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Subject: [AISWorld] Editorial for The Australasian Journal of
Information Systems 2021: Volume 25 just published
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 17:41:42 +1100
From: Ajis Editor <ajis.eic(a)gmail.com>
To: ISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The *Australasian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS)* has just published
its Editorial for Volume 25, 2021.
Please find it here
I am looking forward to your engagement with the journal as readers,
authors, reviewers or section editors.
Best regards
Karl(heinz Kautz)
Professor Karlheinz Kautz
Australasian Journal of Information Systems
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CISTI'2022 - 17th Iberian Conference on Information
Systems and Technologies | Madrid, Spain
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 13:25:55 +0000
From: CISTI <marialemos72(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: cisitiforever(a)gmail.com
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
------------------------------ ------------------------------
------------------------------ ------------------- CISTI'2022 - 17th
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Madrid, Spain, 22 - 25 June 2022
------------------------------ ------------------------------
------------------------------ ------------------- We are pleased to
invite the academic and business community to submit their papers to
CISTI'2022 - 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and
Technologies, to be held in Madrid, Spain, between the 22th and 25th of
June 2022. Authors are encouraged to submit original scientific
contributions such as state-of-art reviews and new research
perspectives, groundbreaking ideas and/or architectures, solutions
and/or applications for real problems, empirical and/or evaluation
works, case studies, etc., in conformity with the themes of this Conference.
Four types of papers can be submitted:
Full paper: Finished or consolidated R&D works, to be included in one of
the Conference themes. These papers are assigned a 6-page limit.
Short paper: Ongoing works with relevant preliminary results, opened to
discussion. These papers are assigned a 4-page limit.
Poster paper: Initial work with relevant ideas, opened to discussion.
These papers are assigned a 2-page limit.
Company paper: Companies' papers that show practical experience, R & D,
tools, etc., focused in some topics of the conference. These articles
are abstracts with a maximum of 2 pages.
Papers submitted for the Scientific Committee’s evaluation must not
include any information leading to the authors’ identification.
Therefore, the authors’ names, affiliations and bibliographic references
should not be included in the early version. This information should
only be included in the final version.
Submitted papers must not have been published and must not be under
review for any other conference and national or international publication.
Papers must comply with the format standard
and be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
All papers will be subjected to a “blind review” by at least two members
of the Scientific Committee.
Full papers can be accepted as short papers or poster papers only.
Similarly, short papers can be accepted as poster papers only. In these
two cases, the authors will be allowed to maintain the original number
of pages in the proceedings publication.
The authors of accepted poster papers must also build and print a poster
to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or
A2 vertical format. The Conference includes Work Sessions where these
posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 5-minute limit per
The authors of accepted full papers will dispose of a 15-minute
presentation in the Conference Work Session, and approximately 5 minutes
of discussion will follow each presentation. The authors of accepted
short papers and company papers will dispose of an 11-minute
presentation in the Conference Work Session, and approximately 4 minutes
of discussion will follow each presentation.
Submitted papers must follow the main themes proposed for the Conference
(the topics proposed in each theme constitute a mere framework
reference; they are not intended as restrictive):
A) OMIS - Organizational Models and Information Systems
B) KMDSS - Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems
C) SSAAT - Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools
D) CNMPS - Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems
E) HCC - Human Centered Computing
F) HIS - Health Informatics
G) ITE - Information Technologies in Education
Publication and Indexing
To ensure that the contribution (full paper, short paper, symposium
doctoral paper) is published in the Proceedings, at least one of the
authors must be fully registered by the 11th of April, and the paper
must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit. Additionally, all
recommended modifications must be addressed by the authors before they
submit the final version.
No more than one paper per registration will be published in the
Conference Proceedings. An extra fee must be paid for publication of
additional papers, with a maximum of one additional paper per registration.
Full and short papers, including symposium doctoral papers, will be
submitted for inclusion/indexing into IEEE XPlore, ISI, SCOPUS,
EI-Compendex, INSPEC and Google Scholar.
The best articles will be selected for publication in the following
journals and books:
- Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management (JISEM
- Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (RISTI
Important Dates
Paper submission: February 13, 2022
Notification of acceptance: March 27, 2022
Submission of accepted papers: April 10, 2022
Payment of registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in
the conference proceedings: April 10, 2022
We are counting on you. Submit your contribution.
CISTI'2022 Website: http://cisti.eu
CISTI'2022 Team
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - IWSiB 2022 @ ICSE
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 13:46:11 +0000
From: Werder, Karl <werder(a)wiso.uni-koeln.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers - IWSiB 2022
The 5th International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Towards
Sustainable Software Business (IWSiB 2022) bridges the gap between
software engineering and software business research.
One-day workshop during May 20-28, 2022 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA Hosted by
44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2022).
IWSiB seeks submissions describing novel research, experience reports,
as well as emerging ideas. We are interested in studies describing
original and unpublished results in the field of software-intensive
business. The focus of the workshop is on new promising ideas and
therefore work-in-progress reports are welcome to ignite discussion in
the workshop.
The paper length should not exceed 8 pages for research paper
submissions, and 2-4 pages for industry experience reports and position
paper submissions. For further details, please see the webpage
Topics of interest include, but are not limited, to the following
aspects of software-intensive business:
* Software product management (e.g., strategy, planning, pricing)
* Software ecosystem (e.g., engineering ecosystems, analysis of
ecosystem data, modeling of ecosystem structure and behavior, management
of developer ecosystems and platforms)
* Continuous practices (e.g., experimentation, innovation, improvement)
* Agile & lean projects & portfolio (e.g., methods & practices,
management and organizing, behavioral and cognitive factors)
* Organizational management (e.g., managing technical and social debt,
integrating product and business development, managing human-AI symbiosis)
* Software Startups (e.g., scaling, privoting, funding, business models)
* Software platform (e.g., orchestration, governance, architecture,
evolution and lifecycle)
* Software engineering economics (e.g., in engineering of software or in
the software industry)
* Emerging trends and research areas (e.g., implications of COVID-19 to
the software industry, AI ethics, digital twins, etc. )
Submission: January 14, 2022 (AoE)
Notification: February 25, 2022
Camera-ready: March 18, 2022
Workshop: May 18, 2022
Karl Werder – University of Cologne, Germany
Sami Hyrynsalmi – LUT University, Finland
Xiaofeng Wang – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Jorge Melegati – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: Call for Papers
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021 10:35:02 +0000 (UTC)
From: Chadi Elkari <elkari.chadi(a)yahoo.com>
To: editor(a)ijbssnet.com <editor(a)ijbssnet.com>
*_Call for Papers_*
*International Journal of Business and Social Science*
*ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219- 6021 (Online)*
*DOI: 10.30845/ijbss*
*International Journal of Business and Social Science (IJBSS)* is a
monthly peer reviewed journal published by Center for Promoting Ideas
(CPI), USA. It covers the areas of business and social science such as
management, marketing, finance, economics, banking, accounting, human
resources management, international business, hotel and tourism,
entrepreneurship development, business ethics, international relations,
law, development studies, population studies, history, journalism and
mass communication, corporate governance, cross-cultural studies, public
administration, psychology, sociology, women studies, social welfare,
anthropology, linguistics, education and so on.
IJBSS publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework,
analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research,
technical notes, and book reviews.
IJBSS is indexed with and included in CrossRef, Google Scholar,
Cabell’s, DOAJ, EBSCO, Ulrich’s, ProQuest, IndexCopernicus
International, Gale and Journalseek.net. Moreover the journal is under
the indexing process with ISI, ERIC, Scopus, and Econlit.
*DOI^® Number*
Each paper published in International Journal of Business and Social
Science is assigned a DOI^® number. The DOI of this journal is
*IJBSS is inviting papers for Vol. 13 No. 1 which is scheduled to be
published on **February 28, 2022**.** Last date of submission is
**January 31, 2022**. *However, an early submission will get preference
in case of review and publication process.
Send your manuscript to the editor at *editor(a)ijbssnet.com*
For more information, visit the official website of the journal
*www.ijbssnet.com* <http://www.ijbssnet.com/>
*Frank Tian Xie, Ph.D.*
University of South Carolina Aiken
United States
International Journal of Business and Social Science
E-mail:*editor@ijbssnet.com* <mailto:editor@ijbssnet.com>****
N. B. To unsubscribe, please forward this email to
unsubscribe.cpi(a)outlook.com <mailto:unsubscribe.cpi@outlook.com>with
'Unsubscribe' in the subject line.
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP -- ISECON 2022 -- March 25-26, 2022
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2021 12:31:04 -0600
From: Brian Reithel <breithel(a)bus.olemiss.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Information Systems Education Conference
March 25-26, 2022
Final Paper submission deadline:
February 7, 2022
Dear Colleague,
Please consider submitting a paper to ISECON 2022 this year. Since 1982,
the ISECON conference has provided a wonderful opportunity for CIS, MIS,
IT, and CS faculty members from a wide variety of institutions -- including
international attendees -- to gather, share experiences, and learn from
each other. We continue that legacy of delivering a collegial environment
for intellectual and professional growth this year in Plano, Texas!
More information about the conference, including the Call for Papers and
the online paper submission facility, can be found at:
The conference theme for 2022 is "Crowds, Memes, Security, and More:
Evolving Targets".
At this year's conference, many of the discussions will revolve around
emerging technologies and techniques that will address IS-related
opportunities and challenges expected to arise over the next decade.
Participants will also explore new perspectives on legacy technologies and
their continuing evolution in this new and challenging marketplace.
Papers are invited on the following topics and other issues related to
expected changes in IS education between now and 2032:
* Crowdfunding, Development, and Behavior in an Instantly-Connected World
* Teleworking and the Modern Team Environment
* Mobile Applications
* HTML5 and Web Application Development
* Cloud-based Systems
* Scalable Architectures
* Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
* Data Warehouse Systems
* Big Data and Analytical Systems
* NoSQL and Other Emerging Database Technologies
* Classical and In-Memory Database Systems
* Networking Concepts
* Agile Development
* Online Learning
* Teaching Tools
* IS Cases and Case-Based Teaching
* Effective Pedagogy for IS Education
* Research in Progress
* Student Papers
* On-Demand Training, Education, and Learning
* Accreditation, Assessment, and Curriculum for IS Education
* Ethics, Privacy, and Intellectual Property in a Connected World
* Globalization and Information Systems
* Intelligent Systems
* Knowledge Management Systems
* Internet of Things
* Electronic Commerce
* IT Security and Digital Forensics
* Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
* Emerging Technologies
Each year, ISECON benefits from the involvement of a number of repeat
attendees as well as new participants. We encourage you to please share
the news about this year’s conference with anyone you know who might be
interested in this long-standing, friendly, and welcoming academic
Thanks and hope to see you in our meeting in March 2022,
Brian Reithel
ISECON 2022 Program Chair
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP_The 24th International Conference on Big Data
Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK2022)
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2021 23:42:54 +0100
From: Hesti Sudjana <hesti.sudjana(a)jku.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 24th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge
Discovery (DaWaK2022)
22 - 24 August, 2022
Vienna, Austria
http://www.dexa.org/dawak2022 <http://www.dexa.org/dawak2022> email:
dexa(a)iiwas.org <mailto:dexa@iiwas.org> Papers submission:
Paper submission: 7 March 2022
Notification of acceptance: 10 May 2022
Camera-ready copies due: 1 June 2022
All accepted conference papers will be published in a volume of "Lecture
Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) by Springer. LNCS volumes are indexed
in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), part of Clarivate
Analytics’ Web of Science; Scopus; EI Engineering Index; Google Scholar;
DBLP; etc.
Distinguished papers, after further revisions, will be considered for
publication in a special issue of an international journal.
*** SCOPE ***
DaWaK conference is a high-quality forum for researchers, practitioners
and developers in the field of Big Data Analytics, in a broad sense. The
objective is to explore, disseminate and exchange knowledge in this
field through scientific and industry talks. The conference covers all
aspects of DaWaK research and practice, including data lakes, database
design (data warehouse design, ER modelling), big data management
(tables + text + files), query languages (SQL and beyond), parallel
systems technology (Spark, MapReduce, HDFS), theoretical foundations and
applications, text and data mining techniques, and deep learning. The
conference will bring together active researchers from the database
systems, cloud computing, programming languages and data science
communities worldwide.
Main topics include: - Theoretical models for extended data warehouses
and big data
- Parallel processing
- Parallel DBMS technology
- Modelling diverse big data sources (e.g. text)
- Conceptual model foundations for big data - Query languages - Query
processing and optimization
- Semantics for big data intelligence
- Data warehouses, data lakes
- Big data storage and indexing
- Big data analytics: algorithms, techniques, and systems
- Big data quality and provenance control
- Metadata for big data framework
- Polystore and multistore in big data and nosql DBMS
- Distributed system architectures
- Cloud infrastructure for big data
- Scalability and parallelization using mapreduce, Spark and related systems
- Graph analytics
- Visualization
- Big data search and discovery
- Big data management for mobile applications
- Analytics for unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data
- Analytics for temporal, spatial, spatio-temporal, and mobile data
- Analytics for data streams and sensor data
- Real-time/right-time and event-based analytics
- Privacy and security in analytics
- Big data application deployment
- Pre-processing and data cleaning
- integration of data warehousing, olap cubes and data mining
- Analytic workflows
- Novel applications of text mining to big data
- Deep learning applications - Data science products
Authors are invited to submit original research contributions or
experience reports in English. DaWak will accept submissions of both
short and full papers.
- Short papers: up to 6 pages on preliminary work, vision papers or
industrial applications
- Full papers: up to 12 pages and papers are expected to be more mature,
contain more theory or present a survey (tutorial style) of some hot or
not yet explored topics.
Papers exceeding the page limit or deviating from the formatting
requirement are desk rejected.
Formatting guidelines: http://www.dexa.org/formatting_guidelines
<http://www.dexa.org/formatting_guidelines> Online Papers Submission:
Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality,
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Duplicate
submissions are not allowed and will be rejected immediately without
further reviewing.
Authors are expected to agree to the following terms: "I understand that
the submission must not overlap substantially with any other paper that
I am a co-author of or that is currently submitted elsewhere.
Furthermore, previously published papers with any overlap are cited
prominently in this submission."
Questions about this policy or how it applies to a specific paper should
be directed to the PC Co-chairs.
Authors of all accepted papers must sign a Springer copyright release
form. Papers are accepted with the understanding that at least one
author will register for the conference to present the paper.
Program Committee co-Chairs
- Robert Wrembel, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
- Johann Gamper, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Program committee member: http://www.dexa.org/dawak2022
For further inquiries, please contact dexa(a)iiwas.org
Hesti Sudjana
Telecooperation Departement
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Science Park 3, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP Workshop on Transparency and Explanations in
Smart Systems (TExSS 2022) co located with IUI 2022 - March 20-22
Helsinky (virtually)
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 07:02:51 +0200
From: Tsvi Kuflik <tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Workshop on Transparency and Explanations in Smart Systems (TExSS)
Responsible, Explainable AI for Inclusivity and Trust
Held in conjunction with ACM Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2022, March
20 - 22, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Smart systems that apply complex reasoning to make decisions and plan
behavior, such as decision support systems and personalized recommendations,
are difficult for users to understand. A large variety of algorithms allow
the exploitation of rich and varied data sources, in order to support human
decision-making and/or taking direct actions. However, there are increasing
concerns surrounding their transparency and accountability, as these
processes are typically opaque to the user - e.g., because they are too
technically complex to be explained or are protected trade secrets. The
topics of transparency and accountability have attracted increasing interest
in recent years, aiming at more effective system training, better
reliability and improved usability. This workshop will provide a venue for
exploring issues that arise in designing, developing and evaluating
intelligent user interfaces that provide responsible, explainable AI taking
into account the diversity of the stakeholders involved, and ensuring trust
through system transparency. Furthermore, understanding users' fairness
perceptions especially when interacting with such systems (e.g. on how to
explain systems and models towards ensuring social justice and trust), will
lead into more effective system interactions, better reliability, improved
usability and user experience.
Suggested themes include, but are not limited to:
* How can we build inclusive transparency and explanations of
algorithmic systems, particularly those that demonstrate that they are fair,
accountable, and not biased?
* How different stakeholders perceive algorithmic fairness, especially
when interacting with AI enabled systems?
* Through explanations, transparency, or other means, how can we raise
stakeholders' awareness of the potential risk for biases and social harms
that could result from developing and using intelligent interactive systems?
* How do different groups of users (e.g. experts, developers,
end-users) perceive the explanations provided by those systems?
* How can we build (good) algorithmic systems, particularly those that
demonstrate that they are fair and accountable?
* When are the optimal points at which explanations are needed for
* What is important in user modeling for system transparency and
* What are possible metrics that can be used when evaluating
transparent systems and explanations?
* How can we evaluate explanations and their ability to accurately
explain underlying algorithms and overall systems' behavior, especially for
the goals of fairness and accountability?
* What techniques can we apply for testing models and assumptions of
transparent and explainable intelligent interactive systems, being mindful
of the potential for social and discriminatory harm?
* How can explanations allow human evaluators to select model(s) that
are unbiased, such as by revealing traits or outcomes of the underlying
learned system?
* What are important social aspects in interaction design for system
transparency and explanations?
* How to account for stakeholders' diversity when designing and
evaluating transparency and explanations?
Researchers and practitioners in academia or industry who have an interest
in these areas are invited to submit papers up to 8 pages (not including
references) in ACM SIGCHI Paper Format (see
https://iui.acm.org/2022/call_for_papers.html). These submissions must be
original and relevant contributions. Examples include, but not limited to,
position papers summarizing authors' existing research in this area and how
it relates to the workshop theme, papers offering an industrial perspective
on the workshop theme or a real-world approach to the workshop theme, papers
that review the related literature and offer a new perspective, and papers
that describe work-in-progress research projects.
Papers should be submitted via Easychair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=texss2022) by the end of January
3rd 2022, and will be reviewed by committee members. Position papers do not
need to be anonymized. At least one author of each accepted position paper
must register for and attend the workshop. It is anticipated that accepted
contributions will be published in dedicated workshop proceedings. For
further questions please contact the workshop organizers at
<texss2022(a)easychair.org <mailto:texss2022@easychair.org> >.
Paper authors will present their work as part of thematic panels followed by
smaller group activities related to the workshop theme. For more information
visit our website at <https://explainablesystems.comp.nus.edu.sg/2022/>
Important Dates
Submission date Jan 3, 2022
Notifications send Jan 28, 2022
Camera-ready Feb 9, 2022
Workshop Date March 22, 2022
Organizing Committee
Tsvi Kuflik Information Systems, The University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Alison Smith-Renner Dataminr, United States
Styliani Kleanthous Loizou Cyprus Centre for Algorithmic Transparency, Open
University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Jonathan Dodge Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, United States
Simone Stumpf University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Min Kyung Lee University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States
Brian Y Lim Department of Computer Science, National University of
Singapore, Singapore
Advait Sarkar Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Avital Shulner-Tal Information Systems, The University of Haifa, Haifa,
Carina Negreanu Microsoft Research, United Kingdom
Tsvi Kuflik, PhD.
Professor of Information Systems
Co-chair of the Digital Humanities BSc program,
Information Systems department,
The University of Haifa
Email: <mailto:tsvikak@is.haifa.ac.il> tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il
Home page: <https://tsvikak.hevra.haifa.ac.il>
Tel: +972 4 8288511
Fax: +972 4 8288283
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: ICALT 2022 - Track 11. Artificial Intelligence
and Smart Learning Environments (AISLE)
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2021 10:44:53 -0300
From: Sean W. M. Siqueira <sean(a)uniriotec.br>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Apologies for cross-posting
ICALT 2021 -- Track 11. Artificial Intelligence and Smart Learning
Environments (AISLE)
The 22th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
Bucharest, Romania, July 1-4, 2022
Submission deadline: January 14, 2022
Track Description and Topics of Interest:
Broadly defined, Artificial Intelligence and Smart Learning Environments
represent a new wave of educational systems, involving an effective and
efficient interplay of pedagogy, technology, and their fusion towards the
betterment of learning processes. Artificial Intelligence has the potential
to educate, train, and augment human productivity, making them better at
their tasks and activities. Artificial Intelligence can also make a better
quality of an individual’s work, resulting in better learning and teaching.
A learning environment can be considered smart when the learner is
supported by adaptive and innovative technologies from childhood through
formal education and continued during work and adult life where non-formal
and informal learning approaches become primary means for learning. Smart
learning environments are neither pure technology-based systems nor a
particular pedagogical approach. They encompass various contexts in which
students (and perhaps teachers) move from one context to another. So, they
are perhaps an overarching concept for future academia. This perspective
has the potential to overcome some of the traditions of institution-based
instruction towards lifelong learning.
AISLE@ICALT2022 will explore various dimensions of applying artificial
intelligence and the emerging smart learning environments, such as what
makes a learning environment smart, challenges in the design and
implementation of such environments in multiple and heterogeneous contexts,
pedagogical and technological underpinnings, and the validation issues.
Various components of this interplay include but are not limited to:
Pedagogy/didactics: instructional design, learning paradigms, teaching
paradigms, environmental factors, assessment paradigms, social factors,
Emerging technology: innovative uses of mature technologies,
interactions, adoption, usability, standards, and emerging/new
technological paradigms (open educational resources, learning analytics,
cloud computing, smart classrooms, etc.)
Fusion of pedagogy/didactics and technology: transformation of
curriculum, transformation of teaching behaviour, transformation of
learning, transformation of administration, transformation of schooling,
best practices of infusion, piloting of new ideas.
AI governance and policy for smart learning: AI governance, AI risk
management, AI accountability, AI self-surveillance, biases in AI
Algorithms, use and misuse of AI, AI on societal impact.
AI technology & practice for smart learning: Explainable AI,
interpretable ML, flexibility and contextual understanding by humans,
explanation and comprehensible by humans, intelligent agent (assistants),
automated conversational robot (Chabot), AI-enabled personalization.
Important dates
January 14, 2022 (Friday): Submission deadline for all papers (Full paper,
Short paper, Discussion paper)
April 1, 2022 (Friday): Authors’ Notification on the review process results
May 6, 2022 (Friday): Author’s registration deadline
May 6, 2022 (Friday): Final Camera-Ready Manuscript and IEEE Copyright Form
May 20, 2022 (Friday): Non-authors’ early bird registration deadline
July 1-4, 2022 (Friday to Monday): ICALT 2022 Conference
Submission process:
All papers will be double-blindly peer-reviewed. Author guidelines and
formatting templates can be accessed at ICALT Author guidelines webpage (
https://tc.computer.org/tclt/icalt-2022-author-guidelines/ ). Complete
papers are required to be reviewed. The expected types of submissions
Full paper: 5 pages
Short paper: 3 pages
Discussion paper: 2 pages
Please submit your manuscript (in only PDF) via the EasyChair Conference
System at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icalt2022
Conference Proceedings are published by: The IEEE Computer Society
Conference Publishing Services. Proceedings accepted in Xplore are
available to indexing partners, including EI, Scopus, and Conference
Proceedings Citation Index.
Track 11, Program Chairs
Prof. Nian-Shing CHEN
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Prof. Patricia A. JAQUES
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Brazil
Stephen J.H. YANG
National Central University, Taiwan
Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Brazil
UNIRIO, Brazil
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Second Call for Papers: 20th International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2022), Halifax,
Canada (updated deadlines)
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 13:32:09 +0000
From: William Van Woensel <William.Van.Woensel(a)Dal.Ca>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The AIME 2022 conference (https://aime22.aimedicine.info) invites all
interested researchers to submit original contributions regarding the
development of theory, methods, systems, and applications of Artificial
Intelligence in biomedicine, including the application of AI approaches
in biomedical informatics, healthcare organisation and molecular
medicine. The AIME 2022 conference will be hosted **in person** by
Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada from June 14-17 2022.
AIME 2022 will include invited speakers, long and short presentations,
poster sessions, demos, tutorials, workshops and a doctoral consortium.
=== Scope ===
Contributions to theory and methods should present or analyze novel AI
theories or methodologies for solving problems in the biomedical field.
They may propose new theories and methods or extensions of existing
ones. In both cases, the work should demonstrate its utility for solving
biomedical problems and highlight its contribution to the underlying
theoretical basis. In addition, it should discuss assumptions,
limitations and novelty with respect to the state of the art.
Contributions addressing systems and applications should describe the
development, implementation or evaluation of innovative, AI-based tools
and systems in the biomedical application domain. These papers should
both link the work to underlying theory, and either analyze the
potential benefits to solve biomedical problems or present empirical
evidence of benefits in clinical practice.
The scope of the conference includes the following areas:
Machine learning and big data analytics,
Knowledge discovery and data mining,
Biomedical ontologies and terminologies,
Biomedical knowledge acquisition and representation,
Knowledge-based reasoning in biomedicine,
Natural language processing,
Biomedical image processing,
Document classification and information retrieval,
Bayesian networks, fuzzy logic and reasoning under uncertainty,
Temporal and spatial representation and reasoning,
Healthcare processes and workflow management,
Computerized clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and protocols,
Signal processing,
Visual analytics in biomedicine,
Clinical decision support systems (CDSSs),
Patient engagement support (personal healthcare record),
Explainable AI (XAI) for health,
Precision medicine and health,
AI solutions for ambient assisted living, telemedicine, and e-health.
=== Clinical Relevance ===
Since the healthcare domain is motivated by value creation for the
patient, provider, and institution, this year a special focus will be
given to demonstrating clinical relevance. Please write a subsection in
the evaluation section that describes the value created by your
submitted work.
=== Best paper and student paper awards ===
A best paper award, based on the scientific quality and oral
presentation of the paper at the conference, will be adjudged by the
paper award committee. A monetary prize will be given to the winning
paper (more details to follow).
The best student paper, based on the quality of the paper and the oral
presentation at the conference, will adjudged by the paper award
committee. The winning paper will be awarded a monetary prize (more
details to follow).
=== John Fox Award ===
In honour of the late John Fox, we will present the best submission in
dr. Fox's field of research, namely Computer Interpretable Guidelines,
Soundness and Safety in Critical Systems, and Explainability, with the
John Fox Memorial Award. The presenting author will be invited to give a
lecture on their submission, with an introduction pertaining to dr.
Fox's research. This award is associated with a memorial prize.
=== Paper Submission ===
The conference features regular papers in two categories:
1. Full research papers (up to 10 pages, including references)
2. Short papers (up to 5 pages, including references)
Information on paper submission is available at
Submission opens: Oct 20 2021
Abstract submission deadline: Jan 15 2022
Paper submission deadline: Jan 29 2022
Notification of acceptance: Mar 15 2022
Camera-ready submission: Apr 5 2022
Authors of the best submissions will be invited to expand and refine
their papers for possible publication in the Artificial Intelligence in
Medicine journal (Elsevier).
=== Doctoral Consortium ===
A Doctoral Consortium will be hosted in conjunction with the AIME 2022
conference as an opportunity for PhD students to present their research
plans or preliminary work in an informal and supportive atmosphere.
Submission details are available at
Paper submission deadline: Mar 31 2022
Notification of acceptance: Apr 30 2022
Camera-ready submission: May 20 2022
=== Workshops, Tutorials and Demos ===
We also invite interested parties to submit a workshop or tutorial
proposal. Submission details are available at
Workshop/tutorial proposal deadline: Feb 5 2022
Notification of acceptance: Feb 19 2022
=== Software application Demos ===
AIME 2022 provides opportunities for presenting software demos of
healthcare applications. More details on software demos are available at
Demo submission deadline: Mar 31 2022
Notification of acceptance: Apr 30 2022
Camera-ready submission: May 20 2022
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Call for papers: 27th International Conference on
Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2022)
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 13:15:57 +0100
From: Robert Jäschke <robert.jaeschke(a)hu-berlin.de>
Reply-To: Robert Jäschke <robert.jaeschke(a)hu-berlin.de>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
*ICCS 2022: 27th International Conference on Conceptual Structures*
Münster, Germany, September 12-15, 2022
Conference website: https://iccs-conference.org/
Abstract registration: March 11, 2022
Submission deadline: March 18, 2022
The International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) focus on
the formal analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge, at the
crossroads of artificial intelligence, human cognition, computational
linguistics, and related areas of computer science and cognitive
science. The ICCS conferences evolved from a series of seven annual
workshops on conceptual graphs, starting with an informal gathering
hosted by John F. Sowa in 1986. Recently, graph-based knowledge
representation and reasoning (KRR) paradigms are getting more and more
attention. With the rise of quasi-autonomous AI, graph-based
representations provide a vehicle for making machine cognition
explicit to its human users.
Submissions are invited on significant, original, and previously
unpublished research on the formal analysis and representation of
conceptual knowledge in artificial intelligence (AI). All papers will
receive mindful and rigorous reviews that will provide authors with
useful critical feedback. The aim of the ICCS 2022 conference is to
build upon its long-standing expertise in graph-based KRR and focus on
providing modelling, formal and application results of graph-based
systems. The conference welcomes contributions that address
graph-based representation and reasoning paradigms (e.g. Bayesian
Networks (BNs), Semantic Networks (SNs), RDF(S), Conceptual Graphs
(CGs), Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), CP-Nets, GAI-Nets, Graph
Databases, Diagrams, Knowledge Graphs, Semantic Web, etc.) from a
modelling, theoretical and application viewpoint.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Existential and Conceptual Graphs
- Graph-based models for human reasoning
- Social network analysis
- Formal Concept Analysis
- Conceptual knowledge acquisition
- Data and Text mining
- Human and machine reasoning under inconsistency
- Human and machine knowledge representation and uncertainty
- Automated decision-making and argumentation
- Preferences
- Contextual logic
- Ontologies
- Knowledge architecture and management
- Semantic Web, Web of Data, Web 2.0
- Conceptual structures in natural language processing and linguistics
- Metaphoric, cultural or semiotic considerations
- Constraint satisfaction
- Resource allocation and agreement technologies
- Philosophical, neural, and didactic investigations of conceptual,
graphical representations
*Submission Information*
We invite scientific papers of up to fourteen pages, short
contributions up to eight pages. Papers must be formatted according to
Springer’s LNCS style guidelines and not exceed the page limit. Papers
will be subject to double-blind peer review, in which the reviewers do
not know the author’s identity, and the submission should be done via
EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccs20220). All
paper submissions will be refereed and authors will have the
opportunity to respond to reviewers’ comments during the rebuttal
phase. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings,
published by Springer in the LNCS/LNAI series. At least one author of
each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the
paper there. Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by DBLP.
*Review Process*
Papers will be subject to double blind peer review in which the
reviewers do not know the author’s identity. In order to make blind
reviewing possible, authors must omit their names and affiliations
from the paper. Also, while the references should not include
unpublished work. When referring to one’s own work, use the third
person rather than the first person. Such identifying information can
be added back to the final camera-ready version of accepted
papers. Similarly, reviewers should not reveal their identities within
the paper reviews. The review process will include the opportunity for
authors to see the reviews of their papers and to respond to technical
questions raised by the reviewers before discussion starts within the
Program Committee. The decision of the Program Committee will be final
and cannot be appealed.
*Program Committee (tentative)*
- Adil Kabbaj – INSEA
- Amedeo Napoli – LORIA Nancy (CNRS – Inria – Université de Lorraine) France
- Bernd Amann – Sorbonne Université – LIP6
- Catherine Faron Zucker – Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
- Christian Sacarea – Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca
- Dan Corbett – Optimodal Technologies, LLC
- Diana Cristea – Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca
- Diana Sotropa – Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca
- Dmitry Ignatov – National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Dominik Endres – University of Marburg
- Eric Salvat – IMERIR
- Fatiha Saïs – LRI ( Paris Sud University &CNRS8623), Paris Saclay
- Florent Domenach – Akita International University
- Gerd Stumme – University of Kassel
- Guoqiang Zhang – UTHealth
- Hamamache Kheddouci – Universit Claude Bernard
- Harry Delugach – University of Alabama in Huntsville
- Heather D. Pfeiffer – Akamai Physics, Inc.
- Iain Stalker – Univesity of Manchester
- Jérôme Lang – CNRS, LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Jim Burton – University of Brighton
- Leila Amgoud – IRIT – CNRS
- Leonard Kwuida – Bern University of Applied Sciences
- Licong Cui – The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
- Madalina Croitoru – LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier II
- Marcel Gehrke – University of Lübeck
- Marie-Christine Rousset – University of Grenoble Alpes
- Mateja Jamnik – University of Cambridge
- Moulin Bernard – Laval University
- Natalia Loukachevitch – Research Computing Center of Moscow State
- Nathalie Pernelle – LRI-Universit Paris SUD
- Nir Oren – University of Aberdeen
- Olivier Corby – INRIA
- Ollivier Haemmerlé – IRIT, Univ. Toulouse le Mirail
- Peggy Cellier – IRISA/INSA Rennes
- Peter Chapman – Edinburgh Napier University
- Philippe Martin – UEA2525 LIM, Uni. of La Réunion (Fr)
- Pierre Bisquert – INRA
- Pierre Marquis – CRIL, U. Artois & CNRS – Institut Universitaire de France
- Raji Ghawi – Technical University of Munich
- Robert Jäschke – Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Sebastian Rudolph – TU Dresden
- Serena Villata – CNRS – Laboratoire d’Informatique, Signaux et
Systèmes de Sophia-Antipolis
- Sergei Obiedkov – National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Simon Polovina – Sheffield Hallam University
- Simon Andrews – Sheffield Hallam University
- Srdjan Vesic – CRIL, CNRS – Univ. Artois
- Tanya Braun – University of Münster
- Uta Priss – Ostfalia University
*Organizing committee*
- Tanya Braun – University of Münster (General Chair)
- Diana Cristea – Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Program Chair)
- Robert Jäschke – Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Program Chair)
Prof. Dr. Robert Jäschke
Humboldt University Berlin & L3S Research Center Hannover
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