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Subject: CFP - IEEE TEM : Cultural Issues and IT Management
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 12:04:02 +0800
From: Robert Davison <isrobert(a)IS.CITYU.EDU.HK>
> This is the third call for papers for a special issue of the IEEE
> Transactions on Engineering Management on Cultural Issues and IT
> Management.
> The deadline for submission is Sept 30th, 2001, but the co-editors
> encourage
> early submission and submission of abstracts for guidance to content, etc.
> The prominent role of computer-based information systems and modern
> telecommunications in the recent success of the United States economy has
> further heightened the global interest in information technologies (IT).
> Managers all over the world are seeking to improve business performance
> through IT application. Unfortunately, many organisations have invested
> in
> IT without achieving any tangible benefits. A common problem is that
> their
> efforts are inconsistent with the prevailing (societal and organisational)
> culture and/or they fail to build a culture to support change. Despite an
> emerging consensus that context does matter, IT specialists still tend to
> seek universal formulae for successful practice, while ignoring or
> downplaying the messiness of human factors in different environments.
> However, as IT provides growing levels of interactivity and networking, we
> are becoming more conscious of not only the world as a whole, but also the
> cultural differences that exist across societies. There is a growing
> realization that it is difficult to transfer and assimilate an IT
> application into a different societal culture. The limited research to
> date
> on the impact of cultural issues on IT management has tended to compare
> and
> contrast phenomena in two or three organisations or countries and then
> attribute the differences to "culture". Seldom have researchers searched
> beneath the surface in an attempt to understand the reasons for the
> differences that have been observed. As a result, our current
> understanding
> of how and why specific cultural attributes affect the planning and
> implementation of IT-enabled business process change efforts remains very
> limited. Technology and engineering managers have been left to cope with
> cultural issues without being able to draw on empirically-tested
> prescriptions or the experiences (successful or otherwise) of others.
> This special issue seeks to advance our empirical and theoretical
> knowledge
> of the cultural issues that arise from and affect IT management by
> soliciting papers that address this topic. This is to be accomplished by
> bringing together a series of empirical and conceptual papers that probe
> the
> "hows" and "whys" of these issues. Research that addresses critical IT
> planning and implementation issues in terms of cultural factors will also
> be
> encouraged.
> To be specific, we are calling for:
> 1) Strategy and Policy Issues papers that
> authoritatively discuss the progress to date and the future directions for
> research on how culture influences or shapes IT management;
> 2) Research Articles that present the results of
> ongoing or completed research on the focal topic or consider applications
> of
> or management approaches to IT that have encountered, overcome or been
> defeated by cultural issues;
> 3) Technical Management Notes that pose critical
> implementation problems or discuss experiences using published results;
> and
> 4) Focus on Practice papers that describe significant
> application issues or report on successful or unsuccessful applications of
> IT management prescriptions or theories in different cultural contexts.
> Papers submitted to this special issue will be reviewed in accordance with
> the Transactions editorial policy. Submissions may be electronic, in
> which
> case a Word file attached to an email message is preferred. Please ensure
> that the file(s) are virus free. Hard copy submissions should include five
> copies and should be submitted to either of the two co-editors. Submission
> of an abstract well before the deadline is encouraged to confirm the
> appropriateness of content, etc.
> An electronic copy of this call for papers may be found at:
> http://www.is.cityu.edu.hk/people/academicstaff/rd/rd-tem01.htm
> Robert Davison
> Dept of Information Systems
> City University of Hong Kong
> isrobert(a)cityu.edu.hk
> Maris Martinsons
> Dept of Management
> City University of Hong Kong
> mgmaris(a)cityu.edu.hk
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: MERIT 2001 Call for Participation - ECOOP 2001
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 16:43:28 +0100
From: Sergio de Cesare <Sergio.deCesare(a)BRUNEL.AC.UK>
International Workshop on Mechanisms for Enterprise Integration: From
Objects to Ontologies (MERIT 2001) at the 15th European Conference on
Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2001)
The Workshop will be held in Budapest on the 19 June 2001.
Web sites:
The expansion of the Internet and the growth of e-commerce systems have
accentuated pre-existing problems related with systems interoperability and
the definition of common semantics throughout business organisations.
Communication and exchange of data and information between business systems
is nowadays dependent on the definition, modelling, design and
implementation of underlying concepts shared across organisations. The
issues involved are not just related to infrastructure and technology.
Indeed fundamental problems exist around the understanding of what
'concepts' are shared, how they relate and what mechanisms should be
adopted to allow systems to communicate and interoperate at all levels.
Genericity mechanisms, such as patterns, frameworks and components, have
the potential for defining, modelling, designing and implementing shared
concepts. Such mechanisms have inherited many object-oriented principles
and built upon them to enhance the generalised nature of business problems
and solutions both vertically (within the same domain) and horizontally
(across different domains). Increasingly, these are supported by emerging
'ontological' definitions and related languages (e.g. XML) designed to
exemplify genericity. The potential contribution of XML to the definition
of business ontologies and semantics is also relevant. Researchers and
practitioners world-wide are exploring the possibility of defining
interoperable industry specifications based on XML and the definition of an
Ontology Markup Language.
The adoption and implementation of genericity mechanisms and ontological
'tools' is difficult to implement in 'greenfield' situations. These
difficulties are exacerbated in 'brownfield' situations in which clear
architectural separations do not exist and multiple technologies do exist.
In light of this the aim of the workshop is to discuss:
- How shared business ontologies can be defined and represented
- How the underlying semantics can be represented and implemented through
object and component-based technologies
- The role of mechanisms of generic abstraction in the definition of common
- The role of XML in the definition of business ontologies
- The workshop will follow these phases:
The workshop will be organised as follows:
- Presentation of reviewed papers followed by discussion and questions
- Participants will be divided into groups of interest to discuss specific
subtopics emerging from the previous phase
- General discussion of points drawn by the groups in phase two
- Conclusion
All academics and industrial practitioners interested in approaches to
enterprise integration are invited to participate.
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [SICStus] CFP: ICLP ws SAVE 2001
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 17:08:38 +0200 (CEST)
From: Giorgio Delzanno <giorgio(a)etabeta.disi.unige.it>
To: quintus-users(a)sics.se
== We apologize for multiple copies of this message
ICLP 2001 workshop SAVE 2001
Specification, Analysis and Validation for Emerging Technologies
in Computational Logic
Dec 1, 2001 , Coral Beach Hotel and Resort, Paphos, Cyprus
Submission Deadline: August 25, 2001
The huge increase in interconnectivity we have witnessed in the last decade
has boosted the development of systems which are often large-scale,
distributed, time-critical, and possibly acting in an unreliable or
malicious environment. Furthermore, software and hardware components are
often mobile, and have to interact with a potentially arbitrary number of
other entities.
These systems require solid formal techniques for their verification and
analysis. In this respect, computational logic plays an increasingly
important role, both providing formal methods for proving system's
correctness and tools - e.g. using techniques like constraint programming
and theorem proving - for verifying their properties.
In addition, computational logic is gaining importance as tool for the
specification of (part) of these systems. For instance, one can think at the
specification, in a form of temporal logic, of a communication protocol.
Such specification offers the advantage that one can reason about it using
formal methods, and at the same time it is often easily executable by
rewriting it into a logic-based programming language.
Extending and shifting slightly from the scope of the predecessors (on
verification and logic languages) held in the context of past editions of
ICLP, the aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested
in the use of computational logicas a tool for the specification, analysis
and validation of systems, with particular emphasis on (but not restricted
to) emerging technologies like World Wide Web and E-Commerce, (protocols
for) Smart Cards and Mobile Telephony, Wireless Technology, Hybrid Systems,
Real-Time and Distributed systems etc.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Specification languages and rapid prototyping:
Logic programming and its extensions
First-order, constructive, modal and temporal logic
Type theory
Abstract interpretation
Static analysis
Simulation and testing
Deductive methods
Model checking
Theorem proving
The preferred issues include, but are not limited to:
Mobility: specification and verification of mobile code.
Security: access rights, information flow, and security protocols.
Interaction, coordination, negotiation, communication and exchange on the
Web. Open and infinite-state systems.
Real-time systems.
Important Dates:
Deadline for submissions: August 25, 2001.
Notification of acceptance/rejection: September 15, 2001.
Final papers due: October 5, 2001.
Authors should submit papers of at most 15 pages, in postscript format,
formatted for A4 paper, to Giorgio Delzanno (giorgio(a)disi.unige.it) by
31st July 2001. The proceedings will be published in electronic format.
A printed version will be distributed to all
participants of the workshop.
On the basis of the number and quality of the submissions, we could also
consider the possibility of inviting submissions for a special issue of an
international journal dedicated to the workshop.
Workshop Organizers/PC Chairs:
Giorgio Delzanno
Dipartimento di Informatica e Scienze dell'Informazione
Universita' di Genova
Sandro Etalle
Department of Computer Science
University of Twente and CWI
Maurizio Gabbrielli
Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica
Universita' di Udine
Program Committee:
Radhia Cousot, CNRS & École Polytechnique, France
Giorgio Delzanno, University of Genova, Italy
Sandro Etalle, University of Twente and CWI, The Netherlands
Maurizio Gabbrielli, University of Udine, Italy
Thierry Massart, University of Brussels, Belgium
Frank Pfenning, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Andreas Podelski, Max Planck Institute, Germany
Sriram Rajamani, Microsoft Research, USA
Jean-Francois Raskin, University of Brussels, Belgium
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [SICStus] [CP2001] Call for Tutorial Proposals
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 10:54:03 +0100
From: Ian Miguel <ianm(a)cs.york.ac.uk>
To: Colibri(a)let.uu.nl, DAI-List(a)ece.sc.edu, IDSS(a)socs.uts.edu.au, acl2(a)cs.utexas.edu, acl(a)cs.columbia.edu, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, amast(a)cs.utwente.nl, apes(a)cs.strath.ac.uk, apng-all(a)apng.org, atp_alias(a)cs.jcu.edu.au, benelog(a)cs.kuleuven.ac.be, calculemus-ig(a)dist.unige.it, calligramme(a)loria.fr, caml-list(a)pauillac.inria.fr, categories(a)mta.ca, clp(a)comp.nus.edu.sg, clpr-users(a)comp.nus.edu.sg, collinsp(a)scot.ac.uk, comlab(a)comlab.ox.ac.uk, comprox(a)doc.ic.ac.uk, compulognet-parimp(a)dia.fi.upm.es, compunode(a)compulog.org, concurrency(a)cwi.nl, constraints-list(a)cwi.nl, cs-logic(a)cs.indiana.edu, csl99org(a)eucmos.sim.ucm.es, csl(a)dbai.tuwien.ac.at, dai-list(a)mcc.com, discipl(a)inria.fr, distributed-ai(a)mailbase.ac.uk, dma-list(a)nic.surfnet.nl, eacsl(a)dimi.uniud.it, eapls(a)mailbase.ac.uk, eatcs-it(a)cs.unibo.it, eclipse_users(a)ecrc.de, elsnet-list(a)cogsci.ed.ac.uk, flprog(a)informatik.uni-muenchen.de, fm-info(a)air16.larc.nasa.gov, formal-methods(a)cs.uidaho.edu, fr-sem(a)frmug.org, frocos(a)loria.fr, gulp(a)di.unipi.it, !
hpsg-l(a)lists.stanford.edu, ikbs(a)caad.ed.ac.uk, isabelle-users(a)cl.cam.ac.uk, kgs(a)dbai.tuwien.ac.at, kgs(a)logic.tuwien.ac.at, lambda-usergroup(a)dcs.ed.ac.uk, lfcs-interest(a)dcs.ed.ac.uk, lfg(a)lists.stanford.edu, logic-ml(a)logic.jaist.ac.jp, lpnmr(a)cs.engr.uky.edu, lprolog-list(a)cis.upenn.edu, lprolog(a)cis.upenn.edu, maamaw(a)cosmos.imag.fr, ml(a)ics.uci.edu, mlnet(a)swi.psy.uva.nl, mol(a)cis.upenn.edu, mrg(a)itc.it, nl-kr(a)cs.rpi.edu, nlcl(a)cogs.susx.ac.uk, nlp-ia(a)bosoleil.ci.umoncton.ca, nqthm-users(a)cli.com, nuprllist(a)cs.cornell.edu, owner-uai(a)cs.orst.edu, users(a)mozart-oz.org, ozsl-list(a)wins.uva.nl, papm(a)dcs.ed.ac.uk, practical-applications(a)pap.com, prolog-pe(a)bach.ces.cwru.edu, pvs(a)csl.sri.com, qed(a)mcs.anl.gov, quintus-users(a)quintus.com, rewriting(a)ens-lyon.fr, theorem-provers(a)mc.lcs.mit.edu, theory-logic(a)cs.cmu.edu, types(a)cis.upenn.edu, uai(a)cs.orst.edu, vdm-forum(a)mailbase.ac.uk, vki-list(a)dfki.de, zforum(a)prg.ox.ac.uk
Apologies if you receive this more than once:
The CP'2001 Program Committee invites proposals for the Tutorial
Program to be held in Cyprus. Tutorials will take place during the
technical program.
CP'2001 tutorials are ideally targeted at the whole constraint
community and should give a state of the art description of a field of
research related to constraint programming or of a large area of
application. Tutorials may address theoretical and/or practical aspect
of constraint solving. Typical subjects, without any limitation are:
numerical CSP, global constraints, n-ary constraints, soft
constraints, mathematical programming, dynamic programming and
constraints, cooperation between methods, local search,
functional/concurrent/logic constraint programming, areas of
application (eg. bioinformatics)...
Important Dates for Tutorials
August 31, 2001: Proposal submission deadline
September 14, 2001: Acceptance notification
October 15, 2001: Deadline for tutorial notes
November 26-30, 2001: CP technical program and tutorials
More information on http://www.inra.fr/bia/T/schiex/cfwp.html
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for papers reminder - 2nd European Conference on Knowledge Management
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 15:48:10 +0100
From: Sue Nugus <sue(a)MCIL.CO.UK>
This is to remind you that the date for submissions to the 2nd European
Conference onn Knowledge Management is 30 June. The conference this year is
being held in Bled, Slovenia on 8-9 November. A full call for papers and
preliminary invitation can be found at
http://www.iedc.si/eng/news/eckm2001.html and on the conference section of
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
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| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP - 1st Annual Mid-Year Conference, IS Section of American Accounting Assoc.
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 09:54:34 -0400
From: Dan Stone <dstone(a)pop.uky.edu>
First Annual AAA-IS Section
Mid-Year Conference
Orlando, Florida
January 11-12, 2002
Conference Information: The First Annual Mid-Year Conference of the AAA - IS
section will be held in Orlando, FL, January 11-12, 2002. The agenda
includes a day and a half of academic paper presentations and a panel of
leading practitioners discussing Accounting and IS Issues: Where
Practitioners Would Like To See More Academic Research. A half-day
intensive symposium addressing teaching issues will conclude the conference
on Saturday afternoon. The conference will be held at the Embassy Suites
all-suite hotel, conveniently located near a variety of restaurants and
major Orlando attractions. Complimentary transportation to all Disney World
attractions is provided. Hotel reservation and additional conference
information is forthcoming at the AAA-IS website (http://aaa-is.byu.edu).
Submission Guidelines: We invite submissions related to all aspects of
systems and technology. We especially encourage submissions on the
following topics:
The technology revolution in accounting and its implications for the
future of accounting practice, research, and education.
Linkages of technology and systems with financial accounting,
managerial accounting, taxation, international accounting, public interest
issues, and accounting education.
Some papers accepted for this conference will be published in the Journal of
Information Systems (JIS), at authors discretion. Submissions must be in
electronic form. The normal $25 JIS submission fee is waived for conference
submissions. Papers not accepted for the conference (and submissions
received after the deadline) may also be treated as non-conference
submissions to JIS, at authors discretion.
Please direct inquiries regarding academic manuscript submissions to Dan
Stone (dstone(a)pop.uky.edu, 859-257-3043). Electronic submissions are due by
September 15, 2001. Early submission is highly encouraged. Authors will be
notified regarding acceptance of manuscripts for the conference by November
15, 2001. By December 15, 2001, authors of accepted submissions will
provide the editor and designated session discussant with a final electronic
copy of their manuscript.
Submission of educational papers, cases and proposed panels for the teaching
symposium should be directed to Nancy Bagranoff (bagranna(a)muohio.edu,
513-529-6213). Electronic submissions to the teaching symposium are due by
October 1, 2001. Notification of acceptance to the teaching symposium will
be made by December 1, 2001. Additional information regarding the teaching
symposium is also forthcoming at the AAA-IS website (http://aaa-is.byu.edu).
Please direct all other conference inquiries to the conference chair, Amy
Ray (aray(a)bentley.edu, 781-891-2811).
* Dan Stone, Gatton Endowed Chair of Accounting, Univ. of Kentucky,
* Von Allmen School of Accountancy, 355 Business & Economics, Lexington, KY
* internet: dstone(a)pop.uky.edu, www:
* phone: 859-257-3043, fax: 859-257-3654, office: 355LL Business & Economics
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for papers reminder - 2nd European Conference on Knowledge Management
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 15:48:10 +0100
From: Sue Nugus <sue(a)MCIL.CO.UK>
This is to remind you that the date for submissions to the 2nd European
Conference onn Knowledge Management is 30 June. The conference this year is
being held in Bled, Slovenia on 8-9 November. A full call for papers and
preliminary invitation can be found at
http://www.iedc.si/eng/news/eckm2001.html and on the conference section of
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP - 1st Annual Mid-Year Conference, IS Section of American Accounting Assoc.
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 09:54:34 -0400
From: Dan Stone <dstone(a)pop.uky.edu>
First Annual AAA-IS Section
Mid-Year Conference
Orlando, Florida
January 11-12, 2002
Conference Information: The First Annual Mid-Year Conference of the AAA - IS
section will be held in Orlando, FL, January 11-12, 2002. The agenda
includes a day and a half of academic paper presentations and a panel of
leading practitioners discussing Accounting and IS Issues: Where
Practitioners Would Like To See More Academic Research. A half-day
intensive symposium addressing teaching issues will conclude the conference
on Saturday afternoon. The conference will be held at the Embassy Suites
all-suite hotel, conveniently located near a variety of restaurants and
major Orlando attractions. Complimentary transportation to all Disney World
attractions is provided. Hotel reservation and additional conference
information is forthcoming at the AAA-IS website (http://aaa-is.byu.edu).
Submission Guidelines: We invite submissions related to all aspects of
systems and technology. We especially encourage submissions on the
following topics:
· The technology revolution in accounting and its implications for the
future of accounting practice, research, and education.
· Linkages of technology and systems with financial accounting,
managerial accounting, taxation, international accounting, public interest
issues, and accounting education.
Some papers accepted for this conference will be published in the Journal of
Information Systems (JIS), at authors discretion. Submissions must be in
electronic form. The normal $25 JIS submission fee is waived for conference
submissions. Papers not accepted for the conference (and submissions
received after the deadline) may also be treated as non-conference
submissions to JIS, at authors discretion.
Please direct inquiries regarding academic manuscript submissions to Dan
Stone (dstone(a)pop.uky.edu, 859-257-3043). Electronic submissions are due by
September 15, 2001. Early submission is highly encouraged. Authors will be
notified regarding acceptance of manuscripts for the conference by November
15, 2001. By December 15, 2001, authors of accepted submissions will
provide the editor and designated session discussant with a final electronic
copy of their manuscript.
Submission of educational papers, cases and proposed panels for the teaching
symposium should be directed to Nancy Bagranoff (bagranna(a)muohio.edu,
513-529-6213). Electronic submissions to the teaching symposium are due by
October 1, 2001. Notification of acceptance to the teaching symposium will
be made by December 1, 2001. Additional information regarding the teaching
symposium is also forthcoming at the AAA-IS website (http://aaa-is.byu.edu).
Please direct all other conference inquiries to the conference chair, Amy
Ray (aray(a)bentley.edu, 781-891-2811).
* Dan Stone, Gatton Endowed Chair of Accounting, Univ. of Kentucky,
* Von Allmen School of Accountancy, 355 Business & Economics, Lexington, KY
* internet: dstone(a)pop.uky.edu, www:
* phone: 859-257-3043, fax: 859-257-3654, office: 355LL Business & Economics
| The Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS are electronic
| publications sponsored by the Association for Information Systems
| JAIS: http://jais.aisnet.org/ - CAIS: http://cais.aisnet.org/
|----------------------- ISWorld Net Footer ------------------------
| Need help with ISWorld? -> http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/isworld/
| If you can't find an answer contact isworld_manager(a)cornell.edu