-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] Graduate MIS case competition - 2nd Annual SUIT Showdown, March 25 - 26, 2011, Bloomington, Indiana Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 20:59:59 +0000 From: Venkataraman, Ramesh venkat@indiana.edu To: 'AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org' AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org
2^nd Annual Strategic Use of Information Technology (SUIT) Showdown business case competition (March 25- 26, 2011, Bloomington, Indiana)
We would like to invite teams of graduate students from MS or MBA in IS/MIS/IT degree programs to participate in the 2^nd Annual Strategic Use of Information Technology (SUIT) Showdown, business case competition. This competition will be hosted by the MS in Information Systems (www.kelley.iu.edu/isgp http://www.kelley.iu.edu/isgp) program at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University and the AIS Student Chapter at Indiana University -- Bloomington.
The goal of this annual event, for graduate students enrolled in information systems programs, is to create a forum for students from different universities to interact with each other in a competitive environment that allows them to showcase their skills. Students will analyze a business case that involves the strategic use (i.e., acquisition, management, implementation, etc.) of information technology within a company. The case will emphasize the management aspects rather than the technical aspects of the field (i.e., teams will NOT be asked to provide detailed technical design specifications for a recommended information technology solution).
Last year's SUIT Showdown was held at College Station, Texas. More details can be found at http://cmis.tamu.edu/suitshowdown. Our hope is that the SUIT Showdown will become the premier event for students enrolled in graduate level information systems education.
Students who participate in the SUIT Showdown will:
·Acquire valuable experience presenting their ideas and demonstrating their skills in a business-IT case competition
·Expand their network by meeting competitors from other top universities
·Meet experienced practitioners from companies such as Whirlpool, Cummins, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Wellpoint, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and others who will judge the competition
·Enjoy a break away from the rigors of their course work
The competition will be held in picturesque Bloomington, Indiana on March 25^th and 26^th , 2011. All participating teams will be expected to pay a registration fee (TBD) as well cover the travel expenses for their team/coach.
Expressions of initial interest should be sent to Ramesh Venkataraman, venkat@indiana.edu mailto:venkat@indiana.edu, before January 31^st , 2011.
We look forward to seeing you at the SUIT Showdown!
SUIT Showdown Organizing Committee,
Sue Brown, University of Arizona (suebrown@eller.arizona.edu)
`Jon (Sean) Jasperson, Texas A&M University (jjasperson@mays.tamu.edu)
Ramesh Venkataraman, Indiana University (venkat@indiana.edu)