-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation 2006: Call
for Papers
Datum: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 18:34:19 +0100
Von: aisc2006(a)cc4cm.org
An: aisc2006(a)cc4cm.org
=================== [Apologies for multiple copies] ===================
AISC 2006 - 8th International Conference on
Beijing, China, September 20-22, 2006
Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation are two views and
approaches for automating problem solving. The two approaches are
based on heuristics and on mathematical algorithmics, respectively.
Artificial Intelligence can be applied to Symbolic Computation and
Symbolic Computation can be applied to Artificial Intelligence. A
wealth of challenges, ideas, theoretical insights and results, methods
and algorithms will arise in the interaction of the two fields and
research communities. Advanced tools of software technology and system
design are needed and a broad spectrum of applications is possible by
the combined problem solving power of the two fields. Therefore, the
conference is in the center of interest and interaction for various
research communities:
artificial intelligence, symbolic computation, computer algebra,
automated theorem proving, automated reasoning, formal mathematics,
mathematical knowledge management, algorithmic invention and
learning, logic, software technology, semantic web technology,
computer-based mathematics teaching and didactics, computer-
supported publishing, language and system design, implementation
and performance issues, and additional topics relating to the
interaction of the above.
We encourage researchers working at points of contact in these fields
to share their views, work, and results by submitting papers and taking
part in the conference.
* Invited Speakers
Edmund M. Clarke (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Arjeh M. Cohen (Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Heisuke Hironaka (Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University, Japan and
Harvard University, USA)
Wen-tsun Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
* Submission
Theoretical and applied research papers on all topics within the scope
of the conference are invited. Submitted papers (in English) must not
exceed 15 pages in length (in the LNCS style). The title page should
contain the title, author(s) with affiliation(s), e-mail address(es),
listing of keywords and abstract plus the topics from the above list
to which the paper is related. The program committee (PC) will subject
all submitted papers to a peer review. Theoretical papers will be
judged on their originality and contribution to their field, and
applied papers on the importance and originality of the application.
Results must be original and have not been published elsewhere.
The web page for electronic submission is at:
If electronic submission is not possible, please send four hard copies
to the PC chair at the following address:
Professor Tetsuo Ida, Department of Computer Science, University
of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8573, Japan / Fax: +81-29-850-3603
The proceedings of the conference will be published as a volume
in the series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)
by Springer-Verlag. Accepted papers will have to be prepared in
LaTeX and formatted according to the requirements of the Springer's
LNAI series (the corresponding style files can be downloaded from
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html and are the same for
* Important Dates
April 7, 2006: Deadline for paper submission
June 2, 2006: Notification of acceptance
July 2, 2006: Camera-ready version due
* Organizing and Program Committees
Honorary Chair: Wei Li (President of Beihang University, China)
General Chair: Dongming Wang (Beihang University, China and
UPMC-CNRS, France)
Program Committee:
Tetsuo Ida (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Chair
Luigia Carlucci Aiello (Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy)
Michael Beeson (San Jose State University, USA)
Bruno Buchberger (RISC, Austria)
Jacques Calmet (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
John Campbell (University College London, UK)
William M. Farmer (McMaster University, Canada)
Martin Charles Golumbic (University of Haifa, Israel)
Therese Hardin (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - LIP6, France)
Hoon Hong (North Carolina State University, USA)
Joxan Jaffar (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Deepak Kapur (University of New Mexico, USA)
Michael Kohlhase (International University Bremen, Germany)
Steve Linton (University of St Andrews, UK)
Salvador Lucas (Technical University of Valencia, Spain)
Aart Middeldorp (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Eric Monfroy (UTFSM, Chile and LINA, France)
Jochen Pfalzgraf (University of Salzburg, Austria)
Zbigniew W. Ras (University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA)
Eugenio Roanes-Lozano (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Masahiko Sato (Kyoto University, Japan)
Carsten Schuermann (Yale University, USA)
Joerg Siekmann (Universitaet des Saarlandes, DFKI, Germany)
Carolyn Talcott (SRI International, USA)
Dongming Wang (Beihang University, China and UPMC-CNRS, France)
Stephen M. Watt (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Jian Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Proceedings Editors: Jacques Calmet, Tetsuo Ida and Dongming Wang
Local Arrangements:
Shilong Ma (Beihang University, China), Chair
Xiaoyu Chen (Beihang University, China)
Li Ma (Beihang University, China)
========== [Related event: http://www.cc4cm.org/macis2006/] ===========
MACIS 2006 - International Conference on
Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences
Beijing, China, July 22-24, 2006
### to whom it may concern. //fw.
Please excuse any cross-postings
TENCompetence Workshop
Learning Networks for Lifelong Competence Development
March, 30-31, 2006
Sofia, Bulgaria
Web page: http://ld06.uni-sofia.bg/
This workshop is organized by the EU 6th Framework Integrated Project
TENCompetence (www.tencompetence.org). The objective of the workshop is
to identify and analyse current research and technologies in the fields
that provide the building blocks for the development of an open source
infrastructure that contains all the services needed to support
individuals, teams and organisations to (further) develop their
competences, using all the distributed knowledge resources, learning
activities, units of learning and learning routes/programmest that are
available online. This includes open, usable and accessible services for:
• the creation, sharing, discovery and use of knowledge resources,
learning activities and learning paths by any individual, team or
• the development, use, monitoring and maintenance of competence
frameworks for the different professions or domains of knowledge.
• the assessment of competences
• the registration, use and sharing of personal data (profiles,
portfolios, ...)
• the discovery of suitable learning resources that are adapted to the
users needs and profile
• the support of users to navigate through all the possible learning
resources to build specific competences
• the support for users to learn in new fields and the support for the
people who provide the support (e.g. by providing monitoring services,
help by email handling).
Relevant topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
• Learning Design for formal and informal Lifelong Learning and
Competence Development
• Knowledge Management issues related to competence development,
lifelong learning or HRM
• Competence description frameworks for professions
• Monitoring (changes in) competences in professions
• Competence assessment and learner positioning
• Methods and tools for learner support in distributed environments
• Methods and tools to support peer tutoring, teaching, mentoring,
coaching, ...
• Personal data, profiles, and portable ePortfolios for competence
• Technologies for the discovery of suitable learning resources
• Collaborative filtering technologies, recommendor systems for learning
• Use of language technologies to support learning processes
• Navigational support to users in a learning network
• Authoring, discovery, advise and/or exchange of knowledge resources
• Authoring, discovery, advise and/or exchange of learning activities or
units of learning
• Open standards and specifications usable for learning networks
• Social software usable for lifelong competence development
• New social theories and practices which have implications for the CD
• Models and tools supporting work-based learning
• Personalised and collaborative trails using knowledge resources or
learning activities
• Mobile support for lifelong competence development
• Semantic Web and lifelong competenc development
During the workshop it will be possible to present a paper of 2000
words. These submissions may include Research, Technology Development,
Review and Application but are not limited to these only. Furthermore,
participants can submit a proposal for a demonstration session to
demonstrate relevant software.
Deadline for submission - 6th March 2005.
Electronic submissions may be forwarded as a Portable Document Format
(.pdf) attachment to: ld06(a)uni-sofia.bg. All submissions must be papers
of 2000 words that are formatted according to the publication guidelines
(http://ld06.uni-sofia.bg/CFP_Instructions for Authors.pdf)
All papers accepted for the workshop will be published in the workshop
proceedings with ISBN and will distributed to the participants after the
workshop. Selected papers will be invited to workout a full paper (4000
words) for the special issue of the SSCI journal 'Interactive Learning
Environments' (http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/10494820.asp).
Rob Coper (Netherlands) - Chair
Krassen Stefanov (Bulgaria) – Co-chair
Heidrun Allert, Austria
Terry Anderson, Canada
Albert Angehrn, France
Miguel Arjona Villanueva, Spain
Sue Bennett, Australia
Fabrizio Cardinali, Italy
Juan Manuel Dodero, Spain
Peter Goodyear, Australia
Dai Griffith, Spain
Barry Harper, Australia
Roger Hartley, UK
Kinshuk, New Zealand
Ralf Klamma, Germany
Ruud Lemmers, The Netherlands
Oleg Liber, UK
David Merrill, USA
Patrick McAndrew, UK
Ambjörn Naeve, Sweden
Wolfgang Nejdl, Germany
Gilbert Pacquette, Canada
Griff Richards, Canada
Demetrios Sampson, Greece
Judith Schoonenboom, The Netherlands
Bernard Scott, UK
Peter Scott, UK
Marcus Specht, The Netherlands
Mike Spector, USA
Colin Tattersall, The Netherlands
Luk Vervenne, Belgium
Martin Weller, UK
David Wiley, USA
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
Centre of Information Society Technologies (CIST)
125, Tzarigradsko Shosse, 1113 Sofia
Tel: +(359 2) 9713509 ; 8657111
Fax: +(359 2) 9713504 ; +(359 2) 8687422
Email: ld06(a)uni-sofia.bg
Stanimira Yordanova (s_yordanova(a)fmi.uni-sofia.bg)
Angelina Popova (apopova(a)fmi.uni-sofia.bg )
Registration Due: 24 March 2005
Paper Submission Due: 6 March 2005
Notification of Acceptance: 22 March 2005
Camera-ready Paper Due: 29 March 2005
If you have any questions, please contact the Local Organising Committee
Registration form may be filled on-line or filled in and send as an
email attachment (template files will be available as a Word (.doc),
Rich Text Format (.rtf) or Portable Document Format (.pdf) attachment
files) to: ld06(a)uni-sofia.bg.
Deadline for the registration: 24th March
There will be no conference fee.
The main conference venue will be in Sofia, hotel Vitosha
Booking Hotel
All workshop bookings will be maintained by the Local Workshop
organisers, so it is not necessary to contact directly any hotel. To
book a hotel please tick the corresponding checkbox in the Workshop
registration and payment form (http://ld06.uni-sofia.bg/registration.html).
Payment of accommodation can be done by bank transfer, credit card
(please make sure that the transfer will arrive before March 26th) or in
cash at the workshop registration desk. For the credit card or bank
transfer details please look at the Registration form.
Dr.-Ing. Martin Wolpers
L3S Research Center Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Expo Plaza 1, 30539 Hannover Celestijnenlaan 200A, 3001 Heverlee
Germany Belgium
wolpers(a)l3s.de martin.wolpers(a)cs.kuleuven.be
Tel: none +32 16 32 7060
Fax: +49 (0)511 762 9779 +32 16 32 7996
Mob: +49 (0)163 762 9734 +32 486 991 061
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: XML-Tage in Berlin 2006 - Call for Papers
Datum: Thu, 2 Feb 2006 17:00:02 +0100
Von: XML Clearinghouse <announce(a)xml-clearinghouse.de>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
XML-Tage in Berlin 2006 - Call for Papers
XML-Technologien dominieren wichtige Bereiche von
Integrationstechnologien und sind die Grundlage für eine neue
Generation von Web-basierten Systemen mit Semantic Web, Web Services
oder GRID Technologien. Aktuelle Forschung und Anwendung betrifft die
Grundlagentechnologien selber, ihre Verwendung in den genannten
Integrationstechnologien und ihre Verwendung in der gesamten
Spannbreite der IT-Anwendungen.
Die XML-Tage in Berlin 2006 bieten ein Forum zum Austausch
wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse in diesen Bereichen. Sie sind die
führende deutschsprachige wissenschaftliche Konferenz zu XML. Sie sind
als Konferenz mit mehreren Schwerpunktthemen organisiert und werden
durch verschiedene Zusatzevents wie dem W3C-Tag, dem Wirtschaftsforum
und weiteren Foren ergänzt. Eine Poster- und Demo-Sitzung sowie
Tutorials runden das Programm ab.
Themen von Interesse für die XML-Tage in Berlin
Semantic Web:
* Sprachen, Werkzeuge, Methoden für die Repräsentation und
Verarbeitung von Semantic Web Daten und Ontologien
* Datenbank-Technologie für das Semantic Web
* Anwendungen des Semantic Web in e-Business, e-Science, e-Government
und e-Learning
* Kollaborative Anwendungen mit semantischen Technologien
* Werkzeuge und Methoden zur Entwicklung von Semantic-Web-Anwendungen
* Industrielle Erfahrungen und Fallstudien mit Semantic Web
Web Services:
* Web-Services: State-of-the-art und Standardisierung
* Web Services in der Praxis, Anwendungsbeispiele (Case Studies),
Einsatzerfahrungen (Lessons Learned)
* Integration von Web-Services mit Semantic Web und Grid-Techniken
XML und Datenbanken
* Management von XML-Daten
* XML-Anfragebearbeitung
* Modellierung mit XML
* Daten- und Schema-Integration von und mit XML
Darüber hinaus sind Themen aus dem gesamten Spektrum von XML-Themen
erwünscht, beispielsweise:
* Innovative Erweiterungen und Ergänzungen von XML-Kerntechnologien
* Performance von XML-Technologien
* Sicherheit und Datenschutz mit XML
* Technologien und Anwendungen in Publishing und Content Management mit XML
* Technologien und Anwendungen im Electronic Business mit XML
* Technologien und Anwendungen zu Web Engineering mit XML
* AJAX Technologien
* Scripting und XML
* Technologien und Anwendungen Suchtechnologien mit XML
* Technologien und Anwendungen in der Sprachverarbeitung mit XML
* Technologien und Anwendungen in Multimediaanwendungen mit XML-Technologien
* Technologien und Anwendungen für XML-basierte Human-Resource-Anwendungen
* XML-Anwendungen als Fallstudien für Integration
* Durch XML-Technologien induzierte Änderungen in Wertschöpfungsketten
Einreichen von Beiträgen
Reguläre Einreichungen (Umfang bis zu 12 Seiten) präsentieren
eigenständige Arbeiten in den genannten Bereichen, Kurzbeiträge (bis
zu 6 Seiten) stellen Forschungsideen, Positionen oder laufende
Arbeiten kurz vor. Einreichungen werden in deutscher und englischer
Sprache akzeptiert. Der Beitrag darf nicht schon an anderer Stelle
veröffentlicht sein oder zur Begutachtung vorliegen. Alle
Einreichungen werden durch das Programmkomitee begutachtet. Beiträge
sind grundsätzlich im PDF-Format einzureichen und müssen das
LNI-Format der Gesellschaft für Informatik verwenden. Bitte beachten
Sie die Hinweise für Autoren der GI-Serie Lecture Notes in
Informatics unter
Formatvorlagen für Word und LaTeX sind dort
erhältlich. Die Einreichung von Beiträgen erfolgt ausschließlich
online über die Web-Site der XML-Tage in Berlin unter
Mindestens einer der Autoren von angenommenen Beiträgen muss sich als
Teilnehmer zu den XML-Tagen in Berlin anmelden und die Arbeit in einem
Vortrag präsentieren.
Wichtige Termine:
Frist für die Einreichung der Beiträge: 9.6.2006
Benachrichtigung über Akzeptanz/Ablehnung: 24.7.2006
Einreichung der endgültigen Version: 9.8.2006
Konferenztage: 25.-26.9.2006
Die XML-Tage in Berlin werden vom XML Clearinghouse und von den GI
Fachgruppen Multimedia, Hypertext und Hypermedia, Natürlichsprachliche
Systeme sowie Datenbanken unterstützt.
Dr. Rainer Eckstein, HU zu Berlin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Tolksdorf, FU Berlin
Chairs: Rainer Eckstein, HU zu Berlin und Robert Tolksdorf, FU Berlin
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: NGITS 2006 - Deadline extended to February 7, 2006
Datum: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 13:42:07 +0200
Von: Opher Etzion <OPHER(a)il.ibm.com>
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
NGITS 2006
6th International Workshop on
Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems July 4-6, 2006 Kibbutz
Shefayim, Israel http://mis.haifa.ac.il/~ngits
NGITS 2006 is the sixth workshop in a series that was launched in 1993 to
promote research on new technologies in information systems. Information
on the previous five NGITS workshops may be found at
The NGITS workshop is a 3-day event that combines keynote addresses,
presentations of research papers, discussion panels, technical
demonstrations, and social events.
Authors are invited to submit papers that describe original research
results ("research papers"). In addition, authors may submit papers that
outline new viewpoints and challenges ("vision papers"), or describe the
implementation or deployment of a novel technology in an actual setting
("experience papers").
Submissions may be either full papers or extended abstracts. Proposals for
panels and demonstrations are also solicited.
Proceedings of the workshop will be published in Springer-Verlag's LNCS
series, and will be distributed to all participants at the conference.
We solicit papers on all aspects of information systems. Of particular
interest are works that combine multiple disciplines of computer science to
develop new technologies for information systems. To illustrate the scope
of NGITS, a list of topics is given below, but note that submissions are
not limited to these topics.
- Information systems design and development
- Agent based information systems
- Workflow management
- Information integration
- Cooperative information systems
- Information quality
- Information security and privacy
- Data warehousing and OLAP
- Data mining and knowledge discovery
- Information retrieval, filtering, and extraction
- Knowledge management and ontologies
- The semantic web
- Web services
- Semi-structured data
- User interfaces to information and information visualization
- New challenges for database technology
(e.g., multimedia information, biological information)
- Information systems for specific domains
(e.g., health, education, commerce, government)
Andrei Broder, Yahoo!.
Don Ferguson, IBM.
Yechiam Yemini, Columbia University.
- Title and abstract (encouraged): January 1, 2006
- Full or brief papers: February 1, 2006 - Deadline extended to February 7,
- Panel and demonstration proposals: February 1, 2006
- Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2006
- Camera-ready papers: April 15, 2006
- NGITS 2006 Workshop: July 4-6, 2006
The workshop venue is the hotel and conference center at Kibbutz Shefayim,
located near the Mediterranean coast about 10 miles (16 km) north of Tel
Aviv, http://www.h-shefayim.co.il.
Opher Etzion, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel Amihai Motro, George Mason
University, USA
Tsvi Kuflik, Haifa University, Israel
Nilly Schnapp, Israel
Opher Etzion, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel Avigdor Gal, Technion, Israel
Alon Halevy, University of Washington, USA Amihai Motro, George Mason
University, USA Ron Pinter, Technion, Israel Avi Silberschatz, Yale
University, USA Peretz Shoval, Ben Gurion University, Israel Shalom Tsur,
Serge Abiteboul, INRIA, France,
Nabil Adam, Rutgers University,
Hamideh Afsarmanesh, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Irit Askira-Gelman, University of Arizona, USA,
Catriel Beeri, Hebrew University, Israel,
Iris Berger, Haifa University, Israel,
Dan Berry, Waterloo University, Canada
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA,
Martin Bichler, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany,
Andrei Broder, Yahoo Research, USA,
Jen-Yao Chung, IBM Watson, USA,
Alessandro D'Atri, Luiss University, Italy
Vijay Dialani, IBM Almaden Center, USA,
Anhai Doan, University of Illinois - Urbana, USA,
Asuman Dogac, Middle East Technical University, Turkey,
Carlotta Domeniconi, George Mason University, USA
Ophir Frieder, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA,
Paolo Giorgini, University of Trento, Italy,
Ehud Gudes, Ben-Gurion University, Israel,
Alfons Kemper, Technische Universität M.nchen, Germany
Larry Kerschberg, George Mason University, USA,
David Konopnicki, IBM,
Manolis Koubarakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Yossi Matias, Tel Aviv University, Israel,
Tova Milo, Tel Aviv University, Israel,
Mukesh Mohania, IBM India Research Lab, India,
Felix Naumann, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany
George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Norman Paton, University of Manchaster, UK,
Francesco Ricci, L'Istituto Trentino di Cultura, Italy,
Naphtali Rishe, Florida International University, USA
Doron Rotem, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA,
Steve Schach, Vanderbilt University, USA,
Yuval Shahar, Ben-Gurion University, Israel,
Oded Shmueli, Technion, Israel
Charles A. Shoniregun, University of East London,
Pnina Soffer, Haifa University, Israel,
Carlo Strapparava, L'Istituto Trentino di Cultura, Italy,
Bernhard Thalheim, Kiel University, Germany
Yair Wand, University of British Columbia, Canada,
Ouri Wolfson, University of Illinois - Chicago, USA,
Carlo Zaniolo, University of California - Los Angeles, USA
All papers should be submitted via the workshop's Web site at
http://mis.haifa.ac.il/~ngits. Submissions must be in PDF format and in
Springer's LNCS format. Full papers are limited to 12 pages, and extended
abstracts are limited to 4 pages. Authors should indicate their type of
submission by noting under the paper title (1) whether its primary
contribution is "Research", "Vision" or "Experience", and (2) whether it is
a "Full Paper" or an "Extended Abstract". Additional details on the
submission procedure may be found at the workshop's Web site.
Suggestions for panels and demonstrations should be sent to one of the
program co-chairs by February 1, 2006. Panel proposals should include a
title, an abstract and a list of 4-8 participants. Proposal for
demonstrations should include a brief description.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Industrial Conference on Data Mining
Datum: Wed, 01 Feb 2006 10:59:43 +0100
Von: Dr. Petra Perner <pperner(a)ibai-institut.de>
Antwort an: pperner(a)ibai-institut.de
Firma: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers
Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM-Leipzig 2006
Leipzig, July 14-15, 2006
See also our workshops running in connection with ICDM link workshops
Workshop on Data Mining in the Life Sciences, DMLS 2006
Workshop on Mass-Data Analysis of Microscopic Images, MDA 2006
Workshop on Data Mining in Marketing, DMM 2006
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Special Semester on Groebner Bases 2006
Datum: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 13:58:42 +0100
Von: Alexander Zapletal <alexander.zapletal(a)oeaw.ac.at>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Call for Participation
*Special Semester on Gröbner Bases 2006*
directed by *Bruno Buchberger*, the inventor of the method.
*/- Learn the method from the top experts !
- Get information on recent applications and research !
- Contribute a presentation !
/The theory of Gröbner bases is currently one of the main techniques in
computer algebra.*
The *following workshops* are offered in the course of the special semester:
- Feb 06 - Feb 17: "Gröbner Bases Theory and Applications in Algebraic
Geometry" (Chairpersons: Gert-Martin Greuel
<http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/%7Egreuel/en>, Gerhard Pfister
- Feb 20 - Feb 24: "Approximate Commutative Algebra" (Chairperson:
Lorenzo Robbiano <http://www.dima.unige.it/%7Erobbiano>)
- Feb 27 - Mar 03: "Efficient Computation of Gröbner Bases"
(Chairpersons: Jean-Charles Faugère
<http://fgbrs.lip6.fr/jcf/index.html>, Viktor Levandovskyy
Quoc-Nam Tran <mailto:tranqn@HAL.LAMAR.EDU>)
- Mar 06 - Mar 10: "Formal Gröbner Bases Theory" (Chairperson: Bruno
Buchberger <http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/people/buchberg/>)
- May 01 - May 06: "Gröbner Bases in Cryptography, Coding Theory, and
Algebraic Combinatorics" (Chairpersons: Mikhail Klin
<mailto:klin@cs.bgu.ac.il>, Ludovic Perret
<mailto:ludovic.perret@uclouvain.be>, Max Sala <mailto:msala@csmail.ucc.ie>)
- May 08 - May 17: "Gröbner Bases in Symbolic Analysis" (Chairpersons:
Peter Paule
Dongming Wang <http://www-calfor.lip6.fr/%7Ewang/>, Markus Rosenkranz
- May 18 - May 19: "Gröbner Bases in Control Theory and Signal
Processing" (Chairperson: Hyungju Park
- "Gröbner Bases in Life Sciences", date and chairperson(s) under
*For all details and registration see
Workshop fee: 150 Euros per workshop. A limited number of fellowships
for doc and postdoc students is available.
Best regards,
Bruno Buchberger
Bruno Buchberger
Professor of Computer Mathematics
and Director of the Softwarepark Hagenberg
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
Johannes Kepler University, A 4232 Castle of Hagenberg, Austria
Phone office: ++ 43 732 2468 9921
Mobile phone: ++ 43 664 4211646
Fax: ++ 43 732 2468 9930
E-mail: bruno.buchberger(a)jku.at
home page: www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/people/buchberger
Alexander Zapletal, Dipl.-Ing.
Scientific Assistant of Professor Buchberger
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM)
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Altenbergerstraße 69
A-4040 Linz, Austria
Phone office: ++43 732 2468 5253
E-mail: alexander.zapletal(a)oeaw.ac.at