-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] International Journal of E-Business
Research: TOC 7(1) and CFP
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 10:54:10 -0600 (CST)
From: In Lee <I-Lee(a)wiu.edu>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The contents of the latest issue of:
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR)
Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association
Volume 7, Issue 1, January-March 2011
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 1548-1131 EISSN: 1548-114X
Published by IGI Publishing, Hershey-New York, USAcf
Editor-in-Chief: In Lee, Western Illinois University, USA
Special Issue: Mobile Services: Development and Management
Attribute Perceptions as Factors Explaining Mobile Internet Acceptance of Cellular Customers in Germany: An Empirical Study Comparing Actual and Potential Adopters with Distinct Categories of Access Appliances
Torsten Gerpott, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
To date, the majority of mobile network operator (MNO) customers have not used mobile Internet (MI) offerings. Therefore, it is important to gain a better understanding of (1) how MNO customers perceive MI attributes, (2) how these perceptions are related to MI acceptance, and (3) the extent to which these judgments differ as a function of an individual’s adoption status (actual compared to potential MI user) and the appliance category employed to access MI (handset compared to laptop). This study uses MI attributes deduced from diffusion of innovation (DOI) and information economic (IE) literature and data collected from a survey of 525 effective and 540 potential MI users in Germany. Results show that the perceived relative functional advantage and communicability of MI offers were positively correlated and their trialability was negatively correlated with MI acceptance. Perceived DOI-based attributes explained MI acceptance better for actual users. Appliance category for MI access had strong influence on DOI-based MI attribute assessments. MNO customers who use a laptop to obtain MI access perceived MI features more favorable than persons who use a handset. These findings provide insights for MNO and appliance vendors on measures that effectively promote the acceptance of MI.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Modeling Intention to Use Novel Mobile Peer-To-Peer Services
Mikko Heikkinen, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Finland
Juuso Töyli, Turku School of Economics, Finland
This study models the intention to use novel mobile peer-to-peer communications and content sharing services and determine their adoption potential. A sample of 155 Finnish customers with an advanced mobile handset was collected and analyzed. The Theory of Planned Behavior conceptual model for measuring behavioral intention was applied in the context of novel mobile services. The model was estimated by structural equation modeling. Mobile peer-to-peer communications and content sharing services have high adoption potential among the respondents with advanced handsets. The adoption potential of communications services was higher than that of content sharing services. User attitude was further identified as the main driver affecting intention to use a novel mobile service. The suggested operationalisation of the conceptual model was observed to measure the intention to use novel mobile services with an acceptable accuracy.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Social Cognitive Theory in Mobile Banking Innovations
Vanessa Ratten, Deakin University, Australia
This paper examines the behavior Australian youths have toward mobile banking. Social cognitive theory is the theoretical framework in which a conceptual model is empirically tested. The conceptual model includes five constructs (media, modeling, outcome expectancy, learning orientation and entrepreneurial orientation), which are proposed to influence an individual’s intention to adopt mobile banking. The conceptual model is tested in a sample of Australian youths and the analysis supports a portion of the proposed conceptual model. The findings support the link between the media and an individual’s entrepreneurial orientation with their intention to adopt mobile banking. The paper demonstrates how social cognitive theory is a useful foundation to understand the external and internal stimuli that influence an individual’s desire to adopt mobile banking.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Regulating Mobile Services: An Institution-Based View
Indrit Troshani, The University of Adelaide, Australia
Sally Hill, The University of Adelaide, Australia
While the development of mobile services is experiencing a spectacular growth in many countries worldwide, existing regulatory regimes are ill equipped for dealing with them. In this paper, the authors use qualitative evidence to investigate the manner in which institutional regulatory factors, including legal, societal, and economic factors, can impact mobile services in the Australian mobile telecommunications industry. These factors are important as they shape both the nature of emerging mobile services and their diffusion trajectory. The investigation culminates with an innovative institutional regulatory framework that includes factors such as consumer and intellectual property protection, market and resources access. The authors argue that co-regulation, a mixture of direct monitoring and intervention of regulators through legislation and complete industry self-regulation, is an effective approach for regulating the mobile telecommunications industry. Given the complex and dynamic nature of this industry, co-regulation can minimize monitoring costs and enhance compliance.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Proposing a Hierarchical Utility Package with Reference to Mobile Advertising
Shalini Tripathi, Jaipuria Institute of Management, India
Masood Siddiqui, Jaipuria Institute of Management, India
Mobile advertising is a powerful tool for direct and interactive marketing. However effective marketing requires examining consumers’ psyche. This study proposes a hierarchical utility package (in the consumers’ perception) with reference to mobile advertising, thus enhancing its acceptance. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed four consolidated utility dimensions (with reference to mobile advertising). Binary logistic regression was used to create a hierarchical utility package with respondents giving the highest priority to Customization rather than Location based messaging, followed by Incentives and Session based messages. By incorporating the utility package in the mobile advertising format, mobile advertisers can ensure greater acceptance and develop competitive advantage.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Value-Based Analysis of Mobile Tagging
Oguzhan Aygoren, Bogazici University, Turkey
Kaan Varnali, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
Innovative use of the mobile medium in delivering customer value presents unprecedented opportunities for marketers. Various types of mobile applications have evolved to provide ubiquitous and instant customer service to capitalize on this opportunity. One application is mobile tagging, a mobile-based innovative tool for convergence marketing. The accumulated academic knowledge on mobile marketing lacks consumer-centric information about this phenomenon. This paper addresses this issue and contributes to the understanding of theoretical and practical issues related to the use of mobile tagging in consumer markets.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) in your institution's library. This journal is also included in the IGI Global aggregated "InfoSci-Journals" database: http://www.igi-global.com/EResources/InfoSciJournals.aspx. *****************************************************
Mission of IJEBR:
The primary objective of the International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) is to provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners to advance the knowledge and practice of all facets of electronic business. Emerging e-business theories, architectures, and technologies are emphasized to stimulate and disseminate cutting-edge information into research and business communities in a timely fashion. The secondary objective of this journal is to develop a comprehensive framework of e-business by taking a multidisciplinary approach to understanding e-business and its implications on businesses and economies. This journal will serve as an integrated e-business knowledge base for those who are interested in contributing to the advancement of e-business theory and practice through a variety of research methods including theoretical, experimental, case, and survey research methods.
Coverage of IJEBR:
IJEBR appears quarterly and maintains rigorous review processes. Theoretical, experimental, survey, and case studies are all appropriate. Among topics to be included (but not limited) are the following:
• Applications of new technologies to e-business
• Collaborative commerce
• Consumer behavior
• Developing and managing middleware to support e-business
• Digital libraries
• E-business models and architectures
• E-business process modeling and simulation studies
• E-business standardizations
• E-business systems integration
• E-business technology investment strategies
• Economics of e-business
• E-finance
• E-healthcare
• Electronic markets and infrastructures
• Electronic supply chain management and the Internet-based electronic data interchange
• E-procurement methods
• E-services
• Evaluation methodologies for e-business systems
• Global e-business
• Intelligent agent technologies and their impacts
• Mobile commerce
• Trends in e-business models and technologies
• Trust, security, and privacy of e-business transactions and information
• Valuing e-business assets
• Web advertising
• Web personalization and mass customization technologies
• Web services-based e-business systems
• Web-based languages, application development methodologies, and tools
And all other related issues that will contribute to the advancement of e-business research.
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission guidelines www.igi-global.com/ijebr.
All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. In Lee at I-Lee(a)wiu.edu
In Lee, Ph.D.
School of Computer Sciences
Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL USA
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR)
Editor, Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 2nd CFP: AIS Transactions on HCI -
Special Issue on "HCI in the Web 2.0 era"
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2011 12:30:18 -0500
From: Ozgur Turetken <turetken(a)ryerson.ca>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
Please see below the 2^nd Call For Papers for the special
issue of AIS Transactions on Human Computer Interaction on
"HCI in the Web 2.0 era"
Best wishes for the new year,
Ozgur Turetken, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management,
Ryerson University,
Address: Room 3-091 575 Bay Street, Toronto, ON Canada M5G 2C5,
Mailing Adress: 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M5B
Tel: (416) 979 5000 x2481,
Fax: (416) 979 5249,
E-mail: turetken(a)ryerson.ca
Web-based collaborative applications commonly known as "Web
2.0" (O'Reilly 2005) have been changing the way individuals
interact with each other. These applications are used for
sharing content in various formats ranging from video (e.g.
YouTube) to text (e.g. Wikipedia), and for a variety of
purposes in social (e.g. social networking), business (e.g.
viral marketing), and political (e.g. political campaigning)
contexts. Given the variety in the content, user profiles,
and motivations in this domain, user interaction techniques
are surprisingly limited, and not more sophisticated than
the first generation of Web applications. It is presumable
that with better identification of users, their motivations,
and interaction needs, user experience with Web 2.0 will be
substantially improved. In addition, many users interact
with Web 2.0 applications using mobile devices such as smart
phones thus enabling near real-time information sharing. Yet
there is little research to date focusing on the "any time
any place" nature of HCI in the era of Web 2.0.
This special issue calls for research from diverse fields
that explores the HCI phenomenon in the dynamic and
ubiquitous Web 2.0 environment. Conceptual and theory
building papers, design science studies, and empirical
research that investigates the success of the interaction of
people with Web 2.0 applications are all welcome.
Prospective contributors are expected to bring in a variety
of perspectives from social to technical.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
. Identification and classification of Web 2.0 user
profiles and motivations
. Analysis of Web 2.0 use patterns
. Impact of Web 2.0 on user activities
. Personal-life impacts
. Social and political impacts
. Web 2.0 in the organizational context
. Evaluation of Web 2.0 interaction techniques
. Design, implementation, and evaluation of innovative Web
2.0 user interfaces
. Methods for indexing, searching, and mining Web 2.0 data
. Impacts of mobility and distributed computing
Information for Authors:
Please refer to THCI website (http://thci.aisnet.org) for
manuscript requirements, including manuscript categories,
format requirements, length, reference style, etc. All
manuscripts should be submitted to THCI manuscript central
(http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/thci) following the
standard submission process where authors can request
preferred or not preferred reviewers. Drs. Turetken and
Olfman, co-editors of the special issue, will jointly manage
the reviews for the special issue. THCI board members and ad
hoc reviewers will be invited to review the manuscripts. The
review process and criteria will follow those of THCI's. All
reviews are double blind. Manuscripts (and revisions) will
be processed as soon as they are submitted.
Important Dates (early submissions are welcome):
. 2010.8.1
Intent by email (optional). Authors may seek feedback from
. 2011.2.1
Deadline for Submissions
. 2011.5.1
Review results to authors
. 2011.8.1
Deadline for Revisions
. 2011.10.1 Final
decisions to authors
. Late 2011 or early 2012 Publication
of the special issue.
. Ozgur Turetken, Ted Rogers School of Information
Technology Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON,
Canada L5M 6G4
Phone: (416) 979-5000 x2481, Fax: (416) 979-5249,
E-mail: turetken(a)ryerson.ca <mailto:turetken@ryerson.ca>
. Lorne Olfman, School of Information Systems and
Technology, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA,
USA 91711
Phone: 909-621-8209, E-mail: Lorne.Olfman(a)cgu.edu
O'Reilly, T. (2005). What is Web 2.0? Retrieved March 9,
2010 from http://oreilly.com/web2/archive/what-is-web-20.html
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 1st PAKDD Doctoral Symposium on
Data Mining (DSDM'11) - Selected paper will be on special
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 15:50:01 +0000
From: Ming Li <lim.lamda(a)hotmail.com>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]
DSDM'11: 1st PAKDD Doctoral Symposium on Data Mining
(Held in conjunction with PAKDD'11 , Shenzhen, China, May
24-27, 2011)
(Papers Due: 23:59 (PST), January 18, 2011)
**** Due to multiple requests, our submission deadline has
been extended *****
The 1st PAKDD Doctoral Symposium on Data Mining (DSDM'11)
aims to provide a forum for Ph.D. students and junior
researchers who have just received their Ph.D. degrees,
where the participants can have the opportunity to present
and discuss their recent works on data mining foundations,
techniques and applications with senior researchers in the
community. The goals of this symposium are:
* Allowing Ph.D. students to seek for constructive
feedbacks and advices from senior researchers;
* Bridging possible research collaborations;
* Contributing to the conference goals by interacting
with other researchers at the main conference.
The authors that satisfy the following conditions are
invited to submit their manuscripts related all aspects of
data mining to the symposium:
* The first author or corresponding author of the paper
is a Ph.D. candidate;
* The first author or corresponding author of the paper
just received his/her Ph.D. degree within 2 years.
The best paper award of DSDM'11 will be granted to the Ph.D.
student who submitted his/her original work to the
symposium, based on the evaluation from the PC members.
A registration (either regular or student) covers the access
to both doctoral symposium and the PAKDD'11 main conference.
**** Extended version of the selected papers on DSDM'11 will
be invited to an EI-indexed journal "Frontiers of Computer
Science in China" (Springer).
The 1st PAKDD Doctoral Symposium on Data Mining (DSDM'11)
calls for research papers reporting original investigation
results, real-world applications and system development
experience, in all aspects of data mining. The topics of the
DSDM'11 papers fall into two major categories which will
include but are not limited to the following:
A. Data Mining Foundations
A1. Theoretic Foundations
A2. Novel Models and Algorithms
A3. Statistical Methods
A4. Association Rules
A5. Classification and Ranking
A6. Clustering
A7. Robust and Highly Scalable Data Mining Algorithms
A8. Privacy Preserving Data Mining
A9. Parallel and Distributed Data Mining
A10. Interactive and Online Mining
A11. Pre-processing and Post-processing in Data Mining
A12. Knowledge Management
A13. Data and Knowledge Visualization
B. Data Mining in Specialized Domain
B1. High Dimensional Data
B2. Imbalanced Data
B3. Spatial and Temporal Data
B4. Stream Data
B5. Graph Data
B6. Uncertain and Probabilistic Data
B7. Semi-Structured/Unstructured Data
B8. Biological and Medical Data
B9. Software Engineering Data
B10. Scientific Data
B11. Financial Data
B12. Multimedia Data
B13. Web Data and the Internet
B14. Security and Intrusion Detection
B15. Mining Social Networks
B16. Mining Trends, Opportunities or Risks
B17. Mining with Auxiliary Data Sources
*** Please note that, as a doctoral symposium, DSDM'11 also
calls call for papers that summarize the authors' own recent
works (either published or ongoing) related to his/her Ph.D.
Publication and Paper Submission:
Accepted papers will be published in the PAKDD'11 workshop
proceedings of LNCS series.
Each paper should consist of a cover page with title,
authors' names, postal and email address, an up to 200-words
abstract, up to 5 keywords and a body no longer than 12
single-spaced pages with font size at least 11 pts. Authors
are strongly encouraged to use Springer's manuscript
submission guidelines (available at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html ) for their
initial submissions. All papers must be submitted
electronically in PDF format only, using the conference
management tool. Please make sure that any special fonts
used are included in the submitted documents. Detailed
instructions will be available soon on the DSDM'11 website
Important Dates:
* Paper Submission Deadline: 23:59 (PST), January 18, 2011
* Author Notification: January 31, 2011
* Camera Ready Deadline: 23:59 (PST) February 18, 2011
Symposium Organization:
* Ming Li Nanjing University, China
* Reynold C.K. Cheng University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
* Mi-Yen Yeh Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC
Program Committee:
* Deng Cai Zhejiang University, China
* Chien Chin Chen National Taiwan University, Taiwan, ROC
* Lei Chen Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong, China
* Jiefeng Cheng University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
* Byron Choi Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China
* Chi-Yin Chow City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
* Gao Cong Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
* Bi-Ru Dai National Taiwan University of Science and
Technology, Taiwan, ROC
* Wei-Shinn Ku Auburn University, USA
* Shou-De Lin National Taiwan University, Taiwan, ROC
* Fei Tony Liu Monash University, Australia
* Man-Kwan Shan National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan, ROC
* Jie Tang Tsinghua University, China
* Lei Tang Yahoo! Labs, USA
* Ivor Tsang Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
* Chi-Yao Tseng Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC
* Raymond Wong Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong, China
* Shan-Hung Wu National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, ROC
* De-Chuan Zhan Nanjing University, China
* Min-Ling Zhang Southeast University, China
* Jun Zhu Carnegie Mellon University, USA
For further information, please visit the symposium website
at http://lamda.nju.edu.cn/conf/dsdm11/. Any questions,
comments and suggestions should be directed to
DSDMchairs(a)gmail.com <mailto:DSDMchairs@gmail.com>.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] CFP: International Workshop on Semantic
Technologies for Information-Integrated Collaboration (STIIC
2011) @CTS 2011 - (Submission Deadline: January 24, 2011)
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 12:06:04 +0100
From: Frank Dengler <frank.dengler(a)kit.edu>
To: ontolog-forum <ontolog-forum(a)ontolog.cim3.net>,
ontology(a)informatik.uni-bremen.de, ai-and-web-in-china
<ai-and-web-in-china(a)googlegroups.com>, cfp
<cfp(a)eventseer.net>, cg <cg(a)conceptualgraphs.org>,
dm-discuss <dm-discuss(a)yahoogroups.com>, dolce
<dolce(a)yahoogroups.com>, elsnet-list
<elsnet-list(a)mailman.let.uu.nl>, grin <grin(a)di.unipi.it>,
ifla-l <ifla-l(a)infoserv.inist.fr>, ISWORLD
<ISWORLD(a)listserv.heanet.ie>, isworld
<isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>, jena-dev
<jena-dev(a)yahoogroups.com>, loom-forum <loom-forum(a)isi.edu>,
obo-discuss <obo-discuss(a)lists.sourceforge.net>, ontology
<ontology(a)buffalo.edu>, ontoware-list
<ontoware-list(a)ontoware.org>, owl
<owl(a)gimli.mindlab.umd.edu>, pellet-users
<pellet-users(a)lists.owldl.com>, people
<people(a)semanticdesktop.org>, protege-discussion
<protege-discussion(a)mailman.stanford.edu>, protege-owl
<protege-owl(a)mailman.stanford.edu>, public-lod
<public-lod(a)w3.org>, public-media-annotation
<public-media-annotation(a)w3.org>, rewerse-all
<rewerse-all(a)rewerse.net>, semantic_web
<semantic_web(a)googlegroups.com>, semanticdesktop
<semanticdesktop(a)lists.deri.org>, semantic-web
<semantic-web(a)w3.org>, semantic-web
<semantic-web(a)yahoogroups.com>, sem-grd <sem-grd(a)ogf.org>,
<service-orientated-architecture(a)yahoogroups.com>, swikig
<swikig(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, W3China
<W3China(a)yahoogroups.com>, web-services
<web-services(a)yahoogroups.com>, WI
<WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, www-webont-wg
<www-webont-wg(a)w3.org>, public-semweb-lifesci
<public-semweb-lifesci(a)w3.org>, community(a)sti2.org
Apologies for cross-postings
International Workshop on Semantic Technologies for Information-Integrated Collaboration (STIIC 2011)
As part of The 2011 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2011) http://cts2011.cisedu.info/
May 23 – 27, 2011
The Sheraton University City Hotel
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Submission Deadline: January 24, 2011
Information-integrated collaboration networks have become an important part of today’s complex enterprise systems – this becomes obvious if we consider, as a prominent example, the high dynamics of network-centric systems, which need to react to changes at the level of their information and communication space by providing flexible mechanisms to manage a wide variety of information resources, heterogeneous, decentralized, and constantly evolving. Semantic technologies promise to deliver innovative and effective solutions to this problem, facilitating the realization of information integration mechanisms that allow collaboration systems to provide the added value they are expected to.
Two fundamental problems are inherent to the design of integrated collaboration solutions: (i) semantic inaccessibility, caused by the failure to explicitly specify the semantic content of the information contained within the subsystems that must share information in order to collaborate effectively; and (ii) logical disconnectedness: caused by the failure to explicitly represent constraints between the information managed by the different collaborating subsystems.
Mainstream EAI technologies deal with information and information management tasks at the syntactic level. Data protocols and standards that are used to facilitate seamless information exchange and ‘plug and play’ interoperability do not take into account the meaning of the underlying information and the view of the individual stakeholders on the information exchanged. What is lacking are mechanisms that have the ability to capture, store, and manage the meaning of the data and artifacts that need to be shared for collaborative problem solving, decision support, planning, and execution.
Semantic information sharing and integration technologies will provide an important collaboration enabling mechanism for the emerging net-centric systems and the information grid. Further, it is likely that advances in this area will support multiple modes of collaboration with disparate and cross-cutting technologies. This workshop, held as part of CTS 2011, will bring together researchers and experts interested in bridging the gaps between the different technologies, and between technologies and applications. We invite original contributions on the technology practice and user experience for these emerging and important areas from researchers in academia, industry, and research institutions.
The workshop topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Semantically-enabled Service Oriented Architectures (SOA)
• Ontology-based methods for information integration
• Semantics-based integration and interoperability
• Semantic workflow orchestration
• Semantic mediation methods
• Semantic discovery and matchmaking services
• Collaborative knowledge engineering and management
• Using semantic wikis for collaborative applications
• Agile development of semantic applications
• Semantically-enabled integration solutions for the Sensor Web, healthcare, life sciences, emergency management, energy management, e-Commerce, finance, marketing, and advertising
You are invited to submit original and unpublished research works on above and other topics related to semantic technologies and information-integrated collaboration. Submitted papers must not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Submission should include a cover page with authors' names, affiliation addresses, fax numbers, phone numbers, and email addresses. Please, indicate clearly the corresponding author and include up to 6 keywords from the above list of topics and an abstract of no more than 450 words. The full manuscript should be at most 8 pages using the two-column IEEE format. Additional pages will be charged additional fee. Please include page numbers on all preliminary submissions to make it easier for reviewers to provide helpful comments. Submit a PDF copy of your full manuscript via the Workshop paper submission site at https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=stiic2011.
Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance, technical clarity and presentation. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be registered and presented at the workshop.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Instructions for final manuscript format and requirements will be posted on the CTS 2011 Conference Web site. It is our intent to have the proceedings formally published in hard and soft copies and be available at the time of the conference. The proceedings are projected to be included in the IEEE Digital Library and indexed accordingly.
If you have any questions about paper submission or the workshop, please contact the workshop organizers.
Paper submissions: ------------------------------------------- January 24, 2011
Acceptance notification: -------------------------------------- February 11, 2011
Camera ready papers and registration due: ------------ March 1, 2011
Conference dates: --------------------------------------------- May 23 - 27, 2011
Elena Simperl, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Katharina Siorpaes, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Frank Dengler, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Tania Tudorache, Stanford University, USA
Technical Program Committee:
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the workshop technical program committee members following similar criteria used in CTS 2011.
• Harith Alani, KMI, The Open University, UK
• Payam M. Barnaghi, University of Surrey, UK
• Christian Bizer, Freie Universitat – Berlin, Germany
• Bin Chen, Indiana University, IN, USA
• Kenneth Chiu, SUNY Binghamton, NY, USA
• Dominique Decouchant, CNRS - LIG de Grenoble, France
• Nicola Fanizzi, University of Bari, Italy
• Donghui Feng, AT&T Interactive, San Francisco, CA, USA
• Siddeswara Mayura Guru, CSIRO - CMAR, Tasmania, Australia
• Krzysztof Janowicz, Pennsylvania State University, USA
• Xinrong Li, University of North Texas, TX, USA
• Barry Norton, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
• Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs Research, Murray Hill, NJ, USA
• Ingo Simonis, Meraka Institute, CSIR, South Africa
• Sameer Tilak, SDSC - University of California at San Diego, USA
• Denny Vrandenic, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
• Yang Yue, Wuhan University, China
For information or questions about conference's paper submission, tutorials, posters, workshops, special sessions, exhibits, demos, panels and forums organization, doctoral colloquium, and any other information about the conference location, registration, paper formatting, etc., please consult the conference’s web site at URL: http://cts2011.cisedu.info/ or contact one of the conference's organizers or co-chairs: Geoffrey C. Fox at gcf(a)indiana.edu and Waleed W. Smari at Smari(a)arys.org.
Best Regards,
Elena Simperl, Katharina Siorpaes, Frank Dengler and Tania Tudorache
STIIC 2011 organization committee
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] cfp - AMCIS 2011 minitrack on "Business
Models for the Digital Economy"
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 14:38:34 +0100
From: HansDieter Zimmermann <hansdieter.zimmermann(a)fhsg.ch>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2011)
August 4-7, 2011 (Thursday-Sunday)
Track: Economics and Value of Information Systems
Minitrack: Business Models for the Digital Economy
This minitrack was introduced at AMCIS 2000 and serves as a
forum for the presentation and discussion of new and
innovative approaches of business models beyond e-commerce
for coping with the challenges of the digital economy. We
consider an economy based on the digitization of information
and the respective information and communication
infrastructure as digital economy. This new type of economy
implies not only technological, but also and especially
structural and process-related challenges and potential. The
way in which economic value is created will change
fundamentally in the digital economy and thus transform the
structure of economies and societies.
This evolution will radically alter processes and structures
within and between industries leading to the digital
economy. All of these developments characterize the emerging
digital economy and cause new challenges businesses have to
cope with. This clearly will have a major impact on how
business models have to be designed. Therefore this
minitrack addresses all topics concerned with the analysis,
design, development, implementation, and control of future
business models for the creation of economic value in the
digital economy from a communication, organizational,
business, economic, and managerial perspective applying a
theoretical, conceptual, or practical approach.
For the history of the minitrack see
Challenges and foundations of the digital economY
Analytical and architectural frameworks for new business models
Design approaches/methods for new business models
Models and modeling techniques/approaches for new business
Industry perspectives on business models
Challenges of converging industries:
Financial industry (e.g., emerging intermediaries,
private/retail banking, insurance)
Media industry (e.g., publishing, music business)
Telecommunications (e.g., mobile network operators)
A business model perspective on
Mobile Business
'Ubiquitous Commerce'
'Collaborative Commerce'
Social Commerce
Social Media based business models
Trust and new business models
Dec 30, 2010: AIS review system will begin accepting
submissions for AMCIS 2011
Feb 17, 2011: Full paper submission deadline
Mar 24, 2011: Authors notified of paper acceptance decision
April 21, 2011: Camera-ready papers due
Paper can be submitted using the online submission system at
Additional information regarding the submission process will
be made
available on the AMCIS 2011 primary website:
Hans-Dieter Zimmermann
Institute for Information and Process Management IPM
FHS St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences
9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Tel. +41 71 228 76 53
Ian MacInnes
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
School of Information Studies
Hinds Hall 206B
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244, USA
Tel: +1 315 443-4101
Dr. Hans-Dieter Zimmermann
Fon +41 71 228 76 53
Fax +41 71 228 63 39
Web http://www.fhsg.ch
FHS St.Gallen, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Institut IPM-FHS | Teufener Strasse 2 | 9000 St.Gallen |
Mitglied der FHO Fachhochschule Ostschweiz
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] 24th Bled eConference 2011 - Call for Papers
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 14:36:00 +0100
From: HansDieter Zimmermann <hansdieter.zimmermann(a)fhsg.ch>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
CC: h.m.amman(a)cvb.uu.nl
Please apologize cross postings
24th Bled eConference:
eFuture: Creating Solutions for the Individual,
Organisations and Society
June 12 - 15, 2011, Bled, Slovenia
The theme for this year’s conference eFuture: Creating
Solutions for the Individual, Organisations and Society
serves to focus discourse and discussion on the impacts of
our e-initiatives and how they serve to shape the New
eWorld. Especially in the light of the recent global down
turn, the future is indeed very challenging making the need
for appropriate and suitable e-initiatives and e-solutions
for individuals, organizations and societies an imperative.
As emerging digital environments generate new ways of
communication and interaction between individuals,
organizations and societies we need to examine structures,
processes and operations to ensure we are migrating to a
more reliable eWorld. New eResponsiblities have to be taken
by business, governments and individuals of this Brave New
eWorld in order to contend with emerging eRisks and
eChallenges. Moreover, it is essential that managers,
politicians, employees, and citizens take actions at both
the macro and the micro level so that discourse and
discussion focuses on designing suitable organizational
configurations, effective and effi-cient processes, new
kinds of products and services, and necessary
infrastructures and technologies in short we need the
correct eSolutions so that the eFuture is indeed bright.
Research papers addressing the conference theme should be
original, unpublished elsewhere and no longer than 5,000
words. Detailed information about electronic submission and
other issues will be available on the Conference web site.
All accepted papers will be published in the Conference
Proceedings on the web and on CDs (with ISBN and CIP
number). Since 2001 Research Papers are available also in
AIS Electronic Library and since 2008 in Conference
Proceedings Citation Index -- an integrated index within Web
of Science®.
Each year, authors of selected papers are invited to submit
enhanced versions for consideration for a Special Section in
Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked
Business (_http://www.electronicmarkets.org/_). Electronic
Markets is a fully double-blind reviewed scientific research
journal and is listed in the Social Sciences Citation Index
Among other traditional »e« topics, this year’s conference
carries four Special Interest Tracks:
- Social Media and Web 2.0 Track Co-chair: Hans-Dieter
Zimmermann, FHS St. Gallen, Uni-versity of Applied
Sci-ences, Switzerland
- eDependency Track Co-chair: Roger Clarke, Xamax
Consultancy Pty Ltd. & The Australian National University,
- Cloud Computing Track Co-chair: Matjaž Jurič, Faculty of
Computer and Informa-tion Science, University of Ljubljana
- eHealth: Critical Issues in Delivering Cross-border
Sustainable Healthcare Involving Patients and Healthcare
Professionals Track Co-Chair: Juergen Seitz,
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Germany
For additional research topics and further information
please visit our website: _
Important Dates:
Submission of Research Papers: February 1, 2011
Submission of Business Track Proposals (panels, workshops,
meetings): March 15, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: March 31, 2011
Submission of Final Papers: April 29, 2011
Looking forward to your contributions.
Best wishes.
Andreja Pucihar
Dr. Andreja Pucihar
Bled 2011 eConference Chair
eCenter, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
University of Maribor
Kidriceva cesta 55a
4000 Kranj
phone: +386-4-2374-218
e-mail: andreja.pucihar(a)fov.uni-mb.si
*Hans-Dieter Zimmermann *Institut IPM-FHS +41 71 228 76 53
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP: 2nd Special Session on "Self-X and
Autonomous Control in Engineering Applications"
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 16:12:19 +0900
From: Benjamin Klöpper <kloepper(a)nii.ac.jp>
To: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
2nd Special Session on
"Self-X and Autonomous Control in Engineering Applications"
on the
9th IEEE International Conference on
Industrial Informatics
July 26-29 2011
Accepted papers will be
published in and IEEE proceedings volume and included in
IEEE Explore
The increasing adoption of methods from computational
intelligence, biologically inspired computing, and
optimization in engineering
disciplines such as mechatronics or production enables the
development of a new class of autonomous systems. These
systems often
possess abilities which are best describe by the phrase
Self-X: Self-Optimization, Self-Coordination, Self-Healing,
and many more.
These properties have in common that they shift decision
making from humans to the technical systems. This shift has
two possible
benefits. First, decision made during the design of the
system can be delayed until operation and thus the system is
able to react more
flexible to different application requirements. Second, the
human effort in managing such systems can be reduced and the
systems are more cost-efficient. This special session is
dedicated to this new type of systems in the various
engineering applications.
The special Session addresses the following topics:
-------------------------------Application Examples of
Self-X and Autonomous
* Mechatronics and Robotics
* Cyber Physical System
* Vehicle Technology
* Production Systems and Supply Chain Management
* and related applications
------------------------------Algorithms and Methods for
Self-X and Autonomous
* Autonomous Planning and Scheduling
* Agent-Based Systems, Multiagent-Systems, Holonic Control
* Modelling Uncertainty, Optimization and Planning under
* Multi-Objective Optimization and Mulit-Criteria Optimization
* Machine Learning and Data Mining
* Model Identification and Fuzzy Expert Systems
* Biologically inspired Methods: Ant-Based Optimization,
Artificial Immune Systems, Evolutionary Computing, etc.
* and related methods
------------------------------Platform Technologies for
Self-X and Autonomous
* Reconfigurable Hardware
* Systen Software for Self-x and Autonomous Control
* Distributed Control
* Flexible Resource Management in Embedded Systems
* Self-Healing Embedded Systems
* Wireless Sensor Networks
* and related technologies
-------------------------------Design Methodologies for
Self-X and Autonomous
* Reference Process for Design and Development of Systems
with Self-X Properties and Autonomous Control
* Formal Verification
* System Validation
* Evaluation methods for Self-X and Autonomous Control
* Solution Patterns for Self-X and Autonomous Control
********************Important Dates********************
Deadline for Full Paper Submission February 4,2011
Acceptance Notification March 21,2011
Final Paper Deadline April 25,2011
********************Important Dates********************
Paper Submission via the submission system of IEEE INDIN
2011: http://www.uninova.pt/indin2011/
For further information about Self-X see
http://wwwhni.uni-paderborn.de/self-x-in-engineering/ or
contact the special session organizers:
Mareen Vaßholz
Heinz Nixdorf Institute
University of Paderborn
Dr. Benjamin Klöpper
DAAD Researcher,
National Insitute of Informatics
Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Kenji Tei
GRACE Center, National Insitute of Informatics
Tokyo, Japan
***************************Prelimnary Program Comitee (to be
Albers, Albert, Institut für Produktentwicklung, Universität
Karlsruhe, Germany
Carsten Böhle, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik,
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
Wilhelm Dangelmaier, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Universität
Paderborn, Germany
Steven De Jong, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Andre Döring, Hochschule Merseburg, Germany
Dumitrescu, Roman, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Germany
Frank, Ursula, Beckhoff Automation, Germany
Jan Erik Gans, Daimler AG, Germany
Jürgen Gausemeier, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Germany
Norbert Gronau, Universität Potsdam, Germany
Hahn, Martin, iXtronics GmbH, Germany
Bernd Hellingrath, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik,
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
Martin Hirsch, Fraunhofer-Institut für Software- und
Systemtechnik ISST, Germany
Irohara, Takashi, Sophia University
Kahl, Sascha, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Germany
Kaiser, Ingo, Miele & Cie, Germany
Benjamin Klöpper, DAAD Researcher, National Institute of
Informatics, Tokyo
Low, Cheng Yee, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Kiran Mahajan, Toyota Motor Company, Belgium
Hisam Mubarak, BASF SE, Germany
Ober-Blöbaum, Sina, University of Paderborn, Germany
Oberthür, Simon, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Germany
Herbert Podlogar, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster,
Sachenbacher, Martin, TU München, Germany
Alexander Schmidt, Arnzt Optibelt, Germany
Achim Schmidtmann, Fachhoschule Dortmund, Germany
Sachenbacher, Martin, TU München, Germany
Kenji Tei GRACE Center, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Matthias Tichy, Universität Augsburg, Germany
Mareen Vaßholz, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Germany
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP Conf-IRM 2011 in Seoul - Submission
Closes January 12, 2011
Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2011 23:17:32 +1300
From: Felix Tan <felix.tan(a)aut.ac.nz>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
2011 International Conference on Information Resources Management
in association with the Korea Society of MIS Conference
** Conf-IRM is an AIS Affiliated Conference **
COEX Convention Centre, Seoul, South Korea
12-14 June, 2011
Conference Website: http://conf-irm2011.org/
Paper Submission - Now accepting papers:
The conference is using the EDAS Conference System: http://edas.info/
To register to use the system - see instructions at
Call for Papers
Theme: Services Management and Innovation with IT
Important Dates
Submission date: January 12, 2011
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: February 12, 2011
Final Submission and Early Registration due date: March 15, 2011
The organizing committee invites you to submit your research work,
teaching cases, and proposals for panels and tutorials to Conf-IRM.
conference submissions will be double-blind and peer reviewed.
Conference Tracks& Track Chairs: Submissions are to be in English.
Service systems design, innovation, maintenance, and operation:
Karlheinz Kautz, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Karl.Kautz(a)cbs.dk
Anol Bhattacherjee, University of South Florida, USA,
IT Service Management, service computing and engineering:
Rob Benyon, Rhodes University, South Africa, r.v.benyon(a)ru.ac.za
Vijay Sugumaran, Oakland University, USA, sugumara(a)oakland.edu
Service oriented enterprise and innovation:
Jaeki Song, Texas Tech University, USA, jaeki.song(a)ttu.edu
Hee Wong Kim, Yonsei University, kimhw(a)yonsei.ac.kr
Knowledge Management:
Pramila Gupta, CQ University-Melbourne,
Annette Mills, University of Canterbury, annette.mills(a)canterbury.ac.nz
Gee-Woo Bock, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, gwbock(a)skku.edu
ICT for Development and Economic Prosperity:
Antonio Díaz Andrade, AUT University, New Zealand,
Byung Joon Yoo, Seoul National University, Korea, byoo(a)snu.ac.kr
ICT in the Asia Pacific :
Soo Yong Park, Sogang University, Korea
Shaobo Ji, Carleton University, shaobo_ji(a)carleton.ca
ICT in Latin America and the Carribean:
Cesar Alexandre de Souza, FEA-USP, Brazil, calesou(a)usp.br
Guillermo Rodríguez Abitia, UNAM, Mexico
Information Security, Privacy, and Risk Management:
Rizwan Ahmad, The University of New South Wales, r.ahmad(a)auckland.ac.nz
Sang-Yong Tom Lee, Hanyang University, Korea, tomlee(a)hanyang.ac.kr
E-Commerce, M-Commerce and Social Networking:
Namchul Shin, Pace University, nshin(a)pace.edu
Sung Kim, University of Wisconsin - Madison, skim(a)bus.wisc.edu
Green IS/IT, Cloud Computing, Virtualization:
Namjae Cho, Hanyang University, Korea, njcho(a)hanyang.ac.kr
Brett Landry, University of Dallas, USA, blandry(a)gsm.udallas.edu
Social Implications of ICTs on People, Organizations, and Society
Jaekyung Kim, Kyunghee University, Korea, jaek(a)khu.ac.kr
Sue Conger, University of Dallas, USA, sconger(a)gsm.udallas.edu
Strategic IT Management and Governance:
Geoffery Seaver, National Defense University, USA, Seaverg(a)ndu.edu
Tim McLaren, Ryerson University, Canada, tmclaren(a)ryerson.ca
Panel and tutorials:
Kyungtae Hwang, Dongguk University, Korea, kthwang(a)dongguk.edu
Gerald Grant, Carleton University, Canada, gerald_grant(a)carleton.ca
Submissions in Other Languages
We also welcome papers in other languages in the following tracks:
- ICT in the Asia Pacific (Korean and Chinese)
- ICT in Latin America and the Carribean (Spanish and Portuguese)
Submission Types and Guidelines:
(i) Full Length Submissions
Submissions must be no more than 5000 words, including references,
appendices and title page, with a maximum of 5 figures/tables.
Submissions must be original, and previously unpublished, conceptual
empirical research manuscript for review. All accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings in their entirety upon payment
of registration fees. Papers accepted and presented at the conference
will also be placed in the AIS e-Library. Papers not presented at the
conference, for any reason, will not be included in the AIS e-Library.
Highly rated papers by the reviewers will be considered for
in selected Journals. Moreover, the paper that best represents, in
of quality and suitability to the theme and ideals of the conference
will be awarded the "Best Paper" Award during the conference.
(ii) Research-in-Progress Submissions
Submissions of no more than 2000 words with a maximum of 3
figures/tables. All research-in-progress submissions will be published
in the proceedings as short papers.
(iii) Teaching Cases
We welcome submissions of teaching cases. The cases should be based on
real situations and targeted at specific learning objectives. Cases
should be no more than 5000 words and must be accompanied by
teaching notes (not included in the 5000 words). The teaching notes
will not be published.
(iv) Panel and Tutorial Submissions
Submissions of not more than 1000 words. Proposals should include the
objectives, issues to be covered and full details of all presenters.
Method of presentation is at the submitter's discretion; however, the
submitter has the responsibility for providing his/her own panel
members. All accepted proposals will appear in the conference
proceedings (Please note that all panelists and tutorial presenters
register for the conference).
Submissions of all types must be received by January 12, 2011. Details
of track descriptions and how to submit will be announced soon.
Send all your inquiries to:
Conference Co-Chairs
Jae In Oh, Dankook University and President of Korea Society of MIS,
Felix B Tan, AUT University, New Zealand, felix.tan(a)aut.ac.nz
Program Co-Chairs
Yong Jin Kim, Sogang Business School, Sogang University, Korea,
Sue Conger, University of Dallas, sconger(a)aol.com
Local Program Chair
Jaeki Song, Texas Tech University, USA, jaeki.song(a)ttu.edu
Jairo Gutierrez, Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar, Colombia,
Publications and Proceedings Chair
Lech Janczewski, The University of Auckland, New Zealand,
International Co-Chairs
Sherif Kamel, American University in Cairo, Egypt, skamel(a)aucegypt.edu
Gerald Grant, Carleton University, Canada, gerald_grant(a)carleton.ca
G. Harindranath, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK,
Anol Bhattacherjee, University of South Florida, abhatt(a)usf.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Volume 2 issue 4 of AIS Transactions on
Human-Computer Interaction Published
Datum: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 22:54:09 -0500
Von: Galletta, Dennis <galletta(a)katz.pitt.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Announcing the Publication of
Volume 2 Issue 4 of /AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction/
Late last night, three of us worked hard for a brief time in the midst
of New Year's Eve celebrations in three US states -- Florida, New York,
and Pennsylvania -- to once again successfully publish this issue on
time. We would not normally have had to do time-sharing with our
families on such a holiday, but there were some problems with our PDF
conversions, and three different installations inexplicably provided
three different results in spacing and figure rendition.
This marks the end of the second year for /AIS Transactions on
Human-Computer Interaction. /We are happily working on reviewing a large
number of paper submissions, and the submissions keep coming in. We have
also expanded our editorial board to handle the additional work load, as
we describe below. We continue our dramatic uptick in submissions to
this 24-month old journal. In addition, we have received many papers for
our special issue on Design Science and those papers are undergoing
revisions in preparation for publication.
This edition also contains our special issue on Future Directions for
/THCI/is located within the AIS (Association for Information Systems)
e-library (http://aisel.aisnet.org/thci). To increase awareness and
readership, /THCI/ is *freely available* to everyone during its first
two years of publishing (2009 and 2010). You can find information
related to all aspects of /THCI/ at its website,
<http://aisel.aisnet.org/> including how to submit. We would like to
thank AIS <http://home.aisnet.org/> Council for its continued support of
the journal through these difficult economic times.
New SEs and AEs
We welcome new Senior Editor Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, from the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. She had provided excellent service as an
Associate Editor since the first issue. We also welcome new Editorial
Board members Michael Davern, University of Melbourne, Australia; Weiyin
Hong, University of Nevada, USA; Lingyun Qiu, Peking University , China;
Khawaja Saeed, Wichita State University, USA; Cheng Zhang, Fudan
University , China; and Meiyun Zuo, Renmin University, China. We also
welcome Jian Tang as our new Managing Editor and thank Michael Scialdone
for his two years of hard work and excellent service.
Reflections on our First Year
Authors often wish to know that their papers have broad exposure. As
part of the AIS Digital Library, we find ample evidence of this
exposure. As we describe above, our papers are still open and freely
available to all researchers, making it easy for researchers to obtain
copies of your published papers. As a result, in spite of our brief
lifetime so far, we have enjoyed 12,461 downloads of our abstracts and
6,624 downloads of full text articles. As these downloads turn into
citations, we are optimistic that once we become indexed, we will have
an impact score that will satisfy deans world-wide. While requiring
self-citations is a practice that tempts many a journal editor, we
believe that it is unethical. Please read the next section for more
details on current developments in this area.
Policy on Requiring Self-Citations
We have become aware that a set of 26 editors of top journals in a
variety of business fields sent a letter last month to the Deans of all
AACSB schools with cautions about the exclusive use of citation impact
factors to judge journals and articles. Detmar Straub of the MIS
Quarterly represented the MIS field in that effort, largely represented
by editors of Marketing journals. Part of that letter states that some
journals manipulate citation numbers by requesting (or even requiring)
authors to cite multiple papers from past issues of the same journal
("self-citations"). Some journals have increased their impact factors
dramatically by issuing such demands of their authors.
We want to make it clear that we have never, do not currently, and will
never make such self-citation requests or requirements of our authors.
This practice has fortunately not been a part of most of the legitimate
journals in our field. By stating this here, we want to provide
assurance that once we become indexed, you can count on a fair and
accurate impact score.
In this issue
The first paper by Nils Reisen and Ulrich Hoffrage presents their
"Interactive Choice Aid" in an account of usability testing of their aid
that helps decision-makers. The paper based their evaluation on decision
theory and emphasizes the utility of that approach to others who wish to
undertake such an evaluation.
The rest of the papers form our special issue on Future Directions for
HCI Research in MIS. All of the articles were subjected to our
traditional review process, but one of the Editors-in-Chief served as
Senior Editor to obtain and process reviews in an accelerated manner.
The papers should stimulate further discussion and maturation of our
field. The first, by Steven Alter, challenges us to consider carefully
the breadth of this part of the field. Managing Editor Michael Scialdone
provides the second commentary, focusing on the elements, or tenets, of
HCI: computing technologies, context, task, and the human. The third
paper, by Heshan Sun, examines the hitherto-unlikely concept of a
relationship between the field of economics and HCI. After reading that
paper, you will see that there are many opportunities for coupling the
two fields. The fourth, by Nathan Prestopnik, tells us that the majority
of papers only concentrate on two of three critical foundations: theory,
evaluation, and design, which recalls the project management tenet that
you much choose any two: speed, quality, and cost, in developing a
system. The fifth and final paper, by Shamel Addas, reminds us of the
importance of treating context more seriously in our research. Addas
uses the context of work interruptions, and provides questions and
guidelines that will help researchers appropriately consider context in
their work.
The commentaries provide excellent guidance to researchers, and we
believe that they are presented at an excellent time in the development
of our field. Together with the first original research contribution, we
hope these papers are as interesting to you as they were to the
editorial panels that worked with them.
Paper #1: The Interactive Choice Aid: A New Approach to Supporting
Online Consumer Decision Making
By Nils Reisen and Ulrich Hoffrage
Interactive Choice Aid (ICA) is a decision aid, introduced in this
paper, that systematically assists consumers with online purchase
decisions. ICA integrates aspects from prescriptive decision theory,
insights from descriptive decision research, and practical
considerations; thereby combining pre-existing best practices with novel
features. Instead of imposing an objectively ideal but unnatural
decision procedure on the user, ICA assists the natural process of human
decision-making by providing explicit support for the execution of the
user's decision strategies. The application contains an innovative
feature for in-depth comparisons of alternatives through which users'
importance ratings are elicited interactively and in a playful way. The
usability and general acceptance of the choice aid was studied; results
show that ICA is a promising contribution and provides insights that may
further improve its usability.
Paper #2: Designing and Engineering for Emergence: A Challenge for HCI
Practice and Research
By Steven Alter
This research commentary on Future Directions for HCI Research responds
to research commentaries on the same topic by Benbasat (2010) and
Lyytinen (2010), and to two articles in Volume 1 of the AIS Transactions
on Human-Computer Interaction (Galletta and Zhang, 2009; Zhang et al.
2009). It employs a two-dimensional framework for exploring the scope
and challenges of HCI that combines a social/ technical dimension and a
behavior dimension that emphasizes differences between engineered and
emergent behavior in sociotechnical systems. This framework is used to
reflect on possible differences between the scope of a definition of HCI
in those articles and the scope of the topics identified in the
extensive survey of HCI literature reported by Zhang and colleagues
(2009). Implications include the possibility that future HCI research
and theorizing may find significant opportunities related to "designing
for emergence," or even "engineering for emergence."
Paper #3: Establishing Best Practices for Scholarly Research Based on
the Tenets of Human-Computer Interaction
By Michael Scialdone
As computing technologies play more of a role in our daily lives than
ever before, the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is more
relevant than ever. As such, it is important that scholars give ample
and appropriate attention to the main tenets that characterize and bound
the field. The core phenomenon of interest is interaction: when a human
comes into contact with information technology (IT), usually within a
particular context, and driven by some defined task. During an
interaction, humans use the design of the technology's interface (Zhang
and Li, 2005). Thus, the pillars that support interaction (and hence,
design and use) are HCI's four main tenets: computing technologies,
context, task, and the human.
Paper #4: Developing an Interdisciplinary Area of Economics and Human-
Computer Interaction
By Heshan Sun
As an important component of IS research, human-computer interaction
(HCI) research in IS has heavily relied on reference disciplines.
Economics is less referenced despite the fact that human beings have
been strongly driven by economic rules. This paper purports that
economics can be of high value to HCI research, providing fresh
perspectives for understanding HCI phenomena. Drawing upon concepts and
theories in neoclassical economics, behavioral economics, and
information economics, this paper examines five important HCI topics
from various perspectives from the field of economics. Accordingly,
eighteen propositions are developed, demonstrating the usefulness of
economics for advancing our understanding of HCI phenomena. While
claiming the benefits of referring to economics, this paper also warns
HCI researchers of the potential threats of doing so. Opinions are
offered about how HCI researchers can refer to economics strategically.
Paper #5: Theory, Design and Evaluation -- (Don't Just) Pick any Two
By Nathan Prestopnik
There is an adage, well known within engineering and other
practice-based communities, known as the project triangle (Gardiner and
Stewart, 2000). The triangle speaks to the tradeoffs that factor into
almost any project; it is usually presented as a balancing act among
three equal components: cost, development time, and product quality. The
adage goes something like this: "Good, fast and cheap -- pick any two."
There is a parallel situation in our field concerning theory,
evaluation, and design. Many evaluative papers regularly offer only the
briefest of theoretical sections (Dix, 2010). Research that does explore
theory often leaves it unevaluated in the context of real-world systems
and use settings (Rogers, 2004). Papers that do a good job with both
theory and evaluation have a tendency to overlook design, offering
theoretical explanations and results based on test instrumentation (i.e.
existing websites, software, etc.) which are inadequate to answer the
research questions or inapplicable to the world of practice. There are a
multitude of reasons for these types of omission, and the following
discussion is an attempt to highlight several of them, as well as to
present potential solutions. In this response paper, three typical,
high-quality HCI papers are examined in detail to explore the nature of
the "pick any two" problem. Suggestions for how missing methodologies
might be incorporated into these works through the design science
approach are provided. Additionally, a brief review of HCI literature
from three publication venues is conducted in order to roughly identify
the extent of the "pick any two" problem. Several broad-based reasons
for methodology omission are discussed, with suggestions for ways that
these institutional challenges might be circumvented or overcome. Most
of these challenges can be reduced to a fundamental cause: the division
of HCI scholarship into "camps" with varying philosophical and
scientific emphases. Because the various HCI camps come from different
traditions -- HCI in MIS, engineering/computer science, and human
factors -- their approaches to research (and therefore, their
methodological emphases) differ widely. The "pick any two" problem is
ultimately used to explore this issue and frame potential solutions to
the great challenge of more closely bonding the various "camps" of HCI.
Paper #6: A Call for Engaging Context in HCI/MIS Research with Examples
from the Area of Technology Interruptions
By Shamel Addas
This paper contributes to the discussion on future directions of
Human-Computer Interaction in Information Systems (HCI/MIS) research by
explicating the role of task- and social context. We show that context
has not been sufficiently engaged, and argue why it is important to pay
more attention to it in theory and design of future HCI/MIS research.
Drawing on examples from the core HCI area of technology interruptions,
we formulate a set of general research questions and guidelines, which
allow us to represent the context of multiple users in continuous
collaboration with multiple tools while working on tasks that are
intertwined within business processes. These guidelines will generate
new insights for HCI/MIS research and allow us to develop research that
captures the changing nature of the computing environment.
Call for Papers
/THCI/is a high-quality peer-reviewed international scholarly journal on
Human-Computer Interaction. As an AIS journal, /THCI/ is oriented to the
Information Systems community, emphasizing applications in business,
managerial, organizational, and cultural contexts. However, it is open
to all related communities that share intellectual interests in HCI
phenomena and issues. The editorial objective is to enhance and
communicate knowledge about the interplay among humans, information,
technologies, and tasks in order to guide the development and use of
human-centered Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and
services for individuals, groups, organizations, and communities.
Topics of interest to /THCI/ include but are not limited to the following:
* The behavioral, cognitive, motivational and affective aspects of
human and technology interaction
* User task analysis and modeling; fit between representations and
task types
* Digital documents/genres; human information seeking and web
navigation behaviors; human information interaction; information
* Social media; social computing; virtual communities
* Behavioral information security and information assurance; privacy
and trust in human technology interaction
* User interface design and evaluation for various applications in
business, managerial, organizational, educational, social,
cultural, non-work, and other domains
* Integrated and/or innovative approaches, guidelines, and standards
or metrics for human centered analysis, design, construction,
evaluation, and use of interactive devices and information systems
* Information systems usability engineering; universal usability
* The impact of interfaces/information technology on people's
attitude, behavior, performance, perception, and productivity
* Implications and consequences of technological change on
individuals, groups, society, and socio-technical units
* Software learning and training issues such as perceptual,
cognitive, and motivational aspects of learning
* Gender and information technology
* The elderly, the young, and special needs populations for new
applications, modalities, and multimedia interaction
* Issues in HCI education
The language for the journal is English. The audience includes
international scholars and practitioners who conduct research on issues
related to the objectives of the journal. The publication frequency is
quarterly: 4 issues per year to be published in March, June, September,
and December. The AIS Special Interest Group on Human-Computer
Interaction (SIGHCI, http://sigs.aisnet.org/SIGHCI/) is the official
sponsor for /THCI/.
Call for Special Issue on HCI in the Web 2.0 Era
Deadline: submissions are due February 1, 2011
Please visit the links above or the links from our AIS THCI page
<http://aisel.aisnet.org/thci/> for details on any emerging special
issue calls. We anticipate calls for additional special issues in the
future, so please keep checking our home page to see what is brewing! If
you have an idea for a special issue, please drop us a line or speak
with us at ICIS in December.
AIS THCI Editorial Boards
Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Ping Zhang, Syracuse University, USA
Advisory Board
Izak Benbasat, University of British Columbia, Canada
John M. Carroll, Penn State University, USA
Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Jenny Preece, University of Maryland, USA
Gavriel Salvendy, Purdue University, USA and Tsinghua University, China
Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, USA
Jane Webster, Queen's University, Canada,
K.K Wei, City University of Hong Kong, China
Senior Editor Board
Fred Davis, University of Arkansas, USA
Mohamed Khalifa, Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates
Anne Massey, Indiana University, USA
Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Lorne Olfman, Claremont Graduate University, USA
Kar Yan Tam, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China
Dov Te'eni, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Viswanath Venkatesh, University of Arkansas, USA
Susan Wiedenbeck, Drexel University, USA
Associate Editor Board
Michel Avital, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jane Carey, Arizona State University, USA
Hock Chuan Chan, National University of Singapore
Michael Davern, University of Melbourne, Australia
Carina de Villiers, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Matt Germonprez, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire USA
Khaled Hassanein, McMaster University, Canada
Milena Head, McMaster University, Canada
Traci Hess, Washington State University, USA
Shuk Ying (Susanna) Ho, Australian National University, Australia
Weiyin Hong, University of Nevada, USA
Netta Iivari, Oulu University, Finland
Zhenhui Jack Jiang, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Weiling Ke, Clarkson University, USA
Sherrie Komiak, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Paul Benjamin Lowry, Brigham Young University, USA
Ji-Ye Mao, Renmin University, China
Scott McCoy, College of William and Mary, USA
Sheizaf Rafaeli, University of Haifa, Israel
Lingyun Qiu, Peking University , China
Khawaja Saeed, Wichita State University, USA
Stefan Smolnik, European Business School (EBS), Germany
Jeff Stanton, Syracuse University, USA
Heshan Sun, University of Arizona USA
Jason Thatcher, Clemson University, USA
Noam Tractinsky, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Horst Treiblmaier, Vienna University of Business Administration and
Economics, Austria
Ozgur Turetken, Ryerson University, Canada
Mun Yi, University South Carolina, USA
Cheng Zhang, Fudan University , China
Meiyun Zuo, Renmin University, China
Managing Editors
Michael Scialdone, Syracuse University, USA (outgoing)
Jian Tang, Syracuse University, USA (incoming)
Dennis F. Galletta Professor of Business Administration
University of Pittsburgh Katz Graduate School of Business
342 Mervis Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Phone +1 412-648-1699 Fax +1 412-648-1693
E-mail: galletta @ homepage:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP: Information Systems and Software Engineering
Datum: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 19:56:45 -0400
Von: ISSE 2011 <isse(a)mail.2011iiisconferences.org>
Dear G. Neumann:
As you know, Murray Gell-Mann, who received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1969, affirms that: "it is vitally important that we supplement our specialized studies with serious attempts to take a crude look at the whole."
In the context of Information Systems (IS), specialized studies, practice, and research in Software Engineering might be of vital importance in taking a look at the whole IS field, and vice versa.
Accordingly, one of the main purposes of organizing The International Symposium on Information Systems and Software Engineering: ISSE 2011 (www.2011iiisconferences.org/isse) is to provide a forum to suplement specialized studies and research in software engineering, and in specific areas of Information Systems, "with serious attempts to take a look at the whole" by means of potential interdisciplinary communication in a multi-disciplinary forum.
Consequently, submissions and contributions to ISSE 2011 can be made in the context of 1) specific specialized disciplinary areas, 2) multi-disciplinary projects and methodologies, 3) inter-disciplinary thinking and acting, and 4) crude looks at the whole that includes Software Engineering, Information Systems, Soft-Systems Engineering, and Informing Science/Engineering.
ISSE 2011 is being organized in the context of The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering: ICEME 2011 (www.2011iiisconferences.org/iceme) to be held on March 27th - 30th, 2011 in Orlando, Florida, USA, and collocated with The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2011 (www.2011iiisconferences.org/imcic)
The deadlines are the following (Check the web site for possible extensions or new set of deadlines):
Papers/Abstracts Submission and Invited Session Proposals: Jan 14th, 2011
Authors Notifications: Feb 7th, 2011
Camera-ready, full papers: Feb 22nd, 2011
Submissions for Face-to-Face or for Virtual Participation are both accepted. Both kinds of submissions will have the same two-tier reviewing process: non-blind and double-blind reviewing. Accepted papers will be included in the same (printed and CD versions of the) proceedings.
A best paper will be selected for each session, and the best 20% of the papers presented at the symposium will also be published in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics
Registration fees will be waived for *effective* invited session organizers.
Details regarding the double-tier reviewing process, acceptance policy, selections of keynote speakers, best papers, and their publication in the Journal of Systemic, Cybernetics, and Informatics, can be found at the symposium web site, and resumed in the page titled "About the Symposium"
Best regards,
ISSE 2011 Organizing Committee
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