-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CFP: 11th International Conference on Web Engineering
(ICWE 2011)
Datum: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 13:22:27 +0200
Von: Announcements <announce(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
An: telespazio.com, <WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
11th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2011)
June 20-24, 2011, Paphos, Cyprus
The International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) aims at promoting
scientific and practical excellence on Web Engineering, and at bringing
together researchers and practitioners working in technologies,
methodologies, tools, and techniques used to develop and maintain
Web-based applications leading to better systems, and thus to enabling
and improving the dissemination and use of content and services through
the Web. A special focus of ICWE 2011 will be Web Data Engineering.
*Topics of Interest*
The conference fosters original submissions covering, but not restricted
to the following topics of interest:
Web application engineering
* Processes and methods for Web application development
* Conceptual modeling of Web applications
* Model-driven Web application development
* Domain-specific languages for Web application development
* Component-based Web application development
* Web application architectures and frameworks
* Rich Internet Applications
* Mashup development and end user Web programming
* Patterns for Web application development and pattern mining
* Web content management and data-intensive Web applications
* Web usability and accessibility
* I18N of Web applications and multi-lingual development
* Testing and evaluation of Web applications
* Deployment and usage analysis of Web applications
* Performance modeling, monitoring, and evaluation
* Empirical Web engineering
* Web quality and Web metrics
* Adaptive, contextualized and personalized Web applications
* Mobile Web applications and device-independent delivery
Web service engineering
* Web service engineering methodologies
* Web Service-oriented Architectures
* Semantic Web services
* Web service-based architectures and applications
* Quality of service and its metrics for Web applications
* Inter-organizational Web applications
* Ubiquity and pervasiveness
* Linked Data Services
Web data engineering
* Semantic Web engineering
* Web 2.0 technologies
* Social Web applications
* Web mining and information extraction
* Linked Data
* Web data linking, fusion
* Information quality assessment
* Data repair strategies
* Dataset dynamics
* Dataset introspection
* Linked Data consumption, visualisation and exploration
* Deep Web
* Web science and Future Internet applications
*Submission instructions*
Authors of the research and industrial papers track must explain the
relationship of their work to the Web Engineering discipline in their
submissions. Research papers must comprise substantial innovative
discussion with respect to the related work and must be well motivated
and presented.
* Extension: Papers must not be longer than 15 (fifteen) pages.
* Format: according to the LNCS guidelines.
* Submission: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icwe2011
*Publishing of accepted works*
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag as an
LNCS volume. Official proceedings will include: full papers (15 pages),
demonstration papers (4 pages) and posters (4 pages). Workshop
papers and contributions to the doctoral consortium will be published
separately. Final versions of accepted papers must strictly adhere to
the LNCS guidelines and must include a printable file of the
camera-ready version, as well as all source files thereof. No changes
to such formatting rules are permitted. Authors of accepted papers
must also download and sign a copyright form that will be made
available on the Web site of the conference. Each paper requires at
least one full registration to the main conference. Selected papers
will be invited to submit an extended version to a special issue of the
JCR-indexed Journal Of Web Engineering (pending agreement).
*Important Dates*
* Submission deadline: February 14, 2011 (23:59 Hawaii Time)
* Notification of acceptance: April 14, 2011
* Camera-ready version: April 28, 2011
*Program Chairs*
* Oscar Diaz, University of the Basque Country, Spain
* Sören Auer, Universität Leipzig, Germany
In case of inquiries, please contact the program chairs at:
pcchairs [at] icwe2011.webengineering.org
*Conference Committee*
General Chair
* George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Industrial Track Chair
* Andreas Doms, SAP Research, Germany
Workshop Chairs:
* Nora Koch, LMU and Cirquent GmbH, Germany
* Andreas Harth, KIT, Germany
Tutorial Chairs
* Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Demo& Poster Chairs
* Axel Ngonga, Universitat Leipzig
* Pelechano Vicente, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
* Peter Dolog, Aalborg University, Denmark,
* Bernhard Haslhofer, Cornell University, USA
Conference Steering Committee Liaison
* Geert-Jan Houben, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
ISWE Liaison
* Martin Gaedke, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
IW3C2 Liaison
* Bebo White, SLAC, USA
This is not SPAM. If you want to be removed from this list,
please send an email to [announce(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy] with the
single word 'remove' in the subject of the email.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for contributions: ICGSE 2011
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 23:36:48 -0200
From: Rafael Prikladnicki <rafaelpri(a)terra.com.br>
To: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Contributions
Sixth IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE)
Marina Congress Centre, Helsinki, Finland
August 15-18, 2010
Important Dates
Paper abstracts: February 14, 2011
Paper submissions: February 28, 2011
Workshop submissions February 14, 2011
Other contributions: March 14, 2011
Notification of authors: April 25, 2011
Camera-ready papers due: May 30, 2011
Conference Overview and Theme
Software engineering teams and companies are increasingly becoming truly
global. The diversity of culture and the
geographical and temporal dispersion require novel techniques, tools, and
practices from many disciplines to address
the challenges and fully exploit the opportunities of global software
The 6th International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE) will
bring together researchers,
practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent,
innovative, and significant findings and
experiences in the field of global software engineering research and
practice. The main theme for the 2011 edition
of ICGSE is:
Main Theme: Global Software Engineering Challenges for the Next Decade
The ICGSE2011 organizing committee invites academic and corporate
researchers and industrial practitioners to
contribute to the expertise of the global software engineering community by
submitting papers and contributing to
other colocated events. The topics of interest for submitting papers
include, but are not limited to:
- Strategic issues in distributed development: business models (offshoring,
nearshoring, outsourcing etc.), business
case development, work distribution models, supplier selection and
management, governance frameworks for distributed
environment, cost-benefit-risk analysis;
- Managing and governing distributed software development: planning, team
building, project and SLA management,
managing diversity, measurements and evaluation;
- Methods and tools for distributed software development: requirements
engineering, design, coding, verification,
testing and maintenance, development governance;
- Communication, coordination and collaboration challenges and solutions;
- Knowledge management in distributed development;
- Getting started with global software engineering;
- Empirical studies and lessons learnt from distributed development;
- Software Process paradigms in the global environment (planned, agile etc);
- Teaching global software development;
- Human behaviors in distributed development environments.
- Role of cultural diversity and cultural intelligence in global software
The submissions should report unpublished, original work, in any of the
following categories:
- Research papers that describe theoretical frameworks, technical solutions,
or empirical studies (Maximum length 10
- Industry papers that describe problems faced, solutions implemented,
challenges encountered, and lessons learned
in industrial global software engineering environments (Maximum length 5
- Educational papers that report experiences in teaching global software
engineering in academic or coroproate
environments (Maximum length 5 pages).
All submissions will be handled electronically through Cyberchairpro. Papers
should conform to the two-column IEEE
CS Press format(http://www2.computer.org/portal/ web/cscps/formatting) and
be submitted as PDF files. Accepted
papers will be published in the conference proceedings by IEEE CS Press and
be available in the IEEE CS Digital
Library. Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of
the papers for a special section of the
information and software technology journal. Those papers will go through
the normal review process of the journal.
Other contributions
We also invite proposals for doctoral symposium, tutorials, workshops,
panels, and posters. Further information and
updates will be available on the conference website: http://www.icgse.org
Organizing Committee
General Chair
Casper Lassenius, Aalto University, Finland
Program Chairs
M. Ali Babar, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Christian Lescher, Siemens Corporate Technology, Germany
Steering Committee Coordinator
Christof Ebert, Vector Consulting, Germany
Finance Chair
Alberto Avritzer, Siemens Corporate Research, USA
Publicity Chair
Rafael Prikladnicki, PUCRS, Brazil
Doctoral Symposium Chair
Claes Wohlin, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Tutorials Chair
Morten Jensen, Schlumberger, Norway
Worksohp Chair
Marcelo Cataldo, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Organizing Chair
Maria Paasivaara, Aalto University, Finland
Organizing Committee
Tuomas Niinimäki, Arttu Piri, Mary-Ann Wikström, Aalto University, Finland
Mary-Ann Wikström, Aalto University, Finland
More information about ICGSE 2011 is available at: http://www.icgse.org
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CFP: International Journal of Communications,
Network and System Sciences
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 22:36:29 +0800
From: ijcns(a)ljjemail.org <ijcns(a)ljjemail.org>
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
This message was sent to [gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at].
Unsubscribe by clicking here
*Call for Papers:*
/International Journal of Communications, /
/Network and System Sciences/
Dear Researcher,
Greetings from the */International Journal of
Communications, Network and System Sciences (IJCNS)/*, which
is published by Scientific Research Publishing (SRP
www.scirp.org <http://www.scirp.org/>), USA. The Journal
dedicates to the latest advancement of communications and
network technologies and the goal is to keep a record of the
state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in
these fast moving areas.
* Ad Hoc and mesh networks
* Coding , detection and modulation
* Cognitive Radio
* Embedded distributed systems
* MIMO and OFDM technologies
* Network reliability, security and privacy Network security
* Next generation network architectures
* Resource management and quality of service
* Signal processing and channel modeling
* Simulation and optimization tools
* 3G and 4G technologies
* UWB technologies Network protocol, QoS and congestion
* Wave propagation and antenna design
*Editorial Board:*
*Editors in Chief *
Prof. Huaibei Zhou Wuhan University, China
*Editorial Board*
Prof. Dharma P. Agrawal University of Cincinnati, USA
Prof. Eduardo Alberto Castro National University of La
Plata, Argentina
Prof. Hengda Cheng Utah State University, USA
Prof. Ko Chi Chung National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Franca Delmastro Italian National Research Council, Italy
Prof. Mohamed B. El_Mashade Al_Azhar University, Egypt
Dr. Li Huang Stiching IMEC Nederland, Netherlands
Prof. Hiroaki Ishii Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Dr. Vladimir A. Masch Risk Evaluation and Management, Inc.,
Dr. Nicola Mastronardi Istituto per le Applicazioni del
Calcolo "M. Picone", Italy
Dr. Lim Nguyen University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Prof. Yi Pan Georgia State University, USA
Dr. Petar Popovski Aalborg University, Denmark
Dr. Kosai Raoof University of Joseph Fourier, France
Prof. Bimal Roy Indian Statistical Institute, India
*Gale * *ProQuest * *INDEX COPERNICUS *
*EBSCO * *Google Scholar * *Library of Congress *
*Peer Review:*
** All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by our
international editorial board members to ensure the quality
and fairness.
*Open Access:*
** All SRP journals are Open Access; all readers can freely
get full text on SRP's website. It can raise visibility and
help undeveloped areas to gain scholarly resources without
any barriers.
Best regards
Sincerely yours,
Vivian Qi
Editor of IJCNS
E-mail: ijcns(a)scirp.org <mailto:ijcns@scirp.org>
*Online Submission System*
*Also recommend a new launched journal to you :
Journal of Signal and Information Processing (JSIP)
Website: *www.scirp.org/journal/jsip/
JSIP is an international refereed journal dedicated to the
latest advancement of signal and information processing. The
goal of this journal is to keep a record of the
state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in
the areas.
The first will publish on Dec,2010. You are welcome to
submit your manuscript via the *Online Submission System*
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] IEEE CEC 2011, Luxembourg, Sept. 5-7, 2011
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 16:32:19 +0100
From: Selmin Nurcan <nurcan(a)univ-paris1.fr>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
General Announcement and First Call for Papers
The 13th IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC' 11)
September 5-7, 2011 - Luxembourg, Luxembourg
The IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC) is the
premier forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss
the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns
in the field of E-Commerce technologies and Enterprise Computing. CEC is
the annual conference of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee
on E-Commerce. The program of CEC’11 will consist of invited talks,
technical paper presentations, tutorials, industry sessions, workshops,
and panel discussions.
We invite submissions of high quality papers describing fully developed
results or on-going work on the following topics:
- Enterprise Architecture
- Service Value Networks
- Digital Ecosystems
- System Design for Collaboration and Negotiation
- Business Process Modelling and Management
- Mobile Business Applications
- Security and Trust
- Human Computer Interaction
- Social Networks
- eGovernment
- Cloud Computing
- Green IT/Green Supply Chains
- Semantic Web and Ontological Engineering
Industrial Track:
Linked to CEC 2011, an industrial track will be organised in terms of
the third working conference on Practice-driven Research on Enterprise
Transformation (PRET2011). Earlier editions where organised as the
industrial track to the CAiSE conference in 2009, and the 2010
Enterprise Engineering Week. PRET2011 will have its own call-for-papers
aiming for papers, which clearly bridge between research and application
in industry.
Important Dates:
- Workshop and Tutorial proposals deadline: March 31, 2011
- Submission deadline: May 16, 2011
- Notification of acceptance: June 13, 2011
- Camera-Ready copy due: July 4, 2011
- Conference and Workshop program: September 5-7, 2011
Conference Organization Committee:
General Co-Chairs:
Birgit Hofreiter, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
Eric Dubois, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Program Co-Chairs:
Thomas Setzer, Technische Universität München, Germany
Claude Godart, University Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, France
Erik Proper, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Workshop Chair:
Haijo A. Reijers, University of Eindhoven, Netherlands
Tokuro Matsuo, Yamagata University, Japan
Publicity Co-Chair:
Selmin Nurcan, University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, France
Christian Pichler, Research Studio Austria, Austria
Ching-Hsien (Robert) Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Jiangning Wu, Dalian University of Technology, China
Publication Chair:
Lianne Bodenstaff, University of Twente, Netherlands
Industry Track Co-Chairs:
Heiko Ludwig, IBM Research
Andreas Friesen, SAP Research
Frank Harmsen, Ernst& Young
Web Chair:
Khaled Gaaloul, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Local Organising Chair:
Jean-Charles Bernacconi, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Steering Committee:
Kuo-Ming Chao, Coventry University, UK
Jen-Yao Chung, IBM Research, USA
Christian Huemer, TU Vienna, Austria
Birgit Hofreiter, Univ. of Liechtenstein
Kwei-Jay Lin (Chair), Univ. California, USA
Heiko Ludwig, IBM Research, USA
Maître de Conférences / Associate Professor
Submit a paper to the 12th edition on Business Process Modeling,
Development and Support (BPMDS'2011) in conjunction with CAISE'2011
*BPMDS is henceforth a WORKING CONFERENCE in conjunction with CAISE*.
June 20-24, 2011, London
Previous Springer LNBIP proceedings:
Submit a paper to the *CAISE'11 Forum*
To be announced soon. Stay tuned !
Submit a paper to the 5th IEEE International Conference
on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS'2011)
Deadline : December 10, 2010
***All workshop papers will be published in IEEE proceedings
(Print Version ISBN #978-1-4244-8671-7)***
The University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne jointly
with the Sorbonne Graduate Business School (IAE) has been
running for the last 13 years, a highly successful 2-year Masters
programme that is now open to Foreign students
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Tel : 33 - 1 53 55 27 13 (répondeur) Fax : 33 - 1 53 55 27 01
To handle yourself, use your head.
To handle others, use your heart.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] GITMA 2011 CFP
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 07:34:36 -0800
From: Alexander Mcleod <amcleod(a)unr.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
GITMA 2011 Call for Participation
The Twelfth Annual Global Information Technology Management
Las Vegas, USA (http://www.gitma.org)
Conference Date: June 5 - 7, 2011
Please visit our web site (www.gitma.org) to submit your
paper or panel proposal.
The GITMA conference started with a strong focus that
continues today. It brings researchers, educators and
practitioners together from around the world and fosters an
atmosphere conducive to the supportive presentation of
emerging and mature research ideas. (Barry Shore, previous
program chair)
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
This conference provides a unique opportunity to all IT
educators, researchers, and practitioners from all countries
to get together to network, develop lasting relationships,
and exchange ideas. The clear strength is the international
participation and the following people should attend:
* Educators, researchers, and practitioners from North
America (including US, Mexico, and Canada
* Educators, researchers, and practitioners from all other
parts of the world, including developed, developing, and
under-developed nations.
* Educators, researchers, and practitioners doing work in
all areas of Global IT Management
* Cross-cultural Issues in IT - The role of culture in
development, adoption, diffusion, deployment and use of
international IT -- Kevin Lowe kblowe(a)uncg.edu
* DSS and KM - Decision support systems and knowledge
management -- Luca Landoli iandoli(a)unina.it
* E-Learning - The use of the internet and similar networks
to support learning and education -- Anil Kumar
kumar1a(a)cmich.edu, Poonam Kumar pkumar(a)svsu.edu
* Electronic Medical and Health Records - Development,
adoption, diffusion, deployment and use of electronic
medical and health records -- Lakshmi Iyer lsiyer(a)uncg.edu
* Enterprise 2.0 - Advanced inter- and intra-net
applications to support the extended and enhanced
organization - Karen Patten pattenk(a)sc.edu
* ePolitics - The utilization of electronic systems to
support politicking (influence attempts). -Celia
Romm-Livermore celia_romm(a)hotmail.com, Pierluigi Rippa
* Gender Issues in IT - How gender interacts with IT
development, deployment and use. -- Virginia Kleist
* Global Electronic Commerce - The use of the Internet and
similar networks to support global business -- Praveen
Pinjani ppinjani(a)desu.edu
* Global IT and Complex Networks - Exploring emerging
properties of complex distributed systems through agents
interacting at different levels - Ponsiglioni
* Global IT Index - Developing measures for the diffusion
and penetration of information systems globally - Ling Zhu
ling.zhu(a)liu.edu, Paul Licker licker(a)oakland.edu
* ICT in Emerging Economies - The development, deployment
and use of ICTs in third-world, developing economies -- Ling
Zhu ling.zhu(a)liu.edu
* Information Security Assurance Management - Developing and
using measures to improve information security. - Virginia
Kleist virginia.kleist(a)mail.wvu.edu
* IT adoption, diffusion and implementation - The adoption,
diffusion and implementation of information
systems/technology applications -- Ainin Sulaiman
* IT and Change Management - Issues around how IT changes
organizational activities and how to manage that change --
Guido Capaldo gcapaldo(a)unina.it, Pierluigi Rippa
* IT and Democracy - The effects of ICT on democratic
institutions and values globally and nationally -- Naveed
Baqir mnbaqir(a)udel.edu
* IT for Social Causes - The development and deployment of
IT to advance social causes -- Choton Basu basuc(a)uww.edu
* IT for sustainability - How IT can be developed and
deployed to achieve sustainable ends and how IT itself can
be sustained - Naveed Baqir mnbaqir(a)udel.edu
* IT in Africa - The development, adoption, diffusion, and
use of IT in Africa -- Getachew Berhan getachewb1(a)yahoo.com,
Nassar Dino ndinob(a)yahoo.com, Dawn Medlin medlinbd(a)appstate.edu
* IT in Asia - The development, adoption, diffusion and use
of IT in Asia, particularly Southeast and southern Asia --
Haja Afzall Seyal afzaal.seyal(a)itb.edu.bn
* IT in China - The development, adoption, diffusion and use
of IT in China - Xia Zhao X_zhao3(a)uncg.edu, Ling Xue
* IT in Health Care - The development, adoption, diffusion,
deployment and use of IT to support health care initiatives
and businesses -- Elaine Winston elaine.r.winston(a)hofstra.edu
* IT in South America - The development, adoption, diffusion
and use of IT in South America - Haja Afzall Seyal
* IT in the Hospitality Industry - The development,
adoption, diffusion, deployment and use of IT to support the
hospitality industry - Naveed Baqir mnbaqir(a)udel.edu
* Knowledge Ecology - Issues and theory around knowledge
deployment in business, education and healthcare -- Virginia
Maracine virginia.maracine(a)csie.ase.ro , Scarlatt
* Leadership in IT - Challenges of leading IT efforts
globally including leadership development, executive
activities and meeting management challenges -- Kevin Lowe
* Outsourcing - Issues around outsourcing and more
particularly offshoring of IT activities -- Jaideep Ghosh
* Post Implementation Issues -- Issues around the
post-implementation deployment and use of IT among users --
Aileen Cater-Steel caterst(a)usq.edu.au
* Social Networking - Examination of effects and causes of
social networks built on Web 2.0 and other technologies --
Karen Patten pattenk(a)sc.edu
* Strategic Apps of Global IT - Developing and deploying
strategic applications of IT globally -- Mahesh Raisinghani
* Doctoral Consortium - Research papers by doctoral students
under the heading of "Global IT" - Mahesh Raisinghani
* Global Information Technology Management - Any paper not
fitting easily into one of the listed tracks will be
considered in this category - Paul Licker licker(a)oakland.edu
JOURNAL PUBLICATION: Papers judged as high quality by the
reviewers will be further considered for publication on an
expedited basis in the Journal of Global Information
Technology Management (JGITM), Journal of Information
Technology Cases & Applications Research (JITCAR), and
Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS).
Program Chair: Dr. Paul Licker
licker(a)oakland.edu Oakland University
Conference Chair: Dr. Prashant Palvia
pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Local Chair: Dr. Mehmet Erdem
mehmet.erdem(a)unlv.edu University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Publicity Chair: Dr. Alexander McLeod
amcleod(a)unr.edu University of Nevada, Reno
Details at: http://www.gitma.org
Alexander McLeod, Ph.D.
University of Nevada, Reno
Accounting & Information Systems /026
(775) 784-6897
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] PATCH 2011 - deadline extension
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 10:47:05 +0200
From: Tsvi Kuflik <tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il>
To: <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Apologies for cross-postings.
Please distribute this call to anyone who could be interested.
3rd International Workshop on
Personalized Access To Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2011)
in conjunction with IUI 2011
February 13, 2011
Palo Alto, CA, USA
Submission deadline EXTENDED: November 19, 2010
The rapid development of information technologies and the
Internet has enabled cultural heritage organizations to
provide access to their collections not only through
physical displays but also online, and attract even wider
audiences than those that visit the physical museums.
Additionally, various trends on Web 2.0 allow for users not
only to be passive consumers but also active participants.
Personalization capitalizes on a user-centered intelligent
interactive information exchange between museum websites or
museum guide systems and visitors, and enables a new
communication strategy based on a continuous process of
interaction, collaboration, learning and adaptation between
a museum and its visitors. Personalization has the potential
to improve the interaction and experience of visitors on
museum websites and with museum guide systems by supporting
visitors' navigation and assisting them in quickly finding
an appropriate starting point, and in discovering new
relevant information.
This workshop will focus on the specific challenges for
personalization in the cultural heritage setting from the
point of view of user interaction and visitor experience. It
will investigate how the user interface -- the contact point
of visitors and systems -- can become more intelligent by
means of personalization.
The primary goal of this workshop is to gather researchers
and practitioners from different fields, e.g., user
interaction, arts and heritage curation, interface design,
user modeling, mobile, ubiquitous and ambient technologies,
artificial intelligence and web information systems, and
explore various practical use cases of applications of these
technologies. During the workshop we aim to identify the
typical user groups, tasks and roles in order to achieve an
adequate personalization for cultural heritage applications.
Important aspects to discuss evolve around:
- In-door localization, navigation and browsing patterns
- Interaction concepts with personal (mobile or desktop) and
group (on-site public or desktop) displays
- Collaboration, communication and sharing aspects in the
process of cultural heritage consumption
- Information needs and access (incl. visualization) and
search patterns
- Exploiting data from various sources
- Digital storytelling, narratives, smart summaries and
recommendation explanations
Finally, we aim at identifying a set of requirements for
personalized interaction and interfaces in the cultural
heritage domain, and provide practical guidelines for
deploying such personalization techniques in this domain.
1. User interaction and interface concepts for personalized
access of digital and on-site cultural heritage, e.g.:
- Museum collections
- Digital multimedia archives
- Integrated tourist information services 2.
Personalized interfaces for single users and (small) groups
of users,
- Group user profile presentation
- Interactive user profiles
- Contextualized user profiles
- Cross-context user data presentation
- Use of avatars
3. Contextualized and context-aware navigation/browsing
interfaces, e.g.:
- For interactive museum guides
- For public displays of visitors in a museum 4.
Presentation of and interaction with personalized narratives
in digital collections, e.g.:
- Historical timelines
- Collection perspectives
5. Intelligent interfaces for semantically enriched
collections, e.g.:
- Interaction with large conceptual knowledge
- Interaction with structured knowledge 6.
Personalized explanations and feedback of recommendation
systems 7. Various interaction devices and interfaces in
museums and cultural heritage institutions, e.g.:
- Mobile personal devices (such as smart phones and
- Tabletops
- Multi-touch interfaces
- Information booths
- Public and shared displays
8. Evaluation or real life use cases of cultural heritage
- Web-based
- Mobile
- Other interactive applications
We encourage submissions of position papers, short papers
and demonstrations to enable active discussion of the open
challenges and issues in this area of research. We invite
submissions of work at all stages of development that
address any aspects of personalization in the cultural
heritage domain, e.g., papers which describe work in
progress, empirical results, position statements, and
demonstrations of existing systems.
Paper submissions should follow the general IUI 2010
submission guidelines and must comply with the formatting
- Full papers: max. 10 pages
- Short papers: max. 4 pages
- Demo papers: max. 4 pages
- Position papers: max. 4 pages
All papers should be submitted in PDF format to
patch.iui2011(a)gmail.com <mailto:patch.iui2011@gmail.com>.
All categories of papers will be included in the printed and
in the online proceedings. Demos need to provide links to
the systems presented.
November 19, 2010: paper submission deadline December 12,
2010: notification to authors December 19, 2010: submission
of camera-ready papers
All queries relating to this workshop should be directed to
the workshop organizers at patch.iui2011(a)gmail.com
- Lora Aroyo, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Fabian Bohnert, Monash University, Australia
- Tsvi Kuflik, The University of Haifa, Israel
- Johan Oomen, Sound and Vision, The Netherlands
- Liliana Ardissono, University of Torino, Italy
- David Bearman, Archives& Museum Informatics, Canada
- Shlomo Berkovsky, CSIRO, Australia
- Eyal Dim, The University of Haifa, Israel
- Susan Hazan, Israel Museum Jerusalem, Israel
- Frank Kresin, Waag Society, The Netherlands
- Raffaella Santucci, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy
- Natalia Stash, Eindhoven University of Technology, The
- Marco Streefkerk, Digital Erfgoed Nederland (DEN), The
- Richard Wright, BBC Research& Development, UK
- Massimo Zancanaro, FBK, Italy
- Ingrid Zukerman, Monash University, Australia
/Tsvi Kuflik, PhD./
/ Senior Lecturer/
/ Information Systems department/
/ The University of Haifa/
/ Email: //tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il/
/ Home page:
/ Tel: +972 4 8288511/
/ Fax: +972 4 8288283/
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] IEEE RCIS'2011 CfP : Research
Challenges in Information Science
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 01:48:46 +0100
From: Selmin Nurcan <nurcan(a)univ-paris1.fr>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
(We apologize if you are receiving duplicates through different channels...)
5th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information
Science (RCIS)
May 19-21, 2011, Gosier, Guadeloupe, France
Sponsored by IEEE France Section
Papers submission deadline: December 10, 2010
Notification of acceptance and Registration opening: February 7, 2011
Proceedings will be published by IEEE (Print Version ISBN
Visit http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/index.html and type RCIS
for the conference keyword.
and will be on DBLP:
RCIS 2011 is a conference of RCIS CONFERENCE SERIES Ouarzazate (2007),
Marrakech (2008), Fez(2009), Nice (2010)
The Call for Papers and the RCIS'2011 Poster can be downloaded from the
RCIS'2011 Web site
*General Chair*
Colette Rolland (University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France)
*Program Committee Chair*
Martine Collard (University of Antilles and Guyane)
*RCIS Steering Committee Chairs*
Oscar Pastor (Technical University of Valencia, Spain)
Peri Loucopoulos (Loughborough University, UK)
*Doctoral Papers Workshop Chair*
André Flory (INSA de Lyon, France)
*Operating Committee Chairs*
Michel Geoffroy (University of Antilles and Guyane)
Alain Pietrus (University of Antilles and Guyane)
Jean-Louis Cavarero (RCIS)
*Publicity Chair*
Selmin Nurcan (University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France)
RCIS 2011
The 5th IEEE International Conference on RESEARCH CHALLENGES IN
MAY 19-21, 2011, Gosier, Guadeloupe, France
*Papers submission deadline*: December 10, 2010
The Fifth IEEE International Conference on RESEARCH CHALLENGES IN
INFORMATION SCIENCE (RCIS) aims at providing an international forum for
scientists, researchers, engineers and developers from a wide range of
information science areas. While presenting research findings and state-
of-art solutions, you are especially invited to share experiences on new
research challenges in these main topics:
- Information System Engineering
- Business applications
- Database and Information System Integration
- Decision Information Systems
- Data Management
- Internet computing
- Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Discovery from Data
- Management applications
- Spatial Information Systems
Each of these topics areas is expanded on the conference web page
(http://www.rcis-conf.com/call.php). Papers may address one or more of
the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them.
Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit
in one of the conference main topics.
Papers that have already been accepted or are currently under review for
other conferences or journals will not be considered for publications at
RCIS’2011. Authors are invited to submit papers in English using the
paper format indicated below. Each submitted paper will have to be
associated to one of the four following categories.
*Technical solution papers* present solutions which are novel or
significantly improve on existing solutions. A technical solution paper
must include a preliminary validation of the proposed solution. Results
must be stated clearly enough so that it is possible to validate them in
later research.
*Evaluation papers* evaluate existing problem situations or validate
proposed solutions with scientific means, i.e. by empirical studies,
experiments, case studies, simulations, mathematical proofs, etc. The
research method must be sound and appropriate.
*Industrial practice* and experience papers present problems or
challenges encountered in practice, relate success and failure stories,
or report on industrial practice. The practice must be clearly described
and its context must be given.
*Doctoral Papers* are papers submitted *by doctoral students only* and
are related to research work in progress.
By submitting a paper, *authors implicitly agree that at least one*
*of them will register to the conference and present the paper*.
Submitted papers will be evaluated by the RCIS’2011 Program Committee
based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of
exposition. A "blind" paper evaluation method will be used. Therefore
authors are kindly requested to produce and provide the full paper,
without any reference to the authors. The manuscript must contain, in
its first page, the paper title, the paper category (Technical solution,
Evaluation, Industrial or Doctoral), an abstract and a list of keywords
but no names or contact details are to be included in any part of the
file. Notification of paper acceptance/rejection will be sent by email.
*Papers that have been presented by their authors* during the
conference *will be published in IEEE Proceedings*.
Authors of papers that obtain the highest marks in the reviewing process
will be invited to submit an extended version to a journal.
Since Proceedings will be published with the IEEE Conference
Publications Program through IEEE Xplore digital library, paper
submissions must be formatted using the IEEE 2-column format. See
*Conference Templates* at:
Paper submissions should be limited to *a maximum of 12 pages and be
submitted in PDF format*. Please use the *IEEE PDF eXpress tool*
(http://www.pdf-express.org/ with Conference ID: RCIS2011x) to convert
your source file into IEEE Xplore compliant PDF File or to check if your
own PDF file is IEEE Xplore compliant. IEEE PDF eXpress is a free
service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to make IEEE
Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs that
authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check
It is important to note that *submitting a file to IEEE PDF eXpress*
is *only for creation of a compliant PDF file*, *you must still submit*
your final paper *through online submission*.
*How to use IEEE PDF express* (Conference ID: RCIS2011x)
*Papers must be submitted electronically at* http://rcis-conf.com/
Jaelson Castro (University Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Neil Maiden (City University London, UK)
*General Chair*
Colette Rolland (University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France)
*Program Committee Chair*
Martine Collard (University of Antilles and Guyane)
*RCIS Steering Committee Chairs*
Oscar Pastor (Technical University of Valencia, Spain)
Peri Loucopoulos (Loughborough University, UK)
*Doctoral Papers Workshop Chair*
André Flory (INSA de Lyon, France)
*Operating Committee Chairs*
Michel Geoffroy (University of Antilles and Guyane)
Alain Pietrus (University of Antilles and Guyane)
Jean-Louis Cavarero (RCIS)
*Publicity Chair*
Selmin Nurcan (University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France)
*Papers submission deadline*: DECEMBER 10, 2010
Notification of acceptance and Registration opening: FEBRUARY 7, 2011
RCIS'2011 Conference: MAY 19-21, 2011
Conference contact: office(a)rcis-conf.com
Maître de Conférences / Associate Professor
Submit a paper to the 12th edition on Business Process Modeling,
Development and Support (BPMDS'2011) in conjunction with CAISE'2011
*BPMDS is henceforth a WORKING CONFERENCE in conjunction with CAISE*.
June 20-24, 2011, London
Previous Springer LNBIP proceedings:
Submit a paper to the *CAISE'11 Forum*
To be announced soon. Stay tuned !
Submit a paper to the 5th IEEE International Conference
on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS'2011)
Deadline : December 10, 2010
***All workshop papers will be published in IEEE proceedings
(Print Version ISBN #978-1-4244-8671-7)***
The University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne jointly
with the Sorbonne Graduate Business School (IAE) has been
running for the last 13 years, a highly successful 2-year Masters
programme that is now open to Foreign students
Université Paris 1 - Panthéon - Sorbonne
Centre de Recherche en Informatique
90, rue de Tolbiac 75634 Paris cedex 13 FRANCE
Tel : 33 - 1 44 07 86 34 Fax : 33 - 1 44 07 89 54
IAE de Paris Université Paris 1 - Panthéon - Sorbonne
21, rue Broca 75240 Paris cedex 05 FRANCE
Tel : 33 - 1 53 55 27 13 (répondeur) Fax : 33 - 1 53 55 27 01
To handle yourself, use your head.
To handle others, use your heart.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] BPMDS'2011 - First Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 01:52:16 +0100
From: Selmin Nurcan <nurcan(a)univ-paris1.fr>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleague,
From 2011, BPMDS becomes a two-day working conference attached to CAiSE
(Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering).
One of the major aims is to discuss and to learn about concepts and
techniques to enhance the ability to engineer software systems closer
the business requirements.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be
published by Springer LNBIP.
The proceedings of BPMDS’10 are available at
The proceedings of BPMDS’09 are available at
Please find underneath the Call for Paper of the BPMDS'2011 conference
held in conjunction with CAISE'2010.
I will be grateful to you for advertising BPMDS'11 and inviting your
colleagues and/or research students to submit their work.
Selmin Nurcan
On behalf of BPMDS'2011 Organising Committee
International Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development, and
Support (BPMDS'2011)
the 12th edition of the BPMDS series
held in Conjunction with CAiSE’11
20-21 June 2011, London, UK
Papers submission deadline: February 25th, 2011
The Call for Papers can be downloaded from the BPMDS Web site
BPMDS 2011
International Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development, and
Support (BPMDS'2011)
the 12th edition of the BPMDS series
held in Conjunction with CAiSE’11
20-21 June 2011, London, UK
Papers submission deadline: February 25th, 2011
- Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE). As of
2010, BPMDS is officially linked on an ongoing basis to the CAiSE
conference series (http://www.caise2011.com).
- International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 8.1
(IFIP WG 8.1) (https://research.idi.ntnu.no/ifip-wg81/). Sponsor since 2009.
The topics addressed by the BPMDS series are focused on IT support for
business processes. This is one of the keystones of Information Systems
theory. We strongly believe that any major conference in the area of
Information Systems needs to address such topics independently of the
current fashion. The continued interest in these topics on behalf of the
IS community is reflected by the success of the last BPMDS workshops and
the recent emergence of new conferences devoted to the theme.
The BPMDS series has produced eleven workshops from 1998 to 2010. From
2011, BPMDS becomes a two-day working conference attached to CAiSE
(Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering).
While changing the status of BPMDS, we preserve the basic principles of
the BPMDS series:
1. BPMDS serves as a meeting place for researchers and practitioners in
the areas of business development, and business applications (software)
2. The aim of the event is mainly discussions, rather than presentations.
3. Each event has a theme that is, from now, mandatory for visionary papers.
4. Each event's results are, usually, published in a special issue of an
international journal.
The goals, format, and history of BPMDS can be found on the web site:
Previously, each event had a relatively narrow theme, different each
year, related to the current progress in the area of BPM. Our intention
is now to solicit papers related to Business Process Modeling,
Development and Support (BPMDS) in general, using quality as a main
selection criterion, instead of relevance to a narrower theme.
As a working conference, we would like to attract more papers describing
mature research, still giving place to industrial reports and visionary
papers. In addition, we will have a theme whose relevance will be the
main criterion for the selection of visionary papers only. We no longer
require for full research papers and experience reports to be directly
connected to this theme (they still need to be explicitly relevant to
BPMDS though). We only suggest to the authors of research papers and
experience reports, wherever possible, to make connection to the theme.
The theme chosen for BPMDS'11 visionary papers is
Making BPM theory work in practice: "There is nothing more practical
then a good theory (Kurt Levin)"
We invite the visionaries (from research and industry) to exploit this
theme in relation to BPMDS. We also welcome research papers that include
ideas on how theoretical results discussed can be used in practice, as
well as experience reports on using theories in practice.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Theoretical foundations for analyzing, modeling, simulating or
executing business processes
- Business process modeling languages, notations and methods
- Multi-perspectives on business process modeling: integration and coherence
- A broad view on strategy, business processes, people and IT:
alignment, fit and coherence
- Dynamic configuration; modeling by reuse
- Granularity, development of reusable and context-aware components;
modeling for reuse
- Domain specific reference models
- Business-IT alignment through business processes
- Resource management in business process modeling and support
- User-oriented aspects of the business process modeling and support
- Cross-organizational business processes
- Business process change management and governance issues
- Verification and validation of business process models
- Variability and adaptability of business process models
- Efficiency, adequacy, flexibility, agility, compliance, reliability,
security in business process modeling and execution
- Metrics, maturity and continuous improvement
- Business process support architectures and platforms
- BPMDS based on a service-oriented architecture
- BPMDS combined with social software and social networks
- Mobile technologies and context aware business process modelling
Papers submission deadline: February 25th, 2011
Prospective conference participants are invited to submit a paper that
concerns business process modeling and development, and business process
support (development of software dedicated to business processes) and
that may be related to one or more of the topics for discussion listed
above. We solicit the papers (both research papers and experience
reports) that contain results worth of discussion. For research papers,
it means that reported research should be in an advance stage and a
paper includes results and at least partial evaluation.
Thus three kinds of submissions are possible.
(1) Full research papers of up to 15 pages.
(2) Experience reports of up to 15 pages (which should follow guidelines
in http://processplatsen.ibissoft.se/node/72).
(3) Visionary papers of up to 8 pages, devoted to research in progress
or to position papers; the compliance to the theme is mandatory for
visionary papers.
Please follow the LNCS format instructions at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for all of them.
Papers should be submitted in Adobe PDF format. The results described
must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. The papers
should be submitted through the conference management system available
at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bpmds2011
E-mail also your abstract as an attachment to
The conference proceedings will be published in a Springer LNBIP volume
(joint with EMMSAD), under the title of "Enterprise, Business-Process
and Information Systems Modeling” as the two previous years. The
proceedings of BPMDS’09 and BPMDS’10 have been published under the
references LNBIP 29 and JNBIP 50.
After the BPMDS’11 conference, extended versions of the accepted papers
will be considered for publishing in a special issue of an international
journal (previous special issues: BPMDS’09 in IJISMD under press -
BPMDS’08 in SPIP in progress - BPMDS'07 in IJBPIM, vol. 4, issue 2, 2009
- BPMDS'06 in IJBPIM, vol. 3, issue 1, 2008 - BPMDS'05 in SPIP, vol. 12,
issue 1, 2007 - BPMDS'04 in SPIP vol. 10, issue 4, 2005& REJ vol. 10,
issue 3, 2005.
Submission deadline: February 25th, 2011
Notification of acceptance: March 25th, 2011
Camera-ready papers due: April 10th, 2011
Selmin Nurcan – University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Pnina Soffer – University of Haifa, Israel
Rainer Schmidt – Aalen University, Germany
Ilia Bider – IbisSoft, Stockholm, Sweden
Ilia Bider – IbisSoft, Stockholm, Sweden
Gil Regev – EPFL and Itecor, Switzerland
Lars Taxén – Linköping University, Sweden
Sebastian Adam – Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Eric Andonoff – IRIT, Université Toulouse 1, France
Ilia Bider – IbisSoft, Stockholm, Sweden
Claude Godart – LORIA, Nancy-Université, France
Stewart Green – University of the West of England, UK
Giancarlo Guizzardi – Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil
Paul Johannesson – Royal University of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Udo Kannegiesser – NICTA, Australia
Christian Koot – Aalen University, Germany
Agnes Koschmider – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Marite Kirikova – Riga Technical University, Latvia
Renata Mendes de Araujo – Federal University of the State of Rio de
Janeiro, Brasil
Jan Mendling – Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Selmin Nurcan – University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France
Oscar Pastor – Université Polytechnique de Valencia, Spain
Louis-Francois Pau – Erasmus University, Netherlands
Jan Recker – Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Gil Regev – EPFL and Itecor, Switzerland
Manfred Reichert – University of Ulm, Germany
Michael Rosemann – Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Rainer Schmidt – Aalen University, Germany
Pnina Soffer – University of Haifa, Israel
Markus Strohmaier – University of Toronto, Canada
Lars Taxén – Linköping University, Sweden
Roland Ukor – FirstLinq Limited, UK
Barbara Weber – University of Insbruk, Austria
Jelena Zdravkovic – Royal University of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Michael zur Muehlen – Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Maître de Conférences / Associate Professor
Submit a paper to the 12th edition on Business Process Modeling,
Development and Support (BPMDS'2011) in conjunction with CAISE'2011
*BPMDS is henceforth a WORKING CONFERENCE in conjunction with CAISE*.
June 20-24, 2011, London
Previous Springer LNBIP proceedings:
Submit a paper to the *CAISE'11 Forum*
To be announced soon. Stay tuned !
Submit a paper to the 5th IEEE International Conference
on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS'2011)
Deadline : December 10, 2010
***All workshop papers will be published in IEEE proceedings
(Print Version ISBN #978-1-4244-8671-7)***
The University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne jointly
with the Sorbonne Graduate Business School (IAE) has been
running for the last 13 years, a highly successful 2-year Masters
programme that is now open to Foreign students
Université Paris 1 - Panthéon - Sorbonne
Centre de Recherche en Informatique
90, rue de Tolbiac 75634 Paris cedex 13 FRANCE
Tel : 33 - 1 44 07 86 34 Fax : 33 - 1 44 07 89 54
IAE de Paris Université Paris 1 - Panthéon - Sorbonne
21, rue Broca 75240 Paris cedex 05 FRANCE
Tel : 33 - 1 53 55 27 13 (répondeur) Fax : 33 - 1 53 55 27 01
To handle yourself, use your head.
To handle others, use your heart.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] NDT 2011
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 09:48:05 +0530
From: diwt(a)dirf.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The Third International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT
University of Macau, China
July 11-13, 2011
ndt at dirf.org
Accepted papers will be published in the “Communications in Computer and
Information Science” (CCIS) Series of Springer LNCS.
The papers will be indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus
The proposed conference on the above theme will be held at the University
of Macau, China from July 11-13, 2011 which aims to enable researchers build
connections between different digital applications.
Currently, a number of institutions across the countries are working to
evolve better models to provide collaborative technology services for
scholarship by creating shared cyberspace thro expert collaboration, but
this is a challenge for the institutions for a number of reasons. In the
last few years, the landscape of digital technology applications projects
for the various disciplines in humanities, social sciences, and sciences
appears induced by many initiatives. For the creation of research clusters,
the research community has thousands of databases, websites, local computing
clusters, and web-based tools around individual themes, interests and
projects. In most cases, these tools and resources are and were created to
meet the specific needs of a particular community. In many cases, the
funding and support for these critical initiatives is fragile and temporary,
and directed in piecemeal fashion. There is a need to provide concerted
efforts in building federated digital technologies that will enable the
formation of network of digital technologies.
Information and Data Management
Data and Network mining
Intelligent agent-based systems, cognitive and reactive distributed AI
Internet Modeling
User Interfaces, Visualization and modeling
XML-based languages
Security and Access Control
Trust models for social networks
Information Content Security
Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Management
Web Services Architecture, Modeling and Design
New architectures for web-based social networks
Semantic Web, Ontologies (creation , merging, linking and reconciliation)
Web Services Security
Quality of Service, Scalability and Performance
Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems
Data management in mobile peer-to-peer networks
Data stream processing in mobile/sensor networks
Indexing and query processing for moving objects
User interfaces and usability issues form mobile applications
Mobile social networks
Peer-to-peer social networks
Sensor networks and social sensing
Social search
Social networking inspired collaborative computing
Information propagation on social networks
Resource and knowledge discovery using social networks
Measurement studies of actual social networks
Simulation models for social networks
Green Computing
Grid Computing
Cloud Computing
Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically. Submitted
paper should not exceed 6 pages, including illustrations. Papers should be
submitted electronically. All papers will be fully refereed by a minimum of
two specialized referees. Before final acceptance, all referees comments
must be considered.
Important Dates
Submission of full papers: November 25, 2010
Acceptance Notification: December 31, 2010
Camera Ready Paper Due: March 15, 2011
Author Registration: April 1, 2011
Late Registration: April 20, 2011
Conference Dates: July 11-13, 2011
In addition, selected papers after complete modification and revision will
be published in the following special issues journals.
1. Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
2. International Journal of Information Studies (IJIS)
3. International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC)
4. International Journal of Web Applications (IJWA)
5. Journal of E-Technology
submissions at: http://www.dirf.org/ndt/submission.asp
General Chairs
Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau, China
Sabah M.A. Mohammed, Lakehead University, Canada
Sohail Asghar, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad
Program Chairs
Ezendu Ariwa, London Metropolitan Unversity, UK
Daniel Lemire, university of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
John Hamilton, James Cook Universty, Australia
Amr Abdel-Dayem, Laurentian University, Australia
Ralph Deters, Universty of Saskatchewan, Canada
Eric Pardede, La Trobe University, Australia
Farookh Hussain, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Workshop Chairs
Russel Pears, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zeland
Sun Aixin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Local Arrangement Chairs
Zhuang Yan, University of Macau, Macau, China
Yang Hang, University of Macau, Macau, China
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Final CFP for the Data and Information Quality Track at
ECIS 2011
Datum: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 18:45:14 +0000
Von: Mathias KLIER <Mathias.Klier(a)uibk.ac.at>
An: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de>
19^th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2011)
Track: "Data and Information Quality"
June 9-11, 2011, Helsinki, Finland (http://www.ecis2011.fi)
Deadline for paper submissions: December 1, 2010
Track Description:
The Data and Information Quality Track welcomes research papers and
teaching cases that ask questions on strategic, economic,
organizational, or technical aspects of data and information in
organizations. Without a doubt, data and information are valuable
resources and assets in today's knowledge-based economy. Information
impacts both the organizational as well as individual levels, as
evidenced in the recent rise in social networks and increased use in
customer relationship management. The value and benefit of data and
information, however, will vary depending on the level of quality of
data and information given. Indeed, organizations demand quality data
and information to support decision-making and innovation in business.
Currently, data and information quality area is receiving increased
attention from both academics and industry leaders because of the
inherent value and risks involved in differentiating information practices.
The data and information quality track welcomes papers with diverse
research methods, including theoretical, empirical, and design
science-oriented research.
Suggested topics include but not limited to:
* Impact of data and information quality
* Assessment of data and information quality
* Cost/benefit analyses of data and information quality improvement projects
* Data and information quality in sustainable decision making environment
* Management of data and information quality
* Data and information quality concepts, tools, and techniques
* Data and information quality in the enterprise context
* Data and information quality of unstructured data
* Quality of ontologies
* Value of quality information
* Data and information quality research and cases in:
- Web 2.0
- E-business
- Healthcare
- Financial services industry
- E-government
- Customer relationship management
- Supply chain management
- Data warehousing and data mining
- Master data and metadata management
- Data integration
Journal Publication:
Outstanding papers will be fast-tracked for publication at ACM Journal
of Data and Information Quality (ACM JDIQ) (http://jdiq.acm.org/)
Track Chairs:
Bernd Heinrich, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Yang W. Lee, Northeastern University, USA
Mathias Klier, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Dr. Mathias Klier
Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck
School of Management
Information Systems
Universitaetsstrasse 15
A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43 (0) 512 507 7685
Fax: +43 (0) 512 507 9809
Email: mathias.klier(a)uibk.ac.at <mailto:bernd.heinrich@uibk.ac.at>
WWW: http://www.uibk.ac.at/wipl