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Subject: [AISWorld] New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) 2020 CfP
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 20:31:15 +0000
From: Samuel Perl <sjperl(a)cert.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Passing along a CFP from one of the co-chairs of the New Security
Paradigms Workshop (NSPW).
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jonathan Spring <jspring(a)cert.org>
Date: Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 2:14 PM
Subject: NSPW 2020 CfP
The New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) seeks embryonic, disruptive,
and unconventional ideas on information and cyber security that benefit
from early, in-depth, and constructive feedback. Submissions typically
address current limitations of information security, directly challenge
long-held beliefs or the very foundations of security, or discuss
problems from an entirely novel angle, leading to new solutions. We
welcome papers both from computer science and other disciplines that
study adversarial relationships, as well as from practice. The workshop
is invitation-only; all accepted papers receive a 1 hour plenary time
slot for presentation and discussion. In order to maximize diversity of
perspectives, we particularly encourage submissions from new NSPW
authors, from Ph.D. students, and from non-obvious disciplines and
institutions. In 2020, NSPW invites theme submissions relating to
“Automated Reasoning for Security” in addition to regular submissions.
White Mountain Hotel, North Conway, New Hampshire, USA
October 26-29, 2020
Submission deadline: 8 May, 2020 (firm)
For more details, see https://www.nspw.org/2020
Sam Perl
CERT Program
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
1-917-209-8022 (mobile)
1-412-268-4112 (office)
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] IEEE IRI'2020 CFP
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 17:29:26 +0000
From: Samuel Perl <sjperl(a)cert.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear all, please consider submitting a workshop proposal or a paper to
Call for Papers
The 21st IEEE International Conference on Information Integration and
Reuse (IRI'2020)
Las Vegas, USA, Aug. 11-13, 2020
Confirmed Keynote Speakers (so far): Dr. Elisa Bertino (Purdue University)
Journal Special Issues will be organized to include the top papers
accepted into IRI’2020.
This conference presents excellent, novel, and contemporary papers
covering all aspects of Data – including Scientific Theory and
Technology-Based Applications. New data analytic algorithms,
technologies, and tools are sought for data management in the face of
hardware, software, and/or bandwidth constraints; to construct models
yielding important data insights; and, to create visualizations to aid
in presenting and understanding the data. System development and
integration need to adapt to these new algorithms, technologies, tools,
and needs. This conference and its constituents support the development
of science and technology to improve the human condition.
Furthermore, IRI addresses the representation, cleansing,
generalization, validation, and reasoning strategies for the
scientifically sound and the cost-effective advancement of all systems
and systems of systems (SoS) – including all software and hardware
aspects. These non-trivial tasks lead to challenging research problems –
for example, how to optimally select the information/data sets for reuse
and how to optimize the integration of existing information/knowledge
with new, developing information/knowledge sources!
The IEEE IRI conference serves as a forum for researchers and
practitioners from academia, industry, and government to present,
discuss, and exchange ideas that address real-world problems with
real-world solutions. Theoretical and applied papers are both welcome.
The conference program will include several plenary speeches from
academia, industry, and government; special sessions, open forum
workshops, and panels.
The conference includes, but is certainly not limited to, the areas
listed below:
* Applications – Autonomous Vehicles, Business, Education, Engineering,
Healthcare and Medical Informatics, the * Internet of Things, Math,
Military, Multimedia, NLP, Robotics, Science, Security, Social
Networking, Space, Vision, etc.
* Brain-Computer Interface: Applications and Algorithms
* Contemporary as well as Novel Data Mining Techniques
* Data & Knowledge Representation and Management
* Data Science & Technologies - Heuristic Acquisition
* Data Science and Software Engineering – Identify Security Bugs, Code
Reviews, Adaptive Systems, Testing, etc.
* Data Visualization
* Graph Models
* Machine Learning & AI
* Heuristics, and Explanation-Based Learning vs. neural networks which
are intractable
* AI and Security
* Symbolic AI
* Evolutionary Techniques
* Predictive Data Analysis & Intelligence
* Recommender Systems
* Statistical Analysis
* Information Science & Theory
Best Paper Award: The best papers will be selected by distinct (cleared)
committees and will be the ones, which report novel and promising
research work, which have a high potential for world impact. Additional
select awards will also be made.
Call for Workshop Proposals: http://homepages.uc.edu/~niunn/IRI20
Important Dates:
Call for Workshop Proposals:
March 6th
Notification of Workshop Proposals:
March 13th
Abstract Submission:
April 15, 2020
Deadline (full research/industry/application/government track):
April 29, 2020
Deadline (short paper track):
April 29, 2020
Deadline (poster and demo paper track):
May 20, 2020
Full/Short Paper Acceptance Notification:
June 1, 2020
Poster/Demo Paper Acceptance Notification:
June 15, 2020
Camera Ready Submission Deadline:
June 20, 2020
Author Registration Due:
July 1, 2020
Conference Events
August 11 - Aug 13, 2020
Papers reporting original and unpublished research results pertaining to
the above and related topics are solicited. Full/regular papers must be
in English of up to 8 pages (using the IEEE two-column template
instructions). Short papers are up to 6 pages, while poster and demo
papers are up to 4 and 2 pages, respectively. Full paper submissions can
be made to the regular research track or to the industry/application
track. Submissions should be double blind and should include only the
title and should not include the author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail
address(es), tel/fax numbers, and postal address(es) in the paper. The
online submission site is: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/IRI2020.
The authors need to mark if their submission is for the “Regular
Research Track”, or for the “Industry/Applications Track”.
If web submission is not possible, please contact the program co-chair,
Dr. Chengcui Zhang (czhang02(a)uab.edu) for alternate arrangements. Papers
will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance,
relevance, and clarity of presentation. Paper submission implies the
intent of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper,
if accepted.
Conference General Chairs:
Stuart Rubin, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific (SSC-Pacific), USA
Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA
Program Chairs:
Chengcui Zhang, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Nan Niu, University of Cincinnati, USA
Ming Dong, Wayne State University, USA
Yang Cai, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Danda B. Rawat, Howard University, USA
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Social Impact & Information Systems HICSS CFP
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 18:11:03 +0000
From: George, Jordana Jeanne <jgeorge(a)mays.tamu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Minitrack: Social Impact and Information Systems
Track: Organizational Systems and Technology
January 5-8, 2020
Grand Hyatt, Kauai
For the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS),
we will continue our minitrack on Social Impact, although the name has
changed slightly. The previous name was "Social Impact Organizing and
In this track, we seek to address advances in social impact research in
technology-mediated environments. How does technology impact collective
action? How do bots and other automation influence politics? How can
fake news be better managed? How can firms help both causes and
themselves through data philanthropy? How do indigenous groups promote
cultural identity through digital means? How do marginalized people
utilize digital technologies to make their voices heard? How are
information systems used to benefit social welfare and when do they
succeed or fail?
We welcome papers that theoretically or empirically advance our
understanding of different forms of social impact in technology-mediated
environments, including in organizational, inter-organizational,
network, platform, collective, and interpersonal contexts. Papers can
use any acceptable methodology and theory. We welcome papers at any
level of analysis and encourage papers that take a cross-level and/or
inter-disciplinary perspective. Some possible topic areas include but
are not limited to the following:
* Social movements
* Emancipatory technologies
* Social impact
* Digital divide/Digital equity
* Digital activism
* Bots / Autonomous Agents
* Fake news
* Social collective action and connective action
* Indigenous movements
* Political digitization
* Cyberwarfare and the weaponization of non-military technologies
* Social inclusion
* Digital philanthropy and data philanthropy
* Digital innovation in social welfare organizations
* Digital saviors and dangerous champions
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Jordana J. George (primary contact), Texas A&M University,
Amber G. Young, Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas,
Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas
at Austin,
Jordana J. George is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Information
Systems in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. She earned
her Ph.D. in Information Systems at Baylor University. She holds an MBA
from Penn State University and an MFA from the University of California
at Davis. A former manager with two decades in client services,
technical support, and general management at technology companies and
educational institutions, she researches data management and the social
impact of information systems. Jordana is also the Managing Editor for
Workshops at the Journal of the Association of Information Systems.
Amber G. Young is an Assistant Professor of Information Systems in the
Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. Her
current research focuses on how digitization is revolutionizing social
and business processes. She is interested in how new technologies can be
implemented with insights from critical theories in order to improve
existing processes and promote social good. Amber received her B.S.Ed.
in Secondary Mathematics Education from the University of Oklahoma. She
received her MBA from Oklahoma Christian University and her Ph.D. from
the University of Oklahoma. Amber is an Associate Editor of Information
& Organization. Her research has been published in MIS Quarterly,
Information Systems Journal, Information & Organization, and
Communications of the AIS.
Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa is the James Bayless/Rauscher Pierce Regents Chair
in Business Administration at the McCombs School of Business, University
of Texas at Austin, where she is the director of the Center for
Business, Technology, and Law. During 2008-2012, she held the Finnish
Distinguished Professorship at Aalto University School of Science and
Technology. She has held visiting professorships in leading business
schools in the U.S. and Asia. She is the co-editor in chief of the
Journal of Strategic Information Systems. She has served as the
editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Association for Information
Systems and as the senior editor of Organization Science, Information
Systems Research, and MIS Quarterly. She is a recipient of three
honorary doctoral degrees. In 2017, she was awarded the Association for
Information Systems (AIS) LEO Award for Exceptional Lifetime Achievement
in the field of information systems.
More info: http://hicss.hawaii.edu
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [WI] [CfP] ESWC 2020 - **One week left** to submit to the
Industry and Posters & Demos Tracks
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 15:30:01 +0000
From: Valentina Ivanova <valentina.ivanova(a)ri.se>
Reply-To: Valentina Ivanova <valentina.ivanova(a)ri.se>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>, AIAI(a)listserv.heanet.ie
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
The 17th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2020)
May 31st - June 4th, 2020, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
ESWC is a premier venue for discussing the latest scientific results and
innovations in the field
of semantic technologies on the Web and Linked Data, attracting a high
number of participants
from academia and industry alike.
Follow us:
Web Page: https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/ Twitter: @eswc_conf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ESWCCONF
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8843932/
Become part of ESWC 2020 by submitting to the following tracks & activities!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
In this announcement:
1. Call for Papers - Posters & Demos
* Submission deadline: March 12, 2020 (**one week left**)
2. Call for Papers - Industry Track
* Submission deadline: March 12, 2020 (**one week left**)
(All deadlines are 23:59 anywhere on earth (UTC-12))
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
1. Call for Papers - Posters & Demos
The posters and demos track of ESWC, https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/,
provides a forum for late-breaking results, on-going research projects,
and innovative ideas, as well as prototypes of semantic technologies and
their applications in various domains. Submissions to the posters and
demos track may cover all areas of Semantic Web research and
applications, such as Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs, Ontologies,
Reasoning, Natural Language Processing and Understanding, Machine and
Deep Learning, Information Retrieval, Data Quality and Data Integration,
and Semantic Data Management, as well as applications from Life
Sciences, eGovernment, Business, Manufacturing, eScience, Emergency and
Crisis Management, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Autonomous Systems, etc.
Posters and demos will be presented in a separate, interactive session,
providing the opportunity for engaging in discussions and direct exchange.
Further info: https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-posters-and-demos/
== Important Dates ==
Submission Deadline: March 12th, 2020 (**one week left**)
Notification of Acceptance: April 9th, 2020
Camera-Ready Paper: April 30th, 2020
== Posters & Demos Chairs ==
Valentina Presutti, University of Bologna
Raphaël Troncy, EURECOM
2. Call for Papers - Industry Track
The industry track seeks to present the state of adoption of semantic
technologies in industrial applications, and intends to facilitate a
discussion about what current industry challenges can be addressed with
semantic technologies. These technologies may be used in specific
industries (e.g., media, financials, telecommunications, healthcare,
life sciences, government, intelligence, public sector, industrial
production etc.) and in different application areas (e.g., business
intelligence, smart cities, digital twin, analytics, search, content
management, knowledge management, recommendation systems, data
integration, automotive etc.).
The industry track aims to facilitate the exchange between Semantic Web
researchers and industrial solution developers to bridge between
state-of-the-art research and its application in industrial scenarios.
We welcome contributions about:
* Success stories of adoption of semantic technologies and knowledge
graphs in real-world environments, especially by emphasizing how these
technologies have succeeded in creating value as well as key factors for
the success of the adoption in a large-scale organization.
* Experiences about challenges that are encountered in an industry
setting when adopting a solution based on semantic technologies.
* Contributions about current challenges in industrial fields which
should be tackled by semantic technologies, emphasizing solution
approaches and existing issues that are currently only insufficiently
addressed by Semantic Web research.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Development and application of semantic technologies and knowledge
graphs for specific industries (automotive, financial, healthcare and
life sciences, energy industry, industry 4.0, public sector etc.)
* Real-world applications of semantic technologies for enabling FAIR
(meta) data
* Approaches to bridge between domain experts and semantic technology
* Successful application domains: Knowledge management, data
integration, data sharing, search, Business Intelligence, data
analytics, open data, enterprise data management etc.
* Industrial trends related to the usage of Linked Data, Open Data and
Semantic Web technologies
* Financial and strategic investments in semantic technologies
* Machine Learning approaches in connection with the Semantic Web (e.g.
ML for knowledge graph completion or ontology matching, learning of
knowledge graph and entity embeddings, question answering, etc)
Further info:
== Important Dates ==
Paper submission: March 12, 2020 (**one week left**)
Notification to authors: April 9, 2020
Camera ready papers due: April 30, 2020
== Industry Track Chairs ==
Javier D. Fernández, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
Josiane Xavier Parreira, Siemens AG Austria
Looking forward to your submissions!
The ESWC 2020 Organising Team
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] Call for Participation: Fifth Workshop on Information
System Design and Economic Behavior (ISDEB) im Rahmen der WI 2020
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 17:00:08 +0100
From: Wiewiorra Lukas <wiewiorra(a)econ.uni-frankfurt.de>
Reply-To: Wiewiorra Lukas <wiewiorra(a)econ.uni-frankfurt.de>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de
/Call for Participation///
*Fifth Workshop on Information System Design and Economic
Behavior* (ISDEB 2020)
Montag, 09.03.2020, 13:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Im Rahmen der 15. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2020 in
Programm unter: https://blogs.uni-paderborn.de/econ-of-is-dach/
Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
Wir möchten alle Interessierten sehr herzlich dazu einladen, am
diesjährigen Workshop /Information System Design and Economic Behavior
(ISDEB) /teilzunehmen. Der Workshop findet am Montag, 09.03.2020 von
13:00-18:00 Uhr im Rahmen der WI2020 an der Universität Potsdam (Campus
Griebnitzsee, Haus 6, Raum S26, August-Bebel-Str. 89, D-14482 Potsdam)
Sie können sich direkt über das Registrierungsportal der WI-Tagung
(https://wi2020.de/de/registrierung) anmelden, wenn Sie sich für die
Hauptkonferenz registrieren. Falls Sie ausschließlich am Workshop
teilnehmen möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail direkt an die
Die Teilnahme ist dank des Sponsorings durch den SFB 901 On-The-Fly
Computing und die Unterstützung der Organisatoren der WI 2020 kostenlos.
/Zielgruppe & Format/:
Der ISDEB-Workshop richtet sich an Forscherinnen und Forscher, die sich
mit ökonomischen Aspekten des Designs von Informationssystemen befassen.
An der Schnittstelle zwischen IS & Economics bietet der Workshop ein
Forum, um die deutschsprachige Community zu vernetzen und den
inhaltlichen Austausch zu vertiefen. Es werden fortgeschrittene, aber
noch nicht publizierte, aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten präsentiert und
Der Workshop sieht einen einzelnen Track mit einer Stunde Vortragszeit
pro Artikel vor und bietet somit Raum für die fokussierte und intensive
Diskussion unter den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern. In diesem Jahr
werden die folgenden vier eingeladenen Arbeiten vorgestellt:
* Oliver Hinz (GU Frankfurt): „The Dynamics of Algorithmic Discrimination“
* Jan Krämer (U Passau): „Ranking Algorithms and the Quality of Free
Content on Dominant Online Platforms”
* Verena Tiefenbeck (FAU Nürnberg Erlangen/ETH Zürich): „Peer-to-Peer
Trading of Solar Energy: Empirical Evidence and Simulation Results“
* Timm Teubner (TU Berlin): „Bring your own stars: Reputation
portability between online platforms“
Alle Teilnehmenden sind herzlich eingeladen, die Forschungsarbeiten in
offener Atmosphäre aktiv und konstruktiv zu diskutieren.
/Weitere Informationen:/
ISDEB 2020 wird in Kooperation mit dem Department “Economics of
Information Systems” der Zeitschrift Business & Information Systems
Engineering (BISE) durchgeführt.
Weitere Informationen sind unter
https://blogs.uni-paderborn.de/econ-of-is-dach/ und auf der Website der
WI-Tagung https://wi2020.de/de/node/433 zu finden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dennis Kundisch, Daniel Schnurr, Lukas Wiewiorra
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [ITAIS2020 Call for papers] 17th Conference of the
Italian Chapter of AIS - October, 16-17 Pescara (Italy)
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 13:11:57 +0000
From: Stefano Za <sza(a)luiss.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
***************** Apologies for cross-posting *************************
*** Follow us on Twitter @ItAISConnect --
https://twitter.com/itaisconnect ***
Dear Colleagues,
the 17th conference of the Italian chapter of the Association for
Information Systems will be held at University of Chieti-Pescara
(https://en.unich.it/), Department of Management and Business
Administration (https://dea.unich.it/), on October 16-17, 2020, Pescara.
Submissions will undergo a double blind peer review and a selection of
the best papers will be published in a Springer volume indexed on
Scopus. We are also arranging agreements for fast access to journals.
Formatting rules and submission guidelines are available on conference
website (www.itais.org/conference<http://www.itais.org/conference>).
Below you will find the important dates and the titles of the tracks.
Deadline for encouraged abstract submission: April 24, 2020
Deadline for full paper submission: May 29, 2020
Notification of acceptance: July 23, 2020
Final paper submission: September 4, 2020
Doctoral Consortium: October 15-16, 2020
Conference: October 16 – 17, 2020
T01 – Organizational Change and Enabling Technologies.
Co-Chairs: F. Bolici (U. of Cassino), K. Jacobs (RWTH Aachen U.),
P.Lindgren (Aarhus U.), F. Virili (U. Sassari)
T02 – The role of e-HRM and digital innovation in Human Resources
Co-Chairs: R. Bissola (U.Cattolica), A. Lazazzara (U. Milano), S.
Strohmeier (Saarland U.), T. Torre (U. Genova)
T03 – Socio-Technical perspectives for a sustainable future of work and
Co-Chairs: P. Bednar (U. of Portsmouth), A. Locoro (LIUC), A. Ravarini
(LIUC), M. Sadok (U. of Tunis)
T04 – Organizing in an automated world:emerging tensions and paradoxes.
Co-Chairs: C. Alaimo (LUISS), O. Hanset (Oslo U.), N.Kazemargi (LUISS)
T05 – Accounting Information Systems for non-financial communication.
Co-Chairs: D. Mancini (U. Teramo), F. De Luca (U. Chieti-Pescara), E.
Bonson (Huelva U.), P. Piedepalumbo (U. Napoli)
T06 – New technologies for company financing.
Co-Chairs: F. Masciarelli (U. Chieti-Pescara), F. Di Pietro (Trinity
College Dublin), S. Leonelli (U. Padova)
T07 – Participation, engagement and coproduction for social innovation
and sustainable development.
Co-Chairs: W. Castelnovo (U. Insubria), P. Depaoli (Sapienza U.), N. G.
Badr (San Joseph U.)
T08 – e-Services, Social Networks, and Smartcities.
Co-Chairs: C. Metallo (U. Parthenope), L. Mola (Skema), M.Guillamon (U.
T07 – Management, Governance & Portfolio Management of Digitalization
Co-Chairs: M.E. Nenni (U. Naples Federico II), R. Winter (U. St. Gallen)
T08 – User-driven innovation in the public and private sector:
participation, engagement and coproduction.
Co-Chairs: W. Castelnovo (U. of Insubria), P. Depaoli (Sapienza U.),
N.G. Badr (Grenoble School of Business)
T09 – Sustainable Business Model and Digital Transformation.
Co-Chairs: C. Rossignoli (U. Verona), S. Kraus (Durham U.), A. Zardini
(U. Verona)
T10 – Digitalization and innovation in healthcare, welfare and third sector.
Co-Chairs: R. Bernardi (U. of Bristol), M. Grisot (U. of Oslo). V.
Iacopino (LUISS), A. Resca (LUISS)
T11 – Digitalizing the last mile. Organisational and societal
implication of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Industry 4.0.
Co-Chairs: A. M. Braccini (U. della Tuscia), L. Caporarello (SDA
Bocconi), E. Scornavacca (Merrick School of Business), S. Fosso Wamba
(U. of Toulouse)
T12 – Technological Innovations and Consumer Research.
Co-Chairs: M. Christofi (U. of Nicosia); L. Iaia (U. Chieti-Pescara)
The conference chairs, the programme chairs and the organizing committee
are looking forward to meeting you in Pescara!
The ItAIS2020 conference team
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CFP: 17th Conference on Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020)
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 10:40:34 +0200
From: Theofanis I. Aravanis <taravanis(a)upatras.gr>
Reply-To: Theofanis I. Aravanis <taravanis(a)upatras.gr>
Organization: University of Patras
To: taravanis(a)upatras.gr
17th Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
12-18 September 2020, Rhodes, Greece
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) is a well-established and lively
field of research. In KR a fundamental assumption is that an agent's
is explicitly represented in a declarative form, suitable for processing by
dedicated reasoning engines. This assumption, that much of what an
agent deals
with is knowledge-based, is common in many modern intelligent systems.
Consequently, KR has contributed to the theory and practice of various
areas in
AI, including automated planning and natural language understanding, and to
fields beyond AI, including databases, verification, software
engineering, and
robotics. In recent years, KR has contributed also to new and emerging
including the semantic web, computational biology, cyber security, and the
development of software agents.
The KR conference series is the leading forum for timely in-depth
of progress in the theory and principles underlying the representation and
computational management of knowledge.
We solicit papers presenting novel results on the principles of KR that
contribute to the formal foundations of relevant problems or show the
applicability of results to implemented or implementable systems. We also
welcome papers from other areas that show clear use of, or contributions to,
the principles or practice of KR. We also encourage "reports from the
of applications, experiments, developments, and tests.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Applications of KR
- Argumentation
- Belief revision and update, belief merging, information fusion
- Commonsense reasoning
- Computational aspects of knowledge representation
- Concept formation, similarity-based reasoning
- Contextual reasoning
- Decision making
- Description logics
- Explanation finding, diagnosis, causal reasoning, abduction
- Geometric, spatial, and temporal reasoning
- Inconsistency- and exception tolerant reasoning, paraconsistent logics
- KR and autonomous agents and multi-agent systems
- KR and cognitive robotics
- KR and cyber security
- KR and education
- KR and game theory
- KR and machine learning, inductive logic programming, knowledge
- KR and natural language processing and understanding
- KR and the Web, Semantic Web
- Knowledge graphs, virtual knowledge graphs, and open linked data
- Knowledge representation languages
- Logic programming, answer set programming, constraint logic programming
- Modeling and reasoning about preferences
- Multi- and order-sorted representations and reasoning
- Nonmonotonic logics, default logics, conditional logics
- Ontology formalisms and models
- Ontology-based data access, integration, and exchange
- Philosophical foundations of KR
- Qualitative reasoning, reasoning about physical systems
- Reasoning about actions and change, action languages
- Reasoning about knowledge, beliefs, and other mental attitudes
- Uncertainty, vagueness, many-valued and fuzzy logics
KR2020 will also feature Workshops and Tutorials, solicited by means of
an open
call, and a Doctoral Consortium.
In addition to the main conference track, KR2020 will host the following
and sessions:
* Applications and Systems Track
* Recent Published Research Track
* Special Session: KR and Machine Learning
* Special Session: KR and Robotics
* Special Session: Women in KR
Submission of title and abstract: 4 March 2020
Paper submission deadline: 11 March 2020
Author response period: 4-6 May 2020
Notification: 27 May 2020
Camera-ready papers: 24 June 2020
Conference dates: 12-18 September 2020
Recent Published Research Track, Workshops and Tutorials, and Doctoral
Consortium will have different submission and notification dates, which
will be
announced separately.
All submissions must be written in English and in AAAI style. Papers must be
submitted in PDF format, through the EasyChair conference system:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kr2020 .
For the main conference track and additional tracks/sessions (except for the
Recent Published Research track), we invite
- Full papers of up to 9 pages, including abstract, figures, and appendices
(if any), but excluding references and acknowledgements.
- Short papers of up to 4 pages, excluding references and acknowledgements.
Both full and short papers must describe original, previously unpublished
research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for publication
These restrictions do not apply to previously accepted workshop papers
with a
limited audience and/or without archival proceedings, and to papers
uploaded at
public repositories (e.g., arXiv).
The accepted full papers and short papers will be published in the KR2020
Recent Published Research Track, Workshops and Tutorials, and Doctoral
Consortium will have different submission guidelines, which will be
Michael Thielscher (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Diego Calvanese (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy),
Esra Erdem (Sabanci University, Turkey)
Applications Track:
Chitta Baral (Arizona State University, USA),
Francesco Ricca (University of Calabria, Italy)
Recent Published Research Track:
James Delgrande (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Miros?aw Truszczynski (University of Kentucky, USA)
Special Session: KR & ML:
Alessandra Russo (Imperial College London, UK),
Guy Van den Broeck (UCLA, USA)
Special Session: KR & Robotics:
Michael Beetz (University of Bremen, Germany),
Fredrik Heintz (Linkoping University, Sweden)
Special Session: Women in KR:
Meghyn Bienvenu (University of Bordeaux, France),
Magdalena Ortiz (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Workshop and Tutorials:
Anni-Yasmin Turhan (Dresden University of Technology, Germany),
Renata Wassermann (University of Sao Paulo, Brasil)
Doctoral Consortium:
Vaishak Belle (University of Edinburgh, UK),
Rafael Penaloza Nyssen (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Local Organization:
Pavlos Peppas (University of Patras, Greece)
Theofanis Aravanis (University of Patras, Greece)
Paolo Felli (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] EMMSAD 2020 Conference, the deadline is around the
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 07:37:18 +0000
From: Jelena Zdravkovic <jelenaz(a)kth.se>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The 25th International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems
Analysis and Development (EMMSAD’2020)
held in conjunction with CAiSE’20, Grenoble, France
http://www.emmsad.org/ @EMMSADconf
Submission deadline: March 9th, 2020
Background and Aims:
EMMSAD is a well-established two-day international working conference in
conjunction with CAiSE (http://www.emmsad.org/). The objective of EMMSAD
series is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners
interested in modeling methods for Systems Analysis and Development
(SA&D), including enterprise, business process, information system (IS),
and domain-specific modeling, to meet and exchange research ideas and
Foundations of modeling & method engineering:
Chairs: Jolita Ralyte & Janis Stirna
* Definition and representation
* Agility in method engineering
* Situational method engineering
* Maturity and quality of methods
* Method adaptation, extension and configuration
Enterprise, business, process & capability modeling:
Chairs: Janis Grabis & Paul Grefen
* Enterprise modeling approaches, architectures, and platforms
* Business models and ecosystems
* Modeling data-driven organizations
* Business process modeling, architectures, and evolution
* Reference modeling
* Capability-driven development
IS & requirements modeling:
Chairs: Oscar Pastor & Marcela Ruiz
* Model-Driven development
* Requirements modeling for emerging technologies such as big data and AI
* Modeling in agile development
* Crowd-based and collaborative modeling
* Quality & NFRs of models and modeling
* Traceability between software artifacts
* Experience in practice and education
Domain-specific & ontology modeling:
Chairs: Dimitris Karagiannis & Arnon Sturm
* Metamodel and model engineering
* Design of DSLs and supporting tools
* Multi-level and multi-perspective modeling
* Ontology and domain-specific analogy
* Practices of/with ontology and DSM
* AI and DSM
Evaluation of modeling approaches:
Chairs: Agnes Koschmider & Geert Poels
* Empirical evaluation
* Formal evaluation
* Evaluation through practice
* (Re)Design of modeling approaches
* New methods for model or modeling evaluation
Important Dates:
* Abstract submissions: March 2, 2020 (recommended)
* Full paper submissions: March 7, 2020
* Notification of acceptance: March 30, 2020
* Camera-ready copies: April 8, 2020
* Conference: June 8-9, 2020
Submission & Publication:
The working conference accepts long papers that report Completed
Research or Research-In-Progress and short papers reporting innovative
ideas, experience, or tools.
* Completed research papers should not only discuss research findings,
but also the initial research objectives, the research methodology used,
as well as its appropriateness and its execution.
* Research-in-progress papers report on research that is well under way
with preliminary results available at the time of the conference. These
papers should clearly identify the research objectives of the ongoing
research effort, the research methodology used, and the progress made
* Idea papers may present completely new research approaches or
adaptation of existing approaches to new types of emerging challenges.
The papers should precisely describe the shortcomings of current
methods, the innovative aspects of the suggested approach, and its
potential to make change.
* Experience reports are expected to report on work done in a context of
a real-life organization. They should describe the practical goals of
the work, the organizational/business context, the methods or theories
used, and the lessons learnt.
* Tool demonstration papers should be related to the conference topics.
They should include the research background and application context, the
key technologies used, the novelty of the tool, and its limitations.
Please use the following format for your submissions:
* Long papers (Completed Research and Research-in-Progress) should not
exceed 15 pages (including references and appendices).
* Short papers (idea papers, experience reports, and tool demonstration)
should not exceed 8 pages (including references and appendices). The
presentation of these papers may take an interactive form (e.g., a
poster or a demo session).
Only electronic submissions in PDF format, and in Springer's LNBIP style
(See http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0) will
be accepted through the conference management system available at
The proceedings with the accepted papers will be published in ***
Springer's LNBIP series ***.
Top papers will be invited to submit an extended and enhanced version
for consideration for publication in *** SoSyM – Software and System
Modelling journal *** (2-years IF for 2018: 2.660; Q1 in software
engineering). The best paper will be awarded.
Organizing committee:
* Iris Reinhartz-Berger, University of Haifa, Israel
* Jelena Zdravkovic, Stockholm University, Sweden
Advisory committee:
* John Krogstie, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
* Henderik A. Proper, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology,
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] iCFP HICSS-54 Minitrack on Emerging Issues in
Distributed Group Decision-Making
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 21:15:57 +0000
From: Anil Aggarwal <aaggarwal(a)ubalt.edu>
To: ISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues:
After successful sessions last five years, we are continuing our mini
track on Emerging Issues in Distributed Group Decision-Making:
Opportunities and Challenges at the HICSS Conference. We invite you to
submit your paper to our minitrack . A call for papers is attached.
Anil Aggarwal
University of Baltimore
Doug Vogel
Harbin Institute of technology
Yuko SJ Murayama
Tsuda College
CALL FOR PAPERS FOR the Mini-track
Emerging Issues in e-collaboration Distributed Group Decision-Making:
Opportunities and Challenges<http://home.ubalt.edu/ntsbagga/hicss_54.htm>
(Part of the Collaboration Systems and Technology track )
Grand Hyatt Kauai
Given the current turbulent state of world economy, outsourcing is
coming under tremendous pressure. Companies are no longer providing
long-term contracts but are renewing them based on deliverables from
outsourced companies. This is putting tremendous pressure on teams to
deliver quality product on time. Team adaptability and team
configuration are becoming crucial to meet deadlines. Teams must be able
to adapt quickly to the changing environment. Agile teams adapt and
deliver quickly and provide maximum customer satisfaction. By
definition, however, agile teams must be co-located. Can distributed
teams be agile and adaptable? This requires careful team configuration.
Distributed teams face many challenges of time, location,
infrastructure, language, customs, socialization and politics. This is
further compounded in globally distributed teams by diversity,
nationality and cultural issues. As old issue are resolved, new
challenges emerge that require knowledge from multiple disciplines such
as information systems, social sciences, international management,
leadership and political science. It is almost impossible for one
individual to have expertise in so many domains, which makes this a very
challenging but ultimately rewarding collaborative area of research.
Given the richness and research potential of this area, it is essential
to brainstorm and bring diverse points of view to develop underlying
theory and frameworks. The mini track will attempt to accomplish these
The mini track will address emerging issue such as diversity, culture,
adaptability and agility related to teams in distributed group decision
making, as well as the underlying theories of group dynamics,
coordination, communications and decision-making in distributed
environments, in creation of competitive advantage.
Examples of topics in the discussion of globally distributed decision
making mini-track will include the following (but are not limited to):
* eCollaboration in distributed teams
* Fake news impact on ecollaboration
* Swift team collaboration
* Sub groups impact on eCollaboration
* Big data collaboration
* E-government(s) inter- , intra-collaboration
* Collaboration through crowdsourcing
* Disaster management in distributed teams
* Delivering health services through collaboration
* Economics of distributed decision making in the clouds
* Trust and distrust as motivator in distributed decision making
* Can agile teams be globally distributed?
* Agile/Adaptable team configuration in globally distributed teams
* The "e (internet)" to "m (mobile)" transformation of globally
distributed teams
* Communication and coordination in globally distributed teams
* Diversity issues in globally distributed teams
* Customer satisfaction, performance and "trust" building in globally
distributed teams
* Synchronous and asynchronous decision making in globally distributed teams
* Comparison of issues across internal, inter-, intra and offshore
distributed teams
* Turbulent economy and its impact on outsourcing
* Models of globally distributed agile/adaptable teams
* Knowledge creation, transfer and integration across globally
distributed teams
* Leadership/cohesiveness issues in globally distributed teams
* Issues related to functional and dysfunctional globally distributed teams
* Security, privacy and risk associated with globally distributed teams
* Case Studies (success/failures) related to decision making by globally
distributed teams
Contact Information for Mini-Track Chair:
Dr. A. K. Aggarwal**
University of Baltimore, USA
Dr. Doug Vogel
Harbin Institute of technology
Dr. Yuko SJ Murayama
Tsuda College
Important Deadlines:
June 15, 2020: Paper Submission Deadline (11:59 pm HST)
August 17, 2020: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 4, 2020: Deadline for A-M Authors to Submit Revised Manuscript
for Review
September 22, 2020: Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for
October 1, 2020: Deadline for at least one author of to register for
HICSS-54Instructions for
Paper Submission:
* HICSS papers must contain original material not previously published,
or currently submitted elsewhere.
* Do not submit the manuscript to more than one mini-track. If unsure
which mini-track is appropriate, submit the abstract to the Track Chair
for guidance.
* Submit your full paper according to the detailed formatting and
submission instructions found on the HICSS website. Note: All papers
will be submitted in double column publication format and limited to 10
pages including diagrams and references. HICSS will conduct double-blind
reviews of each submitted paper.
HICSS conferences are devoted to advances in the information, computer,
and system sciences, and encompass developments in both theory and
practice. Invited papers may be theoretical, conceptual, tutorial or
descriptive in nature. Submissions undergo a double-blind peer referee
process and those selected for presentation will be published in the
Conference Proceedings. Submissions must not have been previously published.
For the latest information visit the HICSS web site at:
Tung Bui, Conference Chair
Email: tungb(a)hawaii.edu
Thayanan Phuaphanthong, Conference Administrator
Email: hicss(a)hawaii.edu<mailto:hicss@hawaii.edu>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Contents: Information Systems Management, Vol. 37
No. 2
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 21:14:09 +0000
From: Janice Sipior <janice.sipior(a)villanova.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Latest issue of Information Systems Management (ISM)
Volume 37, Number 2, 2020
2018 Impact Factor: 2.042
Editor-in-Chief: Janice C. Sipior, Villanova University
1. Linking Excessive SNS Use, Technological Friction, Strain, and
Discontinuance: The Moderating Role of Guilt
by Adeel Luqman, Qingxiong (Derek) Weng, Ayesha Masood, Ahmed Ali, and
Muhammad Imran Rasheed
2. The Interactive Effect of Board Monitoring and Chief Information
Officer Presence on Information Technology Investment
by Serdar Turedi
3. A methodological Critique of the Interpretive Ranking Process for
Examining IS Project Failure
by Laurie Hughes, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, and Nripendra P. Rana
4. Biometric identification for socioeconomic development in Ghana
by John Effah, Emmanuel Owusu-Oware, and Richard Boateng
5. Should data structures look flat for end users?
by Michael Schulz, Paul Alpar, and Patrick Winter
6. Triggers of social network collapse
by Ivan Belik
ISM places a high value on article content that communicates advanced
practices to address current IS management challenges and innovative
applications of new, but proven, information technologies. The
methodological orientation is towards field research informed by
published literature, but primarily based on case study, surveys, and
field experiences of IS experts.
Inquiries should be sent to: Janice C. Sipior, ism(a)villanova.edu
Interested authors should consult the Instructions for Authors at:
Manuscripts should be submitted via:
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