-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] ECIS 2011 Affiliated events : Enterprise Systems and Business Process Capability Workshop 8th June, Helsinki, Finland Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2011 00:52:52 +0000 From: Moez Limayem MLimayem@walton.uark.edu To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org CC: redouane.elamrani@reims-ms.fr redouane.elamrani@reims-ms.fr
************************************************************************************************************************** *Call for Papers : **Enterprise Systems and Business Process Capability Workshop *
*ECIS 2011 **Affiliated events *www.reims-ms.fr/events/ecis2011 http://www.reims-ms.fr/events/ecis2011
*Date and Location*: 8^th June, Helsinki, Finland**
***************************************************************************************************************************** *Important dates ***
-Paper submissions deadline: 15 April, 2011
-Notification of Acceptance: 10 May, 2011
-Camera-ready papers deadline & Early registration: 20 May, 2011
-Workshop Date: 8 June, 2011
***************************************************************************************************************************** In conjunction with the 19^th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2011), you are invited to submit papers to the *Enterprise Systems and Business Process Capability*workshop (www.reims-ms.fr/events/ecis2011 http://www.reims-ms.fr/events/ecis2011). The list of topics that are relevant to the BPC workshop includes the following, but is not limited to:
-Enterprise Systems Integration, Business Process Management and Business Intelligence
-Enterprise post-implementation challenges, issues and critical success factors
-Using Knowledge Management principles in Enterprise Systems Integration
-Integrating Business Process Modeling Tools to Enterprise Systems
-Organizational issues related to the integration and the convergence of ERP and BI systems
-The role Competency centers structure in stabilising organisation and improving Business Units performances
*/_Papers in both English and French will be accepted_/*, but the latter must be accompanied by an abstract in English.
***************************************************************************************************************************** *Program Committee *
-*Alijani Sharam, *Reims Management School, France
-*Björn Cronquist*, Kristianstad University, Sweden
-*Bouchaib Bahli, *ESC Rennes, France
-*Duane Truex, *Georgia State University, USA (PC Co-Chair)
-*Fergal Carton, *University College Cork, Ireland (PC Co-Chair)
-*Frantz Rowe, *Nantes University, France
-*Fréderic Adam, *University College Cork, Ireland (PC Co-Chair)**
-*Guy-Saint Léger, *ESC Saint-Etienne, France
-*Hedman, Jonas, *Lund University,
-*Marc Bidan, *Polythechnique Nantes University, France**
-*Olof Nilsson*, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden
-*Redouane EL Amrani, *Reims Management School, France (PC Co-Chair)**
-*Richard Welke*, Georgia State University, USA
-*Mounir Kehal*, ESC Rennes, France