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Subject: [AISWorld] Graduate MIS case competition - 2nd Annual SUIT Showdown, March 25 - 26, 2011, Bloomington, Indiana
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 20:59:59 +0000
From: Venkataraman, Ramesh <venkat@indiana.edu>
To: 'AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org' <AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org>

2nd Annual Strategic Use of Information Technology (SUIT) Showdown business case competition (March 25- 26, 2011, Bloomington, Indiana)


We would like to invite teams of graduate students from MS or MBA in IS/MIS/IT degree programs to participate in the 2nd Annual Strategic Use of Information Technology (SUIT) Showdown, business case competition. This competition will be hosted by the MS in Information Systems (www.kelley.iu.edu/isgp) program at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University and the AIS Student Chapter at Indiana University – Bloomington.


The goal of this annual event, for graduate students enrolled in information systems programs, is to create a forum for students from different universities to interact with each other in a competitive environment that allows them to showcase their skills. Students will analyze a business case that involves the strategic use (i.e., acquisition, management, implementation, etc.) of information technology within a company. The case will emphasize the management aspects rather than the technical aspects of the field (i.e., teams will NOT be asked to provide detailed technical design specifications for a recommended information technology solution).


Last year’s SUIT Showdown was held at College Station, Texas. More details can be found at http://cmis.tamu.edu/suitshowdown.  Our hope is that the SUIT Showdown will become the premier event for students enrolled in graduate level information systems education.


Students who participate in the SUIT Showdown will:


·         Acquire valuable experience presenting their ideas and demonstrating their skills in a business-IT case competition

·         Expand their network by meeting competitors from other top universities

·         Meet experienced practitioners from companies such as Whirlpool, Cummins, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Wellpoint, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and  others who will judge the competition

·         Enjoy a break away from the rigors of their course work


The competition will be held in picturesque Bloomington, Indiana on March 25th and 26th, 2011. All participating teams will be expected to pay a registration fee (TBD) as well cover the travel expenses for their team/coach.  


Expressions of initial interest should be sent to Ramesh Venkataraman, venkat@indiana.edu, before January 31st, 2011.


We look forward to seeing you at the SUIT Showdown!


SUIT Showdown Organizing Committee,

Sue Brown, University of Arizona (suebrown@eller.arizona.edu)

`Jon (Sean) Jasperson, Texas A&M University (jjasperson@mays.tamu.edu)

Ramesh Venkataraman, Indiana University (venkat@indiana.edu)