-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Last CFP 14th Multi Conference on Computer Science
and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2020)
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2020 12:16:12 -0500
From: nat(a)iadis.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and
- MCCSIS 2020 CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline for submissions (last call): 18
June 2020 -
14th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS
21 to 25 July 2020
* IMPORTANT: Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the conference
will now be held online via Zoom.
The Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2020
(MCCSIS 2020) aims to address subjects like Computer Science, Information
Systems and other emergent related fields. The multi conference has
different conferences according to several themes.
* Conferences part of the MCCSIS 2020:
- e-Learning 2020 - eL2020 (http://www.elearning-conf.org/)
- Theory and Practice in Modern Computing 2020 - TPMC2020
- Game and Entertainment Technologies 2020 - GET2020
- ICT, Society, and Human Beings 2020 – ICT2020 (http://www.ict-conf.org/)
- Web Based Communities and Social Media 2020 - WBC2020
- Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2020 - IHCI2020
- Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing
2020 - CGVCVIP2020 (http://www.cgv-conf.org/)
- e-Health 2020 - eH2020 (http://www.ehealth-conf.org/)
- Connected Smart Cities 2020 – CSC2020 (http://www.smartcities-conf.org/)
- Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence 2020 –
BigDaCI2020 (http://www.bigdaci.org/)
* Paper Submission
These are blind peer-reviewed conferences. Authors are invited to submit
their papers in English through each conferences’ submissions system by
June 18, 2020. Submissions must be original and should not have been
published previously.
* Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline (last call): 18 June 2020
- Notification to Authors (last call): 3 July 2020
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (last call): Until
10 July 2020
- Late Registration (last call): After 10 July 2020
* Paper Publication
The papers will be published in book and electronic format with ISBN, will
be made available through the Digital Library available at
The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexation by IET’s
INSPEC, Elsevier, EI Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters Web of Science,
ERIC, EBSCO and other important indexing services.
Selected authors of best papers will be invited to submit extended
versions of their papers to selected journals (i.e. IADIS International
Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems - ISSN: 1646-3692).
Best papers will also be invited to submit for review extended versions
for potential publication in journals from INDERSCIENCE Publishers.
* Organized by: International Association for Development of the
Information Society
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] IJDSST CFP - SPECIAL ISSUE ON Group Decision-Making
Support Systems for Pandemic Crises
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2020 15:57:40 +0000
From: Jose Manuel Mora Tavarez <jose.mora(a)edu.uaa.mx>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Fen Wang <Fen.Wang(a)cwu.edu>, jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de
<jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de>, Gloria Wren <gwren(a)loyola.edu>
SUBMISSION DUE DATE: December 15, 2020
SPECIAL ISSUE ON Group Decision-Making Support Systems for Pandemic Crises
International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST)
Group Decision-Making Support Systems (GDMSS) have been widely
investigated and used from their origins in the '80s-'90s decades
(Huber, 1984; DeSanctis and Gallupe, 1987; Nunamaker et al; 1987; Gray,
1987; Dickson et al., 1993; Fjermestad and Hiltz, 1998), and until
nowadays (Gray et al., 2011; Zarate et al., 2013; Mora et al., 2014;
Carneiro et al., 2019; Sakka et al., 2019; Ghavami et al., 2019;
Aghazadeh and Padoano, 2020).
GDMSS have been proposed for supporting critical group decisions
demanded from high- social and economic impact events (Belardo and
Harrald, 1992; Jefferson and Harrald, 2007; Levy and Taji, 2007; Xu et
al., 2015). Furthermore, GDMSS have also supported the group decisions
required in the healthcare sector in the last 30 years ago (Hatcher,
1990; Liu et al., 2018).
Nowadays, the worldwide COVID-19 crisis with the highest impacts on
public health, economic and social dimensions have challenged (Liu et
al., 2020) the group decision-making process and GDMSS that can provide
effective, efficient and systemic-view support including the impacted
health, economic, and social dimensions among other relevant ones
(Rehfuess et al., 2019; Portela et al., 2019). Furthermore, relevant
studies have reported critical misconceptions on public governmental
decisions that occurred due to the utilization of a single pandemic
modeling perspective (Ionnadis, 2020), which calls for more systemically
designed GDMSS (Luke and Stamatakis, 2012; Araz, 2013).
Consequently, whereas there is a vast availability of GDMSS, the
COVID-19 crisis has revealed that updated GDMSS concepts, frameworks,
methods and technologies (Hevner et al., 2004; Arnott and Pervan, 2014),
from a systemic perspective, are required to address effectively,
efficiently, and ethically a group decision-making process conducted by
policymakers in the context of a pandemic crisis (WHO, 2009; Moghadas et
al., 2009; Moberg et al., 2018; Shearer et al., 2020; Squazzoni et al.,
2020; Aghazadeh and Padoano, 2020).
Aghazadeh, A., and Padoano, E. (2020). A Literature Review of the
Concepts of Resilience and Sustainability in Group Decision-Making.
Sustainability, 12(7), 2602.
Araz, O. M. (2013). Integrating complex system dynamics of pandemic
influenza with a multi-criteria decision making model for evaluating
public health strategies. Journal of Systems Science and Systems
Engineering, 22(3), 319-339.
Arnott, D., and Pervan, G. (2014). A Critical Analysis of Decision
Support Systems Research Revisited: The Rise of Design Science. Journal
of Information Technology, 29(4), 269-293.
Belardo, S., and Harrald, J. (1992). A framework for the application of
group decision support systems to the problem of planning for
catastrophic events. IEEE transactions on Engineering Management, 39(4),
Carneiro, J., Saraiva, P., Conceicao, L., Santos, R., Marreiros, G., and
Novais, P. (2019). Predicting satisfaction: perceived decision quality
by decision-makers in web-based group decision support systems.
Neurocomputing, 338, 399-417.
DeSanctis, G., and Gallupe, R. B. (1987). A foundation for the study of
group decision support systems. Management Science, 33(5), 589-609.
Dickson, G. W., Partridge, J. E. L., and Robinson, L. H. (1993).
Exploring modes of facilitative support for GDSS technology. MIS
Quarterly, 173-194.
Fjermestad, J, and Hiltz, S. R. (1998). An assessment of group support
systems experimental research: methodology and results. Journal of
Management Information Systems, 15(3), 7-149.
Ghavami, S. M., Maleki, J., and Arentze, T. (2019). A multi-agent
assisted approach for spatial Group Decision Support Systems: A case
study of disaster management practice. International Journal of Disaster
Risk Reduction, 38, 101223.
Gray, P. (1987). Group decision support systems. Decision support
systems, 3(3), 233-242.
Gray, P., Johansen, B., Nunamaker, J., Rodman, J., and Wagner, G. R.
(2011). GDSS past, present, and future. In Decision support (pp. 1-24).
Springer, New York, NY.
Hatcher, M. (1990). Uniqueness of group decision support systems (GDSS)
in medical and health applications. Journal of Medical Systems, 14(6),
Hevner, A. R., March, S. T., Park, J., and Ram, S. (2004). Design
science in information systems research. MIS Quarterly, 75-105.
Huber, G. P. (1984). Issues in the design of group decision support
systems. MIS Quarterly, 8(3), 195-204.
Ioannidis, J.P. (2020).Coronavirus disease 2019 - the harms of
exaggerated information and non-evidence-based measures. European
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 50(4), e13222.
Jefferson, T. I., and Harrald, J. R. (2007). Collaborative technology:
providing agility in response to extreme events. International Journal
of Electronic Governance, 1(1), 79-93.
Levy, J. K., and Taji, K. (2007). Group decision support for hazards
planning and emergency management: A Group Analytic Network Process
(GANP) approach. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 46(7-8), 906-917.
Liu, H. C., You, X. Y., Tsung, F., and Ji, P. (2018). An improved
approach for failure mode and effect analysis involving large group of
experts: an application to the healthcare field. Quality Engineering,
30(4), 762-775.
Liu, P., Zhong, X., and Yu, S. (2020). Striking a balance between
science and politics: understanding the risk-based policy-making process
during the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic in China. Journal of Chinese
Governance, 1-15.
Luke, D. A., and Stamatakis, K. A. (2012). Systems science methods in
public health: dynamics, networks, and agents. Annual Review of Public
Health, 33, 357-376.
Moberg, J., Oxman, A. D., Rosenbaum, S., Schünemann, H. J., Guyatt, G.,
Flottorp, S., ... and Alonso-Coello, P. (2018). The GRADE Evidence to
Decision (EtD) framework for health system and public health decisions.
Health Research Policy and Systems, 16(1), 45.
Moghadas, S. M., Pizzi, N. J., Wu, J., and Yan, P. (2009). Managing
public health crises: the role of models in pandemic preparedness.
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, 3(2), 75-79.
Mora, M., Phillips-Wren, G., and Wang, F. (2014). An integrative
evaluation framework for determining the value of group decision support
systems. Engineering Management Journal, 26(2), 24-38.
Nunamaker Jr, J. F., Applegate, L. M., and Konsynski, B. R. (1987).
Facilitating group creativity: Experience with a group decision support
system. Journal of Management Information Systems, 3(4), 5-19.
Portela, A., Tunçalp, Ö., and Norris, S. L. (2019). Taking a complexity
perspective when developing public health guidelines. Bulletin of the
World Health Organization, 97(4), 247.
Rehfuess, E. A., Stratil, J. M., Scheel, I. B., Portela, A., Norris, S.
L., and Baltussen, R. (2019). The WHO-INTEGRATE evidence to decision
framework version 1.0: integrating WHO norms and values and a complexity
perspective. BMJ Global Health, 4(Suppl 1), e000844.
Sakka, A., Bosetti, G., Grigera, J., Camilleri, G., Fernández, A.,
Zaraté, P., ... and Sautot, L. (2019). UX Challenges in GDSS: An
Experience Report. In International Conference on Group Decision and
Negotiation (pp. 67-79). Springer, Cham.
Shearer, F. M., Moss, R., McVernon, J., Ross, J. V., and McCaw, J. M.
(2020). Infectious disease pandemic planning and response: Incorporating
decision analysis. PLoS Medicine, 17(1).
Squazzoni, F., Polhill, J. G., Edmonds, B., Ahrweiler, P., Antosz, P.,
Scholz, G., ... and Gilbert, N. (2020). Computational models that matter
during a global pandemic outbreak: A call to action. Journal of
Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23(2).
WHO (2009). WHO Guide to identifying the Economic Consequences of
Disease and Injury. Department of Health Systems Financing
Health Systems and Services, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
Xu, X. H., Du, Z. J., and Chen, X. H. (2015). Consensus model for
multi-criteria large-group emergency decision making considering
non-cooperative behaviors and minority opinions. Decision Support
Systems, 79, 150-160.
Zaraté, P., Konate, J. and Camilleri, G. (2013) Collaborative Decision
Making Tools: A Comparative Study Based on Functionalities. (2013) In:
13th International Conference Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN 2013),
17-21 June, Stockholm, Sweden.
This special issue pursues to advance group decision-making methods and
tools to meet severe health, economic, and social challenges that
emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic crisis in this decade. High-quality
conceptual and empirical research papers are invited from the
international interdisciplinary scientific community interested in
helping to provide better group decision-making support to policymakers
in the context of a pandemic crisis.
Topics to be addressed in this special issue include (but are not
limited to) the following ones:
• Conceptual analysis of the WHO-INTEGRATE Evidence to Decision
Framework with a group decision-making perspective.
• Conceptual group decision-making methods derived from the
WHO-INTEGRATE Evidence to Decision Framework.
• Empirical designs and evaluations of GDMSS tools derived from the
WHO-INTEGRATE Evidence to Decision Framework.
• Systems science methods applied in group decision-making methods and
tools in the context of pandemic crisis.
• Descriptive Analytics applied in group decision-making methods and
tools in the context of a pandemic crisis.
• Predictive Analytics applied in group decision-making methods and
tools in the context of a pandemic crisis.
• Prescriptive Analytics applied in group decision-making methods and
tools in the context of a pandemic crisis.
• Efficient, effective, and usable MADM methods for enhancing GDMSS.
• System Science methods (System Dynamics, Agent-based Simulation, and
Network Analysis) for enhancing GDMSS.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this
special theme issue on Group Decision-Making Support Systems for
Pandemic Crises on or before December 15, 2020. All submissions must be
original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED
All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review
basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.
· first submission deadline - December 15, 2020
· first editorial decision deadline - February 15, 2021
· second version submission deadline (conditioned papers) - March 15, 2021
· definitive editorial decision deadline - April 15, 2021
· camera-ready paper submission deadline - May 15, 2021
All inquires and paper submission should be directed to the attention of:
Prof. Manuel Mora – lead guest editor
International Journal of Decision Support Technology (IJDSST)
E-mail: jose.mora(a)edu.uaa.mx<mailto:jose.mora@edu.uaa.mx>
Guest Editors:
Prof. Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Prof. Gloria Phillips-Wren, Loyola University Maryland, USA
Prof. Jorge Marx Gomez, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Prof. Fen Wang, Central Washington University, USA
Prof. Dr. José Manuel Mora Tavarez
Depto. de Sistemas de Información
Centro de Ciencias Básicas
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Ave. Universidad 940
Aguascalientes, AGS. México 20131
Email: jose.mora(a)edu.uaa.mx
ResearchGate Weblink<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Manuel_Mora>
Scholar Google
Linkedin Weblink<https://www.linkedin.com/in/manuel-mora-engd-37b03a1/>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] CfP: CIFMA 2020 - 2nd International Workshop on
Cognition: Interdisciplinary Foundations, Models and Applications
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2020 10:47:47 +0600
From: Antonio Cerone <antonio.cerone(a)nu.edu.kz>
Reply-To: Antonio Cerone <antonio.cerone(a)nu.edu.kz>
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
CC: Graziani, Pierluigi <pierluigi.graziani(a)uniurb.it>
[Apologies for cross-posting]
Call for Papers
CIFMA 2020
2nd International Workshop on Cognition:
Interdisciplinary Foundations, Models and Applications
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14 September 2020
Co-located with SEFM 2020
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, following the decision taken by the
SEFM 2020 organisers, also CIFMA 2020 will not take place physically
but will be replaced by a virtual event.
As usual, CIFMA 2020 accepted contributions will be included in the
LNCS post-proceedings and all accepted papers will have to be presented
at the virtual conference in order to be included in the LNCS volume.
How the virtual conference will be organised is still under consideration,
e.g., live presentations and/or recorded ones.
Submission link:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cifma2020
Paper Abstract Submission deadline: Wednesday 8 July 2020
Paper Submission deadline: Wednesday 15 July 2020
Accept/Reject Notification: Wednesday 26 August 2020
Pre-proceedings Final version due: Monday 7 September 2020
Cognition encompasses many aspects of intellectual functions and processes such as
attention, knowledge, memory, judgment, reasoning, problem solving, decision making,
comprehension and production of language. Although it originated from the field of
psychology, it goes beyond the individual human mind and behaviour, and involves
and affects the interaction with the environment in which humans act.
The increasing complexity of the environment with which humans interact is no longer
restricted to their natural living environment and the other humans populating it,
but includes a large technological support consisting of physical and computational
systems, virtual worlds and robots. This fact has expanded the scope of studying
cognition to a large number of disciplines well beyond psychology.
Cognitive processes are analysed from different perspectives within different
contexts, notably in the fields of linguistics, anesthesia, neuroscience, psychiatry,
psychology, education, philosophy, anthropology, biology, systemics, logic, and
computer science. These and other different approaches to the analysis of cognition
are synthesised in the developing field of cognitive science, a progressively
autonomous academic discipline.
The objectives of this new international workshop are:
1. to bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and
research institutions who are interested in the foundations and applications of
cognition from the perspective of their areas of expertise and aim at a
synergistic effort in integrating approaches from different areas;
2. to nurture cooperation among researchers from different areas and establish
concrete collaborations;
3. to present formal methods to cognitive scientists as a general modelling and
analysis approach, whose effectiveness goes well beyond its application to
computer science and software engineering.
Johan van Benthem
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Authors are invited to submit, via Easychair, research contributions or experience
reports. The submission link is:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cifma2020
All papers should be written in English and prepared using the specific LNCS
templates available athttp://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.
Submissions are required to report on original, unpublished work and should not be
submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.
There are six categories of submissions
* Research papers:
to present original research and the analysis, interpretation and validation of
the research findings.
* Position papers:
to present innovative, arguable ideas, opinions or frameworks which are likely
to foster discussion at the workshop.
* Interdisciplinary Project papers:
To describe a new interdisciplinary research project, or the status of an ongoing
project or the outcomes of a recently completed project.
* Case Study papers:
to report on case studies, preferably in a real-world setting.
* Tool papers:
to present a new tool, a new tool component or novel extensions to an existing tool.
* Tool Demonstration papers:
to demonstrate the tool workflow(s) and human interaction aspects, and evaluate
the overall role of the tool and impact on cognitive science.
Contributions will be in the form of
- Regular papers:
between 12 and 15 pages for submission
(and between 12 and 16 pages for post-proceedings camera-ready).
- Short papers:
between 6 and 8 pages for submission
(and between 6 and 9 pages for post-proceedings camera-ready).
- Presentations:
extended abstract up to 4 pages, which will be included in the pre-proceeding
but not published in the post-proceedings.
"Short papers" and "Presentations" can discuss new ideas which are at an early
stage of development and which have not yet been thoroughly evaluated.
The program committee may reject papers that are outside these lengths on the
grounds of length alone.
Submitted papers will be refereed for quality, correctness, originality and
relevance. Notification and reviews will be communicated via email. Accepted
papers (both Full papers and Short papers) will be included in the workshop
programme and will appear in the workshop pre-proceedings as well as in the
LNCS post-proceedings. Pre-proceedings will be available online before the
Contributions to the workshop cover the areas of education, research and
technology, either in general or with a focus on formal methods. Topics are
organised in possibly overlapping categories and include, but are not restricted
* Interdisciplinary Foundations of Cognition:
- philosophy of cognition
- human memory and memory processes
- attention
- perception, visual cognition and situated cognition
- cognitive models and architectures
- languages for cognitive science
- social cognition
* Cognitive Robotics:
- autonomous knowledge acquisition
- motor babbling
- learning by imitation
- cognitive architectures for robotics
* Cognitive Linguistics:
- cognitive approaches to grammar
- cognitive and conceptual semantics
- conceptual organisation
- cognitive phonology
- dynamical models of language acquisition
- computational models of metaphor and language acquisition
* Cognitive Learning:
- learning theories
- cognitive development
- problem solving
- metacognition
* Cognitive Neuroscience and Medicine:
- biomedical signal and image processing
- biomedical sensors and wearable systems
- brain-computer interfaces and neural prostheses
- brain mapping
- neural and rehabilitation engineering
* Logics and their application to:
- human-computer interaction
- human behaviour
- human reasoning and problem solving
- visual reasoning
- human-robot interaction
- linguistics
* Software Engineering and Formal Methods:
- integration of cognitive models and cognitive architectures within the
software design and verification process
- cognitive aspects in cyber-physical systems and their verification
- socio-technical systems
- cognitive aspects in safety analysis and verification of safety-critical
- cognitive security
- cognition hacking
- formal frameworks for trust reasoning
- formal methods for the modeling and analysis of robotic systems
- formal methods for the modeling and analysis of human behaviour
- formal methods for the modeling and analysis of human interaction with
computers and robots
- application of formal methods to cognitive psychology
Pierluigi Graziani, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Urbino, Italy
Pedro Quaresma, Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Samuel Alexander, The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission New York Regional Office, USA
Oana Andrei, University of Glasgow, UK
José Creissac Campos, University of Minho, Portugal
Antonio Cerone, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Peter Chapman, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Luisa Damiano, University of Messina, Italy
Anke Dittmar, Universität Rostock, Germany
Pierluigi Graziani, University of Urbino, Italy
Yannis Haralambous, IMT Atlantique, France
Reinhard Kahle, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal
Karl Reiner Lermer, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Kathy Malone, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Paolo Masci, National Institute of Aerospace, USA
Paolo Milazzo, University of Pisa, Italy
Henry Muccini, University of L’Aquila, Italy
Eugenio Omodeo, University of Trieste, Italy
Graham Pluck, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Giuseppe Primiero, University of Milan, Italy
Ka I Pun, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway
Pedro Quaresma, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Anara Sandygulova, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Giuseppe Sergioli, University of Cagliari, Italy
Sandro Sozzo, University of Leicester, UK
Mirko Tagliaferri, University of Urbino, Italy
Accepted regular and short papers will be published after the Workshop by Springer
in a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (http://www.springer.com/lncs),
which will collect contributions to some workshops co-located with SEFM 2020.
Condition for inclusion in the post-proceedings is that at least one of the
co-authors has presented the paper at the Workshop.
One or more journal special issue(s) with selected papers may be planned, depending
on the number and quality of submissions.
All inquiries concerning CIFMA 2020 submissions and scientific programme should be
sent tocifma2020(a)easychair.org <mailto:cifma2020@easychair.org>
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 3rd Call For Book Chapters: Handbook of Research on
Intelligent Analytics with Multi-Industry Applications
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2020 14:21:32 +1000
From: Zhaohao Sun <zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, cmoyer(a)igi-global.com, Sally Firmin
BOOK: Handbook of Research on Intelligent Analytics with Multi-Industry
Intelligent analytics is an emerging scientific paradigm that integrates
big data/information/knowledge/wisdom, analytics and artificial
intelligence (AI) to provide smart services to our work, business, life,
industry and society. From a fundamental perspective, intelligent analytics
at least includes intelligent big data analytics, intelligent big
information analytics, intelligent big knowledge analytics, intelligent big
wisdom analytics. Intelligent analytics has been revolutionizing our work,
life, business, management, organization and industry. It becomes
disruptive technology for healthcare, web services, service computing,
cloud computing, 5G development, blockchain and social networking
computing. However, many fundamental, technological and managerial issues
in developing and applying intelligent analytics with multi-industry
applications remain open. For example, what is the foundation of
intelligent analytics? what are the elements of intelligent analytics? What
are the real big characteristics of intelligent analytics? How can apply
intelligent analytics to improve healthcare, mobile commerce, web services,
cloud services, blockchain, 5G development, digital transformation and
industries? What is the effect of intelligent analytics on business,
management, the Internet of things, cloud computing, blockchain, service
and society? This book will address these issues by exploring the
cutting-edge theory, technologies and methodologies of intelligent
analytics with multi-industry applications and emphasize integration of AI,
business intelligence, big data/information/knowledge/wisdom, and analytics
from a perspective of computing, service and management. This book also
provides applications of the proposed theory, technologies and
methodologies of intelligent analytics to e-SMACS (electronic, social,
mobile, analytics, cloud and service) commerce and services, healthcare,
the Internet of things, sharing economy, cloud computing, blockchain, and
Industry 4.0 in the real world.
This book titled “Intelligent Analytics with Multi-industry Applications”
is the first book to reveal the cutting-edge theory, technologies,
methodologies of intelligent analytics with applications. This is also the
first book demonstrating that intelligent analytics is an important enabler
for developing cloud computing, 5G, blockchains, digital transformation,
business, management, governance and services in multi-industry
applications. The proposed approaches will facilitate research, development
and applications of intelligent analytics, big
data/information/knowledge/wisdom analytics, data science, digital
transformation, e-business and web service, service computing, cloud
computing and social computing.
Aims, Scope and Target Audience
This book’s primary aim is to convey the foundations, technologies,
thoughts, and methods of intelligent analytics with multi-industry
applications to scientists, engineers, educators and university students,
business, service and management professionals, policy makers and decision
makers and others who have interest in big data, big information, big
knowledge and big intelligence and wisdom, intelligent analytics, AI, cloud
computing, the Internet of things (IoT), digital transformation, SMACS
intelligence and computing, commerce and service as well as data science,
information science, and knowledge science.
Primary audiences for this book are undergraduate, postgraduate students
and variety of professionals in the fields of big data, data science,
information science and technology, knowledge technology and engineering,
intelligence science, analytics, AI, computing, commerce, business,
services, management and government. The variety of readers in the fields
of government, consulting, marketing, business and trade as well as the
readers from all the social strata can also be benefited from this book to
improve understanding of the cutting-edge theory, technologies,
methodologies and applications of intelligent analytics with applications.
Papers as book chapters of all theoretical and technological approaches,
and applications of intelligent analytics are welcome.
Submissions that cross multiple disciplines such as management, service,
business, artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, data science,
optimization, statistics, information systems, decision sciences, and
industries to develop theory and provide technologies and applications that
could move theory and practice forward in intelligent analytics, are
especially encouraged.
Topics of contributions to this book include four parts: foundations,
technologies, applications and emerging technologies and applications of
intelligent analytics as follows.
Part I. Foundations of intelligent analytics
Topics: fundamental concepts, models/architectures, frameworks/schemes or
foundations for developing, operating, evaluating, managing intelligent
analytics. The following topics might also include, but not limited to.
• Intelligent analytics as a Science and Technology (IAaaST)
• Big Data science
• Big Data intelligence
• Intelligent Analytics for big data, information, knowledge, intelligence
and wisdom
• Intelligent analytics in business ecosystems
• Decision science for intelligent analytics
• Computing and foundations of intelligent analytics
• New computational models for Big Data
• Mathematical fundamentals of intelligent Big Data analytics
• Fuzzy logic approach to intelligent analytics
• Graph theory for intelligent analytics
• ICT fundamentals for analytics
• Intelligent visualization techniques for analytics
• Statistical modelling for intelligent analytics
• Machine learning for intelligent analytics
• Optimization techniques for intelligent analytics
• Data mining for intelligent analytics
• Business models for intelligent analytics
• Real-time algorithms for intelligent analytics
• Computing thinking for intelligent analytics
Part II. Technologies for intelligent analytics
Topics: Technologies for developing intelligent analytics might also
include the following topics, but not limited to.
* Intelligent Analytics as a System (IAaaSy)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Service (IAaaSe)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Management (IAaaM)
* Intelligent Analytics as a Business (IAaaB)
* Rule-based systems,
* Machine learning,
* Multi-agent systems,
* Neural networks systems,
* Fuzzy logic,
* Cased-based reasoning,
* Genetic algorithms,
* Data mining algorithms,
* Intelligent agents,
* Intelligent user interfaces
* Web technologies,
* Intelligent big data/information/knowledge technologies,
* Intelligent service technologies,
* Social networking technologies,
* Intelligent decision technologies,
* Intelligent management technologies and business technologies.
* Machine-to-machine communication
Part III. Multi-industry Applications of intelligent analytics
Topics: cases for using foundations and technologies in Part I, II in
multi-industry applications and various domains such as digital
transformation, blockchain, 5G, SMACS computing, commerce and services,
financial services, legal services, healthcare services, educational
services, and military services taking into account intelligent diagnostic,
descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics. The following topics
might also include, but not limited to.
* Intelligent Analytics as an application
* Intelligent analytics with applications
* Intelligent analytics-based innovation and entrepreneurship
* Intelligent analytics in business ecosystems
* Intelligent analytics with public and open data
* Intelligent analytics and markets
* Intelligent analytics for e-commerce
* Intelligent analytics for cloud computing
* Intelligent analytics for IoT
* Intelligent analytics for blockchain
* Intelligent analytics for 5G applications
* Intelligent analytics in business decision making
* Intelligent analytics in healthcare
* Marketing Analytics
* Intelligent analytics in banking industry
* Intelligent analytics in social networking services
* Intelligent analytics for Big Data, information, knowledge and
* Cybersecurity and privacy issues in Intelligent analytics.
* Intelligent analytics for management
* Intelligent analytics for risk management
* Organization analytics
Part IV. Emerging technologies and applications for intelligent analytics
Topics: Emerging technologies, methodologies, and applications for
intelligent analytics. The following topics might also include, but not
limited to
* Emergent AI-based technologies
* Emergent intelligent analytics technologies
* Challenges for intelligent big data analytics
* Challenges for intelligent big information analytics
* Challenges for intelligent big knowledge analytics
* Challenges for intelligent analytics research
* Challenges for intelligent analytics applications
* Challenges for intelligent analytics tools
Submission Procedure
Please submit a brief summary (abstract) consisting of title and round
150-200 words for the proposed chapter clearly identifying the main
objectives of your contribution online by clicking “propose a chapter” at
https://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/4539 or to
the editor at zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com by May 30, 2020. Authors of the
accepted proposals will be notified and provided with detailed guidelines.
Full chapters are to be submitted by June 30, 2020.
Submission Format and Evaluation
This book will be developed using the eEditorial Discovery™ online
submission manager. Therefore, all manuscripts of book chapter must be
submitted online using
Every book chapter submission should consist of 8,000-12,000 words, and be
structured into sections including Abstract, Introduction, background (or
related work), main sections, future research directions, conclusion,
references. Every book chapter must be submitted in Microsoft® Word, and be
typewritten in English in APA style based on “manage source” and “insert
citation” function.
Every book chapter submission is original. Only ORIGINAL articles will be
accepted for publication by IGI-Global. Upon acceptance of your article,
you will be required to sign a warranty that your article is original and
has NOT been submitted for publication or published elsewhere.
All chapter submissions undergo a double-blind peer-review using the
eEditorial Discovery™ online submission manager. Conditioned chapters will
have an additional opportunity for being improved and evaluated. In the
second evaluation, a definitive editorial decision among: accepted or
rejected will be reported. All of the accepted chapters must be submitted
according to the Editorial publishing format rules timely. Instructions for
authors can be downloaded at:
The final chapters are copy edited/proofed by the authors prior to
submission, following the IGI Global chapter formatting and submission
Important Dates
* June 30, 2020: Proposal Submission Deadline
* July 05, 2020: Notification of Acceptance
* July 30, 2020: Full Chapter Submission
* August 25, 2020: Review Results Returned
* August 26, 2020: Final Acceptance Notification
* September 2, 2020: Final Chapter Submission.
* September – November 2020: estimated publishing period.
Editor Information
Prof. Dr. Zhaohao Sun, Ph.D.
Editor of Handbook of Research on Intelligent Analytics with
Multi-Industry Applications
Research Centre of Big Data Analytics and Intelligent Systems (BAIS)
Department of Business Studies
PNG University of Technology
Morobe, PNG
Federation University Australia
zhaohao.sun(a)gmail.com; z.sun(a)federation.edu.au
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: ICSNC 2020, Special track: AI-5GaaS
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 20:19:54 +0300
From: Müge Erel-Özçevik <mugeerelozcevik(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Call for Contributions*
*Note: Onsite and Online Options *
In order to accommodate a large number of situations, we are offering the
option for either physical presence or virtual participation. We would be
delighted if all authors manage to attend in person, but are aware that
special circumstances are best handled by having flexible options.
* 1. Inform the Chairs:* with the Title of your Contribution
*2. Submission URL: *
Please select Track Preference as *AI-5GaaS *
*Special track *
*AI-5GaaS: Artificial Intelligence based 5G as a Service *
*Chairs and Coordinators *
Assist. Prof. Dr. Muge Erel-Ozcevik, Manisa Celal Bayar University,
Turkey *erelmu(a)itu.edu.tr
<erelmu(a)itu.edu.tr>, muge.ozcevik(a)cbu.edu.tr <muge.ozcevik(a)cbu.edu.tr>*
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gokhan Secinti, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
*secinti(a)itu.edu.tr <secinti(a)itu.edu.tr> *
*along with *
*ICSNC 2020**, *The Fifteenth International Conference on Systems and
Networks Communications October 18, 2020 to October 22, 2020 - Porto,
Unprecedented expansion of cloud services offering Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service
(SaaS) paves the way for the virtualization of entire 5G-capable hardware
and software stacks; thus, leading the emergence of 5G as a service
(5GaaS). It enables on-demand service deployment, while mitigating the
risks of physical installation, lowering operational and capital
expenditures (OPEX/CAPEX), aggregating the service providers and customers'
requirements on the same platform.
On the other hand, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) play a key role in the
management of 5GaaS subscribers and their contents, where the applications
define unique 5G requirements raised by novel trafic types, such as:
enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Ultra-Reliable Low Latency (URLLC), and
massive Machine Transmission Communication (mMTC). Various bandwidth and
latency requirements of these service types force CDN to benefit from the
technologies such as Edge/Fog computation in order to sustain ever-
complicating network management, revolutionizing the heterogeneous
orchestration of the entire infrastructure spanning from server deployment,
to network access. Under this expanding heterogeneity, the most feasible
way to meet 5G requirements is to design an intelligent network management
on 5G physical infrastructure. According to service providers, dynamic
configuration and intelligent self-management for CDN can be only handled
by Software Defined Networks (SDN). They believe that SDN proposes
inexpensive network feature insertion thanks to a global view on the
network and programming the network devices dynamically without any
intervention on the physical plane. It enables flexible, scalable, and
self-manageable virtual network slices to the customers according to
Service Level Agreements (SLA).
Both global management and network programmability features of SDN enable
us to design and integrate novel techniques on 5G networks such as
Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the recent years, AI is one of the most
rapidly growing fields, finding new application domains with new and unique
challenges everyday. This drastically changes the way the
researchers/engineers used to approach to optimization processes. AI is
broadly categorized into three main subsets such as Machine Learning (ML),
Meta-Heuristics, and Fuzzy Inference Systems. Utilizing these tools, the
following candidate applications for 5GaaS may only describe the tip of the
iceberg. A technique executing ML uses the statistics collected from 5G
physical plane periodically and performs supervised and/or unsupervised
learning such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machines
(SVM), Decision Trees (DT), K-means clustering, Hidden Markov Model (HMM),
etc. A technique executing Meta-Heuristics algorithms solves hard
optimization problems that cannot be executed within a reasonable time such
as Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO),
Genetic Algorithm (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA), etc. A technique
depending on Fuzzy logic has an advantage in representing customer
experience and their explanation abilities.
To this end, AI-5GaaS aims to improve the experience of customers and their
service providers in 5G networks by serving AI-based techniques as a
service to handle reduced OPEX/CAPEX. Therefore, this special issue aims to
bring together talented researchers in the field and state-of-art designs
and techniques to shape the future of 5G.
*Potential topics include, but are not limited to:*
1. Meta-heuristics for AI based 5G networks;
2. Fuzzy inference systems for AI based 5G networks;
3. Cloud-Fog-Edge computing mechanisms;
4. AI-based mobility management;
5. SDN/NFV for autonomous network management;
6. CDN solutions for next generation networks;
7. Application areas for 5GaaS;
8. Security and Privacy issues for 5GaaS;
9. Testbeds, applications, case studies for 5GaaS;
10. APIS, new protocols and programming languages for 5GaaS
*Important Datelines *
Inform the Chairs (see Contacts below): as soon as you decide to contribute
Submission: August 24
Notification: September 13
Registration: September 23
Camera-ready: September 23
*Contribution Types:*
- Regular papers [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Short papers (work in progress) [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Posters: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- Posters: slide only [slide-deck posted on www.iaria.org]
- Presentations: slide only [slide-deck posted on www.iaria.org]
- Demos: two pages [posted on www.iaria.org]
*Paper Format *
- See: http://www.iaria.org/format.html
- Before submission, please check and comply with the editorial rules:
*Publications *
- Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:
- Print proceedings will be available via Curran Associates, Inc.:
- Articles will be archived in the free access ThinkMind Digital Library:
*Paper Submission *
Please select Track Preference as *AI-5GaaS *
*Registration *
- Each accepted paper needs at least one full registration, before the
camera-ready manuscript can be included in the proceedings.
- Registration fees are available at http://www.iaria.org/registration.html
*Contacts *
Muge Erel-Ozcevik: erelmu(a)itu.edu.tr, muge.ozcevik(a)cbu.edu.tr
Gokhan Secinti: secinti(a)itu.edu.tr
ICSNC Logistics: steve(a)iaria.org
AISWorld mailing list