-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP Informatik 2022: (Agiles) Enterprise Architecture
Management in Forschung und Praxis
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 05:58:00 +0000
From: Brockmann, Carsten <carsten.brockmann(a)sap.com>
Reply-To: Brockmann, Carsten <carsten.brockmann(a)sap.com>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
Konferenz INFORMATIK 2022
(Agiles) Enterprise Architecture Management in Forschung und Praxis
Einreichung von Beiträgen: 30.04.2022
Benachrichtigung über Review Ergebnisse: 17.06.2022
Abgabe der überarbeiteten Beiträge: 03.07.2022
INFORMATIK 2022 Workshopzeitraum: 26.09.2022 - 30.09.2022
Die angenommenen Beiträge werden in der GI-Edition der Lecture Notes in
Informatics (LNI) veröffentlicht.
Einreichungsprozedur: Bitte Beitrag per eMail versenden an
Der Workshop „(Agiles) Enterprise Architecture Management“ wird sich mit
Methoden und Modellen des EAM auseinandersetzen, dies auch unter dem
Blickwinkel der verschiedenen Themenrichtungen der INFORMATIK 2022.
Gerade im Hinblick auf die Informatik in den Naturwissenschaften ist ein
konsistentes und agiles Architekturmanagement eine wichtige
Voraussetzung, die es ermöglicht, flexibel und schnell auf neue
Anforderungen reagieren zu können um dabei sowohl die Systeme selbst wie
auch externe Komponenten (bspw. Industrie 4.0) anzusteuern..
Im Rahmen des Workshops wird eine übergreifende Sichtweise auf EAM
eingenommen, so dass die IT-, Geschäfts- und Finanzauswirkungen sowie
deren Rückkopplungen auf das Architekturmanagement betrachtet werden.
Ferner sollen existierende klassische und agile EAM-Frameworks und
Anwendung in Wirtschaft und im öffentlichen Sektor verglichen und
Änderungspotenziale aufgezeigt werden. Ansätze für agiles EAM und das
„Agilisieren“ von TOGAF werden als weitere Schwerpunktthemen gesehen.
Ein weiteres Themenfeld spielen Methodiken für die Einführung von
Anwendungssytemen sowie Referenzarchitekturen für spezifische
Industrien. Darüber hinaus werden die Auswirkungen von intelligenten
Technologien (z. B. Künstliche Intelligenz, Robotic Process Automation)
auf Architekturen betrachtet.
Beiträge können u.a. zu folgenden Themen eingereicht werden:
·Agile EAM
·Lean EAM
·Leanisieren von TOGAF
·Ganzheitliche Vorgehensmodelle für Projekte
·EAM im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
·Neue EAM-Ansätze im Kontext der Digitalisierung
·IT-Strategie und Architekturmanagement
·EAM im privaten Sektor
·EAM im öffentlichen Sektor
·Industrie- und Organisationsspezifische Referenzarchitekturen
·Maschinelles Lernen und Künstliche Intelligenz
·Fallstudien für die Einführung von EAM-Frameworks in Organisationen
·Erfolgsfaktoren für EAM im Mittelstand
·Marktstudien zu EAM-Tools
·Themen, die mit den oben genannten oder mit EAM allgemein verwandt sind
Folgende Beitragstypen werden angenommen:
·Ausführliche Forschungsbeiträge mit bis zu 14 Seiten
·Kurze Forschungsbeiträge (Research in progress) mit bis zu 6 Seiten
·Praxisbeiträge/Fallstudien mit bis zu 6 Seiten
·Dr. Carsten Brockmann (Hauptansprechpartner), Senior Project Manager, SAP
·Prof. Dr. Christian Czarnecki, FH Aachen
Beste Grüße:
Carsten Brockmann
*Dr. Carsten Brockmann*
Senior Project Manager S/4HANA Cloud
Customer Success - Intelligent Delivery Group
*SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG I Rosenthaler Str. 30 I 10178 Berlin*
M +49 1511 8071310, E carsten.brockmann(a)sap.com
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP: Brain Informatics 2022 (April 25, Submission Due,
Final Extended)
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 16:34:06 +0900
From: H.Z. Kuai <hongzhi.kuai(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: H.Z. Kuai <hongzhi.kuai(a)gmail.com>
To: agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, fca-list(a)cs.uni-kassel.de,
iefac.list(a)mailhost.ces.clemson.edu, neuromail(a)brain.riken.jp,
s-news(a)lists.biostat.wustl.edu, wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de,
pvs(a)csl.sri.com, connectionists(a)cs.cmu.edu, Lprolog(a)cs.umn.edu,
types-announce(a)lists.seas.upenn.edu, types-list(a)lists.seas.upenn.edu,
ai-grid(a)mailman.isi.edu, Vki-list(a)dfki.de, Ak-kd-list(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
The 15th International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI'22)
July 15-17, 2022
A Hybrid Conference with both Online and Offline Modes
Co-hosted by University of Padua & University of Queensland
Padova, Italy (In-Person) & Queensland, Australia (Online)
Homepage: wi-consortium.org/conferences/bi2022/
The key theme: Brain Science meets Artificial Intelligence
Celebrating the University of Padua's 800 years birthday
- April 25, 2022 (final extended): Paper ( Regular and Short )
submission deadline
*** Confirmed Keynote Speakers ***
- Professor Silvestro Micera
Full Professor, Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Translational
EPFL, Switzerland
- Professor Robert Legenstein
Institute Head, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Graz University of Technology, Austria
- Professor Gustavo Deco
Director of the Center of Brain and Cognition
Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
- Professor Themis Prodromakis
Director of the Centre for Electronics Frontiers
University of Southampton, UK
The International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI) series has
established itself as the world's premier research conference on Brain
Informatics, which is an emerging interdisciplinary and
multidisciplinary research field that combines the efforts of Cognitive
Science, Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial
Intelligence (AI), and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to
explore the main problems that lie in the interplay between human brain
studies and informatics research.
The 15th International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI'22) provides
a premier international forum to bring together researchers and
practitioners from diverse fields for presentation of original research
results, as well as exchange and dissemination of innovative and
practical development experiences on Brain Informatics research,
brain-inspired technologies and brain/mental health applications.
*** Topics and Areas ***
The key theme of the conference is "Brain Science meets Artificial
The BI'22 solicits high-quality original research and application papers
(both full paper and abstract submissions).
Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
Track 1: Cognitive and Computational Foundations of Brain Science
Track 2: Human Information Processing Systems
Track 3: Brain Big Data Analytics, Curation and Management
Track 4: Informatics Paradigms for Brain and Mental Health Research
Track 5: Brain-Machine Intelligence and Brain-Inspired Computing
*** Paper Submission and Publications ***
Paper Submission ( Regular and Short ):
Main Conference On-Line Paper Submission:
WS/SS On-line Paper Submission:
Full papers should be limited to (10 to 12 pages) for the regular papers
and (6 to 9 pages) for the short papers including figures and references in
Springer LNCS Proceedings format
Additional pages will be charged.
All papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted based on originality,
significance of contribution, technical merit, and presentation quality.
All papers accepted (and all workshop & special sessions' full-length
papers) will be published by Springer as a volume of the Springer-Nature
LNAI Brain Informatics Book Series
Abstract Submission (Only for Workshops/Special Sessions):
Research abstracts are encouraged and will be accepted for presentations
in an oral presentation format and/or poster presentation format. Each
abstract submission should include the title of the paper and an
abstract body within 500 words.
Journal Opportunities:
High-quality BI conference papers will be nominated for a fast-track
review and publication at the Brain Informatics Journal
(https://braininformatics.springeropen.com/), an international,
peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary Open Access journal published by
Springer Nature.
Special Issues & Books:
Workshop/special session organizers and BI conference session chairs may
consider and can be invited to prepare a book proposal of special topics
for possible book publication in the Springer-Nature Brain Informatics &
Health Book Series (https://www.springer.com/series/15148), or a special
issue at the Brain Informatics Journal.
*** Workshop & Special Sessions ***
Proposal Submissions:
BI'22 will be hosting a series of workshops and special sessions
featuring topics relevant to the brain informatics community on the
latest research and industry applications.
Papers & Presentations:
A workshop/special session typically takes a half-day (or full-day) and
includes a mix of regular and invited presentations including regular
papers, abstracts, invited papers as well as invited presentations. The
paper and abstract submissions to workshops/special sessions will follow
the same format as the BI conference papers and abstracts.
Accepted workshop and special session full papers will be published at
the same BI proceedings at
the Springer-Nature LNAI Brain Informatics Book Series
Workshop organizers can be invited to contribute a book publication in
the Springer-Nature Brain Informatics & Health Book Series, or a special
issue at the Brain Informatics Journal.
- April 25, 2022 (final extended): Paper (Regular and Short) submission
- May 23, 2022: Paper acceptance notification
- June 6, 2022: Final paper submission and registration deadline
- July 15-17, 2022: Conference
Organizing Committee
Advisory Board
Chair: Ning Zhong (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
* Maurizio Corbetta (Padua Neuroscience Center & University of Padova,
* Tianzi Jiang (Institute of Automation, CAS, China)
* Nikola Kasabov (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
* Peipeng Liang (CNU School of Psychology, China)
* Hesheng Liu (Harvard Medical School & Massachusetts General Hospital, USA)
* Guoming Luan (Sanbo Brain Hospital, China)
* Stefano Panzeri (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany)
* Hanchuan Peng (SEU-Allen Institute for Brain & Intelligence, China)
* Shinsuke Shimojo (California Institute of Technology, USA)
General Chairs
* Mufti Mahmud (Nottingham Trent University, UK)
* Stefano Vassanelli (University of Padova, Italy)
* Andre van Zundert (University of Queensland, Australia)
Program Chairs
* Alessandra Bertoldo (University of Padova, Italy)
* Gopikrishna Deshpande (Auburn University, USA)
* Jing He (University of Queensland, Australia)
Publication Chair
* Can Wang (Griffith University, Australia)
Workshop/Special Session/Tutorial Chairs
* Alessia Sarica (Magna Graecia University, Italy)
* Xiaohui Tao (University of Southern Queensland, Australia)
* Alberto Testolin (University of Padova, Italy)
* Vassiliy Tsytsarev (University of Maryland, USA)
* Juan Velasquez (University of Chile, Chile)
* Vicky Yamamoto (USC Keck School of Medicine, USA)
* Yang Yang (BFU Department of Psychology, China)
Local Organization Chairs
* Michele Allegra (University of Padova, Italy)
* Claudia Cecchetto (University of Padova, Italy)
* Daniela Pietrobon (University of Padova, Italy)
* Samir Suweis (University of Padova, Italy)
* Mattia Tambaro (University of Padova, Italy)
Publicity Chairs
* Abzetdin Adamov (ADA University, Azerbaijan)
* M Shamim Kaiser (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh)
* Hongzhi Kuai (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
* Francesco Morabito (Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, Italy)
* Yanqing Zhang (Georgia State University, USA)
Contact Us:
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 18:27:52 +0000
From: Farkas, Prof. Dan J. <dfarkas(a)pace.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
HICSS-56 (Jan 3-6, 2023)
(apologies for cross-postings)
Dear colleagues,
You are cordially invited to submit research papers to the GIS, INDUSTRY
4.0, AND SUSTAINABILITY MINITRACK, which is part of the Location
Intelligence track at HICSS-56 (January 3-6, 2023, Maui, Hawaii).
Mini-Track Description:
This mini-track provides a research forum aiming to discuss the varied
facets of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Industry 4.0 and
sustainability. The fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by
emerging technologies, such as machine learning, IoT, blockchain, and
the Cloud, which can improve economic conditions and reduce negative
societal impacts. Industry trends increasingly focus on sustainable
business practices, responsiveness to climate change, and related social
and environmental issues. GIS (or location analytics) is one of the key
technologies of Industry 4.0. IoT generates an enormous amount of data,
a big portion of which is geospatial data that must be stored in the
Cloud and analyzed in real time for better decision-making and
prediction. Location data and spatial features embedded in such emerging
technologies often facilitate and accelerate technological advancements
in connected vehicles, connected homes, smart cities, and Industrial
IoT, which are bound to create not just extensive opportunities for
economic gains, but also a positive externality of ecological
This mini-track solicits and invites completed research papers from both
academics and practitioners across the following topics, but not limited to:
1. GIS and Industry 4.0,
2. GIS and environmental sustainability,
3. GIS and smart cities,
4. GIS, government, and NGOs,
5. Societal issues with big spatial data,
6. Spatial aspects of the sharing economy,
7. Mobile location-based applications,
8. Cloud-based or web-based GIS concepts and applications,
9. Spatial crowdsourcing,
10. Benefits of GIS and location analytics
11. Emerging areas of GIS and location analytics
Mini-Track Co-Chairs:
Namchul Shin, Pace University, nshin(a)pace.edu<mailto:nshin@pace.edu>
(Primary Contact)
Daniel Farkas, Pace University, dfarkas(a)pace.edu<mailto:dfarkas@pace.edu>
Important Dates
April 15: Paper submission system reopened for HICSS-56
June 15: Papers due
August 17: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 22: Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for
October 1: Deadline for at least one author of each paper to register
for HICSS-56
Please see the HICSS website (https://hicss.hawaii.edu/) for more
information on the location intelligence track<about:blank>
(https://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-56/location-intelligence/) and
submission guidelines<about:blank>.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Mini-Track co-chairs if you
have any questions.
Dr. Namchul Shin
Professor and Department Chairperson, Seidenberg School of CSIS, Pace
Dr. Dan Farkas
Professor, Seidenberg School of CSIS, Pace University
Dan Farkas, PhD
Professor, Information Systems Department
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems
Pace University, Pleasantville, NY
Visiting Professor, Glyndwyr University
Wrexham, Wales
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Research Methods, Data Analytics, & AI, at SMA
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 17:21:32 +0000
From: Petrescu, Maria <PETRESCM(a)erau.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Research Methods, Data Analytics, & AI track, SMA Conference 2022,
November 2-5, Charlotte, NC
The Society for Marketing Advances (SMA)
is a premier marketing association that hosts an annual conference that
brings together marketing educators and professionals from the United
States and abroad. The Research Methods, Data Analytics, & AI track
invites papers for the SMA conference and Special Issue with the Journal
of Marketing
The deadline for conference submissions is June 30th 2022.
For more information, you can contact track co-chairs: Michael Levin –
Otterbein University, mlevin(a)otterbein.edu<mailto:mlevin@otterbein.edu>,
and Maria Petrescu - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,
Maria Petrescu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, College of Business
Department of Business Administration
Worldwide Campus
1 Aerospace Boulevard
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
C: 9546677832
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Florida | Arizona | Worldwide
Recent publications:
AI-based innovation in B2B marketing: An interdisciplinary framework
incorporating academic and practitioner perspectives -
Marketing Management
From: Petrescu, Maria
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 2:11 PM
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: SMA Conference 2022: Research Methods, Data Analytics, & AI,
November 2-5, Charlotte, NC
SMA Conference 2022: Research Methods, Data Analytics, & AI track,
November 2-5, Charlotte, NC
The Society for Marketing Advances (SMA)
is a premier marketing association that hosts an annual conference that
brings together marketing educators and professionals from the United
States and abroad. The Research Methods, Data Analytics, & AI track
invites papers for the SMS conference and Special Issue with the Journal
of Marketing
The deadline for conference submissions is June 30th 2022.
For more information, you can contact track co-chairs: Michael Levin –
Otterbein University, mlevin(a)otterbein.edu<mailto:mlevin@otterbein.edu>,
and Maria Petrescu - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] First CFP: 13th International Conference on
Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA'22) -
Online - Springer Publication
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 10:09:00 +0530
From: Ajith Abraham <ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
Reply-To: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
To: aisworld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu,
aco-list(a)iridia.ulb.ac.be, SUPPORT-VECTOR-MACHINES(a)jiscmail.ac.uk,
GASCHEDULING(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu
CC: Pooja Manghirmalani Mishra <pmanghirmalani(a)ieee.org>, Niketa Gandhi
<niketa(a)gmail.com>, Gabriella Casalino <gabriella.casalino(a)uniba.it>,
Anu Bajaj <er.anubajaj(a)gmail.com>
** First Call for Papers - please circulate this CFP to your
colleagues and networks **
-- The 13th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired
Computing and Applications (IBICA'22) --
On the World Wide Web
December 15-17,2022
Proceedings of IBICA'22 will be published with Springer Verlag in
their Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS) series.
(https://www.springer.com/series/15179) (Approval Pending)
Proceedings of IBICA'21:
Indexed by: SCOPUS, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, SCImago, DBLP,
EI Compendex, Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST),
History of IBICA series: http://www.mirlabs.net/ibica22/previous.php
**Important Dates**
Paper submission due: September 30, 2022
Notification of paper acceptance: October 31, 2022
Registration and Final manuscript due: November 15, 2022
Conference: December 15-17, 2022
**About IBICA 2022**
IBICA'22 is the 13th International Conference on Innovations in
Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications. The aim of IBICA is to
provide a platform for world research leaders and practitioners, to
discuss the “full spectrum” of current theoretical developments,
emerging technologies, and innovative applications of Bio-inspired
Computing. Bio-inspired Computing is currently one of the most
exciting research areas, and it is continuously demonstrating
exceptional strength in solving complex real life problems. The main
driving force of the conference is to further explore the intriguing
potential of Bio-inspired Computing. IBICA 2022 will be held online.
**Topics (not limited to)**
Bio-inspired Computing
Ant Colony System
Artificial Immune Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Neural Networks
Cellular Automaton
Cognitive Modeling
DNA Computing
Differential Evolution
Emergent Systems
Evolutionary Computations
Evolutionary Strategies/Programming
Fuzzy Logic
Genetic Algorithms/Programming
Granular Computing
Neutrosophic Systems
Organic Computing
P Systems
Particle Swarm Optimization
Emerging Technologies & Applications
Intelligent Distributed and High-Perfomance Architecture
**Submission Guidelines**
Submission of paper should be made through the submission page
from the conference web page. Please refer to the conference website
for guidelines to prepare your manuscript.
Paper format templates:
IBICA’22 Submission Link:
** IBICA 2022 Organization **
General Chairs
Ajith Abraham, Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA
Ana Maria Madureira, Institute of Engineering, Polytechnique of Porto,
Cengiz Kahraman, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Program Chairs
Nuno Bettencourt, Institute of Engineering, Polytechnique of Porto, Portugal
Selcuk Cebi, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
Agostino Forestiero, National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Publication Chairs
Niketa Gandhi, Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA
Kun Ma, University of Jinan, China
Special Session Chairs
Gabriella Casalino, University of Bari, Italy
André Santos, Institute of Engineering, Polytechnique of Porto, Portugal
Publicity Chairs
Pooja Manghirmalani Mishra, University of Mumbai, India
Anu Bajaj, Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA
Ivo Pereira, University Fernando Pessoa, Portugal
If you would like to propose a special session, please email Dr.
Gabriella Casalino <gabriella.casalino(a)uniba.it> / Dr. André Santos
(abg(a)isep.ipp.pt )
**Technical Contact**
Dr. Ajith Abraham
Email: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CALL FOR PAPERS – HELMeTO 2022
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 12:07:28 +0200
From: helmeto2022(a)unipa.it <helmeto2022(a)unipa.it>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
4th International Conference on
Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online
HELMeTO 2022
Palermo (Italy), September 21-23, 2022
Website: http://helmeto2022.unipa.it <http://helmeto2022.unipa.it>
HELMeTO 2022 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners
working in Higher Distance Education Institutions or studying Online
Learning Methodologies to present and share their research in a
multidisciplinary context. The conference is focused on all the relevant
topics for online higher education and provides a forum for the
discussion of new research directions and applications in these fields,
where different disciplines could effectively meet.
The conference will be organized by the University of Palermo,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and National Research
Council of Italy, Institute for Educational Technology, on September
21-23, 2022.
The conference is scientifically supported by SIREM
<https://www.sirem.org/>(Società Italiana di Ricerca sull'Educazione
Submission deadline of abstracts: May 15, 2022
Notification of acceptance of abstracts: June 15, 2022
Submission of camera ready abstract: June 30, 2022
Registration deadline for authors: July 10, 2022
Early registration deadline for non-authors: July 10, 2022
Conference dates: September 21-23, 2022
Full Papers submission:
Submission deadline of Full Papers: October 15, 2022
Notification of acceptance of Full Papers: November 15, 2022
Camera ready submissions of accepted Full Papers: December 1, 2022
**** TOPICS ****
The conference will include parallel sessions organized in two main tracks:
GT1: Online pedagogy and learning methodologies
GT2: Learning technologies, data analytics and educational big data
A list of topics is available on the following page:
Several special tracks will be proposed, more details will be made
available on: http://helmeto2022.unipa.it/specialtracks/
**** SUBMISSIONS: Abstracts ****
All submissions must be made electronically by May 15, 2022 through the
online submission system EasyChair (
Contributions MUST be in English and should be submitted in the form of
an abstract with references (max 2 pages, excluding references).
Please remember to select exactly one track (general or special) during
the submission process on the EasyChair platform.
The authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to present their work at
the Conference. The accepted abstracts will be available in a digital
book of abstracts of the Conference.Each accepted abstract must have at
least one registered author by July 10, 2022.
For more details on how to prepare the abstract
**** SUBMISSIONS: Full Papers ****
The authors of the accepted contributions will be invited to submit an
extended version of their work in the form of a final full paper (at
least 12 pages comprising references). Full papers will undergo a second
round of reviews. Accepted full papers, whose authors will have attended
the conference (at least one author), will be included, free of charge,
in the conference post-proceedings, published in Springer Communications
in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series
<https://www.springer.com/series/7899>, indexed in Scopus
<https://www.scopus.com/>and other important indexing databases.
For more details on how to prepare the full paper
**** CONTACTS ****
Any inquiries can be directed to helmeto2022(a)unipa.it
Helmeto 2022 Organizing Committee
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP ECSCW 2022 Workshop Exploring Human-Centered AI
in Healthcare:Diagnosis, Explainability, and Trust
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 13:40:02 +0000
From: Syed, Hussain Abid <Hussain.Syed(a)uni-siegen.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
- apologies for cross posting -
Dear all,
we are currently organizing a workshop on the topic „Exploring
Human-Centered AI in Healthcare: Diagnosis, Explainability, and Trust“,
which will be held at ECSCW, 2022, Coimbra (https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2022/).
You will find detailed information about this workshop on our website:
The submission deadline is on the 22nd of April, 2022, 23:59 (AoE).
We invite both researchers from academia and practitioners from industry
to submit position papers on their topics of interest with the workshop.
The position papers should follow the ECSCW template (MS Word or Latex),
2-4 pages including bibliography, short use-cases: presenting materials,
ideas, AI technology or artifacts they would like to discuss in the
workshop. Submissions should include a brief outline of the main ideas
and arguments for the contribution. Participants can also submit
case-studies or reports on the recent experiments in their research
context, prototypes, demos or other research formats, they would like to
demonstrate or discuss during the workshop. Alternatively, if you wish
to attend the workshop without a formal participant submission, you can
send us a brief statement on your background and why you are interested
in the workshop (150 words max). We encourage you to think about the
workshop’s goals and topics in your statement and how you can add value
to this discussion. The submission and the review process will be
managed over e-mail. Workshop participants must submit a position paper
by the deadline to
The submissions should not be anonymized and will be reviewed by the
workshop organizers and selected on the basis of their quality,
consistency with the workshop theme, and potential to generate fruitful
discussions during the workshop.
Workshop Goals and Topics
The goal of this workshop is for participants to explore various
approaches to Human-Centered AI and to develop a strategy for future
scientific investigations on healthcare solutions. We will use a cross
approach, gathering different points of view together to discuss the
numerous benefits and drawbacks of such innovations. We would also like
to learn from other fields and approaches, that are developing and using
AI with visualizations in similar contexts with a human-centered approach.
Workshop Themes (include but are not limited to):
• Human-Centered-AI for medical visualizations
• Physician-in-the-loop for HAI
• Explainable AI in healthcare
• Trust and fairness issues of AI in healthcare
• Ethics in AI for healthcare
• Security and privacy in medical AI
Important Dates:
• April 22nd, 2022: Submission deadline
• May 6th, 2022: Notification of acceptance
• June 3rd, 2022: Camera-ready
• June 27th - 28th 2022: Workshop Days
For more information on the workshops please visit:
Best regards,
Hussain Abid, Syed
Telefon # +49 (0) 271/ 740 – 4410
Raum # US-D-106
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AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 2022 OkIP Intl Conf on Electronic Commerce and
Applications, Oct 3-6, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 10:24:22 -0500
From: Pierre F. Tiako <tiako(a)ieee.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, aib-l(a)list.msu.edu,
--- 1st Call for Abstracts and Papers -------------
2022 OkIP International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Applications
Downtown Oklahoma City, OK, USA & Online
October 3-6, 2022
Submission Deadline: July 11, 2022
CECA aims to bring together scholars from different disciplinary
backgrounds to emphasize disseminating ongoing research and development in
the field. Proposals are solicited describing original works in the fields
below and related technologies.
CECA will include a peer-reviewed technical, industrial, and poster
sessions program. Accepted and presented full papers from the tracks below
will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for
indexation in major abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed
literature. Extended versions of the best papers will be considered for
journals publication.
>> ECommerce(EC) Concepts
- EC Authentication | EC Strategy
- ECommerce Website Evaluation
- EC Implementation | EC Usability
- ECommerce Dynamic Pricing
- Digital Marketing | Perceived Risk
- Consumer Intention and Adoption
- Ecommerce Fraud Prevention
- Online Retailing
- Online Review Manipulation
>> EC Collaborative Approaches
- Group Purchasing
- ECommerce Collaborative Method
- B2B EC | B2C EC
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
- Cross-site Comparisons
- Crowdsourcing and Collective Intelligence
- Multi-Channel Retailing/Supply Chain
- Double Marginalization
- EC Logistics Relationship/Transportation
- Shared Economy Product and Service System
- Collaborative Filtering Algorithms
>> ECommerce Transactions
- Decentralized Financing and Payments
- Security in Banking Applications
- Security in Financial Applications
- Crowdfunding Donation and Reward
- Crowdfunding Lending and Equity
- Cryptocurrency | Bitcoin
- EC Financial Technologies
- Sharing Economy | Social Commerce
- Banking Information Security
- EC Technology Acceptance Model
- EC Diffusion of Innovation
- FinTech Innovation and Applications
- Mobile Commerce Adoption & Payment
- System Marginal Price
>> AI in ECommerce
- Smart Trading and Contract
- Theories and Approaches of Blockchain
- EC Innovations | EC Big Data
- Intelligent Recommendation Model
- eTrading Innovations
- Auction Theory | Algorithmic Trading
- EC Automated Agents | EC Commodification
- Bargaining and Negotiation
- Behavioral Models and Experiments
- Computational Social Choice
- Consumer Search and Online Behavior
- EC Data Mining | EC Marketization
- EC Game-Theoretic Models
- Product Matching | Economic Equilibrium
- Consumer Preferences and Decision Making
- Platform Price of Anarchy
- Trust and Reputation Modeling
- Revenue Optimization
- ECommerce Adoption and Adaptation Models
- Decision Support System of ECommerce
- ECommerce Demand Forecasting
- Clustering and Classification in ECommerce
>> ECommerce Security
- Digital Content Protection
- Information Security Issues
- Mobile Security | Database Security
- EC Privacy and Security
- Privacy Metrics and Control
- Continuous Authentication
- Decentralized Applications
>> EC Legal and Global Issues
- ECommerce Law | Cybersecurity Legal
- International Vendor
- Online Contracts | FinTech Regulation
- Online Consumer Protection
- Globalization & Cross-Border Issues
- Crowdfunding Regulations
>> ECommerce Applications
- eGovernment Processes and Applications
- mGovernment Processes and Applications
- ECommerce Cross-Border Exports
- ECommerce in Education
- Credit Card Fraud Detection
- Automated Drug Delivery Systems
- ECommerce in Healthcare
- New Generation Electronic Payment System
- Personal Credit Evaluation
>> Contribution Types (One-Column IEEE Format Style): OkIP Published &
SCOPUS/WoS Indexed
- Full Paper: Accomplished research results (10 pages)
- Short Paper: Work in progress/fresh developments (6 pages)
- Extended Abstract/Poster/Journal First: Displayed/Oral presented (3 pages)
>> Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline: July 11, 2022
- Notification Due: August 01, 2022
- Camera-ready Due: August 22, 2022
>> Technical Program Committee
Please feel free to contact us for any inquiry at: info(a)okipublishing.com
Pierre Tiako
General Chair
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Invitation | Symposium: Reflecting on the Future of
Knowledge Management in a VUCA World | 25 + 28 April, 4 - 6 p.m. (CEST)
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 20:02:06 +0200
From: Alexander Kaiser <alexander.kaiser(a)wu.ac.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to the
*Virtual Mini Symposium**
*/*Responsible Knowledge Management: Reflecting on the Future of
Knowledge Management in a VUCA World*/
held on
* Mon, 25 April 2022, 4 – 6 p.m. (CEST) Non-Rationality and
Spirituality in Knowledge Management
* Thu, 28 April 2022, 4 – 6 p.m. (CEST) Responsibility and
Sustainability in Knowledge Management
via ZOOM.
The intention of this online event is to share perspectives, capture
ideas, and spark the discussion on value-based perspectives on knowledge
management (e.g., non-rational knowledge, phronesis, spirituality, and
responsible knowledge management). Distinguished academics will share
their thoughts on the future journey of KM and present their research.
Two short presentations per evening should propel the subsequent
discussion that is framed by a triggering question. We invite scholars
and practitioners alike to join and engage in the discussion.
The Virtual Mini Symposium is organized by the Knowledge Management
Group <https://www.wu.ac.at/kbm> at the Vienna University of Economics
and Business, Austria, in collaboration with the OCKO – Organizing
Cognition in Knowing Organizations Research Group
<https://ocko.univie.ac.at/> at the University of Vienna, Austria.
For more information about the event and its speakers, please see the
attached file and especially the event website:
*https://short.wu.ac.at/rkm-symposium *
Please feel free to forward this invitation to your fellow colleagues.
We are very looking forward to inspiring discussions with you!
Kind regards,
Alexander Kaiser
ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Alexander Kaiser
Institut Data Process and Knowledge Management
Leiter der Abteilung für Wissensmanagement und stv. Institutsvorstand
Head of Division Knowledge-Based Management and Deputy Head of Institute
WU - Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Vienna University of Economics and
Welthandelsplatz 1, A-1020 Vienna, Austria
Mobil: +43 676 82135230 Email:alexander.kaiser@wu.ac.at
Web:http://wu.ac.at/kbm http://wu.ac.at/infobiz
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Updated Call for Papers 2022 (Deadline April 30, 2022)
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 18:20:25 +0000
From: Goel, Sanjay <goel(a)albany.edu>
To: goel(a)listserv.albany.edu <goel(a)listserv.albany.edu>,
forensics(a)listserv.albany.edu <forensics(a)listserv.albany.edu>,
aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
17th Annual Symposium on Information Assurance (ASIA '22)
Conference Dates: June 7-8, 2022
SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE: http://www.albany.edu/iasymposium
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2022
Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=asia2022
The 17th Annual Symposium on Information Assurance (ASIA ‘22) will be
held in conjunction with the 24th New York State Cyber Security
Conference (NYSCSC) on June 7-8, 2022. In the past, this two-day joint
event has attract well over 1,000 participants including practitioners,
researchers, and vendors providing opportunities for business and
intellectual engagement among attendees. The Symposium is organized by
the School of Business at the University at Albany, State University of
New York, the Chief Information Security Office (CISO) of the NYS Office
of Information Technology Services (ITS), and the New York State Forum.
Through generous sponsorships, we are able to have free registration for
all selected presenters, authors of accepted papers, and members of
government organizations. Authors are invited to submit papers in
information assurance and security for (but not limited to) these topics:
Organizational Security: Insider Threat Management, Risk Management,
Business Continuity, Security Policies, Security Auditing, Information
Assurance, Information Privacy, Economics of Security, and Behavioral
Information Security.
Technological Security: Cloud Computing Security, Web Application
Security, Database Security, Intrusion Detection/Prevention, Network
Security, Mobile Device Security, Smart Grid Security, Self-Organized
Resilient Systems, Critical Infrastructure Security, ICS/SCADA Security,
Security of “Internet of Things”, Cryptography, Quantum Computing,
Digital Currency Security, and Security of Wearable Devices.
Incident Response and Forensics: Disaster Recovery, Digital Forensics,
Multimedia Forensics, Cyber Crime Investigations, E-Discovery, Forensics
Lab Management, Chip-off Forensics, Mobile & Network Forensics,
Linguistic Analysis for Security, ICS/SCADA Forensics, Forensic
Accounting & Fraud, and Incident Response & Analysis.
International Security Issues: Internet-based Espionage, Cyber Warfare &
Terrorism, International Cyber Conflicts, Advanced Persistent Threats,
Digital Rights Management, Government Surveillance, Censorship and
Control of the Internet, and International Cyber Laws and Confidence
Building Measures.
Security and Forensics Education: Security and Forensics Accreditation,
Innovative Pedagogic Techniques, Certifications, Hands-on Security
Laboratories and Tabletop Exercises, Education Infrastructure, Diversity
in Security/Forensics Education, and Online Security/Forensics Education.
Emerging Security Developments: Active Defense, Cloud Security, Block
Chain, Quantum Cryptography
1. Papers should be submitted to
2. Submissions can be made in the following categories:
Completed Research Papers: Typically, 5,000 words long (excluding
abstract and references).
Research in Progress Papers: Typically, 2,500 words (excluding abstract
and references).
Panel Proposals: Typically, 1,000 words description, also identifying
the panelists involved.
3. Please follow the formatting guidelines on the conference website.
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2022
Reviewer Feedback: May 15, 2022
Final Submission: May 30, 2022
Symposium Dates: June 7-8, 2022
Sanjay Goel
Chair & Professor, Information Security and Digital forensics, School of
Business, University at Albany, SUNY
Jessica Smith
NYS Office of Information Technology Services
Prinkle Sharma
Assistant Professor, Information Security and Digital Forensics, School
of Business, University at Albany, SUNY
Cristian Balan
Lecturer, Management, Information Systems and Analytics Dept, School of
Business and Economics, SUNY at Plattsburgh
Fabio Auffant
Lecturer, Digital Forensics Program, School of Business, University at
Albany, SUNY
Jungwon Kuem
Assistant Professor, Information Security and Digital Forensics, School
of Business, University at Albany, SUNY
Dominic Foti
FACETS, University at Albany, SUNY
Anil B. Somayaji, Carleton University, Canada
Bill Stackpole, RIT
Daryl Johnson, RIT
Gary C. Kessler, Embry-Riddle University (Emeritus)
George Markowsky, MST
Jim Hoag, Champlain University
Leon Reznik, RIT
Kevin J. Williams, University at Albany, SUNY
M.P. Gupta, Indian Institute of Tech., Delhi
Manish Gupta, M&T Bank
Gurvirender Tejay, University of Colorado Springs, Colorado
Pavel Gladyshev, University College Dublin
Pradeep K. Atrey, University at Albany, SUNY
Raj Sharman, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Siwei Lyu, University at Buffalo, SUNY
From: Goel, Sanjay <goel(a)albany.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 3:21 PM
To: Sharma, Prinkle <psharma2(a)albany.edu>
Subject: Re: Updated Call for Papers 2022
The deadline says March 31st everywhere. I thought we wanted to move
that to April 30?
From: "Sharma, Prinkle" <psharma2(a)albany.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 1:59 PM
To: Sanjay Goel <goel(a)albany.edu>
Subject: Updated Call for Papers 2022
Hi Dr. Sanjay:
Here's the update on the ASIA 2022. So far, there is no submission on
the easychair. Two of my students will be making submissions this year.
Please find the update call for papers conference details below and
17th Annual Symposium on Information Assurance (ASIA '22)
Conference Dates: June 7-8, 2022
SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE: http://www.albany.edu/iasymposium
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2022
Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=asia2022
The 17th Annual Symposium on Information Assurance (ASIA ‘22) will be
held in conjunction with the 24th New York State Cyber Security
Conference (NYSCSC) on June 7-8, 2022. In the past, this two-day joint
event has attract well over 1,000 participants including practitioners,
researchers, and vendors providing opportunities for business and
intellectual engagement among attendees. The Symposium is organized by
the School of Business at the University at Albany, State University of
New York, the Chief Information Security Office (CISO) of the NYS Office
of Information Technology Services (ITS), and the New York State Forum.
Through generous sponsorships, we are able to have free registration for
all selected presenters, authors of accepted papers, and members of
government organizations. Authors are invited to submit papers in
information assurance and security for (but not limited to) these topics:
Organizational Security: Insider Threat Management, Risk Management,
Business Continuity, Security Policies, Security Auditing, Information
Assurance, Information Privacy, Economics of Security, and Behavioral
Information Security.
Technological Security: Cloud Computing Security, Web Application
Security, Database Security, Intrusion Detection/Prevention, Network
Security, Mobile Device Security, Smart Grid Security, Self-Organized
Resilient Systems, Critical Infrastructure Security, ICS/SCADA Security,
Security of “Internet of Things”, Cryptography, Quantum Computing,
Digital Currency Security, and Security of Wearable Devices.
Incident Response and Forensics: Disaster Recovery, Digital Forensics,
Multimedia Forensics, Cyber Crime Investigations, E-Discovery, Forensics
Lab Management, Chip-off Forensics, Mobile & Network Forensics,
Linguistic Analysis for Security, ICS/SCADA Forensics, Forensic
Accounting & Fraud, and Incident Response & Analysis.
International Security Issues: Internet-based Espionage, Cyber Warfare &
Terrorism, International Cyber Conflicts, Advanced Persistent Threats,
Digital Rights Management, Government Surveillance, Censorship and
Control of the Internet, and International Cyber Laws and Confidence
Building Measures.
Security and Forensics Education: Security and Forensics Accreditation,
Innovative Pedagogic Techniques, Certifications, Hands-on Security
Laboratories and Tabletop Exercises, Education Infrastructure, Diversity
in Security/Forensics Education, and Online Security/Forensics Education.
Emerging Security Developments: Active Defense, Cloud Security, Block
Chain, Quantum Cryptography
1. Papers should be submitted to
2. Submissions can be made in the following categories:
Completed Research Papers: Typically, 5,000 words long (excluding
abstract and references).
Research in Progress Papers: Typically, 2,500 words (excluding abstract
and references).
Panel Proposals: Typically, 1,000 words description, also identifying
the panelists involved.
3. Please follow the formatting guidelines on the conference website.
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2022
Reviewer Feedback: May 15, 2022
Final Submission: May 30, 2022
Symposium Dates: June 7-8, 2022
Sanjay Goel
Chair & Professor, Information Security and Digital forensics, School of
Business, University at Albany, SUNY
Jessica Smith
NYS Office of Information Technology Services
Prinkle Sharma
Assistant Professor, Information Security and Digital Forensics, School
of Business, University at Albany, SUNY
Cristian Balan
Lecturer, Management, Information Systems and Analytics Dept, School of
Business and Economics, SUNY at Plattsburgh
Fabio Auffant
Lecturer, Digital Forensics Program, School of Business, University at
Albany, SUNY
Jungwon Kuem
Assistant Professor, Information Security and Digital Forensics, School
of Business, University at Albany, SUNY
Dominic Foti
FACETS, University at Albany, SUNY
Anil B. Somayaji, Carleton University, Canada
Bill Stackpole, RIT
Daryl Johnson, RIT
Gary C. Kessler, Embry-Riddle University (Emeritus)
George Markowsky, MST
Jim Hoag, Champlain University
Leon Reznik, RIT
Kevin J. Williams, University at Albany, SUNY
M.P. Gupta, Indian Institute of Tech., Delhi
Manish Gupta, M&T Bank
Gurvirender Tejay, University of Colorado Springs, Colorado
Pavel Gladyshev, University College Dublin
Pradeep K. Atrey, University at Albany, SUNY
Raj Sharman, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Siwei Lyu, University at Buffalo, SUNY