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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP SI: Business Analytics for the Management of
Information Systems Development
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 11:33:22 +0000
From: Dennehy, Denis <denis.dennehy(a)nuigalway.ie>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Special issue call for papers from Information Technology & People
Submission deadline: 30th September 2020
Special issue editors:
Denis Dennehy, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Email: denis.dennehy(a)nuigalway.ie<mailto:denis.dennehy@nuigalway.ie>
Ilias Pappas, University of Agder, Norway
Email: ilias.pappas(a)uia.no<mailto:%20ilias.pappas@uia.no>
Samuel Fossa Wamba, Toulouse Business School, France
Email: s.fosso-wamba(a)tbs-education.fr<mailto:s.fosso-wamba@tbs-education.fr>
Katina Michael, Arizona State University, USA
Email: katina.michael(a)asu.edu <mailto:katina.michael@asu.edu>
<mailto:katina.michael@asu.edu>Overview of Special Issue
Information Systems Development (ISD) has been part of the intellectual
core of information systems for over 40 years (Obrand et al., 2018;
Sidorova et al., 2008). Its chequered history of successes and failures
has, however, been an ongoing concern of the IS research community
(Dwivedi et al., 2015; Hassan & Mathiassen, 2017). Despite efforts to
improve the management of ISD projects, these efforts have not had the
desired effect (Lim et al., 2011). There is anecdotal evidence that
business analytics can help project managers to (i) understand the
dynamics and collective state of complex projects, (ii) detect and
forecast trends, (iii) improve the effectiveness of risk models, (iv)
evaluate the effectiveness of a change to the development process, and
(v) distinguish questions of ‘information’ from questions of ‘insight’
(Davenport et al., 2010).
Business analytics are frequently referred to as ‘the techniques,
technologies, systems, practices, methodologies, and applications that
analyse critical business data to help an enterprise better understand
its business and market and make timely decisions’ (Chen et al., 2012,
p.1166). Yet, much of the research conducted to date has focused on the
technologies of business analytics and not enough on the people and
their organisational context in which such technologies are intended to
be used (Abbasi et al, 2017; Conboy et al., 2018; Mikalef et al., 2019).
This is a significant limitation given that the ISD environment is a
highly metric oriented, complex, and socially embedded activity that is
continuously changing (Conboy, 2009; Kudaravalli et al., 2017; Windeler
et al., 2017).
This special issue seeks to collect contemporary research on the latest
developments and challenges of how organisations exploit business
analytics to support project/portfolio managers, project teams, and
other project stakeholders.
Indicative List of Anticipated Themes
This special issue seeks a wide range of articles that draw on diverse
project settings, theories, and approaches to understand the different
aspects of business analytics as applied to the context of ISD. The
following questions are of interest for the special issue:
• How can business analytics be used to better understand and manage ISD
• What value does business analytics provide to ISD management and
development teams?
• What tensions arise from the integration of business analytics with
traditional and agile methods and practices?
• What are the emerging best practices that enable business analytics to
be embedded within the ISD process and the wider organisation?
• Does the deployment of business analytics make existing agile methods
and practices less valuable or even obsolete?
• What new metrics and standards can business analytics provide to
manage and control ISD projects more effectively?
• How can business analytics enable organisational learning and
innovation in the context of ISD?
• How are business analytics being applied in various types
(distributed, large scale) of ISD projects?
• How can business analytics support the scaling of ISD projects?
• What are the change management and organisational cultural issues that
need to be considered when developing analytical capabilities?
• How can business analytics provide new ways of working in ISD projects?
• What ethical issues stem from the use of business analytics in ISD
• How can business analytics be used to support more effective decision
• What are the new theories and theoretical developments to explain the
implementation and use of business analytics in ISD projects?
These questions are not intended to be exhaustive. Rather they are
intended to stimulate thinking about the role of business analytics in
the management of ISD projects across various levels of analysis - from
participants in individual projects through projects, programs,
portfolios, organisations, and the wider society. We welcome submissions
that address questions pertaining to all aspects of the intersection of
business analytics and ISD project management.
Important Dates:
• Initial paper submission deadline: 30th September, 2020
• First round authors notification: 30th November, 2020
• Invited revisions deadline: 31st January, 2021
• Second round authors notification: 31st March, 2021
• Final revision deadline: 31st May, 2021
• Final authors notification: 30th June, 2021
• Projected publication date: Winter 2021
Submission Details
To view the author guidelines for this journal, please visit:
Please submit your manuscript via our review website:
Abbasi, A., Sarker, S. and Chiang, R.H., 2016. Big data research in
information systems: Toward an inclusive research agenda. Journal of the
Association for Information Systems, 17(2), p.I.
Conboy, K., Dennehy, D., & O'Connor, M. (2018). ‘Big time’: An
examination of temporal complexity and business value in analytics.
Information & Management.
Conboy, K., 2009. Agility from first principles: Reconstructing the
concept of agility in information systems development. Information
Systems Research, 20(3), pp.329-354.
Chen, H., Chiang, R.H. and Storey, V.C., 2012. Business intelligence and
analytics: From big data to big impact. MIS Quarterly, 36(4).
Davenport, T.H., Harris, J. and Shapiro, J., 2010. Competing on talent
analytics. Harvard Business Review, 88(10), pp.52-58.
Dwivedi, Y.K., Wastell, D., Laumer, S., Henriksen, H.Z., Myers, M.D.,
Bunker, D., Elbanna, A., Ravishankar, M.N. and Srivastava, S.C., 2015.
Research on information systems failures and successes: Status update
and future directions. Information Systems Frontiers, 17(1), pp.143-157.
Hassan, N.R. and Mathiassen, L., 2018. Distilling a body of knowledge
for information systems development. Information Systems Journal, 28(1),
Kudaravalli, S., Faraj, S. and Johnson, S.L., 2017. A Configural
Approach to Coordinating Expertise in Software Development Teams. MIS
Quarterly, 41(1).
Lim, E.P., Chen, H. and Chen, G., 2013. Business intelligence and
analytics: Research directions. ACM Transactions on Management
Information Systems (TMIS), 3(4), p.17.
Mikalef, P., Boura, M., Lekakos, G., & Krogstie, J. (2019). Big data
analytics capabilities and innovation: the mediating role of dynamic
capabilities and moderating effect of the environment. British Journal
of Management, 30(2), 272-298.
Sidorova, A., Evangelopoulos, N., Valacich, J.S. and Ramakrishnan, T.,
2008. Uncovering the intellectual core of the information systems
discipline. MIS Quarterly, pp.467-482.
Öbrand, L., Augustsson, N.P., Mathiassen, L. and Holmström, J., 2019.
The interstitiality of IT risk: An inquiry into information systems
development practices. Information Systems Journal, 29(1), pp.97-118.
Windeler, J.B., Maruping, L. and Venkatesh, V., 2017. Technical systems
development risk factors: The role of empowering leadership in lowering
developers’ stress. Information Systems Research, 28(4), pp.775-796.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP ACIS 2020 (virtual): Information Security
Management and Privacy Track
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 22:10:08 +0000
From: Sean Maynard <sean.maynard(a)unimelb.edu.au>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Conference Theme: Navigating our Digital Future (He waka eke noa - We
are all in this together)
Track: Information Security Management and Privacy
ACIS is the premier conference in Australasia for Information Systems.
In 2020, ACIS will be hosted by the School of Information Management,
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
ACIS 2020 is going virtual. We are committing ourselves to provide an
interactive online experience for our attendees. We cordially invite you
to submit a paper. Our Paper submissions close on 10 August 2020. If
your paper is accepted, your work will be published in the conference
proceedings, and you are welcome to present it virtually. Please see the
following link for further details: https://www.acis2020.org/covid19-update
Organisations and society in general are faced by challenges around
digital technology innovation, and the rapid, large scale change that it
brings. Whilst some organisations have achieved unprecedented levels of
productivity and profit as a result of embracing digital transformation,
many have not. Emerging cyber threats arising from the new competitive
environment are the theft of intellectual property and disruption of
business continuity. Risks to organisations are exacerbated by the
unprecedented scale at which competitive information and knowledge is
being collected and analysed by organisations and the increased
vulnerabilities from the rapid integration of new and complex
technologies into the digital environment such as the internet of
things. The Information Security Management and Privacy track focuses on
how organisations and society can protect themselves considering the
disruption caused by digital technology.
This track welcomes empirical and rich theoretical papers that provide
interesting insights on these and other issues in the IS sphere from an
information security management and privacy perspective. The track
welcomes design science, empirical, economic, managerial, behavioural,
and theoretical submissions across a diverse range of topics—from
technical management aspects to broader social and managerial issues at
the individual, organizational, or societal levels. We invite
theoretical perspectives from behavioural, organizational, cognitive,
cultural, socio-technical, or other lenses for analysis of these issues.
Adoption, use, and continuance of information security technologies and
Cross-cultural issues in IS security and privacy
Cyberwarfare and cybersecurity
Design and development of information security and privacy enhancing
Incident response and investigations of security violations
Information security strategy and governance
Knowledge leakage
Legal, societal, and ethical issues in IS security and privacy
Risk analysis and management, risk and fraud assessment
Security and privacy concerning social media, social networking, big
data, the IoT or mobile devices
Security analytics
Security, Education, Training, and Awareness (SETA) programs and campaigns
Social engineering and human risks, including the role of employees and
Theoretical and empirical analyses of information security behaviours
and on information, user, and customer privacy
- Paper Submission Deadline: 10 Aug 2020
- Paper Acceptance Decision: 30 Sept 2020
- ACIS2020 Conference: 1-4 Dec 2020 (New Zealand Daylight Time)
Sean MAYNARD, The University of Melbourne, seanbm(a)unimelb.edu.au
Nik THOMPSON, Curtin University, nik.thompson(a)curtin.edu.au
Atif AHMAD, The University of Melbourne, atif(a)unimelb.edu.au
Dr Sean Maynard | Course Director, Master of Information Systems (MIS) :
CRICOS: 055847J
School of Computing and Information Systems, Melbourne School of
Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, 3010. W:
http://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/seanbm/, LinkedIn:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/seanbm69/ unimelb.edu.au |
facebook.com/unimelb | twitter.com/unimelb
(With apologies for cross-posting.)
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Special Issue of Journal of Information
Systems Education (JISE) on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 11:19:31 +0000
From: Lang, Michael <michael.lang(a)nuigalway.ie>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE) invites submissions
for a Special Issue titled “Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS
This special issue is interested in the intersections between issues
such as gender, ethnicity, culture, (dis)ability, socioeconomic status,
family lifecycle stage, and age, and how they relate to information
systems education or the use of technology in education.
Submitted articles may be full research papers, systematic literature
reviews, teaching cases, or practical teaching tips. Discursive opinion
pieces are also welcome, with preference given to multi-authored
contributions that include assenting and dissenting views. It is hoped
that the selected papers will represent a broad and varied mix with
several regions of the world represented.
Papers for this special issue are due on September 30, 2020 (extensions
considered on a case by case basis). Prospective authors are welcome to
submit an abstract to the Guest Editors for preliminary feedback on the
appropriateness of their planned manuscript.
Further details about topics, submission guidelines, timelines, etcetera
are available on the JISE website at
Guest Editors
Michael Lang, NUI Galway, Ireland (Michael.Lang(a)nuigalway.ie)
Mark Freeman, University of Wollongong, Australia
Gaye Kiely, University College Cork, Ireland
Amy Woszczynski, Kennesaw State University, USA
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - Springer Social Network Analysis and Mining
(SNAM) - Special Issue on Tackling COVID-19 Infodemic
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 21:05:11 -0700
From: Kai Shu <kshu(a)iit.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CC: Miriam Metzger <metzger(a)ucsb.edu>, Huan Liu <huanliu(a)asu.edu>
*Call For Papers*
Social Network Analysis and Mining - Special Issue on Tackling COVID-19
Website: https://www.springer.com/journal/13278/updates/18175124
While the COVID-19 pandemic continues its global devastation, numerous
accompanying challenges emerge. One important challenge is to efficiently
and effectively use recently gathered data and find computational tools to
combat the COVID-19 infodemic. An infodemic is an overabundance of
information – some accurate and some not – occurring during an epidemic.
Rampant conspiracy theories, disinformation, misinformation, and various
types of scams can spread fast by taking advantage of human gullibility,
fear, and ignorance. Therefore, there is a pressing need to manage the
infodemic to help people find trustworthy information and reliable guidance
during this global public health crisis. AI for Good holds a lot of
potential for solving societal problems including combating the infodemic,
while challenges remain. It is important to integrate theories from
different disciplines to help with the COVID-19 crisis.
In this special issue, we provide an interdisciplinary forum for
researchers and practitioners to combat the COVID-19 infodemic. We expect
novel research to study the understanding, detection, mitigation, and
measurement of the COVID-19 infodemic and potential future outbreaks. To
facilitate further research in COVID-19 infodemic, this special issue
welcomes interdisciplinary research articles, new open-access datasets,
repositories, and benchmarks, broadening research on crisis informatics and
its development.
*Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:*
- Disinformation/misinformation detection and mitigation
- Fact-checking and credibility assessment
- Computational tools to understand, measure and contain infodemic
- Diffusion and intervention of infodemic
- Bias, transparency, and fairness
- Economical impacts of infodemic
- Infodemic monitoring across countries, regions, and cultures
- Individual and societal impacts of COVID-19 infodemic
- Epidemiology, public health, and infodemic
- Psychology, marketing, and behavioral insights
- Data science, applied maths, and physics for infodemic
- Society, ethics, trust, and governance for infodemic
- Attribution and source tracing of COVID-19 infodemic
- Spatio-temporal infodemic analysis
- Social network analysis
- AI for COVID-19
- Sociological and psychological analysis of infodemic
- COVID-19 infodemic datasets, benchmarks, and repositories
*Submission Instructions*
Articles reporting original and unpublished research results pertaining to
the above topics are solicited. We welcome two types of research
(1) Research manuscripts reporting novel methodologies and results (up to
20 pages);
(2) Benchmark, Datasets, Repositories, and Demonstration Systems (up to 8
Submitted articles will follow an academic review process. Manuscripts must
be prepared according to the instruction for authors available at the
journal webpage and submitted through the publisher's online submission
system, available at https://www.editorialmanager.com/snam/default.aspx.
Please note: when submitting, please choose the correct special issue, i.e.
"*SI: Tackling COVID-19 Infodemic*".
*Important Dates*
Submission deadline: *October 15, 2020*
Notification: November 25, 2020
Camera-ready deadline: December 30, 2020
*Guest Editors *
Kai Shu, Illinois Institute of Technology, kshu(a)iit.edu
Miriam Metzger, University of California, Santa Barbara, metzger(a)ucsb.edu
Huan Liu, Arizona State University, huanliu(a)asu.edu
All questions can be directed to Kai Shu at kshu(a)iit.edu.
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] FINTECH: The COVID-19 Impact and Opportunities for
Economic Growth
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 08:27:40 +0000
From: O'Leary, Kevin <kevin.oleary(a)ucc.ie>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Guest Editor: Phil O'Reilly and Kevin O'Leary
Abstract Deadline: August 28, 2020
Article Deadline: October 1, 2020
The current pandemic has accelerated a shift toward digital
transformation and underscored the necessity of having a robust digital
infrastructure in place to support operations and a digital platform and
business model to serve customers. Many of those who fared well in the
financial services industry were already equipped with innovative,
digital business models to support their customer’s financial needs. An
upcoming issue of Cutter Business Technology Journal will explore the
impact of COVID-19 on financial institutions, and the opportunities
afforded by Fintech to influence economic growth.
Articles ideas may include, but are not limited, to the following:
* How are Fintech businesses thriving over traditional financial
institutions during this pandemic?
* What digital platforms are playing a critical role in the ability of
financial institutions to navigate COVID-19, continue business
operations, and sustain growth?
* What role can digital technologies play in helping financial
organizations survive and thrive in the new normal?
* What new financial strategies and operating models will enable
businesses to respond to the digital disruption of COVID-disrupted
traditional business models?
* What lessons can be learned from this crisis and applied to future
financial business models/operating practices? How can business
resilience be improved?
* What new Fintech innovations were launched successfully during the
COVID-19 crisis?
* What new Fintech technology research/innovations are in the works?
* What challenges were met by financial institutions during the pandemic
and how were they addressed?
* How did COVID-19 impact Fintech businesses/traditional banking?
* What have the unique impacts of COVID-19 been on financial services in
developing nations and how can they accelerate digitization to be better
prepared in the future?
* How did COVID-19 impact digital payments; remittance services?
* How were payment and settlement systems disrupted?
* How can SMEs recover with the use of fintech technologies?
* What operational risks were encountered during the pandemic such as
the unavailability of critical staff, system capacity constraints,
cybersecurity risk, FX volatility?
* How can a digital workplace be created?
* What new Fintech partnerships can we expect to see? What competitive
advantage will they gain from these new partnerships?
* What will the future of consumer banking look like?
* How can Fintech help the gig economy and the underbanked?
ARTICLE IDEAS. Please send article ideas (short paragraph/outline
format) to Christine
(cgenerali(a)cutter.com). Accepted articles due October 1, 2020. Final
article length is typically 2,000-3,500 words plus graphics. More
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 22nd Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2020) - Chiang Mai, Thailand
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 11:15:39 +0200
From: Ismail Khalil <ismail.khalil(a)jku.at>
To: ISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 22nd International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2020)
30 November - 2 December 2020
Chiang Mai, Thailand
email: iiWAS2020(a)iiwas.org
Paper submission:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iiwas2020
******* Collecting, Processing, Analysing and Storing Data/Information
to Support Human Activities *********
**** Important Dates *****
1 August 2020 : Full Papers (10 pages), Short papers, demos and work in
progress (5 pages)
25 September 2020: Acceptance Notification
20 October 2020: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
30 Nov - 2 Dec 2020: Conference Dates
***** Publication *****
ALL accepted iiWAS2020 papers will be published by ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series and the supplemental proceedings (ISBN:
pending ) which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and indexed
by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson
Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).
Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be published, after
revision and extension, in special issues of international journals.
**** Scope *****
Data and information are crucial in providing evidence based decision
making in many aspect of human activities, as an individual or as a
group. The way information and communication technology are used to
collect, process, analysis and store data has always evolves. New
techniques are invented, existing techniques are improved and old
techniques are integrated to the new. Each of these provided some
challenges and opportunities to our research community in finding the
best way to meet these challenges. iiWAS provides research community
with the opportunity to share and discuss their ideas.
Recently, iiWAS has been held in Munich (2019), Yogyakarta (2018),
Salzburg (2017), Singapore (2016), Brussels (2015), Hanoi (2014), Vienna
(2013), Bali (2012), Ho Chi Minh City (2011), Paris (2010), Kuala Lumpur
(2009), and Linz (2008). This year, iiWAS2020, will be held in Chiang
Mai, Thailand, the city centre for northern Thailand arts and cultures
**** Submissions *****
iiWAS accepted four different types of contributions:
- Original theoretical work: The contributions are expected to show
original work that provide foundations to further progress research in
the area. Rigorous proofs and/or performance measurements are expected
for this type of contribution.
- Real life case study: The contributions are expected to show a real
life case study of an adopted concept and technology. The analysis of
the case study should provide an original insight and findings, backing
up by data collected from experiments and/or observation.
- Experimental work: The contributions are expected to show reporting of
rigorous comparative experiments of existing algorithms/systems to
provide insight to the current state of the art in a research domain.
- Lessons learnt reports: The contributions are expected to show lessons
learnt from adoption of complex technology integration or implementation.
***** Topics *****
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Big data
- Cloud data management
- NoSQL databases
- Crowdsourcing
- Social networks analysis
- Sensors data management
- Data Mining
- Semantic Web and Ontology
- Search and Information Technology
- Query Language and Processing
- Advanced web technology and application
- Spatial data storage, query and processing
- Health informatics
- Education informatics
- Data Integration, Metadata Management, and Interoperability
- Distributed, parallel and cloud databases
- Social media analytics and processing
- Data modelling and analysis
- Big data processing
- Web content analysis, semantic and knowledge
- Data systems integration
- Data connectivity in internet of things
- Blockchain Technologies
- Linked Open Data
- Deep/Hidden Web
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF through the conference
website. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers
that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a
journal or a conference with proceedings. Submitted papers will be
subject to stringent peer review by at least three members of the
international program committee and carefully evaluated based on
originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of
exposition. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to
be published by ACM. Format requirements for submissions of papers are:
- Maximum 10 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all
figures and references for Full Technical papers. - Maximum 5 pages,
including the abstract (no more than 150 words), all figures and
references for Short Position Papers.
- All submissions should be formatted according to ACM guidelines
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System
**** Awards ****
iiWAS2020 best paper awards and student paper awards will be conferred
on the authors at the conference.
**** Past Conferences ****
ACM Digital library: https://dl.acm.org/conference/iiwas
DBLP: http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/iiwas/
**** PC Members *****
*** Contact ***** Maria Indrawan-Santiago, Program Committee Chair,
Monash University, Australia
Eric Pardede, Program Committee CoChair, La Trobe University, Australia
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] Reminder: CfP 2nd Int. Workshop on Conceptual Modeling
for Distributed Ledger Technologies
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 18:07:12 +0200
From: Hans-Georg Fill <hans-georg.fill(a)unifr.ch>
Reply-To: Hans-Georg Fill <hans-georg.fill(a)unifr.ch>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
** sorry for cross-postings **
2nd International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Distributed Ledger
Technologies (MOD-DLT)
Co-located with the 39th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling
Technical University of Vienna, Austria (November 3-6, 2020)
Workshop website:
* Hans-Georg Fill, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
* Julius Köpke, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Austria
* Felix Härer, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
* Submission deadline: July 27, 2020
* Workshop author notification: August 17, 2020
* Camera-ready version: September 7, 2020
Aims and Scope
Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) have recently gained much
attention in academia and industry. Well-known examples are
blockchain-based approaches for cryptocurrencies or smart contracts for
the automated, distributed and transparent execution of algorithms
without intermediaries. For introducing these technologies in real-life
enterprise scenarios it is however essential to align them with business
requirements and show their added value. For this purpose, methods of
conceptual modeling can contribute for enabling the communication in
organizations, deriving and aligning requirements for technical
implementations or even creating code that can be executed using DLT. In
this workshop we thus aim to bring together researchers working on the
interface between conceptual modeling and DLT for presenting and
discussing their most recent research results. The workshop will be held
for the second time in the context of the ER'2020 conference in Vienna,
Topics for this workshop include but are not limited to the following:
* Domain-specific modeling languages for blockchains and smart contracts
* Modeling the strategy, processes and implementation of decentralized
* Enterprise architecture models utilizing DLT infrastructure
* Business process and workfow modeling and execution on the blockchain
* Modeling approaches for blockchains, smart contracts and decentralized
applications (DApps)
* Model-driven engineering and generative approaches for blockchains and
smart contracts
* Attestation and identity for blockchains and smart contracts utilizing
conceptual models
* Collaborative modeling approaches using blockchain and DLT infrastructures
* Blockchains and DLT infrastructure for managing, versioning and
collaborating on models
* Privacy, anonymity and data protection for enterprise models supported
by blockchains
* Value creation and supply chain models for decentralized value creation
* Visualization of DLT infrastructure, blockchain transactions and smart
contracts using conceptual models
Submissions and Formatting Guidelines
Since the proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series,
authors must submit manuscripts using the LNCS style. The page limit for
submitted papers (as well as for final, camera-ready papers) is 10.
Manuscripts not submitted in the LNCS style or exceeding the page limit
will not be reviewed and automatically rejected. Authors should consult
Springer's authors' guidelines
and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX
(ftp://ftp.springernature.com/cs-proceeding/llncs/llncs2e.zip) or for
for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to
include their ORCIDs in their papers.
In case of acceptance, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on
behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign this
Consent-to-Publish form
The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the
corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent
to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be
The papers will be peer-reviewed by an international program committee.
The best papers will be invited for extended submissions in the
gold-open access EMISAJ journal. Please use the following link for your
submissions: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=moddlt2
Program Committee
* Marco Comuzzi, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
* Claudio Di Ciccio, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
* Peter Fettke, Saarland University and DFKI, Germany
* Luciano García-Bañuelos, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
* Georg Grossmann, University of South Australia, Australia
* Qinghua, Lu CSIRO, Australia
* Giovanni Meroni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Oscar Pastor, University of Valencia, Spain
* Edy Portmann, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
* Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna, Austria
* Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
* Luca Spalazzi, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
* Susanne Strahringer, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
* Ingo Weber, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
* Mathias Weske, HPI, University of Potsdam, Germany
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 2020 Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems
Security Research
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 15:27:06 +0000
From: Chen, Rui [ISBA] <ruichen(a)iastate.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear colleagues:
This is a friendly reminder that paper submission of the 2020 Dewald
Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research will close on
August 1st.
This year, the workshop will be held as a virtual conference. Paper
authors and the audience will interact during live WebEx meetings. Both
Completed Research and Early-Stage Research are welcome. High quality
papers will be fast tracked to the AIS Transactions on Human-Computer
Interaction. The workshop registration fee is $35. We provide a number
of registration fee waiver for PhD student participants.
Beside research presentations, the workshop features speeches by:
* Professor Arun Rai, Editor-in-Chief, MIS Quarterly
* Meg Anderson, Chief Information Security Officer, Principal Financial
Details of the workshop are available below:
Rui Chen
Iowa State University
The 2020 Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research
IFIP WG8.11/WG11.13 Friday October 2 – Saturday October 3, 2020
The 12th Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research
will continue the efforts to advance the discipline of information
systems security through the creation, dissemination, and preservation
of well-formed research, following the success of the first eleven
Information Systems Security Research Workshops (University of Cape
Town, 2009; Bentley University, 2010; Virginia Tech, 2011; Brigham Young
University, 2012; University at Buffalo, 2013; Newcastle University,
2014; University of Delaware, 2015; University of New Mexico, 2016;
University of South Florida, 2017; University of Cape Town, 2018;
Louisiana Tech University, 2019).
The active discussions in the workshop are intended to provide
participants specific and actionable feedback on their research. We
anticipate that this process will facilitate the successful development
of workshop papers for further consideration at important journals (See
https://ifip.byu.edu/ for past DRW papers which have been published in
journals). High quality papers will be fast tracked to the AIS
Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction. Selection for the workshop
is competitive, and only authors of the accepted papers and the active
working group members will be invited to participate.
Anchoring the workshop to information systems means that the research
will attend to and extend the social, organizational, and managerial
literature in the focal area. Note that this is not an appropriate venue
for papers with a purely technical, design-science, or econometric
approach. While we assume an effective foundation in information
security technology, we regard information systems risk broadly, for
example, computer crime, employee misconduct, cyber warfare, cyber
terrorism, human error and/or accident, natural events, etc. We also
address information systems security broadly, for example, policies and
policy compliance, diverse security behaviors, privacy, awareness,
strategy, audit, planning and control. These and related research topics
will be the focus of this workshop.
The 2020 Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research
Topics may include (but are not limited to):
• Theoretical and empirical analyses of information security behavior
• Adoption, use, and continuance of information security technologies
and policies
• Compliance with information security and privacy policies, procedures,
and regulations
• Investigations of computer crime and security violations
• Motivators and inhibitors of employee computer crime
• Forensic analysis of security breaches and computer crimes
• Individual, organizational, and group information privacy concerns and
• Legal, societal, and ethical issues in information security
• Neurosecurity (NeuroIS) investigations of information security behavior
• Behavioral analyses of design science treatments enhancing or
balancing security and privacy tradeoffs
Honorary Chair
Joey George, Iowa State University
General Chair
Rui (Ray) Chen, Iowa State University
Program Co-Chairs (in alphabetic order)
Mala Kaul, University of Nevada, Reno
Mark J Keith, Brigham Young University
Yuan Li, University of Tennessee
Submission deadline (extended): August 1, 2020
Notification to authors: September 1, 2020
Attending participants must register by September 15, 2020
Deadline for final papers: September 15, 2020 (to be distributed to
workshop attendees in advance)
Click here to submit your paper:
Manuscripts will be prescreened by the program chairs to ensure that all
papers sent to reviewers are reasonably complete, well-formed, and
appropriate to the scope and mission of the workshop. Double blind
reviews will follow for prescreened papers. No requirement on paper
length or formatting style. Authors should designate below the title
whether the manuscript is being submitted as “early stage” or “completed
papers.” Manuscripts must be anonymous for the review process.
In recognition that the review process greatly relies upon a scarce
resource of the services of reviewers, authors, by the act of
submission, are implicitly promising to serve as a reviewer on one to
two conference papers, if requested.
For general questions about the workshop, please contact Rui (Ray) Chen
at ruichen(a)iastate.edu
For questions about the program, please contact Mala Kaul
(mkaul(a)unr.edu), Mark J Keith (mark.keith(a)gmail.com), or Yuan Li
The Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University sponsors this event.
The IFIP Working Group 8.11/11.13 holds The Dewald Roode Workshop on
Information Systems Security Research annually. WG 8.11/11.13 (Allen
Johnston, Chair; Manish Agrawal, Vice Chair) is the IFIP Working Group
on Information Systems Security Research. Please visit
http://ifip.byu.edu for more information on the IFIP Working Group
8.11/11.13 and for past workshop proceedings.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: ModComp'20 (at MoDELS): 7th
International Workshop on Interplay of Model-Driven and Component-Based
Software Engineering
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 16:47:50 +0200
From: Andreas Wortmann <wortmann(a)se-rwth.de>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
ModComp'20 (at MoDELS): 7th International Workshop on Interplay of
Model-Driven and Component-Based Software Engineering
Deadline for papers submission: 26 July, 2020
Notification of acceptance: 21 August, 2020
Camera ready: 28 August, 2020
Online pre-proceedings: 01 October, 2020
Workshop date (TBD): 18-20 October, 2020
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and Component-Based Software
Engineering (CBSE) have been shown to effectively reduce software
development complexity by (i) shifting the focus from source code to
models and (ii) building software systems as the composition of new
and existing components, respectively. Moreover, the interplay of MDE
and CBSE approaches is gaining recognition as a very promising means
to boost the development of software systems by reducing costs and
risks and shorten time-to-market.
While several attempts to effectively combine MDE and CBSE have been
documented, there are still unsolved clashes arising when exploiting
interplay of MDE and CBSE, mostly due to mismatches in the related
terminology as well as to differences in their basic essence.
As a satellite event of MoDELS'20, the goal of ModComp’20 is to gather
researchers and practitioners to share opinions, propose solutions to
open challenges and generally explore the frontiers of interweaving
between MDE and CBSE.
Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:
- Partial model reuse and composition: once individual components are
modelled (interfaces and behavior), these models should be reusable in
the different usage contexts of these components. Moreover, it should
be possible to build a system model by composition of pre-existing
models of individual components;
- Component/module-based versioning: in order to handle evolution when
for instance one component is upgraded to a newer version;
- Modelling component interaction and component behaviours: clear
separation of internal behaviour and externally visible interaction
capabilities, e.g. by interface protocols;
- Model extraction for componentization of legacy systems: when legacy
systems are componentized, generation of architectural and behavioural
models from, e.g., implementation artefacts is needed in order to get
full support from model-based activities such as analysis, e.g. if
those components are reused in a new context. Along with
implementation artefacts, other kinds of information regarding any
observation of the system at runtime, such as, e.g., log files, system
execution traces, traces, might need to be considered for reverse
- Component interoperability: in order to enable the automated
construction of semantic matching and mapping between different
modelling notations (e.g., component models) with emphasis on precise
syntactic, protocol and operational descriptions of components;
- Management and elicitation of modular interdependencies in models:
to infer and support automated reasoning on the possible
interdependencies between the different software models exploited
throughout the software life cycle;
- Evolution of component models: tackling challenges in component
models evolution and model co-evolution which are amplified by the
high degree of interchangeability typical of CBSE;
- Model transformations in presence of third-party components:
exploring how model-driven techniques may deal with third-party
components, especially concerning the preservation of system
properties (both functional and extra-functional) along the involved
model manipulations for e.g. analysis, code generation, etc;
- (Meta)model and model transformation modularity: reasoning on issues
related to composability of (i) metamodels, (ii) views in terms of
(meta)model portions, (iii) transformation portions from different
languages, and (iv) transformation rules;
- Composition of (meta)models and model transformations: model
transformations, and/or (meta)model viewpoints could take advantage of
CBSE advancements in order to ease their reuse, and composition;
- Enforcement of incrementality: models and model manipulations to
support incremental verification and validation of component-based
- Case studies, applications, tool demo: best practices applied to
real world applications, lessons learned, success/failure stories in
intertwining MDE and CBSE.
ModComp'20 welcomes research papers, experience papers and tool
presentations; nevertheless, papers describing novel research
contributions and innovative applications are of particular interest.
Two types of submission are solicited: full and short papers.
- Full papers: with a maximum of 10 pages, including figures,
appendices AND references), full papers clearly describe the situation
or the problem tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or
solution suggested and the potential benefits of the contribution.
Systematic and empirical reports are welcome too.
- Short papers: with a maximum of 5 pages, including figures,
appendices AND references, short papers include tool demonstrations,
position papers, industrial experiences and case-studies,
well-pondered and sufficiently documented visionary papers. Tools in
demonstrations should be made available for use to the reviewers.
Contributions should represent original and previously unpublished
ideas that are currently not under review in any conference or
journal. Each submitted paper undergoes a formal peer review process
by a minimum of 3 Program Committee members. Submitted papers should
include authors' names, affiliations and contact information.
Special issue at SoSyM: We plan to organize a theme issue at SoSyM to
which the best papers from the workshop will be invited for being
submitted in extended form. The extended papers would undergo a new
peer-reviewing process.
Workshop organizers and chairs
Federico Ciccozzi (main contact), Mälardalen University (Sweden)
Antonio Cicchetti, Mälardalen University (Sweden)
Andreas Wortmann, RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
Website: http://www.es.mdh.se/ModComp/
Main contact: Federico Ciccozzi, federico.ciccozzi[at]mdh.se
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Short Papers (International FinTech,
InsurTech & Blockchain Forum 2020 | Nov. 13th | Zurich) -- Submission
Deadline: October 15, 2020.
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 15:59:04 +0200
From: Thomas Puschmann <thomas.puschmann(a)uzh.ch>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
** Call for Short Papers: International FinTech, InsurTech & Blockchain
** Website: www.fintech-forum.org <http://www.fintech-forum.org/>**
** Submission Deadline: October 15, 2020**
** Location: Zurich, Switzerland; Dates: Nov. 13, 2020 **
The "International FinTech, InsurTech and Blockchain Forum" invites
short papers for submission. All submissions should be formatted as
five-page extended abstracts (up to 4 pages for content and 1 page for
literature). As we want to foster a diversity of innovative ideas from
a broad variety of disciplines and research fields, submissions may
refer to work that is recently published, is currently under review
elsewhere, or in preparation, and may link to content of one publicly
accessible paper. However, each submission will be evaluated solely on
the submitted abstract, which must therefore comprise an entirely
self-contained description of the work.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Theories of fintech, insurtech, blockchain and the internet of value
Reference models for fintech, insurtech, blockchain and the internet of
value Architectures for fintech, insurtech, blockchain and the internet
of value Fintech, insurtech and blockchain technologies and standards
Applications for fintech, insurtech, blockchain and the internet of
value techfin / bigtech
Cryptocurrencies, digital currencies, central bank digital currencies
Token economy
Novel ways of asset and investment management
Smart contracts Financial peer-to-peer markets Digital identity and data
privacy Regulatory technology Digital client relationships in financial
services Social and robo advisory models Fintech-enabled business models
Financial inclusion
Future financial services ecosystems Future financial market infrastructures
Green fintech, sustainable digital finance
Important dates:
October 15th: Submission Deadline
October 30th: Paper Acceptance Information
November 13th: Conference and Paper Session
More information can be found here:
On behalf of the Program Committee:
Thomas Puschmann (University of Zurich)
Douglas Arner (University of Hong Kong)
Markus K. Brunnermeier (Princeton University)
Damir Filipovic (EPFL)
Urs Gasser (Harvard University)
Kay Giesecke (Stanford University)
Terrence Hendershott (University of California at Berkeley)
Thorsten Hens (University of Zurich)
Michael G. Jacobides (London Business School)
William J. Knottenbelt (Imperial College)
Alex (Sandy) Pentland (MIT)
Raghavendra Rau (University of Cambridge)
Burkhard Stiller (University of Zurich)
Nir Vulkan (University of Oxford)
Rolf H. Weber (University of Zurich)
David L. Yermack (NYU Stern School of Business)
J. Leon Zhao (City University of Hong Kong)
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