-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Handbook of Research on Social Dimensions of
Semantic Technologies and Web Services
Datum: Sat, 23 May 2009 05:08:55 +0100
Von: Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha <mcunha(a)ipca.pt>
Antwort an: Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha <mcunha(a)ipca.pt>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Introducing a latest release:
Handbook of Research on Social Dimensions of Semantic Technologies and Web Services
ISBN: 978-1-60566-650-1; 1180 pp; May 2009
Published under Information Science Reference an imprint of IGI Global
Edited by: Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Eva F. Oliveira, Antonio J. Tavares & Luis G. Ferreira
Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave, Portugal
The impact of IT on society, organizations, and individuals is growing as the power of the Web harnesses collective intelligence and knowledge.
The Handbook of Research on Social Dimensions of Semantic Technologies and Web Services discusses the main issues, challenges, opportunities, and trends related to this new technology, transforming the way we use information and knowledge. This Handbook of Research is an excellent resource for researchers, academicians, and professionals with an interest in these significant technologies.
�This book provides researchers, scholars, professionals with some of the most advanced research developments, solutions and implementations of Semantic Web. It is expected to provide a better understanding of Semantic Technologies and Web Services developments, applications, trends and solutions.�
- M. Manuela Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave. Portugal ****************************************
Cross-language information retrieval
E-learning and solidarity
Geospatial Semantic Web
Human dimensions of Web services
Impacts of Semantic technologies
Influences and impacts of societal factors
Online virtual communities
Semantic service oriented architecture
Social networks in information systems
Social shaping of the Semantic Web
Socio-technical challenges of Semantic Web
Virtual networking
Web graphs
Section I: Semantic Web Components and Enabling Technologies
1. Semantic Knowledge Representation and Processing in Web Services
2. Challenges on Semantic Web Services
3. A Service Oriented Ontological Framework for the Semantic Validation of Web Accessibility
4. Semantic Web Technologies in the Service of Personalization Tools
5. Querying Web Accessibility Knowledge from Web Graphs
6. Ontology Evolution: A Case Study on Semantic Technology in the Media Domain
7. Attempting to Model Sense Division for Word Sense Disambiguation
8. Association between Web Semantics and Geographical Locations: Evaluate Internet Information Consistency for Marketing Research
9. Visualization in Support of Social Networking on the Web
10. Tracing the Many Translations of a Web-Based IT Artefact
11. Semantic Annotation of Objects
12. Web Services Automation
13. Semantic Web Services: Towards an Appropriate Solution to Application Integration
14. Semantic Visualization to Support Knowledge Discovery in Multi-Relational Service Communities
15. Knowledge Protocols
16. Multi-Agent Systems for Semantic Web Services Composition
Section II: Social Semantic Web
17. On the Social Shaping of the Semantic Web
18. Social/Human Dimensions of Web Services: Communications Errors and Culturla Aspects. The Case of VRL-KCiP NoE
19. Socio-Technical Challenges of Semantic Web: A Culturally Exclusive Proposition?
20. Social Networks in Information Systems: Tools and Services
21. The Generative Potential of Appreciative Inquiry as an Essential Social Dimension of the Semantic Web
22. Online Virtual Communities as a New Form of Social Relations: Elements for the Analysis
23. E-Learning and Solidarity: The Power of Forums
Section III: Challenges, Opportunities and Impact of Semantic Web
24. Applying an Organizational Uncertainty Principle: Semantic Web-Based Metrics
25. Security in Semantic Interoperation
26. Semantic Discovery of Resources and Services in Democratized Grids
27. Semantic Web and Adaptivity, Towards a New Model
28. Semantic Technologies and Web Services: A Primer on Legal Issues
29. The Influences and Impacts of Societal Factors on the Adoption of Web Services
30. The Geospatial Semantic Web: What is it and what are its Implications for Geospatial Information Students and Professionals?
31. Enabling Distributed Cognitive Collaborations on the Semantic Web
32. Social Impact of Collaborative Services to Maintain Electronic Business Relationships
33. The Semantic Web in Tourism
34. Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval on the Web
35. CRISS: A Collaborative Route Information Sharing System for the Visually Impaired
Section IV: Applications and Current Developments of Semantic Web
36. Modeling Objects of Industrial Applications
37. The Impacts of Semantic Technologies on Industrial Systems
38. Towards Process Mediation in Semantic Service Oriented Architecture (SSOA)
39. Social Networks Applied to E-Gov: An Architecture for Semantic Services
40. Ontologies and Law: A Practical Case of the Creation of Ontology for Copyright Law Domain
41. Technology Roadmap for Living Labs
42. Technologies to Support the Market of Resources as an Infrastructure for Agile/Virtual Enterprise Integration
43. KC-PLM: Knowledge Collaborative Product Lifecycle Management
44. PolyOrBAC: An Access Control Model for Inter-Organizational Web Services
45. Development and Implementation of E-Government Services @ Türksat
46. Technical Outline of a W3 Spatial (Decision Support) Prototype
For more information about Handbook of Research on Social Dimensions of Semantic Technologies and Web Services, you can visit http://www.igi-global.com/reference/details.asp?id=34405 .
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call For Contributions : Onward 2009
Datum: Fri, 22 May 2009 14:42:00 +0100 (WEST)
Von: Joao Araujo <ja(a)di.fct.unl.pt>
Antwort an: Joao Araujo <ja(a)di.fct.unl.pt>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
***************** Call For Contributions *****************
Onward! 09 The conference for new ideas, new paradigms,
and reflections on everything to do with programming and software.
Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN in cooperation with SIGSOFT
Co-located with OOPSLA 2009
Orlando, Florida October 25-29 2009
*** Deadline approaching ***
June 26, 2009 Submission of short research papers
July 2, 2009 Submission of films
Onward! is a place for highly original ideas about how technological
advances and new applications are going to shape computational fabrics of
the future. Onward! is more radical, more visionary, and more open than
other conferences to not so well proven but well argued ideas. We welcome
different ways of thinking about, approaching, and reporting on
programming languages and software engineering research. Onward! takes a
broad and inclusive view of computation and seeks contributions from all
fields represented at OOPSLA and other software conferences. Onward!
particularly encourages contributions influenced by other disciplines such
as art, philosophy, psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology,
economics, communities, politics, ethics, or any other human endeavor.
Anything to do with programming and software can be submitted. Anything!
Onward! is innovative not only with regard to its topics and ideas but
also to the contribution formats. This year, we seek high quality
submissions in one of the following categories:
*** RESEARCH PAPERS (Due June 26, 2009) ***
While regular research papers tell what work has been done and validated
in recent years, Onward! papers show what exciting work is being done
right now. Onward! accepts papers that talk about innovative research work
that is early in its life or is not in the mainstream. We request
submissions of position papers that propose bold directions of research
and advocate nontraditional methodologies. An Onward! paper does not need
to contain a fully worked out theory or implemented system, but must be
well-thought-out and compelling in its vision or uniqueness of thinking.
Papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in the
OOPSLA 2009 Proceedings, and will appear in the ACM Digital Library.
*** FILMS ***
Years ago, sophisticated software systems had to be constructed by highly
trained programmers who understood the ins and outs of software
development. Today, with the advent of new mashup technologies and service
architectures, these barriers have been lowered. The goal of this track is
to explore new developments in how film and other narrative multimedia
technologies can be used to enrich the software development process.
Descriptions of accepted films will be published in the OOPSLA 2009
Companion, and will appear in the ACM Digital Library.
*** ESSAYS (submission closed) ***
*** WORKSHOPS (submission closed) ***
Electronic submission is required through the Onward! homepage. Text
submissions must follow the standard ACM SIGPLAN format. Research papers
should not exceed 8 pages. Submissions must not have been previously
published, and must not be concurrently submitted for publication
elsewhere (including journals and formal proceedings of conferences and
workshops). Violation of this policy will result in desk-rejection of the
Bernd Bruegge, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany
Yvonne Coady, University of Victoria, Canada (chair)
Roger Dannenberg, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Dilma Da Silva, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
Maja Dhondt, IMEC, Belgium
Bjorn Freeman-Benson, Eclipse Foundation, USA
Harald Gall, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Bruce Horn, Powerset, USA
Gail Kaiser, Columbia University, USA
Caitlin Kelleher, Washington University St. Louis, USA
Michele Lanza, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Rick McGeer, HP Labs, USA
Linda Northrop, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Nuno Jardim Nunes, University of Madeira, Portugal
Dirk Riehle, SAP Research, Germany
Christa Schwanninger, Siemens, Germany
Martin Purvis, University of Otago, New Zealand (chair)
Roberto Bisiani, University of Milano - Bicocca, Italy
Oliver Creighton, Siemens, Germany
Ralph Guggenheim, Allegator Planet, USA
Andrew Long, University of Otago, New Zealand
A detailed version of this call for each submission category is available
on http://onward-conference.org/calls/
An Onward! ad is available on YouTube:
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: NITIM PhD Network Doctoral Consortium ICT and
Service Innovations
Datum: Fri, 22 May 2009 06:46:39 -0400
Von: Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen <virpi.tuunainen(a)hse.fi>
Antwort an: Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen <virpi.tuunainen(a)hse.fi>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
NITIM PhD Network Doctoral Consortium �ICT and Service Innovations�
Helsinki, Finland, August 24-25, 2009
facilitated by CEMS - Community of European Management Schools
(www.CEMS.org), Helsinki School of Economics and Aalto University, Service
Call for Submissions
The doctoral consortium on �ICT and Service Innovations� aims to bring
together PhD candidates and faculty, in order to facilitate focused and
in-depth discussions. The consortium will encompass the following areas:
- The relationship between ICT and service innovation;
- Managing service innovation in networks and clusters;
- ICT enabled or supported service innovation processes;
- ICT and new modes of organising (e.g. CSCW, virtual/ distributed forms
of organising);
- Business networks and inter-organisational systems.
www.NITIM.eu is the PhD network on Networks, Information Technology and
Innovation Management. The consortium meets regularly at one of the
participating universities and is meant to facilitate transdisciplinary
debate at the intersection of disciplines like information systems,
management, engineering, or sociology. It puts particular emphasis on
theoretically informed empirical research.
The Helsinki meeting will focus on ICT and Service Innovation. Service
innovations are typically a combination of technology innovation, business
model innovation, social-organizational innovation and demand innovation
with the objective to improve existing service systems (incremental
innovation) or to create new value propositions (offerings) or create new
service systems (radical innovation).
For those interested, the theme of innovation will be continued on August
26-28.2009 in the annual CKIR (Center for Knowledge and Innovation
Research of HSE) Summer Conference 2009. The theme for this year�s event
is �Leadership and Governance Innovation�, and the conference will bring
together international thought leaders (e.g. Ikujiro Nonaka (Hitotsubashi
University)) with the key stakeholders of the Finnish Economy (e.g. Jorma
Ollila, (Shell, Nokia, European Roundtable)). For more information on the
CKIR seminar, please see http://www.ckir.fi.
Target group and eligibility:
Submissions to the PhD consortium are invited from PhD candidates, whose
research interests lie within the areas listed above.
PhD candidates interested in participating should have developed (and
ideally defended) a proposal for their research, detailing a problem
statement, research question and methodology. They should, however, not be
so close to completion of their thesis that they can no longer benefit
from the input at the consortium (typically 6 months).
With the submission of the proposal a supporting letter from a faculty
member is expected (either the Supervisor or the Director of the PhD
The core of the programme will be centred on the critical and constructive
discussion of the PhD candidates� research proposals. In particular,
research design (i.e. the linkage between an identified problem area, a
research question and the appropriate methodology) will be discussed. In
order to facilitate in-depth discussions of candidates� research, and to
provide some additional guidance, the overall number of participants will
be limited to 25.
The consortium is also meant to provide additional input, such as:
- talks by invited speakers about ongoing research and/or methodological
issues (e.g. different research traditions in innovation, IS and
neighbouring disciplines);
- discussions about the (changing) landscape of research and higher
education in Europe (at the EU level and at national levels);
- open fora about practical considerations (publishing, job market, etc.)
In addition to providing guidance and feedback to the PhD candidates
outside the student-supervisor relationship, attendees will have an
opportunity for benchmarking their progress (where do I stand vis-à-vis my
peers?) and building networks with peers. Repeated participation for
establishing long standing networks is encouraged.
PhD candidates (and faculty) are expected to stay for the entire
consortium in order to benefit from the discussions and interventions as
they unfold over the duration of the event.
The consortium typically will count for 3 ECTS.
Location and costs:
The consortium will be held in Helsinki, Finland, which is accessible by
air from most major European cities. The sessions will be organized at the
Helsinki School of Economics, which is located in the central Helsinki
(street address: Runeberginkatu 22-24, 00100 Helsinki).
It is expected the PhD candidates will pay their own travel and
accommodation and a registration fee of 100 Euro. The registration fee
includes lunches on Monday and Tuesday, coffee breaks and dinner on
Sunday/Monday (TBA). Participants of the NITIM Doctoral Consortium do not
need to pay the participation fee (950�) for the CKIR Summer Conference.
Nearby accommodation can be booked, for example, at the Helka Hotel
(www.helka.fi), Hostel Academica (http://www.hostelacademica.fi/i) or
Omenahotelli (www.omenahotels.com ).
Submission :
Submissions by PhD candidates are sought, which should include:
- A research proposal (4000-5000 words): motivation, research question,
relevant literature, research design/ methodology, expected outcomes;
- A statement by the Supervisor or PhD programme Director about the status
of the PhD candidate, and a recommendation that he/she will benefit from
the consortium.
The deadline for submissions is June 15th, 2009.
Please send the submission to: Virpi.Tuunainen(a)hse.fi
Consortium committee:
Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Helsinki School of Economics, Finland
Stefan Klein, University of Muenster, Germany
Faculty (some to be confirmed / added:)
Paola Bielli, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Robert Johnston, University College Dublin
Bernhard R. Katzy, University Bw Munich & Leiden University
Seija Kulkki, Helsinki School of Economics, Finland
Nathalie Mitev, London School of Economics
András Nemeslaki, Corvinus University Budapest
Matti Rossi, Helsinki School of Economics, Finland
Burak Sari, University Leiden, Netherlands
June 15, 2009 Deadline for submissions of proposals by PhD candidates,
earlier submissions are encouraged.
Submissions will be screened for thematic fit and fast feedback will be
June 30, 2009 (or earlier) Notification of acceptance
August 24-25, 2009 NITIM Doctoral Consortium
August 26-28, 2009 CKIR Workshop on Leadership and Governance Innovation
Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Ph.D.(Econ.), Professor of Information Systems
Science, Helsinki School of Economics, Department of Business Technology
P.O. Box 1210, FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: virpi.tuunainen(a)hse.fi
Phone: +358-9-431 38255
Mobile: +358-50-589 7541
Fax: +358-9-43138700
***Triple crown accreditation � AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS � HSE 1st in the Nordic
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 20 May 2009 16:33:47 -0400
Von: Saba Saras <bamasaba(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: Saba Saras <bamasaba(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Workshop website: http://flash.lakeheadu.ca/~rbenlamr/cmmse09/
In conjunction with the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Digital
Information Management -ICDIM'09 (http://www.icdim.org )
We invite you to submit a paper to CMMSE'09 which will be held in Ann
Arbor, Michigan, USA on November 1-4, 2009.
CMMSE'09 is an IEEE Technology Management Council technically co-sponsored
workshop covering a wide range of topics in Context Modeling and
Management for Smart Environments. CMMSE'09 in conjunction with ICDIM'09
provides an excellent opportunity for researchers to exchange leading-edge
research in the dynamic field of ubiquitous computing, and context-aware
computing in particular.
Topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:
* Context modeling approaches in smart environments;
* Context management approaches in smart environments;
* Context reasoning in smart environments;
* Hybrid context models;
* Context discovery in smart environments;
* Context reuse in smart environments;
* Advanced issues in context modeling (imperfections, ambiguity and
* Context information query;
* Distribution of context information;
* Scalability, integration and reuse of context models;
* Interoperability of context modeling approaches;
* Security and privacy of context information
* Experiences using context models and reasoning to build smart
* Ontology-based approaches to context modeling and reasoning
* Evaluation of context models
* Context Modeling Languages and middleware
* Semantics and expressiveness of context models
* Domain specific context models (context-awareness in e-learning,
e-commerce, etc)
* Uncertainty modeling and management of context information
The proceedings of the Workshop will be published by IEEE Computer Society
and indexed by IEEE Xplore. Extended version of selected papers will be
considered for publication in a Special Issue of the International Journal
of Emerging Technologies In Web Intelligence JETWI
http://www.academypublisher.com/jetwi/index.html . The Workshop chairs are
the guest editors for this special Issue on "Context-Aware Services for
Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems".
We invite contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in topics
related to the workshop themes. Researchers are invited to submit papers
with a page limit of 6 pages. All submissions should use the standard IEEE
double-column format. Authors should e-mail their submissions to
s.kouadri(a)open.ac.uk or rbenlamr(a)lakeheadu.ca .
Important Dates
Paper submission: July 17, 2009
Notification of acceptance: August 14, 2009
Camera-ready papers due: September 1, 2009
For more details on how to submit a paper and the workshop, consult the
workshop website at http://flash.lakeheadu.ca/~rbenlamr/cmmse09/
Rachid Benlamri & Soraya M. Kouadri
Workshop Co-Chairs
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: Workshop on Agent Supported Collaborative Work
for Knowledge Management
Datum: Wed, 20 May 2009 16:33:04 -0400
Von: Saba Saras <bamasaba(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: Saba Saras <bamasaba(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Second International Workshop on
Agent Supported Collaborative Work for Knowledge Management (ASCWKM 2009)
In conjunction with the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Digital
Information Management
ICDIM 2009
November, 2009, Michigan, USA
Workshop organizers
Contact Point: Vincent Hilaire vincent.hilaire(a)utbm.fr
Workshop Chairs:
� Massimo Cossentino, ICAR-CNR (Italy) and UTBM (France)
� David Faure Thales Group (France)
� Vincent Hilaire, UTBM (France)
� Sebastian Rodriguez FRT-UTN (Argentine)
1 - Description
Building on top a first successful edition in 2007, a second edition of
the ACW workshop is now being proposed. This new edition resumes the
topics proposed in the previous edition of the workshop and it aims at
renewing the success in terms of quality of submitted paper and discussion
during the event. It is now more focussed on knowledge engineering issues
underlying collaborative works and it aims at a broader range of
applications from business intelligence to eLearning.
In today�s challenging global market, companies have to innovate in order
to improve competitiveness and business performance. They must bring
innovative products to market more effectively and more quickly to
maximize customer interest and sales. The pressures to reduce time,
improve product quality, and lower costs have not gone away; they are
being reaffirmed and folded into programs that focus on delivering the
�right� product. Companies must continue to enter new markets with
innovative products. This requires leveraging and reusing the
product-related intellectual capital created by partners working together.
Business innovation must occur in several dimensions: project
organization, product definition, production engineering, ergonomics
design, environmental impacts, etc.
Several approaches exist for supporting companies in this innovation
challenge. They are mainly based upon Knowledge Management techniques.
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems may offer solutions to model (multiple)
organisations involved in collaborative design activities. Agents may also
support the capitalization process and constitute knowledge bases
transparently for the users.
This workshop will focus on the use of agents and multi-agent systems for
modelling and supporting collaborative activities in all working contexts,
such as, design activities, eLearning, etc.
2 - Topics
A non-exhaustive list of topics for the workshop includes the following:
� Methods and Models:
1. Agent based CSCW
2. Agent oriented analysis and design methods for CSCW systems
3. Agent based models of collaborative activities
4. Ontologies and theories about collaborative activities
5. Agent based capitalization
6. Agent based reuse of knowledge
7. Collaborative design of products and software
8. Formal models of agent-based CSCW
9. Organizational applications of agent use in CSCW
� Implementation of CSCW systems:
1. Agent-oriented architecture for multi-enterprise or
multi-organization collaborations
2. Architectures and platforms for agent-based CSCW deployment
3. Human-computer interaction in CSCW
4. CAD and virtual reality design-helper agents
5. Practical application examples
� Annotations
1. Agent based automatic annotations techniques
2. Semantic annotations
3. Reasoning techniques for annotations
� eLearning
1. Agent based eLearning
2. Agent Knowledge capitalization and reuse in an eLearning context
� Industrial cases
3 - Program Committee:
Emmanuel Adam, LAMIH, France
Frédéric Armetta, LEIS, France
Carole Bernon, IRIT, France
Anarosa Brandão, ITL, Brasil
Valerie Camps, IRIT, France
Ricardo Choren, IME, Brasil
Ernesto Damiani, DTI, Italy
Jacques Ferber, LIRMM, France
Ruben Fuentes, SIP, Spain
Jorge Gomes-Sanz SIP, Spain
Zahia Guessoum, LIP6, France
Miniar Hemaissia-Jeannin, Thales, France
Abderraffiâa Koukam, SeT, France
Gaëlle Lortal, Thales, France
Vito Morreale, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Italy
Andrea Omicini, DEIS, Italy
Luca Sabatucci, IRST - FBK, Italy
Valeria Seidita, DII-University of Palermo, Italy
Ludger Van Elst, KMRG, Germany
4 - Submission
Submissions must be made through the submission website:
You are invited to submit full length papers, not exceeding 4-6 pages
(3000-4000 words) in length, in two-column format including diagrams and
references, following IEEE publication guidelines. Papers that do not
follow these guidelines may be rejected without consideration of their
merits. Papers must be submitted electronically to the contact point in
PDF format. All accepted papers will be published by IEEE and fully
indexed by IEEE Xplore.
All papers will be reviewed by at least three Program Committee members on
the basis of technical quality, originality, clarity, and relevance to the
track topics listed below. Accepted papers will be published in the
conference proceedings. At least one author of each paper must attend the
workshop to present the paper.
Camera Ready papers should follow the IEEE conference templates .
5 � Important dates
Submission deadline : june 30
Notification : july 31
Final date for camera-ready copy : september 1
Conference : november 1-4
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP - Position Paper Submission for KMIS 2009
Datum: Thu, 21 May 2009 07:41:36 -0400
Von: KMIS Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Antwort an: kmis.secretariat(a)insticc.org <kmis.secretariat(a)insticc.org>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
web site: http://www.kmis.ic3k.org/
6 - 8 October 2009
Madeira - Portugal
Sponsored by INSTICC
In cooperation with ACM SIGMIS
Proceedings indexed by DBLP
Best papers published by Springer-Verlag
Dear Colleague,
KMIS welcomes the submission of position papers.
A position paper presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and worth listening to, without the need to present completed research work and/or validated results. It is, nevertheless, important to support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your claims. A position paper may be a short report and discussion of ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research (bibliographic, experimental, theoretical, or other) focused on one of the conference topic areas. The acceptance of a position paper is restricted to the categories of "short paper" or "poster", i.e. a position paper is not a candidate to acceptance as "full paper".
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.
Don't hesitate contacting me should you have any questions.
Best regards,
Vera Coelho
KMIS/IC3K Secretariat
Av. D.Manuel I, 27A 2.esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 100 033
Fax: +44 203 014 8639
Email: kmis.secretariat(a)insticc.org
Web: http://kmis.ic3k.org
Position Paper Submission: June 8, 2009
Authors Notification (position papers): June 24, 2009
Final Position Paper Submission and Registration: July 7, 2009
- Metadata and structured documents
- Digital libraries
- Best practices & communities of practice
- Business intelligence & CRM
- Communication, collaboration and information sharing
- Interoperability
- Information security
- Impact measurement of knowledge management
- Tools and technology for knowledge management
- Knowledge management projects
- E-Learning, e-training and executive training
- Organizational memories
- Organizational semiotics
- Learning organization & organizational learning
- Content management & digital rights management
- Intelligent information systems
- Social networks and the psychological dimension
- Intellectual capital
- K-Economy, k-community and k-enterprise
- Studies, metrics & benchmarks
- Innovation facilitation
- KM strategies and implementations
- Andreas Dengel, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), Germany
- Madjid Fathi, University of Siegen, Germany
- David Jensen, University of Massachusetts Amherst, U.S.A.
- Dan Kirsch, Knowledge Management Professional Society (KMPro), U.S.A.
- Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz, Germany
- Justin Zhan, Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.A.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] ELS-2009: Call for Papers: !
Datum: Thu, 21 May 2009 08:18:55 -0400
Von: Charles A. Shoniregun <cshoniregun(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: Charles A. Shoniregun <cshoniregun(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send this Call for Papers
to your colleagues, faculty members and postgraduate
students. Thanks!
Workshop on E-Learning Security (ELS-2009)
in conjunction with
The 4th International Conference for Internet Technology and
Secured Transactions (ICITST-2009) Technical Co-Sponsored by
IEEE UK/RI Communication Section
November 9-12, 2009, London, UK (www.icitst.org)
The aim of the ELS-2009 Workshop is to bring together researchers
and practitioners interested in E-Learning Security and to discuss
the latest advanced technologies in this area. This workshop is
expected to stimulate discussions about the future development of
appropriate models, methods, and tools for building E-Learning
Topics of Interest include but are not limited to:
� Security and Privacy in E-Learning
� Security Issues on E-Learning Assessments
� E-Learning Security Auditing
� Biometrics in E-Learning
� Secure E-Learning Development and Application
� Digital Rights Management (DRM) for E-Learning
� Emerging E-Learning Markets
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: June 30, 2009
Notification of Paper Acceptance/Rejection: July 31, 2009
Camera Ready Paper Due: September 1, 2009
Conference Dates: November 9-12, 2009
Paper Submission
The style file and templates is available at Paper Submission.
Please submit your full paper(s) in PDF format via email to
For more details, visit www.icitst.org/Workshops.html
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call for Book Chapter Proposal - 2nd Call
Datum: Thu, 21 May 2009 11:02:54 -0400
Von: A.V.Senthil Kumar <avsenthilkumar(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: A.V.Senthil Kumar <avsenthilkumar(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Proposal Submission Deadline: June 15, 2009
Full Chapter Submission Deadline: July 31, 2009
Knowledge Discovery Practices and Emerging Applications of Data
Mining: Trends and New Domains
A book edited by A.V.Senthil Kumar
Bharathiar University, India
To be published by IGI Global:
Recent advances in computer technology are fueling radical changes in the
nature of information management. Increasing computational capacities
coupled with the ubiquity of networking have resulted in widespread
digitization of information, thereby creating fundamentally new
possibilities for managing information. Recent progress in scientific and
engineering applications has accumulated huge volumes of high-dimensional
data, stream data and spatial and temporal data. Highly scalable and
sophisticated data mining tools for such most active research frontiers in
data mining. Data mining is a non-trivial process of identifying valid,
novel, potentially useful and ultimately understandable patterns in data.
In this book various trends and new domains will be considered through
both theoretical and practical perspectives for knowledge discovery
practices and emerging applications of data mining.
Objective of the Book
This book seeks to provide the latest research and the best practices in
the field of data mining. The main objective of this book is to provide
guidance to the professionals in the form of theoretical and pragmatic
viewpoints on data mining who will use this book to inform their
practices. A solid base of data mining and an expansive vision of this
practice will combine to promote the understanding and the successful
implementation of data mining techniques in emerging domains.
Target Audience
Broader audiences of this book will widely range from individuals,
academics, researchers, engineers, scientists, professionals from
government and non-governmental institutions working in the field of data
mining, students, libraries, journalists and development practitioners
etc. This book will generate tremendous impetus in terms of
knowledge-based research initiations, and thus will have high scholarly
value and contribute to this very specific sector of research.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Stream data processing and mining
Mining moving object data, RFID data and data from sensor networks
Ubiquitous knowledge discovery
Mining multi-agent data
Mining and link analysis in networked settings: web, social and computer
networks, and online communities
Data mining in electronic commerce, such as recommendation, sponsored web
search, advertising, and marketing tasks
Data mining in biological data
Ontologies: Discovery and Maintenance
Mining, aggregation and integration of spatial and temporal data
Classification, clustering and association analysis for biomedicine
Social web mining
Data mining in specialized Domain:
� High Dimensional data
� Temporal data
� Biomedical domains
� Dynamic data mining
� Scientific databases
� Semi-structured/Unstructured data
� Multimedia
� Reliability and Robustness Issues
� Integrated Media
� Security and Intrusion Detection
� Web Data and the Internet
� Mining Trends, Opportunities or Risks
� OLAP and Data Mining
� Integration of Data Warehousing
� Graphic Model Discovery
� Software Warehouse and Software Mining
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before June 15,
2009, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and
concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals
will be notified by June 30, 2009, about the status of their proposals and
sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by
August 31, 2009. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as
reviewers for this project.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group
Inc.), publisher of the �Information Science Reference� (formerly Idea
Group Reference), �Medical Information Science Reference� and �IGI
Publishing� imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher,
please visit www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be
released in 2010.
Important Dates:
June 15, 2009: Proposal Submission Deadline
June 30, 2009: Notification of Acceptance
August 31, 2009: Full Chapter Submission
September 15, 2009: Review Result Returned
December 31, 2009: Final Chapter Submission
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document)
or by mail to:
A.V.Senthil Kumar
CMS College of Science and Commerce
Coimbatore � 641 006. Tamilnadu. INDIA
Tel: +91 9843013009
Email: avsenthilkumar(a)gmail.com
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] eLEARNING Web 2.0-Brunel-UK
Datum: Thu, 21 May 2009 16:35:59 +0100
Von: Ray Hackney <ray.hackney(a)googlemail.com>
Antwort an: Ray Hackney <ray.hackney(a)googlemail.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
CC: Chris Evans <Chris.Evans(a)brunel.ac.uk>
Brunel University, West London, UK
6-7 July, 2009
eLearning 2.0 is a two-day international mini-conference exploring the
impact of Web 2.0 on Technology-Enhanced Learning and involves keynote
lectures and invited presentations.
Keynote Speakers (confirmed): John Connell (Cisco), Reynol Junco(Lock
Haven University), Yair Levy (Nova Southeastern University)
Conference Chairs:
Chris Evans and Ray Hackney
Brunel University, UK
* Background and goals:
The conference aims to explore the impact of Web 2.0 on
Technology-Enhanced Learning. The next generation of eLearning,
eLearning 2.0, will involve computer-based communication, information
sharing, inter-operability, and collaboration to support learning.
Evolving technologies that impact on learning include web-based
communities, hosted services, and applications such as
social-networking sites (e.g Facebook, Twitter), video-sharing sites
(e.g. YouTube), video and audio podcasting, wikis, blogs, and
folksonomies (e.g. Delicious). The conference aims to examine the
impact and potential exploitation of these technologies in an
educational setting.
The objectives are to:
- facilitate collaboration between practitioners, researchers, and policy makers
- explore the potential impact of Web 2.0 on technology-enhanced learning
- spread good practice in the use of Web 2.0 and learning technology
- consider evolving pedagogical approaches using Web 2.0
- raise the profile of research in learning technology
Topics of Interest include, but are not limited to: evolving
pedagogies for Web 2.0 and learning, social networking, podcasting,
wikis, blogging, video sharing, screencasting, folksonomies, eLearning
2.0 and people with disabilities, the potential impact of eLearning
2.0 on the Third World, creativity and Web 2.0, Human-Computer
Interaction, Business and Web 2.0.
* Format of the Conference:
The conference will comprise invited keynote speeches and individual
presentations. The conference will be recorded and published online as
a series of audio podcasts.
* Participants:
Attendance is by INVITATION only. There is a maximum participation of
50 attendees. Participation is open to academics, training providers,
policy makers and practitioners. Potential participants should express
an interest in either attending or presenting as soon as possible.
They will then be sent an official invitation to participate in the
Attendance is FREE of charge, and coffee and lunch will be provided.
* Presentations:
Participants who wish to give a presentation should submit an abstract
of no more than 200 words indicating their subject of interest.
* Important Dates:
Expression of interest for participation/presentation (immediate)
Submission of abstract of presentation: 31 May 2009 (extended)
NB 'eLearningWeb2.0' in the SUBJECT BOX
* Conference Location:
Brunel Business School, Brunel University, West London, UK Brunel
University is in Uxbridge on the western edge of London. Uxbridge is
in a prime location for reaching the transport network that embraces
London and South-east England. It is a short drive from the M4, M40
and M25 and has the added benefit of being on the edge of the London
Underground network. It is about a 25-minute drive or bus ride from
London's Heathrow airport.
Professor Raymond A Hackney, Ph.D
Chair in Business Systems
Brunel University
Business School
Middlesex, UB8 3PH, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1895 265428
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: Special Issue on Service Oriented Applications
and Integration for e-Commerce "
Datum: Wed, 20 May 2009 19:15:56 -0400
Von: Narciso Cerpa <ncerpa(a)utalca.cl>
Antwort an: Narciso Cerpa <ncerpa(a)utalca.cl>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call for Papers: Special Issue on "Service Oriented Applications and
Integration for e-Commerce"
Guest Editors: Yinsheng Li (Fudan University, China); Wei-Tek Tsai
(Arizona State University, USA); Yueting Chai (Tsinghua University, China)
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is a computing paradigm that exploits
both web services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) as fundamental
elements for developing software systems. This paradigm changes the way
software systems are designed, architected, delivered and consumed.
With the availability of open standards, to overcome cross-platform
barriers, and facilities to support service construction, SOA and Web
services are being adopted by industries to make business services perform
more efficiently and effectively. They contribute to the shaping of the
processes of business modeling, solution creation, service delivery, and
software architecture design, development and deployment. However, the
applications and methods of SOA have not been fully exploited.
The Special issue on Service Oriented Applications and Integration for
e-Commerce (SOAIEC) will be devoted to the integration and collaboration
technologies and best practices on SOA. The mission is to bridge the gap
between business and information technology using service-oriented
paradigms, technologies and approaches.
The topics will include:
� Architectures and frameworks for SOA
� Service or service-oriented system modeling
� Service-oriented integration methods and technologies
� Service-oriented collaboration models and techniques
� Engineering platforms or tools for SOA
� Delivery or management platforms or tools for SOA
� Security, QoS, Trust with SOC or SOA
� Best practices or case study for SOA
� Techniques and tools for SAAS (Software As a Service).
Authors are invited to submit original research contributions in the
aforementioned areas. Manuscripts should conform to the journal format
(see http://www.jtaer.com/). All submissions will be reviewed according to
the journal peer-review policy. Accepted articles will be published in the
special issue on Service Oriented Applications and Integration for
e-Commerce of the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce
Research (to appear in December 2010). Please suggest title and abstract
and submit a full manuscript with respect to the deadlines given below to:
liys(a)fudan.edu.cn and/or wtsai(a)asu.edu, chaiyt(a)tsinghua.edu.cn.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission: Mar 15, 2010
Full manuscript submission: April 15, 2010
Author notification: July 15, 2010
Camera ready version: September 15, 2010
Publication: December 15, 2010
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.