-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Virtual Conference on Intelligence and Security
Informatics - ISIS 2020
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 16:51:35 +0000
From: Wright, Ryan (rtw2n) <rtw2n(a)comm.virginia.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
We welcome you to submit your papers to the Intelligence and security
informatics Conference (ISI). This conference is the home for an
interdisciplinary field involving academic researchers in information
technology, social and behavioral sciences, computer science, law, and
public policy. The field also includes industry consultants,
practitioners, security managers, and chief information security
officers who support physical and cybersecurity missions at the
individual, organizational, national, and international levels (e.g.,
anticipation, interdiction, prevention, preparedness, and response to
The conference theme is artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics for
sociotechnical security solutions. In addition to the main academic
conference, multiple satellite events centered around the AI-enabled
analytics theme will be offered.
We invite academic researchers in the field of ISI and related areas, as
well as IT, security, and analytics professionals, intelligence experts,
industry consultants, and practitioners in the field, to submit papers
and workshop proposals.
Submission Deadline: August 15, 2020
Notification of Acceptance to Authors: October 01, 2020
Camera-ready Due Date: October 15, 2020
Conference: November 9-10, 2020
For more information see: http://www.isi-conf.org/
Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Conference Co-Chairs:
Ahmed Abbasi – University of Notre Dame
Heng Xu – American University
Ryan Wright – University of Virginia
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP_iiWAS2020 Conference_submission deadline 1
August 2020
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 19:49:12 +0200
From: Hesti Sudjana <hesti.sudjana(a)jku.at>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 22nd International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2020)
30 November - 2 December 2020
Chiang Mai, Thailand
email: iiWAS2020(a)iiwas.org
******* Collecting, Processing, Analysing and Storing Data/Information
to Support Human Activities *********
**** Important Dates *****
1 August 2020 : Full Papers (10 pages), Short papers, demos and work in
progress (5 pages)
25 September 2020: Acceptance Notification
20 October 2020: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
30 Nov - 2 Dec 2020: Conference Dates
***** Publication *****
ALL accepted iiWAS2020 papers will be published by ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series and the supplemental proceedings (ISBN:
pending ) which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and indexed
by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson
Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).
Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be published, after
revision and extension, in special issues of international journals.
**** Scope *****
Data and information are crucial in providing evidence based decision
making in many aspect of human activities, as an individual or as a
group. The way information and communication technology are used to
collect, process, analysis and store data has always evolves. New
techniques are invented, existing techniques are improved and old
techniques are integrated to the new. Each of these provided some
challenges and opportunities to our research community in finding the
best way to meet these challenges. iiWAS provides research community
with the opportunity to share and discuss their ideas.
Recently, iiWAS has been held in Munich (2019), Yogyakarta (2018),
Salzburg (2017), Singapore (2016), Brussels (2015), Hanoi (2014), Vienna
(2013), Bali (2012), Ho Chi Minh City (2011), Paris (2010), Kuala Lumpur
(2009), and Linz (2008). This year, iiWAS2020, will be held in Chiang
Mai, Thailand, the city centre for northern Thailand arts and cultures
**** Submissions *****
iiWAS accepted four different types of contributions:
- Original theoretical work: The contributions are expected to show
original work that provide foundations to further progress research in
the area. Rigorous proofs and/or performance measurements are expected
for this type of contribution.
- Real life case study: The contributions are expected to show a real
life case study of an adopted concept and technology. The analysis of
the case study should provide an original insight and findings, backing
up by data collected from experiments and/or observation.
- Experimental work: The contributions are expected to show reporting
of rigorous comparative experiments of existing algorithms/systems to
provide insight to the current state of the art in a research domain.
- Lessons learnt reports: The contributions are expected to show lessons
learnt from adoption of complex technology integration or
***** Topics *****
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Big data
- Cloud data management
- NoSQL databases
- Crowdsourcing
- Social networks analysis
- Sensors data management
- Data Mining
- Semantic Web and Ontology
- Search and Information Technology
- Query Language and Processing
- Advanced web technology and application
- Spatial data storage, query and proc- Data Integration, Metadata
Management, and Interoperability
- Distributed, parallel and cloud databases
- Social media analytics and processing
- Data modelling and analysis
- Big data processing
- Web content analysis, semantic and knowledge
- Data systems integration
- Data connectivity in internet of things
- Blockchain Technologies
- Linked Open Data
- Deep/Hidden Web
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF through the conference
website. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers
that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a
journal or a conference with proceedings. Submitted papers will be
subject to stringent peer review by at least
three members of the international program committee and carefully
evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and
clarity of exposition. Accepted papers will appear in the conference
proceedings to be published by ACM. Format requirements for submissions
of papers are: - Maximum 10 pages, including the abstract (no more than
150 words), all
figures and references for Full Technical papers. - Maximum 5 pages,
including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Short Position Papers.
- All submissions should be formatted according to ACM guidelines
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System
**** Awards ****
iiWAS2020 best paper awards and student paper awards will be conferred
on the authors at the conference.
**** Past Conferences ****
ACM Digital library: https://dl.acm.org/conference/iiwas
DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/iiwas/
**** PC Members *****
*** Contact ***** Maria Indrawan-Santiago, Program Committee Chair,
Monash University,
Eric Pardede, Program Committee CoChair, La Trobe University, Australia
Hesti Sudjana Departement of Telecooperation Johannes Kepler University Linz
Science Park 3, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] ECSCW 2021 in Zurich: Call for Journal Papers
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 18:19:35 +0200
From: Mateusz Dolata <dolata(a)ifi.uzh.ch>
Reply-To: Mateusz Dolata <dolata(a)ifi.uzh.ch>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de
The European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW)
is an international venue on practice-centred computing and the design
of cooperation technologies. It is a series of conferences on
computer-supported cooperative work located in Europe that was
established in 1989. The 19th edition of ECSCW will take place in
Zurich, Switzerland, from 7 to 11 June 2021.
This call invites submissions of Journal Papers, the most established
category of papers featured in ECSCW. The submissions undergo an
integrated, journal-like review and revision process. The accepted
articles are published in Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW):
The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices.
The European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW)
invites submissions of original and novel research related to the wide
field of CSCW. ECSCW is a single-track conference that contributes to
developing an interdisciplinary and global community, supported by
EUSSET, the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies
(https://www.eusset.eu/). The conference format facilitates critical
discussion across disciplinary and national borders in the field. An
overview of earlier ECSCW conferences (and proceedings) is available at
The Conference features a range of submission formats including journal
papers, exploratory papers, notes, posters, and demos, as well as
various events such as masterclasses, workshops or a doctoral
colloquium. The various formats differ in terms of length and the types
of contributions they represent. Please see
https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2021/submission/ for the full list of submission
The data provided below applies to Journal Papers only.
Important Dates
since April 2020: System open for submissions
April 2020 – March 2021: Review, revise & resubmit processes, on a
rolling basis
1 April 2021: Acceptance cut-off date for inclusion in ECSCW 2021 Programme.
7-11 June 2021: ECSCW 2021 Conference in Zurich
Submissions are handled continuously in accordance with the Journal’s
processes. As soon as the submission is made, it enters the review and
revision process. Full papers must have a status of “Accept but
incomplete” by the 1st of April 2021 to be included in the ECSCW 2021
Programme. Papers accepted after that date will be included in ECSCW
2022 Programme. To submit a full paper, proceed to
https://www.editorialmanager.com/cosu and select the following Article
Type: ECSCW Contribution.
Submission Description
We invite journal papers documenting original, rich, and in-depth
contributions to CSCW. Authors are encouraged to submit papers that
improve and extend the CSCW field. Relevant themes include, but are not
limited to:
- Empirical investigations of collaborative practices. Findings,
guidelines, and/or studies related to communication, collaboration, and
social technologies, practices, or use.
- System design focusing on solutions to support cooperative work in
increasingly complex, networked, and data-driven settings.
- Hardware, architectures, infrastructures, interaction design,
technical foundations, algorithms, and/or toolkits that enable the
building of new social and collaborative systems and experiences.
- Methodologies and tools for investigating human practices, e.g., the
nature of ethnography and the role of other innovative research
approaches in building systems or studying their use, the application of
critical design or design fictions to investigate future possibilities.
- Critical analysis or theory with clear relevance to study, design, or
use of collaborative settings and systems.
- Domain-specific social and collaborative applications, including
applications to digital civics, grassroots movements, healthcare,
transportation, ICT4D, sustainability, education, workplace,
accessibility, global collaboration, or other domains.
- Analysis of the ethics and policy implications of socio-technical
systems, the values that inform them, and the algorithms that shape them.
- The changing nature of collaboration and teaming in relation to
intelligent machine agents, e.g., human-AI relationships in
collaborative practices.
- Studies, prototypes, or other investigations that explore interactions
across disciplines, distances, languages, generations, and cultures, to
help understand how to design in relation to social, temporal, and/or
spatial boundaries.
- Discussions and extrapolations of work-practices and technologies,
which contribute to the core topics of ECSCW.
Review and Revision Process
Submissions to the journal-track of the ECSCW conference will undergo a
fully integrated, continuous review process. The submission and review
process will allow authors to develop and refine stronger papers over a
longer time period. The review process is single-blind. Each submission
is assigned to one of the three ECSCW 2021 Journal Papers Chairs, who is
in charge of finding three reviewers, writing a meta-review and making a
decision. This decision is transmitted to the Lead Editor of the CSCW
Journal in charge of ECSCW contributions, who will transmit the decision
to the Editor in Chief of the Journal, and will manage conflicts of
interest among the different Journal Papers Chairs if necessary. Authors
of the submitted papers will be considered as reviewers for other
submissions and may be contacted by the Journal Papers Chairs on this
Authors are encouraged to submit as soon as they have their manuscripts
ready. The system is already open for submissions. Early submissions
will allow for multiple Revise & Resubmit cycles and will generally
result in earlier publication of the accepted manuscript in the Journal.
Papers could take approximately three months between submission and
results of the first review cycle, and approximately two months in the
subsequent review cycles, but the Journal Papers Chairs are working hard
to speed the process up. Papers usually go through at least two review
Upon an acceptance notice (status “Accept but incomplete”), the paper
will go through production (including proof corrections) and only then
will it be published on Springer Online First.
To be considered for publication and presentation at ECSCW 2021, papers
must reach the status “Accept but incomplete” by the 1st of April 2021.
This status differs from a “Minor revisions” recommendation. The former
refers to papers which require only minimal formatting amendments, while
the latter refers to papers which still require some minor structural or
conceptual changes. Early submission makes it more likely to receive
reviews in a timely manner and speeds up the process of publication
If the paper does not reach the “Accept but incomplete” status by the
1st of April 2021, it will automatically be transferred to the batch of
submissions for the subsequent ECSCW conference, unless the submission
is withdrawn. With this approach, the authors will not have to restart
the submission process. All work completed to this point will be
considered for the next edition of the conference. This also means that
authors may get their papers accepted shortly after the ECSCW 2021
conference. If this happens, the paper will be published as an Online
First manuscript as soon as it goes through the production process; the
authors will be invited to present their work at ECSCW 2022.
Submission Format
Paper submissions should be formatted following the CSCW Journal
Instructions for Authors available at:
https://www.springer.com/journal/10606/submission-guidelines. The length
of the paper must correspond to the size of the contribution. We suggest
the papers to be between 10000 and 15000 words (including tables and
appendices, excluding references).
Submission Process
Manuscripts must be submitted via https://www.editorialmanager.com/cosu.
When submitting, please select “ECSCW Contribution” as the Article Type
and follow the submission steps until the final manuscript upload. For
any queries, please, do not hesitate to contact the ECSCW 2021 Journal
Papers Chairs at papers2021(a)ecscw.eusset.eu
<mailto:papers2021@ecscw.eusset.eu> .
Publication and Copyright information
The accepted articles are published in Computer Supported Cooperative
Work (CSCW): The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices –
see https://www.springer.com/journal/10606/ for details. Authors will be
asked, upon acceptance of the article, to transfer copyright of the
article to the Publisher. This will ensure the widest possible
dissemination of information under copyright laws. As soon as a
manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will go to production,
and when production has finished (including proof corrections), it will
be published on Springer Online First, complete with DOI.
Additionally, authors will have the option to make their versions of
accepted Papers available with open access in the European Society for
Embedded Technologies (EUSSET) digital library
(http://www.eusset.eu/digital-library), as an edited collection. The
EUSSET digital library features all past ECSCW proceedings.
Journal Papers Chairs for ECSCW 2021:
Adriana Vivacqua, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Christine T Wolf, IBM Research - Almaden
Michael Prilla, Clausthal University of Technology - Technische
Universität Clausthal
Email Address: papers2021(a)ecscw.eusset.eu
Conference Chairs for ECSCW 2021:
Gerhard Schwabe, University of Zurich - Universität Zürich
Mateusz Dolata, University of Zurich - Universität Zürich
Email Address: conference2021(a)ecscw.eusset.eu
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] MODELS 2020 - Call for Tutorials
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 18:28:25 +0300
From: Iris Reinhartz-Berger <iris(a)is.haifa.ac.il>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
MODELS 2020 - Call for Tutorials
Following the tradition of previous conferences, MODELS 2020 will host
tutorials as part of its satellite events on October 18 to 20, 2020. Due
to the COVID-19 situation, the conference will run fully virtually.
Tutorials provide intensive overviews on topics in the area of
model-based software and systems engineering ranging from modeling
methodologies and research methods through new modeling tools and
technologies to thoughts on the past, current, and future development of
the modeling discipline.
Important Dates
Tutorial proposal submission: July 22, 2020 Anywhere on Earth (i.e.,
UTC-12, hard deadline)
Notification: August 21, 2020
Camera ready: August 28, 2020
Tutorials: October 18-20, 2020
Tutorials target an audience of practitioners, researchers (academic and
industrial), students, and developers familiar with, and already working
with, modeling techniques. The target audience typically has a strong
interest in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), including work on improving
and evolving modeling languages (such as UML or DSLs), developing
sophisticated MDE tool support, and using MDE to develop / test /
reverse / maintain complex systems. Potential attendees may also be
interested in how modeling has been applied effectively in specialized
domains (e.g., in the automotive industry), and in learning about
successful uses of MDE methods in real-world applications.
The following themes are examples of what is considered relevant for
- Modeling techniques for specific domains (e.g., automobile,
cyber-physical and hybrid systems, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things …)
- Modeling methodologies and model-oriented processes (e.g., for agile
modelling or modelling at scale)
- AI in modelling (including search*based approaches, machine learning,
planning, or flexible modelling)
- Presentation of new tools or new versions of old tools (e.g., modeling
tools, language workbenches, model transformation languages, model
verification tools, model execution tools)
- Dissemination of project results from industry-related projects
- Teaching of model-driven software development
- Research methods in MD* (Model-Driven Development (MDD), Model Driven
Engineering (MDE), Model Driven Software Development (MDSD), etc.)
- Modeling for re-engineering and legacy evolution
- Empirical studies in the context of modeling
- User experience in model-based software engineering
- Practical experiences of general interest
- General topics of interest to young researchers, like presentation
skills or research methodologies
Tutorials are intended to provide independent instructions on a topic of
relevance to the audience described above. Therefore, no sales-oriented
presentations will be accepted. Tutorials relating to commercial tools
or involving the use of commercial tools may be accepted, but will be
subject to closer scrutiny, including possible approval of presentation
slides. Potential presenters should keep in mind that there may be quite
a varied audience, including novice graduate students, seasoned
practitioners, and specialized researchers. Tutorial speakers should be
prepared to cope with this diversity.
Proposal Contents
All submissions must be in English and adhere to the IEEE formatting
The submission must include the following information in the indicated
- Title
- Presenters: Name, affiliation, contact information, and short bio.
- Authors of the proposal or tutorial material, who are not going to be
presenting, may be listed, but must be listed last with a footnote
“Author only; will not be presenting”.
- Abstract (maximum of 200 words)
If accepted, the abstract will be used to advertise the tutorial.
Thus, the abstract should clearly highlight the goals of the tutorial
and the skills that participants will acquire.
- Keywords (at least 5 keywords)
- Proposed length (suggestion: up to 1.5-2 hours)
- Level of the tutorial: beginner/introduction or advanced
Target audience and any prerequisite background required by attendees
to be able to follow the tutorial (beyond average modeling skills)
- Description of the tutorial and intended outline (maximum of 4 pages)
- Novelty of the tutorial
- List offerings of similar tutorials at previous editions of the MODELS
conference or other conferences, and discuss the differences with
respect to the current proposal.
- Required infrastructure: Explicitly specify the adaptations and
actions you intend to do in order to make the tutorial suitable for a
virtual environment.
- Sample slides (minimum of 6 slides, maximum of 25 slides)
- Supplementary material (optional)
Submission Guidelines
Proposals must be submitted electronically in PDF format through
EasyChair at https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=models2020tutorials.
Review Process
The Tutorials Selection Committee will review each submitted proposal to
ensure high quality, and select tutorials based on their anticipated
benefit for prospective participants and their fit within the tutorial
program as a whole. Factors to be considered also include: relevance,
timeliness, importance, and audience appeal; effectiveness of teaching
methods; and past experience and qualifications of the instructors. The
goal will be to provide a diverse set of tutorials that attracts a high
level of interest among broad segments of the MODELS participants.
As in previous years, participants will pay a single satellite fee,
which will cover both tutorials and workshops. This permits unifying the
treatment of workshops and tutorials, and it makes tutorials more
attractive to attendees. Under this scheme, tutorial presenters will not
receive monetary compensation, and will have to pay their own
registration to the satellite events. By submitting a tutorial proposal,
the presenter accepts that there will be no compensation for giving the
tutorial if accepted and that the registration fees for the instructors
have to be funded by the instructors themselves. The benefit to the
presenter is the opportunity to extend their sphere of influence to the
MODELS community.
Selection Committee
- Loli Burgueno, Open University of Catalonia (Spain) & CEA List (France)
- Thomas Degueule, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (The Netherlands)
- Juergen Dingel, Queen’s University (Canada)
- Esther Guerra, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain)
- Regina Hebig, Chalmers, Gothenburg University (Sweden)
- Emilio Insfran, Universitat Politecnica de Val?ncia (Spain)
- Vinay Kulkarni, Tata Consultancy Services (India)
- Levi Lucio, Fortiss (Germany)
- Jan Oliver Ringert, University of Leicester (UK)
- Bran Selic, Malina Software Corp. (Canada)
- Gabriele Taentzer, Philipps-Universitat Marburg (Germany)
- Antonio Vallecillo, Universidad de Malaga (Spain)
Organizers and Contact Information
Tutorials Co-Chairs:
- Iris Reinhartz-Berger, University of Haifa (Israel)
- Richard Paige, McMaster University (Canada)
For further information, please contact the tutorial chairs at
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] IEEE BCCA - Deadline EXTENDED: July 25th- REDUCED
REGISTRATION FEES and Virtual Presentations
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 11:52:19 +0300
From: Müge Erel-Özçevik <mugeerelozcevik(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*The Second IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Computing and
Applications (BCCA 2020)*
*Nov. 02 – NOV 05, 2020 – ANTALYA, TURKEY*
*COVID-19 Update:*
The organizing team is closely monitoring the development of the COVID-19
situation. The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our
priority. Considering the current circumstances, *BCCA 2020* *will run as
a virtual conference* *and the registration fees will be reduced.*
As a revolutionary technology, Blockchain provides a practical solution to
enable a secure and decentralized public ledger that a huge plethora of
exciting new technology applications in several areas, such as the Internet
of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems, Manufacturing, Supply-Chain, etc.
Blockchain technology has infiltrated all areas of our lives, from
manufacturing to healthcare and beyond. Cybersecurity is an industry that
has been significantly affected by this technology and maybe more so in the
future. Blockchain Technology is defined as a decentralized system of
distributed registers that are used to record data transactions on multiple
computers. The reason this technology has gained popularity is that you can
put any digital asset or transaction in the blocking chain, the industry
does not matter. Blockchain technology can be used to prevent any data
breach, identity theft, cyber-attacks or criminal acts in transactions.
This ensures that data remains private and secure. The main goal of this
workshop is to encourage both researchers and practitioners to share and
exchange their experiences and recent studies between academia and industry
in the Blockchain field.
Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in all
major areas, which include, but not limited to:
· State-of-the-art of the Blockchain technology and cybersecurity
· Blockchain Technologies and Methodologies
· Recent development and emerging trends Blockchain for Cybersecurity
and Privacy
· New models, practical solutions and technological advances related
to Blockchain
· Theory of Blockchain in Cybersecurity
· Blockchain-based security for the Internet of Things and
cyber-physical systems
· Blockchain-based security solutions of smart cities infrastructures
· Authentication and authorization in Blockchain
· Applications of blockchain technologies in digital forensic
· Privacy aspects of blockchain technologies
· Applications of blockchain technologies in computer & hardware
· Implementation challenges facing blockchain technologies
· Blockchain-based threat intelligence and threat analytics techniques
· Blockchain-based open-source tools
· Forensics readiness of blockchain technologies
· Vulnerabilities of smart contracts
· Open issues and trends in Blockchains
*Full paper Important Dates:*
Submission deadline: June 25th, 2020 July 25th, 2020 (Firm)
Notification of Acceptance: Aug 15th, 2020
Submission of camera-ready: Sept 10th, 2020
*Journal Special Issues:*
Selected papers from the conference will be invited to submit an extended
version to the following journal(s). Confirmed Special Issues:
- Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (IF: 2.397)
- Springer Cluster Computing (IF: 1.85)
- Springer Journal of Network and System Management (IF: 1.676)
Papers will be selected based on their reviewers’ scores and
appropriateness to the Journal’s theme. All extended versions will undergo
reviews and must represent original unpublished research work. Further
details will be made available at a later stage.
*General Co-Chair*
Salil Kanhere, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Öznur Özkasap, Koç University, Turkey
*Program Co-Chairs*
Moayad Aloqaily, xAnalytics Inc., Canada
Rasheed Hussain, Innopolis, Russia
Ali Dorri, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia
Professor Salil Kanhere, UNSW Sydney, Australia
*Tutorial: *
Moayad Aloqaily, xAnalytics Inc., Canada
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] ECSCW 2021 in Zurich: Call for Journal Papers
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2020 19:07:09 +0200
From: Mateusz Dolata <dolata(a)ifi.uzh.ch>
Reply-To: Mateusz Dolata <dolata(a)ifi.uzh.ch>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
The European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW)
is an international venue on practice-centred computing and the design
of cooperation technologies. It is a series of conferences on
computer-supported cooperative work located in Europe that was
established in 1989. The 19th edition of ECSCW will take place in
Zurich, Switzerland, from 7 to 11 June 2021.
This call invites submissions of Journal Papers, the most established
category of papers featured in ECSCW. The submissions undergo an
integrated, journal-like review and revision process. The accepted
articles are published in Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW):
The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices.
ECSCW 2021 Call for Journal Papers
The European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW)
invites submissions of original and novel research related to the wide
field of CSCW. ECSCW is a single-track conference that contributes to
developing an interdisciplinary and global community, supported by
EUSSET, the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies
(https://www.eusset.eu/). The conference format facilitates critical
discussion across disciplinary and national borders in the field. An
overview of earlier ECSCW conferences (and proceedings) is available at
The Conference features a range of submission formats including journal
papers, exploratory papers, notes, posters, and demos, as well as
various events such as masterclasses, workshops or a doctoral
colloquium. The various formats differ in terms of length and the types
of contributions they represent. Please see
https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2021/submission/for the full list of submission
The data provided below applies to Journal Papers only (.
Important Dates
since April 2020: System open for submissions
April 2020 – March 2021: Review, revise & resubmit processes, on a
rolling basis
1 April 2021: Acceptance cut-off date for inclusion in ECSCW 2021 Programme.
June 7-11, 2021: ECSCW 2021 Conference in Zurich
Submissions are handled continuously in accordance with the Journal’s
processes. As soon as the submission is made, it enters the review and
revision process. Full papers must have a status of “Accept but
incomplete” by the 1st of April 2021 to be included in the ECSCW 2021
Programme. Papers accepted after that date will be included in ECSCW
2022 Programme. To submit a full paper, proceed to
https://www.editorialmanager.com/cosu and select the following Article
Type: ECSCW Contribution.
Submission Description
We invitejournal papersdocumenting original, rich, and in-depth
contributions to CSCW. Authors are encouraged to submit papers that
improve and extend the CSCW field. Relevant themes include, but are not
limited to:
Empirical investigations of collaborative practices. Findings,
guidelines, and/or studies related to communication, collaboration,
and social technologies, practices, or use.
System design focusing on solutions to support cooperative work in
increasingly complex, networked, and data-driven settings.
Hardware, architectures, infrastructures, interaction design,
technical foundations, algorithms, and/or toolkits that enable the
building of new social and collaborative systems and experiences.
Methodologies and tools for investigating human practices, e.g., the
nature of ethnography and the role of other innovative research
approaches in building systems or studying their use, the
application of critical design or design fictions to investigate
future possibilities.
Critical analysis or theory with clear relevance to study, design,
or use of collaborative settings and systems.
Domain-specific social and collaborative applications, including
applications to digital civics, grassroots movements, healthcare,
transportation, ICT4D, sustainability, education, workplace,
accessibility, global collaboration, or other domains.
Analysis of the ethics and policy implications of socio-technical
systems, the values that inform them, and the algorithms that shape
The changing nature of collaboration and teaming in relation to
intelligent machine agents, e.g., human-AI relationships in
collaborative practices.
Studies, prototypes, or other investigations that explore
interactions across disciplines, distances, languages, generations,
and cultures, to help understand how to design in relation to
social, temporal, and/or spatial boundaries.
Discussions and extrapolations of work-practices and technologies,
which contribute to the core topics of ECSCW.
Review and Revision Process
Submissions to the journal-track of the ECSCW conference will undergo a
fully integrated, continuous review process. The submission and review
process will allow authors to develop and refine stronger papers over a
longer time period. The review process is single-blind. Each submission
is assigned to one of the three ECSCW 2021 Journal Papers Chairs, who is
in charge of finding three reviewers, writing a meta-review and making a
decision. This decision is transmitted to the Lead Editor of the CSCW
Journal in charge of ECSCW contributions, who will transmit the decision
to the Editor in Chief of the Journal, and will manage conflicts of
interest among the different Journal Papers Chairs if necessary. Authors
of the submitted papers will be considered as reviewers for other
submissions and may be contacted by the Journal Papers Chairs on this
Authors are encouraged to submit as soon as they have their manuscripts
ready. The system is already open for submissions. Early submissions
will allow for multiple Revise & Resubmit cycles and will generally
result in earlier publication of the accepted manuscript in the Journal.
Papers could take approximately three monthsbetween submission and
results of the first review cycle, and approximately two monthsin the
subsequent review cycles, but the Journal Papers Chairs are working hard
to speed the process up. Papers usually go through at least two review
Upon an acceptance notice (status “Accept but incomplete”), the paper
will go through production (including proof corrections) and only then
will it be published on Springer Online First.
To be considered for publication and presentation at ECSCW 2021, papers
must reach the status “Accept but incomplete” by the 1st of April 2021.
This status differs from a “Minor revisions” recommendation. The former
refers to papers which require only minimal formatting amendments, while
the latter refers to papers which still require some minor structural or
conceptual changes. Early submission makes it more likely to receive
reviews in a timely manner and speeds up the process of publication
If the paper does not reach the “Accept but incomplete”status by the 1st
of April 2021, it will automatically be transferred to the batch of
submissions for the subsequent ECSCW conference, unless the submission
is withdrawn. With this approach, the authors will not have to restart
the submission process. All work completed to this point will be
considered for the next edition of the conference. This also means that
authors may get their papers accepted shortly after the ECSCW 2021
conference. If this happens, the paper will be published as an Online
First manuscript as soon as it goes through the production process; the
authors will be invited to present their work at ECSCW 2022.
Submission Format
Paper submissions should be formatted following the CSCW Journal
Instructions for Authors available
at:https://www.springer.com/journal/10606/submission-guidelines. The
length of the paper mustcorrespond to the size of the contribution. We
suggest the papers to be between 10000 and 15000 words (including tables
and appendices, excluding references).
Submission Process
Manuscripts must be submitted via https://www.editorialmanager.com/cosu.
When submitting, please select “ECSCW Contribution” as the Article Type
and follow the submission steps until the final manuscript upload. For
any queries, please, do not hesitate to contact the ECSCW 2021 Journal
Papers Chairs atpapers2021(a)ecscw.eusset.eu
Publication and Copyright information
The accepted articles are published in Computer Supported Cooperative
Work (CSCW): The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices –
see https://www.springer.com/journal/10606/for details. Authors will be
asked, upon acceptance of the article, to transfer copyright of the
article to the Publisher. This will ensure the widest possible
dissemination of information under copyright laws. As soon as a
manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will go to production,
and when production has finished (including proof corrections), it will
be published on Springer Online First, complete with DOI.
Additionally, authors will have the option to make their versions of
accepted Papers available with open access in the European Society for
Embedded Technologies (EUSSET) digital library
<http://www.eusset.eu/digital-library>), as an edited collection. The
EUSSET digital library features all past ECSCW proceedings.
Journal Papers Chairs for ECSCW 2021:
Adriana Vivacqua, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Christine T Wolf, IBM Research - Almaden
Michael Prilla, Clausthal University of Technology - Technische
Universität Clausthal
Email Address: papers2021(a)ecscw.eusset.eu
Conference Chairs for ECSCW 2021:
Gerhard Schwabe, University of Zurich - Universität Zürich
Mateusz Dolata, University of Zurich - Universität Zürich
Email Address: conference2021(a)ecscw.eusset.eu
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [wkwi] CfP WI2021-Track "Digitale Transformation &
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2020 09:51:01 +0200
From: Martin Adam <adam(a)ise.tu-darmstadt.de>
Reply-To: Martin Adam <adam(a)ise.tu-darmstadt.de>
To: wkwi(a)listserv.dfn.de
(Bitte entschuldigen Sie eventuelle Mehrfachzustellungen.)
*Call for Papers für den WI2021-Track **„**Digitale Transformation &
16. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2021), 09.-11. März
2021, Universität Duisburg-Essen
*Track Chairs*
Daniel Beverungen, Universität Paderborn
Christiane Lehrer, Copenhagen Business School
Thomas Hess, LMU München
Martin Adam, TU Darmstadt
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien durchdringen alle Bereiche
unserer Gesellschaft. Gegenstände werden durch ihre Erweiterung um
Informationstechnik „smart“. Zunehmend größere und verschiedenartige
Datenmengen stehen zur Verfügung, um Ereignisse dokumentieren,
analysieren und vorhersagen zu können. Neuere Methoden der künstlichen
Intelligenz erlauben die Übertragung von Aufgaben, die bisher Menschen
vorbehalten waren, an Maschinen und Informationssysteme, schaffen aber
auch völlig neue Aufgaben.
Derartige Veränderungen können vielfältige Implikationen haben. Kunden
und Mitarbeiter können ihr Verhalten ändern. Organisationen überdenken
ihre Marktposition, passen ihre Strukturen an und etablieren neue
Rollen, wie z.B. die eines Chief Digital Officers. Insbesondere müssen
Unternehmen ihre Geschäftsmodelle kritisch prüfen oder parallel neue
Geschäftszweige aufbauen, um im Wettbewerb bestehen zu können.
Einerseits kann eine erfolgreiche Digitale Transformation unter anderem
zu mehr Wirtschaftswachstum führen, andererseits gilt es, nicht
intendierten Risiken entgegenzuwirken oder diese zu vermeiden.
Dieser Konferenz-Track schafft einen Rahmen für die Präsentation,
Diskussion und Entwicklung innovativer Ideen zur Digitalen
Transformation aus der Perspektive einzelner Personen, (Arbeits-)
gruppen, Organisationen, Netzwerken, Industrien und der Gesellschaft
insgesamt. Wir unterstützen dabei ein breites Spektrum
erkenntnistheoretischer Positionen und Forschungsmethoden zur
Entwicklung neuartiger Theorien und IT-Artefakte.
Besonders begrüßen wir Beiträge, die Einsichten in die
Wirkungsmechanismen der Digitalen Transformation geben und dabei
bestehende Theorien und IT-Artefakte der Wirtschaftsinformatik infrage
stellen oder konzeptionell weiterentwickeln. Konkrete Anwendungsfälle
disruptiver Veränderungsprozesse in Organisationen sind genauso von
Interesse wie empirische Beiträge, die untersuchen, wie sich
technologische Entwicklungen auf die Gestaltung von Geschäftsmodellen
auswirken. Dabei sind alle Teile eines Geschäftsmodells – Produkt bzw.
Dienstleistung, Kundenbeziehung, Ressourcen sowie Kosten- und
Erlösmodell – gleichermaßen von Interesse.
Zu den adressierten Themen gehören unter anderem:
• Digitalisierung von Geschäftsmodellen und Wertangeboten
• Theorien und IT-Artefakte für die Digitale Transformation
• Organisationsentwicklung für die Digitale Transformation
• Zusammenspiel von IT-Artefakten und organisatorischer Veränderung
• Gestaltbarkeit, Emergenz und Risiko der Digitalen Transformation
• Strategien für die digitale Transformation
• Wettbewerbsvorteile durch die Digitale Transformation
• Digitale Transformation auf Individualebene
• Kulturelle Aspekte und Auswirkungen der Digitalen Transformation
*Wichtige Termine*
Frist für die Einreichung der Beiträge: 14.08.2020
Frist für die Einreichung der überarbeiteten Beiträge: 16.11.2020
Alle weiteren Informationen zum Track finden Sie unter
*Dr. Martin Adam *
*Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik: Information Systems & E-Services*
Fachbereich 1 - Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Technische Universität Darmstadt | Hochschulstraße 1 |
D-64289 Darmstadt | Germany
Tel. +49 (0)157 33181778| Fax +49 (0)6151 16 4301
adam(a)ise.tu-darmstadt.de <mailto:adam@ise.tu-darmstadt.de> |
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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: 10th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference
(online) - Bolzano - Italy (EEWC 2020)
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2020 20:00:23 +0000
From: Robert Pergl <programchair(a)ciaonetwork.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
**Tenth Enterprise Engineering Working Conference**
/(New Dates!) September 28th - 30th, 2020 (online), Bozen / Bolzano, Italy,
as part of //BOSK 2020/
Important Dates (submission window):
August 31st: Submission deadline for initial versions of papers
October 18th: Final versions of papers
The 2020 Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC 2020) will be the
10th working conference addressing the field of Enterprise Engineering. As
it is not unlikely that there will still be Covid-19 related travel
restrictions in place for several of us by September, it has been decided
for the BOSK 2020 events to take place in some on-line format. This also
applies to EEWC 2020.
The precise format, and platform, we will employ for EEWC 2020 is still
under investigation. This also depends on the experiences which we, as a
community, will gain from e.g. CAiSE 2020 and IEEE CBI 2020, which have
also chosen to “go on-line”.
Nevertheless, the goal remains to gather academics and practitioners in
order to share innovative research issues and practical experiences,
balancing rigour and relevance, as well as to facilitate profound
discussions on the discipline of enterprise engineering
. Furthermore, as in earlier years, the proceedings of EEWC 2020 will be
published as post-conference proceedings in Springer's Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing
(LNBIP). The use of post-conference proceedings enables the authors to
update their submissions based on the feedback from reviewers, as well as
the discussions during the conference, which truly underlines the/ working
conference/ character of EEWC.
In going on-line, we will take the opportunity to take a further step in
turning our EEWC conferences in a community-driven working event. We plan
to organise the reviewing process in a more open format, involving a
broader, and open, discussion within the community using an on-line
discussion platform.
More specifically, the plan is to have each paper go through the following
Each submitted paper (via EasyChair) will be reviewed by three reviewers.
The reviewers will be asked (1) if the current version of the paper is good
enough to be published on the on-line discussion platform, and (2) to
provide a discussion statement regarding the paper, to kick-off the
discussion on the on-line platform.
The discussions on the on-line platform will start well ahead of the
actual conference and continue to be open just before and during the
conference also.
Two weeks before the conference, PC-chairs will, based on reviews and
discussions, make a selection of papers that are to be presented. Some of
these papers will already obtain confirmation of publication in Springer
proceedings, some will be conditionally accepted and, after the conference
might be accepted.
The authors will then have the option to provide an updated version of
their papers. In addition, they will be required to provide a 20 minute
pre-recorded video with a presentation. These will have to be provided one
week before the actual conference will take place.
During the conference week, the community will be able to read the
(updated version of the paper), and watch the pre-recorded video.
During the actual conference days, video-meetings will be organised in
which the papers (and presentations) will be discussed in more detail.
Three weeks after the conference, the authors are required to submit an
updated version of their paper via EasyChair. The latter will be
re-assessed by the reviewers. Based on this, the final selection of papers
to be included in the post-proceedings will be made.
The above structure also allows us to be rather flexible in terms of
submission deadlines. We plan to allow (initial) submissions (see step 1
above) from the 20 July until the 31st of August, while we aim the on-line
forum to be available as of August.
The proceedings of the working conference will, as always, be published in
Springer's Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
As in the previous years, the EEWC working conference will use
post-conference proceedings. This enables the authors to update their
submissions based on the feedback from reviewers, as well as the
discussions during the working conference. Additionally, it provides us
with more flexibility regarding the submission and reviewing process.
**Relevant Topics**
Topics of interest to for the EEWC include, but are not limited to:
Specific aspects of enterprises:
Business processes
Business rules
Information systems
Software architectures
Cross cutting concerns for enterprises:
FAIR principles on good data management
Regulatory compliance
Cyber risks
Resilience & antifragility
Specific activities within enterprise engineering:
Creation & use of reference models
Tool support for enterprise engineering
Foundations of enterprise engineering:
Complex adaptive systems
Foundations of (conceptual) modelling
Fact-based thinking & modelling
Enterprise ontology
Normalised systems theory
Foundational ontologies
Collaborative & participatory modelling & design
Application of enterprise engineering:
Case studies in enterprise engineering
Application of enterprise engineering in specific sectors / industries
Papers should be submitted in PDF format. The results described must be
unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Submissions must
conform to Springer's LNBIP format and should not exceed 15 pages,
including all text, figures, references and appendices. Submissions not
conforming to the LNBIP format or exceeding 15 pages will be rejected
without review. Information about the Springer LNBIP format can be found at
Springer LNBIP web page mentioned above.
For the actual submission, please go to our Easychair conference web page
***Important Dates***
Submission window for initial versions of papers:
20-07-2020 to 31-08-2020
Discussion on on-line forum: 01-08-2020 to 07-10-2020
Notification of acceptance (full or conditional):
Submission of pre-recorded presentation & updated paper:
Presentation & updated paper available for viewing: 25-09-2020 to 07-10-2020
Conference & video call based discussions:
28-09-2020 to 30-09-2020
Final versions of papers due:
Final notification of acceptance to post-proceedings: 08-11-2020
Camera ready: 15-11-2020
***Program Co-Chairs***
David Aveiro, University of Madeira, Portugal
Giancarlo Guizzardi, University of Bolzano / Bozen, Italy
Henderik A. Proper, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology,
Robert Pergl, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
***Program Committee (to be confirmed/updated)***
Alberto Silva, INESC and University of Lisbon, Portugal
Carlos Mendes, INESC and University of Lisbon, Portugal
Carlos Páscoa, Portuguese Air Force Academy, Portugal
Duarte Gouveia, University of Madeira, Portugal
Eduard Babkin, Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Florian Matthes, Technical University Munich, Germany
Fernanda Baião, Pontifical Catholic University, Brazil
Frederick Gailly, Ghent University
Geert Poels, University of Gent, Belgium
Gil Regev, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Graham McLeod, McLeod, inspired.org, South Africa and University of
Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Hans Mulder, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Jaap Gordijn, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands
Jan Dietz, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Jan Verelst, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Jens Gulden, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Jorge Sanz, Computing and Business School, National University of
João Paulo Almeida, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
José Tribolet, INESC and University of Lisbon, Portugal
Joseph Barjis, San Jose State University, USA
Julio Nardi, NEMO/IFES, Brazil
Junichi Iijima, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Maria-Eugenia Iacob, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Marcela Vegeti, CONICET, Argentina
Marcello Bax, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Martin Op ‘t Land, Capgemini, The Netherlands and University of Antwerp,
Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Maurício Almeida, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Miguel Mira da Silva, INESC and University of Lisbon, Portugal
Peter Loos, University of Saarland, Germany
Petr Kremen, Babylon Health, UK and Czech Technical University in Prague,
Czech Republic
Philip Huysmans, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Pnina Soffer, MIS department, Haifa University, Israel
Pontus Johnson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Robert Lagerström, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Robert Winter, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Rony Flatscher, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Administration, Austria
Sanetake Nagayoshi, Shizuoka University, Japan
Stefan Strecker, University of Hagen, Germany
Stephan Aier, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Steven van Kervel, Formetis, The Netherlands
Stijn Hoppenbrouwers, HAN University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Sybren de Kinderen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Tatyana Poletaeva, INSA/LITIS, France
Tiago Prince Sales, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Ulrik Franke, Swedish Defense Research Agency, Sweden
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Extended Deadline: Modeling Language Engineering
and Execution (MLE'20) at MODELS'20 **
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2020 18:44:05 +0200
From: Andreas Wortmann <wortmann(a)se-rwth.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: Zschaler, Steffen <steffen.zschaler(a)kcl.ac.uk>, Taylor Riche
2nd International Workshop on
Modeling Language Engineering and Execution (MLE'20)
at MODELS'20
Software-intensive systems are complicated, driven by the need to
integrate across multiple concerns. Consequently, the development of
such systems requires the integration of different concerns and
skills. These concerns can be covered by different domain-specific
modeling languages, with specific concepts, technologies, and
abstraction levels. This multiplication of languages eases the
development related to each individual specific concern but raises
language and technology integration problems at the different stages
of the software life cycle. To reason about the global system as a
whole, it is necessary to explicitly describe the different kinds of
relationships that exist between the different languages used in its
development. To support effective language integration, there is a
pressing need to reify and classify these relationships, as well as
the language interactions that the relationships enable. Equally, the
proliferation of domain-specific modeling languages required increases
the need for effective and efficient techniques for engineering
languages and their support infrastructures (transformations, analysis
tools, editors, execution infrastructure, debuggers, ...).
The Modeling Language Engineering and Execution (MLE) workshop aims at
bringing together researchers and practitioners working on
modeling-language and software-language engineering. It is a meeting
opportunity for Software Language Engineering (SLE) enthusiasts within
the software-modeling community.
The topics of interest for MLE 2020 include:
- Methodologies, languages, techniques, and methods for designing and
implementing (executable) modeling languages
- Composition, extension, and reuse of (executable) modeling languages and
model execution tools
- Heterogeneous modeling, simulation, and execution
- Customization of (executable) modeling languages
- Integration of (executable) modeling and programming languages
- Semantics-aware model transformations and code generation
- Scalability of model execution and execution-based model analysis
- Execution of partial and underspecified models
- Model execution with non-determinism and concurrency
- Tracing model executions and analyzing model execution traces
- Model execution tools for the (dynamic) validation, verification, and
testing of systems (e.g., model animation, debugging, simulation,
trace exploration, model checking, symbolic execution)
- Automating the development of modeling and model execution tools
Maintenance-related topics
- Evolution in the context of executable modeling (e.g., evolution of
executable modeling languages, execution semantics, executable models, model
execution tools)
- Verification of semantic conformance (e.g., among executable modeling
languages, executable models, model execution tools)
- Integration challenges for (executable) languages, from requirements to
design, for analysis and simulation, during runtime, etc.
- Case studies and experience reports on the successful or failed
adoption of
(executable) modeling in different domains
- Surveys and benchmarks on the development of (executable) modeling
languages, model execution, and model analyses
Submissions describing practical and industrial experience related to
the use of executable and/or heterogeneous modeling languages are also
encouraged, particularly regarding Cyber-Physical Systems, Industry
4.0, Internet of Things, Complex Adaptive Systems, Smart Cities and
Workshop Format
The format of the workshop reflects the goals of the workshop:
constructive feedback on submitted papers and other artifacts on the
engineering or use of modeling languages, collaborations, and
community building. Hence, there is less focus on presentations and
more focus on producing and documenting a research content that
identifies challenges, different forms of language engineering and
integration, and relates existing solutions.
The workshop consists of a morning session in which a keynote and
short presentations of the accepted papers will be given. A
significant amount of time will be reserved for discussing each paper
and their relations to each other. The afternoon is for working
sessions dedicated to open discussions of the presented contributions
and topics suggested by the participants.
We expect early research results about the aforementioned topics,
descriptions of problems, case studies, experience reports, or
solutions related to the topics of interest.
Each contribution must be described in 5 pages in ACM format.
Papers that describe use cases or novel approaches can be accompanied
by concrete artifacts, such as models (requirements, design, analysis,
transformation, composition, etc.), stored in a public repository.
Artifacts should illustrate any experience on the conjoint use of
different modeling languages.
All submissions have to follow the ACM format and must be submitted
electronically in PDF format via Easychair
(https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mle2020). They will be
evaluated by at least three members of the program committee regarding
novelty, correctness, significance, readability, and alignment with
the workshop call. Furthermore, all submissions must be original work
and must not have been previously published or being under review
elsewhere. The accepted papers will be published as ACM online
proceedings and indexed in DBLP and Scopus.
Important Dates
- Paper submission deadline: July 26, 2020
- Notification of acceptance: August 21, 2020
- Camera-ready deadline: August 28, 2020
- Workshop: October 18, 19 or 20, 2020
Program Committee
- Erwan Bousse (Université de Nantes)
- Marsha Chechik (University of Toronto)
- Federico Ciccozzi (Mälardalen University)
- Tony Clark (Sheffield Hallam University)
- Benoit Combemale (University of Toulouse)
- Jonathan Corley (University of West Georgia)
- Julien Deantoni (UNS- I3S- INRIA Sophia Antipolis Mediterranee)
- Marjan Mernik (University of Maribor)
- Gunter Mussbacher (McGill University)
- Florian Noyrit (CEA LIST)
- Richard Paige (University of York)
- Bernhard Rumpe (RWTH Aachen University)
- Matthias Schöttle (McGill University)
- Safouan Taha (CentraleSupélec, LRI)
- Federico Tomassetti (Strumenta)
- Mark van den Brand (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Andreas Wortmann (RWTH Aachen University)
- Steffen Zschaler (King’s College London)
- Taylor L. Riché (National Instruments)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ICTO2020 International Conference on Smart
Technologies for an inclusive world
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2020 05:45:39 +0000 (UTC)
From: harfouche tony <harfoant(a)yahoo.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
ICTO2020 International Conference on Smart Technologiesfor an inclusive
Paris La Défense, France, November 05-06, 2020
***** SCOPE *****
ICTO2020international conference is concerned with cutting edge and
smart Technologies(IoT/IoE, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence...),
shedding light on theirimpact on organizations and more generally, on
the society as awhole. It is the sixth version of ICTO conference
thatattracts multidisciplinary contributions on information systems from
the areasof management information systems, computer science, digital
marketing, artificial intelligence, security, digitaltransformation,
big data analytics, data science, blockchain, strategic management,
operation managementand supply chain mainly submitted by international
***** TOPICS *****
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to thefollowing.
Track1. Technology and Sustainability
Minitrack 1.1. IS and Sustainability
Minitrack 1.2. Artificial intelligence and sustainable
Track 2. Technology and Social Impact
Minitrack 2.1. ICT for Financial Inclusion of Underprivileged
Minitrack 2.2. Smart Technologies in the workplace - Promoting
Inclusionand Diversity
Minitrack 2.3. Digital Transformation and Social Impact
Track 3. Smart City
Minitrack 3.1. Towards Smart and Sustainable Organizations andCommunities
Minitrack 3.2. The role of Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Blockchain
indeveloping Smart city
Track 4. Data and Analytics
Minitrack 4.1. Cognitive Analytics Management: Digital Disruption
forInnovative Shared Values
Minitrack 4.2. Data Analytics for a better Decision Making
Minitrack 4.3. Data Ecosystems – Learning from theory and practice
Track 5. Strategic Information Systems forOrganizations
Minitrack 5.1. IT and Business Innovation
Minitrack 5.3. Influencing of ISO Standards on IT Strategies
Track 6. Digital Marketing
Track 7. Technology and Social Media Strategies
Minitrack 7.1. Social media in time of epidemics
Track 8. Technology and Security
Minitrack 8.1. Cybersecurity and ICT for Defense
Minitrack 8.2. The Emergence of the Global Threat of Cybersecurity
Special Session Proposal: Aug 10, 2020
Paper submission: Aug 10, 2020
Notification of acceptance: Sept 10, 2020
Camera-ready version: Sep. 30, 2020
Conference dates: Nov. 5-6,2020
1. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM)
Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence in Global Production Systems
andSupply Chain Management
2. Journalof Strategic Marketing
Special Issue: How to tackle global retail apocalypseusing strategic
omnichannel management?
3. Reviewof International Business and Strategy
Special Issue: Genderdifferences in developing global digital marketing
4. Lecture Note in Information Systems andOrgnaisation (Scopus indexed)
Allaccepted papers at ICTO2020 will be published in Springer Scopus
indexed LNISO
All papers needto be submitted electronically through the easychair in
PDF format at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icto2020
Acceptedconference papers will be published in a Scopus indexed Springer
Lecture Notein Information Systems and Organisation (LNISO). At least
one author of eachaccepted paper is required to register and present
their work at theconference. Best paper awards will be presented at the
conference. Selectedhigh quality papers, after further extensions and
revisions, will be nominated topublish at various special issues of
ICTO2020. More details can be found viathe conference website:
ProfSamuel Fosso Wamba, ToulouseBusiness School, France
Prof Nicholas Paparoidamis, EMLV Business School
Prof Cinzia Dal Zotto, NeuchâtelUniversity, Switzerland
Prof Peter Saba, EMLV BS, France
Prof Alice Robbin, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Program co-chairs for multidisciplinary research
ProfTeresina Torre, Università diGenova, Italy
Prof Antoine L Harfouche, University of Tuscia, Italy
Doctoral consortium Chairs
Prof Sam Zaza, Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Prof Michel Philippart, EDHEC, France
Doctoral Consortium Participating Faculty
ProfJessy Nair, PESUniversity, India
Prof Mousa AlBashrawi, King Fahd University, KSA
Prof Elisabetta Magnaghi, Univ Catholique deLille, France
Chair of the French Session : Prof Pauline de Pechpeyrou, University
Paris EstCréteil, France
Chair of the poster session : Dr Ali Tarhini, Sultan QaboosUniversity, Oman
Antoine Harfouche, University Paris Nanterre, France
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