-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: FabLearn Europe 2019 in Oulu Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 07:06:36 +0000 From: Marianne Kinnula marianne.kinnula@oulu.fi To: AISworld@lists.aisnet.org AISworld@lists.aisnet.org
Apologies for cross-posting. CALL FOR PAPERS We are arranging FabLearn Europe 2019 conference in University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland on May 28-29, 2019. The two-day conference brings together international researchers, educators, designers, and makers to discuss and explore digital fabrication in education, making in educational contexts, and hands-on learning for the 21st Century. See http://fablearn.eu for the conference web site. FabLearn Europe is organised as a sister conference to the global FabLearn conference that has been held over the past years at Stanford University, USA. Deadline for the conference papers will be February 28, 2019. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library in the FabLearn Europe 2019 proceedings. Extended versions of the best papers of the conference will be invited to be published in a special issue on Digital Fabrication in the Elsevier International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. Best regards, --Netta Iivari & Marianne Kinnula, general chairs - - - Call for Participation: FABLEARN EUROPE DIGITAL FABRICATION FOR 21ST CENTURY EDUCATION design – build – make – learn www.fablearn.eu May 28-29, 2019 University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland Deadline for Papers, Posters, Demos and Workshops: February 28, 2019 Notification of Acceptance: March 28, 2019 Conference chairs: Netta Iivari & Marianne Kinnula FabLearn Europe – an international conference on Creativity and Making in Education – invites submissions for the fourth FabLearn conference in Europe to be held May 28-29, 2019 at University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. The two-day conference brings together international researchers, educators, designers, and makers to discuss and explore digital fabrication in education, making in educational contexts, and hands-on learning for the 21st Century. FabLearn Europe is organised as a sister conference to the global FabLearn conference that has been held over the past years at Stanford University, USA. We seek submissions of papers, workshops, posters and demos that focus on topics related to learning and technology within the area of digital fabrication. We welcome submissions from people from multiple sectors including teachers, practitioners, technologists, designers and academics. Key areas of interest include: • Explorations and evaluations of digital fabrication in schools such as best practice case studies. • New methods for digital fabrication that have been tested in educational contexts. • Theoretical concerns concerning digital technologies, education or fabrication. • Emerging technologies for digital fabrication. • Innovative ideas in research and education with digital fabrication. • Design thinking, innovation or entrepreneurship in education. All submissions will be made here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fablearneurope2019 Please note the page limits in different submission categories and use the correct template for the submissions! Final selection will be made by the Program Committee based on the review reports. The program committee reserves the right to ask authors for specific changes as a precondition to publication. PAPERS The paper track is intended for those conducting research. This is a venue to present original research results in the realm of digital fabrication and “making” in educational settings. Papers must cite relevant published work, indicate novel approaches, and stress the importance of the submission to the digital fabrication/makers/hands-on learning communities. Full papers are submitted (not only abstracts) and they must be between 6-8 pages (plus references) in https://sigchi.org/templates/. Authors of accepted papers will be given 10-minute presentation slots and are encouraged to consider novel presentation methods. Authors will also have the optional opportunity to present physical A0 posters in the conference to speak with attendees about their work. The posters are not submitted for review. Please prepare your paper in a way that preserves anonymity of the authors. Content will be rigorously reviewed in double-blind review process by members of the program committee. Each submission will receive feedback in the form of at least three peer review reports. Conference papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library in the FabLearn Europe 2019 proceedings. Extended versions of the best papers of the conference will be invited to be published in a special issue on Digital Fabrication in the Elsevier International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. WORKSHOPS Workshops are interactive sessions demonstrating best-practice in innovative digital fabrication and/or hands-on learning activities used in classrooms, museums, and any other type of learning space. The workshops should be designed to last 1 or 2 hours and will be open to attendance by conference delegates. If your workshop targets teachers please make this clear along with why teachers would find attending your workshop valuable. Workshop organisers are invited to submit a 2-page summary of the workshop in https://sigchi.org/templates/. Workshop summaries will be published in the ACM Digital Library in the FabLearn Europe 2019 proceedings. POSTERS Posters are intended for anyone (teachers, practitioners, technologists, designers and academics etc.) working within the digital fabrication field who wish to share and discuss their ideas, insights, and findings with others. Poster submissions consist of a description of the work (2 pages) and a physical A0 poster summarising the key points. Posters will be displayed during the conference and delegates will be encouraged to visit the posters and ask questions of the authors during breaks. Poster submissions are 2-page (plus references) papers written in https://sigchi.org/templates/. A0 posters are not submitted for review. Poster papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library in the FabLearn Europe 2019 proceedings. DEMOS Demos are intended to showcase new digital fabrication tools, hands-on learning platforms, construction kits applicable to education, and student projects. The demos will be showcased during the conference and are similar to posters in that attendees will be encouraged to visit the demo stands during the breaks. Authors will also have the optional opportunity to present posters to speak with attendees about their work. Demo submissions take the form of 2-page papers written in https://sigchi.org/templates/. The optional A0 posters are not submitted for review. Demo submissions will be published in the ACM Digital Library in the FabLearn Europe 2019 proceedings. CONTACT Please contact marianne.kinnula at oulu [dot] fi with any queries Conference website: http://www.fablearn.eu
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