-------- Original Message --------
Subject: IEEE ICC'12 Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 11:38:00 -0400
From: IEEE ComSoc Meetings <meetings(a)comsoc.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
The 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications
(ICC 2012) is the flagship conference
of IEEE Communications Society, which is to be held in
Ottawa, Canada, from 10-15 June 2012.
IEEE ICC 2012 is aimed at addressing a key theme on "Connect
. Communicate . Collaborate."
The program will feature major Symposia, Industry Forums,
Workshops and Tutorials. Full details
of submission procedures are available at
Call for Technical Papers - Due 19 September
We invite you to submit original technical papers
<http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=249853993&sid=15494430&m=1540100&u=IEEEC…> in
the following areas:
/. Selected Areas in Communications .
Communication Theory
- Access Networks .
Signal Processing
E-Health .
Optical Networks & Systems
- Powerline Communications . Next
Generation Networking
- Satellite & Space Communications .
Communications QoS, Reliability & Modeling
- Smart
Grid . Ad
Hoc, Sensor & Mesh Networking
- Tactical Communications & Operations . Communication
Software, Services &
. Wireless Communications
Multimedia Applications
. Wireless Networking .
Communication & Information Systems Security
. Cognitive Radio & Networks
Submissions are due 19 September 2011. *
Call for Tutorial Proposals - Due 19 September
Proposals are invited for half- or full-day Tutorials in
communications and networking topics.
Proposals should be submitted to via EDAS
*19 September 2011*.
Call for Industry Forum Proposals - Due 30 September
Submissions are sought for Industry Forums
on the latest technical and business issues in
communications and networking topics:
/. Wireless Evolution . Device Ecosystems .
Identity Management . HealthCare
. Service Management . Wired Broadband . Network
Convergence . IPTV
. Government & Defense . Hospitality .
Cloud . On-Line Charging
. Applications . Content
. Energy Management . Policy
Proposals should be submitted to Adam Drobot
(Adam.Drobot(a)2M.com <mailto:Adam.Drobot@2M.com>) or Chi-Ming
(chimingchen(a)att.com <mailto:chimingchen@att.com>) by *30
September 2011*.
Click here
to unsubscribe
IEEE Communications Society - 17th floor , 3 Park Avenue,
New York, NY 10016
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Last Mile: CYBERLAWS 2012 || January 30
- February 4, 2012 - Valencia, Spain
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 04:04:06 -0400
From: Glenn Dardick <gdardick(a)dardick.net>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
============== CYBERLAWS 2012 | Call for Papers ===============
CYBERLAWS 2012: The Third International Conference on Technical and
Legal Aspects of the e-Society
January 30 - February 4, 2012 - Valencia, Spain
General page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2012/CYBERLAWS12.html
Call for Papers:
- regular papers
- short papers (work in progress)
- posters
Submission page:
Submission deadline: September 16, 2011
Sponsored by IARIA, www.iaria.org
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA
Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org
Please note the Poster Forum and Work in Progress options.
The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of
concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations,
running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors
are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under
review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not
limited to, topic areas.
All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in
terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress,
Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and
Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules:
CYBERLAWS 2012 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the
ACCESSIBILITY: Digital Divide, e-Democracy and e-Government
Digital Divide and Accessibility: Loss of autonomy; Access barriers of
age, race, wealth; Problems caused by lack of accessibility; Development
of accessibility standards; Legislation related to accessibility
e-Democracy and e-Government: Open and Free access; Free postings;
Freedom of speech; Freedom of expression on the Internet; Anywhere
access; Legal versus illegal; e-Trust; e-Voting and Internet voting;
e-Garbage collection of private records; e-Transparency; e-Government
and e-Democracy for e-Citizens; e-Environment
PRIVACY: e-Anonymity and e-Identity
Privacy: Human rights; Privacy versus Security versus Convenience (ease
of use); Legitimate purposes; e-Citizen behavior; Right to privacy;
Legitimate purposes; e-Citizen behavior; Search engine behavior and
policies; Regulating search engines;
e-Anonymity and e-Identity: Anonymity; Pseudonimity; Multiple
identities; Multiple locations; Wrong by eliminating accountability;
Anonymity and social identity; Identity change; Multiple identities;
Identity substitution; Securing identity
FRAUD: WEB x.0 Impersonation, e-Harassment, e-Threats, e-Loss
WEB x.0 Impersonation, and e-Harassment and e-Threats: Social malware;
Spam; Bullying; Stalkers; Blogs; Anonymous emails; Hoaxes; e-Rumor email
lists; Newsgroup article; Web pages; Pamphlets; Computer hacking; Spam;
Carding; Botnets; Phishing; Worms; Virii; Network dynamics attacks;
On-line using various data sets; FaceBook; Twitter; YouTube;
@anything.com; Corporate e-Hassle; Individual e-Hassle; Role and
responsibility substitution, Social networking
e-Loss: Personal damage; Economic damage; Promoting the damage by acting
against it; e-Loss evaluation
PROTECTION: e-Fraud Prevention, e-Law, e-Punishment, e-International
e-Fraud Prevention: Technology and cyberlaws; Security enforcement;
Trust referrals; Cryptography; Education; Law enforcement; Re-active and
Pro-active actions; e-Law education
Technical Countermeasures: Detection of abusive traffic; Tools for
interception and repression; Deep packet inspection; Communications
interception; Communications wiretapping and records
e-Law: National laws protecting the anonymity; Responsibility for email
messages; Lobbying for forbidding anonymity on the Internet; Lawfully
regulate anonymity on the Internet; Prevent retaliation; Internet
governance; Formal legislation; Soft laws; e-Trust national regulatory
e-Punishment: Lawful interception; Propagation traces; Banning; Content
blocking; Long-term exchange records; Security pitfalls of e-democracy;
e-Trust national enforcement laws; e-Trust cross-digital police; Court
warrants; Legal countermeasures
e-International relations: Conflict of laws; Extra-jurisdictional net
(intellectual property, criminal enforcement); Lobbying for forbidding
anonymity on the Internet; Lawfully regulate anonymity on the Internet;
Prevent retaliation; Internet governance; Treaties and Conventions,
e-Trust international regulatory context.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 11:09:32 +0200
From: Nils.Urbach(a)ebs.edu
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics
in Information Technology
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Michael B. Knight
Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form)
FULL BLIND PEER REVIEW – all reviewer comments returned to
submitting authors
NO FEES for review or publication
Social issues related to information technology represents
one of the most often discussed underpinnings in information
systems research throughout the tenure of the IS field.
Social issues are those research topics most aligned with
the human factor in terms of information systems planning,
development and utilization. The International Journal of
Social and Organizational Dynamics in Information Technology
includes all aspects of social issues that are impacted by
information technology affecting organizations and
inter-organizational structures. This includes the
conceptualization of specific social issues and their
associated constructs, proposed designs and infrastructures,
empirical validation of social models, and case studies
illustrating socialization success and failures. Some key
topics may include: (1) ethics, (2) culture, (3)
relationships, (4) human interaction, (5) security, (6)
design, (7) building relationships, and (8) diversity in the
IT workforce.
Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not
limited to) the following:
1. Ethical issues
- Codes of conduct and practice
- Confidentiality agreements
- Intellectual property rights
- Electronic monitoring of employees
- Impartiality of data utilization
- Morality in information systems
2. Cultural issues
- Politics
- Assimilation of emerging technologies
- Developing trust
- Management structures
- Power asymmetry
- Social barriers
- Policy implementation
- Social environments
- Cultural customs & digital divides
- Social capital
3. Relationship issues
- Development partnerships
- Virtual teams
- Group cohesiveness
- Networking & Collaboration
- Group facilitation
- Buyer-supplier linkages
4. Human Interaction issues
- Recruitment and retention
- Assessment and evaluation
- Motivation
- Social presence
- Asynchronous learning networks
- Leadership
5. Security issues
- Models for IS security implementation
- Virus/worm creation
- Misrepresentation in digital media
- Standards, laws, and regulations
- IS Security design and management methods
- Fraud with systems use
- Behavioral issues in IS security
- Security culture & awareness issues
- Social, legal and ethical of IS Security
- Misuse of data
- Strategic management issues in IS security
- Trust issues in IS Security
6. Design issues
- Distributed projects
- Process changes
- Soft-side development
- Modeling techniques
- Social network knowledge
7. Building Relationships
- Relationships between the information systems area and
other academic disciplines
- Development of information systems subspecialties
- Contributions from information systems to the development
of other academic disciplines
- Reporting new developments in other reference disciplines
- Research between the IS system areas and other established
8. Diversity in the IT Workforce
- Diversity in virtual IT teams
- Educational initiatives for increased diversity in the IT
- Gender, Race, Age, Education, and Socio-Economic
Differences in IT
- The Role of Community Technology Centers
- Urban & Community Informatics
- IT for Transformation and Wealth Creation
- Information Technology as a Means for Increasing Social
The types of constructs that will be considered for review
and publication would include, but would not be limited to,
the following:
- Confidence - Commitment - Judgment -
- Certainty - Satisfaction - Utilization
- Stability
- Influence - Presence - Change - Support
- Collaboration - Cohesiveness - Participation
- Consent
- Creativity - Understanding - Trust
- Synergy
- Perspective - Accountability- Excitement -
Prospective authors should note that only original and
previously unpublished articles will be considered.
PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. All article submissions will be
forwarded to at least 3 members of the Editorial Review
Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review. Final
decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be
based on the reviews received from the reviewers. All
submissions must be forwarded electronically to
The International Journal of Social and Organizational
Dynamics in Information Technology is published by IGI
Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the
“Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group
Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference”,
“Business Science Reference”, and “Engineering Science
Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding
the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com.
All inquiries and submissions should be should be directed
to the attention of:
Dr. Michael B. Knight
International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics
in Information Technology
E-mail: knightm(a)uwgb.edu
Dr. Nils Urbach
Research Director
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
EBS Business School
Institute of Research on Information Systems
Söhnleinstraße 8d
65201 Wiesbaden
Phone +49 611 7102 2181
Fax +49 611 7102 10 2181
EBS European Business School gemeinnuetzige GmbH,
Amtsgericht Wiesbaden HRB 19951; Universitaet fuer
Wirtschaft und Recht, Umsatzsteuer-ID DE
113891213; Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Hellmut K. Albrecht,
Vorsitzender; Geschaeftsfuehrung: Professor Dr.
Rolf D. Cremer, Präsident; Professor Dr. Rolf
Tilmes, Dekan EBS Business School; Professor Dr.
Dr. Gerrick Frhr. v. Hoyningen-Huene, Dekan EBS
Law School; Georg Nikolaus Garlichs, Kanzler
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: VLDB2012 Workshop on Self-Managing
Database Systems
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 20:06:13 +0000
From: Castellanos, Malu G <malu.castellanos(a)hp.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
SMDB 2012
Seventh International Workshop on
Self-Managing Database Systems
April 1, 2012
In conjunction with ICDE 2012
April 1-5, 2012 Washington DC, USA
* Papers due: November 15, 2011
* Notification: December 7, 2011
* Camera-ready copies: December 18, 2011
Autonomic, or self-managing, systems are a promising
approach to achieve the goal of systems that are easier to
use and maintain in the face of growing system complexity. A
system is considered to be autonomic if it is
self-configuring, self-optimizing, self-healing and/or
self-protecting. The aim of the SMDB workshop is to provide
a forum for researchers from both industry and academia to
present and discuss ideas and experiences related to
self-management and self-organization in all areas of
Information Management (IM) in general. SMDB targets not
only classical databases but also the new generation of
storage engines such as column stores, key-value stores, and
in-memory databases. Beyond databases, SMDB aims to cover
autonomic aspects of data-intensive systems represented by
large-scale map-reduce (e.g., Hadoop) and cloud
environments, where much work on self-management is needed.
Last but not least, SMDB seeks to expand its horizons to
include self-management of non-traditional, new areas of IM
such as social networks, distributed gaming, and
peer-to-peer systems.
Research and development in database management systems has
been instrumental in accomplishing some of the goals of
autonomic systems by developing and incorporating strategies
for physical database design, problem diagnosis, load
balancing, self-tuning, and self-optimization. New
challenges arising from multi-tenant databases,
virtualization, cloud computing, software-as-a-service, and
large data-intensive systems, such as social networks,
distributed gaming, and peer-to-peer systems require new
Early workshops of the SMDB series focused on core topics in
self-managing databases such as automated tuning and
provisioning, automated problem diagnosis and recovery, and
automated data protection and integration. Since 2010 the
scope of the workshop has been broadened to include new
topics in the core database area, such as multi-tenant
databases and data management in cloud computing, but also
drawing in other communities, such as, peer-to-peer
computing and distributed systems. For the 2012 SMDB
workshop, we want to continue to attract researchers from
both the core database and other communities, such as the
adaptive and event-based systems communities as enabling
technologies for self-managing systems, and data-intensive
internet-scale distributed systems, which should benefit
from research results in SMDBs.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the
. Principles and architecture of autonomic data management
. Retro-fitting existing systems vs. designing for self
. Self-* capabilities in databases and storage systems
. Data management in cloud and multi-tenant databases
. Autonomic capabilities in database-as-a-service platforms
. Automated testing of data management systems
. Automated physical database design and adaptive query tuning
. Automated provisioning and integration
. Automatic enforcement of information quality
. Self-managing distributed / decentralized / peer-to-peer
information systems
. Self-management of internet-scale distributed systems
. Self-managing and adaptive aspects in social network systems
. Monitoring and diagnostics in data management systems
. Policy automation and visualization for data center
. User acceptance and trust of autonomic capabilities
. Evaluation criteria and benchmarks for self-managing systems
. Self-evaluation of data management services in the cloud
. Use cases and war stories on deploying autonomic capabilities
Authors are invited to submit original research
contributions in English of up to 6 pages in IEEE
camera-ready format (templates are available at the ICDE
2012 submission guidelines page) to the submission site
https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/SMDB2012/. Only
electronic submissions in PDF format will be accepted.
Authors of accepted papers will be encouraged to submit a
full paper of up to 8 pages for final publication. All
papers accepted by the workshop will appear in the formal
Proceedings of the Conference Workshops published by IEEE CS
Press, and will therefore be included in the IEEE digital
library. More information can be found on the workshop web
site: http://smdb2012.dvs.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/
PC Chairs
Alex Buchmann, Technische Universität
Darmstadt, Germany
Malu Castellanos, Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA
PC Members
Ashraf Aboulnaga (Waterloo University, Canada)
Anastasia Ailamaki (EPFL, Switzerland)
Shivnath Babu (Duke University, USA)
Michael Gesmann (Software AG, Germany)
Sam Lightstone (IBM, Canada)
Guy Lohman (IBM Almaden, USA)
Pat Martin (Queen's University, Canada)
Gero Mühl (U. Rostock, Germany)
Stefan Manegold (CWI, Netherlands)
Anisoara Nica (SAP-Sybase, USA)
Peter Pietzuch (Imperial College, England)
Neoklis Polizotis (University of California
Santa Cruz, USA)
Christopher Re (University of
Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Ken Salem (Waterloo University, Canada)
Kai-Uwe Sattler (T.U. Ilmenau, Germany)
Florian Waas (EMC, USA)
Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP MKWI "Service Engineering & Management"
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 11:04:57 +0200
From: Tilo Böhmann <boehmann(a)informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
To: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
-- Bitte entschuldigen Sie Mehrfachzustellungen --
Call for Papers für die Teilkonferenz
"Service Engineering & Management"
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2012
29.2. - 2.3.2012 in Braunschweig, http://mkwi2012.de
Durch die wachsende Bedeutung von Dienstleistungen wird
deren Entwicklung und
Management zur Schlüsselkompetenz in vielen Unternehmen.
Dies bringt aber
Herausforderungen mit sich, die in der Wissenschaft noch
untersucht sind.
Zu diesen Herausforderungen zählt insbesondere die
Produktivität von
Dienstleistungen. Die konstitutiven Merkmale von
Dienstleistungen, wie
insbesondere die Immaterialität, das Uno-actu-Prinzip, die
und Integrativität, erfordern ein spezielles Vorgehen bei
der Messung und
Verbesserung der Dienstleistungsproduktivität. Insbesondere
greift ein
Produktivitätsverständnis zu kurz, dass einseitig die
Effekte auf Seiten des
Dienstleistungsanbieters fokussiert. Hier sind konkrete
Modelle, Verfahren und
Informationssysteme zur Messung und Bewertung von
gefordert, die Effekte bei Leistungsnehmern und Leistungsgebern
Da die Produktivität von Dienstleistung schon bei ihrer
Entwicklung beeinflusst
wird, ist die Weiterentwicklung und Überprüfung von Methoden
und Werkzeugen der
systematischen Dienstleistungsentwicklung (Service
Engineering) erforderlich.
Zudem besteht in der engen Verknüpfung von Dienstleistungen
und Technologie zu
Produkt-Dienstleistungssystemen eine besondere Chance zur
Produktivitätsverbesserung. Im Zuge dieser hybriden
Wertschöpfung differenzieren
sich Unternehmen durch kundenspezifische Problemlösungen,
die teilweise nach
ihren Produktivitätswirkungen vergütet werden. Die
Entwicklung, Realisierung,
Einführung und Bereitstellung von Dienstleistungen und
Produkt-Dienstleistungssystemen muss fachkonzeptionell noch
besser verstanden
und verstärkt durch Methoden und Informationssysteme
unterstützt werden.
Mögliche Themen für Beiträge in deutscher oder englischer
- Business-Engineering-Ansätze für die Verbesserung von
- Transformation zu serviceorientierten Geschäftsmodellen
- Konzepte und Methoden für das produktivitätsorientierte
Service Engineering
und Management
- Weiterentwicklung und Erprobung von Methoden und
Werkzeugen für die
Entwicklung von Produkt-Dienstleistungssystemen
- Referenzmodelle für Dienstleistungen mit hoher Produktivität
- Empirische Studien zu Produktivitätsdefiziten bei
- Standardisierung von Dienstleistungen und
- Steigerung der Produktivität von Dienstleistungen mittels
- Softwarewerkzeuge für das Business Engineering im
- Kennzahlensysteme zur Messung der Dienstleistungsproduktivität
- Gestaltung von Informations- und Kommunikationssystemen zur
Produktivitätsmessung und -bewertung
- Fallstudien zum Service Engineering und Management
- 22.09.2011: Annahmeschluss für die Einreichung von Beiträgen
- 15.11.2011: Benachrichtigung der Autorinnen und Autoren
über die Annahme
- 15.12.2011: Einreichung der druckfertigen Beiträge und
Leitung der Teilkonferenz:
- Prof. Dr. Tilo Böhmann, Universität Hamburg (Koordinator)
- PD Dr. Ralf Knackstedt, Universität Münster/ERCIS
- Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, Universität Kassel
- Prof. Dr. Markus Nüttgens, Universität Hamburg
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas, Universität Osnabrück
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Fließ, Fernuniversität Hagen
- Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Fromm, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Meier, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Moormann, Frankfurt School of Finance &
- Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz, Universität Frankfurt
- Bertolt Schuckließ, Projektträger im DLR
- Christian Stelzer, Technische Universität Berlin,
Fraunhofer IPK
- Prof. Dr. Peter Weiß, International Business School of
Service Management
Beste Grüße / Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Tilo Böhmann
Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Informatik / Department of Informatics
IT Management & Consulting
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30
D-22527 Hamburg
T: +49 (40) 428 83-2299
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] [wkwi] Reminder - Call for Papers:
MKWI2012-Teilkonferenz "Software-as-a-Service und Cloud
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 14:35:41 +0200
From: Benlian, Alexander <benlian(a)bwl.lmu.de>
To: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
ich möchte Sie gerne noch einmal auf unsere Teilkonferenz
"Software-as-a-Service und Cloud Computing" auf der MKWI
2012 in Braunschweig aufmerksam machen und Sie einladen,
Beiträge bis zum 22.09.2011 (verlängerte Einreichungsfrist)
Den mehrfachen Erhalt dieser Erinnerungsmail bitte ich zu
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Alexander Benlian
*Teilkonferenz "Software-as-a-Service und Cloud Computing"*
*auf der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2012 in
Braunschweig (29.02.-02.03.2012)*
Die wachsende Bedeutung der Konzepte Software-as-a-Service
(SaaS) und Cloud Computing zeigt sich in zahlreichen
Branchen und auf unterschiedlichen Wertschöpfungsstufen. Auf
der Entwicklungsseite scheinen trotz anfänglicher
Zurückhaltung verstärkt Service-basierte Paradigmen (wie z.
B. SoA, Web Services) Einzug zu halten. Auf der
Nutzungsseite zeichnet sich ab, dass on-demand-basierte
Applikations-Services (wie z. B. Software-as-a-Service) bzw.
Infrastruktur-Services (wie z. B. Storage oder Utility
Computing Services) gegenüber konventionellen Modellen
zunehmend an Boden gewinnen. Nicht zuletzt lassen sich mit
dem Entstehen von sog. Software-Ökosystemen bzw.
-Plattformen (z. B. Force.com von Salesforce.com, Business
ByDesign von SAP und Apples' AppStore) Veränderungen auf der
Ebene ganzer Wertschöpfungsstrukturen erkennen.
Entlang der Wertschöpfungsstufen (von der Entwicklung bis
zur Nutzung von Software) und Aggregationsebenen (vom
granularen Einzel-Service bis hin zum komplexen
Software-Ökosystem) werden zahlreiche Fragen an der
Nahtstelle von Betriebswirtschaft und Informatik
aufgeworfen. Die Teilkonferenz "Software-as-a-Service und
Cloud Computing" befasst sich mit den aus Perspektive der
Wirtschaftsinformatik relevanten Aspekten der Entwicklung,
Nutzung und Bewertung von Services im Kontext von SaaS und
Cloud Computing und adressiert dabei Forscher und Praktiker
gleichermaßen. Interdisziplinäre Arbeiten sind dabei
ausdrücklich erwünscht.
*Mögliche Themen für Beiträge:*
· * Design, Entwicklung und Betrieb von Services
* Methoden, Techniken und Tools zur automatisierten
Service-Zusammenstellung und --Erbringung
* Herausforderungen für Software-Unternehmen hinsichtlich
einer wachsenden Service-Orientierung wie z. B. neue
Mitarbeiterprofile/Qualifikationen, Service Operations etc.
* Preispolitik für Software- und Dienstleistungsanbieter
* Industrialisierung der Entwicklung von Services
* Inter-organisationale Service-Systeme und -Netzwerke
(Service value networks)
* Wandel von Wertschöpfungsstrukturen in der Software
Industrie (Service Ecosystems, Service Plattformen)
* Service Innovation Methods - Prozesse/Methoden zur
Invention neuer Services in Unternehmen
* Integration von Services in bestehende
IT-Anwendungslandschaften (Back-End und Front-End)
* Orchestrierung verteilter Services im Rahmen eines
Business Process Management
* IT-Compliance und Datenschutzstrategien für Cloud-Computing
* Ermittlung des optimalen Standardisierungsgrades von
Services in unterschiedlichen Anwendungskontexten (z. B.
dynamische vs. statische)
* Evaluation und Bewertung des Einsatzes von Services
entlang unterschiedlicher Dimensionen wie z. B. Qualität,
Performance, Kosten etc.
* Fallstudien zur Nutzung und des Einsatzes von Services
(SaaS bzw. Cloud Computing) in Unternehmen
·* Alexander Benlian, LMU München (Leitung)
* Peter Buxmann, TU Darmstadt
* Simon Caton, KIT
* Thomas Hess, LMU München
* André Miede, BearingPoint
* Günter Müller, Universität Freiburg
* Matthias Schumann, Universität Göttingen
* Christoph Weinhardt, KIT
* Thomas Widjaja, TU Darmstadt
* Rüdiger Zarnekow, TU Berlin
Beiträge können in _deutscher oder englischer Sprache_
verfasst werden. Es gelten die Formatvorschriften der MKWI
2012. Einreichungen können ab Ende April über das
Konferenztool auf dieser Webseite hochgeladen werden. Der
Begutachtungsprozess ist "double blind".
*Wichtige Termine:***
22.09.2011: Annahmeschluss für die
Einreichung von Beiträgen über das ConfTool
22.11.2011: Benachrichtigung der
Autorinnen und Autoren über die Annahme
22.12.2011: Einreichung der
druckfertigen Beiträge und Kurzbeiträge
29.02.-02.03.2012: Tagung MKWI 2012
Dr. Alexander Benlian, MBR
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Habilitand
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Munich School of Management
Institute for Information Systems and New Media
Ludwigstrasse 28 | 80539 Munich | Germany
Phone +49 (0)89 2180-6396 | Mobile +49 151 40441257 | Fax
_benlian(a)bwl.lmu.de <mailto:benlian@bwl.lmu.de>_|
_www.wim.bwl.lmu.de <http://www.wim.bwl.lmu.de>_ |
_www.zim.lmu.de <http://www.zim.lmu.de> _|
www.software-economics.org <http://www.software-economics.org/>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] FW: CFP - 9th International Conference
on Information Technology: New Generations
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 11:10:43 +0800
From: Lee Chei Sian (Asst Prof) <LeeCS(a)ntu.edu.sg>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
9th International Conference on Information Technology: New
ITNG 2012
April 16-18, 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Track URL:
Conference URL: http://www.itng.info/
Submission Deadline: October 28, 2011
With the Internet rapidly taking on the role of a global
marketplace for the exchange of ideas, experiences and
knowledge, an interesting research area has emerged: social
computing. Social computing lies at the intersection of
social behavior and computing systems. It focuses on the use
of technology to create social conventions and contexts, as
well as the new relationships and power structures that
result. Three widely-agreed tenets of social computing are
(i) the shift of innovation from a top-down to a bottom-up
model; (ii) the shift of value from ownership to
experiences; and (iii) the shift of power from institutions
to communities.
Social computing (also known as Web 2.0 and social media)
has drawn much interest in academia, the information
technology industry and among Internet users. This track at
ITNG 2012 will serve as a platform for those researching
this area. Submissions may include research, system,
evaluation, policy and position papers. Topics include, but
are not limited to:
* Use of information communication technologies for social
* Mobile social computing
* Infrastructure and architectures for social computing
* Online communities and social networking
* Social tagging and collaborative information organization
* Information retrieval and sharing techniques
* Usability and user needs
* Applications and case studies in social computing
* Novel applications supporting user-generated content and
social interaction
* Social, institutional and policy issues in social computing
* Social computing in schools, enterprises and other
* Collaboration and social computing
* Social computing trends and issues
Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Conference
Publishing Services and indexed in major databases.
Electronic submission in PDF or MS Word format are required.
Papers must represent high quality and previously
unpublished work, not currently under review by another
conference, workshop, or journal.
Interested authors should submit a 6-8 page paper of their
original and unpublished work including 5 keywords in the
IEEE format. Your submission should include the author
names, complete mailing addresses, telephone and fax
numbers, and the email addresses of the authors. For
formatting and submission instructions, please refer to
When submitting papers via the online submission system,
remember to indicate that the paper is meant for the "Social
Computing" track. This option is found in the "Submission
Categories" section in the system. If using the online
submission system is somehow not possible, please email the
track co-chairs for assistance.
Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance,
clarity, and soundness. Per ITNG policy, except for invited
papers, all papers will be reviewed by at least two
independent reviewers.
Submission Deadline: October 28, 2011
Author Notification: December 9, 2011
Camera Ready Paper Due: February 10, 2012
Dr Dion Goh, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Email: ashlgoh(a)ntu.edu.sg
Dr Alton Chua, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Email: altonchua(a)ntu.edu.sg
Dr Chei Sian Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Email: leecs(a)ntu.edu.sg
CONFIDENTIALITY: This email is intended solely for the
person(s) named and may be confidential and/or privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it,
notify us and do not copy, use, or disclose its content.
Thank you.
Towards A Sustainable Earth: Print Only When Necessary
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] CFP on Social Commerce Special Issues for the
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA) Journal
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 19:06:09 +0200
From: HansDieter Zimmermann <hansdieter.zimmermann(a)fhsg.ch>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
*Call for Papers*
A Series of Special Issues of Electronic Commerce Research and
Applications (ECRA) on Social Commerce
The primary goal of this special issue of ECRA is to foster
research in
the intersection between social networking and e-commerce,
on how social
networking has been enhancing and expanding e-commerce, on
how e-commerce
broadens the applications and utilizations of social media,
and on how
recent technological and marketplace developments seem to be
leading to
social commerce. Research contributions involving emerging
current issues and future perspectives that will shape
social commerce
practice and development are encouraged and welcome. This
special issue
aims to bring together scholars who can offer new and visionary
perspectives on a broad spectrum of key subjects related to
This special issue series will be co-edited by:
. Lina Zhou, University of Maryland Baltimore County
(_zhoul(a)umbc.edu_ <mailto:zhoul@umbc.edu>)
. Ping Zhang, Syracuse University (_pzhang(a)syr.edu_
. Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, FHS St. Gallen, University of Applied
. Sciences, Switzerland. (_hansdieter.zimmermann(a)fhsg.ch_
The Sponsoring Editor for this special issue is Rob
Kauffman, ECRA's
Editor-in-Chief. (_rob7585(a)gmail.com_
The special issue welcomes all types of research
perspectives and
methodologies, such as design science, behavioral science,
economics, and management and strategy, as well as theory,
modeling, empirical methods, and interdisciplinary
approaches. Relevant
topics include but not limited to:
. Trust and diffusion in social commerce contexts
. User modeling and personalization in social commerce
. Consumer behavior in social commerce
. Culture issues involved in social commerce and social
. Social media collaboration, user-generated content
. Drivers of accessibility in social commerce networks
. Technological developments and platforms for social commerce
. Applications that enhance the social commerce experience
· Social recommender systems, and the role of social media
· Data mining and living analytics in social media social
forbusiness and consumer insights
. Privacy, security and fraud detection in social commerce
· Social business strategy, adoption and diffusion issues,
growth andbarriers to success
· Prospective and retrospective assessment of the business
value ofsocialcommerce systems
· Digital couponing, group-buying and business models of
· Gamification, behavioral economics approaches, and
location-basedsocial commerce
The final deadline for first submissions of full papers is
February 15,
2012, and the submission window is open from now up to the
Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts to the special
issue editors
prior to October 15, 2011 as a means to gauge their interest
and get
suggestions on developing a special issue paper. Papers will
be assigned
for review as they are received, and acceptance decisions
will be made on
a rolling basis over time, as appropriate to the development
of high
quality research for publication.
All papers should be submitted to the submission system at
_http://ees.elsevier.com/ecra_, via the 'Social Commerce
Special Issue' tab
at the 'Article Type' step in the submission process.
Authors should
follow Electronic Commerce Research and Applications' format at
For More Info
Contact any of the co-editors if you have questions. Or for
more details on
background, submission guidelines, and review process, visit
Dr. Hans-Dieter Zimmermann
Fon +41 71 228 76 53
Fax +41 71 228 63 39
Web http://www.fhsg.ch
FHS St.Gallen, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Institut IPM-FHS | Teufener Strasse 2 | 9000 St.Gallen |
FHO Fachhochschule Ostschweiz
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] CfP 17th Conf. Reliable
Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2012
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 20:33:23 +0200 (CEST)
From: Dirk Craeynest <Dirk.Craeynest(a)cs.kuleuven.be>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
17th International Conference on
Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2012
11-15 June 2012, Stockholm, Sweden
Organized by Ada-Europe,
in cooperation with ACM SIGAda (approval pending)
*** CfP in HTML/PDF on web site ***
Ada-Europe organizes annual international conferences since the early
80's. This is the 17th event in the Reliable Software Technologies
series, previous ones being held at Montreux, Switzerland ('96),
London, UK ('97), Uppsala, Sweden ('98), Santander, Spain ('99),
Potsdam, Germany ('00), Leuven, Belgium ('01), Vienna, Austria ('02),
Toulouse, France ('03), Palma de Mallorca, Spain ('04), York, UK ('05),
Porto, Portugal ('06), Geneva, Switzerland ('07), Venice, Italy ('08),
Brest, France ('09), Valencia, Spain ('10), and Edinburgh, UK ('11).
General Information
The 17th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies -
Ada-Europe 2012 will take place in Stockholm, Sweden. Following its
traditional style, the conference will span a full week, including,
from Tuesday to Thursday, three days of parallel scientific, technical
and industrial programs, along with parallel tutorials and workshops
on Monday and Friday.
28 November 2011: Submission of regular papers, tutorial and workshop
12 January 2012: Submission of industrial presentation proposals
3 February 2012: Notification of acceptance to all authors
2 March 2012: Camera-ready version of regular papers required
11 May 2012: Industrial presentations, tutorial and workshop
material required
The conference has successfully established itself as an international
forum for providers, practitioners and researchers into reliable
software technologies. The conference presentations will illustrate
current work in the theory and practice of the design, development
and maintenance of long-lived, high-quality software systems for a
variety of application domains. The program will allow ample time
for keynotes, Q&A sessions, panel discussions and social events.
Participants will include practitioners and researchers representing
industry, academia and government organizations active in the promotion
and development of reliable software technologies.
To mark the completion of the technical work for the Ada 2012 standard
revision process, contributions that discuss the potential of the
revised language are sought after. In parallel, facing the challenges
presented to the development of reliable concurrent software, multicore
programming models is added to the conference topics of interest.
Topics of interest to this edition of the conference include but are
not limited to:
- Multicore Programming Models: Reliable Parallel Software, Parallel
Execution of Ada Programs, Compositional Parallelism Models,
Performance Modelling, Deterministic Debugging.
- Real-Time and Embedded Systems: Real-Time Software, Architecture
Modeling, HW/SW Co-Design, Reliability and Performance Analysis.
- Theory and Practice of High-Integrity Systems: Distribution, Fault
Tolerance, Security, Reliability, Trust and Safety, Languages
- Software Architectures: Design Patterns, Frameworks, Architecture-
Centered Development, Component and Class Libraries, Component-based
Design and Development.
- Methods and Techniques for Software Development and Maintenance:
Requirements Engineering, Object-Oriented Technologies, Model-driven
Architecture and Engineering, Formal Methods, Re-engineering and
Reverse Engineering, Reuse, Software Management Issues.
- Enabling Technologies: Compilers, Support Tools (Analysis,
Code/Document Generation, Profiling), Run-time Systems, Distributed
Systems, Ada and other Languages for Reliable Systems.
- Software Quality: Quality Management and Assurance, Risk Analysis,
Program Analysis, Verification, Validation, Testing of Software
- Mainstream and Emerging Applications: Manufacturing, Robotics,
Avionics, Space, Health Care, Transportation, Energy, Games and
Serious Games, etc.
- Experience Reports: Case Studies and Comparative Assessments,
Management Approaches, Qualitative and Quantitative Metrics.
- The Future of Ada: New language features, implementation and use
issues; positioning in the market and in education; where should
Ada stand in the software engineering curriculum; lessons learned
on Ada Education and Training Activities with bearing on any of
the conference topics.
Call for Regular Papers
Authors of regular papers which are to undergo peer review
for acceptance are invited to submit original contributions.
Paper submissions shall be in English, complete and not
exceeding 14 LNCS-style pages in length. Authors should
submit their work via the EasyChair conference system
The format for submission is solely PDF. Should you have
problems to comply with format and submission requirements,
please contact the Program Chairs.
The conference proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series by Springer, and will be available at
the start of the conference. The authors of accepted regular papers
shall prepare camera-ready submissions in full conformance with the
LNCS style, not exceeding 14 pages and strictly by March 2, 2012.
For format and style guidelines authors should refer to the following
URL: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Failure to
comply and to register for the conference by that date will prevent
the paper from appearing in the proceedings.
The conference is ranked class A in the CORE ranking, is among the top
quarter of CiteSeerX Venue Impact Factor, and listed in DBLP, SCOPUS
and Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation index, among others.
Ada-Europe will offer honorary awards for the best regular paper and
the best presentation.
Call for Industrial Presentations
The conference also seeks industrial presentations which deliver value
and insight, but may not fit the selection process for regular papers.
Authors of industrial presentations are invited to submit a short
overview (at least 1 page in size) of the proposed presentation by
January 12, 2012. Please follow the submission instructions on the
conference website. The Industrial Committee will review the proposals
and make the selection. The authors of selected presentations shall
prepare a final short abstract and submit it by May 11, 2012, aiming
at a 20-minute talk. The authors of accepted presentations will
be invited to submit corresponding articles for publication in the
Ada User Journal, which will host the proceedings of the Industrial
Program of the Conference. For any further information please contact
the Industrial Chair directly.
Call for Tutorials
Tutorials should address subjects that fall within the scope of the
conference and may be proposed as either half- or full-day events.
Proposals should include a title, an abstract, a description of the
topic, a detailed outline of the presentation, a description of the
presenter's lecturing expertise in general and with the proposed
topic in particular, the proposed duration (half day or full day),
the intended level of the tutorial (introductory, intermediate, or
advanced), the recommended audience experience and background, and a
statement of the reasons for attending. Proposals should be submitted
by e-mail to the Tutorial Chair. The authors of accepted full-day
tutorials will receive a complimentary conference registration as well
as a fee for every paying participant in excess of 5; for half-day
tutorials, these benefits will be accordingly halved. The Ada User
Journal will offer space for the publication of summaries of the
accepted tutorials.
Call for Workshops
Workshops on themes that fall within the conference scope may be
proposed. Proposals may be submitted for half- or full-day events, to
be scheduled at either end of the conference week. Workshop proposals
should be submitted to the Conference Chair. The workshop organizer
shall also commit to preparing proceedings for timely publication in
the Ada User Journal.
Call for Exhibitors
The commercial exhibition will span the three days of the main
conference. Vendors and providers of software products and services
should contact the Conference Chair for information and for allowing
suitable planning of the exhibition space and time.
Grants for Reduced Student Fees
A limited number of sponsored grants for reduced fees is expected to
be available for students who would like to attend the conference or
tutorials. Contact the Conference Chair for details.
Organizing Committee
Conference Chair
Ahlan Marriott, White Elephant GmbH, Switzerland
Program Co-Chairs
Mats Brorsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Luís Miguel Pinho, CISTER Research Centre/ISEP, Portugal
Tutorial Chair
Albert Llemosí, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain
Industrial Chair
Jørgen Bundgaard, Rovsing A/S, Denmark
Publicity Chair
Dirk Craeynest, Aubay Belgium& K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Local Chair
Rei Stråhle, Ada-Sweden
Program Committee
Alan Burns, University of York, UK
Albert Llemosí, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain
Alfons Crespo, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Bernd Burgstaller, Yonsei University, Korea
Dirk Craeynest, Aubay Belgium& K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Ed Schonberg, AdaCore, USA
Elena Troubitsyna, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Erhard Plödereder, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Franco Mazzanti, ISTI-CNR Pisa, Italy
Jan Jonsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Jérôme Hugues, ISAE Toulouse, France
Johann Blieberger, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
John McCormick, University of Northern Iowa, USA
Jorge Real, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Jørgen Bundgaard, Rovsing A/S, Denmark
José Javier Gutiérrez, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
José Ruiz, AdaCore, France
Juan A. de la Puente, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Juan Zamorano, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Julio Medina, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Jürgen Mottok, Regensburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Kristina Lundqvist, Mälardalen University, Sweden
Laurent Pautet, Telecom Paris, France
Luís Miguel Pinho, CISTER Research Centre/ISEP, Portugal
Mats Brorsson , KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Michael González Harbour, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Peter Hermann, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Santiago Urueña, GMV, Spain
Sergio Sáez, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Stephen Michell, Maurya Software, Canada
Ted Baker, US National Science Foundation, USA
Theodor Tempelmeier, Univ. of Applied Sciences Rosenheim, Germany
Tullio Vardanega, Università di Padova, Italy
Industrial Committee
Ahlan Marriott, White-Elephant GmbH, Switzerland
Alok Srivastava, TASC Inc, USA
Dirk Craeynest, Aubay Belgium& K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Erik Wedin, Saab, Sweden
Hubert Keller, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany
Ian Broster, Rapita Systems, UK
Ismael Lafoz, Airbus Military, Spain
Jamie Ayre, AdaCore, France
Jean-Loup Terraillon, European Space Agency, The Netherlands
Jean-Pierre Rosen, Adalog, France
Jørgen Bundgaard, Rovsing A/S, Denmark
Paolo Panaroni, Intecs, Italy
Paul Parkinson, Wind River, UK
Rod Chapman, Altran Praxis Ltd, UK
Rod White, MBDA, UK
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
Please circulate widely.
If you have a LinkedIn account, let your network know that you will
be attending or are interested in this event; RSVP on
Dirk Craeynest, Ada-Europe'2012 Publicity Chair
Disclaimer: http://www.kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Call for Participation und Programm der
E-Government-Tagung vom 13./14. Oktober 2011 in Dresden
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 17:22:40 +0200
From: Walser Konrad <konrad.walser(a)bfh.ch>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
*E-Government: Dresdner Tagung 2011 - Herausforderungen der
Praxis - Beiträge der Wirtschaftsinformatik*
Nach der erfolgreichen ersten E-Government-Konferenz 2009
als Kooperation zwischen der Universität Dresden, der
Landeshauptstadt Dresden sowie dem Forschungs- und
Transferzentrum für E-Government SORAIA in Dresden folgt nun
die zweite Auflage 2011. Das Programm vereint hochkarätige
Referenten aus Wissenschaft und Verwaltung zu aktuellen
Themen des E-Government.
Ein thematischer Schwerpunkt des ersten Tages wird die
"Prozessorientierte Verwaltung" sein. In zwei Vorträgen zum
Thema wird das Ergebnis einer vom Bundesinnenministerium
beauftragten und den Universitäten Münster und München
durchgeführten deutschlandweiten Studie zum Stand der
Prozessorientierung in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung
vorgestellt. Im weiteren erfolgt die Präsentation des
aktuellen Standes zur Etablierung des nationalen
Prozessregisters von der Universität Potsdam (Hasso Plattner
Institut). Prof. Dr. mult. Peter Mertens wird im zweiten
Teil des ersten Tages über Bürgerkonten als
Informationsbasis der vielfältigen Aktivitäten und
Abhängigkeiten von Bürgern in der Solidargemeinschaft
referieren und Beispiele aus Theorie und Praxis aufzeigen.
Der zweite Tag startet mit Franz-Rinhard Habbel und seinem
"Blick nach vorn: Kommunen im Wandel", woran sich das
Schwerpunktthema "Social-Media in der Öffentlichen
Verwaltung" mit zwei praktischen Beispielen aus der Schweiz
und aus Sachsen anschließen wird. Der Höhepunkt des zweiten
Teils werden die Ausführungen von Dr. Wilfried Bernhardt,
CIO des Freistaates Sachsen sein. Daran schließt sich das
letzte Schwerpunktthema "E-Government Strategien und
Anforderungen" an.
Am Abend des ersten Konferenztages gibt es Gelegenheit zum
Networking im Stadtmuseum und der Entdeckung der Schönheit
Dresdens. Reservieren Sie sich den Termin und melden Sie
sich an. Für Beschäftigte des Öffentlichen Dienstes wird
eine deutlich verminderte Tagungsgebühr erhoben.
Das vollständige Tagungsprogramm sowie die Anmeldung für die
E-Government Konferenz Dresden 2011 finden Sie auf der
Konferenzseite. Änderungen am Programm bleiben vorbehalten.
Bei Fragen und für Rückmeldungen stehen Ihnen gerne Hr. Dr.
Walser (konrad.walser(a)bfh.ch <mailto:konrad.walser@bfh.ch>)
und Hr. Dr. Breidung (MBreidung(a)dresden.de
<mailto:MBreidung@dresden.de>) aus dem Organisationskomitee
gern zur Verfügung.
*Konferenzseite für Informationen und Anmeldung: