-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] UMAP 2020 - Third call for papers
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 08:31:12 +0200
From: Tsvi Kuflik <tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers - ACM UMAP 2020
28th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and
Theme: "Responsible Personalization"
Genoa (Italy)
July 14-17, 2020
Website: https://www.um.org/umap2020/
Abstracts due: January 31, 2020 (mandatory)
Papers due: February 7, 2020
ACM UMAP - User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization - is the premier
international conference for researchers and practitioners working on
systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and that
collect, represent, and model user information. ACM UMAP is sponsored by ACM
SIGCHI and SIGWEB, and organized with User Modeling Inc. as the core
Steering Committee, extended with past years' chairs. The proceedings are
published by ACM and will be part of the ACM Digital Library.
ACM UMAP covers a wide variety of research areas where personalization and
adaptation may be applied. This includes a number of domains in which
researchers are engendering significant innovations based on advances in
user modeling and adaptation, recommender systems, adaptive educational
systems, intelligent user interfaces, e-commerce, advertising, digital
humanities, social networks, personalized health, entertainment, and many
We welcome submissions related to user modeling, personalization and
adaptation in any area; the conference web site provides a detailed (but not
proscriptive) list of topics and sub-topics of importance to the conference.
As the theme for UMAP 2020 is "Responsible Personalization," submissions in
all areas that emphasize ethical dimensions of personalized systems are
For details, see the conference website (https://www.um.org/umap2020/)
* Personalized Recommender Systems
* Adaptive Hypermedia and the Semantic Web
* Intelligent User Interfaces
* Personalized Social Web
* Technology-Enhanced Adaptive Learning
* Privacy, Fairness, and Transparency
* Personalized Health
* User Modeling and Personalization Applications
* Theory, Opinion, Reflection
Papers will be submitted through EasyChair:
Long (8 pages + references) and Short (4 pages + references) papers in ACM
style. Original research papers addressing the theory and/or practice of
UMAP, and papers showcasing innovative use of UMAP and exploring the
benefits and challenges of applying UMAP technology in real-life
applications and contexts are welcome.
Long papers should present original reports of substantive new research
techniques, findings, and applications of UMAP. They should place the work
within the field and clearly indicate its innovative aspects. Research
procedures and technical methods should be presented in sufficient detail to
ensure scrutiny and reproducibility. Results should be clearly communicated
and implications of the contributions/findings for UMAP and beyond should be
explicitly discussed.
Short papers should present original and highly promising research or
applications. Merit will be assessed in terms of originality and importance
rather than maturity, extensive technical validation, and user studies.
Separation of long and short papers will be strictly enforced so papers will
not compete across categories, but only within each category. Papers that
receive high scores and are considered promising by reviewers, but didn't
make the acceptance cut may be revised and resubmitted as posters.
Papers must be formatted using the ACM SIG Standard (SIGCONF) proceedings
template: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template.
All accepted papers will be published by ACM and will be available via the
ACM Digital Library. To be included in the Proceedings, at least one author
of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the
paper there. Student registration fee is allowed to students who present a
student paper.
Abstracts: January 31, 2020 (mandatory)
Full paper: February 7, 2020
Notification: March 27, 2020
Camera-ready: May 3, 2020
Note: The submissions times are 11:59pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)
General chairs
Tsvi Kuflik, The University of Haifa
Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa
Program chairs
Robin Burke, University of Colorado, Boulder
Cristina Gena, University of Turin
Separate calls will be sent for Workshops and Tutorials, Doctoral
Consortium, Posters, and Late Breaking Results, as these have different
deadlines and submission requirements.
Tsvi Kuflik, PhD.
Professor of Information Systems
Co-chair of the Digital Humanities BSc program,
Information Systems department,
The University of Haifa
Email: <mailto:tsvikak@is.haifa.ac.il> tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il
Home page: https://sites.hevra.haifa.ac.il/tsvikak
Tel: +972 4 8288511
Fax: +972 4 8288283
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP: ISMIS 2020 26th International Symposium on
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 07:57:00 +0100
From: Denis Helic <dhelic(a)tugraz.at>
Reply-To: Denis Helic <dhelic(a)tugraz.at>
To: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
* Apologies if you received multiple copies of this e-mail.
* Please kindly forward to those who may be interested.
26th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
May, 20-22, 2020,
Graz, Austria
ISMIS is an established Artificial Intelligence conference for
exchanging the latest research results in building intelligent systems.
It provides a basis for exchanging research results and transport
scientific achievements towards industrial applications. The scope of
ISMIS is to present a wide range of topics related to the application of
Artificial Intelligence techniques related to areas such as decision
support, knowledge representation, logical programming, knowledge-based
systems, machine learning, planning, computer vision, information
retrieval, configuration and diagnosis. The conference also focus on
interdisciplinary research in AI-related fields, for example, decision
support systems and human decision making or recommender systems and
human personality, and knowledge-based systems development and cognitive
aspects of knowledge understanding.
Motivated by recent developments in sub-symbolic AI and the continuous
emergence of new application domains, this year’s conference theme
(represented by a special track) is “Towards explainable Artificial
Intelligence”. With this, ISMI2020 contributes to emerging challenges
related to the explainability of system outputs which experience an
increased relevance in areas such as autonomous driving, intelligent
sales assistants, and different further application domains such as
medicine, intelligent maintenance, and eLearning.
ISMIS 2020 is intended to attract individuals who are actively engaged
both in theoretical and practical aspects of intelligent systems. The
goal is to provide a platform for a useful exchange between
theoreticians and practitioners, and to foster the cross-fertilization
of ideas: Relevant conference topics include but are not limited to:
Explainable AI (XAI)
Machine Learning
Deep learning
Data Mining
Recommender Systems
Constraint based systems
Autonomous systems
Applications (Configuration, Internet of Things, Financial Services,
Intelligent user interfaces
User Modeling
Human computation
Socially-aware systems
Autonomous systems
Digital libraries
Intelligent Agents
Information Retrieval
Natural Language Processing
Knowledge Integration
Knowledge Visualization
Knowledge Representation
Soft Computing
Web & Text Mining
The ISMIS 2020 proceedings will be published by Springer in LNAI
(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) and will be available at the
conference. Authors of best papers will be invited to submit their
extended versions to the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
(JIIS) published by Springer. Fast Track Processing will be used to have
them reviewed and published.
Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in LNCS/LNAI style
(maximum 10 pages). All paper submissions will be handled
electronically. All submissions will be subject to review by the ISMIS
2020 Program Committee. Papers should be submitted in PDF form via the
ISMIS 2020 Online Submission System:
Paper submission 10.01.2020
Notification of acceptance 15.02.2020
Camera-ready version 10.03.2020
Author registration 02.04.2020
Conference date 20-22.05.2020
General Chair: Alexander Felfernig (Graz University of Technology)
Program Chairs: Denis Helic (Graz University of Technology), Gerhard
Leitner (AAU Klagenfurt), Martin Stettinger (Graz University of Technology)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [WI] 1st CfP: SEMANTiCS 2020 EU || Sep 7 - 10, 2020 ||
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2019 16:42:10 +0100
From: Sebastian Hellmann <pr-aksw(a)informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
Reply-To: Sebastian Hellmann <pr-aksw(a)informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Apologies for cross-posting
SEMANTiCS - 16th International Conference on Semantic Systems, September
7 - 10, 2020
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
= Important Dates (specific track dates are given below)
* Abstract Submission Deadline: April 18, 2020 (11:59 pm, Hawaiitime)
* Paper Submission Deadline: April 25, 2020
(11:59pm,Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 08, 2020 (11:59
pm,Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Paper: July 06, 2020
(11:59pm, Hawaii time)
= Read a detailed description of all available calls online:
= Submission via Easychair on
Proceedings of SEMANTiCS 2020 EU are planned to be published by Springer
LNCS & CEUR. All proceedings will be made available open access.
SEMANTiCS 2020 EU particularly welcomes submissions on the following key
* Web Semantics & Linked (Open) Data
* Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, Graph Data Management and Deep Semantics
* Machine Learning & Deep Learning Techniques
* Semantic Information Management & Knowledge Integration
* Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management
* Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Reasoning, Rules and Policies
* Natural Language Processing
* Data Quality Management and Assurance
* Explainable Artificial Intelligence
* Semantics in Data Science
* Trust, Data Privacy, and Security with Semantic Technologies
* Economics of Data, Data Services and Data Ecosystems
* Special Sub-Topic: Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
* Special Sub-Topic: LegalTech
* Special Sub-Topic: Blockchain and Semantics
We especially encourage contributions that illustrate the applicability
of the topics mentioned above for industrial purposes and/or illustrate
the business relevance of their contribution for specific industries.
We invite contributions to the following tracks:
= Read a detailed description of all available calls online:
== Research and Innovation Track ==
The Research and Innovation track at SEMANTiCS welcomes papers on novel
scientific research and/or innovations relevant to the topics of the
conference. Submissions must be original and must not have been
submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers must follow the guidelines
given in the author instructions, including references and optional
appendices. Each submission will be reviewed by several PC members who
will judge it based on its innovativeness, appropriateness, and impact
of results in terms of effectiveness at solving real problems.
= Important Dates:
* Abstract Submission Deadline: April 18, 2020 (11:59 pm, Hawaii
* Paper Submission Deadline: April 25, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 08, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Paper: July 06, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
Author instructions: Reviews will be carried out in a single-blind mode.
Long papers should have a maximum length of 15 pages and short papers of
6 pages. Submissions should follow the guidelines of the Springer LNCS
format. The detailed Call for Research and Innovation papers is
available here: https://2020-eu.semantics.cc/calls
== Posters and Demos Track ==
The Posters and Demonstrations Track invites innovative work in
progress, late-breaking research and innovation results, and smaller
contributions in all fields related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data
in a broader sense. These include submissions on innovative applications
with impact on end users, such as demos of solutions that users may test
or that are yet in the conceptual phase but are worth discussing, and
also applications or pieces of code that may attract developers and
potential research or business partners.
= Important Dates:
* Paper Submission Deadline: June 22, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: July 22, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Paper: August 01, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
Author instructions: Proceedings are planned to be published via CEUR
Workshop Proceedings and should follow the guidelines of the Springer
LNCS format. The detailed Call for Poster and Demos papers is available
== Industry and Use Case Track ==
Focusing strongly on industry needs and ground breaking technology
trends SEMANTICS invites presentations on enterprise solutions that deal
with semantic processing of data and/or information. A special focus of
Semantics 2019 will be on the convergence of machine learning techniques
and knowledge graphs. Additional topics of interest are Enterprise
Knowledge Graphs, Semantic AI & Machine Learning, Enterprise Data
Integration, Linked Data & Data Publishing, Semantic Search,
Recommendation Services, Thesaurus and/or Ontology Management, Text
Mining, Data Mining and any related fields. All submissions should have
a strong focus on real-world applications beyond the prototypical stage
and demonstrate the power of semantic systems!
= Important Dates:
* Paper Submission Deadline: May 25, 2020 (11:59
pm,Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Presentation: August 24, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
Submit your presentations here:
== Workshops and Tutorials ==
Workshops and Tutorials at SEMANTiCS 2018 allow your organisation or
project to advance and promote your topics and gain increased
visibility. The workshops and tutorials will provide a forum for
presenting widely recognised contributions and findings to a diverse and
knowledgeable community. Furthermore, the event can be used as a
dissemination activity in the scope of large research projects or as a
closed format for research and commercial project consortia meetings.
= Important Dates for Workshops:
* Proposals WS Deadline: March 23, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: April 20, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
= Important Dates for Tutorials (and other meetings, e.g. seminars,
show-cases, etc., without call for papers):
* Proposals Tutorial Deadline: May 11, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 01, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
== Special Calls ==
Special calls or sub-topics are dedicated towards specific topics that
are of special interest to the SEMANTiCS community. IN case we receive a
sufficient amount of high quality submissions these topics will become
special tracks within the conference program. For 2020 SEMANTiCS
Amsterdam encourages submissions to the following sub-topics:
* Special Sub-Topic: Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
* Special Sub-Topic: LegalTech
* Special Sub-Topic: Blockchain and Semantics
Each sub-topic is managed by a distinct committee and encourages
submissions from the scientific or industrial domain. Scientific
submissions will undergo a thorough review process and will be published
in the conference proceedings in case of acceptance. Industrial
submissions will be evaluated and selected according to the quality
criteria of the industry track. WE are looking forward to your submissions!
== SEMANTiCS 2020 EU Organizing Committee ==
Research and Innovation Chairs:
* Eva Blomqist, Linköping University
* Paul Groth, University of Amsterdam
Industry and Use Case Presentation Chairs:
* Christian Dirschl, Wolters Kluwer
* Marco Bratinga, Ordina
* Andreas Blumauer, Semantic Web Company
Workshops and Tutorials Chairs:
* Laura Daniele, TNO
* Tabea Tietz, FIZ Karlsruhe
Posters and Demos Chairs:
* Maria Maleshkova, University of Bonn
* Ilaria Tiddi, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Proceedings Chairs:
* Tassilo Pellegrini, UAS St. Pölten
Conference Chairs:
* Victor de Boer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
* Tassilo Pellegrini, UAS St. Pölten
The program committee will be announced on the conference website
= Read a detailed description of all available calls online:
== About SEMANTiCS ==
The annual SEMANTiCS EU conference is the meeting place for
professionals who make semantic computing work, understand its benefits,
and encounter its limitations. Every year, SEMANTiCS attracts
researchers and practitioners alike from a wide spectrum of
organisations ranging from universities, non-profit organisations,
public administration bodies, to SMEs and the largest companies in the
SEMANTiCS 2020 is bound to continue a long tradition of building bridges
between like minded but often separated communities of interest. To do
so, the conference aims to explore the intersections, benefits and
hurdles of various traditions in artificial intelligence, machine
learning and
semantic processing of graph data and information. SEMANTiCS 2020
invites latest scientific research as well as presentations on industry
implementations, use case prototypes and best practices.
The SEMANTiCS program will provide a rich mix of technical talks, panel
discussions on emerging topics and presentations of practical systems by
people who make things work - just like you. In addition, attendees will
have a unique opportunity to network with experts in a variety of
fields. These relationships provide great value to organisations as they
encounter technical challenges in any stage of implementation. The
expertise gained by SEMANTiCS attendees has a long-term impact on their
careers and organisations. These factors make SEMANTiCS the key event
across Europe for a diverse community of industry leaders and academic
experts alike.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] [simu-conf] EXTENDED DEADLINE +
JOURNAL OPPORTUNITY. Theory and Foundations of Modeling & Simulation
(TMS) - George Mason University, VA, USA – May 2020
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2019 14:13:14 -0500
From: vsim-conf(a)sce.carleton.ca
To: vsim-conf(a)sce.carleton.ca
Theory and Foundations of Modelling and Simulation Track
Spring Simulation Conference – May 2020
Submission deadline extended: January 6, 2020.
Top articles will be invited to submit extended versions to a Special
Issue for the SIMULATION journal
https://journals.sagepub.com/home/sim (Special Issue information:
http://shorturl.at/cuxOZ )
TMS aims to provide a forum to present the most recent advances in the
Theory and Foundations
of Modeling and Simulation. The focus is on the M&S concepts, methods,
methodology, practice, and toolkits,
as well as related lessons learned and challenges. This track welcomes
unpublished papers, and not under
consideration in other venues, on the topics below as well as others
that can help deepen and expand M&S Theory
and Foundations for better understanding and development of computing,
physical, and human systems.
* Modeling & Simulation Formalisms (Agents, DEVS, Petri nets,
Statecharts, etc.)
* Multi-Paradigm/Multi-Domain Modeling, Multi-Resolution/Multi-Scale
* Model Composition, Hybrid Modeling Languages, Multi-Modal Modeling
* Model Checking, Formalism-Based Model Debugging, Model Transformation
* Modular Hybrid, Spatially Distributed, and Ultra Large Scale Systems
* Embedded, IoT, and Fog Computing Systems
* Parallel, Distributed, Real-Time, Cloud-Based, and Interactive Simulation
* Co-simulation, Interoperability, Simulation Languages, Numerical Solvers
* Simulation and Model Development Visualization Tools
* Model Libraries, Repositories, and Data Formats
Organization Committee:
General Chairs: Joachim Denil, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Hessam Sarjoughian, Arizona State University, USA
Program Chairs: Gabriel Wainer, Carleton University, Canada
Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Carleton University, Canada
Further information:
[apologies for cross postings – problems/issues: contact
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] *New Issue* Journal of Business Analytics - a
journal of the Operational Research Society
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 15:20:23 +0000
From: Goodman, Richard <Richard.Goodman(a)tandf.co.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
***Journal of Business Analytics - Volume 2 - Issue 2 - 2019***
Dear all,
The Journal of Business Analytics 2(2) is now available to read on the
journal homepage (www.tandfonline.com/tjba):
1) How ideological network influences terrorist attack tactics? An
empirical study, Lyudmyla Starostyuk, Kay-Yut Chen & Edmund L. Prater
2) The origins of business analytics and implications for the
information systems field, Nik Rushdi Hassan
3) Bayesian assessment of predictors' contributions to variation in the
predictive performance of a logistic regression model, Yonggang Lu
4) Organisational project evaluation via machine learning techniques: an
exploration, Alon Yaakobi, Moshe Goresh, Iris Reychav, Roger McHaney,
Lin Zhu, Hanoch Sapoznikov & Yuval Lib
5) Business analytics capability, organisational value and competitive
advantage, Michael O'Neill & Anthony Brabazon
With best wishes,
Dursun Delen and Sudha Ram
The editors
***Journal news***
Recent issues of the Journal of Business Analytics, along with Health
Systems and the European Journal of Information Systems, are now freely
available to all AIS members through the AIS eLibrary
Richard Goodman
Portfolio Manager | Journals Editorial
4 Park Square
Milton Park
OX14 4RN Direct Line: +44 (20) 701 77517 Richard.goodman(a)tandf.co.uk
Information Classification: General
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ACM IUI 2020: Second Student Consortium Call for
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2019 10:23:01 +0000
From: Oana Inel <O.Inel(a)tudelft.nl>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org <AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
* We apologize for cross-posting *
*** ACM IUI 2020: Second Student Consortium Call for Papers ***
Cagliari, Italy
March 17-20, 2020
Important Dates:
- Submission Due: Jan 3, 2020
The IUI 2020 Student Consortium is intended to provide an opportunity
for Doctoral and advanced Masters students to present and receive
feedback about their research in an interdisciplinary workshop, under
the guidance of a panel of mentors selected from senior researchers in
the field. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind
of feedback on their research to use this unique opportunity to share
their work with students in a similar situation. The consortium will be
organized with 8 to 12 student presentations selected by the Student
Consortium chairs and potentially other reviewers. The strongest
candidates will be those who have a clear topic and research approach,
and have made some progress, but who are not so far along in their
research so that they can still update their research topics or methods.
The final version of accepted SC submissions will be included in the
main conference proceedings published in the ACM DL.
Complimentary/reduced conference registration will be available for
students. Student Consortium participants will also be given high
priority when applying for the student travel awards. Moreover, we are
working to provide partial reimbursement of travel/accommodation
expenses specifically for the participants of the Student Consortium.
The objectives of the student consortium are to:
1. Serve as a supportive setting to provide/receive feedback on
students' current doctoral and masters' research and guidance on future
research directions
2. Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from
researchers and students outside of their own institution
3. Promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a
spirit of collaborative research
4. Contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other
researchers and conference events
Submission Instructions
To apply for the Student Consortium, please submit to the URL below a
single PDF containing the following (in order):
1. A brief cover letter containing your full name, contact details,
affiliation, web page, expected graduation date and target degree, the
name of your thesis advisor, gender (optional), home country (optional),
and whether you are a member of an underrepresented minority group
(optional) - one page maximum.
2. Your SC submission: a document describing your thesis/dissertation
research plan and your progress thus far and should be no more than two
pages long, including references. Key points the submission should
include: Motivation for your dissertation research, goal and research
questions, related work that frames your research, methods/approach to
reach the goal, results if any, and next steps for your research.
3. Submissions should follow the standard sigconf format, using one of
the following
4. Your CV (maximum two pages).
Submit your single PDF (containing cover letter and SC submission) to
by Jan 3rd, 2020.
In addition, a letter of recommendation from your thesis or doctoral
advisor should be sent separately by email to the Student Consortium
co-Chairs at sc2020(a)iui.acm.org<mailto:sc2020@iui.acm.org>.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - MICRADS 2020, Quito, Ecuador |
Deadline: December 23
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2019 19:26:19 +0000
From: Inter CITS <intercits(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
* Proceedings by Springer, indexed by Scopus, ISI, EI-Compendex, Google
Scholar, etc.
*MICRADS´20 - The 2020 Multidisciplinary International Conference of
Research Applied to Defense and Security*
*Quito, Ecuador, 13 - 15 May 2020*
*http://www.micrads.org/* <http://www.micrads.org/>
MICRADS´20 - The 2020 Multidisciplinary International Conference of
Research Applied to Defense and Security, to be held at Quito, Ecuador,
13-15 May 2020, is an international forum for researchers and practitioners
to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results,
experiences and concerns in the several perspectives of Defense and
We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to MICRADS´20. They can
be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. All submissions will be
reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity.
Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes
proposed for the Conference:
*Area A: Systems, Communication and Defense*
A1) Information and Communication Technology in Education
A2) Simulation and computer vision in military applications
A3) Analysis and Signal Processing
A4) Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense
A5) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems
*Area B: Strategy and political-administrative vision in Defense*
B1) Safety and Maritime Protection
B2) Strategy, Geopolitics and Oceanopolitics
B3) Planning, economy and logistics applied to Defense
B4) Leadership and e-leadership
B5) Military Marketing
B6) Health informatics in military applications
*Area C: Engineering and technologies applied to Defense*
C1) Wearable Technology and Assistance Devices
C2) Military Naval Engineering
C3) Weapons and Combat Systems
C4) Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Defense
C5) Defense Engineering (General)
*Submission and Decision*
Submitted papers written in English (until 10-page limit) must comply with
the format of Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies series (see
for Authors at Springer Website
must not have been published before, not be under review for any other
conference or publication and not include any information leading to the
authors’ identification. Therefore, the authors’ names, affiliations and
e-mails should not be included in the version for evaluation by the
Scientific Committee. This information should only be included in the
camera-ready version, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF
format. These
files must be accompanied by the *Consent to Publish form
<http://www.micrads.org/consent.doc>* filled out, in a ZIP file, and
uploaded at the conference management system.
Submitted papers written in Spanish or Portuguese (until 15-page limit)
must comply with the format of *RISTI <http://www.risti.xyz/>* - Revista
Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (download
instructions/template for authors in *Spanish
<http://www.risti.xyz/formato-es.doc>* or *Portuguese
<http://www.risti.xyz/formato-pt.doc>*), must not have been published
before, not be under review for any other conference or publication and not
include any information leading to the authors’ identification. Therefore,
the authors’ names, affiliations and e-mails should not be included in the
version for evaluation by the Scientific Committee. This information should
only be included in the camera-ready version, saved in Word. These file
must be uploaded at the conference management system in a ZIP file.
All papers will be subjected to a “blind review” by at least two members of
the Scientific Committee.
Based on Scientific Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or
accepted by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be accepted as
paper or poster.
The authors of papers accepted as posters must build and print a poster to
be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or A2
vertical format. The Conference can includes Work Sessions where these
posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 7 minute limit per
The authors of accepted papers will have 15 minutes to present their work
in a Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of discussion will
follow each presentation.
*Publication and Indexing*
To ensure that an accepted paper is published, at least one of the authors
must be fully registered by the 18 of February 2020, and the paper must
comply with the suggested layout and page-limit (until 10 pages).
Additionally, all recommended changes must be addressed by the authors
before they submit the camera-ready version.
No more than one paper per registration will be published. An extra fee
must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum of one
additional paper per registration. One registration permits only the
participation of one author in the conference.
Papers can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Accepted and
registered papers written in English will be published in Proceedings by
Springer, in a book of its SIST series, and will be submitted for indexing
by ISI, SCOPUS, EI-Compendex, SpringerLink, and Google Scholar.
*Important Dates*
Paper Submission: December 23, 2019
Notification of Acceptance: January 31, 2020
Payment of Registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in
the conference proceedings: February 18, 2020
Camera-ready Submission: February 18, 2020
*Website of MICRADS'20*: http://www.micrads.org/
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Volume 45 of the Communications of the Association for
Information Systems completed
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2019 14:02:16 +0000
From: Recker, Jan <jan.recker(a)wiso.uni-koeln.de>
Reply-To: Recker, Jan <jan.recker(a)wiso.uni-koeln.de>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Dear colleagues and friends,
we have completed Volume 45 of the Communications of the Association for
Information Systems. All papers in this volume are accessible online at
Our latest additions include the following papers:
- A Value-sensitive Design Perspective of Cryptocurrencies: A Research
- AMCIS 2017 Panel Report: Experiences in Online Education
- Tutorial: A Descriptive Introduction to the Blockchain
- Addressing the Growing Need for Algorithmic Transparency
Thanks for your continuing interest in the Communications of the
Association for Information Systems. You can follow us on Facebook
(https://www.facebook.com/CommunicationsoftheAIS/) and Twitter
Happy reading.
Prof. Dr. Jan Recker | Editor-in-Chief, Communications of the
Association for Information Systems
University of Cologne
http://www.is4.uni-koeln.de/ | http://scientific-research-in-is.org/
Phone: +49 221 470 5397 | Email: jan.recker(a)wiso.uni-koeln.de
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP Complexis 2020 (Prague, Czech Republic, May 7 -
9, 2020)
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2019 18:10:08 +0100
From: Anna Kobusińska <Anna.Kobusinska(a)cs.put.poznan.pl>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
5th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems
and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2020)
Prague, Czech Republic
May 8 - 9, 2020
In Cooperation with DNS.PT and EuroCloud.
Dear Colleagues
We cordially invite you to share your latest research results at the
2020 COMPLEXIS Conference.
COMPLEXIS – The International Conference on Complexity, Future
Information Systems and Risk, aims at becoming a yearly meeting place
for presenting and discussing innovative views on all aspects of Complex
Information Systems, in different areas such as Informatics,
Telecommunications, Computational Intelligence, Biology, Biomedical
Engineering and Social Sciences. Information is pervasive in many areas
of human activity – perhaps all – and complexity is a characteristic of
current Exabyte-sized, highly connected and hyper dimensional,
information systems.
Conference Areas
1 - Complexity in Informatics and Networking
2 - Complexity in Biology and Biomedical Engineering
3 - Complexity in Social Sciences
4 - Complexity in Risk and Predictive Modeling
5 - Complexity in Edge/Fog/High-Performance Computing
With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speakers:
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Rajiv Ranjan, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Amir Hussain, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
Regular Papers
Paper Submission December 13, 2019
Authors Notification February 12, 2020
Camera Ready and Registration February 27, 2020
Position Papers
Paper Submission January 29, 2020
Authors Notification March 5, 2020
Camera Ready and Registration March 18, 2020
Workshop Proposal December 22, 2019
Paper Submission March 3, 2020
Authors Notification March 17, 2020
Camera Ready and Registration March 25, 2020
Doctoral Consortium
Paper Submission March 11, 2020
Authors Notification March 24, 2020
Camera Ready and Registration April 1, 2020
Special Sessions
Special Session Proposal December 22, 2019
Tutorial Proposal March 24, 2020
Demo Proposal March 24, 2020
Panel Proposal March 24, 2020
Open Communications
Paper Submission March 11, 2020
Authors Notification March 24, 2020
Camera Ready and Registration April 1, 2020
Note All dates refer to AOE time, i.e. Anywhere on Earth
Chaos Theory and Applications
Complex Networks
Complexity Theory
Connected Vehicles
Internet and the Semantic Web
Simulation and Modeling
Usability of Complex Information Systems
Community Structure in Networks
Deep Learning
Self-Organizing Systems and Intelligent Systems
Artificial Life
Biological and Biomedical Data Mining
Biomedical Imaging and Data Visualization
Biomedical Signal Processing
Complex Biomedical Systems and Signals
Computational Biology
Health Systems Complexity
Ontology Engineering
Population Models
Complex Networks and Epidemics
Complex Networks in Biological Systems
Complexity Management
Cultural Models
Data-Driven Models
Economic Complexity
Information Systems
Linguistic and Cognitive Systems
Models of Complex Networks
Multi-Agent Systems
Security, Privacy and Trust
Social Networks
Big Data Predictive Modeling
Error Detection, Reduction and Correction for Risk
High Performance Computing for Risk
Innovative Methods
Monte Carlo, Black Scholes, Bayesian, ARIMA, Heston and Stochastic
Techniques or Analysis
Risk Analysis and Management
Behavioral Finance and Analysis
Risk Minimization, Analytics and Deep Machine Learning
Time Series Prediction
Mathematical Models
Risk Assessment
System Specification and Modeling
System Design, High-Level Synthesis and Optimization
Formal Methods and System Verification
Power Modeling, Optimization and Low-Power Design
Processor, Memory, Storage, Interconnect Designs
AI-based Computing, AI-based Analysis
Complex Engineering Problems, Simulations and Solutions
Reconfigurable Computing
QoS Management and Performance Analysis
New and Emerging Design Technologies
Edge/Fog/HPC Computing Fundamentals
Edge/Fog/HPC Computing Platforms
Edge/Fog/HPC Computing Applications
Edge/Fog/HPC Computing Services
Edge/Fog/HPC Computing Security
Edge/Fog/HPC Computing New Directions and Case Studies
Edge/Fog/HPC Computing Challenges and Recommendations
Application Areas, Engineering, Automotive, Avionics, Energy,
Health Care, Mobile Devices, Multimedia and Autonomous Systems
Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by
DBLP, Thomson Reuters, EI, SCOPUS, Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar.
All papers presented at the conference venue will also be available at
the SCITEPRESS Digital Library.
Selected papers will be recommended to prestigious journal special issues
Organizing Committees
Victor Chang, Teesside University, United Kingdom
Reinhold Behringer, Knorr Bremse GmbH, Germany
Please visit the COMPLEXIS 2020 website
http://www.complexis.org/ProgramCommittee.aspx for the complete listing
of organizing committee and TPC members.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP IoTBDS 2020 (Prague, Czech Republic, May 7 - 9,
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2019 18:12:42 +0100
From: Anna Kobusińska <Anna.Kobusinska(a)cs.put.poznan.pl>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Prague, Czech Republic
May 7 - 9, 2020
In Cooperation with: DNS.PT and EuroCloud.
Dear Colleagues:
We cordially invite you to share your latest research results at the
2020 IoTBDS Conference.
The internet of things (IoT) is a platform that allows a network of
devices (sensors, smart meters, etc.) to communicate, analyse data and
process information collaboratively in the service of individuals or
organisations. The IoT network can generate large amounts of data in a
variety of formats and using different protocols which can be stored and
processed in the cloud. The conference looks to address the issues
surrounding IoT devices, their interconnectedness and services they may
offer, including efficient, effective and secure analysis of the data
IoT produces using machine learning and other advanced techniques,
models and tools, and issues of security, privacy and trust that will
emerge as IoT technologies mature and become part of our everyday lives.
Big Data (BD) has core values of volume, velocity, variety and veracity.
After collecting much data from IoT, BD can be jointly used with machine
learning, AI, statistical and other advanced techniques, models and
methods, which can create values for people and organizations adopting
it, since forecasting, deep analysis and analytics can help identify
weaknesses and make improvements based on different analysis.
Maintaining a high level of security and privacy for data in IoT are
crucial and we welcome recommendations, solutions, demonstrations and
best practices for all forms of security and privacy for IoT and BD.
Conference Areas:
1 - Big Data Research
2 - Emerging Services and Analytics
3 - Internet of Things (IoT) Fundamentals
4 - Internet of Things (IoT) Applications
5 - Big Data for Multi-discipline Services
6 - Security, Privacy and Trust
7 - IoT Technologies
With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speakers :
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Rajiv Ranjan, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Amir Hussain, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
Regular Papers
Paper Submission: December 13, 2019
Authors Notification: February 12, 2020
Camera Ready and Registration: February 27, 2020
Position Papers
Paper Submission: January 29, 2020
Authors Notification: March 5, 2020
Camera Ready and Registration: March 18, 2020
Workshop Proposal: December 22, 2019
Paper Submission: March 3, 2020
Authors Notification: March 17, 2020
Camera Ready and Registration: March 25, 2020
Doctoral Consortium
Paper Submission: March 11, 2020
Authors Notification: March 24, 2020
Camera Ready and Registration: April 1, 2020
Special Sessions
Special Session Proposal: December 22, 2019
Tutorial Proposal: March 24, 2020
Demo Proposal: March 24, 2020
Panel Proposal: March 24, 2020
Open Communications
Paper Submission: March 11, 2020
Authors Notification: March 24, 2020
Camera Ready and Registration: April 1, 2020
European Project Space
Paper Submission: March 15, 2019
Authors Notification: March 25, 2019
Registration: April 4, 2019
Note: All dates refer to AOE time, i.e. "Anywhere on Earth"
Area 1: Big Data Research
- Big Data Fundamentals: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity and Value
- Modeling, Experiments, Sharing Technologies & Platforms
- Analytics, Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering
- Data Center Enabled Technologies
- Networking and Social Networks
- Data Management for Large Data
- Software Frameworks (MapReduce, Spark Etc) and Simulations
- Social Science and Implications for Big Data
Area 2: Emerging Services and Analytics
- Health Informatics as a Service (HIaaS) for Any Type of Health
Informatics, Computation and Services
- Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) including Frameworks, Empirical
Approaches and Data Processing Techniques
- Big Data Algorithm, Methodology, Business Models and Challenges
- Security as a Service including Any Algorithms, Methodology and
Software Proof-of-Concepts
- Financial Software as a Service (FSaaS) including Risk and Pricing
Analysis; Predictive Modeling
- Education as a Service (EaaS) including eLearning and Educational
- Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) including Workflows and Supply
Chain in IoT and Big Data
- Analytics as a Service (AaaS) for Any Types of Analytics
- Scheduling, Service Duplication, Fairness, Load Balance for SaaS and
- eGovernment, eCommerce, eScience and Creative Technologies for IoT and
Big Data
- IoT Services and Applications
- New Service Models and Emerging Services
Area 3: Internet of Things (IoT) Fundamentals
- Software Architecture and Middleware
- Context-Awareness and Location-Awareness
- Performance Evaluation and Modeling
- Networking and Communication Protocols
- Machine to Machine Communications
- Energy Efficiency
- Software Engineering for IoT and IoE
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches Data Analytics
Area 4: Internet of Things (IoT) Applications
- Technological Focus for Smart Environments
- Smart City Examples and Case Studies
- Architecture for Secure and Interactive IoT
- Intelligent Infrastructure and Guidance Systems for Vehicles, Green
Systems and Smart City
- Sensor Networks, Remote Diagnosis and Development
- Transportation Management Traffic Theory, Modeling and Simulation
- Social Implications for IoT Intelligent
- Systems for IoT and Services Computing
Area 5: Big Data for Multi-discipline Services
- Smart City and Transportation
- Education and Learning
- Business, Finance and Management
- Social Networks Analysis, Media and eGovernment
- Risk Modeling, Simulation, Legal Challenges
- Case Studies of Real Adoption
- Biomedical Experiments and Simulations
- Healthcare Services and Health Informatics
Area 6: Security, Privacy and Trust
- Algorithms, Software Engineering and Development
- Testing (Software Engineering; Penetration; Product Development)
- Encryption (All Aspects)
- Firewall, Access Control, Identity Management
- Experiments on Using Security Solutions and Proof-of-Concepts
- Intrusion and Detection Techniques
- Social Engineering and Ethical Hacking: Techniques and Case Studies
- Software Engineering for Security Modeling, Business Process Modeling
and Analytics
- Location-Based Privacy
- Data Security, Data Recovery, Disaster Recovery
- Adoption Challenges and Recommendation
- Emerging Issues and Recommendations for Organizational Security
- Case Studies
- Security, Privacy and Trust
Area 7: IoT Technologies
- 3D Printing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Biotechnology
- Communication
- Data Processing
- Electronic Technologies for in-Vehicle
- Internet of Things
- Mode-to-Mode Systems
- Nanotechnology
- Sensors
- Transport Safety and Mobility
- Vehicle-to-Infrastructure
- Vehicle-to-Vehicle
Artificial Intelligence for Emerging IoT Systems: Open Challenges and
Novel Perspectives - AI4EIoTs
Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by:
DBLP, Thomson Reuters, EI, SCOPUS, Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar.
All papers presented at the conference venue will also be available at
the SCITEPRESS Digital Library.
Selected papers will be recommended to prestigious journal special issues
Organizing Committees
Victor Chang, Teesside University, United Kingdom
Gary Wills, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Péter Kacsuk (honorary), MTA SZTAKI, Hungary
Mouzhi Ge, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Anna Kobusinska, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Zagazig University, Egypt
Please visit the IOTBDS 2020 website
http://iotbds.org/ProgramCommittee.aspx for the complete listing of
organizing committee and TPC members.
AISWorld mailing list