-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: The 4th Joint Conference on Deep Learning, Big
Data and Blockchain
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 16:12:55 +0000
From: DBB <deepml.info(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
----------------------- Call for Papers -----------------------------
The 4th International Conference on Deep Learning, Big Data and Blockchain
(DBB 2023)
Hybrid Event, Marrakesh, Morocco
14-16 August 2023
Deep and machine learning are the state-of-the-art at providing models,
methods, tools and techniques for developing autonomous and intelligent
systems which can revolutionize industrial and commercial applications in
various fields such as online commerce, intelligent transportation,
healthcare and medicine, security, manufacturing, education, games, and
various other industrial applications. All such fields produce and consume
massive amount of big data, which include, for example, online commerce
data (marketing data, customer reviews, customer relationship),
transportation data (road sensors, cameras, GPS), and data about
healthcare, social media, and various other applications. Deep learning
techniques and big data techniques yield useful outputs in predicting,
discovering and acquiring insights and deeper knowledge about events for
better and efficient decision making. The groundbreaking technology of
blockchain technology also enable decentralization, immutability, and
transparency of data and applications. It has been exploited in modern
research and industrial domains in order to achieve high level of trust,
security and reliable execution of applications and data which are shared
across a network of computers.
The International Conference on Deep Learning, Big Data and Blockcain
(DEEP-BDB) aims to enable synergy between these areas and to provide a
leading forum for researchers, developers, practitioners, and professional
from public sectors and industries in order to meet and share latest
solutions and ideas in solving cutting edge problems in modern information
society and economy. The conference focuses on specific challenges in deep
(and machine) learning, big data and blockchain. Topics of interest include
(but not limited to):
- Deep/Machine learning based models
- Statistical models and learning
- Data analysis, insights and hidden pattern
- Data analysis and decision making
- Data wrangling, munching and cleaning
- Data integration and fusion
- Data visualization
- Data and information quality
- Security threat detection
- Visualizing security threats
- Enhancing privacy and trust
- Data mining; Information extraction;
- Sentiment analysis
- Data classification and clustering
- Knowledge acquisition and learning
- Clustering, classification and regression
- Supervised and unsupervised learning
- Blockain security and trust
- Blockchain data management
- Data & application reliability
- Blockchain and data distribution
- Blockain and finacial transactions
- Blockchain and Bitcoin applications
- Blockain and NoSQL databases
- Protocols for blockchain
- Cryptography, Cryptocurrency
- Fraud detection and prevention
- Blockchain and Internet of Things
- Scalability of blockchains
Application areas:
- Finance, business and retail
- Intelligent transportation
- Healthcare and clinical decision support
- Bioinformatics and biomedical informatics
- Computer vision
- Human activity recognition
- Cybersecurity
- Natural language processing
- Recommender systems
- Social media and networks
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline 10 March 2023
Authors Notification: 25 May 2023
Final Manuscript Due: 15 June 2023
Paper Submission:
Papers must be written in English. Full papers should be limited to 12
pages. Short papers should be limited to 8 pages. Papers must be formatted
in Springer's format. See Information for Authors of Springer Proceedings (
All papers accepted for this conference are peer-reviewed and are planned
to be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Submitted research papers may not overlap with papers that have already
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceeding
Submission:of papers are done through the EasyChair submission system. See
conference website for further details.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information
Systems and Technologies | Deadline: February 23
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:00:44 +0000
From: CISTI-2023 <marialemos72(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: cistiforever(a)gmail.com
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
* Published in IEEE Xplore
* Google Scholar H5-Index = 22
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CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
20 - 23 of June 2023, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
------------------------------ ------------------------------
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----
We are pleased to invite the academic and business community to submit
their papers to CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information
Systems and Technologies, to be held in Aveiro, Portugal, between the
20th and 23th of June 2023. Authors are encouraged to submit original
scientific contributions such as state-of-art reviews and new research
perspectives, groundbreaking ideas and/or architectures, solutions
and/or applications for real problems, empirical and/or evaluation
works, case studies, etc., in conformity with the themes of this Conference.
Four types of papers can be submitted:
Full paper: Finished or consolidated R&D works, to be included in one of
the Conference themes. These papers are assigned a 6-page limit.
Short paper: Ongoing works with relevant preliminary results, opened to
discussion. These papers are assigned a 4-page limit.
Poster paper: Initial work with relevant ideas, opened to discussion.
These papers are assigned a 2-page limit.
Company paper: Companies' papers that show practical experience, R & D,
tools, etc., focused in some topics of the conference. These articles
are abstracts with a maximum of 2 pages.
Papers submitted for the Scientific Committee’s evaluation must not
include any information leading to the authors’ identification.
Therefore, the authors’ names, affiliations and bibliographic references
should not be included in the early version. This information should
only be included in the final version.
Submitted papers must not have been published and must not be under
review for any other conference and national or international publication.
Papers must comply with the format standard
and be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
All papers will be subjected to a “blind review” by at least two members
of the Scientific Committee.
Full papers can be accepted as short papers or poster papers only.
Similarly, short papers can be accepted as poster papers only. In these
two cases, the authors will be allowed to maintain the original number
of pages in the proceedings publication.
The authors of accepted poster papers must also build and print a poster
to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or
A2 vertical format. The Conference includes Work Sessions where these
posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 5-minute limit per
The authors of accepted full papers will dispose of a 15-minute
presentation in the Conference Work Session, and approximately 5 minutes
of discussion will follow each presentation. The authors of accepted
short papers and company papers will dispose of an 11-minute
presentation in the Conference Work Session, and approximately 4 minutes
of discussion will follow each presentation.
Submitted papers must follow the main themes proposed for the Conference
(the topics proposed in each theme constitute a mere framework
reference; they are not intended as restrictive):
A) OMIS - Organizational Models and Information System
B) KMDSS - Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems
C) SSAAT - Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools
D) CNMPS - Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems
E) HCC - Human Centered Computing
F) HIS - Health Informatics
G) ITE - Information Technologies in Education
H) AEC – Architecture and Engineering of Construction
Publication and Indexing
To ensure that the contribution (full paper, short paper, symposium
doctoral paper) is published in the Proceedings, at least one of the
authors must be fully registered by the 9th of April, and the paper must
comply with the suggested layout and page-limit. Additionally, all
recommended modifications must be addressed by the authors before they
submit the final version.
No more than one paper per registration will be published in the
Conference Proceedings. An extra fee must be paid for publication of
additional papers, with a maximum of one additional paper per registration.
Full and short papers, including symposium doctoral papers, will be
submitted for inclusion/indexing into IEEE XPlore, WoS, SCOPUS,
EI-Compendex, INSPEC and Google Scholar.
The best articles will be selected for publication in the following
journals and books:
- Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management (JISEM
- Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (RISTI
Important Dates
Paper submission: February 12 23, 2023
Notification of acceptance: March 26, 2023
Submission of accepted papers: April 9, 2023
Payment of registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in
the conference proceedings: April 9, 2023
We are counting on you. Submit your contribution.
Website of CISTI'2023: http://cisti.eu/
CISTI'2023 Team
http://cisti.eu/ <http://cisti.eu/>
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AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Mini Track: Information Privacy & Security in IT
Resistance and Adoption (AMCIS 2023)
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2023 12:15:44 -0700
From: Arturo CANO BEJAR <acanobej(a)asu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
The SIGADIT community at AMCIS 2023 will be offering a mini track focused
on Information Privacy and Security in IT Resistance and Adoption. We
invite you to share your ideas with the community and obtain relevant
feedback to further develop your manuscript. The Information Privacy &
Security in IT Resistance and Adoption Mini Track is a window for
researchers to share their ideas with the community and motivate
constructive conversations to promote advancement of knowledge around
privacy and security issues. It is also an opportunity to hear others and
learn about the topic-method trends in this domain. Additionally, it
provides a place to get to know other community members working in similar
topics and potentially engage in collaborative efforts.
The adoption and diffusion of information technology is profoundly
dependent on how stakeholders perceive and mitigate information privacy and
security issues in relation to others and the interconnectedness of
information technologies. This mini track leverages evolving social
dynamics to call for research that focuses on the psychological effects of
information privacy and security factors such as stress and anxiety on
resistance, modified use, resumption, and/or abandonment of technology. We
welcome inspiring and stirring ideas to reconcile the regulatory, cultural,
ethical, and humanistic tensions surrounding stakeholder views of privacy
and security. Additionally, this mini track serves as a forum for the
presentation and discussion of information privacy and security challenges
related to the design, implementation, and diffusion of technologies,
including innovations such as household technology, autonomous cars, AI,
and IoT. To foster inclusive discussion of these important issues, this
mini track is open to all quantitative and qualitative research methods.
We welcome all ideas within the domain of information privacy & security in
IT resistance and adoption, exemplar directions are:
- The short and long-term effects of information privacy and security
threats on the resistance, diffusion, modified use, and abandonment of
information technologies, including mobile platforms.
- Peers' behavior influencing the protection of individual information
privacy and security.
- Understanding the effects of multi-reality, or interconnectedness of
information technologies, on one’s information privacy and security
- Information privacy and security compliance as limiting factors in the
use and resistance to information systems.
- Information privacy and security challenges to the individual
resistance and adoption of IoT, autonomous cars, household technology, and
- The effects of stress and anxiety, due to information privacy and
security issues, on the resistance, modified use, and abandonment of IT.
- Information privacy and security regulations such as information/data
ownership, transparency, profiling, and their effects on the resistance and
adoption of information technologies.
- Recovery mechanisms such as coping and resilience affecting the use of
IT in the face of information privacy and security issues.
- Cultural nuances on perceptions of information privacy and security
and their impact on the resistance, modified use, resumption, and
abandonment of IT.
- The adoption and resistance of healthcare information technology due
to information privacy and security concerns.
- Information privacy and security issues pertaining the adoption and
participation in information systems communities and forums in the dark net.
- Issues regarding the measurement of single and multi-dimensional
constructs such as concern and control in relation to the adoption,
resistance, diffusion, and abandonment of information technologies.
This Special Interest Group provides a great opportunity for academics and
professionals to engage in meaningful discussions and collaboration around
the domain of Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology.
Important Dates:
Jan 6, 2023: Manuscript submission opens
Mar 1, 2023: Submissions are due at 10am EST
May 2, 2023: Final decisions
Submission Instructions:
Mini Track Chairs:
Arturo Cano Bejar (acanobej(a)asu.edu)
Ilja Nastjuk (ilja.nastjuk(a)wiwi.uni-goettingen.de)
Simon Trang (simon.trang(a)wiwi.uni-goettingen.de)
Kindly write any question or comment you may have to: acanobej(a)asu.edu
We look forward to your submissions!
Best regards,
Arturo Heyner Cano Bejar
W. P. Carey School of Business
Arizona State University
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] [Call for papers] 2nd Workshop on Novel Evaluation
Approaches for Text Classification Systems
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2023 18:30:03 +0000
From: Bjorn Ross <b.ross(a)ed.ac.uk>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
2nd Workshop on Novel Evaluation Approaches for Text Classification Systems
Co-located with ICWSM 2023, 5 June 2023, Limassol, Cyprus
The automatic or semiautomatic analysis of textual data is a key
approach to analyse the massive amounts of user-generated content
online, from the identification of sentiment in text and topic
classification to the detection of abusive language, misinformation or
propaganda. However, the development of such systems faces a crucial
challenge. Static benchmarking datasets and performance metrics are the
primary method for measuring progress in the field, and the publication
of research on new systems typically requires demonstrating an
improvement over state-of-the-art approaches in this way. Yet, these
performance metrics can obscure critical failings in current models.
Improvements in metrics often do not reflect improvements in the
real-world performance of models. There is clearly a need to rethink
performance evaluation for text classification and analysis systems to
be usable and trustable.
If unreliable systems achieve astonishing scores with traditional
metrics, how do we recognise progress when we see it? The goal of the
Workshop on Novel Evaluation Approaches for Text Classification Systems
(NEATCLasS) is to promote the development and use of novel metrics for
abuse detection, hate speech recognition, sentiment analysis and similar
tasks within the community, to better be able to measure whether models
really improve upon the state of the art, and to encourage a wide range
of models to be tested on these new metrics.
Recently there have been attempts to address the problem of benchmarks
and metrics that do not represent performance well. For example, in
abusive language detection, there are both static datasets of
hard-to-detect examples (Röttger et al. 2021) and dynamic approaches for
generating such examples (Calabrese et al. 2021). On the platform
DynaBench (Kiela et al. 2021), benchmarks are dynamic and constantly
updated with hard-to-classify examples, avoiding overfitting a
predetermined dataset. However, these approaches only capture a tiny
fraction of issues with benchmarking. There is still much work to do.
We welcome submissions discussing such new evaluation approaches,
introducing new or refining existing ones, promoting the use of novel
metrics for abuse detection, sentiment analysis and similar tasks within
the community. Furthermore, the workshop will promote discussion on the
importance, potential and danger of disagreement in tasks that require
subjective judgements. This discussion will also focus on how to
evaluate human annotations, and how to find the most suitable set of
annotators (if any) for a given instance and task. The workshop will
solicit, among others, research papers about
* Issues with current evaluation metrics and benchmarking datasets
* New evaluation metrics
* User-centred (qualitative or quantitative) evaluation of social media
text analysis tools
* Adaptations and translations of novel evaluation metrics for other
* New datasets for benchmarking
* Increasing data quality in benchmarking datasets, e.g., avoidance of
selection bias, identification of suitable expert human annotators for
tasks involving subjective judgements
* Systems that facilitate dynamic evaluation and benchmarking
* Models that perform better at hard-to-classify instances and novel
evaluation metrics such as AAA, DynaBench and HateCheck
* Bias, error analysis and model diagnostics
* Phenomena not captured by existing evaluation metrics (such as models
making the right predictions for the wrong reason)
* Approaches to mitigating bias and common errors
* Alternative designs for NLP competitions that evaluate a wide range of
model characteristics (such as bias, error analysis, cross-domain
* Challenges of downstream applications (in industry, computational
social science and elsewhere) and reflections on how these challenges
can be captured in evaluation metrics
Format and Submissions
We invite research papers (8 pages), position and short papers (4
pages), and demo papers (2 pages). Detailed submission instructions can
be found on the workshop website.
The workshop will take place as a half-day meeting on 5 June. We are
looking forward to an exciting mix of activities including invited
talks, paper presentations and a group discussion. Authors of accepted
papers will be invited to trial an innovative format for paper
presentations: presenters will be given 5 minutes to describe their
research questions and hypothesis, and a group discussion will start
after that. Then, presenters will be given 5 more minutes to describe
their method and results, followed by a new group discussion about the
interpretation and implications of such results. The group discussion to
bring researchers together and collect ideas for new evaluation
approaches and future work in the field.
While we would encourage attending the workshop in person, we are also
planning to live stream the workshop on Zoom and record talks to allow
as many people as possible to participate.
Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to publish their
papers through workshop proceedings by the AAAI Press. Submission
instructions will be uploaded to the workshop web page in due course:
* Submission link: TBD – see https://neatclass-workshop.github.io/
* Papers submission deadline: 17 April 2023
* Paper acceptance notification: 30 April 2023
* Final camera-ready paper due: 6 May 2023
* Workshop Day: 5 June 2023
Björn Ross, University of Edinburgh (Contact: b.ross(a)ed.ac.uk)
Roberto Navigli, Sapienza University of Rome
Agostina Calabrese, University of Edinburgh
Sheikh Muhammad Sarwar, Amazon
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais
a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: Using Data and Analytics to
Enhance Medical Science and Medical Technologies @BHTY
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2023 13:20:20 +0000
From: Horst Treiblmaier <Horst.Treiblmaier(a)modul.ac.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues
Building robust research repositories must be amassed for health policy
leaders, regulators, economists, corporations and clinicians to gauge
what the potential and real world impact is for data science, data
security, and cybersecurity in relation to medical science and medical
technologies. This includes blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.
Why is public media negative? Is this justified when there is ample
investor and corporate excitement? Why is it meaningful to embrace new
cutting edge ideas such as ChatGPT? Is this being oversold, is it safe,
and what are the downsides? Finally, can consumers trust regulators?
The simple fact is, following ethically adroit research findings can
provide the answers. Blockchain in Healthcare Today (BHTY) is creating a
special issue collection of original research, reviews, technical
reports, pilot studies, and clinical or marketing research results to
demonstrate inroads and innovations in this run away field.
Multidisciplinary experts are invited including scholars, graduate
students, post docs, researchers, consultants, business, health systems,
not-for-profit, and health professionals, to develop and submit research
that instills collaborative discussion to explore how results and
findings are related and in what new ways.
Areas of interest may include but are not limited to:
Precision medicine
Public health
Predictive modeling
Decentralized finance
Statistics and Machine Learning
Data Mining and Descriptive Analytics
Statistical Inference and Artificial Intelligence
Data and cybersecurity
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Frameworks for blockchain/DLT
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)
Aligning multiple stakeholders/consortium members with shared
scaling objectives
Consensus Mechanisms
Anonymity and ethics
APIs, ETLs and SQLs
Visualization of data
Identification and stratification of populations
Optimized workflows and (cross border) interoperability
Incentivizing consumers and patients
Medical management and consumer confidence
Manufacturing Safety and Quality
Key Dates for Submissions
Submission Deadline: May
1, 2023
Initial Decisions: June 1, 2023
Revisions Submitted and Decisions Made: July 1, 2023
Publication: August 2023
Submission Guidelines
Reports should present new, original results that are unpublished.
Please prepare your manuscript as per BHTY guidelines here. To submit a
manuscript to this BHTY theme issue, please visit
Be sure you have first registered and include your ORCID ID. Click the
selection “Special Issue” for your submission. Your manuscript will
undergo full peer-review consistent with BHTY criteria here. All papers
will appear together in an e-collection (theme issue) edited by
academics and experts listed below. Should an author require faster
publication time, please submit your manuscript to the regular issue.
The regular APC rates will apply.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] [CfP] 28th International Conference on Conceptual
Structures (ICCS 2023) @ HU Berlin
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2023 14:29:28 +0100
From: Robert Jäschke <robert.jaeschke(a)hu-berlin.de>
Reply-To: Robert Jäschke <robert.jaeschke(a)hu-berlin.de>
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
[Apologies for multiple postings.]
Second Call for Papers:
28th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2023)
September 11 - 13, 2023, Berlin, Germany
https://iccs-conference.org / contact(a)iccs-conference.org
About ICCS
The International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) focus on
the formal analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge at the
crossroads of artificial intelligence, human cognition, computational
linguistics, and related areas of computer science and cognitive
science. The ICCS conferences evolved from seven annual workshops on
conceptual graphs, starting with an informal gathering hosted by John F.
Sowa in 1986. Recently, graph-based knowledge representation and
reasoning (KRR) paradigms have been getting more and more attention.
With the rise of quasi-autonomous AI, graph-based representations
provide a vehicle for making machine cognition explicit to human users.
ICCS 2023 will take place in Berlin, Germany, in September 2023.
Scholars, students and industry participants from different disciplines
will meet for several weeks of conferences, workshops, summer schools,
and public events to engage with the broad topics, issues and challenges
related to knowledge in the 21st century.
Submissions are invited on significant, original, and previously
unpublished research on the formal analysis and representation of
conceptual knowledge in artificial intelligence (AI). All papers will
receive mindful and rigorous reviews that will provide authors with
useful critical feedback. The aim of the ICCS 2023 conference is to
build upon its long-standing expertise in graph-based KRR and focus on
providing modelling, formal and application results of graph-based
systems. In particular, the conference welcomes contributions that
address graph-based representation and reasoning paradigms (e.g.
Bayesian Networks (BNs), Semantic Networks (SNs), RDF(S), Conceptual
Graphs (CGs), Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), CP-Nets, GAI-Nets, Graph
Databases, Diagrams, Knowledge Graphs, Semantic Web, etc.) from a
modelling, theoretical and application viewpoint.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Existential and Conceptual Graphs
Graph-based models for human reasoning
Social network analysis
Formal Concept Analysis
Conceptual knowledge acquisition
Data and Text mining
Human and machine reasoning under inconsistency
Human and machine knowledge representation and uncertainty
Automated decision-making
Constraint satisfaction
Contextual logic
Knowledge architecture and management
Semantic Web, Web of Data, Web 2.0, Linked (Open) Data
Conceptual structures in natural language processing and linguistics
Metaphoric, cultural or semiotic considerations
Resource allocation and agreement technologies
Philosophical, neural, and didactic investigations of conceptual,
graphical representations
Important Dates
- Abstract registration deadline: March 19th, 2023
- Submission deadline: March 26th, 2023
- Paper Reviews Sent to Authors: May 14th, 2023
- Rebuttals Due: May 21th, 2023
- Notification to authors: May 31th, 2023
- Camera-ready papers due: June 14th, 2023
Submission Details
We invite scientific papers of up to fourteen pages, short contributions
of up to eight pages, and extended poster abstracts of up to three
pages. Papers and poster abstracts must be formatted according to
Springer’s LNCS style guidelines and not exceed the page limit. Papers
will be subject to double-blind peer review, in which the reviewers do
not know the author's identity. We recommend using services like
https://anonymous.4open.science/ to anonymously share code or data.
Anonymized works that are available as preprints (e.g., on arXiv or
SSRN) may be submitted without citing them. Submission should be made
via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccs2023. All
paper submissions will be refereed, and authors will have the
opportunity to respond to reviewers’ comments during the rebuttal phase.
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings,
published by Springer in the LNCS/LNAI series. Poster submissions will
also be refereed and selected poster abstracts might be included in the
conference proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper or
poster must register for the conference and present the paper or poster
there. Proceedings will be indexed by DBLP.
General Chair:
Robert Jäschke, Information Processing and Analytics,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Program Chairs:
Manuel Ojeda Aciego, Dept. Applied Mathematics, University of Málaga, Spain
Kai Sauerwald, Artificial Intelligence Group, FernUniversität in Hagen,
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] cfp: The 22nd Annual Security Conference | Las
Vegas | May 9-10, 2023
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2023 13:36:38 -0500
From: Gurpreet Dhillon <gpdhillon9(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: gurpreet.dhillon(a)unt.edu
To: AISworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 22nd Annual Security Conference
The multiple facets of cybersecurity
May 9-10, 2023
The Tuscany
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Submissions: March 1, 2023.
The nature and scope of the Information Security field have evolved over
the past several years. No longer are we just concerned with protecting the
technical edifice. Our emphasis has become more holistic and we tend to
consider all aspects of information protection as central to the field of
security. The Annual Security Conference provides a forum for discourses
in Security, Assurance, and Privacy that will define the moment and provide
a useful basis for nurturing further dialogues.
Contributions in the form of research papers, panel proposals, and case
studies are invited. All submissions are peer-reviewed and considered for
publication in the Journal of Information System Security (
http://www.jissec.org), European Journal of Management Studies, and
Information and Computer Security.
Further details and submission instructions can be found at:
General Chair
Gurpreet Dhillon, University of North Texas, USA
Co-Conference Chairs
Dionysios Demetis, University of Hull, UK
Steve Furnell, University of Nottingham, UK
Program Chairs
Mark Harris, Augusta University Cyber Institute, USA
Spiro Samonas, Panasonic Avionics,USA
Mark Schmidt, St. Cloud State University, USA
Organizing Chairs
Kane Smith, University of North Texas, USA
Joti Kaur, University of North Texas, USA
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP - RPA Forum at the 21st International Conference on
Business Process Management (BPM 2023)
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2023 11:28:40 -0300
From: Andrea Delgado - InCo <adelgado(a)fing.edu.uy>
Reply-To: Andrea Delgado - InCo <adelgado(a)fing.edu.uy>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Call for Papers: RPA Forum at the 21^st International Conference on
Business Process Management (BPM 2023)
September 11-15, 2023
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a maturing technology in the field
of Business Process Management that enables the office automation of
repetitive tasks. In essence, it relates to software agents (so-called
software robots) that mimic how humans use computer applications when
performing rule-based and well-structured tasks in a business process.
Examples of those tasks include data transfer between applications,
automated email query processing, and collation of payroll data from
different sources.
However, RPA is much more than just technological innovation. It enables
a digital taskforce and, what is more important, a control mechanism
over it. Its objectives also extend beyond cutting costs: RPA directly
addresses the digital transformation of companies by creating new value,
improving the quality of services and products, reducing and controlling
execution times, and improving work satisfaction by liberating employees
from repetitive and tedious tasks.
At this point in time, RPA has reached a certain level of technological
maturity and organizational adoption. This means that researchers now
have the chance to look at RPA in a larger context. In particular, two
aspects are emerging:
1)Low-code automation: RPA is part of a development towards low-code
automation aimed at building and automating processes with off-the-shelf
software solutions that do not require extensive programming skills.
2)RPA for smart automation: RPA can be combined with other technologies,
such as process mining, AI, ML, OCR, or chatbots, with the goal of a
more flexible, holistic process automation.
The capabilities and opportunities of RPA challenge a broad set of
research communities. Computer scientists are attracted to its various
technical aspects. Economists study the impact of RPA on labor and
organizational effectiveness. Engineers are enabled to connect different
data sources, improve the quality of the data and accelerate data
analysis. RPA is particularly interesting for information systems
scholars because it constitutes a technological innovation that impacts
how individuals interact with software, it contributes to the digital
transformation of organizations, and it has social implications since it
may reduce work opportunities for those people who are carrying out
simple, manual work.
This forum aims to bring together researchers from various communities
and disciplines to discuss challenges, opportunities, and new ideas that
relate to RPA and its application to business processes in private and
public sectors. It is a unique setting where technical,
business-oriented, and human-centered perspectives will come together.
The forum will incorporate presentations of research papers and a panel
The forum solicits contributions related to RPA including, but not
limited to, the following topics:
·Management of RPA and process automation in general, e.g.,
organizational expectations on RPA, RPA and digital
transformation/innovation, organizational/social impact of RPA
·Technology for RPA-powered process automation, e.g., technological
advances such as AI in combination with RPA, novel paradigms for
employing RPA, RPA architectures and platforms
·Application of RPA-powered process automation, e.g., use cases in
various industries or business functions
*Important dates***
·Abstract submission: May 23^rd , 2023
·Paper submission: May 30^th , 2023
·Author notification: June 30^th , 2023
·Camera-ready submission: July 14^th , 2023
·Conference / RPA Forum: September 12^th – 14^th , 2023
*Paper submission*
Prospective authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers
on any of the topics of the forum. Papers must be written in English and
must not simultaneously be submitted to another journal, conference, or
workshop. We invite papers that (i) focus on technical aspects, (ii)
describe new research positions or approaches (exploratory papers), or
(iii) focus on evaluating existing problem situations (experience
papers). The maximum length of the paper is 15 pages (including title
page, references, appendices, etc.). Shorter papers are explicitly
Submissions must be prepared according to the format of Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing (LNBIP) specified by Springer
<http://www.springer.com/series/7911>. The title page must contain a
short abstract and a list of keywords.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via the BPM 2023
EasyChair submission site
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bpm2023>). In order to
facilitate a quick review process, authors are required to submit their
(preliminary) abstract a week earlier.
Selected papers will be considered for a fast-track publication option
in the EMISA Journal (https://emisa-journal.org
RPA Forum Chairs
Ralf Plattfaut, Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, Germany
Jana Rehse, Universität Mannheim, Germany
Dra. Ing. Andrea Delgado
Profesora Agregada
Instituto de Computación
Facultad de Ingeniería, UdelaR
J. Herrera y Reissig 565
Montevideo, 11300, Uruguay
ubicación: Edificio anexo InCo oficina 123
teléfono: +598 2 714 27 14 int. 12123
mail: adelgado [at] fing.edu.uy <http://fing.edu.uy>
web: https://www.fing.edu.uy/~adelgado
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Central and Eastern European eGov and eDem Days 2022 - Second
Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2023 10:09:33 +0100
From: prosser <prosser(a)wu.ac.at>
To: ipm(a)wu.ac.at
Apologies for cross-postings and as a gentle reminder.
Dear Colleagues,
The CEEeGov 2023 will again take place September 14-15, 2023 at Ludovika
University of Public Service, Budapest. Paper submission deadline
February 28, 2023
The conference volume will be published at the ACM digital library
within ICPS. The CEEeGov conference series covers all aspects of public
sector IT, this year's special topic will be public transport and new
forms of mobility.
More details at https://ceeegov2023.ocg.at/de/cfp
You can also follow us on twitter at https://twitter.com/ceeegov
Best Wishes,
Alexander (Prosser)