-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 11th World Congress on Information and
Communication Technologies (WICT'21)
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2021 07:36:45 +0530
From: Ajith Abraham <ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
Reply-To: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
To: SUPPORT-VECTOR-MACHINES(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, aisworld
<aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu
CC: Anu Bajaj <er.anubajaj(a)gmail.com>, Niketa Gandhi <niketa(a)gmail.com>
** First Call for Papers - please circulate this CFP to your colleagues and
networks **
-- The 11th World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies
(WICT'21) --
On the World Wide Web
December 16-18,2021
Proceedings of WICT'2020: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030736026
Indexed by: Indexed by DBLP, EI Compendex, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG,
zbMATH, Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST).
Proceedings of WICT'21 are expected to be published by Springer Verlag in
one of the series. Details will be available soon.
History of WICT series: http://www.mirlabs.net/wict21/previous.php
**Important Dates**
Paper submission due: September 30, 2021
Notification of paper acceptance: October 31, 2021
Registration and Final manuscript due: November 15, 2021
Conference: December 16-18,2021
**About WICT 2021**
After the success of the 10th World Congress on Information and
Communication Technologies (WICT 2020), we are organizing WICT 2021 to
provide an opportunity for the researchers from academia and industry to
meet and discuss the latest solutions, scientific results and methods in
the usage and applications of ICT in the real world. The conference
programme will include workshops, special sessions and tutorials, along
with prominent keynote speakers and regular paper presentations in parallel
In the past century, our society has been through several periods of
dramatic changes, driven by innovations such as transportation systems,
telephone etc. Last few decades have experienced technologies that are
evolving so rapidly, altering the constraints of space and time, and
reshaping the way we communicate, learn and think. Rapid advances in
information technologies and other digital systems are reshaping our
ecosystem. Innovations in ICT allow us to transmit information quickly and
widely, propelling the growth of new urban communities, linking distant
places and diverse areas of endeavor in productive new ways, which a decade
ago was unimaginable. Thus, the theme of this World Congress is "Innovating
ICT For Social Revolutions".
**Topics (not limited to)**
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Data Mining
Artificial Intelligence
Web Services and Semantic Web
Grid and Cloud Computing
Ambient Intelligence
Body Sensor Networks
Computational Finance and Economics
Cybercrime (Legal and Technical Issues)
Computer Network Security
Data Mining for Information Security
Academic Integrity, Plagiarism Detection and Software Misuse
Intrusion Detection and Forensics
Scheduling For Large Scale Distributed System
Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms And Their Applications
The Role of Technology in Education and Health
Data Management
Collaborative Design in Knowledge-based Environment
Software Engineering
**Submission Guidelines**
Submission of paper should be made through the submission page from the
conference web page. Please refer to the conference website for guidelines
to prepare your manuscript.
Paper format templates:
WICT’21 Submission Link:
**WICT 2021 Organization**
General Chairs
Ajith Abraham, Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs), USA
Ana Maria Madureira, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal
Arturas Kaklauskas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
Program Chairs
Dalia Kriksciuniene, Vilnius University, Lithuania
Nuno Bettencourt, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal
Azah Kamilah Muda, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
**Technical Contact**
Dr. Ajith Abraham
Email: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
Note: We sincerely hope that this conference announcement is interesting
for you. If you are not interested or wish to unsubscribe then please reply
to this email and we will remove your name from our future emails. Our
apologies for any inconvenience.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: International Conference on Secure Knowledge
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2021 19:32:35 +0000
From: Shah, Ankit <ankitshah(a)usf.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting your papers at this conference.
You will find the details below.
Please note the paper submission deadline is July 12, 2021.
Thank you.
International Conference on Secure Knowledge Management: Call for Papers
With the advent of revolutionary technologies such as artificial
intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, big data, and IoT;
Secure Knowledge Management (SKM) continues to be an important research
area that deals with methodologies for systematically gathering,
organizing, and disseminating information in a secure manner. The recent
development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the security arena shows
a promising future, and there is no doubt that AI can provide new ideas
and tools for SKM. Therefore, this conference on SKM will bring together
researchers & practitioners from academia, industry, and government on a
global scale. The scope and focus of SKM-2021 conference are to present
and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns including
practical challenges encountered and solution adopted with special
emphasis on AI. SKM 2019 was held in BITS Pilani, Goa Campus, Goa, India
and past iterations of SKM were held at SUNY at Buffalo, SUNY Albany,
NYU, SUNY Stony Brook, UT Dallas, Rutgers University, BITS Dubai, and
University of South Florida. Following the biennial tradition of the
Secure Knowledge Management Workshop that began in 2004, SKM-2021
(https://www.secure-km.org/) will be held during October 8 – 9, 2021, at
the Courtyard by Marriott on the Riverwalk in San Antonio. Papers
offering novel research contributions in all aspects of SKM are
solicited for submission. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
* SKM in specific technology domains such as:
* Artificial Intelligence
* Data mining and Machine Learning
* Hybrid Cloud Computing
* Big Data in Collaborative Environment
* Internet of Things
* Cyber-Physical Systems
* Healthcare
* Online Social Networks
* Role of SKM in Design of Secure Systems
* Role of SKM in General Data Protection Regulation
* SKM for Digital Payments
* Risk & Security Metrics for Knowledge Management
* SKM for Insider Threat Detection and Mitigation
* Knowledge Management for Fake News Detection
* Trust concerning Knowledge Management
SKM 2021 is happy to announce that selected students will be provided
travel support to attend the conference contingent upon availability of
funds. We will continue to monitor the COVID situation as it progresses.
In case a fully physical hosting is deemed inappropriate, the chairs
will move the conference to a hybrid/virtual meeting through Zoom. Such
a decision will take place 1 month ahead of the scheduled conference date.
Submission Guidelines
Only original papers should be submitted. Submissions should not
substantially overlap work which has been published elsewhere or
simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with
proceedings. Papers that contain any form of plagiarism will be rejected
without a review.
Paper Format (All papers will be published in Springer
CCIS<https://www.springer.com/series/7899> (as full papers and short
* All submissions must be in English and should adhere to the LNCS/CCIS
format guidelines:
* Guidelines for proceedings authors
* LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates
* CCIS Consent form for the
* Including references and appendices, full paper should be 10-20 pages
in the LNCS<https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs> /
CCIS<https://www.springer.com/series/7899> one-column page format.
* To facilitate the double-blind paper evaluation, authors are kindly
requested to submit the paper WITHOUT any self-reference to any of the
authors anywhere in the paper, including the acknowledgments section of
the paper and any other reference that may disclose the authors’ identity.
* Papers should be uploaded to
EasyChair<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=skm2019> in PDF format
only. After the paper submission has been successfully completed,
authors will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail.
Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its
technical/scientific contribution and the problems, domains or
environments to which it is applicable. Peer-reviewed and selected
papers will be included as proceedings with Springer in their
prestigious Communications in Computer and Information
Science<https://www.springer.com/series/7899> series (Scopus and DBLP
Some selected papers presented at the conference will be invited for
extension and further review for a fast-tracked special issue of
Information Systems Frontiers<https://link.springer.com/journal/10796>
(SCIE, Scopus and DBLP indexed) a Springer journal.
Authors of registered papers (including posters) must guarantee that
their papers will be presented at the conference. At least one FULL
registration is mandatory for each accepted paper. Papers which are not
presented will be excluded from the conference proceedings.
Camera Ready Paper Submission Guidelines
Please send the following files to EasyChair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=skm2021) before August 9, 2021.
* A single pdf file of the final paper.
* A zip file containing all the source files (LNCS/CCIS latex format) of
the final paper.
* Authors response to reviewer's comments.
* Duly signed “Consent to Publish Form”.
* Email subject: Final Camera Ready Paper (PaperID).
* Registration fee transaction receipt/screenshot.
Key Dates
* Paper Submission Deadline: July 12, 2021
* Acceptance Notification: August 2, 2021
* Camera Ready Deadline: August 9, 2021
* Early Bird Registration: Before August 17, 2021
* Standard Registration: After August 17, 2021
* Conference Dates: October 8 – 9, 2021
Ankit Shah, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Industrial and Management Systems Engineering
Courtesy Assistant Professor,
Computer Science and Engineering
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Ave.
Mail-Stop: ENG-030
Tampa, FL 33620-5530
Phone: 813-974-5584
Email: ankitshah(a)usf.edu<mailto:ankitshah@usf.edu>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 23rd Conference on Information Integration and
Web Intelligence (iiWAS2021), 29 November - 1 December, 2021
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2021 12:26:48 +0200
From: Ismail Khalil <ismail.khalil(a)jku.at>
To: ISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and Web
Intelligence (iiWAS2021)
29 November - 1 December 2021
Linz, Austria (Virtual)
email: iiwas2021(a)iiwas.org
Paper submission:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iiwas2021
******* Collecting, Processing, Analysing and Storing Data/Information
to Support Human Activities *********
**** Important Dates *****
15 July 2021 : Full Papers (12 pages), Short papers, demos and work in
progress (6 pages)
15 September 2021: Acceptance Notifications
1 October 2021: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
29 Nov - 01 Dec 2021: Conference Dates
***** Publication *****
ALL accepted iiWAS2021 papers will be published by ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series (to be confirmed) and the supplemental
proceedings (ISBN: pending) which will be archived in the ACM Digital
Library, and indexed by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus and submitted to be
reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI
Web of Science). Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be
published, after revision and extension, in special issues of
international journals.
**** Scope *****
Data and information are crucial in providing evidence based decision
making in many aspect of human activities, as an individual or as a
group. The way information and communication technology are used to
collect, process, analysis and store data has always evolves. New
techniques are invented, existing techniques are improved and old
techniques are integrated to the new. Each of these provided some
challenges and opportunities to our research community in finding the
best way to meet these challenges. iiWAS provides research community
with the opportunity to share and discuss their ideas.
Prior to 2020, iiWAS has been held in Munich (2019), Yogyakarta (2018),
Salzburg (2017), Singapore (2016), Brussels (2015), Hanoi (2014), Vienna
(2013), Bali (2012), Ho Chi Minh City (2011), Paris (2010), Kuala Lumpur
(2009), and Linz (2008). Last year, iiWAS2020 conference was held as a
virtual conference. Again this year, iiWAS2021 will be held virtually
with the host managing the conference from the campus of JKU in Linz,
**** Submissions *****
iiWAS accepted four different types of contributions:
- Original theoretical work: The contributions are expected to show
original work that provide foundations to further progress research in
the area. Rigorous proofs and/or performance measurements are expected
for this type of contribution.
- Real life case study: The contributions are expected to show a real
life case study of an adopted concept and technology. The analysis of
the case study should provide an original insight and findings, backing
up by data collected from experiments and/or observation.
- Experimental work: The contributions are expected to show reporting of
rigorous comparative experiments of existing algorithms/systems to
provide insight to the current state of the art in a research domain.
- Lessons learnt reports: The contributions are expected to show lessons
learnt from adoption of complex technology integration or implementation.
***** Topics *****
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Web Intelligence
- Data science and Data engineering
- Cloud and Edge Computing
- Trusted, Responsible and Interpretable AI
- Big data & Data Analytics
- Cloud data management
- NoSQL databases
- Crowdsourcing
- Social networks analysis
- Sensors data management
- Information Retrieval & Data Mining
- Semantic Web and Ontology
- Search and Information Technology
- Query Language and Processing
- Advanced web technology and application
- Spatial data storage, query and processing
- Health informatics
- Education informatics
- Data Integration, Metadata Management, and Interoperability
- Distributed, parallel and cloud databases
- Social media analytics and processing
- Data modelling and analysis
- Big data processing
- Web content analysis, semantic and knowledge
- Data systems integration
- Data connectivity in internet of things
- Blockchain Technologies
- Linked Open Data
- Deep/Hidden Web
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF through the conference
website. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers
that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a
journal or a conference with proceedings. Submitted papers will be
subject to stringent peer review by at least three members of the
international program committee and carefully evaluated based on
originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of
exposition. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to
be published by ACM (to be confirmed). Format requirements for
submissions of papers are: - Maximum 12 pages, including the abstract
(no more than 150 words), all figures and references for Full Technical
papers. - Maximum 6 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150
words), all figures and references for Short Position Papers.
- All submissions should be formatted according to ACM guidelines
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System
**** Awards ****
iiWAS2021 best paper awards and student paper awards will be conferred
on the authors at the conference.
**** Past Conferences ****
ACM Digital library: https://dl.acm.org/conference/iiwas
DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/iiwas/
**** PC Members *****
*** Contact ***** Maria Indrawan-Santiago, Program Committee Chair,
Monash University, Australia
Eric Pardede, Program Committee CoChair, La Trobe University, Australia
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 19th Conference on Mobile Computing and
Multimedia Intelligence, 29 November - 1 December 2021
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2021 12:39:01 +0200
From: Ismail Khalil <ismail.khalil(a)jku.at>
To: ISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 19th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and
Multimedia Intelligence (MoMM2021) 29 November - 1 December 2021
Linz, Austria (Virtual)
http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/momm2021/ email: momm2021(a)iiwas.org
Paper submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=momm20210.
***** Designing and Developing Innovative Mobile and Ubiquitous
Solutions for Social Good *****
**** IMPORTANT DATES ***** 15 July 2021 : Full Papers (12 pages), Short
papers, demos and work in progress (6 pages)
15 September 2021: Acceptance Notifications
01 October 2021: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
29 Nov - 01 Dec 2021: Conference Dates
***** Publication *****
ALL accepted MoMM2021 papers will be published by ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series (to be confirmed) and the supplemental
proceedings which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and
indexed by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by
Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of
Science). Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be published,
after revision and extension, in special issues of international journals.
**** Scope *****
During the last decade, mobile computing and multimedia intelligence
have gone through massive advancements in terms of both hardware
innovations and software solutions. The emerging and exponential
technologies have accelerated research across a wide array of topics
such as smart cities, digital twins, nanotechnology, augmented and
virtual reality, artificial intelligence, chatbots and conversational
interfaces, edge computing and server-less cloud computing. While the
new technologies and developments have the potential to affect our lives
and create positive social impact, they introduce huge challenges in
terms of the design, underlying algorithms, implementation and
technology adoption. MoMM provides an opportunity for researchers to
present, share and discuss their research results and experiences with
other researchers and experts in the same or similar fields.
Prior to 2020, MoMM has been held in Munich (2019), Yogyakarta (2018),
Salzburg (2017), Singapore (2016), Brussels (2015), Kaohsiung (2014),
Vienna (2013), Bali (2012), Ho Chi Minh City (2011), Paris (2010), Kuala
Lumpur (2009), and Linz (2008). Last year, MoMM2020 conference was held
as virtual conference. Again this year, MoMM2021 will be held virtually
with the host managing the conference from the campus of JKU in Linz,
**** Submissions *****
MoMM accepted four different types of contributions:
- Original theoretical work: The contributions are expected to show
original work that provide foundations to further progress research in
the area. Rigorous proofs and/or performance measurements are expected
for this type of contribution.
- Real world case study: The contributions are expected to show a real
world case study of an adopted concept and technology. The analysis of
the case study should provide an original insight and findings, backing
up by data collected from experiments and/or observation.
- Experimental work: The contributions are expected to show reporting of
rigorous comparative experiments of existing algorithms/systems to
provide insight to the current state of the art in a research domain.
- Lessons learnt reports: The contributions are expected to show lessons
learnt from adoption of complex technology integration or
implementation. Accepted papers and demonstrations from all three
categories will be published in the ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series.
***** Topics *****
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Multimedia Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligent Systems applications in Computers and
- Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia
- Internet of Things solutions and applications
- Smart cities
- Mobile sensing technologies and applications
- Mobile healthcare applications
- Wearable computing - Mobile crowd sensing
- Mobile multimodal interfaces
- Chatbots and conversational interfaces
- Cloud and edge computing
- Immersive computing
- Context-aware applications and recommender systems
- Data Visualisation on mobile devices
- Localisation, positioning and tracking systems
- Mobile distributed reasoning and processing - Spatial searching and
- Multi-agent systems
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Papers and demonstration descriptions must be submitted electronically
in PDF through the conference website. Submitted papers must not
substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are
simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference, or workshop with
proceedings. Submitted demonstrations should convey a scientific result
and should not be advertisements for commercial software packages.
Submitted papers and demonstrations will be subject to stringent peer
review by at least three members of the international program committee
and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical
soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted papers and demonstration
descriptions will appear in the conference proceedings to be published
by ACM (to be confirmed). Format requirements for submissions of papers
and demonstrations are:
- Maximum 12 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Full Technical papers.
- Maximum 6 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Short Position Papers.
- A video clip (for review purpose only) and a description of maximum 4
pages for the demonstration. The description should outline the
underlying novel concepts, methods and/or approaches, and details about
implementation, deployment, testing, and evaluation and user uptake.
- All submissions should be formatted according to ACM guidelines (to be
confirmed) (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template)
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System
**** Awards ****
MoMM2021 best paper awards, best student paper awards, and best
demonstrations will be selected based on novelty, significance, and the
presentation at the conference. Best student paper awards can only be
awarded to papers on which students are first authors.
**** Past Conferences ****
ACM Digital library: https://dl.acm.org/conference/momm
DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/momm/
**** PC Members *****
*** Contact *****
Pari Delir Haghighi, Program Committee Chair, Monash University, Australia
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] JGITM 2020 impact factor 3.519
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2021 15:57:44 -0400
From: Prashant Palvia <pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu>
To: AISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Tim Jacks <tjacks(a)siue.edu>
Sorry, there was a type in my Subject line.
On Thu, Jul 1, 2021 at 11:03 AM Prashant Palvia <pcpalvia(a)uncg.edu> wrote:
> Hello AIS community,
> I am pleased to report that the 2020 impact factor for the Journal of
> Global Information Technology Management (JGITM) has been released. *The
> Impact Factor has increased to 3.519*. This is a testament to our
> Editorial Board, reviewers and the authors. I expect that our ranking
> in various journal lists such as CABS, ABDC and various university lists
> will be upgraded soon.
> Please submit your best work to JGITM. The submission site is:
> *http://www.editorialmanager.com/ugit
> <http://www.editorialmanager.com/ugit>*
> JGITM is a premier journal that publishes top quality research on
> international issues of IS/IT. JGITM aims and scope, as included on the web
> site, state:
> *“Besides quality work, at a minimum each submitted article should have
> the following three components: an IS (Information Systems) topic, an
> international orientation (e.g., cross cultural studies or strong
> international implications), and original research along with evidence
> (e.g., survey data, case studies, secondary data, etc.).”*
> *Prashant Palvia, Ph.D.*
> *Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor*
> *Editor in Chief, JGITM,http://www.tandfonline.com/UGIT
> <http://www.tandfonline.com/UGIT>*
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] (1st CFP) 2021 Intl Conf on Electronic Commerce and
Applications, Oklahoma City, USA
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2021 15:14:46 -0500
From: Pierre F. Tiako <tiako(a)ieee.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies, we fell behind our schedule in
making this Call for Papers months earlier due to difficulties in securing
a location that provides ample space for social distancing.]
--- 1st Call for Abstracts and Papers -------------
2021 OkIP International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Applications
MNTC Conference Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA & Online
November 15-18, 2021
Oklahoma International Publishing (OkIP) is pleased to host the 1st
International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Applications (CECA).
The conference aims to bring together scholars from different disciplinary
backgrounds to emphasize the dissemination of ongoing research and
development in the field. Proposals are solicited describing original works
in fields below and related technologies. CECA will include a peer-reviewed
program of technical, industrial, and poster sessions.
Accepted and presented full papers from the tracks below will be published
by OkIP and submitted for indexation in major abstract and citation
databases of peer-reviewed literature. Extended versions of best papers
will be considered for the inaugural issue of the International Journal of
Information Technology Research ISSN 1553-653X.
>> ECommerce(EC) Concepts
- EC Authentication | EC Strategy
- ECommerce Website Evaluation
- EC Implementation | EC Usability
- ECommerce Dynamic Pricing
- Digital Marketing | Perceived Risk
- Consumer Intention and Adoption
- Ecommerce Fraud Prevention
- Online Retailing
- Online Review Manipulation
>> EC Collaborative Approaches
- Group Purchasing
- ECommerce Collaborative Method
- B2B EC | B2C EC
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
- Cross-site Comparisons
- Crowdsourcing and Collective Intelligence
- Multi-Channel Retailing/Supply Chain
- Double Marginalization
- EC Logistics Relationship/Transportation
- Shared Economy Product and Service System
- Collaborative Filtering Algorithms
>> ECommerce Transactions
- Decentralized Financing and Payments
- Security in Banking Applications
- Security in Financial Applications
- Crowdfunding Donation and Reward
- Crowdfunding Lending and Equity
- Cryptocurrency | Bitcoin
- EC Financial Technologies
- Sharing Economy | Social Commerce
- Banking Information Security
- EC Technology Acceptance Model
- EC Diffusion of Innovation
- FinTech Innovation and Applications
- Mobile Commerce Adoption & Payment
- System Marginal Price
>> AI in ECommerce
- Smart Trading and Contract
- Theories and Approaches of Blockchain
- EC Innovations | EC Big Data
- Intelligent Recommendation Model
- eTrading Innovations
- Auction Theory | Algorithmic Trading
- EC Automated Agents | EC Commodification
- Bargaining and Negotiation
- Behavioral Models and Experiments
- Computational Social Choice
- Consumer Search and Online Behavior
- EC Data Mining | EC Marketization
- EC Game-Theoretic Models
- Product Matching | Economic Equilibrium
- Consumer Preferences and Decision Making
- Platform Price of Anarchy
- Trust and Reputation Modeling
- Revenue Optimization
- ECommerce Adoption and Adaptation Models
- Decision Support System of ECommerce
- ECommerce Demand Forecasting
- Clustering and Classification in ECommerce
>> ECommerce Security
- Digital Content Protection
- Information Security Issues
- Mobile Security | Database Security
- EC Privacy and Security
- Privacy Metrics and Control
- Continuous Authentication
- Decentralized Applications
>> EC Legal and Global Issues
- ECommerce Law | Cybersecurity Legal
- International Vendor
- Online Contracts | FinTech Regulation
- Online Consumer Protection
- Globalization & Cross-Border Issues
- Crowdfunding Regulations
>> ECommerce Applications
- eGovernment Processes and Applications
- mGovernment Processes and Applications
- ECommerce Cross-Border Exports
- ECommerce in Education
- Credit Card Fraud Detection
- Automated Drug Delivery Systems
- ECommerce in Healthcare
- New Generation Electronic Payment System
- Personal Credit Evaluation
>> Technical Research & Industry Contribution
- Full Paper: Accomplished research results (6 pages)
- Short Paper: Work in progress/fresh developments (3 pages)
- Poster/Journal First: Displayed/Oral presented (1 page)
>> Corporate Showcase & Exhibition
- Booth: Display product and/or service offerings (1 page)
- Oral: Present product and/or service offerings (1 page)
>> Student Poster & Career Fair
- Graduate & Doctoral: Peer-reviewed Poster (1 page)
- Undergraduate/High School: Selected Poster (1 page)
- Recruiter Booth: Product/Service & Job offerings (1 page)
>> Workshop, Tutorial, Forum & Panel
- Workshop, Tutorial & Tour: Proposal (1 page)
- Executive Forum, Panel & Talk: Proposal (1 page)
>> Important Dates:
- Submission: Aug 31, 2021
- Notification: Sep 26, 2021
- Conference: Nov 15-18, 2021
>> Technical Program Committee
>> Venue
>> Co-located Conferences and Events
>> For more information, submission details, and important dates visit:
Please feel free to contact us for any inquiry at:
Pierre Tiako
2021 OkIP CECA General Chair
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP: MDE Intelligence 2021 - 3rd Workshop on Artificial
Intelligence and Model-Driven Engineering
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2021 11:17:57 +0200
From: Manuel Wimmer <manuel.wimmer(a)jku.at>
Reply-To: Manuel Wimmer <manuel.wimmer(a)jku.at>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-Driven Engineering
(MDE Intelligence 2020) @ MODELS
10-15 October 2021
Virtual (Fukuoka, Japan)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become part of everyone's life. It is
used by companies to exploit the information they collect to improve the
products and/or services they offer and, wanted or unwanted, it is
present in almost every device around us. Lately, AI is also starting to
impact all aspects of the system and software development lifecycle,
from their upfront specification to their design, testing, deployment
and maintenance, with the main goal of helping engineers produce systems
and software faster and with better quality while being able to handle
ever more complex systems. The hope is that AI will help dealing with
the increasing complexity of systems and software.
There is no doubt that MDE has been a means to tame until now part of
this complexity. However, its adoption by industry still relies on their
capacity to manage the underlying methodological changes including among
other things the adoption of new tools. To go one step further, we
believe there is a clear need for AI-empowered MDE, which will push the
limits of "classic" MDE and provide the right techniques to develop the
next generation of highly complex model-based system and software
systems engineers will have to design tomorrow.
This workshop provides a forum to discuss, study and explore the
opportunities and challenges raised by the integration of AI and MDE.
We would like to address topics such as how to choose, evaluate and
adapt AI techniques to Model-Driven Engineering as a way to improve
current system and software modeling and generation processes in order
to increase the benefits and reduce the costs of adopting MDE. We
believe that AI artifacts will empower the MDE tools and boost hence the
advantages, and then adoption, of MDE at industry level.
At the same time, AI is software (and complex software, in fact), we
also believe that such AI-powered MDE approach will also benefit the
design of AI artifacts themselves and specially to face the challenge of
designing "trustable" AI software.
Last but not least, although AI is the most popular branch of computer
science to create and simulate intelligence, we also believe that any
kind of technique that provides human cognitive capabilities and helps
creating "intelligent" software are also in the scope of this workshop.
An example would be the knowledge representation techniques and
ontologies that can be useful on its own or support other kinds of AI
Model-driven engineering (MDE) and artificial intelligence (AI) are two
separate fields in computer science, which can clearly benefit from
cross-pollination and collaboration. There are at least two ways in
which such integration—which we call MDE Intelligence—can manifest:
* Artificial Intelligence for MDE. MDE can benefit from integrating AI
concepts and ideas to increase its power: flexibility, user experience,
quality, etc. For example, using model transformations through
search-based approaches, or by increasing the ability to abstract from
partially formed, manual sketches into fully-shaped and formally
specified meta-models and editors.
* MDE for Artificial Intelligence. AI is software, and as such, it can
benefit from integrating concepts and ideas from MDE that have been
proven to improve software development. For example, using
domain-specific languages allows domain experts to directly express and
manipulate their problems while providing an auditable conversion
pipeline. Together this can improve trust in and safety of AI
technologies. Similarly, MDE technologies can contribute to the goal of
fair and explainable AI.
Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
AI for MDE
* Application of (meta-heuristic) search to modelling problems;
* Machine learning of models, meta-models, concrete syntax, model
transformations, etc.;
* AI planning applied to modelling, meta-modelling, and model management;
* Modeling assistants such as bots, conversational agents and virtual
assistants/recommenders supporting diverse modeling tasks;
* Model inferencers and automatic model generators from datasets;
* Self-adapting code generators;
* AI-based user interface adaptation for modeling tools;
* AI with human-in-the-loop for modeling;
* Semantic reasoning platforms over domain-specific models;
* Semantic integration of design-time models with runtime data;
* General-knowledge or domain-specific ontologies;
* Probabilistic models;
* AI techniques for data, process and model mining and categorisation;
* Natural language processing applied to modelling;
* Perception and modeling
MDE for AI
* Domain-specific modelling approaches for AI planning, machine
learning, agent-based modelling, etc.;
* Model-driven processes for AI system development;
* MDE techniques for explainable AI;
* Using models for knowledge representation;
* Code-generation for AI libraries and platforms;
* Architectural languages for AI-enhanced systems;
* Model-based testing of AI components.
* Tools for combining AI and MDE;
* Case studies in MDE Intelligence;
* Experience reports of combining AI and MDE;
* Challenge problems to be addressed by combining AI and MDE techniques.
Papers will follow the same style and format of the main tracks of the
conference (please check them here). We ask for two type of contributions:
1) Research papers: 8 pages,
2) Vision papers, experience papers or demos: 5 pages.
Submissions must be uploaded through EasyChair in the following link
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mdeintelligence2021 .
All submissions will follow a single-blind review process where each
paper will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee.
They will value the relevance and interest for discussions that will
take place at the workshop. Accepted papers will be published in the
IEEE MODELS Companion Proceedings.
Papers submitted to MDE Intelligence 2021 must not be under review or
submitted for review elsewhere whilst under consideration for MDE
intelligence 2021. Contravention of this concurrent submission policy
(as stated explicity by the IEEE
will be deemed as a serious breach of scientific ethics, and appropriate
action will be taken in all such cases.
Paper submission: July 15, 2021
Notification: August 21, 2021
Camera-ready: August 28, 2021
Workshop: October 10-15, 2021
Shaukat Ali (Simula Research Laboratory, Norway)
Ángela Barriga (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway)
Dominik Bork (TU Wien, Austria)
Jessie Carbonnel (Université de Montréal, Canada)
Francisco Chicano (University of Málaga, Spain)
Ludovico Iovino (Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy)
Lawrence Mandow (University of Málaga, Spain)
Shekoufeh Kolahdouz Rahimi (University of Isfahan, Irán)
Aurora Ramírez (University of Córdoba, Spain)
Bernhard Rumpe (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Adrian Rutle (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway)
Daniel Strüber (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Matthew Stephan (Miami University, USA)
Gabriele Taentzer (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany)
For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions,
please contact the Organizing Committee (Loli Burgueño, Marouane
Kessentini, Steffen Zschaler and Manuel Wimmer) by email at
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] (1st CFP) 2021 Intl Conf on Software Eng Research &
Dev|| Oklahoma City, USA|| Nov 15-18, 2021
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 16:37:59 -0500
From: Pierre F. Tiako <tiako(a)ieee.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies, we fell behind our schedule in
making this Call for Papers months earlier due to difficulties in securing
a location that provides ample space for social distancing.]
--- 1st Call for Abstracts and Papers -------------
2021 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Development
MNTC Conference Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA & Online
November 15-18, 2021
Oklahoma International Publishing (OKIP) is pleased to host the 1st
International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Development
(SERD). The conference aims to bring together scholars from different
disciplinary backgrounds to emphasize the dissemination of ongoing research
and development in the field. Proposals are solicited describing original
works in fields below and related technologies.
SERD will include a peer-reviewed program of technical, industrial, and
poster sessions. Accepted and presented full papers from the tracks below
will be published by OkIP and submitted for indexation in major abstract
and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature. Extended versions of
best papers will be considered for the inaugural issue of the International
Journal of Information Technology Research ISSN 1553-653X.
>> General and Social Aspects of SE
- Program Analysis, Synthesis, and Repair
- Programming Languages and Compilers
- Specification and Modeling Languages
- Tutoring, Documentation Systems
- Software Engineering Standards and Guidelines
- Software Economics and Metrics
- Empirical Software Engineering
- Green and Sustainable SE
- Theoretic Approaches of SE
- Domain Modeling and Meta-modeling
- Aerospace Software and System Engineering
- Architectural Analysis and Verif. Methods
- Enterprise Software, Middleware, and Tools
- Quality Oriented Software Architecture
- Reverse and Architectural Recovery Methods
- Domain-Specific Software Engineering
- Software Project Management Issues
- Measurement and Empirical SE
>> Software Design, Testing, Evolution, and Maintenance
- Software Design and Design Patterns
- Software Evolution and Maintenance
- Software Modeling and Design
- Software Development(SD) | Process Modeling
- Formal Methods in SE | Software Product Lines
- Software Engineering Methodologies
- Software Reuse and Reverse engineering
- Configuration Management and Deployment
- Crowdsourcing Software Engineering
- Model-Based Software Engineering
- Software Testing and Fault localization
- Agile Software Engineering and Development
- Validation and Verification
- Requirement Engineering and Processes
- Software Testing | Software Metrics
- Evaluation and Analysis Technologies
- Object-Oriented Design and Analysis
>> Service Orientation and Human Interactions
- Service-Oriented Software Architectures
- Service-Oriented Requirements Engineering
- Middleware for Service-Based Systems
- Service Discovery and Composition
- Software services | Software visualization
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Usability Engineering | Gamification
- Multimedia in Software Engineering
- End-user software engineering
- Human and social aspects of SE
>> AI, Web-Based Environments and Adaptive Systems
- Multi-Agent Systems | Mobile Agents
- AI approaches to SE
- Agent Architectures & Ontologies
- Languages and Protocols
- Intelligent CASE Tools and Issues
- Mining Software Engineering Repositories
- E-Commerce Solutions and Applications
- Mobile Commerce Tech. and Applications
- Web, Text Mining, and Semantic Web
- Autonomic Computing and Adaptive Systems
- Automated Software Engineering
- Automated Software Design and Synthesis
- Mobile applications
- Search-based Software Engineering
>> Emerging SE Technologies and Dependability
- Case Studies and Emerging Technologies
- Novel Software Tools and Environments
- Pervasive SE and Mission Critical Systems
- Trust, Reliability, and Survivable Systems
- Software Assurance and Dependability
- Software Reliability and Security Methods
- Engineering of Safety
>> Distribution, Componentization, and Collaboration
- Component-Based Software Engineering
- Critical and Embedded Software Design
- Distributed and Parallel Systems
- Real-time Embedded Software Engineering
- Cloud Computing | Distributed SE
- Distributed and collaborative SE
- Workflow Management | Team-Based SD
- Computer Supported Cooperative Work
- Middleware, Frameworks, and APIs
- Parallel, Distributed, and Concurrent Systems
- Aspect-Oriented Software Engineering
>> Technical Research & Industry Contribution
- Full Paper: Accomplished research results (6 pages)
- Short Paper: Work in progress/fresh developments (3 pages)
- Poster/Journal First: Displayed/Oral presented (1 page)
>> Corporate Showcase & Exhibition
- Booth: Display product and/or service offerings (1 page)
- Oral: Present product and/or service offerings (1 page)
>> Student Poster & Career Fair
- Graduate & Doctoral: Peer-reviewed Poster (1 page)
- Undergraduate/High School: Selected Poster (1 page)
- Recruiter Booth: Product/Service & Job offerings (1 page)
>> Workshop, Tutorial, Forum & Panel
- Workshop, Tutorial & Tour: Proposal (1 page)
- Executive Forum, Panel & Talk: Proposal (1 page)
>> Important Dates:
- Submission: Aug 31, 2021
- Notification: Sep 26, 2021
- Conference: Nov 15-18, 2021
>> Technical Program Committee
>> Venue
>> Co-located Conferences and Events
>> For more information, submission details, and important dates visit:
Please feel free to contact us for any inquiry at:
Pierre F. Tiako
2021 SERD General Chair
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] (1st CFP) 2021 OkIP Intl Conf on Enterprise and
Software Process|| Oklahoma City, USA|| Nov 15-18, 2021
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 16:40:49 -0500
From: Pierre F. Tiako <tiako(a)ieee.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies, we fell behind our schedule in
making this Call for Papers months earlier due to difficulties in securing
a location that provides ample space for social distancing.]
--- 1st Call for Abstracts and Papers -------------
2021 OkIP International Conference on Enterprise and Software Process (CESP)
MNTC Conference Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA & Online
November 15-18, 2021
Oklahoma International Publishing (OkIP) is pleased to host the 1st
International Conference on Enterprise and Software Process (CESP). The
conference aims to bring together scholars from different disciplinary
backgrounds to emphasize the dissemination of ongoing research and
development in the field. Proposals are solicited describing original works
in fields below and related technologies. ESP will include a peer-reviewed
program of technical, industrial, and poster sessions.
Accepted and presented full papers from the tracks below will be published
by OkIP and submitted for indexation in major abstract and citation
databases of peer-reviewed literature. Extended versions of best papers
will be considered for the inaugural issue of the International Journal of
Information Technology Research ISSN 1553-653X.
>> Agile, Hybrid, and Traditional Process
- Program Analysis, Synthesis, and Repair
- Specification | Design | Implementation
- Selection | Adoption | Management
- Innovation | Optimization | Operation
- Measurement | Success | Evolution
- Empirical Study |Agile Workflow System
- Process across Enterprise | Hybrid Process
- Agile and Non-agile Integration
- Life-cycles and Functional Domains
- Organization Transformation
- Safety | Reliability | Process Modeling (PM)
- Advanced Development Paradigms
- Team-Based Software Development(SD)
- Globally Distributed SD
- Data Science Analysis | Agile SD
- Software Deployment Process
- Multithreading Process | Experience Report
- Code Generation Process
>> Model, Method, Standard, and Architecture
- SD Best Practices | Product Quality
- Software Design and Development (SDD)
- ISO/IEC 29110 | Generic Process
- Process Model Life Cycle | Guideline
- Process Improvement | Process Meta-Model
- Regression Testing | Business Process Model
- Requirements Elicitation and Validation
- Selection Process | Business Requirement
- Agile/Traditional Mixed Methodologies
- Sustainability Requirement Processes
- Automated Software Generation Process
- Design Pattern Usage | Use Case Point
- Lightening Software Processes
- Process and Objectives Patterns
- Business Process Architecture
- Time-based PM | Unstructured PM
- Process Model Verification
>> AI and Knowledge Management Process
- Knowledge Management | Extraction
- Semantic Wiki | Sentiment Analysis
- Knowledge Condensation | Transfer
- Bayesian Networks | Gamification Techniques
- Endogenous Knowledge | Event-Based PM
- Discovery and Enrichment
- Expertise Capturing | Machine Learning
- Data Mining Techniques | Word Embedding
- Intelligent Mathematical Modeling Agent
- Decision-Support PM | Linked Open Dataset
- Rule-based Expert System and Ontology
- Cognitive Process | Maturity Model
- Lean Mindset and Thinking
>> Process, Application, and Tool
- Process Mining Applications
- DevOps Process | SDD Inclusivity
- Scalability and Availability
- Mobile Application | Virtual Reality
- Data Modeling | Video Games
- Continuous Integration Process
- Deployment Tools and Frameworks
- Model-Based Testing Process
- Open Source SD Process
- Mobile Application | DialogFlow
- Workflow-based Application Integration
>> Human Factor and Communication Technology
- Service-oriented Computing
- User Profile Technique
- Accessibility Requirement | Management
- Usability Analysis and Design Technique
- IT Governance and Management Model
- SD Social and Human Factors
- Monitoring and Integration
- Performance Assessment
- SD Virtual Reality
- Blockchain | Social Networks
- Smart Models Analysis | Performance Analysis
- Functional Analysis and Prototype
- Organizational and User Factors
- Simulation and Path Planning
- Clusters Model Visualization
- Product Quality | Customization
- Recommendation System
>> Technical Research & Industry Contribution
- Full Paper: Accomplished research results (6 pages)
- Short Paper: Work in progress/fresh developments (3 pages)
- Poster/Journal First: Displayed/Oral presented (1 page)
>> Corporate Showcase & Exhibition
- Booth: Display product and/or service offerings (1 page)
- Oral: Present product and/or service offerings (1 page)
>> Student Poster & Career Fair
- Graduate & Doctoral: Peer-reviewed Poster (1 page)
- Undergraduate/High School: Selected Poster (1 page)
- Recruiter Booth: Product/Service & Job offerings (1 page)
>> Workshop, Tutorial, Forum & Panel
- Workshop, Tutorial & Tour: Proposal (1 page)
- Executive Forum, Panel & Talk: Proposal (1 page)
>> Important Dates:
- Submission: Aug 31, 2021
- Notification: Sep 26, 2021
- Conference: Nov 15-18, 2021
>> Technical Program Committee
>> Venue
>> Co-located Conferences and Events
>> For more information, submission details, and important dates visit:
Please feel free to contact us for any inquiry at:
Pierre Tiako
2021 OkIP CESP General Chair
AISWorld mailing list