-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call For Papers -- TENTH ANNUAL
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 19:38:27 -0500
From: Benjamin Kok Khoo <kkhoo(a)nyit.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Benjamin Kok Khoo <kkhoo(a)nyit.edu>
Dear Colleagues,
April 13-15, 2011, New York City, New York, USA
We invite the submission of applied research papers to the 10th Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2011).
Download the Document in MS Word Format at http://www.csupomona.edu/~wtsi/wts/doc/WTS%202011%20-%20Call%20For%20Papers…
The Wireless Telecommunications Symposium brings together industry professionals and academics from companies, governmental agencies, and universities around the world to exchange information on advances in mobile communications and wireless networking technology, applications, management, and security. Past WTS participants have included Dr. Irwin Jacobs, Chairman and Co-Founder of QUALCOMM; Mike Lazaridis, Founder, President, and Co-CEO, Research In Motion; Dr. Vinton Cerf and Dr. Leonard Kleinrock, Internet pioneers; and Dr. Charles Elachi, Director, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Organizations represented have included Bell Laboratories, Vodafone, Verizon Communications, AT&T, Sprint Nextel, IBM, Ericsson, Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent, NTT DoCoMo, T-Mobile, Motorola, Cisco, QUALCOMM, RIM, Palm, Intel, Gartner, Forrester Research, The Carlyle Group, Arthur D. Little, Jupiter Research, PwC, MITRE Corporation, Aerospace Corporation, Nortel, BBN Technologies, KBS, KDDI, Broadcom
Corporation, RBC Capital Markets, Ernst& Young, JPL, the FCC, the NTIA, DARPA, the FBI, and Ofcom.
The theme for WTS 2011 will be "Global Wireless Communications: A View From the Big Apple". Other planned highlights of WTS 2011 include executive presentations and keynote addresses; presentations of accepted academic and practitioner research papers; panel discussions; tutorials and workshops; a poster paper session; and a doctoral students' session. REFEREED PROCEEDINGS WILL BE PUBLISHED BY THE IEEE AND BE AVAILABLE ON ITS XPLORE ONLINE PUBLICATION SYSTEM. The proceedings also will be distributed at the Symposium via a CD. Awards will be given for the most outstanding paper presented and best graduate and undergraduate student papers presented. Some selected high quality papers from WTS 2011 will be considered for publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications& Networking, IGI Global publisher, pending their successful extension and an expedited review process.
Topic areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Wireless Internet and Multimedia
Wireless Communications Investments and Ventures
Global Wireless Services and Business
3G/4G Wireless Networks& Systems
Mobile and Wireless Network Security and Privacy
Wireless Network Modeling, Algorithms, and Simulation
Spectrum Management and Policy
Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) Technology
Wireless Telecommunications Management
Spread-spectrum/CDMA/OFDM Technologies
GPS and Indoor Geo-location Systems
Satellite Based Systems
802.11, Bluetooth, and RFID
Mobile Platform Operating Systems and Architectures
Integrated Wireless Systems
Signal Processing in Wireless Systems
QoS and Wireless Network Reliability
Wireless IP and Home Networks
Broadband Wireless Access
Mobile and WLAN Interoperability
Mobile Cellular TV
Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
January 24, 2011: Paper Submission Deadline
February 21, 2011: Notification of Acceptance
March 16, 2011: Camera-Ready Submissions
See the website: http://www.csupomona.edu/~wtsi/wts/authors.htm
Dr. Steven Powell, General Chair
Cal Poly Pomona
Dr. J.P. Shim, Program Chair
Mississippi State University
Dr. Elizabeth Avery Gomez, Committee Chair
Dr. Qing-An Zeng, Committee Chair
North Carolina A&T State University
Technical Co-Sponsor: IEEE Communications Society
Regards, ben
Benjamin Khoo, PhD(IS), MS(IS), MS(SwEngrg), BEngrg
Associate Professor
School of Management
New York Institute of Technology
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Proposals: GITMA World Conference 2012
Datum: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 10:12:54 -0500
Von: Prashant Palvia <pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu>
An: AISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA,
http://www.gitma.org <http://www.gitma.org/>) invites proposals to host
the Annual GITMA World Conference in June, 2012.The annual conferences
have been held every June since the year 2000 and have been held in
major cities in the U.S. as well as in Canada, Mexico, and
Italy.*GITMA’s mission is to promote the careful examination and
dissemination of IT management issues in all parts of the world. The
world focus is the primary and key strength of the association. While
academic issues are very important, the association places an equal
emphasis on practitioner and industry issues of information technology.*
For 2012, GITMA is targeting a location outside of North America, to
include Asia, South America, and Europe.
Key criteria for the site selection are: full support and arrangements
by a local university/ organization, attractiveness of the location,
access by air, industry sponsorships, conference facilities, and ability
to draw attendees from the region.
Interested parties: please contact Dr. Prashant Palvia at
pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu by December 15, 2010.
Prashant Palvia, Ph.D., Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor
Director, McDowell Research Center, http://mrc.uncg.edu
GITMA Conference Chair, http://www.gitma.org
Editor in Chief, JGITM, http://jgitm.uncg.edu
P.S. The next GITMA World conference will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada,
USA on June 5-7, 2011. The submission deadline has been extended to
November 30, 2010. http://www.gitma.org
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: 1st Enterprise Engineering Working Conference
Datum: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 16:21:32 +0100
Von: Albani Antonia <antonia.albani(a)unisg.ch>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
1st Enterprise Engineering Working Conference
(EEWC 2011)
16-17 May 2011
Antwerp, Belgium
Proceedings published in
Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Modern enterprises face a strong economical pressure to increase competitiveness, to operate on a global market, and to engage in alliances of several kinds. But the vast majority of strategic initiatives in enterprises fail, meaning that enterprises are unable to gain success from their strategy. Abundant research indicates that the key reason for strategic failures is the lack of coherence and consistency among the various components of an enterprise. At the same time, the need to operate as a unified and integrated whole is becoming increasingly important. These challenges are dominantly addressed from a functional or managerial perspective, as advocated by management and organization science. Such knowledge is necessary and sufficient for managing an enterprise, but it is inadequate for bringing about changes. To do that, one needs to take a constructional or engineering perspective. Both organizations and software systems are complex and prone to entropy. This means that in the course of time, the costs of bringing about similar changes increase in a way that is known as combinatorial explosion. Regarding (automated) information systems, this has been demonstrated; regarding organizations, it is still a conjecture. Entropy can be reduced and managed effectively through modular design based on atomic elements. The people in an enterprise are collectively responsible for the operation (including management) of the enterprise. In addition, they are collectively responsible for the evolution of the enterprise (adapting to needs for change). These responsibilities can only be borne if one has appropriate knowledge of the enterprise.
Focus and Goal
The Enterprise Engineering Working Conference is the first working conference in the emerging field of Enterprise Engineering with the goal to gather academics and practitioners in order to share innovative research issues and practical experiences, and to facilitate profound discussions about challenges mentioned above. Addressing these challenges requires a paradigm shift. It is the mission of the discipline of Enterprise Engineering to develop new, appropriate theories, models, methods and other artifacts for the analysis, design, implementation, and governance of enterprises by combining (relevant parts of) management and organization science, information systems science, and computer science. The ambition is to address (all) traditional topics in said disciplines from the Enterprise Engineering Paradigm. The result of the efforts should be theoretically rigorous and practically relevant.
Topics of interest to this workshop include, but are not limited to:
* Enterprise Ontology
* Enterprise Architecture
* Enterprise Governance
* Modeling (cross-enterprise) business processes
* Reference models for (cross-enterprise) business processes
* Domain reference ontologies
* Business rules
* Information systems development
* Information system ontologies
* Information system architectures
* Component-based system development
* Ontology-based web services
* Interoperability testing and verification
* Service Oriented Architecture
* Enterprise modeling and simulation
* Organizational modeling and simulation
* Business process modeling and simulation
* Collaborative, Participative, and Interactive Modeling
Organization of the Workshop
The Enterprise Engineering Working Conference arises out of a series of successful workshops (CIAO!'10, CIAO!'09, CIAO!'08, MIOS-CIAO'06, MIOS-INTEROP'05, MIOS'04) held at the DESRIST, CAiSE and OTM Federated conferences so far.
We are looking for articles on current or recently finished research projects as well as articles from practitioners. Based on our inspiring experience of the 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 workshops, the Enterprise Engineering Working Conference is planned to be a real working conference, providing ample time for profound discussions during two days.
The focus of discussion will be on the emerging discipline of enterprise engineering, in particular according to the Enterprise Engineering Manifesto (www.ciaonetwork.org/publications/EEManifesto.pdf).
The EEWC proceedings will be published in the Springer LNBIP series "Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing".
The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of the paper for possible publication at the International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (www.igi-global.com/ijism).
Submission Conditions
Papers should be submitted in PDF format. The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Submissions must conform to Springer's LNBIP format and should not exceed 15 pages, including all text, figures, references and appendices. Submissions not conforming to the LNBIP format or exceeding 15 pages will be rejected without review. Information about the Springer LNBIP format can be found at Springer LNBIP Web page (http://www.springer.com/series/7911).
Three to five keywords characterizing the paper should be indicated at the end of the abstract.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission: January 14, 2011
Paper Submission: January 21, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: February 18, 2011
Camera Ready Paper Due: March 04, 2011
Enterprise Engineering
Working Conference (EEWC): May 16-17, 2011
General Chair
Jan L.G. Dietz, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Organization Chairs
Herwig Mannaert, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Jan Verelst, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Program Chair
Antonia Albani, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Program Co-Chairs
Eduard Babkin, Higher School of Economics Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Junichi Iijima, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
José Tribolet, INESC and Lisbon University of Technology, Portugal
Program Committee
David Aveiro University of Madeira, Portugal
Eduard Babkin Higher School of Economics Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Bernhard Bauer University of Augsburg, Germany
Joseph Barjis Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Emmanuel delaHostria Rockwell Automation, USA
Eric Dubois Public Research Centre - Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Johann Eder University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Joaquim Filipe School of Technology of Setúbal, Portugal
Rony G. Flatscher Vienna University of Economics and
Business Administration, Austria
Ulrich Frank University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Remigijus Gustas Karlstad University, Sweden
Birgit Hofreiter University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
Jan Hoogervorst Sogeti Netherlands, The Netherlands
Stijn Hoppenbrouwers Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Christian Huemer Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Junichi Iijima Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Pontus Johnson KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Peter Loos University of Saarland, Germany
Florian Matthes Technical University Munich, Germany
Aldo de Moor CommunitySense, The Netherlands
Graham McLeod University of Cape Town, South Africa
Hans Mulder University of Antwerp, Belgium
Martin Op ‘t Land Capgemini, The Netherlands
Erik Proper Public Research Centre - Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Gil Regev École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Itecor, Switzerland
Pnina Soffer MIS department, Haifa University, Israel
José Tribolet INESC and Lisbon University of Technology, Portugal
Jan Verelst University of Antwerp, Belgium
Marielba Zacarias University of Algarve, Portugal
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] 2nd Call for Contributions and Attendance -
Transforming Government Workshop, March 17 - 18 2011
Datum: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 17:56:50 +0000
Von: Muhammad Kamal <Muhammad.Kamal(a)brunel.ac.uk>
An: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues
We would like to invite you to contribute and attend the transforming
government workshop to be held at Brunel University on the 17^th and
18^th of March 2011. The workshop hosts a mixture of UK and EU
practitioners and academics as well as well acclaimed Keynote speakers
such as *Prof. John Bertot* (Editor-in-Chief -- Government Information
Quarterly, University of Maryland, USA) and *Dr. Theresa Pardo*
(Director, Centre for Technology in Government, University at Albany, USA).
The workshop is pleased to announce that arrangements have been made
with the Editor-in-Chiefs of the following journals for the best papers
to be considered with a view to be published in:
--*/Government Information Quarterly;/*
--*/Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy;/**//*
--*/International Journal of Electronic Government Research;/**//*
--*/Electronic Journal of E-Government./**//*
/Transforming Government Workshop Scope:/
E-government implementation efforts have now evolved from basic
information provisioning to more integrated and joined up service
offerings in most developed countries. Having successfully implemented a
number of transaction-based e-services by e-enabling front office and
customer facing processes, most developed countries are now working
towards realising transformational government (or t-Government). The
transformational phase is considered the highest level of maturity for
e-government programmes and encompasses redefining the delivery of
government services by providing a single point of contact to citizens'
that makes the government transparent to citizens and businesses.
T-Government involves reengineering and e-enabling back office processes
and information systems to enable more joined-up and citizen-centric
electronic government services. However, public sector transformation is
a massive and complex undertaking involving distributed decision-making
that requires a good understanding and evaluation of the political
context, business processes and technology.
Also, from a demand perspective extensive efforts are required to
increase citizens' awareness about the transformation of the delivery of
government services and their online availability which would result in
increased e-participation. In order to prevent digital divide in terms
of using electronic government services, it is also necessary that
citizens from all facets of society are equipped with basic ICT skills
as well as private and or public access to high-speed internet
connections. Yet, despite the availability of innovative technologies,
government agencies are faced with many technical, organizational, and
socio-economic challenges and barriers that need to be addressed when
developing, adopting and diffusing electronic government systems and
services. Furthermore, from an organisational perspective t-Government
has introduced an environment where most public institutions such as
healthcare, social services, education and employment have struggled
with the need to balance issues such as transparency and opaqueness, or
social inclusion and professionalism. Consequently, there has been
increasing pressure on the academic and practitioner communities for
research that focuses on bridging the gap between t-Government theory
and practice. The aim of this workshop is to provide a common platform
for academics and practitioners to discuss and present original research
highlighting issues related with technical, organizational, managerial
and socioeconomic aspects of both (e) and (t)-government implementation
and adoption.
To ensure that the workshop has the most comprehensive current and
relevant coverage of all topics related to transformational government,
we are inviting researchers and leading experts in their particular
areas of research to contribute papers of 6000-7000 words that offer an
in-depth discussion of the key issues, concepts and trends related to
the field of transformational government. All manuscripts should be
formatted according to the template available on
*/Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:/*
·The development, implementation, control and maintenance of
transformational government projects
·Challenges, issues and complexities involving the implementation
transformational government
·The significance of t-government benefits offered to both government
and citizens
·A global perspective and assessment of t-Government implementation efforts
·IT-Governance, integrated service delivery and reengineering of the
public sector
·Different process, information systems and technology integration
approaches used in t-Government and e-Government projects
·The impact of e-Government and t-Government on social inclusion and
·The influence of Web 2.0, social media and cloud computing on public
sector transformation
·Enterprise architecture at various levels of government
·Barriers to awareness, adoption and diffusion of (t) and (e) government
·Evaluation of case studies involving transformational change in the
public sector
·Technology alignments in (t) and (e) government projects
·Innovative applications and good practices in (t) and (e) government
·Overview studies; development within countries, policies,
infrastructure facilities and comparative studies (comparing countries)
of (t) and (e) government
·Tools, methods, frameworks and guidelines for t-Government
·Policy Modelling, Simulation and Visualisation for (t) and (e)
government services
·Technologies, design approaches and management strategies that
facilitate t-Government
·Theories and conceptual models that support t-Government implementation
·Role of socio-economic determinants in encouraging adoption and
diffusion of e-Government services
·And other relevant topics and issues that may influence, relate to or
impact on transformational government
*/Important Dates:/*
Electronic Submission:*17^th January, 2011*
Notification:*31^st January, 2011 *
Camera Ready Copy:*25^th February, 2011*
For further details, please visit our website
Transforming Government Workshop 2011 Committee.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for papers: Agile2011 Conference
Datum: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 12:59:35 +0100
Von: Torgeir Dingsøyr <dingsoyr(a)idi.ntnu.no>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Agile 2011 - Research at Work
August 7-13, 2011, Salt Lake City, USA
The Research at Work track of the Agile Conference focuses on bringing the results of rigorous scientific research on agile software development to researchers and practitioners.
We invite researchers to contribute to the body of knowledge on agile methods and processes, agile teams and people, and the tools and practices that support them. We aim at bridging the gap between research and practice, and encourage submission of case studies, action research studies, experiments, surveys and literature reviews. In 2011, the Agile Manifesto celebrates its 10th anniversary. This is an opportunity for scholars to examine the myriad of changes that have occurred in software development in the past decade. We especially ask for contributions critically reflecting on the current status of research and practice in agile development on topics including:
- Large-Scale& Distributed Development
- Testing& Quality Assurance
- Coaching& Mentoring
- Adoption& Transformation
- Collaboration, Culture,& Teams
- User Experience and Interaction Design
- Working with Customers
- Development Languages& Environments
- Business& Project Management
- Management and Business Aspects
- Agile for Embedded Systems Development
- Leadership
In addition, we would particularly like contributions exploring and questioning the theoretical underpinnings of agile and lean development and the Agile Manifesto.
Important dates:
- Deadline for requesting paper shepherding: 15 December 2010
- Submission deadline: 25 February 2011
- Author notification: 15 April 2011
- Camera-ready version due: 1 May 2011
We seek two types of contributions for Agile 2011 Research at Work:
- Regular research papers - full papers for research that has led to significant and validated results.
- New ideas and emerging results - position papers discussing what will appear or should be researched in the field.
Regular research papers
We are looking for original, finished research, with implications for both theory and practice. Motivation for research and discussion of the related work must be included, as well as a description of the research method applied. As research papers will be included in the main conference tracks, authors of accepted papers will be assigned a mentor who will advise and assist in adapting the presentation to suit a mixed audience of practitioners and researchers.
Authors of accepted regular papers are also invited to give a short presentation of their research method at a separate workshop on research methods in studies of agile software development. Papers are limited to 10 pages.
New ideas and emerging results
We are looking for papers that describe new research directions, synergies with other disciplines or results not mature enough to be full papers. These ideas will be further developed with feedback actively sought from the practitioner community. This will provide a great opportunity to develop your ideas with others. Papers are limited to 4 pages. More details will follow in a separate workshop call.
Papers will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process, by three reviewers selected from the program committee. Both regular research papers and new ideas and emerging results papers will be published in the electronic proceedings and indexed in IEEE Xplore. Papers must follow the IEEE Proceedings format to be reviewed (http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting). Author information must be removed from submissions. Submissions must be in PDF format.
Papers must be submitted electronically through EasyChair: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=agile2011
Upon notification of acceptance, all authors of accepted papers will be asked to complete a copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera ready version. At least one author of each paper is expected to register and present the results at Agile 2011.
Journal special issue
Authors of high quality papers relevant to a special issue call will be invited to revise and extend the contribution for the Journal of Systems and Software (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jss). A separate call for papers will be announced with instructions on direct submission, but we encourage authors to submit to the conference to receive more feedback.
Best paper award
The IEEE Software Agile 2011 Best Research Award will be chosen from the highest-quality regular research papers having significant potential to impact software practice.
Paper Shepherding
If you would like to receive help from an experienced agile researcher to shepherd you in developing a submission, please contact the stage producers by the time indicated in the important dates list.
Research at Work Stage Co-Producers
Torgeir Dingsøyr, SINTEF, Norway
Nils Brede Moe, SINTEF, Norway
Special Issue Editors
Torgeir Dingsøyr, SINTEF, Norway
Nils Brede Moe, SINTEF, Norway
Venugopal Balijepally, Prairie View A&M University, USA
Sridhar P Nerur, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
New Ideas and Emerging Results Coordinators
Sallyann Freudenberg, Freelance Agile Coach, UK
Johanna Hunt, University of Sussex, UK
Speaker Mentoring Coordinators
Johanna Hunt, University of Sussex, UK
Sallyann Freudenberg, Freelance Agile Coach, UK
Program Committee
Pekka Abrahamsson, University of Helsinki, Finland
Silvia Acuña, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Muhammad Ali Babar, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Venugopal Balijepally, Prairie View A&M University, USA
Robert Biddle, Carleton University, USA
Kieran Conboy, National University of Ireland, Galway
Yvonne Dittrich, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Tore Dybå, SINTEF, Norway
Sallyann Freudenberg, Freelance Agile Coach, UK
Juhani Iivari, University of Oulu, Finland
Andreas Jedlitschka, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Karlheinz Kautz, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Philippe Kruchten, University of British Columbia, Canada
Gwanhoo Lee, American University, USA
Kim Man Lui, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Michele Marchesi, University of Cagliari, Italy
Angela Martin, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Frank Maurer, University of Calgary, Canada
Grigori Melnik, Microsoft, USA
Maurizio Morisio, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Sridhar Nerur, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
James Noble, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Minna Pikkarainen, VTT, Finland
Jan Pries-Heje, Roskilde University, Denmark
Václav Rajlich, Wayne State University, USA
Bala Ramesh, Georgia State University, USA
Hugh Robinson, Open University, UK
Carolyn Seaman, University of Maryland, USA
Kurt Schneider, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Helen Sharp, Open University, UK
Darja Smite, Blekinge Insittute of Technology, Sweden
Bjørnar Tessem, University of Bergen, Norway
Richard Vidgen, University of New South Wales, Australia
Xiaofeng Wang, Lero, Ireland
Agustín Yagüe, Technical Universify of Madrid, Spain
Torgeir Dingsøyr
Senior Scientist, SINTEF ICT,
Department of Software Engineering, Safety and Security, PO Box 4760 Sluppen, Norway
Phone: +47 930 08 714, Fax: +47 73 59 29 77 www.sintef.no
Adjunct Associate Professor,
Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology www.idi.ntnu.no
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] 3rd call ECSCW 2011
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 08:32:03 +0100
From: Susanne Bødker <bodker(a)cs.au.dk>
To: comtech(a)fit.fraunhofer.de, AISWORLD Information Systems
World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>,
cscw-sig(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, seworld(a)cs.colorado.edu,
fgcscw(a)gi-ev.de, wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de,
sw-ergo(a)gui-design.de, CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS(a)ACM.ORG, EUSSET
see our website for updates on travel and more...
Call for Papers
The 12th European Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2011)[http://www.ecscw2011.org/]
Submission deadline: February 7, 2011
General Chairs:
- Susanne Bodker, Aarhus Uinversity
- Niels Olof Bouvin, Aarhus University
Programm Chairs:
- Wayne Lutters, UMBC, USA
- Volker Wulf, University of Siegen and Fraunhofer FIT, Germany
ECSCW 2011 calls for submissions reporting on investigations
into cooperation in real world settings, designs of
innovative technologies to support collaboration, and
studies dealing with the appropriation of these
technologies. Conceptual work related to theory building is
encouraged, as well.
ECSCW is interested in cooperative settings in the
workplace, in everyday life, and the civic society, and
across boundaries between these spheres of life. Submissions
should address the unfolding practices of everyday work and
life, and the application of computing technologies in these
practices. Papers may also focus on design of such
technologies or on historical accounts of use. With design
is meant
processes, methods, and outcoming artefacts. ECSCW solicits
reflecting a rich variety of quantitative and qualitative
methods, including field studies and participatory approaches.
The conference is soliciting high quality contributions that
- novel techniques and technologies relevant to CSCW,
- empirical studies of work that contribute to the design
space of CSCW,
- enhancement of the conceptual foundations of CSCW.
In particular, the conference welcomes contributions that
focus on:
- Empirical studies of collaboration in settings ranging
from work to civic engagement and everyday life.
- Comparative analyses of empirical studies that contribute
to a deeper understanding of domain specific or more general
CSCW principles.
- Empirical studies on the appropriation of innovative
- Innovative technologies, applications, or functionality in
support of collaborative work.
- Investigations into the usage and design of coordination
artifacts as well as webs of technology (infrastructures).
- New technology-enabled forms of organization and virtual
- Collaboratories, distributed scientific work, and CSCW
aspects of e-science.
- Studies dealing with the technology induced reshaping of
the division of labor between customers and producers and
within the supply chain, e.g. prosuming phenomena.
- Studies of intercultural cooperation, such as in globally
engaged enterprises, multinational organizations,
international NGOs, networks of the civil society, and
off-shoring relationships.
- Studies on collaborative work in emergent and developing
- Conception, construction and use of CSCW technologies in
complex and demanding settings, like manufacturing, software
engineering, healthcare, care giving, security, and control
- Ubiquitous and mobile computing in collaborative settings:
empirical research of use, studies of integration with other
CSCW technologies and applications.
- Integration of CSCW technologies with existing
infrastructures, such as information systems, production
systems, decision support systems, and knowledge management
- Conception, construction, and use of innovative
interaction modes for CSCW applications, e.g. interfaces and
supportive functionalities for universal access.
- Architectures supporting CSCW technologies with quality
requirements, such as flexibility, tailorability, and
- Innovative use of social media to support collective action.
- Studies of collaboration across time, including knowledge
management and expertise sharing.
All contributions will be rigorously evaluated in terms of
their novelty, significance, quality, and contribution to
the discipline. Accepted research papers and notes will be
included in the conference proceedings published by Springer
and freely available at the ECSCW
website at: www.ecscw.org <http://www.ecscw.org/>. They will
also be indexed in and available
through the ACM digital library.
ECSCW 2011 requires that submissions have not been published
and that papers submitted are not under simultaneous review
for any
other publication.
Prof. dr. scient Susanne Bødker
Department of Computer Science
University of Aarhus
+45 89425630
+45 40839689
bodker(a)cs.au.dk <mailto:bodker@cs.au.dk>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Call for Contribution - Journals and Conferences
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 03:13:29 +0800
From: Robert C. Hsu <robert(a)grid.chu.edu.tw>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this
announcement. **
Dear Friends, Colleagues and Professors:
Here are some information of conferences, journals and
special issues.
You are most welcome to join individual research community/group
by serving as a committee, contributing papers, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you need further information.
Call for Papers for Special Issues
Special Issue on Enabling Technologies for Programming
Extreme Scale Systems, Journal of Supercomputing (SCI Indexed)
Deadline: December 15, 2010
Call for Papers (Conferences)
1. CEC 2011 (The 13th IEEE Conference on Commerce and
Enterprise Computing)
September 5-7, 2011, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Publication: IEEE CS
Submission deadline: May 16, 2011
2. ICPP 2011 (The 40th International Conference on Parallel
September 13-16, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan
Publication: IEEE CS
Submission deadline: February 24, 2011
3. APSCC 2011 (The 6th IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing
December 12 - 15, 2011, Jeju, Korea
Publication: IEEE CS
Submission deadline: June 15, 2011
4. EIDWT 2011 (The 2-nd International Conference on Emerging
Intelligent Data and Web Technologies)
September 7 - 9, 2011, Tirana, Albania
Publication: IEEE CS
Submission deadline: March 10, 2011
5. MUE 2011 (The 5th IEEE/FTRA International Conference on
Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering)
June 28-30, 2010, Crete, Greece
Publication: IEEE CS
Submission deadline: January 3, 2011
6. UIC 2011 (The 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous
Intelligence and Computing)
August 26-29, 2011 (tentative), Banff, Canada
Publication: LNCS
Submission deadline: May 16, 2011 (tentative)
7. Umedia 2011 (The 4th IEEE International Conference on
Ubi-media Computing)
July 3-4, 2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Publication: IEEE CS
Submission deadline: 10 February 2011
8. Cloud&Grid 2011 (International Workshop on Cloud and Grid
Busan, Korea, 26-28 May 2011
Publication: IEEE CS
Submission deadline: Dec. 15, 2010
Call for Papers (Journals)
1. International Journal of Computational Science and
Engineering (IJCSE)
2. International Journal of Information Technology,
Communications and Convergence (IJITCC)
3. Journal of Information Technology and Applications (JITA)
4. International Journal of Engineering and Industries (IJEI)
Call for Workshop Proposals
1. FCST 2011 (The 6th International Conference on Frontier
of Computer Science and Technology)
Conference date: Nov. 16-18, 2011, Changsha, Hunan, China
Publication: IEEE CS
To submit your proposal, please contact Prof. Robert C. H.
Hsu (chh(a)chu.edu.tw)
2. CSE 2011 (The 14th IEEE International Conference on
Computational Science and Engineering)
August 24-26, 2011, Dalian, China
Publication: IEEE CS
To submit your proposal, please contact Prof. Robert C. H.
Hsu (chh(a)chu.edu.tw)
To unsubscript, please click the following link
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] WSM in relation to BPM Research Group
at QUT
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 12:41:37 -0800
From: Steven Alter <alter(a)usfca.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
I hope your time in Vancouver was enjoyable and productive.
I look forward to any further changes in our paper and then
Meanwhile, at the same time that I received your email I
also saw your posting on AISWorld about the three positions
in the BPM group.
Since you are one of very few BPM experts who also
understands the value of thinking about systems as work
systems, not just highly structured business processes where
the actual work steps are black box subroutines ( I am
surely unaware of the latest BPM advances), you are in a
unique position to visualize both disconnects and synergies
between these two ways of looking at systemic action in
While it might be easiest to simply keep those two areas
separate in your future work, you might consider a number of
possible ways of exploring and clarifying both the
disconnects and the synergies. Here are a few such ideas:
1) Write an initial paper on the disconnects and potential
synergies. Do this by identifying basic assumptions about
reality, basic top level concepts, the second layer of
concepts related to the top level concept, important
omissions, etc. The sources could be the BPM literature on
the one hand in comparison with some of the stuff in the WS
theory paper I sent you.
2) Apply a highly rigorous BPM kind of mindset to thinking
about WSM and how and why it meets or fails to meet criteria
for well formed BPM models even with its different
terminology. Perhaps this is essentially the same as using
evaluation criteria for conceptual modeling concepts (e.g.,
under what circumstances are concepts overloaded, ambiguous,
3) Insert WSM awareness into the research that will be done
by the three new BPM people at QUT. For example, when they
do case studies, have them use WSM to help in clarifying
what BPM truly accomplishes in those case study situations
and what types of issues it ignores or downplays. One
possibility is to have them write two versions of the same
case study, one with a BPM mindset and one with a WSM
mindset, and then to compare them. I don't know whether
that would be possible, but if it would be possible it would
probably be a unique contribution.
Anyway, I would certainly be interested in discussing any of
that or any related possibilities if you would be
interested. (The worst case for me is that I would end up
less ignorant about BPM.)
See you at ICIS? ... or have you had enough of North
America for a while?
Best regards,
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 15:36:59 +1000
From: Jan Recker <j.recker(a)qut.edu.au
To: "'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Subject: [AISWorld] Up to 3 new positions available at
the BPM
Research Group, QUT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Up to 3 new positions (1 Research Fellow and up to 2 PhD
students) are available at the BPM Research Group within
the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane,
Australia. The positions are under a new research
project on "Facilitating Business Process
Standardization and Reuse".
Project background
One of the most pressing management challenges of
today's organisations lies in the reuse and
standardisation of best practices across different
sectors, products or units. This project aims to design
and develop an innovative process model repository and
appropriate governance structures to efficiently and
effectively support the standardisation and reuse of
best practices. The project is co-founded by Suncorp,
one of Australia's top 25 listed companies and
Queensland's largest listed corporation. Suncorp
provides a range of banking and insurance products
directly to customers through an extensive branch and
agency network, call centre operations, on-line
facilities, and through intermediaries and corporate
partners. The collaboration with Suncorp will offer the
successful applicants an opportunity to work with
real-life business process models, and the possibility
to conduct case studies to validate the outcomes of
their research.
Research Fellow
The role of this research fellow is to work on
algorithms and techniques to facilitate standardization
of proven practices in large collections of business
process models. Moreover, the fellow is expected to take
a key role in the management of the research project.
S(he) will assist in the supervision of research
students where required, and participate in the
development of the project by preparing and collating
publications, reports and articles, as appropriate.
Furthermore, s(he) will develop, and oversee the
development of, prototypical software.
Position Title:
Research Fellow
14 February 2011
Organisational Area:
Information Systems, Faculty of Science and Technology
126 Margaret Street, Brisbane
Salary Range/Classification: $72 617
to $86 241 pa Research Fellow (Level B)
Superannuation: 17%
employer contribution
Fixed-term for up to 2 years
Start date:
mid 2011
Position Contact and Title: Dr
Marcello La Rosa
(07) 3138 9482 or m.larosa(a)qut.edu.au
Open to:
Australian and International Applicants.
PhD 1
The role of this PhD student is to work on algorithms to
reuse best practices within large process model
collections. Within this work, the PhD student will be
required to conduct requirements analysis, formal
algorithm specification, implementation and testing.
Position Title:
PhD in Computer Science
14 February 2011
Organisational Area:
Information Systems, Faculty of Science and Technology
126 Margaret Street, Brisbane
$27,222 pa (tax exempt) + tuition fee waiver
Fixed-term 3 years
Start date:
March 2011
Position Contact and Title: Dr
Marcello La Rosa
(07) 3138 9482 or m.larosa(a)qut.edu.au
Open to:
Australian and International Applicants.
PhD 2
The role of this PhD student is to examine theoretically
and empirically the use, appropriation, governance and
impact of the process model repository to be built
within this project, in contexts of process
standardization and reuse. To that end, the PhD student
will be required to examine managerial aspects of
process modelling, the use of process modelling in
actual organisational task settings, as well as
important organisational decision-making structures.
Position Title:
PhD in Information Systems
14 February 2011
Organisational Area:
Information Systems, Faculty of Science and Technology
126 Margaret Street, Brisbane
$27,222 pa (tax exempt) + tuition fee waiver
Fixed-term 3 years
Start date:
March 2011
Position Contact and Title: A/Prof.
Jan Recker
(07) 3138 9479 or j.recker(a)qut.edu.au
Open to:
Australian and International Applicants.
More information on these positions can be found at
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] eLEARNING 2.0-Brunel-University-London-UK
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 21:07:31 +0000
From: Ray Hackney <Ray.Hackney(a)brunel.ac.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Brunel University, UK
July 6th& 7th, 2011
eLearning 2.0 is an international conference exploring Technology-Enhanced Learning and Web 2.0 technologies including Blogs, twitter, Facebook, Wikis and YouTube. The next eLearning generation will involve social networking, document sharing, collaboration and interoperability.
The conference will consider evolving pedagogical approaches and raise the profile of research in technology enhanced learning; spread good practice in the use of Web 2.0 technologies for learning; and facilitate collaboration between practitioners, researchers, and policy makers.
Chris Evans& Ray Hackney, Brunel University, UK
- explore the potential impact of Web 2.0 on technology-enhanced learning
- spread good practice in the use of Web 2.0 in technology-enhanced learning
- consider evolving pedagogical approaches using Web 2.0
- raise the profile of research on Web 2.0 and technology-enhanced learning
Topics of Interest include, but are not limited to: evolving pedagogies for Web 2.0, security, privacy, social networking, podcasting, wikis, blogging, video sharing, screencasting, folksonomies, eLearning 2.0 and people with disabilities, the potential impact of eLearning 2.0 on the Third World, creativity and Web 2.0, Human-Computer Interaction, and Business.
eLearning 2.0 will comprise invited keynote speakers and individual presentations. The conference will be recorded and published online as a series of screencasts.
All welcome but presenters must submit a 500 word ABSTRACT and TITLE for BLIND REVIEW
to chris.evans(a)brunel.ac.uk<mailto:chris.evans@brunel.ac.uk> with "eLearning2.0" in the subject line.
Submission of an abstract constitutes consent that the presentation can be recorded and published.
Submission of title and abstract of presentation DEADLINE: JANUARY 10, 2011
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] CFP: 15th International
Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design
(CSCWD 2011), June 8-10, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 17:07:27 -0500
From: Shen, Weiming <Weiming.Shen(a)nrc-cnrc.gc.ca>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
[Apologies if you receive several postings of this CFP]
The 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2011)
June 8-10, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland
Technically co-sponsored by IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
Scope of Conference
Design of complex artefacts and systems requires the cooperation of multidisciplinary design teams. The 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2011) provides a forum for researchers and practitioners involved in different but related domains to confront research results and discuss key problems. The major topics include, but are not limited to:
* Techniques, methods, and tools for CSCW in design
* Knowledge intensive cooperative design
* User modeling for cooperative design
* Agents and multi-agent systems for cooperative design
* Workflows for cooperative design
* Virtual Reality technologies for cooperative design
* Grids, Web services, Semantic Web for cooperative design
* Mobile collaboration and applications
* Collaborative wireless sensor networks and applications
* Collaborative networks and applications
* Collaboration in manufacturing, services, and businesses
* Distance learning/training related to design
* Practice and experience with collaborative systems
* Other areas related to CSCW in design
Submission of Papers
Papers reporting original research results and experience are solicited. Each paper, written in English, is limited to 8 pages (IEEE proceedings format), including references and illustrations. Electronic submissions in PDF format are strongly recommended. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the conference to present the paper.
Submission Web Site: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cscwd2011
All submitted papers will be reviewed by program committee members and selected based on their originality, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE categorized conference proceedings and will be submitted for indexing to EI (Compendex), DBLP (http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/cscwd/index.html) and other indexing services. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit revised and expanded version of their papers to be considered for publication in special issues of well-known international journals (SCI indexed).
Prof. Peter Kropf, Conference Chair
Université de Neuchâtel, Faculté des sciences, Institut d'informatique
Rue Emile-Argand 11, CH - 2009 Neuchâtel
Tel: +41 32 7182707
Email: peter.kropf(a)unine.ch<mailto:peter.kropf@unine.ch>
Prof. Weiming Shen, Program Committee Chair
National Research Council Canada
800 Collip Circle, London, Ontario, Canada, N6G 4X8
Tel: +1 519 430-7134, Fax: +1 519 430-7064
Email: wshen(a)ieee.org<mailto:wshen@ieee.org>
Important Dates
December 21, 2010: Full paper submission due
February 28, 2011: Notification of acceptance
April 5, 2011: Final paper& author registration due