-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CoP: MISQE and SIM Pre-ICIS Workshop
Datum: Sun, 28 Aug 2011 09:00:00 -0500
Von: Leidner, Dorothy <Dorothy_Leidner(a)baylor.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers, Pre-ICIS 2011 Academic Workshop and MISQE Special Issue
SPONSORED BY: MIS Quarterly Executive and the Society of Information Management
TITLE: Enterprises and People on the Move: Managing Mobility for Business Value
Program Co-Chairs and MISQE Special Issue Editors:
Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University, Senior Editor, MISQE
Shan Pan, National University Singapore
Juliana Sutanto, ETH-Zurich
The past decade has witnessed a remarkable increase in the use of mobile technologies and applications to gather and disseminate information to and from employees as well as customers. Technology advancements such as the smartphone, tablet computer, and cloud computing liberate employees from their physical constraints leading to flexible working space and time. While on one hand, an increase in employees’ mobility may lead to better productivity and customer service; on the other hand, it may generate new security and compliance challenges for their organizations. How to address the challenges of supporting employees’ mobility to eventually generate the desired business values is a pertinent and timely organizational issue.
In addition, these advances in mobility provide opportunities and challenges for organizations seeking new means of reaching potential and existing customers, of personalizing customer service and advertising, and of tracking customers’ use of various services as well as customers’ responses to advertisements. As an interface to customers, advanced mobile devices may increase customization but also threaten privacy. Organizationsmust strike a careful balance between reaching its customers and pushing them away with messages that may be construed as intrusive. Those that achieve this balance are positioned to offer newer, richer services and products tocustomers.
For this pre-ICIS 2011 workshop and for the MISQE special issue in 2012, we are seeking “research for practice” papers that address the value that organizations are creating through embracing mobility. We are interested both in papers that consider the challenges and solutions to managing an increasingly mobile workforce and papers that consider the challenges and solutions to managing the relationships with customers using mobile technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
IT’s Influence on Mobility
Benefits and Challenges of Consumerization of IT for Enterprises
Advantages and Drawbacks of Consumerization of IT for Employees
Managing the Road Warriors
Mobile IT Management and Strategy
Strategies for Coping with the Personal Mobile Devices of Employees
Increasing Employees’ Productivity through Virtual Mobility
Managing the Information in the Internet of Things
Obtaining Business Values from Mobile Applications
Pre-ICIS 2011 Workshop Information:
Shanghai Location: TBA
Date: Sunday, December 4th, time and location TBA
Workshop Deadlines:
•Submit extended abstract (maximum 2 pages of text, single spaced): October 1, 2011
· Notification of workshop acceptance with preliminary editorial feedback: November 1, 2011
Workshop Registration:
· Registration will be posted on the SIM web site: www.simnet.org<http://www.simnet.org>
· SIM Academic Workshop liaison: Mary Sumner, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, msumner(a)siue.edu<mailto:msumner@siue.edu>
MIS Quarterly Executive Special Issue Deadlines:
Note: Authors are not required to attend the workshop in order to submit to the special issue.
February 15, 2012 Paper submission deadline
March 1, 2012 Preliminary feedback to authors
May 1, 2012 First round revision deadline
June 1, 2012 Second round feedback to authors
August 1, 2012 Final round revision deadline
September 20, 2012 Final paper acceptance decisions
December, 2012 Special Issue Published
All submissions should be sent to all the Program and Special Issue Co-Chairs:
Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University, dorothy_leidner(a)baylor.edu<mailto:dorothy_leidner@baylor.edu>
Shan Pan, National University Singapore, pansl(a)nus.edu.sg<mailto:pansl@nus.edu.sg>
Juliana Sutanto, ETH-Zurich, jsutanto(a)ethz.ch<mailto:jsutanto@ethz.ch>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CoP: MISQE and SIM Pre-ICIS Workshop
Datum: Sun, 28 Aug 2011 09:00:00 -0500
Von: Leidner, Dorothy <Dorothy_Leidner(a)baylor.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers, Pre-ICIS 2011 Academic Workshop and MISQE Special Issue
SPONSORED BY: MIS Quarterly Executive and the Society of Information Management
TITLE: Enterprises and People on the Move: Managing Mobility for Business Value
Program Co-Chairs and MISQE Special Issue Editors:
Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University, Senior Editor, MISQE
Shan Pan, National University Singapore
Juliana Sutanto, ETH-Zurich
The past decade has witnessed a remarkable increase in the use of mobile technologies and applications to gather and disseminate information to and from employees as well as customers. Technology advancements such as the smartphone, tablet computer, and cloud computing liberate employees from their physical constraints leading to flexible working space and time. While on one hand, an increase in employees’ mobility may lead to better productivity and customer service; on the other hand, it may generate new security and compliance challenges for their organizations. How to address the challenges of supporting employees’ mobility to eventually generate the desired business values is a pertinent and timely organizational issue.
In addition, these advances in mobility provide opportunities and challenges for organizations seeking new means of reaching potential and existing customers, of personalizing customer service and advertising, and of tracking customers’ use of various services as well as customers’ responses to advertisements. As an interface to customers, advanced mobile devices may increase customization but also threaten privacy. Organizationsmust strike a careful balance between reaching its customers and pushing them away with messages that may be construed as intrusive. Those that achieve this balance are positioned to offer newer, richer services and products tocustomers.
For this pre-ICIS 2011 workshop and for the MISQE special issue in 2012, we are seeking “research for practice” papers that address the value that organizations are creating through embracing mobility. We are interested both in papers that consider the challenges and solutions to managing an increasingly mobile workforce and papers that consider the challenges and solutions to managing the relationships with customers using mobile technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
IT’s Influence on Mobility
Benefits and Challenges of Consumerization of IT for Enterprises
Advantages and Drawbacks of Consumerization of IT for Employees
Managing the Road Warriors
Mobile IT Management and Strategy
Strategies for Coping with the Personal Mobile Devices of Employees
Increasing Employees’ Productivity through Virtual Mobility
Managing the Information in the Internet of Things
Obtaining Business Values from Mobile Applications
Pre-ICIS 2011 Workshop Information:
Shanghai Location: TBA
Date: Sunday, December 4th, time and location TBA
Workshop Deadlines:
•Submit extended abstract (maximum 2 pages of text, single spaced): October 1, 2011
· Notification of workshop acceptance with preliminary editorial feedback: November 1, 2011
Workshop Registration:
· Registration will be posted on the SIM web site: www.simnet.org<http://www.simnet.org>
· SIM Academic Workshop liaison: Mary Sumner, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, msumner(a)siue.edu<mailto:msumner@siue.edu>
MIS Quarterly Executive Special Issue Deadlines:
Note: Authors are not required to attend the workshop in order to submit to the special issue.
February 15, 2012 Paper submission deadline
March 1, 2012 Preliminary feedback to authors
May 1, 2012 First round revision deadline
June 1, 2012 Second round feedback to authors
August 1, 2012 Final round revision deadline
September 20, 2012 Final paper acceptance decisions
December, 2012 Special Issue Published
All submissions should be sent to all the Program and Special Issue Co-Chairs:
Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University, dorothy_leidner(a)baylor.edu<mailto:dorothy_leidner@baylor.edu>
Shan Pan, National University Singapore, pansl(a)nus.edu.sg<mailto:pansl@nus.edu.sg>
Juliana Sutanto, ETH-Zurich, jsutanto(a)ethz.ch<mailto:jsutanto@ethz.ch>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CoP: MISQE and SIM Pre-ICIS Workshop
Datum: Sun, 28 Aug 2011 09:00:00 -0500
Von: Leidner, Dorothy <Dorothy_Leidner(a)baylor.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers, Pre-ICIS 2011 Academic Workshop and MISQE Special Issue
SPONSORED BY: MIS Quarterly Executive and the Society of Information Management
TITLE: Enterprises and People on the Move: Managing Mobility for Business Value
Program Co-Chairs and MISQE Special Issue Editors:
Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University, Senior Editor, MISQE
Shan Pan, National University Singapore
Juliana Sutanto, ETH-Zurich
The past decade has witnessed a remarkable increase in the use of mobile technologies and applications to gather and disseminate information to and from employees as well as customers. Technology advancements such as the smartphone, tablet computer, and cloud computing liberate employees from their physical constraints leading to flexible working space and time. While on one hand, an increase in employees’ mobility may lead to better productivity and customer service; on the other hand, it may generate new security and compliance challenges for their organizations. How to address the challenges of supporting employees’ mobility to eventually generate the desired business values is a pertinent and timely organizational issue.
In addition, these advances in mobility provide opportunities and challenges for organizations seeking new means of reaching potential and existing customers, of personalizing customer service and advertising, and of tracking customers’ use of various services as well as customers’ responses to advertisements. As an interface to customers, advanced mobile devices may increase customization but also threaten privacy. Organizationsmust strike a careful balance between reaching its customers and pushing them away with messages that may be construed as intrusive. Those that achieve this balance are positioned to offer newer, richer services and products tocustomers.
For this pre-ICIS 2011 workshop and for the MISQE special issue in 2012, we are seeking “research for practice” papers that address the value that organizations are creating through embracing mobility. We are interested both in papers that consider the challenges and solutions to managing an increasingly mobile workforce and papers that consider the challenges and solutions to managing the relationships with customers using mobile technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
IT’s Influence on Mobility
Benefits and Challenges of Consumerization of IT for Enterprises
Advantages and Drawbacks of Consumerization of IT for Employees
Managing the Road Warriors
Mobile IT Management and Strategy
Strategies for Coping with the Personal Mobile Devices of Employees
Increasing Employees’ Productivity through Virtual Mobility
Managing the Information in the Internet of Things
Obtaining Business Values from Mobile Applications
Pre-ICIS 2011 Workshop Information:
Shanghai Location: TBA
Date: Sunday, December 4th, time and location TBA
Workshop Deadlines:
•Submit extended abstract (maximum 2 pages of text, single spaced): October 1, 2011
· Notification of workshop acceptance with preliminary editorial feedback: November 1, 2011
Workshop Registration:
· Registration will be posted on the SIM web site: www.simnet.org<http://www.simnet.org>
· SIM Academic Workshop liaison: Mary Sumner, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, msumner(a)siue.edu<mailto:msumner@siue.edu>
MIS Quarterly Executive Special Issue Deadlines:
Note: Authors are not required to attend the workshop in order to submit to the special issue.
February 15, 2012 Paper submission deadline
March 1, 2012 Preliminary feedback to authors
May 1, 2012 First round revision deadline
June 1, 2012 Second round feedback to authors
August 1, 2012 Final round revision deadline
September 20, 2012 Final paper acceptance decisions
December, 2012 Special Issue Published
All submissions should be sent to all the Program and Special Issue Co-Chairs:
Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University, dorothy_leidner(a)baylor.edu<mailto:dorothy_leidner@baylor.edu>
Shan Pan, National University Singapore, pansl(a)nus.edu.sg<mailto:pansl@nus.edu.sg>
Juliana Sutanto, ETH-Zurich, jsutanto(a)ethz.ch<mailto:jsutanto@ethz.ch>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP ~ Society, Education, and Informatics.
Datum: Sun, 28 Aug 2011 04:34:05 -0400
Von: IIIS <icsitf(a)mail.2011conferences.org>
Announcement: Conferences in 2011 and 2012, to be held in Orlando, Florida, USA
1. The Fall 2nd International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: Fall ICSIT 2011 (www.2011conferences.org/ficsit), to be held in the context of International Conference on Education, Informatics, and Cybernetics: icEIC 2011 (www.2011conferences.org/iceic) on November 29th-December 2nd, 2011. Final submission deadline for both conferences: September 15th, 2011.
2. The 3rd International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2012 (www.2012iiisconferences.org/icsit), and The 3rd International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics: ICETI 2012 (www.2012iiisconferences.org/iceti), to be held on March 25th - 28th, 2012. Submission deadline for both conferences: September 28th, 2011
3. The 6th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2012 (www.2012iiisconferences.org/imsci) to be held on July 17th - July 20th, 2012. Submission deadline for the 1st CFP: October 5th, 2011
Check the respective web sites for notification to authors and camera ready deadlines, as well as for possible extensions.
Technical keynote speakers will be selected from early submissions because this selection requires an additional evaluation according to the quality of the paper, assessed by its reviewers, the authors' CV and the paper's topic.
Submissions for *Face-to-Face* or for *Virtual* Participation are both accepted. Both kinds of submissions will have the same reviewing process and the accepted papers will be included in the same proceedings.
All Submitted papers/abstracts will go through three reviewing processes: (1) double-blind (at least three reviewers), (2) non-blind, and (3) participative peer reviews (more details at www.iiis.org/iiis/PeerReviewing.asp). Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference will have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their papers/abstracts, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their papers.
Pre-Conference and Post-conference virtual sessions (via electronic forums) will be held for each session included in the conference program.
Registration fees of an effective invited session organizer will be waived according to the policy described in the web page (click on 'Invited Session', then on 'Benefits for the Organizers of Invited Sessions').
Authors of the best 20% of the papers presented at the conference (included those virtually presented) will be invited to adapt their papers for their publication in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (JSCI; www.iiisci.org/journal/sci/Past.asp)
IIIS Organizing Committees
If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to remove(a)mail.2011conferences.org with REMOVE MLCONFERENCES in the subject line. Address: Torre Profesional La California, Av. Francisco de Miranda, Caracas, Venezuela.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CFP (Deadline Extended to Sept. 7th) -
Coordination Models, Languages and Applications - CM track
at ACM SAC 2012
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 17:30:22 +0200 (CEST)
From: Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez <fernandez(a)iiia.csic.es>
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
CC: Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez <fernandez(a)iiia.csic.es>
(Sorry for multiple copies)
CfP (Extended Deadline): ACM SAC Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications
Coordination Models, Languages and Applications
Special Track of the 27th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2012)
March 25 - 29, 2012, Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy
Sep. 7, 2011: Paper submissions (Extended Deadline)
Oct. 12, 2011: Author notification
Nov. 2, 2011: Camera-Ready Copy
Building on the success of the thirteen previous editions (1998-2011), a special track on coordination models, languages and applications will be held at SAC 2012. Over the last decade, we have witnessed the emergence of models, formalisms and mechanisms to describe concurrent and distributed computations and systems based on the concept of coordination. The purpose of a coordination model is to enable the integration of a number of, possibly heterogeneous, components (processes, objects, agents) in such a way that the resulting ensemble can execute as a whole, forming a software system with desired characteristics and functionalities which possibly takes advantage of parallel and distributed systems. The coordination paradigm is closely related to other contemporary software engineering approaches such as multi-agent systems, service-oriented architectures, component-based systems and related middleware platforms. Furthermore, the concept of coordination exists in many other Computer Science areas such as workflow systems, cooperative information systems, distributed artificial intelligence, and Internet technologies.
After more than a decade of research, the coordination paradigm is gaining increased momentum in state-of-the-art engineering paradigms such as multi-agent systems and service-oriented architectures: in the first case, coordination abstractions are perceived as essential to design and support the working activities of agent societies; in the latter case, service coordination, orchestration, and choreography are going to be essential aspects of the next generations of systems based on Web services.
The Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications takes a deliberately broad view of what constitutes coordination. Accordingly, major topics of interest this year will include:
- Novel models, languages, programming and implementation techniques
- Applications
- Internet, Web, and pervasive computing coordinated systems
- Coordination of multi-agent systems, including mobile agents, intelligent agents, and agent-based simulations
- Languages for service description and composition
- Models, frameworks and tools for Group Decision Making
- All aspects related to Cooperative Information Systems (e.g. workflow management, CSCW)
- Software architectures and software engineering techniques
- Configuration and Architecture Description Languages
- Middleware platforms
- Self-organising and nature-inspired coordination approaches
- Coordination technologies, systems and infrastructures
- Relationship with other computational models such as object oriented, declarative (functional, logic, constraint) programming or their extensions with coordination capabilities
- Formal aspects (semantics, type systems, reasoning, verification)
- Coordination models and specification in Service-Oriented Architectures, Web Service technologies (orchestration, choreography, etc), and Pervasive Computing.
Papers accepted for the Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications will be published by ACM both in the SAC 2012 proceedings and in the Digital Library. A Special Issue on an International Journal (with IF) based on selected papers is planned just after the conference.
All papers should represent original and previously unpublished works that currently are not under review in any conference or journal.
The author(s) name(s) and address(es) must NOT appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference should be in the third person. This is to facilitate blind review. Only the title should be shown at the first page without the author's information.
Submitted papers must be no longer than 6 pages and in the ACM two-column page format (doc template, pdf template, latex template). It will be possible to have up to 2 extra pages in the proceeding at a charge of $80 per page (total 8 pages maximum).
Submission is entirely automated via the STAR Submission System, which is available from the main SAC Web Site: http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2012/.
Mirko Viroli, Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita di Bologna, Italy
Gabriella Castelli, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez, IIIA-CSIC, Spain
Farhad Arbab, CWI Amsterdam and Leiden University, Netherlands
Marcello Bonsangue, Leiden University, Netherlands
Dave Clarke, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Ferruccio Damiani, University of Torino, Italy
Rocco De Nicola, University of Firenze, Italy
Simon Dobson, University of St Andrews, Scotland
Keith Harrison-Broninski, Role Modellers Ltd, UK
Manuel Mazzara, Newcastle University, UK
Henry Muccini, University of l'Aquila, Italy
Andrea Omicini, University of Bologna, Italy
Manuel Oriol, University of York, UK
Antonio Porto, University of Porto, Portugal
Rosario Pugliese, University of Florence, Italy
Alessandro Ricci, University of Bologna, Italy
Davide Rossi, University of Bologna, Italy
Norman Salazar, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Spain
Michael Ignaz Schumacher, University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Yasuyuki Tahara, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Carolyn Talcott, SRI International, USA
Paul Tarau, University of North Texas, USA
Robert Tolksdorf, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Emilio Tuosto, University of Leicester, UK
Meritxell Vinyals, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Spain
George Wells, Rhodes University, South Africa
Herbert Wiklicky, Imperial College London, UK
Pawel T. Wojciechowski, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Franco Zambonelli, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] MKWI 2012 Braunschweig - Teilkonferenz E-Health
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 17:02:14 +0200
From: Torsten Eymann <Torsten.Eymann(a)uni-bayreuth.de>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Der Fachausschuss Medizinische Informatik
des Fachbereichs Medizinische Informatik der GMDS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie) und des Fachbereichs Informatik in den Lebenswissenschaften (ILW) der GI
veranstaltet auf der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2012 (http://mkwi2012.de, 29.2.-2.3.2012) eine Teilkonferenz zum Thema
E-Health: Informationssysteme für die vernetzte Medizin
Ziel der Teilkonferenz ist insbesondere der Austausch zwischen Medizinischen Informatikern und Wirtschaftsinformatikern, um gemeinsam zu einem effizienten Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie im Gesundheitswesen beizutragen, damit auch langfristig eine qualitativ hochwertige, aber bezahlbare Forschung und Versorgung gewährleistet werden kann.
Erwünscht werden Forschungsbeiträge und Erfahrungsberichte zu der gesamte Breite des Themas E-Health bis zum 15. September 2011. Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Beiträge
Petra Knaup, Ursula Hübner, Alfred Winter
Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Ihr Torsten Eymann
Prof. Dr. Torsten Eymann
LS Wirtschaftsinformatik (BWL VII)
Universität Bayreuth
95440 Bayreuth
Tel. +49 (921) 55-7661
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Final CFP: DASC2011 (Dependable, Autonomic and
Secure Computing) - Deadline: August 30, 2011
Datum: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 02:09:30 +1000
Von: Chang Liu <changliu.aus(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Submission deadline extended to August 30, 2011.
Call for papers:
DASC2011 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic
and Secure Computing, Dec.12-14, 2011, Sydney, Australia.
Website: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/dasc2011/
Key dates:
Submission Deadline: extended to August 30, 2011
Submission site: http://cse.stfx.ca/~DASC2011/sub/
Proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press.
Special issues:
Distinguised papers will be selected for special issues in Journal of
Computer and System Sciences; or Concurrency and Computation: Practice
and Experience.
As computer systems become increasingly large and complex, their
Dependability, Security and Autonomy play critical role at supporting
next-generation science, engineering, and commercial applications. These
systems consist of heterogeneous software/hardware/network components of
changing capacities, availability, and in varied contexts. They provide
computing services to large pools of users and applications, and thus
are exposed to a number of dangers such as accidental/deliberate faults,
virus infections, malicious attacks, illegal intrusions, and natural
disasters etc. As a result, too often computer systems fail, become
compromised, or perform poorly and therefore untrustworthy. Thus, it
remains a challenge to design, analyze, evaluate, and improve the
dependability and security for a trusted computing environment. Trusted
computing targets computing and communication systems as well as
services that are autonomous, dependable, secure, privacy protect-able,
predictable, traceable, controllable, assessable and sustainable. The
scale and complexity of information systems evolve towards overwhelming
the capability of system administrators, programmers, and designers.
This calls for the autonomic computing paradigm, which meets the
requirement of self-management by providing self-optimization,
self-healing, self-configuration, and self-protection. As a promising
means to implement dependable and secure systems in a self-managing
manner, autonomic computing technology needs to be further explored. On
the other hand, any autonomic system must be trustworthy to avoid the
risk of losing control and retain confidence that the system will not
fail. Trusted and autonomic computing and communications need
synergistic research efforts covering many disciplines, ranging from
computer science and engineering, to the natural sciences to the social
sciences. It requires scientific and technological advances in a wide
variety of fields, as well as new software, system architectures, and
communication systems that support the effective and coherent
integration of the constituent technologies.
Scope and Topics
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
#Autonomic Computing Theory, Models, Architectures and Communications
#Dependable Automatic Control Techniques and Systems
#Cloud Computing with Autonomic and Trusted Environment
#Dependability Models and Evaluation Algorithms
#Dependable Sensors, Devices, Electronic-Mechanical Systems,
Optic-Electronic Systems, Embedded Systems, etc.
#Self-improvement in Dependable Systems
#Self-healing, Self-protection and Fault-tolerant Systems
#Hardware and Software Reliability, Verification and Testing
#Software Engineering for Dependable Systems
#Safety-critical Systems in Transportation, Power System, etc.
#Security Models and Quantifications
#Trusted P2P, Web Service, SoA, SaaS, EaaS, PaaS, etc.
#Self-protection and Intrusion-detection in Security
#DRM, Watermarking Technology, IP Protection
#Context-aware Access Control
#Virus Detections and Anti-virus Techniques/Software
#Cyber Attack, Crime and Cyber War
#Human Interaction with Trusted and Autonomic Computing Systems
#Security, Dependability and Autonomic Issues in Ubiquitous Computing
#QoS in Communications and Services
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must include an abstract, keywords, the e-mail address of
the corresponding author and should not exceed 8 pages for main
conference, including tables and figures in IEEE CS format. The template
files for LATEX or WORD can be downloaded here. All paper submissions
must represent original and unpublished work. Submission of a paper
should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted,
at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present
the work. Submit your paper(s) in PDF file at the DASC2011 submission
site: http://cse.stfx.ca/~DASC2011/sub/
Accepted and presented papers will be included into the IEEE Conference
Proceedings published by IEEE CS Press. Authors of accepted papers, or
at least one of them, are requested to register and present their work
at the conference, otherwise their papers will be removed from the
digital libraries of IEEE CS and EI after the conference.
Distinguished papers presented at the conference, after further
revision, will be published in special issues of Journal of Computer and
System Sciences, and Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
General Chairs
Jennifer Seberry, University of Wollongong, Australia
Vijay Varadharajan, Macquarie University, Australia
Program Chairs
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Hua Wang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Workshop Chairs
Xiao Liu, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Jemal Abbawajy, Deakin University, Australia
Publicity Chairs
Jiankun Hu, UNSW@ADFA, Australia
Jong Hyuk Park, Kyungnam University, Korea
Steering Chairs
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Chapter Proposals --> 'Online
Collective Action: Dynamics of the Crowd in Social Media'
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 16:12:22 -0500
From: Rolf Wigand <rtwigand(a)ualr.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, isworld(a)aisnet.org
*Call for Chapter Proposals*
*/Online Collective Action: Dynamics of the Crowd in Social
Edited by:
Nitin Agarwal (nxagarwal(a)ualr.edu <mailto:nxagarwal@ualr.edu>)
Universityof Arkansasat Little Rock
Merlyna Lim (Merlyna.Lim(a)asu.edu <mailto:Merlyna.Lim@asu.edu>)
RolfT. Wigand (rtwigand(a)ualr.edu <mailto:rtwigand@ualr.edu>)
Universityof Arkansasat Little Rock
To appear under Springer?s Lecture Notes in Social Networks
Series Editors: Nasrullah Memon and Reda Alhajj
*Aims, Scope, and Purpose of the Book*
Social media have played a substantial role in supporting
collective actions. In various recent events, from the Arab
Spring to the Londonriots, they are described as important
tools for the disparate crowd to communicate, coordinate,
and mobilize itself. However, despite the pervasive act of
labeling recent events as ?Facebook revolution,? ?Twitter
revolution,? and ?BBM riot,? there is very little in-depth
research devoted to advance our understanding of online
collective actions. Mere journalistic accounts on such
actions are inevitably based on anecdotes rather than
rigorously designed research. Existing computational studies
focusing on capturing and mapping the interactions and
issues prevailing in social media manage to identify the
manifestations of collective actions. These, however, lack
modeling and predictive capabilities. Moreover, such
computational theories do not utilize, reflect nor do they
leverage findings of long-established sociological studies
on collective action and/or social movements.
The study of collective action has a long established
history. Collective action is defined as the pursuit of a
goal or set of goals by more than one person. More
specifically, collective action is any situation in which
the uncoordinated actions of each player may not result in
the best outcome he or she can achieve. Collectively,
however, such combined actions pursuing a goal may be
successful, largely due to the power of the group or
?collective?. Collective Action Theory was originally
developed by Ronald Coase in 1937 and later updated by
Mancur Olson in 1965; both, however, in the pre-Internet
era. The availability of the Internet and social media has
made coordination and communication between individuals
easier, less costly and less time consuming. The
contemporary use of social media, in particular, has
unavoidably linked collective behavior with social networks.
As individuals and groups become more networked through
social media, real-time communication can take place in the
vast social network instantaneously. How does this new way
of communication influence the formation of collective
action? Is there a need to reassess collective action theory
to provide deeper insights for successful contemporary
collective action efforts leveraging the new way of
communication? Are there any fundamental aspects of
contemporary collective action efforts that can be
identified and explained using existing collective action
theory or do we need innovative approaches and methodologies
to re-frame and re-conceive collective action theory in
online environments?
*Intended Contributions of the Book*
We aim to bridge the gap between the manifestations of
collective action and its fundamental and theoretical
aspects in the new information and communication technology
(ICT) landscape. We, therefore, invite qualitative and
quantitative studies from computational and social sciences
focusing on online collective actions promoting a symbiotic
and synergistic advancement of the disciplines. More
·Through this book we intend to illuminate several
fundamental and powerful yet theoretically undeveloped
aspects of collective action in social media.
·The book will provide an interdisciplinary platform to
researchers, practitioners, and graduate students from
different disciplines to share, exchange, learn, and develop
preliminary results, new concepts, ideas, principles, and
methodologies, aiming to advance and deepen our
understanding of collective action in social media to help
critical decision and policy making.
·The developed methodologies will be a valuable companion
and comprehensive reference for anyone interested in newer
ICT, examining their role in decision and policy making;
understanding the dynamics of interaction, communication,
information propagation, and opinion diffusion; and
researching in social networks for years to come.
·The book will also serve as an extensive repository of data
sets and tools that can be used by researchers leading to a
perpetual and synergistic advancement of the discipline.
·The recent advancements in Web 2.0 have provided vast
opportunities to investigate the dynamics and structure of
web based social networks. The book will facilitate
dissemination of these investigations and their outcomes.
*Intended Audience of the Book*
The target audience for this book will consist of
researchers, practitioners, and graduate students from the
various disciplines including (but not limited to)
sociology, behavioral science, computer science, information
science, psychology, cultural study, operations research,
political science, and communication/media studies. This is
not a college textbook. However, it can be used as a
reference text for advanced courses in various
interdisciplinary fields such as human-computer interaction,
game theory, political communication, social network
analysis and mining, organization theory, and social
computing, among others.
*Recommended Topics *
The edited book welcomes theoretical, analytical,
methodological, and empirical contributions, using any kind
of research method, including experiments, primary data from
social media logs, case studies (national or transnational),
simulations, surveys, and so on. Submissions are encouraged
on topics that examine the role of the Internet and social
media on collective action theory and study the dynamics of
the crowd. Some suggested topics are listed below:
·Theory and foundations of collective action in the era of
the Internet and social media
·Datasets and methodologies to analyze online dynamics of
the crowd at different scales
·Emerging trends, tools, and applications to examine online
forms of collective action
·Strategic social interactions in online environments
·Extent and roles of social media (Facebook, YouTube,
Twitter, etc.) in fueling popular movements
·Online citizen journalism (e.g., blogging journalism)
·Effects of media censorship and its consequences on online
collective action
·Online mobilization of public opinion
·E-campaigning and political/social groups
·Online mediation of women related issues
*Submission Guidelines*
Prospective authors must send a 750 to 1000 words chapter
proposal to OCA(a)asu.edu <mailto:OCA@asu.edu> by September
15, 2011. The proposal should clearly state the objectives
of the chapter and highlight the contributions towards the
theme of the book. Notifications to all proposers will be
sent by October 3, 2011. Authors of the accepted proposals
will be requested to submit full chapters by January 16,
2012. Full chapters must be prepared following the Springer
manuscript preparation guidelines available at:
Full chapters will go through a double-blind peer review
process. Peer review results will be sent to the authors by
April 2, 2012. Final revised chapters will be due by May 30,
*Important Dates*
Chapter Proposals Due: September 15, 2011
Notification of Accepted Chapter Proposals: October 3, 2011
Full Chapters Due: January 16, 2012
Peer Review Results: April 2, 2012
Final Revised Chapters Due: May 30, 2012
Please note that all dates correspond to midnightPST.
All inquiries should be directed to OCA(a)asu.edu
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP AIS SIG Services 2011 Workshop @ ICIS 2011
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 18:25:21 +0200
From: Tilo Böhmann <boehmann(a)informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
To: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Apologies for cross-posting.
Bitte entschuldigen Sie Mehrfachzustellungen.
AIS SIG SVC 2011 Workshop
Saturday, December 3, 2011, 8:30-5 PM
Pujiang Hall B., Shanghai, China
The economy may be soft but that is a boon for services spending which is expected to grow from $870 billion this year to over $1 trillion in 2011 according to one forecast (Gartner, 2010). These investments innovate the management of IT infrastructures, application and system portfolios, data and information provision and use, and business services using new IT-based opportunities. These opportunities play globally with strong services improvements across the globe. Thus, service-oriented thinking is one of the fastest growing paradigms. Yet for the public successes of companies such as BMW, Kone, Queensland Health, Proctor& Gamble, and Rolls Royce there are as many failures. Government and not-for-profit organizations are also radically innovating their services using information technological opportunities. However, these innovations are complex. Thus, research on management, context, service innovation, design, quality, architecture, delivery, execution, and outcomes are all needed. The goal of this workshop is to explore the challenges of services orientation in IT.
You are invited to contribute research paper abstracts and panel presentations according to the following deadlines:
Key Dates for SIGSVC Workshop
• Submissions due to Easy chair before October 1, 2011
• Acceptance Notification: October 22, 2011
• Final Changes Due: November 14, 2011
• Workshop: December 3, 2011
We expect to accept about 2 panels, 10 full research papers and 10 research in-progress-papers or cases (15 minute presentations and 5 minutes discussion each). Additionally we accept at least 10 posters for presentation and discussion during the lunch.
Possible topics of applied, field and empirical research include, but are not limited to:
- Business process integration and management (BPM) of services
- Commoditization of hardware, software, business processes (e.g. out-tasking, ITIL, SCORE)
- Customer Integration in service design, delivery and operation
- Risk management or legal aspects of services
- Service business models: issues of excellence and productivity
- Service Design methods and practices
- Service Engineering
- Service Oriented Information Technology, Systems and Management
- Service systems, components, platforms, technologies, and architectures
- Services governance and organizational transformation, operation and service offshoring
- Services innovation& management
- Servitizing IT-organizations
- Theories and approaches for integrating and/or sourcing services computing and automated BPM
- Theories and approaches to services innovation& management, design& engineering, modeling& simulation, and standardization
- Theories, challenges and impacts of service-orientation
- Service typologies and their implications for management, IT support and IT-based innovation.
- Other services related topics
Workshop Organizing Committee
General Co-Chairs: Stuart Galup, Fons Wijnhoven, and Sue Conger
Local Organizing Chair: Xiuzhen Feng
Workshop Program Committee
Chair: Tuure Tuunanen
Program Committee:
- Stuart Galup
- Fons Wijnhoven
- Sue Conger
- Michael Goul
- Roman Beck
- Virpi Tuunainen
- Erwin Fielt
- Tilo Böhmann
- Xiuzhen Feng
Registration with ICIS registration:
- For Faculty (AIS Members): $55
- For Faculty (Non-AIS Members): $65
- Students: $35
$75 on-site registration fee at the conference
Facebook site
Please have a look at http://www.facebook.com/pages/SIG-SVC/233810039966915 for the latest news& information regarding the workshop
Submission Instructions
Send your paper as an attachment in AIS Sprouts-format (http://sprouts.aisnet.org/sprouts-style.html) to http://sigsvc2011.easychair.com before October 1. Full papers with a maximum length of 8 pages (excluding references and abstract), research-in-progress papers with a maximum length of 4 pages, and abstracts of both of maximum of 150 words. Also send in your draft poster before October 1.
For the panel proposals send in a one page proposal with at least 5 persons from different institutions stating the objective, importance, expected outcomes, key statements (per participant), and proposed way of getting the visitors involved.
Proceedings& Journal Fast-Tracking
The accepted papers will be published in the AIS Sprouts working paper series after the workshop. Selected full research papers will also be invited for submission to JITTA : Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (www.jitta.org) as full research papers.
Beste Grüße / Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Tilo Böhmann
Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Informatik / Department of Informatics
IT Management& Consulting
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30
D-22527 Hamburg
T: +49 (40) 428 83-2299
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] CfP: "Digitale Netzwerke in unsicheren
Umwelten" auf der MKWI 2012
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 17:59:44 +0200 (CEST)
From: Prof. Dr. Jörg
Reply-To: postmaster(a)idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
wir möchten Sie noch einmal auf unsere Teilkonferenz auf der
MKWI 2012 hinweisen und Sie einladen, Beiträge einzureichen:
*"Digitale Netzwerke in unsicheren Umwelten"*
Die Informationsgesellschaft wird durch das zunehmende
Auftreten neuer Formen digitaler Netzwerke geprägt, die
Unternehmen, öffentliche Verwaltungen und Privatpersonen
enger als jemals zuvor miteinander verbinden. Die
Wirtschaftsinformatik sieht sich so der Aufgabe gegenüber,
neben Unternehmensnetzwerken vermehrt auch hybride
Netzwerkformen wie Public Private Partnerships (PPP) oder
innovative Wege zur Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke in
Unternehmen und öffentlichen Verwaltungen zu untersuchen und
Obwohl viele Netzwerke gebildet werden, um Unsicherheit
durch einen schnelleren, umfassenderen Zugang zu
Informationen zu reduzieren oder zu beherrschen, entstehen
gerade durch die IT neue Arten von Unsicherheit. So hat
beispielsweise die Evolution der digitalen
Informationsintegration entlang der Supply Chain zwar die
Produktionsplanung robuster gemacht, gleichzeitig aber
gegenseitige Abhängigkeiten und damit Unsicherheiten
verstärkt. Diese unsicheren Umwelten stellen besondere
Anforderungen an das Netzwerkdesign. Informationsaustausche
in Netzwerken stellen eine Möglichkeit zur Reduzierung
dieser Unsicherheit dar, können auf der anderen Seite jedoch
auch ganz neue Unsicherheiten schaffen. Eine wichtige
Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Vernetzung ist die
Berücksichtigung der wechselseitigen Abhängigkeiten zwischen
dem Management und Design von Geschäftsprozessen und
Das Management von Unsicherheit durch digitale Netzwerke
bietet vielfältige Anknüpfungspunkte für die
Wirtschaftsinformatik. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt der
Track ein Forum bereit, in dem neue Theorien und
IT-Artefakte vorgestellt und diskutiert werden können. Der
Fokus wird dabei auf ein gestaltungsorientiertes
Forschungsparadigma gelegt.
Mögliche Themen des Tracks sind:
-Konzeptionelle Arbeiten zur Systematisierung von
Unsicherheit in digitalen Netzwerken
-Fallstudien zum Management von Unsicherheit durch digitale
Netzwerke, z. B. in der Logistik, im Bankenwesen, im
Gesundheitswesen, in öffentlichen Verwaltungen, in PPP oder
in sozialen Netzwerken
-IT Artefakte zur Modellierung, Standardisierung und
Integration von Geschäftsprozessen und
Informationstechnologie in (hybriden) Netzwerken
-Kooperative(s) Geschäftsprozessmanagement und -modellierung
zum Management von Unsicherheit
-Alignment von Managementaspekten und
Informationstechnologie in digitalen Netzwerken
-Empirische Untersuchungen zur Entstehung und Entwicklung
von Netzwerken (Network Lifecycle)
-Design und Implementierungsaspekte für die Bereitstellung
geeigneter Softwarekomponenten für die Vernetzung (Web
Services, Web 2.0 Technologie, Semantic Web, Ontologien)
Leitung des Tracks:
Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker,
Dr. Daniel Beverungen,
PD Dr. Patrick Delfmann,
Dr. Michael Räckers
European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS),
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
15.09.2011: Annahmeschluss für die Einreichung von
15.11.2011: Benachrichtigung der Autorinnen und Autoren
über die Annahme
15.12.2011: Einreichung der druckfertigen Beiträge und
29.02. - 02.03.2012: MKWI 2012
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jörg Becker
*Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker*
*Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster*
*Prorektor für Strategische Planung und Qualitätssicherung*
Schlossplatz 2
48149 Münster
*ERCIS - European Research Center for****Information Systems*
Leonardo-Campus 3
48149 Münster
www.ercis.org <http://www.ercis.org>