-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Special Issue on Trust and Trust Management
Datum: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:44:10 -0400
Von: Narciso Cerpa <ncerpa(a)utalca.cl>
Antwort an: Narciso Cerpa <ncerpa(a)utalca.cl>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call for Papers
Special Issue on Trust and Trust Management
Guest Editors: Audun Jøsang (University of Oslo) Glenn Bewsell (University
of Wollongong)
Trust is a fundamental consideration for the growth and stability of
and communities because trust guides decisions about interactions between
humans and organizations. New forms of markets and communities are created
online, but the very nature of this online environment makes trust
management challenging. It is for example common to request services from
website we have never heard of before, and from which we might never
a service again in the future. Combined with perceptions of minimal or
non-existent law enforcement, participants in online markets and
are often vulnerable to many forms of fraud and deception.
Reliable perceptions of trust lead to successful in tera ctions and
online markets, whereas misplaced trust and misplaced distrust are
to online interactions and e-commerce. To improve the reliability of trust
perceptions and decision making, there is a need to better understand the
dynamics of trust in relation to the technological, behavioral, legal and
cultural aspects of e-commerce.
This special issue welcomes articles with research contributions related
online trust in e-commerce, and to trust management in general. This is a
broad field that e.g. covers: theoretical and practical aspects of trust
management; antecedents to trust; technologies that impact trust; and the
use of policy, process and technology to manage trust. Specific topics of
interest include but are not limited to:
* Semantics, interpretations and ontologies of trust
* Metrics for trust and reputation
* Trust and reputation systems; protocols and computational models
* Robustness of tr ust and reputation systems
* Impacts of technology on trust
* Costs and trade-offs for establishing and sustaining trust
* Identity, credentials and access management
* Authorization models and policies
* Security and trust
* Risk management and trust
* Decision making and trust
* Case studies for online trust
* Recommender systems and trust
* Community perspectives of online trust
* eGovernment and trust
* Novel perspectives on trust in e-commerce
* Business models and trust
* Trust based marketing
* Trust destruction, distrust and trust restoration
Authors are invited to submit original research contributions in the
aforementioned areas. Manuscripts should conform to the journal format
http://www.jtaer.com/). All submissions will be reviewed according to the
journal peer-review policy. Accepted articles will be published in the
special issue on Trust and Trust Management of the Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (to appear in August 2010).
suggest title and abstract and submit a full manuscript with respect to
deadlines given below to: josang(a)unik.no and/or gbewsell(a)uow.edu.au.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission: Jan 15, 2010
Full manuscript submission: February 15, 2010
Author notification: April 15, 2010
Camera ready version: May 31, 2010
Publication: August 15, 2010
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Call for Papers and Participation-Nashville-Deadline
May 11, 2009
Datum: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 17:05:12 -0500
Von: Dr. Edd R. Joyner <eddjoyner(a)charter.net>
Antwort an: Dr. Edd R. Joyner <eddjoyner(a)charter.net>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
May 25th, 26th, and 27th 2009--submit by May 11, 2009 <--Extended deadline)
Nashville, TN at the legendary Opryland Hotel
(Register for one, attend the other for free)
http://ABWIC.org <--Full Conference Information
Papers in all traditional areas of business as well as any of the reference
disciplines are solicited, with particular emphasis on papers in early
development stages and papers involved with non-traditional paradigms.
Submit papers to any of the following tracks:
Accounting Track
Economics Track
Finance Track
Information Systems Track
Management (General) Track
Management (POM) Track
Management (HRM) Track
Marketing Track
General Business Track
http://ICLAHE.org <--Full Conference Information
We encourage the submission of manuscripts, and abstracts to any of the
following tracks:
We encourage the submission of manuscripts pertaining to pedagogical topics.
We believe that much of the learning process is not discipline specific and
that we can all benefit from looking at research and practices outside our
own discipline. The ideal submission would take a general focus on learning
rather than a discipline-specific perspective. For example, instead of
focusing on "Motivating Students in Group Projects in Marketing Management",
you might broaden the perspective to "Motivating Students in Group Projects
in Upper Division Courses" or simply "Motivating Students in Group Projects"
The objective here is to share your work with the larger audience.
Academic Administration
We encourage the submission of manuscripts pertaining to the administration
of academic units in colleges and universities. We believe that many of the
challenges facing academic departments are not discipline specific and that
learning how different departments address these challenges will be
beneficial. The ideal paper would provide information that many
administrators would find useful, regardless of their own disciplines.
If you are interested in moderating a session or reviewing submitted papers,
please contact Dr. Edd R. Joyner (Conference Chair) at eddjoyner(a)charter.net
Please include the broadest academic areas you feel comfortable reviewing.
All papers will be blind reviewed by three or more peer reviewers. Authors
will normally be notified of the status of their papers within 2-weeks of
submission. Accepted articles will be published in the refereed conference
proceedings. Papers receiving Best Paper awards will be published in one of
our Journals (See below.)
While only full papers are eligible for publications in the Journals listed
below, Abstracts are welcome for presentation at the conference--and may be
developed into full papers later.
The best papers, as rated by reviewers, will be published (subject to
possible revision to meet publication standards) in one of the following
International Journal of the Academic Business World (IJABW)
ISSN 1942-6089 (print)
ISSN 1942-6097 (online)
IJABW is a peer-reviewed journal in its third year of publication and will
be included in the 11th Edition of Cabell's Directory of Publishing
Opportunities in Business.
The Journal of Learning in Higher Education (JLHE)
ISSN: 1936-346X (print)
JLHE is a peer-reviewed journal in its fourth year of publication and is
listed in Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational
Psychology and Administration.
The Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education (JAAHE)
ISSN: 1936-3478 (print)
JAAHE is in its fourth year of publication and is listed in Cabell's
Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Psychology and
Dr. Edd R. Joyner, Joint Conference Chair
edd.joyner(a)baker.edu or EddJoyner(a)charter.net
These conferences are sponsored by:
JW Press
PO Box 49
Martin, TN 38237
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] JTAER - Volume 4, Issue 1 (April 2009)
Datum: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 17:02:05 -0400 (CLT)
Von: eCommerce List <eCommerce_List(a)noresponse.cl>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Dear eCommerce Researcher,
We would like to invite you to read the Volume 4, Issue 1 (April 2009)
of the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
(ISSN 0718-1876) which is currently available online ( www.jtaer.com
This special issue includes the following papers:
Editorial Notes
Narciso Cerpa
Business model dynamics: a case survey
Mark de Reuver, Harry Bouwman and Ian MacInnes pp. 1-11
Stakeholder Power in E-business Adoption with a Game Theory Perspective
Barbara Roberts pp. 12-22
E-Procurement in Hospital Pharmacies: An Exploratory Multi-Case Study from
Tobias Mettler and Peter Rohner pp. 23-38
Service Oriented Computing in Practice - An Agenda for Research into the
Factors Influencing the Organizational Adoption of Service Oriented
Haresh Luthria and Fethi Rabhi pp. 39-56
An Object and Performance Framework for Implementation of Web-based
Knowledge Sharing Technology
Ian Douglas pp. 57-71
Adding Semantics to Electronic Business Documents Exchanged in Collaborative
Commerce Relations
Mariela Rico, Ma. Laura Taverna, Ma. Laura Caliusco, Omar Chiotti and Ma.
Rosa Galli pp. 72-90
An Improved and Efficient Micro-payment Scheme
Praneetha R. Bayyapu and Manik Lal Das pp. 91-100
Text Entry in the E-Commerce Age: Two Proposals for the Severely Handicapped
Julio Miró-Borrás and Pablo Bernabeu-Soler pp. 101-112
We would like to invite you to consider the Journal of Theoretical and
Applied Electronic Commerce Research to publish the results of your
research projects in the field of Electronic Commerce. We also encourage
you to participate as a referee, giving your time and expertise to the
research community of which you are an important member. To become a
referee for the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic C ommerce
Research, please email the Editor-in-Chief (ncerpa(a)utalca.cl) offering
your expertise in
specific areas of e-Commerce.
In the journal website ( www.jtaer.com <http://www.jtaer.com>) you will
find information about the journal, its mission, editorial committee,
peer review policy, instructions for authors, and submission information.
The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research is
abstracted / indexed by:
Cambridge Scientific Abstract (CSA) � Technology Research Database
Computer and Information Systems Abstracts
Electronics and Communications Abstracts
SCOPUS (Elsevier Bibliographic Databases)
SciELO ( http://www.scielo.cl )
RedALyC (http://www.redalyc.uamex.mx)
DBLP ( http://dblp.uni-trier.de )
ACM Portal ( http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm )
DIALNET ( http://dialnet.unirioja.es/ )
Directory of Open Access Journals ( http://www.doaj.org / )
Latindex Directory ( http://www.latindex.org )
The Index of Information Systems Journals (
http://lamp.infosys.deakin.edu.au/journals/ )
Warm regards,
Dr. Narciso Cerpa
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
Phone: 56-75-201710
Fax : 56-75-201713
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] Reminder: Call for Chapters - Teaching through
Multi-User Virtual Environments
Datum: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 10:50:16 +0200
Von: Giovanni Vincenti <teaching.through.muves(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: Giovanni Vincenti <teaching.through.muves(a)gmail.com>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Call for Chapters
Proposals Submission: April 15, 2009
Full Chapters Submission: June 30, 2009
Teaching through Multi-User Virtual Environments:
Applying Dynamic Elements to the Modern Classroom
A book edited by:
Giovanni Vincenti, Gruppo Vincenti, S.r.l., Rome, Italy
James Braman, Towson University, Towson, MD, USA
To be published by IGI Global:
In today’s world of education information is delivered through several
strategies. There is the classic “lecture” approach, which has been the
foundation for many schools and institutions. Then there is “debate” as
a form of learning, inherited from the great Greek and Latin
philosophers. In the last few years educators have also become familiar
with the concept of online education through the use of tools such as
“Blackboard”, “WebCT” and other online course delivery systems.
An increasing number of institutions are utilizing online education as a
means of instruction. At the very least online media functions as a
support mechanism to be used in a parallel manner to the material
discussed in class. Given the type of interaction with the students,
this type of medium can be defined as an online static learning
environment. The identification of “static” comes from the idea of the
low interaction between the instructor and the students, or among the
students themselves. Some tools offer chat rooms, which is a small step
toward direct interaction.
Virtual environments, such as Twinity, Second Life, WOW and Active
Worlds, to name a few, have prompted the interest of many in the
education arena. The idea of finding new and improved ways to deliver
information to students is constantly on the minds of teachers.
Educators are interested in teaching students with more interaction,
more realism, and perhaps even immersive technologies that make the
students realize how life looked and felt at the times of Imperial Rome.
Virtual environments offer just that, and they add an incredible dynamic
element to teaching online.
Objective and Target Audience
This book has several aims, listed here:
* Affirming Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) as teaching tools
* Distinguishing static and dynamic virtual environments
* Advertising research being done on MUVEs as teaching tools
* Advertising teaching practices revolving around MUVEs
* Reporting teachers’ and students’ experiences with MUVEs utilized in
the classroom
* Discussing novel and experimental approaches to using virtual spaces
* Discussing the benefits of 3D immersive learning
This book would be of interest to all educators and practitioners (of
any subject, at any level of primary, secondary and higher education)
who wish to incorporate a dynamic online element to their classroom, and
also to researchers of education, computer science, and instructional
technologies. This book will be a one-stop resource for practices as
well as research activities within the domain on Multi-User Virtual
Topics for discussion in this book include, but are not limited to the
following five areas:
* Static vs. dynamic online learning environments
* Applying Multi-User Virtual Environments to education
* Designing classroom activities for MUVEs
* Classroom experiences
* Education-oriented research activities conducted in MUVEs
Each chapter will be of 8,000 to 10,000 words in length written by
experts and leading innovators of their respective fields.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before April
15, 2009, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and
concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals
will be notified by April 30, 2009 about the status of their proposals
and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted
by June 30, 2009. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve
as reviewers for this project. Further information on this book can be
found at http://www.teachingthroughmuves.info/.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea
Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly
Idea Group Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference” and “IGI
Publishing” imprints. For additional information regarding the
publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com. This publication is
anticipated to be released in the second half of 2010.
Important Dates
April 15, 2009: Proposal Submission Deadline
April 30, 2009: Notification of Acceptance
June 30, 2009: Full Chapter Submission
August 15, 2009: Review Results Returned
October 15, 2009: Final Chapter Submission
Proposals in WORD format can be submitted electronically to
teaching.through.muves(a)gmail.com or mailed directly to the authors at
the addresses shown below.
Giovanni Vincenti
Gruppo Vincenti, S.r.l.
Via dei Gracchi 123
Rome, Italy 00192
James Braman
Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences
Towson University
8000 York Rd.
Towson, MD 21252
United States of America
Apologies for cross-posting
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Call for submission MOPTA 2009
Datum: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 06:56:01 -0400
Von: Tamás Terlaky <terlaky(a)Lehigh.EDU>
Antwort an: terlaky(a)Lehigh.EDU
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for participation
MOPTA 2009: Abstract Submission deadline: June 6, 2009
Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 2009)
August 19-21, 2009, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
The conference is an annual event aiming to bring together a diverse
group of people from
both discrete and continuous optimization, working on both theoretical
and applied aspects.
Our target is to present a diverse set of exciting new developments from
different optimization
areas while at the same time providing a setting which will allow
increased interaction among
the participants. We aim to bring together researchers from both the
theoretical and applied
communities who do not usually have the chance to interact in the
framework of a medium-scale event.
Ravindra K. Ahuja <http://www.ise.ufl.edu/ahuja>, University of Florida,
Natalia Alexandrov
<http://www.nasa.gov/centers/langley/home/index.html>, NASA
Paul I. Barton <http://web.mit.edu/cheme/people/faculty/barton.html>, MIT
John M. Mulvey <http://www.princeton.edu/%7Emulvey/>, Princeton University
Pablo A. Parrilo <http://www.mit.edu/%7Eparrilo>, MIT
Robert Weismantel <http://www.math.uni-magdeburg.de/%7Eweismant/>,
Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
An optimization modeling competition, sponsored by AIMMS is organized.
Finalist will present their results at a special session of MOPTA09.
Problem released January 31, 2009.
Each accepted paper will be allotted a 25 minute talk. Authors wishing
to speak should
submit an abstract via the conference WEB page by June 6, 2009.
Abstract Submission deadline: June 6, 2009
Early registration deadline: July 1, 2009
Conference date: *19-21 August 2009*.
Note that MOPTA 2009 is just before ISMP 2009.
Bethlehem, PA is just one hour drive west of the New Ark (EWR)
International Airport, less than an hour drive north of Philadelphia.
Overseas participants can conveniently combine the two conferences in
one trip. North American participants may fly to the Allentown-Behlehem
(ABE) airport that also has direct daily flights to Chicago.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Tamas Terlaky, terlaky(a)lehigh.edu (Chair, Lehigh University)
Please direct questions to: Pietro Belotti, belotti(a)Lehigh.EDU
Contact for modeling competition: Imre Polik, imp208(a)lehigh.edu
Further information is available at: http://coral.ie.lehigh.edu/~mopta/
We are looking forward to welcoming you at MOPTA 2009 in Bethlehem at
Lehigh University in August 2009.
Tamás Terlaky, George N. and Soteria Kledaras '87 Endowed Chair Professor.
Chair, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science
Lehigh University, Harold S. Mohler Laboratory
200 West Packer Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18015-1582
Phone: (610) 758-4050
Email: terlaky(a)lehigh.edu
Fax: (610) 758-4886
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: Jordan=> ICICS2009=JUST+NYIT
Datum: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 12:02:42 -0400
Von: Eyas El-Qawasmeh <eyas(a)just.edu.jo>
Antwort an: Eyas El-Qawasmeh <eyas(a)just.edu.jo>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
International Conference on Information and Communication Systems
December 20-22, 2009, Jordan
Jordan University of Science and Technology and NYIT/Amman
The International Conference on Information and Communication Systems
(ICICS09) is a forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners to
present their latest research results, ideas, developments and
applications in all areas of Computer and Information Sciences.
The topics that will be covered in the ICICS2009 include, but are not
limited to: Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Computing, Networking,
Information Security and Cryptography, Intrusion Detection and Computer
Forensics, Web Content Mining, Bioinformatics and IT Applications,
Database Technology, Systems Integration, Information Systems Analysis and
Specification, Telecommunications, and Human-computer Interaction.
Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in
all major areas,
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission: May 1, 2009.
Notification of Decision: June 1, 2009.
Camera-Ready: Aug. 15, 2009
For more information
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] IAT 2009 - Call for Papers - Extended Deadline
Datum: 12 Apr 2009 17:05:23 +0900
Von: wiiat(a)wi-consortium.org
Antwort an: wiiat(a)wi-consortium.org
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]
Papers and Tutorials Due: *** 20 April 2009 ***NEW DEADLINE***
Due to repeated requests, the deadlines are extended to 20th April.
IEEE/WIC/ACM Intelligent Agent Technology 2009
2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on
Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT-09)
September 15-18, 2009, University of Milano - Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Sponsored By
IEEE Computer Society
Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
# (Papers Due: *** 20 April 2009 *** NEW DEADLINE
# Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
# by the IEEE Computer Society Press, which are indexed by EI.
IAT 2009 will provide a leading international forum to bring together
researchers and practitioners from diverse fields, such as computer
science, information technology, business, education, systems
engineering, and robotics, to (1) examine the design principles and
performance characteristics of various approaches in intelligent agent
technology, and (2) increase the cross-fertilization of ideas on the
development of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems among
different domains. By encouraging idea-sharing and discussions on the
underlying logical, cognitive, physical, and sociological foundations
as well as the enabling technologies of intelligent agents, IAT 2008
will foster the development of novel paradigms and advanced solutions
in agent-based computing.
IAT 2009 will be jointly held with the 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International
Conference on Web Intelligence (WI-09). The two conferences will have
a joint opening, keynote, reception, and banquet. Attendees only need
to register for one conference and can attend workshops, sessions,
tutorials, panels, exhibits and demonstrations across the two
conferences. We are also planning a joint panel, joint paper sessions,
and a doctoral mentoring program to discuss
common problems in the two areas.
Topics of Interest
We invite submissions in all IAT related areas. Papers exploring new
directions or areas will receive a careful and supportive review.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Autonomy-Oriented Computing (AOC)
- Agent-Based Complex Systems Modeling and Development
- Agent-Based Simulation
- Autonomy-Oriented Modeling and Computation Methods
- Behavioral Self-Organization
- Complex Behavior Characterization and Engineering
- Emergent Behavior
- Hard Computational Problem Solving
- Nature-Inspired Paradigms
- Self-Organized Criticality
- Self-Organized Intelligence
- Swarm Intelligence
* Autonomous Knowledge and Information Agents
- Agent-Based Distributed Data Mining
- Agent-Based Knowledge Discovery And Sharing
- Autonomous Information Services
- Distributed Knowledge Systems
- Emergent Natural Law Discovery in Multi-Agent Systems
- Evolution of Knowledge Networks
- Human-Agent Interaction
- Information Filtering Agents
- Knowledge Aggregation
- Knowledge Discovery
- Ontology-Based Information Services
* Agent Systems Modeling and Methodology
- Agent Interaction Protocols
- Cognitive Architectures
- Cognitive Modeling of Agents
- Emotional Modeling
- Fault-Tolerance in Multi-Agent Systems
- Formal Framework for Multi-Agent Systems
- Information Exchanges in Multi-Agent Systems
- Learning and Self-Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems
- Mobile Agent Languages and Protocols
- Multi-Agent Autonomic Architectures
- Multi-Agent Coordination Techniques
- Multi-Agent Planning and Re-Planning
- Neuroeconomics
- Peer-to-Peer Models for Multi-Agent Systems
- Reinforcement Learning
- Social Interactions in Multi-Agent Systems
- Task-Based Agent Context
- Task-Oriented Agents
- Multi-Agent Self-Organization
- Sensor Robotic Agents
- Hybrid Multi-Agent Systems
* Distributed Problem Solving
- Agent-Based Grid Computing
- Agent Networks in Distributed Problem Solving
- Collective Group Behavior
- Coordination and Cooperation
- Distributed Intelligence
- Distributed Search
- Dynamics of Agent Groups and Populations
- Efficiency and Complexity Issues
- Market-Based Computing
- Problem-Solving in Dynamic Environments
* Autonomous Auctions and Negotiation
- Agent-Based Marketplaces
- Auction Markets
- Combinatorial Auctions
- Hybrid Negotiation
- Integrative Negotiation
- Mediating Agents
- Pricing Agents
- Thin Double Auctions
* Applications
- Agent-Based Assistants
- Agent-Based Virtual Enterprise
- Embodied Agents and Agent-Based Systems Applications
- Interface Agents
- Knowledge and Data Intensive Systems
- Perceptive Animated Interfaces
- Scalability
- Social Simulation
- Socially Situated Planning
- Software and Pervasive Agents
- Tools and Standards
- Ubiquitous Systems and e-Technology Agents
- Ubiquitous Software Services
- Virtual Humans
- XML-Based Agent Systems
On-Line Submissions and Publication
High-quality papers in all IAT related areas are solicited.
Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of 8 pages in the
IEEE 2-column format, the same as the camera-ready format (see the
Author Guidelines of last year at
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee
on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.
Note that IAT'09 will accept ONLY on-line submissions, containing
PDF versions. Please use the Submission Form on the IAT'09
website to submit your paper. Accepted papers will be published in the
conference proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press that are
indexed by EI.
Submissions accepted as regular papers will be allocated 8 pages in the
proceedings and accorded oral presentation times in the main conference.
Submissions accepted as short papers will be allocated 4
pages in the proceedings and will have a shorter presentation time at
the conference than regular papers.
All co-authors will be notified at all time, for the submission,
notification, and confirmation on the attendance. Submitting a paper
to the conference and workshops means that, if the paper is accepted,
at least one author should attend the conference to present the
paper. The acceptance list and no-show list will be openly published
on-line. For no-show authors, their affiliations will receive a
A selected number of IAT'09 accepted papers will be expanded and
revised for inclusion in Web Intelligence and Agent Systems:
An International Journal (http://wi-consortium.org/journal.html) and in
Annual Review of Intelligent Informatics
The best paper awards will be conferred at the conference on the
authors of (1) the best research paper and (2) the best application
paper. Application-oriented submissions will be considered for the
best application paper award.
More detailed instructions and the On-Line Submission Form will be
found on the IAT'09 homepage:
As an important part of the conference, the workshop program will
focus on new research challenges and initiatives. All papers accepted
for workshops will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published
by the IEEE Computer Society Press that are indexed by EI, and will be
available at the workshops. Detailed information is available at the
conference homepage.
Note: we will not have a separate workshop registration fee
(i.e., conference registration covers everything).
IAT'09 also welcomes Tutorial proposals. IAT'09 will include tutorials
providing in-depth background on subjects that are of broad interest
to the Web intelligence community. Both short (2 hours) and long (half
day) tutorials will be considered. The tutorials will be part of the
main conference technical program. Detailed information is available
at the conference homepage.
Note: we will not have a separate tutorials registration fee
(i.e., only one conference registration covers everything).
We solicit Industry/Demo-Track papers by the following methods.
(1) Industry papers of 4 pages can be submitted on the same schedule as
the research track.
(2) Separate 2 page demo proposals can submitted at a later schedule.
(3) Full regular paper submissions can include a demo option.
That is, a full paper submissions will be asked to
specify if they would like to give a demonstration; choice of
demonstrations (while utilizing information from the regular reviewing
process) will be selected based on value as a demonstration.
For options (1) and (2), more detailed instructions will be found at
the homepage: http://www.wi-iat09.disco.unimib.it/IAT09/IAThome.htm
Important Dates
* Electronic paper submission (8 pages): April 20, 2009
* Tutorial proposal submission: April 20, 2009
* Workshop paper submission: April 30, 2008
* Author notification: June 3, 2009
* Conference dates: September 15-18, 2009
Conference Organization
Conference General Chair:
* Gabriella Pasi, University of Milano - Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Program Chair:
* Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Yahoo! Research, Barcelona, Spain
WI Program Co-Chairs:
* Bettina Berendt, K.U. Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium
* Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
* Lim Ee Peng, Singapore Management University, Singapore
IAT Program Co-Chairs:
* Jerome Lang, CNRS, LAMSADE, Paris, France
* Sushmita Mitra, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
* Simon Parsons, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, USA
Organizing Co-Chairs:
* Gloria Bordogna, National Council of Research, Milano, Italy
* Giancarlo Mauri, University of Milano - Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Workshop Co-Chairs:
* Paolo Boldi, University of Milano, Milano. Italy
* Giuseppe Vizzari, University of Milano - Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Tutorial Co-Chairs:
* Mohand Boughanem, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
* Fabrizio Sebastiani, National Council of Research, Pisa, Italy
Publicity Co-Chairs:
* Jia Hu, The International WIC Institute/BJUT, China
* Mounia Lalmas, University of Glasgow, UK
* Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
* Maria Gini, University of Minnesota, USA
WIC Co-Chairs/Directors:
* Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
* Jiming Liu, University of Windsor, Canada
WIC Advisory Board:
* Edward A. Feigenbaum, Stanford University, USA
* Setsuo Ohsuga, University of Tokyo, Japan
* Benjamin Wah, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
* Philip Yu, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
* L.A. Zadeh, University of California, Berkeley, USA
WIC Tech. Committee & WI/IAT Steering Committee:
* Jeffrey Bradshaw, UWF/Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, USA
* Nick Cercone, York University, Canada
* Dieter Fensel, University of Innsbruck, Austria
* Georg Gottlob, Oxford University, UK
* Lakhmi Jain, University of South Australia, Australia
* Jianchang Mao, Yahoo! Inc., USA
* Pierre Morizet-Mahoudeaux, Compiegne University of Technology, France
* Hiroshi Motoda, Osaka University, Japan
* Toyoaki Nishida, Kyoto University, Japan
* Andrzej Skowron, Warsaw University, Poland
* Jinglong Wu, Okayama University, Japan
* Xindong Wu, University of Vermont, USA
* Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada
*** Contact Information ***
Gabriella Pasi (Conference General Chair)
Email: WI-IAT09(a)disco.unimib.it
The WIC Office
Email: wi09(a)wi-consortium.org
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP IEEE-WIC-ACM associated W2T workshop
Datum: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 11:21:45 +0200 (CEST)
Von: Khalil Drira <khalil(a)laas.fr>
Antwort an: Khalil Drira <khalil(a)laas.fr>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
The 2009 Web2Touch Workshop - Living Experience Through the Web
In conjunction with
The 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
Milan, Italy September 15 - 18, 2009
This workshop intends to explore a multidisciplinary view of the web,
demonstrating the full potential of the web as a live medium for
sharing and collaboration. Joining their complimentary views,
researchers can exchange their savoir-faire on architectures that are
applied to similar problems. The web has evolved toward the semantic
web, web services, social web and probably should appear in a web of
things. Consequently the recently emerging web activities are
characterized by collaboration, the sharing and creation of knowledge,
woven into social and business networks. The techniques of
representation, management, sharing, and knowledge discovery begin to
face technical interoperability, semantics and organizational
challenges. This workshop aims to introduce state-of-the-art semantic
technologies, web services and knowledge engineering in order to
discover solutions for collaborative work in Science, Health, and Web
Science. This workshop will be held in conjunction with the 2009
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2009).
We welcome contributions from academic researchers and industries.
Workshop Topics include but are not limited to:
-Case studies of the social semantic web and knowledge integration
-Ontology and knowledge integration
-Ontology development in social networks
-Semantic web services
-Distributed social linked data
-Collaborative tagging and filtering
-Experiences in web support for collaborative work
-Flexible and adaptive web services
-User experience and Internet of things
-Affective computing and ergonomics in web usage
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: April 30th, 2009
Notification of acceptance: June 8th, 2009
Camera ready papers: June 30th, 2009
Workshop: September 15, 2009
Paper Submission:
Authors are invited to submit original papers of up 4 pages, following the two-column IEEE-CS format.
Submitted papers will be ranked based on their relevance and technical
merit, and authors will be provided with at least three reviewers.
Accepted will be published in the Proceedings of WI-IAT09 Workshops,
IEEE-CS Press.
Please submit your paper through the at :
Consider web2touch(a)gmail.com for your questions.
Workshop Chairs:
Miriam Capretz - University Western Ontario, Canada
Khalil Drira - LAAS-CNRS, France
Maria Beatriz Felgar Toledo - Unicamp, Brazil
Mariagrazia Fugini - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Olga Nabuco - CTI, Brazil
Marcos da Silveira - CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Program Committee:
Ahmed Hadj Kacem, FSEGS, Tunisia
Aqueo Kamada, CTI, Brazil
Flavio de Paoli, Universite di Milano Bicocca, Italy
Flavio Oquendo, European Univ. of Brittany, Valoria, France
Francesca Rizzo, Politecnico de Milano, Italy
Francisco Moo-Mena, Univ. Autonoma Yucatan, Mexico
Gaston Tagni, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Isabelle Mirbel, Univ. de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
Itana M. de S. Gimenes, Univ. Est. de Maringa, Brazil
Ivan Ricarte, DCA-FEEC-Unicamp, Brazil
Janette Cardoso, ISAE, France
Karim Guennoun, EHTP-ESC, Morocco
Kathia Marcal, IRISA, France
Khalil Drira, LAAS CNRS, Universite de Toulouse, France
Kyriakos Kritikos, ICS, Forth - Hellas, Greece
Laura Viana, Fiocruz, Brazil
Marcelo Fantinato, EACH - USP, Brazil
Marco Comuzzi, City University London, England
Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo - Unicamp, Brazil
Mariagrazia Fugini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Magnos Martinello, UFES, Brazil
Marcos da Silveira, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Mauro Ferreira Koyama, CTI, Brazil
Miriam Capretz, University Western Ontario, Canada
Mohamed Jmaiel, ENIS, Sfax, Tunisia
Nicoletta Dess, Universit? degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy
Olga Nabuco, CTI, Brazil
Paulo Pires, UFRN, Brazil
Roberta Lima Gomes - UFES, Brazil
Rodrigo Bonacin, CTI, Brazil
Uwe Roth, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Special Issue on Trust and Trust Management
Datum: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 15:59:05 -0400 (CLT)
Von: eCommerce List <eCommerce_List(a)noresponse.cl>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at, neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Call for Papers
Special Issue on Trust and Trust Management
Guest Editors: Audun Jøsang (University of Oslo) Glenn Bewsell (University
of Wollongong)
Trust is a fundamental consideration for the growth and stability of markets
and communities because trust guides decisions about interactions between
humans and organizations. New forms of markets and communities are created
online, but the very nature of this online environment makes trust
management challenging. It is for example common to request services from a
website we have never heard of before, and from which we might never request
a service again in the future. Combined with perceptions of minimal or
non-existent law enforcement, participants in online markets and communities
are often vulnerable to many forms of fraud and deception.
Reliable perceptions of trust lead to successful in tera ctions and quality
online markets, whereas misplaced trust and misplaced distrust are damaging
to online interactions and e-commerce. To improve the reliability of trust
perceptions and decision making, there is a need to better understand the
dynamics of trust in relation to the technological, behavioral, legal and
cultural aspects of e-commerce.
This special issue welcomes articles with research contributions related to
online trust in e-commerce, and to trust management in general. This is a
broad field that e.g. covers: theoretical and practical aspects of trust
management; antecedents to trust; technologies that impact trust; and the
use of policy, process and technology to manage trust. Specific topics of
interest include but are not limited to:
* Semantics, interpretations and ontologies of trust
* Metrics for trust and reputation
* Trust and reputation systems; protocols and computational models
* Robustness of tr ust and reputation systems
* Impacts of technology on trust
* Costs and trade-offs for establishing and sustaining trust
* Identity, credentials and access management
* Authorization models and policies
* Security and trust
* Risk management and trust
* Decision making and trust
* Case studies for online trust
* Recommender systems and trust
* Community perspectives of online trust
* eGovernment and trust
* Novel perspectives on trust in e-commerce
* Business models and trust
* Trust based marketing
* Trust destruction, distrust and trust restoration
Authors are invited to submit original research contributions in the
aforementioned areas. Manuscripts should conform to the journal format (see
http://www.jtaer.com/). All submissions will be reviewed according to the
journal peer-review policy. Accepted articles will be published in the
special issue on Trust and Trust Management of the Journal of Theor etical
and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (to appear in August 2010). Please
suggest title and abstract and submit a full manuscript with respect to the
deadlines given below to: josang(a)unik.no and/or gbewsell(a)uow.edu.au.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission: Jan 15, 2010
Full manuscript submission: February 15, 2010
Author notification: April 15, 2010
Camera ready version: May 31, 2010
Publication: August 15, 2010
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] SSBSE: International Symposium on Search Based
Software Engineering: Last call for registration
Datum: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 18:45:21 -0400
Von: Per Kristian Lehre <p.k.lehre(a)cs.bham.ac.uk>
Antwort an: Per Kristian Lehre <p.k.lehre(a)cs.bham.ac.uk>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
SSBSE: International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering
Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK
Wednesday 13th May - Friday 15th May
Last call for registration
Registration for SSBSE (with inclusive on site accommodation) has been
open for three weeks and already we have filled up all of the 51 places
available. Therefore, we are now offering a special reduced registration
rate for those who would like to attend, but who will make their own
arrangements for accommodation (off site). The website includes details
of near by hotels: http://www.ssbse.org/
The offsite registration price is -L- 200, which includes all meals (two
breakfasts, three lunches and two dinners) from an award winning chef, a
printed copy of the proceedings and attendance at the event itself.
All registration closes April 30th 2009.
If you are interested in taking up this off site registration offer,
please email the registration chair: Jian.Ren(a)kcl.ac.uk
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.