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Subject: [AISWorld] Workshop on Smart Cities Theory and Practice *
Scopus, CPCI & DBLP * 2nd Call for papers * Hybrid conference *
submission deadline July 4
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 17:18:48 +0100
From: Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha <mcunha(a)ipca.pt>
Reply-To: mcunha(a)ipca.pt
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
WABlock 2022 *** 2nd call for papers
Workshop on Applied Blockchain: Technologies, Trends and Applications
*** Hybrid conference: in-person & remote
*** Co-located with CENTERIS 2022
14th International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems
an AIS affiliated conference
Submission deadline: July 4, 2022
Conference: November 9-11, 2022
SCOPUS, CPCI & DBLP proceedings by Elsevier Procedia Computer Science
The global supporting digital infrastructures, the huge capacity to
communicate, execute, monitor, and control operations, operators and
processes, create an expected distributed environment leaded by concrete
goals but uncertain results instead. Besides the integration and
interoperability requirements, the capacity to assure the integrity for
the quality of services, continue representing the most serious criteria
to fit. This is even more serious when the automation tries to free the
active involvement of human’s decisions.
Blockchain and its non-required leading central authority have been
shown its diverse application fields in recent years. It is highly
expected that blockchain results represent a key enabling for new
technological and industrial innovation.
The emergent experiential context arising from the Artificial
Intelligence, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, and Mixed Reality
advances and implementations, show and promote the creativity potential
of new services and challenges. Nevertheless, new archetypes require new
management and control rules and concerns.
The topics of this workshop include, but not limited to, the following:
* Blockchain Applied Case studies; Blockchain/AI-empowered Applications
and Ecosystems; New Architectures for Blockchain/AI-based; Blockchain
and Smart Contracts; Fraud-Detection based on Blockchain;
Blockchain-enabled Incentive Mechanisms on Circular Economy; Blockchain
and Industry 4.0; Security and Privacy Issues in Blockchain; Data
Monitoring and Blockchain; Decentralized & Collaborative Services
Integration; Services Integration and Integrity; Emerging Technologies
and Applications for Blockchain; Blockchain Platforms and Technologies;
Blockchain Experimental Prototyping and Testbeds.
Special registration fee for virtual participation
* Early registration (until Aug.14, 2022): EUR 350
Important Dates
* Paper Submission deadline (2nd call): July 04, 2022
* Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: July 17
* Final Submission: August 14
* Conference: November 9-11, 2022
Submission types and guidelines
* Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers
and industry papers.
* All conference submissions will be double-blind peer reviewed by three
members of the Scientific Committee.
Proceedings and publications
* Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have
been published before, and not be under review for any other conference
or publication.
* All papers accepted as full or short papers will be published in the
conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia
Computer Science volume (which is indexed by Scopus and Conference
Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect.
* Poster papers and industry papers will be published in a conference
book of abstracts, industry, and poster papers (with ISBN).
* Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for
publication in international journals and in edited books.
We look forward to welcoming you (in-person or remotely) in Lisbon, next
November, for another great conference!
With our best regards,
Manuela Cruz-Cunha
(CENTERIS 2022 chair)
Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave, Portugal
CENTERIS 2022 is co-located with HCist (International Conference on
Health and Social Care
Information Systems and Technologies) and ProjMAN (International
Conference on Project MANagement) 2022.
CENTERIS, ProjMAN and HCist world-class conferences preview both online
and in-person presentation and participation modes.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] 38th IEEE International Conference on Software
Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2022): Last Call for Contributions
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 11:43:48 +0300
From: George A. Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*** Last Call for Contributions ***
38th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and
Evolution (ICSME 2022)
3–7 October, 2022, 4* Atlantica Miramare Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus
Goals and Scope
The IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
(ICSME) is
the premier forum for researchers and practitioners to present and
discuss the most
recent innovations, trends, experiences, and challenges in software
maintenance and
evolution. We invite high quality submissions describing significant,
original, and unpublished results related to but not limited to any of
the following software maintenance and evolution topics (in alphabetical
• Change and defect management
• Code cloning and provenance
• Concept and feature location
• Continuous integration/deployment
• Empirical studies of software maintenance and evolution
• Evolution of non-code artifacts
• Human aspects of software maintenance and evolution
• Maintenance and evolution of model-based methods
• Maintenance and evolution processes
• Maintenance and evolution of mobile apps
• Maintenance and evolution of service-oriented and cloud computing systems
• Maintenance versus release process
• Mining software repositories
• Productivity of software engineers during maintenance and evolution
• Release engineering
• Reverse engineering and re-engineering
• Run-time evolution and dynamic configuration
• Software and system comprehension
• Software migration and renovation
• Software quality assessment
• Software refactoring and restructuring
• Software testing theory and practice
• Source code analysis and manipulation
• Technical Debt
ICSME welcomes innovative ideas that are timely, well presented, and
evaluated. All
submissions must position themselves within the existing literature,
describe the relevance of the results to specific software engineering
goals, and include a clear
motivation and presentation of the work.
There are still a couple of tracks with open calls for submissions.
These are listed
below with more information, including submission instructions,
available on the
conference web site (submission dates are midnight, AoE, UTC-12). The
link for all tracks is: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsme2022 .
Please use this link and choose the appropriate track for your submission.
Doctoral Symposium
• Paper Submission: July 8th, 2022.
• Notification: August 1st, 2022.
• Camera-Ready: August 19th, 2022.
Please refer to
https://cyprusconferences.org/icsme2022/call-for-doctoral-symposium/ .
Joint Artifact Evaluation Track and ROSE Festival
• Artifact Submission: August 26th, 2022.
• Notification: September 16th, 2022.
Please refer to
General Chairs
• Rainer Koschke, University of Bremen, Germany
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
• Dave Binkley, Loyola University Maryland, USA
Local Organising Chair and Industry Liaison
• Georgia M. Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
New Ideas and Emerging Results Track Chairs
• Eleni Constantinou, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
• Christian Newman, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Tool Demonstrations Chairs
• Sherlock Licorish, University of Otago, New Zealand
• Gilles Perrouin, University of Namur, Belgium
Industry Track Chairs
• Andrea Capiluppi, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
• Shi Han, Microsoft Research Beijing, China
Journal First Track Chairs
• Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, University of Macedonia, Greece
• Amjed Tahir, Massey University, New Zealand
Doctoral Symposium
• Matthias Galster, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
• Mark Hills, East Carolina University, USA
Joint Artifact Evaluation Track and ROSE Festival Chairs
• Maria Papoutsoglou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Christoph Treude, University of Melbourne, Australia
Most Influential Paper Awards Chairs
• Massimiliano Di Penta, University of Sannio, Italy
• Jonathan I. Maletic, Kent State University, USA
Diversity and Inclusion
• Hadil Abukwaik, ABB Corporate Research, Germany
• Sonia Haiduc, Florida State University, USA
Registered Reports
• Maria Teresa Baldassarre, University of Bari, Italy
• Mike Papadakis, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [wkwi] [CfP] 2nd Call for Papers: PERSPECTIVES 2022, Second
Workshop on the Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2022 11:29:40 +0000
From: Bauer, C. (Christine) <c.bauer(a)uu.nl>
Reply-To: Bauer, C. (Christine) <c.bauer(a)uu.nl>
To: Bauer, C. (Christine) <c.bauer(a)uu.nl>
Call for Papers and Abstracts
PERSPECTIVES 2022: Second Workshop on the Perspectives on the Evaluation
of Recommender Systems
Co-located with ACM RecSys 2022, Seattle, WA, USA - and online!
Workshop website: https://perspectives-ws.github.io/
Paper submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=perspectives2022
In this workshop, we aim to bring together researchers and practitioners
from academia and industry to critically discuss the different, and
maybe even diverging or contradictory perspectives on the evaluation of
recommender systems.
Important Dates
- Paper submission deadline: July 29th, 2022 AoE
- Author notification: August 19st, 2022
- Camera-ready version deadline: September 9th, 2022
- Workshop: tbd (in scope of RecSys 2022, September 18-23, 2022)
Evaluation is essential when conducting rigorous research in recommender
systems (RS). It may span the evaluation of early ideas and approaches
up to elaborate systems in operation; it may target a wide spectrum of
different aspects being evaluated. Naturally, we do (and have to) take
various perspectives on the evaluation of RS. Thereby, the term
“perspective” may, for instance, refer to various purposes of a RS, the
various stakeholders affected by a RS, or the potential risks that ought
to be minimized. Further, we have to consider that various
methodological approaches and experimental designs represent different
perspectives on evaluation. The perspective on the evaluation of RS may
also be substantially characterized by the available resources. The
access to resources will likely be different for PhD students compared
to established researchers in industry.
Acknowledging that there are various perspectives on the evaluation of
RS, we want to put into discussion whether there is a “golden standard”
for the evaluation of RS, and—if so—if it indeed is “golden” in any
sense. We postulate that the various perspectives are valid and
reasonable, and aim to reach out to the community to discuss and reason
The goal of the workshop is to capture the current state of evaluation,
and gauge whether there is, or should be, a different target that RS
evaluation should strive for. The workshop will address the question:
where should we go from here as a community? and aims at coming up with
concrete steps for action.
We have a particularly strong commitment to invite and integrate
researchers at the beginning of their careers and want to equally
integrate established researchers and practitioners, from industry and
academia alike. It is our particular concern to give a voice to the
various perspectives involved.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Case studies of difficult, hard-to-evaluate scenarios
- Evaluations with contradicting results
- Showcasing (structural) problems in RS evaluation
- Integration of offline and online experiments
- Multi-Stakeholder evaluation
- Divergence between evaluation goals and what is actually captured by
the evaluation
- Nontrivial and unexpected experiences from practitioners
We deliberately solicit papers reporting problems and (negative)
experiences regarding RS evaluation, as we consider the reflection on
unsuccessful, inadequate or insufficient evaluations as a fruitful
source for yet another perspective on RS evaluation that can spark
discussions at the workshop. This also includes papers reporting
negative study results. Accordingly, submissions may also address the
following themes:
(a) “lessons learned” from the successful application of RS evaluation
or from “post mortem” analyses describing specific evaluation strategies
that failed to uncover decisive elements,
(b) “overview papers” analyzing patterns of challenges or obstacles to
(c) “solution papers” presenting solutions for specific evaluation
scenarios, and
(d) “visionary papers” discussing novel and future evaluation aspects
will be considered as well.
We solicit two forms of contributions. First, we solicit paper
submissions that will undergo peer review. Accepted papers will be
published and presented at the workshop. Second, we offer the
opportunity to present ideas without a paper submission. In this case,
we call for the submission of abstracts that will be reviewed by the
workshop organizers. Accepted abstracts will be presented at the
workshop, but not published.
1) Paper Submissions
We solicit papers with 4 up to 10 pages (excluding references). Along
the lines of this year’s call for papers of the main conference, we do
not distinguish between full and short (or position) papers. Papers
should be formatted in CEURART’s single column template:
Submitted papers must not be under review in any other conference,
workshop, or journal at the time of submission. Papers should be
submitted through the workshop’s EasyChair page at
Submissions will undergo single-blind peer review by a minimum of three
program committee members and will be selected based on quality,
novelty, clarity, and relevance. Authors of accepted papers will be
invited to present their work during the workshop and will be published
as open access workshop proceedings via ceur-ws.org. At least one author
of each accepted paper must attend the workshop and present the work.
2) Abstract Submissions
We solicit abstracts with 200-350 words, to be submitted through the
workshop’s EasyChair EasyChair page at
The workshop organizers will select abstracts based on quality, clarity,
relevance, and their potential to spark interesting discussion during
the workshop. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present
their work during the workshop.
Workshop Organizers
- Eva Zangerle (Universität Innsbruck, Austria)
- Christine Bauer (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
- Alan Said (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
-- Dr. Christine Bauer | Assistant Professor | Department of Information
and Computing Sciences | Utrecht University | Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC
Utrecht | Buys Ballotgebouw, room 4.21 | +31 30 253 4158 | c.bauer(a)uu.nl
| www.uu.nl/staff/CBauer | https://christinebauer.eu | Present: Mon-Fri
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Last call for ICPM 2022 paper submission!
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 09:47:36 +0200
From: Cristina Cabanillas Macías <ccabanillasmacias(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Research Papers
(ICPM 2022)
23-28 October 2022 - Bolzano (Italy)
Call for Papers
The 4th International Conference on Process Mining will take place in a
full week from October 23 to October 28, 2022, and is organized by the
KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge of Data of the Faculty of Computer
Science at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. The language of
the conference is English, and its proceedings will be published by the
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. Papers presenting new
methodologies, techniques and applications for process mining, as well
as case studies coming from industrial scenarios are expected. Also,
papers describing novel tools, fundamental research and empirical
studies on process mining are sought. Selected accepted research papers
will be considered for publication in an extended and revised form in a
special issue of Information Systems (Elsevier).
Process mining techniques: ****************************************
* Automated Discovery of Process Models
* Conformance/compliance Analysis
* Construction of Event Logs
* Event Log Quality Improvement
* Decision Mining for Processes
* Rule/constraint-based Process Mining
* Mining from non-process-aware systems / event streams
* Multi-perspective Process Mining
* Simulation/optimization for Process Mining
* Predictive Process Analytics
* Prescriptive Process Analytics and Recommender Systems
* Responsible Process Mining
* Privacy-preserving Process Mining
* Process Model Repair
* Process Performance Mining
* Variants/deviance Analysis and Root-cause Analysis
* Visual Process Analytics
* Process Monitoring
Process mining fundamental research:
* Formal Foundations of Process Mining
* Comparative and Benchmark Studies on Process Mining
* Conceptual Models Related to Process Mining
* Human-centered Studies on Process Mining
* Process Mining Quality Measures
* Process Mining Guidelines
Process mining applications and case studies in:
* Artificial Intelligence
* Blockchain Technologies
* Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
* Business Activity Monitoring and Business Intelligence
* (Cyber) Security and Privacy
* Operations Management and Lean Six Sigma
* Process Performance Measurement
* Process Reengineering
* Resource Management
* Risk Management
* Sensors, Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Wearable Devices
* Specific domains (such as accounting, finance, government, healthcare,
Important Dates:
- Abstract submission: June 17, 2022 (*)
- Paper submission: June 24, 2022 (*)
- Notification: August 1, 2022
- Camera-ready submission: September 7, 2022 (*)
(*) AoE
Paper Submission:
Submissions must be original contributions that have not been published
previously, nor submitted elsewhere while being submitted to ICPM 2022.
All files must be prepared using the latest IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society conference proceedings guidelines (8.5′′ × 11′′
two-column format). The page limit is set to 8 pages (IEEE Format). All
papers must be in English. The paper should be submitted through the
following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icpm2022
selecting the “Research Track” option.
At least one author of each accepted contribution is expected to
register for the conference and present the paper, along with signing a
copyright release form.
Program Chairs
- Andrea Burattin, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Artem Polyvyanyy, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Barbara Weber, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: The 20th International Conference on Advances
in Mobile Computing and Multimedia Intelligence (MoMM2022)
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 17:39:00 +0200
From: Hesti Sudjana <hesti.sudjana(a)jku.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 20th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and
Multimedia Intelligence
28-30 November, 2022 - Bari, Italy
http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/momm2022/ email: momm2022(a)iiwas.org
Paper submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=momm2022
"Designing and Developing Intelligent Mobile and Ubiquitous Solutions
for Social Good"
>> For those who will not be able to attend in person, online
>> participation will be made available <<
*** Important Dates ***
1 July 2022 (SHARP): Submission due, Full Papers (12 pages), Short
papers, demos & work in progress (6 pages)
15 August 2022: Acceptance Notifications
1 September 2022: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
28 - 30 November 2022: Conference Dates
*** Publication ***
ALL accepted MoMM2022 papers will be published by Springer in their
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). LNCS volumes are indexed in
the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), part of Clarivate
Analytics’ Web of Science; Scopus; EI Engineering Index; Google Scholar;
DBLP; etc. Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be published,
after revision and extension, in special issues of international journals.
*** Scope ***
During the last decade, mobile computing and multimedia have gone
through massive advancements in terms of both hardware innovations and
software solutions. The emerging and exponential technologies have
accelerated research across a wide array of topics such as smart cities,
digital twins, nanotechnology, augmented and virtual reality, artificial
intelligence, chatbots and conversational interfaces, edge computing and
server-less cloud computing. While the new technologies and developments
have the potential to affect our lives and create positive social
impact, they introduce huge challenges in terms of the design,
underlying algorithms, implementation and technology adoption. MoMM
provides an opportunity for researchers to present, share and discuss
their research results and experiences with other researchers and
experts in the same or similar fields.
Prior to 2020, MoMM has been held in Munich (2019), Yogyakarta (2018),
Salzburg (2017), Singapore (2016), Brussels (2015), Kaohsiung (2014),
Vienna (2013), Bali (2012), Ho Chi Minh City (2011), Paris (2010), Kuala
Lumpur (2009), and Linz (2008). Last years, MoMM2020 and MoMM2021
conferences were held as virtual conference. This year, MoMM2022 will be
held in person in Italy.
*** Submission ***
MoMM accepted four different types of contributions:
- Original theoretical work: The contributions are expected to show
original work that provide foundations to further progress research in
the area. Rigorous proofs and/or performance measurements are expected
for this type of contribution.
- Real world case study: The contributions are expected to show a real
world case study of an adopted concept and technology. The analysis of
the case study should provide an original insight and findings, backing
up by data collected from experiments and/or observation.
- Experimental work: The contributions are expected to show reporting of
rigorous comparative experiments of existing algorithms/systems to
provide insight to the current state of the art in a research domain.
- Lessons learnt reports: The contributions are expected to show lessons
learnt from adoption of complex technology integration or implementation.
*** Topics ***
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Multimedia Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligent Systems applications in Computers and
- Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia
- Internet of Things solutions and applications
- Smart cities
- Mobile sensing technologies and applications
- Mobile healthcare applications
- Wearable computing - Mobile crowd sensing
- Mobile multimodal interfaces
- Chatbots and conversational interfaces
- Cloud and edge computing
- Immersive computing
- Context-aware applications and recommender systems
- Data Visualisation on mobile devices
- Localisation, positioning and tracking systems
- Mobile distributed reasoning and processing - Spatial searching and
- Multi-agent systems
*** Submission Guidelines ***
Papers and demonstration descriptions must be submitted electronically
in PDF through EasyChair. Submitted papers must not substantially
overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously
submitted to a journal, conference, or workshop with proceedings.
Submitted demonstrations should convey a scientific result and should
not be advertisements for commercial software packages. Submitted papers
and demonstrations will be subject to stringent peer review by at least
three members of the international program committee and carefully
evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and
clarity of exposition. Accepted papers and demonstration descriptions
will appear in the conference proceedings to be published by Springer
LNCS. Format requirements for submissions of papers and demonstrations are:
- Maximum 12 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Full Technical papers.
- Maximum 6 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Short Position Papers.
- A video clip (for review purpose only) and a description of maximum 4
pages for the demonstration. The description should outline the
underlying novel concepts, methods and/or approaches, and details about
implementation, deployment, testing, and evaluation and user uptake.
- All submissions should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System
*** Awards ***
MoMM2022 best paper awards, best student paper awards, and best
demonstrations will be selected based on novelty, significance, and the
presentation at the conference. Best student paper awards can only be
awarded to papers on which students are first authors.
*** Past Conferences ***
ACM Digital library: https://dl.acm.org/conference/momm
DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/momm/
*** Program Committees ***
Pari Delir Haghighi, Program Committee Chair, Monash University,
Australia (pari.delir.haghighi(a)monash.edu)
For more questions regarding submission and conference organisation
please contact momm2022(a)iiwas.org
Hesti Sudjana
Telecooperation Departement
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Science Park 3, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP - Zeitschrift HMD - Schwerpunktheft zum Thema
Logistik 4.0
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 15:10:47 +0200
From: Christian Leyh <christian.leyh(a)w.thm.de>
Reply-To: Christian Leyh <christian.leyh(a)w.thm.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Call for Papers
Zeitschrift: HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Schwerpunktheft Februar 2023 (HMD 349): Logistik 4.0
Blockchain, Big Data und IoT durchdringen immer stärker die
Unternehmensprozesse und damit zwangsläufig alle Logistikketten und die
gesamte Supply Chain. Doch wo stehen wir tatsächlich bei der
Digitalisierung der Supply Chain? Sind wir angekommen in der Logistik
4.0? Welche Erkenntnisse können wir aus Störungen wie der Havarie der
"Ever Given" und aus schwarzen Schwänen wie der Corona-Pandemie für die
Gestaltung künftiger Logistikprozesse und -netzwerke gewinnen?
In dieser Schwerpunktausgabe der HMD mit Erscheinungsdatum Februar 2023
sollen diese Fragen aufgegriffen, dargestellt und diskutiert werden.
Vorgesehen sind aktuelle praxisorientierte Beiträge über Grundlagen,
Strategien, Methoden und Techniken zum Thema Logistik 4.0; darüber
hinaus auch Erfahrungsberichte, die auf die Realisierbarkeit aktueller
Modelle in der betrieblichen Praxis eingehen.
Mögliche Themen könnten umfassen: Business Intelligence-Anwendungen und
neue Planungs-Tools, etwa mit KI-Unterstützung, die Integration von
Blockchain-Konzepten oder die fortschreitende Digitalisierung im
E-Commerce durch neuartige Services und Geschäftsmodelle. Fragen des
Umgangs mit Stammdaten oder der Datenqualität sind dabei ebenso wichtig,
wie ein Blick auf neueste Entwicklungstrends und Forschungsvorhaben.
Fortschreitende Automatisierung, zunehmende Transparenz und Vernetzung,
hohe Flexibilität und Echtzeitfähigkeit sind weitere Aspekte, um die
reale mit der digitalen Welt zu verbinden.
Artikelidee per E-Mail an Hrsg. gerne bis 01.07.2022
Einreichung des vollständigen Beitrags bis 08.08.2022
Übermittlung der Gutachten an die Autor:innen bis ca. 30.09.2022
Finale Überarbeitung durch die Autor:innen bis 30.11.2022
Redaktionsschluss: 15.12.2022
Weitere Informationen, Autorenhinweise sowie den Link zur Einreichung
von Beiträgen über den Editorial Manager finden Sie unter:
Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne, um Ihre Artikelideen zu besprechen:
Prof. Dr. Christian Leyh (christian.leyh(a)w.thm.de)
Prof. Dr. Knut Hildebrand (knut.hildebrand(a)hswt.de)
Viele Grüße,
Christian Leyh.
Prof. Dr. Christian Leyh
Professur für Allg. BWL mit Schwerpunkt ERP-Systeme und Business Analytics
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen / University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Wirtschaft/ THM Business School
Web: https://www.thm.de/w/christian-leyh
E-Mail: christian.leyh(a)w.thm.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 641 309 2730
Postanschrift: Wiesenstraße 14, D-35390 Gießen
Besucheradresse: Campus Gießen, Gebäude C50, Raum 2.16
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: The 15th International Conference on
Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM 2022) - October 18-20, 2022
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 22:35:04 +0000
From: Jairo Gutierrez <jairo.gutierrez(a)aut.ac.nz>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Apologies for the cross-postings.
The 15th International Conference on Information Resources Management
(Conf-IRM 2022)
CONF-IRM is an AIS Affiliated Conference
October 18-20, 2022
Theme: Thriving Amidst Disruptive Technologies
Hosted by Faculty of Business and Technology, Ontario Tech University,
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
The organizing committee invites you to submit your research (full and
research-in-progress), teaching cases and proposals for panels and
tutorials to Conf-IRM 2022. All conference submissions will be
double-blind peer-reviewed. The review process will be handled by the
track chairs and program co-chairs.
Track 01 - Big Data, Data Analytics, and Business Intelligence
Track Chairs: Sumeet Gupta, Indian Institute of Management Raipur, India
Colin Conrad, Dalhousie University, Canada
Track 02 - Enterprise Systems and Knowledge Management
Track Chairs: Dorit Nevo, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Brian Detlor, McMaster University, Canada
Track 03 - Digital Transformation, Management, and Governance
Track Chairs: Vik Pant, University of Toronto, Canada
Barbara Krumay, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Track 04 - Information Security, Privacy, and Risk Management
Track Chairs: Matthew Nicolas Kreeger, Royal Holloway University of
London, UK
Khalil El-Khatib, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Track 05 - Digital Information Systems in the Public Sector, Healthcare,
Telecommunications, Transport and Education
Track Chairs: Marie Anne Macadar, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
Makoto Nakayama, DePaul University, USA
Track 06 - Digital Business Platforms, Blockchain, Social Networking,
and the Internet of Things
Track Chairs: Eduardo Diniz – Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil
Martin Potancok, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
Tomáš Bruckner, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic
Track 07 - Regional Perspectives on Digital Information Systems*
Track Chairs: Richard W. Pazzi, Ontario Tech, Canada
Paola Gonzalez, Dalhousie University, Canada
* Will accept submissions in Portuguese and Spanish
Track 08 - AI, Robotics, and Machine Learning
Track Chairs: Mahsa Mohaghegh, Auckland University of Technology, New
Paul Kennedy - University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Track 09 - Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality
Track Chairs: Ruth Falconer, Abertay University, UK
Charly Harbord, Abertay University, UK
Track 10 - Workshops, Tutorials, and Panels
Track Chairs: Peter Lewis, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Farhaan Mirza, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Track 11 - Graduate Symposium
Track Chairs: Miguel Vargas Martin, Ontario Tech
Pietro Cunha Dolci, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil
Full Length Submissions
Submissions must be no more than 12 pages, including references,
appendices and title page. All submissions must follow the submission
template specifications. Submissions must be original and previously
unpublished, conceptual or empirical research manuscripts. Papers that
are highly rated by the reviewers will be workshopped for submission to
a supporting journal. The paper that best represents, in terms of
quality and suitability, the theme and ideals of the conference will be
awarded the "Best Paper Award" during the conference.
Research-in-Progress Submissions
Submissions must be no more than 7 pages. All research-in-progress
submissions will be published in the proceedings as short papers.
Teaching Cases
We welcome submissions of teaching cases. The cases should be based on
real situations and targeted at specific learning objectives. Cases
should be no more than 12 pages and must be accompanied by instructor
teaching notes (not included in the 12 pages). The teaching notes will
not be published.
Workshop, Panel, and Tutorial Submissions
Submissions must be no more than 3 pages. Proposals should include the
objectives, topics to be covered and the full details of all presenters.
Method of presentation is at the submitter's discretion; however, the
submitter has the responsibility for providing his/her own panel
members. All accepted proposals will appear in the conference proceedings.
Papers accepted and presented at the conference will also be placed in
the AIS e-Library. Papers not presented at the conference, for any
reason, will not be included in the AIS e-Library.
1. While the primary language of the conferences is English, Track 7
will accept papers in Portuguese and Spanish, as well as English.
2. The number of submissions by an author (including joint authorship)
is strictly limited to a maximum of two.
3. Authors of accepted papers (at least one person per submission) and
all panel members and tutorial presenters MUST register AND attend the
virtual conference.
4. Submissions of ALL TYPES must be received by the above deadlines.
5. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in
their entirety upon payment of registration fees. An ISBN will be
assigned to papers published in the conference proceedings.
You can access the proceedings from previous conferences here:
Extended versions of accepted papers will be invited for submission by
several SCI-indexed journals. We will announce details later.
Submission deadline: June 20, 2022
Notification of submission decision: July 25, 2022
Final submission due date for accepted papers: August 29, 2022
Early registration deadline: September 19, 2022
Conference Co-Chairs:
Michael Bliemel, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Gerald Grant, Carleton University, Canada
Program Co-Chairs:
Jairo Gutierrez, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Amarolinda Klein, UNISINOS, Brazil
Patrick C. K. Hung, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Local Organizing Co-Chairs:
Stephen Marsh, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Gabby Resch, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Publications and Proceedings Co-Chair:
Lech Janczewski, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Conf-IRM Executive / International Chairs:
Felix B. Tan, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (co-chair)
G. ‘Hari’ Harindranath, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Sherif Kamel, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Jairo Gutierrez, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
For any inquiry, please contact
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Final CFP HICSS 56 Privacy, Trust and Governance in
the Data-driven Economy
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 20:57:38 +0000
From: Johan Sandberg <johan.sandberg(a)umu.se>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear colleagues
Please considering submitting your latest research to the minitrack:
Privacy, Trust and Governance in the Data-driven Economy in the 56th
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) January 3-6,
2023 Maui, Hawaii.
Background to Minitrack
The strategic role of data as an essential raw material for social and
economic activities gives rise to new opportunities and challenges for
organizing and innovating. Organizations are encouraged to transform and
adopt data strategies that enhance their competitiveness. However,
detailed insights and guidance remain scarce on how to approach this
transformation and what the effects are on, e.g., privacy issues,
stakeholder trust, business models, frameworks, public policy, and
governance structures.
Although data has become a strategic resource for many organizations,
many large-scale data exchanges initiatives fail for a vast host of
reasons. For example, datasets are increasingly exchanged among
organizations, but the possible uses of the data are less predictable.
Furthermore, in processing and extracting value from data, organizations
confront a landscape of complex socio-political considerations when
exchanging sensitive data. Such issues open new forms of governance,
risks, privacy issues, business models, and information systems designs
as organizations adapt to the data economy. Hence, potential topics that
this minitrack will address are (but are not limited to):
- How do the distinct characteristics of data re-shape our thinking of
platform evolution?
- What new types of privacy-enhancing business models emerge from the
data-driven economy?
- How can data platforms and novel launch strategies be used for
data-driven business models?
- How can data platforms ignite new forms of private-public partnerships?
- How can data platforms be governed to promote privacy?
- How can stakeholders in a data ecosystem trust reliability and
authenticity of the datasets?
- What new tensions emerge as organizations re-orient and transform to
the data economy?
We welcome both theoretical and empirical papers that advance our
understanding of the new forms of organizing following the data economy.
We call for papers that advance our understanding of the distinct nature
of data and its impacts on privacy, business models, and governance of
platforms through quantitative, qualitative, or mixed research
approaches. Selected accepted papers have a fast-track opportunity in
the journal Electronic Markets (Electronic Markets - The International
Journal on Networked Business<http://www.electronicmarkets.org/>).
Key dates
Please check the conference website for updates
June 15, 2022, 11:59 pm HST: Paper submission deadline
August 17, 2022: Acceptance notice is emailed to authors by the review
September 22, 2022: Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for
January 3-6, 2023: HICSS-56 conference
More information for authors can be found here:
More information on the minitrack can be found here
Minitrack Co-Chairs
Johan Sandberg johan.sandberg(a)umu.se<mailto:johan.sandberg@umu.se> Umeå
Hosea Ofe H.A.Ofe(a)tudelft.nl<mailto:H.A.Ofe@tudelft.nl> Delft University
of Technology
Mark de Reuver g.a.dereuver(a)tudelft.nl<mailto:g.a.dereuver@tudelft.nl>
Delft University of Technology
Daniel Rudmark daniel.rudmark(a)ait.gu.se<mailto:daniel.rudmark@ait.gu.se>
University of Gothenburg and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Johan Sandberg, Associate Professor
Department of Informatics
Umeå University
901 87 Umeå
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: Information Polity – Special Issue on “Digital
Government and Sustainable Development Goals”
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 17:43:04 +0000
From: Rony Medaglia <rm.digi(a)cbs.dk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers - Special Issue on “Digital Government and Sustainable
Development Goals” to be published by Information Polity
Guest Editors
Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark,
Gianluca Misuraca, Executive Director, AI4GOV Master on AI for Public
Services, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Associate Researcher at
the Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano,
* 1 October 2022: Deadline for extended abstract submission
* 1 November 2022: Notification for invitation to submit full manuscript
* 1 February 2023: Deadline for submission of full manuscript
* 1 February – 1 June 2023: Review process
* 1 July 2023: Final decision on manuscripts
* Anticipated publication: Fall 2023 (issue 4)
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (United
Nations, 2015) are shaping the global agenda in multiple areas,
including public opinion, policy, and research. The 17 SDGs, detailed in
169 targets, have an ambition of linking separate goals of sustainable
development across different areas, into a unitary vision. At the heart
of these goals are themes of poverty, inequality, health,
discrimination, inclusion, climate change, environmental degradation,
peace, and justice. The main consequence of this new vision has been to
move the focus beyond the individual instances of e.g., environmental
impacts of human activities, or economic inequalities, and to link them
in a coherent system within the framework of the Agenda for the
Sustainable Development 2030 (United Nations, 2017).
Digitalization has the potential to represent an integral part of
achieving sustainable development goals (Corbett & Mellouli, 2017;
Medaglia & Damsgaard, 2020; Nishant et al., 2020). In particular,
digital government can act as enabler to sustainability, equity and
social inclusion (Estevez & Janowski, 2013) and it represents a
cross-cutting objective across several SDGs at both sectoral and
horizontal level, with a crucial importance in particular for goal 16
that aims to ´Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable
development, provide access to justice for all and build effective,
accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels´ (Medaglia et al.,
2021; Misuraca & Medaglia, 2021). Information exchange between
governmental organizations (G2G), between business and government (B2G)
as well as between governments and citizens (G2C) can support the
formulation and monitoring of policies to reach SDGs (Janowski, 2016).
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation in the
public sector, pushing governments to experience unprecedent challenges
of data management, policy formulation, and citizen inclusion in a short
period of time (Pan & Zhang, 2020). As we move closer to the 2030
milestone, we are only beginning to understand the implications of
digital government initiatives on the journey towards sustainable
The goal of this Special Issue is to advance the understanding on the
potential benefits, challenges, and theoretical implications of digital
government in supporting the achievement of SDGs and on the role of
digital technologies to sustain policy developments at both horizontal
and sectoral level. As the sustainability agenda gains increasing
attention worldwide, there is more than ever need for original,
rigorous, and theoretically-informed research on how digital government
can support or hinder SDGs.
We invite studies on the design, management and evaluation of policies
and implementation of digital government strategies in relation to the
UN SDGs at global, national, and local level. We welcome research from
different social science perspectives, including Public Administration,
Information Systems, Sociology, Information Science, and Management,
that can combine relevant research foci, with rigorous methodological
approaches. Interdisciplinary submissions are also encouraged, as well
as submissions that are theoretical and/or empirically based.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* SDGs in digital government policy, design, and implementation
* Artificial Intelligence in government and SDGs
* The Internet of Things in government and SDGs
* Blockchain in government and SDGs
* Open Government Data and the SDGs
* Digital government infrastructure and SDGs
* Smart cities and SDGs
* Impact of technology on democracy in relation to SDGs
* Ethical implications of digital government and the SDGs
* Institutional/cultural change arising from digital transformation
around SDGs
* Factors limiting digitally-enhaced sustainable development in government
* Critical perspectives on digital government and SDGs
* Long term consequences of government digitalization on SDGs
Reviewing process
The Special Issue will apply a two-step reviewing process.
* In the first step, we invite the submission of an extended abstract of
maximum 1000 words (excluding references) that presents the study’s
research question(s), theoretical framework, methodology, preliminary
and/or expected findings, and expected contributions to research and
practice. This extended abstract is mandatory and will be used by the
editors for selecting which abstracts will be invited to make full paper
submission. The Guest Editors will make selections based on topic
relevance, novelty, and potential contributions of the study.
* In the second step, the completed submissions will be managed by the
Guest Editors, and will be reviewed by at least two expert reviewers per
paper, in a double-blind process. The submissions will undergo a maximum
of two rounds of review. Papers with a final acceptance are expected to
be published online at the end of 2023.
Format and guidelines
Extended abstracts are to be submitted to the Special Issue Editors at
ipsisdg(a)gmail.com<mailto:ipsisdg@gmail.com> as a Word document,
double-spaced, non-justified, in 12-point font. The reference style to
be followed is the APA 6thedition.
Completed papers may not exceed 8000 words (excluding references and
appendices) and will have to be submitted via the journal online
manuscript management system.
Submitted papers should not be under review for any other journal or
conference, should be significantly different from previously published
work (at least 60% unpublished material), and should present original
contributions. Duplicate submissions will be rejected. In case the
manuscripts are an extension of previously published work (e.g.,
conference article), the authors need to disclose all information about
the previous work upon submission.
About Information Polity
Information Polity is a tangible expression of the increasing awareness
that Information and Communication technologies (ICTs) have become of
deep significance for all polities as new technology-enabled forms of
government, governing and democratic practice are sought or experienced
throughout the world. This journal positions itself in these contexts,
seeking to be at the forefront of thought leadership and debate about
emerging issues, impact, and implications of government and democracy in
the information age.
More information: https://www.informationpolity.com/
Author Instructions
Instructions for authors for manuscript format and citation requirements
can be found at:
If you have questions or concerns about this Special Issue, please
contact the guest editors at ipsisdg(a)gmail.com<mailto:ipsisdg@gmail.com>.
Corbett, J., & Mellouli, S. (2017). Winning the SDG battle in cities:
How an integrated information ecosystem can contribute to the
achievement of the 2030 sustainable development goals. Information
Systems Journal, 27(4), 427–461.
Estevez, E., & Janowski, T. (2013). Electronic Governance for
Sustainable Development—Conceptual framework and state of research.
Government Information Quarterly, 30, Supplement 1, S94–S109.
Janowski, T. (2016). Implementing Sustainable Development Goals with
Digital Government – Aspiration-capacity gap. Government Information
Quarterly, 33(4), 603–613.
Medaglia, R., & Damsgaard, J. (2020). Blockchain and the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals: Towards an Agenda for IS Research. PACIS
2020 Proceedings. https://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2020/36
Medaglia, R., Misuraca, G., & Aquaro, V. (2021). Digital Government and
the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: Towards an analytical
framework. DG.O2021: The 22nd Annual International Conference on Digital
Government Research, 473–478.
Misuraca, G., & Medaglia, R. (2021). Re-designing the UN e-Government
Survey in light of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Towards
a post-COVID digital society. ICEGOV. International Conference on Theory
and Practice of Electronic Governance, Athens Greece.
Nishant, R., Kennedy, M., & Corbett, J. (2020). Artificial intelligence
for sustainability: Challenges, opportunities, and a research agenda.
International Journal of Information Management, 53, 102104.
Pan, S. L., & Zhang, S. (2020). From fighting COVID-19 pandemic to
tackling sustainable development goals: An opportunity for responsible
information systems research. International Journal of Information
Management, 55, 102196.
United Nations. (2015). About the Sustainable Development Goals. United
Nations Sustainable Development.
United Nations. (2017). Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development. Springer Publishing Company.
Rony Medaglia
Professor MSO, PhD
Department of Digitalization
Copenhagen Business School
Howitzvej 60
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Tel.: +45 2479 4327
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