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nachstehend unser Projekt. Projekt GR1:
command='curl ""' outArr=.array~new ADDRESS SYSTEM command WITH OUTPUT USING (outArr) source=outArr~makeString
DO i = 1 TO 5 parse var source '<creator>' name '</creator>' parse var source '<title xml:lang="eng">' titel '</title>' Say name Say titel parse var source '</title>' source END
REXXout>Komori-Glatz, Miya REXXout>Exploratory Interactive Explaining (EXINTEX): Constructing Disciplinary Knowledge in Two Multilingual University Settings REXXout>Komori-Glatz, Miya REXXout>Fiscal Multipliers in a Small Open Economy: The Case of Austria REXXout>Čapek, Jan REXXout>Multi-mode standardization under extreme time-pressure – the case of COVID-19 contact-tracing apps REXXout>Marhold, Klaus REXXout>A study into the contingencies of process improvement methods REXXout>Malinova Mandelburger, Monika REXXout>A hybrid multi-regional input-output model of China: Integrating the physical agricultural biomass and food system into the monetary supply chain