-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ECIS 2011 Affiliated events : Enterprise Systems and Business Process Capability Workshop 8th June, Helsinki, Finland
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2011 00:52:52 +0000
From: Moez Limayem <MLimayem@walton.uark.edu>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>
CC: redouane.elamrani@reims-ms.fr <redouane.elamrani@reims-ms.fr>



Call for Papers : Enterprise Systems and Business Process Capability Workshop

ECIS 2011 Affiliated events www.reims-ms.fr/events/ecis2011


Date and Location: 8th June, Helsinki, Finland


Important dates


-       Paper submissions deadline:                                              15 April, 2011

-       Notification of Acceptance:                                                10 May, 2011

-       Camera-ready papers deadline & Early registration:             20 May, 2011

-       Workshop Date:                                                                 8 June, 2011


In conjunction with the 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2011), you are invited to submit papers to the Enterprise Systems and Business Process Capability workshop (www.reims-ms.fr/events/ecis2011). The list of topics that are relevant to the BPC workshop includes the following, but is not limited to:


-       Enterprise Systems Integration, Business Process Management and Business Intelligence

-       Enterprise post-implementation challenges, issues and critical success factors

-       Using Knowledge Management principles in Enterprise Systems Integration

-       Integrating Business Process Modeling Tools to Enterprise Systems

-       Organizational issues related to the integration and the convergence of ERP and BI systems

-       The role Competency centers structure in stabilising organisation and improving Business Units performances


Papers in both English and French will be accepted, but the latter must be accompanied by an abstract in English.

Program Committee 


-       Alijani Sharam, Reims Management School, France

-      Björn Cronquist, Kristianstad University, Sweden

-       Bouchaib Bahli, ESC Rennes, France

-       Duane Truex, Georgia State University, USA (PC Co-Chair)

-       Fergal Carton, University College Cork, Ireland (PC Co-Chair)

-       Frantz Rowe, Nantes University, France

-       Fréderic Adam, University College Cork, Ireland (PC Co-Chair)

-       Guy-Saint Léger, ESC Saint-Etienne, France

-       Hedman, Jonas, Lund University,

-       Marc Bidan, Polythechnique Nantes University, France

-       Olof Nilsson, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden

-      Redouane EL Amrani, Reims Management School, France (PC Co-Chair)

-      Richard Welke, Georgia State University, USA

-       Mounir Kehal, ESC Rennes, France

