-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] First CFP: HWID2012 working conference on “Work Analysis and HCI” Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 14:53:54 +0100 From: Jacob Nørbjerg jno.itm@cbs.dk To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
First Call for Papers: HWID2012 working conference on ?Work Analysis and HCI? HWID Conference Website: <to come> Hosted by Copenhagen Business School Venue: Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Solbjerg Plads 3, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark Wednesday and Thursday, 5 ? 6 December 2012, in Copenhagen, Denmark Deadline for submissions: August 1st, 2012. ========================================================= Theme, Scope and Focus: The HUMAN WORK INTERACTION DESIGN 2012 (HWID 2012) working conference analyzes the combination of empirical Work Analysis and Human computer interaction (HCI). Human work analysis involves user goals, user requirements, tasks and procedures, human factors, cognitive and physical processes, contexts (organizational, social, cultural). In particular in the HCI and human factors tradition, work is analyzed as end-user tasks performed within a work domain. The focus is on the user?s experience of tasks (procedures) and the artefact environment (constraints in the work domain). Hierarchical Task Analysis (Annett & Duncan, 1967) and Work Domain Analysis (Salmon, Jenkins, Stanton, & Walker, 2010) are among the methods that can be used to analyse the goal-directed tasks, and map the work environmental constraints and opportunities for behavior. In addition, there is a strong tradition in HCI for studying work with ethnographic methods (Button & Sharrock, 2009) and from socio-technical perspectives (e.g., Nocera, Dunckley, & Sharp, 2007). These approaches focus on work as end-user actions performed together with other people in a field setting, that is, the user?s experience of using systems are social and organizational experiences. User experience, usability and interaction design are influenced by these approaches and techniques for analyzing and interpreting the human work, which eventually manifests in the design of technological products, systems and applications. The working conference will present current research of human work interaction design and industrial experiences in a wide spectrum of domains such as medical, safety critical systems, e-government, enterprise IT solutions, learning systems, information systems for rural populations, etc. The relevant domains not mentioned here could also be considered. The purpose of the working conference is to enable practitioners and researchers to analyze the relation between empirical work analysis and HCI/user experience. After the conference, a limited number of selected papers will be published in an IFIP Springer book. We expect the participants will be people from industry and academia with an interest on empirical work analysis, HCI, interaction design and usability and user experience in work situations and at the workplace. The working conference will be conducted in a good social atmosphere that invites to openness and provides time to reflection and discussion about each of the accepted papers and cases. We are interested in submissions that discuss the before mentioned aspects of work analysis and how the results of these manifests in the design of technological products, systems and applications. Also, today generic designs are applied to use-situations with very different purposes, as using the same social software or game for work and leisure situations. Thus, design shifts from design of a technology to design of various use-situations encompassing the same technological design, and we find that there is a need to discuss the relations between work analysis and design in both situations. The topics include, but are not limited to:
* Techniques and methods for mapping the relations between work analysis and interaction design * Translating (Cognitive) Work Analysis to Interaction Design * How work analysis can feed HCI testing and evaluation * Work analysis and HCI in medical and safety critical ICT * Work analysis and HCI in business contexts * Work analysis and HCI in enterprise-level systems * Work analysis and HCI in e-government services * Work analysis and HCI in Mobile Devices * User experience in work situations and at the workplace * Design cases bridging the gap between work analysis and interaction design * Socio-technical theory and HCI combined * Work analysis and HCI in cultural contexts * The concept of Work Analysis (Enid Mumford, Tavistock, ?work style?, HCI work analysis, cognitive work analysis, more) * Theory for relating interaction design and work analysis * Synergies between work analysis and model-driven interface development * Evolution of interface models in accordance to evolving human activity systems * Impact of emerging interaction technologies in human work practice
Submission guidelines: We invite two types of papers:
* Full research papers (10 pages) * Industry ? case studies & work in progress (4 pages)
For submissions to the working conference, the authors must use the LNCS templates and style files available from http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376- 0#anchor10. Download paper template with format specifications: typeinst.doc. All papers should be in the working conference publication format and sent as both pdf and MS Word files to tc.itm@cbs.dk mailto:tc.itm@cbs.dk anddinesh@cdac.in mailto:dinesh@cdac.in by August 1st 2012. An IFIP Springer copyright form must be filled in for each paper. They can be downloaded from http://www.springer.com/series/6102. Acceptance notification for conference papers: Notification of acceptance will be provided by 1st October 2012. All accepted papers will be published in the working conference proceedings in the form of an electronic copy with ISBN and made available to the participants. Selection of Papers for IFIP Springer Book: During the review process, the reviewers are asked to evaluate (also among papers from industry and students) whether the paper is suitable for an IFIP Springer book. We aim at most accepted full research papers to be included here, but also the possibility to have a very interesting perspective from industry or similar represented. This IFIP Springer book will be available after the conference. In addition, four to five papers will be selected for further development for a special issue in the International Journal of Socio-technology and Knowledge Development. Organizers:
* Torkil Clemmensen, Associate Professor, Department of IT Management, CBS, Denmark, Denmark * Dinesh Katre, Associate Director & HOD, Human-Centred Design & Computing, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune, India * Rikke Orngreen, Associate Professor, The research programme of Media and ICT in a Learning Perspective, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark * Pedro Campos, Assistant Professor, University of Madeira, Campus Universitario da Penteada, Funchal, Portugal * José Abdelnour Nocera, Postgraduate Computing Field Leader, Head of Centre for Internationalisation and Usability, University of West London, United Kingdom * Arminda Lopes, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Portugal
Program committee:
* Annelise Mark Pejtersen, Professor, Center of Cognitive Systems Engineering and the University of Washington, Denmark and USA. * Sergio España Cubillo, Investigador, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain * William Wong, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction and Head, Interaction Design Centre, Middlesex University, London * Anirudha Joshi, Associate Professor, Industrial Design Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India * Anant Bhaskar Garg, Professor, Centre for behavioural and cognitive sciences(CBCS), University of Allahabad, India * Thomas Visby Snitker, CEO, SnitkerGroup, UXalliance, Denmark * Pradeep Yammiyavar, Professor, Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India * Shailey Minocha, Associate Professor, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom * Morten Hertzum, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Roskilde University, Denmark
<?more to come...> About the conference: The Human Work interaction Design (HWID) working conference is organized by IFIP TC 13.6 working group, see http://hwid.cbs.dk/. The 1st HWID conference was organized at Madeira, Portugal in 2006 (Clemmensen, Campos, Orngreen, Pejtersen, & Wong, 2006). The 2nd HWID conference took place at Pune, India in 2009 (Katre, Orngreen, Yammiyavar, & Clemmensen, 2010). In continuation with this series of the IFIP WG 13.6 on Human Work Interaction Design, the 3rd HWID conference will be held at Copenhagen, Denmark on 5-6 December 2012.
Jacob Nørbjerg, Associate Professor Ph.D.
Department of IT Management
Copenhagen Business School
Howitzvej 60
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Ph: +45 3815 2478
Cell: +45 2479 4350
E-mail: jno.itm@cbs.dk mailto:jno.itm@cbs.dk
www.cbs.dk/staff/noerbjerg http://www.cbs.dk/Forskning/Institutter-centre/Institutter/node_165685/Menu/Medarbejdere/Menu/Videnskabelige-medarbejdere/Videnskabelige-medarbejdere/Lektor/noerbjerg
Skype: jnoerbjerg