-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Special Section of JMIS: IT Project,
Portfolio, and Program Management
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 09:32:43 -0500
From: Vladimir Zwass <zwass(a)fdu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
** Special Section of the /Journal of Management Information
Systems /* *
*IT Project, Portfolio, and Program Management *
*Special Section Co-Editors *
*James J. Jiang*, Australian National University
*Gary Klein, *University of Colorado Colorado Springs
In the past two decades, IS project management, as a system
for accomplishing information technology development and
deployment, has advanced in its application.Project
management theory and practice need to be further refined,
to achieve a goal of managing change with greater efficiency
and lower realized risk in rapidly evolving environments.The
need for rapid change under controlled situations dictates
the requirement for newer and better practices in defining
the projects and their management to achieve desired
goals.Project portfolio and program management ? the
selection and management of projects as a collective ?
consider the aspects of managing multiple projects to make
the best use of limited resources to implement
organizational strategies.The complexity of managing
individual and multiple projects is inherent due to the
variety of stakeholders involved and geographic separation
of project components which can often span functional,
organizational, cultural, and international boundaries.
The goal of this Special Section is primarily to foster
theoretical development regarding these refined practices of
IS project, portfolio and program management. However,
methodologically innovative and significant studies of
practice aligned with success are also encouraged.As project
management covers a broad range of areas (e.g., risk
management, benefits management, control design, stakeholder
analysis), the scope of this Special Section will be broad
in shaping future studies in IT project management.
Walter Fernandez, The Australian National University
Laurie J. Kirsch, University of Pittsburgh
Carol Saunders, University of Central Florida
Bernard Tan, National University of Singapore
Amrit Tiwana, University of Georgia
Rodney Turner, Europrojex & Université Lille Nord de France
All topics related to IT project, portfolio and program
management research are welcome. The following are a few
sample research issues:
Models of project, portfolio and program success
External influences on projects, portfolios and programs
Cultural impacts in the areas of project, portfolio and
program management
Organizational fit of IT project, portfolio and program
Project governance and decision rights configuration
Control mechanism design
Risk management in project programs and portfolios
Submitted papers must make a significant and novel
contribution to theory, or practice well-grounded in theory,
and be supported by appropriate evidence. All research
paradigms and methodologies are welcome. Interdisciplinary
collaboration is encouraged. Strong preference will be given
to papers that contribute distinctive, non-trivial
IS-centric insights to theoretical perspectives in IT or its
reference disciplines, rather than to the applications of
existing theories to an IS context.
Interested authors are required to submit extended abstracts
of no more than two pages for their planned submissions.
This will give the editorial team an opportunity to
determine if a planned submission is appropriate for
expedited handling and review. Abstracts and full papers
should be submitted by email to
JMISprojectmanagement(a)gmail.com. Submissions should follow
standard formatting and style guidelines for the /Journal of
Management Information Systems./
Inappropriately targeted or underdeveloped papers will be
returned promptly to the authors after a review by both
Special Section Co-editors.Review of paper submissions will
be double-blind. Both a blinded manuscript without
identifying author information and a non-blinded cover page
with author information and acknowledgements should be
- Abstract submissions: May 1, 2012
- Full paper due: October 1, 2012
- First round of reviews provided to the authors: January 1,
- Paper revisions due: April 1, 2013
- Final decision on acceptance of papers: June 2013