Dear all,
Hope you have a wonderful day! ;)
I have started to draft the project objectives here:
Password: consentIng?21
It’s not yet finished (I will later finish it today—it’s a very busy day), but a draft of the most important part (i.e. the first paragraph) is there.
I’ll appreciate it if you kindly review it. Please either turn on the "track changes” or leave comments.
Thanks a lot, Cheers, Soheil
Director Sustainable Computing Lab Institute for Information Systems and New Media, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) Lecturer Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear Soheil,
I see this is a very good beginning, I would like to see now a numbered list of objectives (O1, O2...). Reflecting on the text of the call (red color is mine):
ExpectedOutcome: Projects are expected to contribute to some of the following expected outcomes:
* Improved scalable and reliable privacy-preserving technologies for federated processing of personal data and their integration in real-world systems YES. * More user-friendly solutions for privacy-preserving processing of federated personal data registries by researchers YES, but we have to provide enough evidence! * Improving privacy-preserving technologies for cyber threat intelligence and data sharing solution YES * Contribution to promotion of GDPR compliant European data spaces for digital services and research (in synergy with topic DATA-01-2021 of Horizon Europe Cluster 4) DIFFICULT! How can we support the trivial claim "we will cooperate with..."? just with a bunch of support letters? organising workshops, tutorials or other events? * Strengthened European ecosystem of open source developers and researchers of privacy-preserving solutions DIFFICULT! Instead of targetting developers, I would say we can claim our efforts to support the ecosystem focus on the standardization of the necessary specifications.
Regards, Víctor
El 08/09/2021 a las 15:20, Soheil Human escribió:
Dear all,
Hope you have a wonderful day! ;)
I have started to draft the project objectives here:
Password: consentIng?21
It’s not yet finished (I will later finish it today—it’s a very busy day), but a draft of the most important part (i.e. the first paragraph) is there.
I’ll appreciate it if you kindly review it. Please either turn on the "track changes” or leave comments.
Thanks a lot, Cheers, Soheil
*Director* Sustainable Computing Lab
Institute for Information Systems and New Media, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)
*Lecturer* Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear all,
Victor and I had a very constructive call today (thank you, Victor) and provided a set of suggestions for the project's objectives. I'd be most grateful if you kindly go through these objectives and improve them.
Password: consentIng?21
Here are some points to be considered: * How can the objectives be improved? * Are there any missing objectives? * What are the contributions of our objectives to the specific outcomes and impacts that are expected (based on the text call)? * What are the evaluation criteria for each of the objectives? How can we claim "objectively" that we were successful in the project?
(Please consider that the objectives’ texts are not finalised; but just a rough list of objectives.)
Thank you all, See you tomorrow at 13:00, Soheil
Director Sustainable Computing Lab Institute for Information Systems and New Media, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) Lecturer Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
On 08.09.2021, at 17:47, Víctor Rodríguez Doncel wrote:
Dear Soheil,
I see this is a very good beginning, I would like to see now a numbered list of objectives (O1, O2...). Reflecting on the text of the call (red color is mine): ExpectedOutcome: Projects are expected to contribute to some of the following expected outcomes:
Improved scalable and reliable privacy-preserving technologies for federated processing of personal data and their integration in real-world systems YES. More user-friendly solutions for privacy-preserving processing of federated personal data registries by researchers YES, but we have to provide enough evidence! Improving privacy-preserving technologies for cyber threat intelligence and data sharing solution YES Contribution to promotion of GDPR compliant European data spaces for digital services and research (in synergy with topic DATA-01-2021 of Horizon Europe Cluster 4) DIFFICULT! How can we support the trivial claim "we will cooperate with..."? just with a bunch of support letters? organising workshops, tutorials or other events? Strengthened European ecosystem of open source developers and researchers of privacy-preserving solutions DIFFICULT! Instead of targetting developers, I would say we can claim our efforts to support the ecosystem focus on the standardization of the necessary specifications.
Regards, Víctor
El 08/09/2021 a las 15:20, Soheil Human escribió:
Dear all,
Hope you have a wonderful day! ;)
I have started to draft the project objectives here:
Password: consentIng?21
It’s not yet finished (I will later finish it today—it’s a very busy day), but a draft of the most important part (i.e. the first paragraph) is there.
I’ll appreciate it if you kindly review it. Please either turn on the "track changes” or leave comments.
Thanks a lot, Cheers, Soheil
Director Sustainable Computing Lab Institute for Information Systems and New Media, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) Lecturer Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
-- Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel D3205 - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial ETS de Ingenieros Informáticos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo s/n Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, Spain Tel. (+34) 910672914 Skype: vroddon3 EU-CONSENTiNG_consortium mailing list