.com/#%21/EDEN20_Official>, Facebook
<http://www.facebook.com/groups/376204509134708/>, Slideshare
<http://www.slideshare.net/eden_online> and Youtube
<http://www.youtube.com/user/edendissem/videos>. The conference hashtag
is #EDENOslo. A curated Conference news service is collecting related
information via it's Scoop.it account
The EDEN Oslo Facebook group
<http://www.facebook.com/groups/376204509134708/> is already active.
Conference Venue, Oslo
The conference will take place at the University of Oslo
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhs7xIrxnm0&feature=youtu.be>, campus
Blindern, Georg Sverdrup Building. This building with great
architecture, was inaugurated in 1999, and houses the humanities and
social sciences library.
Social Events
The Conference offers a great opportunity to socalize and network in an
informal setting as well.
The *Welcome Reception* will take place on 12 June in the City Hall of
(venue under confirmation). This building has a unique history,
architecture and art collection which is visited by over 300 000
national and international guests every year. It is also the proud host
of the Nobel Peace Prize.
It has developed into tradition of the EDEN Conferences to organise a
*Book and Wine Party*, a gathering in the end of the first day (13 June)
for the lovers of literature and good wines where they can share by
short presentations their latest interesting reading experience.
The *Conference Dinner* on 21 June, with entertainment, will be
organised in the famous Akershus Castle
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akershus_Fortress>, located in the city
centre by the Oslo Fjord.
The Dinner is combined with a folklore programme at the beginning. The
EDEN Best Research Paper Award will be presented at the event.
Georg Sverdrups hus, Blindern. Photo: Francesco Saggio, UiO. Source
City Hall of Oslo
Akershus Castle
/You may follow conference updates via Facebook
and Twitter <https://twitter.com/eden20_official>./
/If you would like to be removed from our mailing list,
simply follow the link on the bottom of this letter./
EDEN - European Distance and e-Learning Network Secretariat
Tel: +36 1 463 4628, 463 2537 Fax: +36 1 463 1858
E-mail: secretariat(a)eden-online.org <mailto:secretariat@eden-online.org>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP IC3K 2013 - 5th International Joint Conference
on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Datum: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 18:53:51 -0000
Von: CalendarSites <calendarsites(a)insticc.org>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
5th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge
Engineering and Knowledge Management -- IC3K 2013
September 19 - 22, 2013
Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal
*Important Deadlines:*
*Regular Papers *
Paper Submission: March 12, 2013
Authors Notification: May 13, 2013
Final Paper Submission and Registration: June 4, 2013
*Sponsored by:*
INSTICC-Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control
and Communication
*INSTICC is Member of:*
FIPA -- Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents
WfMC - Workflow Management Coaliton
OMG - Object Management Group
The purpose of the IC3K is to bring together researchers, engineers and
practitioners on the areas of Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering
and Knowledge Management. IC3K is composed of three co-located
conferences, each specialized in at least one of the aforementioned main
knowledge areas.
IC3K is composed of three co-located conferences, each specialized in at
least one of the aforementioned main knowledge areas.
*- KDIR: International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information
Web mining
Machine Learning
Foundations of knowledge discovery in databases
Data Analytics
Data mining in electronic commerce
Interactive and online data mining
Process mining
Integration of data warehousing and data mining
Data reduction and quality assessment
Mining high-dimensional data
Mining text and semi-structured data
Mining multimedia data
Structured data analysis and statistical methods
BioInformatics & pattern discovery
Clustering and classification methods
Pre-processing and post-processing for data mining
Visual data mining and data visualization
Software development
Business intelligence applications
Information extraction
Concept Mining
Context Discovery
Information Extraction from Emails
User Profiling and Recommender Systems
Collaborative Filtering
*- KEOD: International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology
Ontology Engineering
Decision Support Systems
Semantic Web
Natural language processing
Intelligent Problem Solving
Knowledge Acquisition
Knowledge Representation
Information Integration
Expert Systems
Human-Machine Cooperation
Process knowledge and semantic services
Knowledge reengineering
AI programming
Applications and case-studies
Ontology matching and alignment
Ontology sharing and reuse
Context Analysis and Modeling
Domain Analysis and Modeling
Education and Training Issues
Enterprise Ontology
*- KMIS: International Conference on Knowledge Management and
Information Sharing*
Organizational semiotics
Digital libraries
Enterprise Information Systems
Metadata and structured documents
Best practices & communities of practice
Business intelligence & CRM
Communication, collaboration and information sharing
Impact measurement of knowledge management
Tools and technology for knowledge management
Knowledge management projects
Organizational memories
Learning organization & organizational learning
Intelligent information systems
Social networks and the psychological dimension
Intellectual capital
Studies, metrics & benchmarks
Innovation facilitation
KM strategies and implementations
Information security
Business Process Management
Requirements Engineering
These three concurrent conferences are held in parallel and registration
to one warrants delegates to attend all three.
*IC3K Keynote Speakers*
*Alan Eardley*,
<http://www.ic3k.org/KeynoteSpeakers.aspx#1>Staffordshire University,
United Kingdom
(List not yet complete)
All accepted papers (full and short) will be published in the conference
proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the
SCITEPRESS Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/).
SCITEPRESS is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and
extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer-Verlag
in a CCIS Series book.
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP and EI
(Elsevier Index).
The awards will be announced and bestowed at the conference closing session.
*IC3K Conference Chair*
Joaquim Filipe, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal / INSTICC, Portugal
Please check further details at the conference website (*http://ic3k.org/).*
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call for Papers - Virtual Goolds & ODRL 2013
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 14:21:39 +0100
From: Susanne Guth-Orlowski <Susanne.Guth(a)gmx.net>
To: CFP-ODRL%Susanne.Guth(a)gmx.net
Dear all,
at link below, please find the call for paper for this year's Virtual Goods & ODRL Work Shop.
We have broadened the scope of the workshop and I think new services, such as UltraViolet and Amazon's new platform for "used" digital content, prove that our topics are hotter than ever.
We are looking forward to your submissions!
The workshop invites papers to two approaches to a trusted and adaptive Web: top-down by policy-guided behavior and bottom-up by self-organized movements.
Policies help to protect and guide business and private activities in mobile systems and social networks. We invite papers about the representation of rules, rights and duties, their visualization, semantic representation, or enforcement in all critical areas of the real life in the connected world.
Self-organized movements have come up in recent time by user-driven content as well as by grassroots activities like Liquid Democracy, WikiLeaks and coordinated actions through social networks. We invite papers on p2p and m2m architectures, as well as on self-adaptive communities and their methodology, their experiences and their impact.
On the one hand the workshop addresses legal, ethical, and secure business and private activities in mobile systems and social networks. Rights include ownership rights and copyright (as usual with virtual goods). Security includes privacy, fairness, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The specific policy view addresses policies as a way to describe behavior. It also addresses the development of languages to specify policies as artifacts (ODRL et al.). It addresses the challenges to present policies, to modify policies, to use policies for automated behavior, and to trust policies.
On the other hand, the workshop addresses new ways of cultural cooperation. The modern Web allows for safe bottom-up activities as a way to self-organization and self-adaptation. The balance of a self-organized bottom-up way of cooperation with a legal, ethical and safe culture is a specific challenge of the workshop. Moreover, we invite especially for a debate about a top-down approach by policies versus a bottom-up approach by self-organization.
- Descriptions of aims and strategies
- Specification of rules
- Semantic policies for virtual goods and services
- Policies for licensing, flow control, privacy, fairness (and, possibly, more)
- Presentation, automation, visualization, protection, and evaluation of policies
Self-organized movements:
- M2M, P2P
- Self-adaptive consensus making
- Liquid Democracy, eVoting
- Methodology, experiences and impact of self-organization
And, of course, as usual for E-Content and Virtual Goods:
- Digital goods, digital services
- User-driven content, service-driven content
- Societal and economic conditions and impact
- Security and privacy in the context of content processing
- Use of Linked Data and semantic descriptions for virtual products and services
- Legal issues in semantically describing and offering virtual products and services
Impact factors to be investigated:
- Technical solutions: mechanisms, artifacts and their application
- Economic impact: cost, value, utility
- Philosophical aspects: culture, moral, dignity
- Legal aspects: compliance, adaptation, interworking of different legal spaces
Disciplines invited for contributions:
- Computer science
- Economy
- Social sciences
- Jurisdiction
- Philosophy
- Communication theory
We expect full papers by April 22, 2013
Decision about acceptance by May 20
Camera ready papers due July 1
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research as full papers (max. 15 pages).
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the program committee for originality, significance, clarity and quality
Authors should use the LNI format. For the camera-ready papers follow the author´s guidelines (www.gi.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Autorenrichtlinien/guidelines.pdf) and use the Word template (www.gi.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Autorenrichtlinien/LNI-word-vorlage-en.doc) or the LaTeX template (www.gi.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Autorenrichtlinien/LNI-LaTeX-Vorlage.zip). If you are used to the Springer LNCS format, you will find it easy to adapt
Paper submission will be through the ConfTool of the mother conference “Informatik 2013” (https://www.conftool.pro/informatik2013/imprint.php), please register there, log in and upload your paper through “Your Submissions” and “Virtual Goods+ODRL”
Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the workshop with ISBN number under the label of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI). Printed book versions are available. In addition, the Virtual Goods workshop proceedings will be available online on the Virtual Goods Website http://www.virtualgoods.org/2013, as usual since our first workshop 2003
Susanne Guth-Orlowski
ODRL Initiative