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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP SI: Business Analytics for the Management of
Information Systems Development
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2020 17:07:44 +0000
From: Dennehy, Denis <denis.dennehy(a)nuigalway.ie>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Business Analytics for the Management of Information Systems Development
Special issue call for papers from Information Technology & People
Submission deadline: 30th September 2020
Special issue editors:
Denis Dennehy, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Email: denis.dennehy(a)nuigalway.ie<mailto:denis.dennehy@nuigalway.ie>
Ilias Pappas, University of Agder, Norway
Email: ilias.pappas(a)uia.no<mailto:%20ilias.pappas@uia.no>
Samuel Fossa Wamba, Toulouse Business School, France
Email: s.fosso-wamba(a)tbs-education.fr<mailto:s.fosso-wamba@tbs-education.fr>
Katina Michael, Arizona State University, USA
Email: katina.michael(a)asu.edu <mailto:katina.michael@asu.edu>
<mailto:katina.michael@asu.edu>Overview of Special Issue
Information Systems Development (ISD) has been part of the intellectual
core of information systems for over 40 years (Obrand et al., 2018;
Sidorova et al., 2008). Its chequered history of successes and failures
has, however, been an ongoing concern of the IS research community
(Dwivedi et al., 2015; Hassan & Mathiassen, 2017). Despite efforts to
improve the management of ISD projects, these efforts have not had the
desired effect (Lim et al., 2011).
There is anecdotal evidence that business analytics can help project
managers to (i) understand the dynamics and collective state of complex
projects, (ii) detect and forecast trends, (iii) improve the
effectiveness of risk models, (iv) evaluate the effectiveness of a
change to the development process, and (v) distinguish questions of
‘information’ from questions of ‘insight’ (Davenport et al., 2010).
Business analytics are frequently referred to as ‘the techniques,
technologies, systems, practices, methodologies, and applications that
analyse critical business data to help an enterprise better understand
its business and market and make timely decisions’ (Chen et al., 2012,
p.1166). Yet, much of the research conducted to date has focused on the
technologies of business analytics and not enough on the people and
their organisational context in which such technologies are intended to
be used (Abbasi et al, 2017; Conboy et al., 2018; Mikalef et al., 2019).
This is a significant limitation given that the ISD environment is a
highly metric oriented, complex, and socially embedded activity that is
continuously changing (Conboy, 2009; Kudaravalli et al., 2017; Windeler
et al., 2017).
This special issue seeks to collect contemporary research on the latest
developments and challenges of how organisations exploit business
analytics to support project/portfolio managers, project teams, and
other project stakeholders.
Indicative List of Anticipated Themes
This special issue seeks a wide range of articles that draw on diverse
project settings, theories, and approaches to understand the different
aspects of business analytics as applied to the context of ISD. The
following questions are of interest for the special issue:
• How can business analytics be used to better understand and manage ISD
• What value does business analytics provide to ISD management and
development teams?
• What tensions arise from the integration of business analytics with
traditional and agile methods and practices?
• What are the emerging best practices that enable business analytics to
be embedded within the ISD process and the wider organisation?
• Does the deployment of business analytics make existing agile methods
and practices less valuable or even obsolete?
• What new metrics and standards can business analytics provide to
manage and control ISD projects more effectively?
• How can business analytics enable organisational learning and
innovation in the context of ISD?
• How are business analytics being applied in various types
(distributed, large scale) of ISD projects?
• How can business analytics support the scaling of ISD projects?
• What are the change management and organisational cultural issues that
need to be considered when developing analytical capabilities?
• How can business analytics provide new ways of working in ISD projects?
• What ethical issues stem from the use of business analytics in ISD
• How can business analytics be used to support more effective decision
• What are the new theories and theoretical developments to explain the
implementation and use of business analytics in ISD projects?
These questions are not intended to be exhaustive. Rather they are
intended to stimulate thinking about the role of business analytics in
the management of ISD projects across various levels of analysis - from
participants in individual projects through projects, programs,
portfolios, organisations, and the wider society. We welcome submissions
that address questions pertaining to all aspects of the intersection of
business analytics and ISD project management.
Important Dates:
Paper Development Workshop (ECIS 2020)
• Submission of extended abstracts commences 1st February 2020 and ends
midnight (CET) 31st March 2020
• Authors will be notified of decision by mid-April 2020
• Paper Development Workshop: 14th June 2020
Information Technology & People Special Issue:
• Initial paper submission deadline: 30th September, 2020
• First round authors notification: 30th November, 2020
• Invited revisions deadline: 31st January, 2021
• Second round authors notification: 31st March, 2021
• Final revision deadline: 31st May, 2021
• Final authors notification: 30th June, 2021
• Projected publication date: Winter 2021
Paper Development Workshop
Only invited authors can attend this workshop. Authors will have the
opportunity to present their extended abstracts and receive feedback on
how best to develop their article for submission to the special issue
with Information Technology & People.
Extended abstracts (1,500 - 3,000 words) must use the ECIS 2020
(completed research) paper template. This word limit does not include
references, tables, or figures. There is no specific structure but the
extended abstract must address the following:
• What is the theoretical lens of your research and how does this theory
help us to better understand the nature of the research phenomenon?
• What are the specific contributions that your research will make to
academia and practice?
• What are the intended implications of your research for academia and
We welcome studies using the range of investigative methodologies
qualitative and quantitative, case study, with data collected by survey,
interview, observation, analytic analysis. Technical papers and
systematic literature reviews are not within the scope of this special
issue. If you have any further questions, please consult any of the
guest editors.
Submission of extended abstracts in PDF format is via EasyChair
(https://easychair.org/). Submission of full papers in PDF format is via
Manuscript Central (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/itp). While there is
no guarantee that work presented at the workshop will be published in
the special issue, it is expected that some will eventually be published
in Information Technology & People, once further developed. It is
possible to submit a full paper without having submitted an extended
abstract but we advise submitting an extended abstract.
Submission Details
To view the author guidelines for this journal, please visit:
Please submit your manuscript via our review website:
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] CfP: 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in
Healthcare Data (@ECAI 2020) - papers due on Mar 6th
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2020 09:52:31 +0000
From: Kerstin Bach <kerstin.bach(a)ntnu.no>
Reply-To: Kerstin Bach <kerstin.bach(a)ntnu.no>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
Dear all,
The 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data
will be held during ECAI 2020 in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) on June
8 or 9, 2020.
Important Deadlines:
• Technical Paper: March 6th, 2020
• BGLP Challenge: March 24th, 2020
There are many healthcare datasets consisting of both structured and
unstructured information, which provide a challenge for artificial
intelligence and machine learning researchers seeking to extract
knowledge from data. Existing healthcare datasets include electronic
medical records, large collections of complex physiological information,
medical imaging data, genomics, as well as other socio-economic and
behavioral data. In order to perform data-driven analysis or build
causal and inferential models using these datasets, challenges such as
integrating multiple data types, dealing with missing data, and handling
irregularly sampled data need to be addressed. While these challenges
must be considered by researchers working with healthcare data, a larger
problem involves how to best ensure that the hypotheses posed and types
of knowledge discoveries sought are relevant to the healthcare
community. Clinical perspectives from medical professionals are required
to ensure that advancements in healthcare data analysis result in
positive impact to point-of-care and outcome-based systems.
This workshop builds upon the success of previous Knowledge Discovery in
Healthcare Data (KDH) workshops. It welcomes contributions providing
insight on the extent to which AI techniques have successfully
penetrated the healthcare field, interaction among AI techniques to
achieve successful learning healthcare systems, and distinctions between
AI and non-AI models needed in modern healthcare environments. The focus
of the workshop is on issues in data extraction and assembly, knowledge
discovery, decision support for healthcare providers, and personalised
self-care aids for patients. A workshop highlight will be the Blood
Glucose Level Prediction (BGLP) Challenge, in which researchers will
compare the efficacy of different machine learning prediction approaches
on a standard set of data from patients with type 1 diabetes.
Main Topics:
• Knowledge discovery and data analytics
• Data extraction, organization and assembly
• Personalisation and decision support
• Blood glucose level prediction
A full list of topics and submission guidelines can be found at:
Kerstin Bach, Cindy Marling, Nirmalie Wiratunga
Workshop Organizers
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Subject: [AISWorld] [CfP] AMCIS2019 - Minitrack 2: Big Data for
Business and Societal Transformation
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2020 08:07:27 +0000
From: Ilias Pappas <ilias.pappas(a)uia.no>
To: ais aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
AMCIS 2020:
Salt Lake City, Utah
August 12-16, 2020
Minitrack 2: Big Data for Business and Societal Transformation
Mini Track Chairs: Ilias O. Pappas, Patrick Mikalef, Paul A. Pavlou
Deadline for Submissions: 28 February 2020
The minitrack aims to explore the business and societal transformations
big data entail, and how they enable innovative ways of conducting
business supporting rapid decision making with external stakeholders
such as business partners, customers, public authorities, and citizens.
To understand how big data can be of value requires an examination of
the interplay between various factors (e.g., social, technical,
economical, environmental), as well as the interrelation between
different actors in a big data ecosystem (e.g., academia, private and
public organisations, civil society, and individuals).
Emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary papers that bridge the
domains of organizational science, information systems strategic
management, information science, marketing, and computer science.
Despite the hype surrounding big data, the aforementioned predicaments
still remain largely unexplored, severely hampering the business and
societal benefits of big data analytics. This mini track aims to add in
this direction and therefore welcomes quantitative, qualitative, and
mixed methods papers, as well as reviews, conceptual papers, and theory
development papers. Topics of interest include but are not limited to
the following:
• Big data and management
• Data-driven competitive advantage
• Big data enabled organizational capabilities
• Big data strategic alignment
• Organizational learning and innovation from big data analytics
• Big data and its impact on business strategy-formulation
• Leveraging big data for social innovation and entrepreneurship
• Human resource management in the data-driven enterprise
• How big data shapes strategy and decision making
• Big data digital business models
• Big data and the dynamics of societal change
• Big data for social good
• The role of big data in social innovation
• Proactive strategy formulation from big data analytics
• Data and text mining for business analytics
• Behavioural and Recommender Systems Analytics
• Big data analytics for strategic value
• Data quality improvement for business analytics
• Application of big data to address societal challenges
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2020 CFP for SIGDSA Minitrack #7- Social
Media and Network Analytics
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 20:46:12 -0800
From: Babita Gupta <bgupta(a)csumb.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: Amit Deokar <amit_deokar(a)uml.edu>, Uday Kulkarni
<uday.kulkarni(a)asu.edu>, Babita Gupta <bgupta(a)csumb.edu>
26th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020
August 12-16, 2020
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Track: Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support (SIGDSA)
Submission Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2020, 5:00 pm MST (7:00 pm EST)
SIGDSA Minitrack #7: Social Media and Network Analytics
Online social networks (OSN) differ from traditional offline social
networks in content and structure. OSN content (e.g., online reviews, eWOM
via tweets, likes, claps) differs in nature and frequency, and OSN
structure increases the content’s reach and propagation speed by orders of
magnitude. Further, the content can be continuously captured at the finest
level of granularity. Unstructured data in this form that is disseminated
over OSN provides a lean yet in many ways unique and rich means of
communication that has the potential to not only influence receivers
(consumers, colleagues, stakeholders, etc.), but also to provide a window
into the participants’ information needs, responses to incentive
structures, and the collective sentiments of social groups (consumers,
employees, voters, etc.).
This mini-track invites original research on the use of analytical
techniques to advance the theories of social networks to further understand
social influence, human behavior and decision-making, network structures,
and information diffusion.
Topics may include the following:
• Emerging architecture for scalable social media analytics
• Social network and Geospatial analytics,
• Visual social network analytics
• Privacy and security in social networks
• Communities structure discoveries such as profiling participants, and
• User sentiment analysis, opinion mining, and recommendation analysis
• User empowerment and social movements with OSN
• Impact of OSN on brand communication, advertising, and e-commerce
• Use of theories to understand user communication patterns and behavior in
social media
• Impact of OSN on decision-making at the individual and organizational
• Integration of OSN in enterprise processes and systems
• Ethical concerns about the nature of OSN content and spread of
Selected papers from the mini-track will be eligible for a fast-track
review for publication consideration in the e-Service Journal
**Submissions due by Friday, February 28, 2020,5:00 pm MST (7:00 pm EST)
**Submission Instructions:
Mini-Track co-chairs:
Amit Deokar, UMass Lowell, USA, amit_deokar(a)uml.edu
Babita Gupta, California State University Monterey Bay, USA,
Uday Kulkarni, Arizona State University, USA, uday.kulkarni(a)asu.edu
Best wishes,
Babita, Amit, and Uday
Babita Gupta, Ph.D.
Professor of Information Systems
Director of AACSB Accreditation
College of Business
California State University Monterey Bay
Room 326, Gambord BIT Building,
3052 Divarty Street, Seaside, CA 93955
Phone: 831-582-4186
Board Member: Teradata University Network
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] 2020 15th ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics,
Security and Law
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2020 17:13:50 +0000
From: Glenn S. Dardick <gdardick(a)dardick.net>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
ADFSL 2020 Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law
Venue: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Dates: 27-28 May 2020
Conference Website:
Dear colleagues:
The ADFSL 2020 Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law will be
held on May 27-28, 2020 at the New York New York Hotel in Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA
The ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law is a unique
and innovative event. It is managed by the Association of Digital
Forensics, Security and Law (ADFSL). The conference focuses on the
current and expanding role of digital forensics within investigations
and the courts as well as its important role within cyber security -
both national as well as corporate. Topics not only include technology
and evidence, but also are very much focused on how to prepare students
for careers in digital forensics. Conference papers are double blind
refereed and provide a forum for high quality research, communication
and debate on the subject of digital forensics and directly related fields.
The conference is of particular interest to individuals who are
interested in developing curriculum and teaching methods as well as
conducting research related to the areas of digital forensics, security,
and law. This conference will be of value to both academic and
practitioner audiences.
The deadline for submissions is 11:59 p.m. EST, 31 January 2020.
Notifications will be sent by 11:59 p.m. EST, 1 March 2020.
The camera ready deadline for accepted submissions is 11:59 p.m. EST, 31
April 2020
Submission Types
Short briefing papers: A technology or a management briefing on an
aspect of digital forensics, information security, and/or cyber law.
Such papers will be presented by the author in a round table discussion
format at the conference. These papers need not be extensive. Typical
length is about 1500-2000 words.
Research papers: A research question or an argument is posed and
subsequently conducted. Empirical work (quantitative or qualitative) is
necessary. Research papers will be presented by the authors in a regular
conference session. These papers should be extensive. Typical length is
about 5000-6000 words. All research papers will be considered for
publication in the Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (JDFSL).
Case Studies: Case studies are typically descriptions of a given digital
forensics situation. Names of organizations/actors can be kept anonymous
to maintain confidentiality. Case studies will be presented by the
authors at the conference. Typical length is about 5000-6000 words. All
case studies will be considered for publication in the Journal of
Digital Forensics, Security and Law (JDFSL).
Student Scholar Track: Up to six student papers will be selected for the
Student Scholar Track. Of the six papers, one will be selected for the
Student Scholar Award. The primary author must be present at the
conference. To participate, the primary author of the paper must be a
student. The primary author must email the conference chair and specify
that they wish their submitted paper to be considered for the Student
Scholar track.
Panels: Panels and workshop proposals are welcome. Typical length is
about 1000 words long and covers a current technology or a controversial
The primary audience will include individuals who are interested in
developing curriculum and teaching methods as well as conducting
research related to the areas of digital forensics, security, and law.
This conference will be of value to both academic and practitioner
All research papers and case studies are double blind peer reviewed.
Instructions for authors may be found at the following link:
Best Papers
Selected papers from the conference will be considered for inclusion in
the following journal:
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law
Suggested Topics
The conference committee is calling for papers and proposals in, or
related to, the following areas:
- Digital forensics curriculum
- Cyber law curriculum
- Information security curriculum
- Accounting digital forensics curriculum
- Digital forensics teaching methods
- Cyber law teaching methods
- Information security teaching methods
- Accounting digital forensics teaching methods
- Digital forensics case studies
- Cyber law case studies
- Information security case studies
- Accounting digital forensics case studies
- Digital forensics and information technology
- Cyber law and information technology
- Information security and information technology
- Accounting digital forensics information technology
- Digital forensics and the Internet
- Cyber law and the Internet
- Information security and Internet
- Digital forensics accounting and the Internet
- Steganography
- Stylometrics and author attribution
- Anonymity and proxies
- Encryption and decryption
- International issues in digital forensics
- International issues in cyber law
- International issues in information security
- International issues in accounting digital forensics
- Theory development in digital forensics
- Theory development in information security
- Methodologies for digital forensic research
- Analysis techniques for digital forensic and information security research
- Privacy issues in digital forensics
- Privacy issues in information security
- Privacy issues in cyber law
- Software piracy investigation
- Software quality forensics
- Cyber culture
- Cyber terrorism
- Cyber war
- Cybercrime
Additional Information
The Organizer of the conference is Dr. Glenn S. Dardick
Association for Digital Forensics, Security and Law
Website: http://www.adfsl.org<http://www.adfsl.org/>
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law
Website: http://www.jdfsl.org<http://www.jdfsl.org/>
Dr. Marcus Rogers, CISSP, DFCP-F
Glenn S. Dardick
"Verum Vacuus Praeiudicio"
Glenn S. Dardick, Ph.D., CCE (ISFCE), CCFP (ISC2)
[cce-logo] [ccfp]
gdardick (Skype)
Associate Professor
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Security Studies and International Affairs
[Description: cid:3333950106_182562]
A National Center of Academic Excellence in
Cyber Defense Education
College of Arts and Sciences
Building, Rm. 128.14
Association for Digital Forensics, Security and Law
Publisher of the Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP -- IT in Practice Symposium, COMPSAC 2020
Madrid, Spain. Submissions Due 20 January 2020
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 10:31:01 +1100
From: San Murugesan <san1(a)internode.net>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Submission deadline fast approaching. Submissions are due by 20th Jan 2020
COMPSAC 2020 <https://ieeecompsac.computer.org/2020/>
Madrid, Spain; 13-17 July 2019
Call for Papers Submissions Due: 20 January 2020
Cosponsored by
IEEE IT Professional magazine <http://www.computer.org/itpro>
<http://www.computer.org/itpro> IT Professional, covers practice-entered
research and design, development and operation of computing and IT
applications in a range of areas. Aligned with conference theme "Driving
Intelligent Transformation of the Digital World," the symposium focuses on
diverse elements necessary to successfully architect, design, engineer,
configure and field IT applications as well as application-oriented research
outcomes. It also covers new risks and concerns of IT and its applications.
The symposium serves the interests and needs of IT practitioners and
researchers, application developers and IT managers from business, industry
and government. It presents an interactive forum for sharing and gaining
valuable insights and experiences and facilitates active engagement among IT
professionals and researchers around the globe.
We solicit submissions on a range of topics related to the symposium theme,
including but not limited to:
AI and machine learning -- applications, risks, concerns
Automation -- advances, applications, impact
Autonomous systems and vehicles
Augmented data analytics, location analytics
Blockchain and crypto currency
Cloud computing, fog computing, edge computing
Cognitive computing and its applications
Crowd sourcing and collaborative computing
Cyber-physical systems
Cyberrisks and cybersecurity
Data and social media mining
Data management and governance
Digital twins
Design, deployment and management of large scale systems
Emerging trends in IT
Enterprise IT/IS management
Ethics and privacy
Geographical information system (GIS)
Green computing and sustainability
Human factors in IT
Industry 4.0
Information assurance and security
IT application architecture, data architecture
Internet of Things
IT audit and controls
IT in arts, music, entertainment and culture
IT in business, healthcare, finance and government
IT in education and training
IT services and service providers
IT standards and regulations
IT strategy, AI strategy, and data Strategy
Smart systems - smart cities, smart grid, smart buildings, smart logistics
Social computing
Social impact of IT
Virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, extended reality
We also welcome case studies, experience reports, position papers and
visionary perspectives. We solicit both regular and short papers.
Furthermore, to facilitate presentation of their already published work to a
wider audience in person and to gain feedback on their work, authors can
submit their published work in an IEEE journal in the last three years or
accepted but not yet published papers for presentation under the J1C2
(Journal First and Conference Second) scheme.
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers. Simultaneous
submission to other publication venues is not permitted. In accordance with
IEEE policy, submitted manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism; instances
of alleged misconduct will be handled according to the IEEE Publication
Services and Product Board Operations Manual.
For detailed instructions on submission see Information for Authors at
Submissions Due: 20 January 2020
Symposium Co-Chairs
San Murugesan, BRITE Professional Services, Australia
Charalampos (Babis) Patrikakis, University of West Attica, Greece
PC Co-Chairs
G.R. Gangadharan, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, India
Piyush Saxena, Direct Supply, USA
General Chair
Irena Bojanova, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA
<http://tinyurl.com/sanbio> Professor San Murugesan
Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University
Former Editor-in-Chief, IEEE <http://www.computer.org/itpro> IT
Golden Core Member, IEEE Computer Society <http://www.computer.org/>
Sydney, Australia
Website: <http://tinyurl.com/sanbio> http://tinyurl.com/sanbio
Email: san1(a)internode.net <mailto:san1@internode.net>
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: MAB 2020 – Futures Implied
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 02:56:52 +0000
From: Joel Fredericks <joel.fredericks(a)sydney.edu.au>
To: casa-list(a)ucl.ac.uk <casa-list(a)ucl.ac.uk>
Call for Participation
Media Architecture Biennale (MAB20) themed #FuturesImplied, 23 to 27
November 2020 in Amsterdam and Utrecht, The Netherlands.
We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the 2020 Media
Architecture Biennale (MAB20) themed #FuturesImplied. The Media
Architecture Biennale is the world’s premier event on media
architecture, urban interaction design, and urban informatics, bringing
together world-renowned architects, artists and designers, leading
thinkers on urban design, key industry and government representatives,
and students. The event offers workshops, symposia, a conference with an
academic research track and keynotes by leading thinkers in the field.
It closes off with a ceremony in which the biennial Media Architecture
Awards will be presented to outstanding works of art, architecture and
design. Our aim is to provide an excellent forum for debate and
knowledge exchange; to offer a unique opportunity that brings together
the best minds and organisations and to highlight state-of-the-art and
experimental research in media architecture.
MAB20 invites papers from academics, students, and industry
practitioners that align to the theme Futures Implied and the sub-themes
described below. The paper contributions should address current
practices, discuss theoretical approaches, or present novel research
that explore and further develop our understanding of media architecture
through relevant case studies, design processes, and community and
industry examples.
MAB Theme: Futures Implied
The theme for the Media Architecture Biennale 2020 is Futures Implied.
Papers should address one or more of the following issues:
* The Aesthetics and Poetics of Responsive Urban Spaces: How can media
architecture contribute to a sense of place, deepening citizens’
understanding of and attachments to local sites and making them more
legible, imaginative, and inclusive?
* Citizens’ digital rights in the era of platform ecologies: How can
media architecture articulate public values and allow citizens to govern
through digital platforms, rather than be governed by them?
* Playful & Artistic Civic Engagement: How can media architecture help
to enact people-centric interventions through which citizens themselves
learn, negotiate, and create innovations through play and games?
* Restorative Cities: How can media architecture enable societies to
regenerate socially, ecologically, and physiologically on multiple
levels, from the individual to the city as an entity of systems?
* More-Than-Human Cities: How can media architecture move beyond its
legacy of human-centric design, and foster and embrace the well-being of
the natural ecosystem as a whole?
Important dates
* Paper submission deadline: 5 April 2020
* Notification of acceptance: 15 July 2020
* All revisions due and Camera Ready paper deadline: 20 September 2020
Preparing your submission
* The conference invites research presentations from both academia and
* We invite papers with a minimum of six and a maximum of ten pages in
length, in ACM format;
* The papers should clearly explain the research question addressed,
research methods and tasks, findings or results, and contributions of
the work. Papers should also provide sufficient background and related
work to situate and contextualise the authors’ work within a greater
body of research;
* Submissions should consist of original work not previously published
or concurrently under consideration for any other conference, workshop,
journal, or other publication with an iSBN, iSSN, or DOI number;
* Authors must provide a 30-word contribution statement for their paper
upon submission; the contribution statement should explain the
contribution made by the paper to the Media Architecture community;
* Papers will be peer-reviewed by multiple members of a program
committee consisting of experts in a range of disciplines that shape
media architecture;
* Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library (approval
Paper submission link: https://easychair.org/cfp/mab20. Submit by 5
April 2020.
About the Media Architecture Biennale
The Media Architecture Biennale is an initiative of the international
Media Architecture Institute (Vienna/Sydney). After editions in Vienna,
Aarhus, Sydney and Beijing, it is now organized by the Amsterdam
University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with Utrecht University
and a number of local partners from governments, cultural institutions,
and the creative industries. Close ties to both research and industry
are a central element of these events.
MAB20 will take place in Utrecht and Amsterdam, November 23-27, 2020.
An overview of all current and upcoming calls (Workshops, Papers, Demos
& Posters, Late Breaking Work, Student Exhibition, Media Architecture
Awards) can be found at our website.
More information & Contact
Twitter: @MABiennale.
Facebook: facebook.com/MABiennale.
Website: http://www.mab20.org.
For inspiration, please have a look at the papers from MAB 2016 and MAB
We are looking forward to receiving your submissions
Glenda Amayo Caldwell, Queensland University of Technology (Paper Chair)
Joel Fredericks, The University of Sydney (Paper Chair)
Dr Joel Fredericks | Lecturer
Design Lab | Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning
The University of Sydney
Wilkinson Building G04, 148 City Road, NSW 2006
e: joel.fredericks(a)sydney.edu.au | w:
joelfredericks.com<http://joelfredericks.com> | t: @mistaricks
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] First CFP: WIS 2020 Well-being in the Information
Society - Fruits of Respect
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 10:34:48 +0000
From: Raija Halonen <Raija.Halonen(a)oulu.fi>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Kindly forward:
26 - 28 August 2020 Turku Finland
Welcome to WIS 2020, which looks for innovations and fresh ideas in the
cross-section of urban living, information society and health as
understood in a wide sense. Starting in 2006, this is now the seventh
conference in its series. WIS 2020 seeks high-quality contributions
based both on scientific research and practical experience. The
conference is multidisciplinary in nature, gives room for qualitative
and quantitative analysis, empirical surveys, case studies as well as
for conceptual work; thereby making WIS 2020 a perfect forum for
exchange of information and ideas.
The overreaching theme of the conference is "Fruits of Respect". Issues
of interest include but are not limited to:
· role of respect and similar assets in society and organizations
· measuring and defining respect in organizational and societal settings
· respect and health and social care delivery
· respect in information systems settings
· individual and respect
· showing respect to citizen, customers and patients
· case studies of organizational and societal failures caused by missing
· responsible research and innovation
· trust and respect in healthcare IS
· welfare systems' ethics
· ethical issues in eSociety
WIS 2018 will accept full conference papers.
All accepted full conference papers will be published in Springer series
CCIS (Communications in Computer and Information Science). Best papers,
as further developed versions, will be published also in a special Issue
of International Journal of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices and
Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare in Autumn 2021. The full papers
are expected to be 4000 - 5000 words long.
Please find the templates for full papers and abstracts and submit your
contribution in the selected category through the link in the conference
website: www.wis.fi<http://www.wis.fi/>
Deadline for submissions 31.03.2020
Notification of acceptance 10.05.2020
Final versions and author registration 10.06.2020
WIS 2020 is organized by University of Turku in co-operation with Ã…bo
Akademi University, University of Tampere, Turku University of Applied
Sciences, and the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare.
Best regards, Raija
Raija Halonen
Adjunct Professor, University Lecturer
Tel. +358 40 7168361
University of Oulu
90014 University of Oulu, Finland
Skype: raija.halonen
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2020 CFP Human-Robot Interactions in
Information Systems Mini-track
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 11:54:33 +0100
From: Sangseok You <sangyou(a)umich.edu>
To: This is the AISWorld List Server <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CFPÂ Mini-Track: Human-Robot Interactions (HRI) in Information Systems (IS)
AMCIS 2020
Salt Lake City, Utah, August 12-16 2020
We kindly invite you to submit your manuscripts to the AMCIS 2020
Mini-track, Human-Robot Interactions in Information Systems. The track
is under the Cognitive Research in IS.
Mini-track Description:
This mini-track aims to enhance our understanding of human robot
interactions an emerging area in Information Systems. This mini-track
seeks to solicit submissions from a range of topics pertaining to the
cognitive and behavioral aspects of interactions with robots and
artificial intelligence (AI) and their corresponding outcomes. This
includes empirical studies and conceptual frameworks which seek to
theoretically advance our knowledge of the topic.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Promoting the performance of individuals, teams, and organizations
working with robots
• Adoption and appropriation of robots
• Empirical studies examining cognitive, psychological, emotional, and
social aspects of human-robot collaboration
• Theoretical frameworks for human-robot interaction
• Case studies of human-robot interaction
• Design implications for robots in the workplace and home
• Work practices which focused on human-robot collaboration
• New methodological approaches to studying human-robot interactions
Important Dates:
• January 6, 2020: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2020 (Now Open) -
PCS Submission
Site HERE (https://new.precisionconference.com/user/login?society=ais)
• February 28, 2020: AMCIS manuscript submissions (completed research
and Emergent Research Forum (ERF)) closes for authors at 5:00pm MST
• April 22, 2020: Camera-ready papers are due at 5:00pm MST
We look forward to receiving your best works for the mini-track. Feel
free to contact us in case of any question.
Mini-track Chairs:
Sangseok You, HEC Paris, you(a)hec.fr
Lionel Robert, University of Michigan, lprobert(a)umich.edu
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