-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] 2nd CFP Conf-IRM 2011 (in association with KMIS
Conference): Conference Tracks
Datum: Wed, 04 Aug 2010 14:22:54 +1200
Von: Felix Tan <felix.tan(a)aut.ac.nz>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
2011 International Conference on Information Resources Management
in association with the Korea Society of MIS Conference
(Conf-IRM is an AIS Affiliated Conference - www.conf-irm.org)
Lotte Hotel, Seoul, South Korea
12-14 June, 2011
Call for Papers
Theme: Services Management and Innovation with IT
Important Dates
Submission date: November 1, 2010
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: February 1, 2011
Final Submission and Early Registration due date: March 1, 2011
The organizing committee invites you to submit your research work, teaching cases, and proposals for panels and tutorials to Conf-IRM. All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer reviewed.
Conference Tracks: Submissions are to be in English.
- Service systems design, innovation, maintenance, and operation
- IT Service Management, service computing and engineering
- Service oriented enterprise and innovation
- Knowledge Management
- ICT for Development and Economic Prosperity
- ICT in the Asia Pacific
- ICT in Latin America and the Carribean
- Information Security, Privacy, and Risk Management
- E-Commerce, M-Commerce and Social Networking
- Green IS/IT, Cloud Computing, Virtualization
- Social Implications of ICTs on People, Organizations, and Society
- Strategic IT Management and Governance
- Panel and tutorials
We also welcome papers in other languages in the following tracks:
- ICT in the Asia Pacific (Korean and Chinese)
- ICT in Latin America and the Carribean (Spanish and Portuguese)
Submission Types and Guidelines:
(i) Full Length Submissions
Submissions must be no more than 5000 words, including references, appendices and title page, with a maximum of 5 figures/tables. Submissions must be original, and previously unpublished, conceptual or empirical research manuscript for review. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in their entirety upon payment of registration fees. Papers accepted and presented at the conference will also be placed in the AIS e-Library. Papers not presented at the conference, for any reason, will not be included in the AIS e-Library. Highly rated papers by the reviewers will be considered for publications in selected Journals. Moreover, the paper that best represents, in terms of quality and suitability to the theme and ideals of the conference will be awarded the "Best Paper" Award during the conference.
(ii) Research-in-Progress Submissions
Submissions of no more than 2000 words with a maximum of 3 figures/tables. All research-in-progress submissions will be published in the proceedings as short papers.
(iii) Teaching Cases
We welcome submissions of teaching cases. The cases should be based on real situations and targeted at specific learning objectives. Cases should be no more than 5000 words and must be accompanied by instructor teaching notes (not included in the 5000 words). The teaching notes will not be published.
(iv) Panel and Tutorial Submissions
Submissions of not more than 1000 words. Proposals should include the objectives, issues to be covered and full details of all presenters. Method of presentation is at the submitter's discretion; however, the submitter has the responsibility for providing his/her own panel members. All accepted proposals will appear in the conference proceedings (Please note that all panelists and tutorial presenters must register for the conference).
Submissions of all types must be received by November 1, 2010. Details of tracks and submission information will be announced soon.
Send all your inquiries to:
Conference Co-Chairs
Jae In Oh, Dankook University and President of Korea Society of MIS, jioh(a)dankook.ac.kr
Felix B Tan, AUT University, New Zealand, felix.tan(a)aut.ac.nz
Program Co-Chairs
Kichan Nam, Sogang Business School, Sogang University, Korea, knam(a)ccs.sogang.ac.kr
Sue Conger, University of Dallas, sconger(a)aol.com
Local Program Chair
Yong Jin Kim, Sogang Business School, Sogang University, Korea, yongjkim(a)sogang.ac.kr
Jairo Gutierrez, Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar, Colombia, jgutierrezd(a)unitecnologica.edu.co
Publications and Proceedings Chair
Lech Janczewski, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, lech(a)auckland.ac.nz
International Co-Chairs
Sherif Kamel, American University in Cairo, Egypt, skamel(a)aucegypt.edu
Gerald Grant, Carleton University, Canada, gerald_grant(a)carleton.ca
G. Harindranath, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, g.harindranath(a)rhul.ac.uk
Anol Bhattacherjee, University of South Florida, abhatt(a)usf.edu
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for papers and special session proposals:
ISCRAM 2011 Social Media and Collaborative Systems Track
Datum: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 01:21:16 -0400
Von: Linda Plotnick <linda.plotnick(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*/ /*
The 8^th International Conference on Information Systems for
Crisis Response and Management
*"From early-warning systems to preparedness and training"***
*Lisbon, Portugal, May 8-11, 2011***
* *
* *
*Introduction of the track*
The convergence of information and communication technologies, the
growth of the Internet including the mobile Internet, and the advent of
technologies known under the general heading of Web 2.0 have all
contributed to our ability to collaborate over great distances, both
synchronously and asynchronously. Our aim in this track is to explore
how these new approaches to and support for collaboration can help in
crisis management and response. How might such collaboration
technologies help:
· preparation for disasters?
· the crisis management team in their decision making on the handling
the event?
· the crisis management team in their interactions with a wide range of
responders, government bodies, various publics and stakeholders and, of
course, the victims and their families?
· all parties build a picture and share information about a developing
· widen the range of stakeholders who can join fully in handling the
crisis and recovery?
· involve communities fully during the recovery phase to rebuild and
return to normality?
· communities to work together, alongside but independently of
government and non-governmental agencies, to inform and help themselves,
co-ordinating citizen-led efforts?
· virtual teams and virtual communities develop processes and software
for emergency management and recovery?
* *
*Track topics*
Papers are invited that provide rich description and/or evaluation of
the actual use of novel web based and other systems for collaboration
and/or widespread participation in any phase of emergency management,
from initial planning and preparedness, through detection, response, and
recovery phases. This might include, among others:
* Studies of the use of virtual teams or virtual communities or
“social software” (e.g., social networking sites, knowledge
gathering systems such as Wikimapia) in the design or use of
emergency management information systems, with data collection
methods ranging from laboratory or field experiments to
qualitative case studies.
* Exploration and assessment of any problems that occur when virtual
or partially distributed teams or the general public use
information technology to coordinate disaster management related
tasks, and how can they be resolved.
* Assessment of the advantages of collaborative systems compared to
closed “command and control” systems created for ‘official’
involvement only.
* Investigations of the role these sorts of forums could have in
future disaster preparation and response. How could their efforts
be better facilitated? What socio-technical conditions should be
in place to make them most beneficial?
* Behavioral studies of collaboration which have implications for
the use of networking and web technologies in crisis response and
management, including experimental studies.
*Track co-chairs*
/- /Starr Roxanne Hiltz, NJIT
/- /Paloma Díaz, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Linda Plotnick, Jacksonville State U., USA
(another co-chair to be added)
* *
*Corresponding track co-chair*
/- /Starr Roxanne Hiltz, NJIT
Starr Roxanne Hiltz
Hiltz(a)njit.edu <mailto:Hiltz@njit.edu>
Paloma Diaz
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
pdp(a)inf.uc3m.es <mailto:pdp@inf.uc3m.es>
Linda Plotnick
Jacksonville State University
lplotnick(a)jsu.edu <mailto:lplotnick@jsu.edu>
*Important Notice*:
* All Special Session proposals must be formatted according to the
ISCRAM 2010 formatting guidelines. Special Session proposal
templates are published on www.iscram.org <http://www.iscram.org/>.
* All Special Session proposal must be submitted through the ISCRAM
2011 conference paper submission web page at
www.conftool.com/iscram2011 <http://www.conftool.com/iscram2011>
Instructions for the ConfTool system can be found on
www.iscram.org <http://www.iscram.org/>.
* *
*About ISCRAM*:
The ISCRAM Community is a worldwide community of researchers, scholars,
teachers, students, practitioners and policy makers interested or
actively involved in the subject of Information Systems for Crisis
Response and Management. At its annual international conference
alternating between the US and Europe, the ISCRAM Community gathers to
present and discuss the latest research and developments in this growing
area during an interactive and stimulating 3 day program. The ISCRAM
Community also organizes an International Summer School for PhD students
and ISCRAM-CHINA, an annual conference for ISCRAM research in China. All
information on ISCRAM can be found at http://www.iscram.org
Important dates
*01 October 2010*
Submission of proposals for panels and other special sessions
*01 November 2010*
Notification of acceptance for panels and other special sessions
*15 November 2010*
Submission of full research papers
*15 December 2010*
Submission of work-in-progress papers and practitioner papers
*Mid January 2011*
Notification of acceptance for full research papers
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: TKJSE (indexed by EI), SI on
Ubiquitous Computing, Technology, and Applications
Datum: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 13:52:08 +0800
Von: kpshih <kpshih(a)mail.tku.edu.tw>
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
[We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this message]
Call for Papers
Special Issue on "Ubiquitous Computing, Technology, and Applications"
Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering (indexed by EI )
Important Dates
Full Papers Due: September 20, 2010
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection/Revision: November 20, 2010
Final Manuscript Due: December 20, 2010
Tentative Publication Date: Depend on the publisher’s schedule
Theme and Scope
With the rapid developments of technology, small, inexpensive, and robust networked processing devices have
become part of everyday life. Ubiquitous computing has become an area of intense research in the last couple of
years particularly with the need to access information anytime, anywhere, on any device. However, several areas
of ubiquitous computing still need to be explored to overcome the various challenges with innovative solutions.
The main aim of this special issue is to present emerging technologies, theoretical studies, practical applications,
and experimental prototypes in the field of ubiquitous computing. Submissions of high quality papers describing
mature results or on-going work are invited.
Topics appropriate for this special issue include, but are not limited to:
* Next generation networks
* New and emerging technologies, service, and applications for mobile computing
* Mobile computing applications/architectures/systems
* Network commerce technologies and applications
* Energy-efficient software/ hardware design
* Wireless networks
* Wireless data services
* Multimedia/QoS
* Security in network communications
* Security and data protection
* Ubiquitous computing
* Mobile/Ubiquitous learning and environments
* Architecture of educational information systems
* Teaching information literacy
* Context-aware network services and applications
* Context-aware protocols and protocol architectures for networks and applications
* Algorithms for network computing
Instructions for Manuscripts
Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research results and recent
developments. Manuscripts should be written in English and strictly follow the guidelines of the Tamkang
Journal of Science and Technology at http://www2.tku.edu.tw/~tkjse/. Prospective authors should submit full
manuscripts in PDF by e-mail to the corresponding Guest Editor, Dr. Kuei-Ping Shih, at kpshih(a)mail.tku.edu.tw
by September 20, 2010. In addition, papers submitted for consideration for this special issue should not be under
consideration for publication elsewhere. Previously published conference papers should be clearly identified as
much and an explanation must accompany such submissions detailing how such papers have been extended in
order to be considered for further publication in this special issue. In addition, the guest editors may work with
the Editor-in-chief of the journal to invite distinguished researchers in the related areas for position papers.
Guest Editors
Prof. Kuei-Ping Shih
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
Tamkang University, Taiwan
E-mail: kpshih(a)mail.tku.edu.tw
Prof. Mangui Liang
School of Computer and Information Technology,
Beijing Jiaotong University, China
E-mail: mgliang(a)bjtu.edu.cn
Prof. Sherali Zeadally
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology,
University of the District of Columbia, USA
Email: szeadally(a)udc.edu
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] In Bressanone (Italy) - 6th Workshop on Semantic Web
Applications and Perspectives (SWAP2010) - 2nd Call for Papers
Datum: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 10:50:47 +0200
Von: Diego Calvanese <calvanese(a)inf.unibz.it>
An: Diego Calvanese <calvanese(a)inf.unibz.it>
Apologies for multiple copies.
6th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives
SWAP 2010
Bressanone-Brixen, Italy
September 21-22, 2010
Organized by the KRDB Research Centre
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Collocated with the 4th Int. Conf. on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems
**** AND ****
The Semantic Web is currently one of the most interesting and
ambitious challenges that the scientific and technological community
is facing. While great progresses have been made in terms of
consolidation of base philosophy and infrastructure, new issues,
technologies, and tools are emerging.
These issues include creating, presenting and managing Semantic Web
content, making semantics explicit in order to automatically integrate
data from different sources, and to search for information based on
its meaning rather than its syntactic form.
New and advanced methods, models, tools, and technologies for services
related to creation, access, retrieval, integration, and filtering of
Web content are being developed at the intersection of relevant
disciplines that are making the Semantic Web fly, such as Artificial
Intelligence, Databases and Information Systems, Distributed
Computing, Multimedia Systems, Natural Language Processing,
Human-Computer Interaction, Social Networks, and Web Science.
Applications that use Semantic Web technologies and succeed in
leveraging the added value of semantics on the Web are emerging.
However, designing and building them is still a challenge due to the
rapid evolution of standards, technologies, and tools, and the need
for well-established methodologies. This happens in the context of a
widespread interest in semantic techniques for web data access and
integration, e.g. for linked open data, microformats, and social
SWAP 2010 aims at being a relaxed meeting for brainstorming and
debating among international researchers and developers on the
Semantic Web, with a special focus on aspects which can enable
wide-scale use of Semantic Web technologies. See below for a detailed
list of topics.
The workshop aims at attracting researchers, developers and interested
practitioners alike. The setting for the workshop is highly
interactive, and presentations are expected to focus on practical
issues and the underlying theoretical aspects and open problems,
reporting both on learned experiences and on ongoing work. The
presentation language is English.
Submission requirements
We encourage submissions from researchers and practitioners in
academia, industry, government, and consulting. Submitted manuscripts
may describe either:
* original research, or work in progress that is sufficiently mature
to be presented to the Semantic Web community at large;
* work that is of high relevance for the Semantic Web community and
that has already been published or accepted recently (i.e., in 2009
or 2010) at a highly ranked conference in the Semantic Web area
(ISWC, ESWC) or in related areas (e.g., KR, IJCAI, AAAI, PODS,
* a position statement on one or more aspects of relevance for the
Semantic Web.
We especially welcome what the authors consider as their recent most
important contribution to Semantic Web research, whether original,
work in progress, or already accepted or published.
Authors should clearly indicate on the cover page to which of the
above categories (original, work in progress, accepted, published, or
position paper) their submission belongs. For already published or
accepted papers they should indicate also the publication venue and
Papers will be reviewed by the PC co-chairs and the members of the
SWAP steering committee, to judge relevance to SWAP and potential
interest for the Semantic Web community. Based on the evaluation,
papers will be accepted either for oral presentation, or for poster
presentation. Submissions that are not relevant to SWAP 2010 will be
Accepted contributions will be distributed in electronic format at the
workshop. After the workshop, selected contributions will undergo a
further critical reviewing process and, if accepted, will be published
online in a volume of post-workshop proceedings of the CEUR Workshop
Proceedings series, ISSN 1613-0073, http://ceur-ws.org/.
Papers must be submitted electronically at the conference website
using the EasyChair submission system. Manuscripts should be in pdf
and formatted according to the Springer LNCS style. Information
concerning typesetting can be obtained directly from Springer at:
The maximum length of submissions is 16 pages for regular papers
(original, work in progress, accepted, or published), and 2 pages for
positions papers.
Important dates:
- Sep. 1, 2010 Paper submission deadline
- Sep. 9, 2010 Author notification
- Sep. 15, 2010 Final version due
- Sep. 21-22, 2010 SWAP 2010 Workshop
The workshop will cover both theoretical and implementation issues
that relate to Semantic Web applications. The following is a partial
list of topics of interests:
* Applications of Semantic Web technologies, such as:
- Semantic Web in life sciences and e-science
- Semantic Web for e-business
- Semantic Web for e-government
- Semantic Web for e-learning
- Semantic Web for P2P systems and grids
- Semantic Web and multimedia
- Novel Semantic Web applications
- Presentation and discussions of application scenarios
* Representation and Management of Semantic Web data
- Methodologies for Semantic Web data management
- Tools for Semantic Web data management
- Robust, scalable knowledge management and reasoning on the Web
- Data semantics and linked data
- Searching and querying Semantic Web data
- Machine learning and information extraction on the Semantic Web
- Large-scale knowledge management
- Semantic coordination, integration, matching, interoperability
- Semantic Web mining
- Semantic information retrieval
- Semantic wikis
- Semantic Web middleware
- Systems of annotation extraction
* Ontologies and Languages in the Semantic Web
- Ontology design, extraction, and evolution
- Ontology mapping, merging, and alignment
- Reasoning over ontologies and data
- Linked data and microformats
- New languages for the Semantic Web
- Web 2.0-based ontology learning
- Semantic Web services
* User Interfaces to the Semantic Web
- Visualizing Semantic Web data
- Natural language technologies for the Semantic Web
- Assistive technologies and the Semantic Web
- Web 2.0 personalization
- Web 2.0 technologies for recommender systems
* Social Semantic Web
- Social networks on the Semantic Web
- Semantic Portals
- Semantic Web technology for collaboration and cooperation
- Semantic Web personalization
- Semantic Web trust, privacy, security, and intellectual
property rights
- Analysis of social online communities
- Social aspects of distributed cooperative annotation
* Semantic Web Agents
* Evaluation and benchmarking of Semantic Web techniques and tools
- Paolo Traverso, University of Trento (general chair)
- Diego Calvanese, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (PC co-chair)
- Giovanni Semeraro, University of Bari (PC co-chair)
- Mariano Rodriguez-Muro, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
(local arrangements)
SWAP Steering Committee:
- Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento
- Oreste Signore, W3C Office in Italy/CNR
- Heiko Stoermer, FBK, Trento, Italy
- Giovanni Tummarello, FBK Trento, Italy& DERI Galway, Ireland
See http://www.swapconf.it/ for previous editions of SWAP.
Contact chairs by email at swap2010-chairs(a)inf.unibz.it
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: 1st Workshop on the Security of
the Internet of Things (SecIoT'10)
Datum: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 16:45:30 +0200
Von: Rodrigo Roman <roman(a)lcc.uma.es>
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
(Apologies for cross-postings)
The 1st Workshop on the Security of the Internet of Things
(SecIoT 2010)
Tokyo (Japan), November 29, 2010
in conjunction with
Internet Of Things 2010, November 29 - December 1, 2010
Important Dates:
Paper Submission due: 10 September 2010
Acceptance notification: 5 October 2010
Final papers due: 12 October 2010
While there are many definitions of the Internet of Things (IoT), all of
them revolve around the same central concept: a world-wide network of
interconnected objects. These objets will make use of multiple
technological building blocks, such as wireless communication, sensors,
actuators, and RFID, in order to allow people and things to be connected
anytime anyplace, with anything and anyone. However, before this new
vision takes its first steps, it is essential to consider the security
implications of billions of intelligent things cooperating with other
real and virtual entities over the Internet. In fact, we need to plan
well in advance what kind of technological mechanisms, protocols and
standard infrastructures we will need in order to protect the IoT.
Failure to do so will result in a weak infrastructure, which will be
surely exploited by malicious entities performing attacks such as
accessing personal information or manipulating the elements of the real
world. The setback caused by the lack of trust on the IoT can be
disastrous for the realization of this vision.
Securing the IoT is a very complex task, because there are plenty of
factors that must be taken into account. Not only it is necessary to
protect its different building blocks, but it is also vital to consider
how these blocks will work together and what kind of interoperable
security mechanisms must be created. Besides, there will be multiple
actors, such as human beings, machines, and the very own objects, that
will use the services provided by the IoT, and it is necessary to assure
a certain level of security during their cooperation. Moreover, the
management of all the information produced by these interactions raises
many security concerns, such as privacy issues, that must be addressed
and solved. Therefore, the goal of this workshop is to bring together
researchers and industry experts in areas relevant to the security of
the Internet of Things. As this workshop is the first in this area, it
is also its objective to serve as a forum for not only presenting
state-of-the-art research, but also for debating the role of security
and its practical implications in the development of the IoT.
Topics of interest for the workshop include the following:
* New security problems in the context of the IoT.
* Privacy risks and data management problems.
* Identifying, authenticating, and authorizing entities.
* Development of trust frameworks for secure collaboration.
* New cryptographic primitives for constrained "things".
* Connecting heterogeneous ecosystems and technologies.
* Legal Challenges and Governance Issues.
* Resilience to external and internal attacks.
* Context-Aware Security.
* Providing protection to an IP-connected IoT.
* Web services security and other application-layer issues.
Submission Guidelines:
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings. Submission of a paper should be regarded as
an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the
authors will register for the conference and present the work. All
accepted workshop papers will be published in a single workshop
proceedings volume.
Papers must be submitted using the workshop web site and following the
requirements stated there. All Paper submissions should be anonymized to
facilitate blind review. Submission should be in IEEE 8.5x11 conference
format and should not exceed 8 pages. Submission should be formatted in
strict accordance with the IEEE Computer Society author guidelines:
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version
for possible publication in the "Protecting the Internet of Things"
special issue of Wiley's Security and Communication Networks Journal.
This journal is indexed in almost all important technical journal index
systems, such as ISI, SCI, EI, SCOPUS, etc.
General Co-Chairs:
- Jim Clarke (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland)
- Rodrigo Roman (University of Malaga, Spain)
Program Co-Chairs:
- Stefanos Gritzalis (University of the Aegean, Greece)
- Jianying Zhou (Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore)
Program Committee (Tentative - PC are being invited):
- Alessandro Acquisti (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
- Levente Buttyan (BME, Hungary)
- Barbara Daskala (ENISA, Greece)
- John Dominque (Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK)
- Alex Gluhak (University of Surrey, UK)
- Antonio Jara (University of Murcia, Spain)
- Marc Joye (Technicolor, France)
- Jin Kwak (Soonchunhyang University, Korea)
- Andre Koenig (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
- Manik Lal Das (Dhirubhai Ambani Inst. for Information and
Communication Tech., India)
- Costas Lambrinoudakis (University of Piraeus, Greece)
- Albert Levi (Sabanci University, Turkey)
- Javier Lopez (University of Malaga, Spain)
- Christoph P. Mayer (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Yi Mu (University of Wollongong, Australia)
- Barry Mulcahy (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland)
- Aljosa Pasic (Atos Origin, Spain)
- Michel Riguidel (Institut Télécom/Télécom ParisTech, France)
- Panagiotis Rizomiliotis (University of the Aegean, Greece)
- Matt Robshaw (Orange Labs, France)
- Gokay Saldamli (Bogazici University, Turkey)
- Neeraj Suri (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany)
- Rolf H. Weber (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
- Duncan Wong (City University of Hong Kong, China)
- Yanjiang Yang (Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore)
- Yunlei Zhao (Fudan University, China)
- Wen Tao Zhu (CAS, China)
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.iccsa.org
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.iccsa.org
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: IEEE R8: Eurocon 2011 - First Call for Papers
Datum: Mon, 2 Aug 2010 20:36:29 -0400
Von: conference-services(a)ieee.org
Antwort an: secretariat(a)eurocon2011.it.pt
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Colleague,
We invite you to participate in The IEEE Region 8 Conference, ?EUROCON 2011?. EUROCON 2011 is a major international forum presenting design methodologies, techniques, experimental results and recent industrial developments in emerging electro-technologies. EUROCON is one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Region 8 with participants from all over the world. The purpose of this conference is serving as catalyst for the technical exchange between researchers and practitioners from different technological fields.
In 2011 EUROCON will be organized jointly with CONFTELE (Conference on Telecommunications) a conference organized every other year in Portugal, by ?Instituto de Telecomunicações?, a research institute mainly devoted to creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications.
Dates: April 27-29, 2011
Venue: Lisbon, Portugal.
Local Organizers:
- IEEE Portugal Section
- Instituto de Telecomunicacoes
- Instituto Superior Tecnico, Technical University of Lisbon and with the support of
- Ordem dos Engenheiros (Portuguese Engineers Association)
EUROCON topics:
Services and Applications; Next Generation Networking; Multimedia Technologies and Applications; Multimedia Signal Processing; Mobile and Wireless Communications; Optical Communications; Antennas, Microwaves and Radio Wave Propagation; Quantum Effects in Information and Transmission.
Computer Networks; Net-Centric Computing; Computational Systems and Artificial Intelligence; Robotics; Bioinformatics; Security of Information Systems and Infrastructures.
Materials and Devices; Modeling and Simulation; Analog and Digital Integrated Circuits; Circuit Theory; Signal Processing; Instrumentation and Measurements; System Identification and Control; Embedded and Real-Time Systems.
Power Electronics; Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution; Electrical Machines and Drives; Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Curricula Development; E-learning; Motivation for Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Studies; Innovative Engineering Courses and Laboratories.
Technology Innovation; Technology Value; Social and Political Impact of ICT; E-Commerce.
The conference working language - English.
EUROCON Proceedings will be placed in IEEE Xplore database.
The schedule for authors is:
Deadline for submission of papers: October 30, 2010
Notification of acceptance: January 30, 2011
Camera ready papers and early registration: February 28, 2011
All the latest official information for the conference is available on our website http://www.eurocon2011.it.pt/.
Looking forward to welcome you in Lisbon next year Spring
Kind regards,
Joao Costa Freire
General Chair
EUROCON 2011 and CONFTELE 2011
You have received this mailing because you are a member of IEEE Region 8<http://ewh.ieee.org/reg/8/>.
To unsubscribe, please go to http://ewh.ieee.org/enotice/options.php?SN=Neumann&LN=CONF and be certain to include your IEEE member number.
If you need assistance with your E-Notice subscription, please contact Khanh Luu.
IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [DW/EA News] Konferenz DW2010/EA2010: Jetzt anmelden
Datum: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 09:27:27 +0200
Von: Konferenz DW2010/EA2010 <dw2010(a)unisg.ch>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Sehr geehrter Herr Neumann
Das Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Universität St. Gallen möchte
Sie herzlich zur Konferenz DW2010/EA2010* * am* 9. und 10. November
2010* in St. Gallen einladen. Melden Sie sich jetzt an und profitieren
Sie von den Frühbucherpreisen: zur Anmeldung
Die Konferenz spannt den thematischen Bogen über *Business Intelligence,
Data Warehousing *und Informationslogistik bis hin zu*
Unternehmensarchitektur, Integration *und Serviceorientierung. In mehr
als 20 Vorträgen führender Experten und Wissenschaftler werden
innovative Konzepte, Erfahrungen und Best Practices ausgetauscht und
diskutiert. Erhalten Sie u.a. Einblick in Erfahrungen von:
* eBay
* Kühne + Nagel
* Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB)
* Swisscom
* Swiss Life
* Swiss Re
Darüber hinaus freuen wir uns, Ihnen folgende hochkarätige Keynoter
präsentieren zu dürfen:
* Giovanni Conti, Leiter Governance, Netz & IT, Swisscom
* Barry Devlin, Autor, Thought Leader DWH/BI
* Jan Ellerbrock, Head Enterprise Architecture, Swiss Re
* Peter Kummer, CIO, Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB
* Larissa Moss, Autor, President of Method Focus Inc.
* Oliver Ratzesberger, Senior Director Architecture & Operations, eBay
* Robert Winter, Direktor, IWI-HSG
* Peter Zencke, Vorstand SAP 1993 bis 2008
Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz, das detaillierte Programm
<http://www.dw2010.ch/programm>, sowie das Anmeldeformular
finden Sie unter:
http://www.dw2010.ch oder http://www.ea2010.ch
Nehmen Sie ausserdem die Gelegenheit wahr, Werkzeuge und Methoden
unmittelbar kennen zu lernen. Für die Konferenz "DW2010/EA2010" haben
folgende Hersteller und Berater bereits ihre Unterstützung und Präsenz
* Ab Initio Software Germany GmbH
* Databasepro
* SHS Viveon AG
* Steria Mummert Consulting AG
* Teradata (Schweiz) GmbH
Wir würden uns freuen, Sie auf der DW2010/EA2010 am 9. und 10. November
2010 in St. Gallen willkommen heissen zu dürfen.
Prof. Dr. Robert Winter (Vorsitz)
Dr. Felix Wortmann
Dr. Stephan Aier
Philipp Gubler (Organisation)
Chair of Prof. Dr. R. Winter | Competence Center Integration Factory
Institute of Information Management | University of St. Gallen
Mueller-Friedberg-Strasse 8 | 9000 St. Gallen | Switzerland
tel: +41 71 224 38 18 | fax: +41 71 224 21 89
awf(a)unisg.ch <mailto:awf@unisg.ch> | www.iwi.unisg.ch
<http://www.iwi.unisg.ch> | awf.unisg.ch <http://awf.unisg.ch>
Falls Sie keine Benachrichtigungen von uns mehr erhalten wollen, klicken
Sie bitte folgenden Link: dieser Link
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] 2nd CFP: The 16th International
Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2011)
Datum: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 16:33:25 +0800
Von: Raymond Wong <raywong(a)cse.ust.hk>
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call For Papers
The 16th International Conference on
Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2011
Hong Kong, 22-25 April 2011
Important Deadlines:
August 26, 2010 - Workshop proposals
September 16, 2010 - Research/industrial paper abstracts
September 23, 2010 - Research/industrial full papers
October 23, 2010 - Panel/demo proposals
November 20, 2010 - Tutorial proposals
December 10, 2010 - Notification of Research/Industrial Papers
January 14, 2011 - Camera-ready due
DASFAA is an annual international database conference, located in the
Asia-Pacific region, which showcases state-of-the-art R&D activities
in database systems and their applications. It provides a forum for
technical presentations and discussions among database researchers,
developers and users from academia, business and industry.
DASFAA 2011 (http://www.cintec.cuhk.edu.hk/DASFAA2011/) will be held
in Hong Kong, one of the most important financial centers in the world
and a gateway to China. Hong Kong has significant activities in
computing, including software companies, and many important users. It
also has a strong academic tradition, with various different database
groups in university departments.
Original papers on both theoretical and practical database research
are welcome. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to
the following:
* Data archive and digital library
* Data model and query language
* Data warehouse and OLAP
* Data management in P2P and grid
* Data management in cloud computing
* Data streams and time-series data
* Data quality and credibility
* Data mining and knowledge discovery
* Data management for social networks
* Data management in the Internet and the Web
* Database system applications
* Databases for emerging Hardware
* Embedded and mobile databases
* Graph/Web mining
* Index and storage systems
* Information extraction and summarization
* Information integration and meta-data management
* Information recommendation
* Multimedia databases
* Parallel and distributed databases
* Performance evaluation and tuning
* Query processing and optimization
* Search technology
* Security and privacy
* Sensor data management
* Semantic web and large-scale knowledge management
* Statistical and scientific databases
* Temporal and spatial databases
* Transaction management
* Text databases and information retrieval
* User interfaces for modern information systems
* XML, semi-structured, and graph data.
Accepted papers will be published by Springer as proceedings in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Honorary Conference Co-Chair:
Xingui HE, Peking University
Shan WANG, Renmin University of China
Conference General Co-Chair:
Dik Lun LEE, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Wang-Chien LEE, Penn State University
Kamal KARLAPALEM, IIIT-Hyderabad
Program Committee Co-Chair:
Jeffrey Xu YU, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Myoung Ho KIM, KAIST
Organizing Committee Chair:
Kam-Fai WONG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Jianliang XU, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ge YU, Northeastern University
Shuigeng ZHOU, Fudan University
Industrial Co-Chairs:
Takahiro HARA, Osaka University
Tengjiao WANG, Peking University
Xing XIE, Microsoft Research China
Tutorial Co-Chairs:
Reynold CHENG, The University of Hong Kong
Ken LEE, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Ee-Peng LIM, Singapore Management University
Panel Co-Chairs:
Haibo HU, Hong Kong Baptist University
Haixun WANG, Microsoft Research China
Baihua ZHENG, Singapore Management University
Demo Co-Chair:
Jidong CHEN, EMC Research China
Lei CHEN, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Kyoung-Gu WOO, Samsung Electronics
Publicity Co-Chairs:
Xiaochun YANG, Northeastern University
Xiaofang ZHOU, University of Queensland
Local Arrangement Chair:
Hong-va LEONG, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Finance Chair:
Vincent NG, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Publication Chair:
Rainer UNLAND, University of Duisburg-Essen
Web Chair:
Hong CHENG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Demo Award Committee Co-Chairs:
Ben KAO, The University of Hong Kong
Lizhu ZHOU, Tsinghua University
Best Paper Committee Co-Chairs:
Ming-Syan CHEN, Academia Sinica, Taiwan and National Taiwan University
Aoying ZHOU, East China Normal University
Steering Committee Liaison:
Qing LI, City University of Hong Kong
Sponsor Chair:
Joseph NG, Hong Kong Baptist University
CCF DBTC Liaison:
Xiaofeng MENG, Renmen University
Program Committee:
Toshiyuki AMAGASA, University of Tsukuba
Masayoshi ARITSUGI, Kumamoto University
James BAILEY, University of Melbourne
Ladjel BELLATRECHE, Poitiers University
Boualem BENATALLAH, University of New South Wales
Sourav BHOWMICK, Nanyang Technology University
Chee Yong CHAN, National University Singapore
Jae Woo CHANG, Chonbuk National University
Lei CHEN, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Ming-Syan CHEN, National Taiwan University
Reynold CHENG, University Hong Kong
Hong CHENG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
James CHENG, Nanyang Technological University
Byron CHOI, Hong Kong Baptist University
Yon Dohn CHUNG, Korea University
Gao CONG, Aalborg University
Bin CUI, Peking University
Alfredo CUZZOCREA, ICAR-CNR / University of Calabria
Gill DOBBIE, University of Auckland
Xiaoyong DU, Renmin University
Jianhua FENG, Tsinghua University
Ling FENG, Tsinghua University
Sumit GANGULY, IIT Kanpur
Yunjun GAO, Zhejiang University
Vivek GOPALKRISHNAN, Nayang Technological University
Wook-Shin HAN, Kyung-pook National University
Takahiro HARA, Osaka University
bingsheng HE, Nanyang Technological University
Wynne HSU, National University Singapore
Haibo HU, Hong Kong Baptist University
Yoshiharu ISHIKAWA, Nagoya University
Mizuho IWAIHARA, Waseda University
Adam JATOWT, Kyoto University
Ruoming JIN, Kent State University
Jaewoo KANG, Korea University
Norio KATAYAMA, NII (National Instituite of Informatics)
Yiping KE, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sang Wook KIM, Hanyang University
Young-Kuk KIM, Chungnam National University
Markus KIRCHBERG, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Hiroyuki KITAGAWA, University of Tsukuba
Flip KORN, AT&T Research
Hady LAUW, Microsoft Research
Jae-Gil LEE, IBM Almaden
Mong Li LEE, National University of Singapore
Sang-goo LEE, Seoul National University
Sang-Won LEE, Sungkyunkwan University
Wang-Chien LEE, Pennsylvania State University
Cuiping LI, Renmin University
Jianzhong LI, Harbin Institute of Technology
Xuemin LIN, University of New South Wales
Chengfei LIU, Swinburne University of Technology
Eric LO, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jiaheng LU, Renmin University
Nikos MAMOULIS, The University of Hong Kong
Weiyi MENG, Binghamton University
Xiaofeng MENG, Renmin University
Bongki MOON, University of Arizona
Yang-Sae MOON, Kangwon National University
Yasuhiko MORIMOTO, Hirshima University
Yunmook NAH, Dankook University
Miyuki NAKANO, University of Tokyo
Tadashi OHMORI, University of Electro-Communications
Makoto ONIZUKA, NTT Cyber Space Labs
Sang Hyun PARK, Yonsei Universiy
Seog PARK, Sogang University
Jian PEI, Simon Fraser University
Uwe ROHM, University of Sydney
Markus SCHNEIDER, University Florida
Heng Tao SHEN, University of Queensland
Hyoseop SHIN, Konkuk University
Atsuhiro TAKASU, NII (National Instituite of Informatics)
Kian-Lee TAN, National University Singapore
Jie TANG, Tsinghua University
David TANIAR, Monash University
Egemen TANIN, University of Melbourne
Vincent TSENG, National Cheng Kung University
Vasilis VASSALOS, Athens University of Economics and Business
John WANG, Griffith University
Jianyong WANG, Tsinghua University
Guoren WANG, Northeastern University
Wei WANG, University of New South Wales
Raymond WONG, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Xiaokui XIAO, Nanyang Technological University
Jianliang XU, Hong Kong Baptist University
Man-Lung YIU, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Haruo YOKOTA, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Jae Soo YOO, Chungbuk National University
Ge YU, Northeastern University
Aidong ZHANG, University of Buffalo, SUNY
Rui ZHANG, University of Melbourne
Yanchun ZHANG, Victoria University
Baihua ZHENG, Singapore Management University
Aoying ZHOU, East China Normal University
Xiaofang ZHOU, University of Queensland
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.iccsa.org
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.iccsa.org
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] EJIS Special Issue - Governing IT in
Inter-organizational Relationships
Datum: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 11:57:39 +1200
Von: Felix Tan <felix.tan(a)aut.ac.nz>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers
European Journal Of Information Systems (EJIS)
Special Issue on
Governing IT in inter-organizational relationships
Business firms and other organizations in the public and private
sectors increasingly operate as part of highly distributed and loosely
coupled ecosystems. These network arrangements are precipitated by
pressures to globalize markets for and sources of products and services
in a bid to lower costs and increase profitability or program outcomes.
The capacity to operate within this global network of relationships is
facilitated by the extraordinary technological and process innovations
made possible by the application of advanced information and
communication technologies (ICTs). These technologies are fueling the
unprecedented growth in inter-organizational relationships and the
complex inter-linkages that result. Enterprises in both the private and
public sectors are connecting to each other through complex enterprise
systems that underpin their value chains. At the same time many
organizations are attempting to move away from owning ICT systems and
infrastructure that support their business model to sourcing these
systems and services in non-traditional market or network arrangements.
For example, firms are increasingly adopting cloud-based and open source
platform-as-a-service (PaaS) models for provisioning ICT systems and
infrastructure. Other organizations are joining forces to create ICT
service delivery networks usually manifested as IT shared services.
These complex network arrangements pose a number of IT governance
challenges. These challenges revolve around the allocation of
accountability, responsibility, and decision rights in network
arrangements where there is distributed ownership of the ICT resources,
systems, and processes. They also relate to the challenge of
safeguarding and enhancing the quality and value of IT services
delivered through these new IT service provisioning ecosystems.
The issues described above should raise some important questions for
both researchers and practitioners. We solicit papers for this special
issues covering, but not limited, to the following topics:
· Frameworks and theories for understanding
inter-organizational IT governance relationships.
· Emerging issues in governing IT in loosely-coupled, global
business ecosystems.
· Multi-jurisdictional governance of IT in government and other
public sector organizations.
· Governing IT in cloud computing and other
platform-as-a-service arrangements.
· Shared IT service governance.
· Governance of common IT infrastructure.
· Research approaches to studying inter-organizational IT
· IT governance in traditional outsourcing and market
· Implications for IT governance in open source relationships.
· Processes and mechanisms for governing inter-organizational
IT arrangements.
· Participants roles and relationships with new forms of IT
· Governing employee owned and selected IT in organizational
· Cross-cultural issues in inter-organizational IT governance
Guest Editors for the Special Issue
Gerald Grant, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada,
Felix B. Tan, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand,
Submission Guidelines and Important Dates
· Papers may be submitted to the special issue any time before October
30, 2010
· Submit using the EJIS online paper submission system at
http://ejis.msubmit.net ( http://ejis.msubmit.net/ )
(Select the Special Issue during submission)
· Follow the EJIS formatting guidelines at
· (Note that papers should be no longer than 8000 words)
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Journal of Enterprise Information Management: Call
for Papers
Datum: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 21:46:11 +0100
Von: Yogesh Dwivedi <ykdwivedi(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: Zahir Irani <Zahir.Irani(a)brunel.ac.uk>
Dear Colleagues
The Journal of Enterprise Information Management (JEIM) invites you to
submit quality manuscripts addressing areas listed below in coverage
sections to the Assistant Editor via email at: ykdwivedi(a)gmail.com.
The submission guidelines are available at
JEIM (ISSN#1741-0398,
is currently in its 23rd year of publication, is published and
distributed six (6) printed issues a year by Emerald Group Publishing
Ltd in UK. The journal aims to publish articles which will be of value
and interest to business managers, consultants, teachers and students
concerned with issues of enterprise and management. In all cases, the
aim is to feature practical applications.
Editorial scope
JEIM strives to publish high quality articles of significant
intellectual interest and commercial relevance to managers,
consultants, lecturers and students operating within business
enterprise environments. All papers submitted to JEIM are initially
filtered by the Editor and then subjected to rigorous review by a team
of qualified internationally acknowledged academics. JEIM now has a
history of contributing to the normative literature, providing
conceptual and practical insights and generating innovative ideas from
recent research into organizational enterprise.
Articles in the JEIM include, but are not limited to:
• eBusiness and tGovernment
• Infrastructure Management
• Organizational Information Systems
• Business Process Transformation
• Insourcing/Outsourcing
• Application Service Providers
• Enterprise Management
• Interoperability Systems
• Investment Decision Making
• Inventory and Productions Management
• Information Management
Assistant Editor
Dr. Yogesh K. Dwivedi, School of Business& Economics, Swansea
University, Swansea, SA2 8PP, UK, Email: ykdwivedi(a)gmail.com
Editorial Advisory Board
Professor Majed Al-Mashari, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Professor Mustafa Alshawi, University of Salford, UK
Professor Norman P Archer, McMaster University, Canada
Dr Frank Bannister, Trintiy College, Ireland
Professor France Belanger, Virginia Tech, USA
Dr Gülçin Büyüközkan, Galatasary University, Turkey
Professor Steven I-Jy Chien, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Professor Gail Corbitt, California State University - Chico, USA
Professor Wendy L Currie, Warwick Business School, UK
Professor Thomas Davenport, Babson College, USA
Dr Tony Elliman, Brunel University, UK
Dr Galal H. Galal-Edeen, Cairo University, Egypt
Dr George M Giaglis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Dr Reyes Gonzalez, Alicante University, Spain
Professor Angappa Gunasekaran, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA
Professor Raymond A Hackney, Brunel University, UK
John F. Hill, University of Warwick, UK
Dr Jimmy Huang, Warwick Business School, UK
Dr Stephen Jones, Conwy County Borough Council, UK
Dr Philip Joyce, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Professor Cengiz Kahraman, Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Turkey
Professor Ben Light, University of Salford, UK
Professor Juan Llopis, University of Alicante, Spain
Dr Andrew Charles Lyons, University of Liverpool Management School, UK
Dr Amelia A Maurizio, SAP Global Communications, USA
Professor Shan Ling Pan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Professor Rob Procter, University of Manchester, UK
Erwin Rausch, Didactic Systems, USA
Dr Nicholas C Romano Jr, Oklahoma State University, USA
Professor B. S. Sahay, Management Development Institute, India
Professor Joseph Sarkis, Clark University, USA
Professor Amir M Sharif, Brunel Business School, UK
Professor Glenn Stewart, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Dr Markus Strohmaier, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Dr Marinos Themistocleous, Brunel University, UK
Dr David Wainwright, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Edward F Watson, Louisiana State University, USA
Dr Frithjof Weber, Airbus Deutschland GmBH, Germany
Professor Tim Weitzel, Bamberg University, Germany
Dr David Whiteley, The Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Professor Michael D Williams, Swansea University, UK
Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer in Information Systems
Business Doctoral Programme Admissions Coordinator
School of Business and Economics
Room 25, Haldane Building
Swansea University, Singleton Park
Swansea, SA2 8PP, Wales, UK.
TEL (Office): +44 (0) 1792 602340
FAX (Office): +44 (0) 1792 295626
Email: y.k.dwivedi(a)swansea.ac.uk ; ykdwivedi(a)gmail.com
Home page: http://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/academic/BusinessEconomics/dwivediy/
Managing Editor - Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR)
Senior Editor - DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems
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