-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] 2nd CFP: AMCIS 2012 Minitrack "IT/IS Evaluation & Performance Measurement" Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 21:48:10 +0100 From: Nils.Urbach@ebs.edu To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
### Apologies for cross-postings ###
18th Americas Conference on Information Systems
Seattle, Washington, August 9-12, 2012 (http://amcis2012.aisnet.org/)
Track: Strategic Use of Information Technology
Mini-Track Title: IT/IS Evaluation & Performance Measurement
Annual worldwide spending on information technology (IT) and information systems (IS) has been increasing for many years. For 2011, Gartner expects, for example, the total expenditure on IT to reach 2.5 trillion US dollars (Gartner 2010). Simultaneously, however, a greater number of IS failures are still emerging. A questionnaire-based survey, carried out in 2006 in the USA, had indicated that only 62% of software projects were considered successful (Verner et al. 2006). The paradox of high investments and low productivity returns has, therefore, remains a top concern for both practitioners and researchers (Brynjolfsson 1993). During the last two and a half decades, research on measuring IS success has been a popular stream of research. A number of models have been proposed in attempts to define IS success ( DeLone and McLean 1992, 1993) and identify various causes of success or failure, mostly from an individual perspective. Complementary, the research stream on the business value of IT (e.g., Kohli and Grover 2008, Melville et al. 2004) has focused on the benefits from a broader â?? in most cases the organizational â?? perspective. Researchers and practitioners interested in submitting papers to this minitrack are encouraged to present their research into strategies, methodologies, tools, and stories that relate to the evaluation of IT/IS and IS/IT performance measurement.
Possible paper topics include, but are not limited to, the following: o Strategies, methodologies, tools, and case studies that relate to the evaluation of IT/IS and IS/IT performance measurement. o Frameworks and models for assessing IS success/effectiveness and IT business value o Measuring IS success/IT business value in global organizations and globally dispersed communities o Impact of strategic, organizational, process-related, cultural, and other issues on IS success/IT business value o Critical discussion of existing approaches o IS success factors and key performance indicators o Qualitative and quantitative evaluation techniques o Benefits management/measurement o Benchmarking initiatives comparing IS across different organizations and industries o Empirical studies are also solicited that evaluate specific types of IS such as: - Customer Relationship Management Systems - Project (Portfolio) Management Systems - Knowledge Management Systems - Decision Support Systems - Collaborative Systems - Enterprise Systems - IT service management frameworks o Case studies of IS success and performance evaluation
January 2, 2012 Submission opens March 1, 2012 Submission deadline April 2, 2012 Notification of acceptance April 20, 2012 Final camera-ready copy due
All conference submissions will be double-blind, peer reviewed, and must be submitted using the online submission system at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2012. For complete instructions for authors and information about the conference, visit the AMCIS 2012 conference website at http://amcis2012.aisnet.org/after January 2, 2012.
Nils Urbach (primary contact) Institute of Research on Information Systems (IRIS) EBS University of Business and Law Nils.Urbach@ebs.edu
Stefan Smolnik Institute of Research on Information Systems (IRIS) University of Business and Law Stefan.Smolnik@ebs.edu
Maurice Kügler Institute of Research on Information Systems (IRIS) EBS University of Business and Law Maurice.Kuegler@ebs.edu
------------------------------------------------------------ EBS European Business School gemeinnuetzige GmbH, Amtsgericht Wiesbaden HRB 19951; Universitaet fuer Wirtschaft und Recht, Umsatzsteuer-ID DE 113891213; Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Hellmut K. Albrecht, Vorsitzender; Geschaeftsfuehrung: Professor Dr. Rolf D. Cremer, Präsident; Professor Dr. Rolf Tilmes, Dekan EBS Business School; Professor Dr. Dr. Gerrick Frhr. v. Hoyningen-Huene, Dekan EBS Law School; Georg Nikolaus Garlichs, Kanzler ------------------------------------------------------------