-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Final Call: Handbook on Semantic Computing
Date: Thu, 7 May 2020 16:36:23 +0200
From: Olawande Daramola <dwande(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleague,
You are cordially invited to contribute to the forthcoming edited book
entitled *Advanced Concepts, Methods, and Applications
in Semantic Computing*, to be published by IGI Global, an international
publisher of progressive academic research. This is the second round of
Call for Chapters.
The edited book will be ready to accept original manuscripts
(previously unpublished)
as book chapter submissions, and also papers that might have been
previously published in a conference/workshop albeit in its shorter form.
However, the manuscripts in this category would have to be expanded with at
least 40% additional content to be acceptable as a book chapter submission
for the edited book.
Important Dates
Full chapter submission: *May 12, 2020*
Review results due to authors: *June 15, 2020*
Revisions due from authors: *July 8, 2020*
Final acceptance notification: *July 15, 2020*
Final materials due to IGI Global: *July 22, 2020*
Please use the link on the IGI website shown below to submit your chapter:
• Semantic methods and algorithms
• Semantic Web and linked open data
•Application of semantic technologies
• Semantic middleware and infrastructures
• Semantic integration and semantic interfaces
• Semantics in software engineering and semantic software systems
• Formal semantics and semantic description languages
• Semantic-driven processes in systems engineering
• Semantic-based architectures and systems
• Semantic cloud architectures and semantic cloud services
• Semantics machine learning and semantic deep learning
• Semantic AI and Data Science • Semantics in IoT and smart cities
• Semantic and blockchain technology
• NLP-based algorithms and approaches
• Semantic-based information extraction
• Semantic information retrieval
• Semantic integration of systems and services
• Semantic approaches for sentiment analysis
• Semantic approaches for event detection
The Editors will work together with IGI to ensure that the book: Advanced
Concepts, Methods, and Applications in Semantic Computing is indexed in
SCOPUS after its publication.
Thank you.
Olawande Daramola
Thomas Moser
Prof. Olawande Daramola
Position: Associate Professor
Faculty of Informatics and Design
Department of Information Technology,
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Cape Town, South Africa
Office Tel: 021 460 3184
Cell: +27 618618287
Please read my latest public engagement article on COVID-19, and leave a
Personal Webpage: https://tinyurl.com/yczlptxo
"I am a man much helped by God"
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] ACM RecSys 2020 3rd Call for Reproducibility Papers and
COVID Update
Date: Thu, 07 May 2020 15:27:47 +0000
From: flaviovdf(a)dcc.ufmg.br
Reply-To: flaviovdf(a)dcc.ufmg.br
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Call for Reproducibility Papers
Due to concerns about COVID-19, RecSys 2020 will cancel its physical
component and go fully virtual. To support authors through these
stressful times, deadlines are extended.
RecSys also strongly encourages the submission of algorithmic papers
that repeat and analyze prior work. We distinguish between:
* replicability papers, which repeat prior experiments using the
original source code and datasets to show how, why, and when the methods
work (or not); and
* reproducibility papers, which repeat prior experiments preferably
using the original source code in new contexts (e.g., different
application domains and datasets, different evaluation methodologies and
metrics) to further generalize and validate (or not) previous work.
Submissions regarding replicability or reproducibility papers are
welcome in all areas related to recommender systems (see the main track
Call for Papers for a list of topics).
In both replicability and reproducibility papers, we expect authors to
provide all materials required for repeating the tests performed,
including code, data, and clear instructions on how to run the
experiments. Submissions from the same authors of the reproduced
experiments will not be accepted.
Each accepted paper will be included in the conference proceedings and
presented in a plenary session as part of the main conference program.
Each accepted paper will also be allocated a presentation slot in a
poster session to encourage discussion and follow-up between authors and
Both replicability and reproducibility papers will be evaluated along
the following criteria:
* What is new about the reproduced experiments?
* Was the original work not supported from the theoretical point of view?
* Were the original experiments not clear about important points or
lacking confirmation for some of the original claims?
* (Reproducibility papers only): Do the reproduced experiments bring
more solid conclusions, with new datasets and metrics, with unbiased
evaluation setups?
* (Reproducibility papers only): Are there new experiments that allow
for a better understanding of the impact of previous results?
* How important is the reproduction of the experiments to the community?
* How obvious are the conclusions achieved?
* Do the reproduced prior works, if validated, advance a central topic
to recommender systems (a topic with a broad applicability or focused on
a hot research area)?
* Is the evaluation methodology in line with the research challenges
addressed by the reproduced experiment?
* Are the selected baselines representative of the several algorithm
types and techniques available?
* Is the hyperparameter tuning strategy properly described?
* Are algorithms and baselines properly tuned?
* Are the code and datasets used to reproduce the experiments available
to the reviewers at the time of review?
* Is the shared material released in a permanent repository for easy
access by researchers?
* Are the reproduced experiments well documented, with all the details
required for other researchers to reproduce the experiments, as well?
* Are there discrepancies between what is described in the paper and
what is available in the shared material?
* Is the shared material complete with everything you need to exactly
replicate the experiments?
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Papers must
be submitted to PCS by 23:59, AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on June 1st, 2020.
There will be no extensions to the submission deadline.
Formatting. ACM is changing the archive format of its publications to
separate content from presentation in the new Digital Library, enhance
accessibility, and improve the flexibility and resiliency of our
publications. Following the new ACM publication workflow, all authors
should submit manuscripts for review in a single-column format. Paper
length is suggested to range between 7 pages (for reproductions of a
single algorithm) to 14 pages (for reproductions of multiple
algorithms). In any case, the maximum length is 14 pages (excluding
references) in the new single-column format. Instructions for Word and
LaTeX authors are given below:
* Microsoft Word: Write your paper using the Submission Template (Review
Submission Format). Follow the embedded instructions to apply the
paragraph styles to your various text elements. The text is in
single-column format at this stage and no additional formatting is
required at this point.
* LaTeX: Please use the latest version of the Master Article Template -
LaTeX to create your submission. You must use the "manuscript" option
with the \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart} command to generate the
output in a single-column format which is required for review. Please
see the LaTeX documentation and ACM's LaTeX best practices guide for
further instructions. To ensure 100% compatibility with The ACM
Publishing System (TAPS), please restrict the use of packages to the
whitelist of approved LaTeX packages.
Authors are strongly encouraged to provide "alt text" (alternative text)
for floats (images, tables, etc.) in their content so that readers with
disabilities can be given descriptive information for these floats that
are important to the work. The descriptive text will be displayed in
place of a float if the float cannot be loaded. This benefits the author
as well as it broadens the reader base for the author's work. Moreover,
the alt text provides in-depth float descriptions to search engine
crawlers, which helps to properly index these floats.
Should you have any questions or issues going through the instructions
above, please contact support at acmtexsupport(a)aptaracorp.com for both
LaTeX and Microsoft Word inquiries.
Accepted papers will be later submitted to ACM's new production platform
where authors will be able to review PDF and HTML output formats before
Anonymity. Papers in the reproducibility track will undergo single-blind
review. It is expected that at the time of submission, code and datasets
used to reproduce the experiments will be available under reasonably
liberal terms and sufficiently well-documented such that reviewers may
consult that documentation as they conduct their reviews.
Originality. Each paper should not be previously published or accepted
to any peer-reviewed journal or conference/workshop, nor currently under
review elsewhere (including as another paper submission for RecSys
2020). We do not prevent authors from submitting the same paper to
institutional or other preprint repositories such as arXiv.org before
the reviewing process is complete, because it will place anonymity at
risk. Please refer to the ACM Publishing License Agreement and
Authorship Policy for further details.
Plagiarism. Plagiarized papers will not be accepted for RecSys 2020. Our
committees will be checking the plagiarism level of all submitted papers
to ensure content originality using an automated tool. Hence, authors
are advised in their own interest to use a similar tool (e.g.,
iThenticate, Turnitin, Viper, PlagScan, etc.) to check the plagiarism
level of their manuscripts before submission. The originality report
generated by the tool may also be submitted at the time of paper submission.
Papers violating any of the above guidelines are subject to rejection
without review.
RecSys 2020 is a SIGCHI conference and making a submission to a SIGCHI
conference is a serious matter. Submissions require time and effort by
SIGCHI volunteers to organize and manage the reviewing process, and, if
the submission is accepted, the publication and presentation process.
Thus, anyone who submits to RecSys 2020 implicitly confirms the
following statements:
1. I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
2. I confirm that I or my co-authors hold copyright to the content, and
have obtained appropriate permissions for any portions of the content
that are copyrighted by others.
3. I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving
human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my
4. I confirm that if this paper is accepted, I or one of my co-authors
will attend the conference. Papers that are not presented at the
conference by an author may be removed from the proceedings at the
discretion of the program chairs.
* Abstract submission deadline: May 25th, 2020
* Paper submission deadline: June 1st, 2020
* Author notification: July 22nd, 2020
* Camera-ready version deadline: August 10th, 2020
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
* Paolo Cremonesi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Alan Said, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] [CfP] ISWC 2019 - *One week left* to submit your
abstracts for the Research, In-Use and Resource tracks
Date: Thu, 7 May 2020 16:56:37 +0200
From: International Semantic Web Conference <iswc.conf(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: International Semantic Web Conference <iswc.conf(a)gmail.com>
To: International Semantic Web Conference <iswc.conf(a)gmail.com>
19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2020)
The premier international forum for the Semantic Web and Linked Data
Follow us:
Twitter: @iswc_conf , #iswc_conf ( https://twitter.com/iswc_conf )
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13612370
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISWConf/
*** All deadlines are AoE (anywhere on Earth) ***
In this announcement:
1. Call for Research papers
2. Call for In-use papers
3. Call for Resource papers
The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) is the premier venue
for presenting fundamental research, innovative technology, and
applications concerning semantics, data, and the Web. It is the most
important international venue to discuss and present latest advances and
applications of the semantic Web, knowledge graphs, linked data,
ontologies and artificial intelligence (AI) on the Web.
Before submitting their work to one of the tracks, authors are asked to
consult the calls of the other tracks featured at ISWC 2020 and to
choose the track that best suits their contribution. The submission of
the same work to multiple tracks is not allowed and may result in a
rejection of the work across all tracks without a review.
1. Call for Research papers
In this track of ISWC 2020, we are looking for novel and significant
research contributions addressing theoretical, analytical and empirical
aspects of the Semantic Web. While we welcome work that relates to the
W3C Semantic Web recommendations (e.g., RDF, OWL, SPARQL, etc.), we also
encourage contributions to research at the intersection of the Semantic
Web and other scientific disciplines. Submissions to the research track
should describe original, significant, and replicable research on the
Semantic Web. All papers must include method evaluations that are
rigorous, repeatable and reproducible. This will be one of the key
reviewing criteria. We also strongly encourage papers that provide links
to the data sets, source code and queries used to evaluate their
approach, and/or live deployments. All papers will be assessed by the
track program committee. Each paper will be reviewed by at least four
committee members, including one senior member.
After a successful first edition, the ISWC Reproducibility Initiative is
running for the second time at ISWC2020. The Reproducibility Initiative
is open to the accepted papers of the ISWC Research Track that have some
significant experimental results that are amenable to be reproducible.
Topics of interest and further info:
== Important Dates ==
Abstracts: May 15, 2020 [EXTENDED]
Full papers: May 22, 2020 [EXTENDED]
== Program Chairs ==
Contact: iswc2020-program(a)easychair.org
Jeff Pan, University of Aberdeen, UK
Valentina Tamma, University of Liverpool, UK
2. Call for In-use papers
The adoption of Semantic Web technologies has accelerated in recent
years, where they are now deployed in a variety of real-world settings
at a variety of scales. The In-Use Track at ISWC 2020 continues the
tradition of demonstrating and learning from the increasing adoption of
Semantic Web technologies by providing a forum for the community to
explore the benefits and challenges of applying such technologies in
concrete, practical use cases, beyond the research communities from
which they originate, in contexts ranging from industry to government
and science. The track also aims at “giving a stage’’ to solutions for
real world problems using Semantic Web technologies, where these are may
be hidden, showing that in many cases of SW adoption, these play a
crucial but not necessarily visible role, for more efficient,
interoperable and easier to maintain solutions.
The In-Use Track thus seeks submissions describing applied and validated
solutions such as software tools, systems or architectures that benefit
from the use of Semantic Web technologies (including, but not limited
to, technologies based on the Semantic Web standards). Importantly,
submitted papers should provide convincing evidence of the use of the
proposed application or tool by the target user group, preferably
outside the group that conducted the development and, more broadly,
outside the Semantic Web research community. A main focus of the
submissions should be on the benefits of Semantics Web technologies for
the intended use case, as well as (if relevant) the added challenges
they introduce.
Topics of interest and further info:
== Important Dates ==
Abstracts: May 15, 2020 [EXTENDED]
Full papers: May 22, 2020 [EXTENDED]
== Program Chairs ==
Contact: iswc2020-in-use(a)easychair.org
Bo Fu, California State University Long Beach, USA
Axel Polleres, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
3. Call for Resource papers
Resources are of paramount importance as they foster scientific
advancement. For example, the DBpedia had a major influence on the
Semantic Web community by enabling the Linked (Open) Data movement.
These resources include, among others, datasets, benchmarks, workflows,
and software. Sharing them is key to allow other researchers to compare
new results, reproduce experimental settings and explore new lines of
research, in accordance with the FAIR principles for scientific data
The ISWC 2020 Resources Track aims to promote the sharing of resources
including, but not restricted to: datasets, ontologies/vocabularies,
ontology design patterns, evaluation benchmarks or methods, software
tools/services, APIs and software frameworks, workflows, crowdsourcing
task designs, protocols, methodologies and metrics, that have
contributed or may contribute to the generation of novel scientific
work. In particular, we encourage the sharing of such resources
following best and well-established practices within the Semantic Web
community. As such, this track calls for contributions that provide a
concise and clear description of a resource and its usage.
Categories of resources and further info:
== Important Dates ==
Abstracts: May 15, 2020 [EXTENDED]
Full papers: May 22, 2020 [EXTENDED]
== Program Chairs ==
Contact: iswc2020-resource(a)easychair.org
Claudia d’Amato, University of Bari, Bari, Italy Krzysztof Janowicz,
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.
The ISWC 2020 Organising Team (
https://iswc2020.semanticweb.org/organizing-committee/ )
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] ACM RecSys 2020 3rd Call for Papers and COVID Update
Date: Wed, 06 May 2020 18:30:13 +0000
From: flaviovdf(a)dcc.ufmg.br
Reply-To: flaviovdf(a)dcc.ufmg.br
To: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Call for Papers
Due to concerns about COVID-19, RecSys 2020 will cancel its physical
component and go fully virtual. To support authors through these
stressful times, deadlines are extended.
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 14th ACM Conference on
Recommender Systems (RecSys 2020), the premier venue for research and
applications of recommendation technologies. The upcoming RecSys
conference will be held online, from September 22nd to September 26th,
2020. The conference will continue RecSys' practice of connecting the
research and practitioner communities to exchange ideas, frame problems,
and share solutions. All accepted papers will be published by ACM.
We invite submissions on all aspects of recommender systems, including
applications ranging from e-commerce to social networking, and a wide
variety of technologies ranging from collaborative filtering to
knowledge-based reasoning or deep learning. We welcome new research on
recommendation technologies coming from very diverse communities ranging
from psychology to mathematics. In particular, we care as much about the
human and economic impact of these systems as we care about their
underlying algorithms.
Topics of interest for RecSys 2020 include but are not limited to
(alphabetically ordered):
* Algorithm scalability, performance, and implementations
* Bias, fairness, bubbles and ethics of recommender systems
* Case studies of real-world implementations
* Context-aware recommender systems
* Conversational recommender systems (e.g., conversational interaction,
spoken language interfaces, dialogue systems)
* Cross-domain recommendation
* Economic models and consequences of recommender systems
* Evaluation metrics and studies
* Explanations and evidence
* Innovative/New applications
* Interfaces for recommender systems
* Novel machine learning approaches to recommendation algorithms
* Preference elicitation
* Privacy and security
* Social recommenders
* User modelling
* User studies
* Voice, VR, and other novel interaction paradigms
Authors will be asked to assign a selection of predefined custom tags to
describe their paper in the submission system. Tags can be assigned to
indicate algorithms, interfaces, automated or user-centric evaluations,
for example. Reviewers will also report their expertise over these tags,
and the information will be used in review assignments.
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Papers must
be submitted to PCS by 23:59, AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on June 1st, 2020.
There will be no extensions to the submission deadline.
Formatting. ACM is changing the archive format of its publications to
separate content from presentation in the new Digital Library, enhance
accessibility, and improve the flexibility and resiliency of our
publications. Following the new ACM publication workflow, all authors
should submit manuscripts for review in a single-column format.
Instructions for Word and LaTeX authors are given below:
* Microsoft Word: Write your paper using the Submission Template (Review
Submission Format). Follow the embedded instructions to apply the
paragraph styles to your various text elements. The text is in
single-column format at this stage and no additional formatting is
required at this point.
* LaTeX: Please use the latest version of the Master Article Template -
LaTeX to create your submission. You must use the "manuscript" option
with the \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart} command to generate the
output in a single-column format which is required for review. Please
see the LaTeX documentation and ACM's LaTeX best practices guide for
further instructions. To ensure 100% compatibility with The ACM
Publishing System (TAPS), please restrict the use of packages to the
whitelist of approved LaTeX packages.
Authors are strongly encouraged to provide "alt text" (alternative text)
for floats (images, tables, etc.) in their content so that readers with
disabilities can be given descriptive information for these floats that
are important to the work. The descriptive text will be displayed in
place of a float if the float cannot be loaded. This benefits the author
as well as it broadens the reader base for the author's work. Moreover,
the alt text provides in-depth float descriptions to search engine
crawlers, which helps to properly index these floats.
Should you have any questions or issues going through the instructions
above, please contact support at acmtexsupport(a)aptaracorp.com for both
LaTeX and Microsoft Word inquiries.
Accepted papers will be later submitted to ACM's new production platform
where authors will be able to review PDF and HTML output formats before
Anonymity. The peer review process is double-blind (i.e. anonymized).
This means that all submissions must not include information identifying
the authors or their organization. Specifically, do not include the
authors' names and affiliations, anonymize citations to your previous
work and avoid providing any other information that would allow to
identify the authors, such as acknowledgments and funding. However, it
is acceptable to explicitly refer in the paper to the companies or
organizations that provided datasets, hosted experiments or deployed
solutions, if there is no implication that the authors are currently
affiliated with the mentioned organization.
Originality. Each paper should not be previously published or accepted
to any peer-reviewed journal or conference/workshop, nor currently under
review elsewhere (including as another paper submission for RecSys
2020). We generally discourage authors to submit the same paper to
institutional or other preprint repositories such as arXiv.org before
the reviewing process is complete, because it will place anonymity at
risk. Please refer to the ACM Publishing License Agreement and
Authorship Policy for further details.
Plagiarism. Plagiarized papers will not be accepted for RecSys 2020. Our
committees will be checking the plagiarism level of all submitted papers
to ensure content originality using an automated tool. Hence, authors
are advised in their own interest to use a similar tool (e.g.,
iThenticate, Turnitin, Viper, PlagScan, etc.) to check the plagiarism
level of their manuscripts before submission. The originality report
generated by the tool may also be submitted at the time of paper submission.
Papers violating any of the above guidelines are subject to rejection
without review.
Patenting. Please take note that the official publication date is the
date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This
date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference.
The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent
filings related to published work.
LONG PAPERS should report on substantial contributions of lasting value.
The maximum length is 14 pages (excluding references) in the new
single-column format. Each accepted long paper will be included in the
conference proceedings and presented in a plenary session as part of the
main conference program. Each accepted long paper will also be allocated
a presentation slot in a poster session to encourage discussion and
follow-up between authors and attendees. We expect the review process to
be highly selective: the acceptance rate for full papers in the past few
years was about 20%.
SHORT PAPERS typically discuss exciting new work that is not yet mature
enough for a long paper. In particular, novel but significant proposals
will be considered for acceptance into this category despite not having
gone through sufficient experimental validation or lacking strong
theoretical foundation. Applications of recommender systems to novel
areas are especially welcome. The maximum length is 7 pages (excluding
references) in the new single-column format. Each accepted short paper
will be included in the conference proceedings and presented in a poster
session. The poster presentation may include a system demonstration.
Selected short papers may be invited as oral presentations. Note that
rejected long paper submissions will not be considered as short papers.
RecSys 2020 is a SIGCHI conference and making a submission to a SIGCHI
conference is a serious matter. Submissions require time and effort by
SIGCHI volunteers to organize and manage the reviewing process, and, if
the submission is accepted, the publication and presentation process.
Thus, anyone who submits to RecSys 2020 implicitly confirms the
following statements:
1. I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
2. I confirm that I or my co-authors hold copyright to the content, and
have obtained appropriate permissions for any portions of the content
that are copyrighted by others.
3. I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving
human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my
4. I confirm that if this paper is accepted, I or one of my co-authors
will attend the conference. Papers that are not presented at the
conference by an author may be removed from the proceedings at the
discretion of the program chairs.
* Abstract submission deadline: May 25th, 2020
* Paper submission deadline: June 1st, 2020
* Author notification: July 22nd, 2020
* Camera-ready version deadline: August 10th, 2020
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
* Elizabeth M. Daly, IBM Research, Ireland
* Li Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] HICSS (2021) - Mini-Track: Judgement, Big
Data-Analytics and Decision-making Track: Knowledge Innovation and
Entrepreneurial Systems
Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 20:48:45 +1200
From: Nazim Taskin <nazimtaskin(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear colleagues,
Call for Papers
HICSS (2021) - Mini-Track: Judgement, Big Data-Analytics and
Track: Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems
Gathering, analyzing and judging reliable data and information, and more
importantly, transforming them into actionable knowledge is becoming
increasingly critical in decision-making. Human judgement, based on
experience and knowledge, plays an important role in all facets of
decision-making, but may be incomplete in certain decision situations. The
study of the transformation of data into useful information and eventually
knowledge and wisdom through the use of increasingly sophisticated
analytics for management decision making is an important, emerging field of
research and deserves further study.
This mini track welcomes empirical research adopting quantitative,
qualitative and design science methodologies, as well as conceptual papers
that offer theoretical insights into the human- and knowledge-centric
aspects of analytics, big data and decision-making. While technology plays
a centric role in the research relevant to this mini-track, overly
technical or purely mathematical and algorithmic papers are out of scope of
this mini-track.
Potential topics that this mini-track will address are (but not limited to):
· Knowledge innovation through emergent and convergent technologies
(including big data and analytics)
· Knowledge innovation and the use of big data and analytics for
decision makers and entrepreneurs
· Role of big data and analytics in leveraging intuition, judgment,
and wisdom in organizations and society
· Socio-technical theories and application in the big data era
· Data-driven decision-making and the role of human input
· Analysis of web and social media big data including text mining,
sentiment analysis, and emotion analysis for decision making
· Knowledge management, big data and analytics for formulating
business strategy and government policy
· Design, development, and use of KM and analytics technologies to
support data-driven decisions, judgments, and strategies
· Organizational barriers and enablers of the use of technology for
KM and business analytics in managerial and strategic decision- and
· Data visualization as knowledge tool for decision-making
· Real time analysis of knowledge including wisdom of the
crowds-based research
· Data-knowledge transformation for strategic decision-making
· Business analytics and big data challenges in managing
data-driven operational, managerial, and strategic decision-making
· Data Mining of tacit and explicit knowledge
· Organizational culture and data-driven organizations
· Issues concerning ethics, legality and security of data in
judgment and decision making
· Individual, Intra-, and inter-organizational KM and business
analytics technologies
· April 20: Paper submission begins
· June 15: Paper submission deadline
· August 17: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
· September 22: Deadline for authors to submit final manuscript for
· October 1: Deadline for at least one author of accepted paper to
register for the conference
Conference website: https://hicss.hawaii.edu/
Conference Date: January 5-8, 2021
Mini-Track Chairs:
Prof David J Pauleen (Primary Contact Person)
Professor of Technology Management,
School of Management, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Dr Nazim Taskin
Senior Lecturer
School of Management, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Dr Kasuni Weerasinghe
Lecturer Management Information Systems
School of Management, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Dr Ali Intezari
Lecturer in Management
School of Business, St. Lucia Campus, The University of Queensland,
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [WI] [Virtual OM-2020] 1st CFP: 15th workshop on Ontology
Matching collocated with ISWC
Date: Wed, 06 May 2020 10:52:46 +0200
From: Cassia TROJAHN <Cassia.Trojahn(a)irit.fr>
Reply-To: Cassia TROJAHN <Cassia.Trojahn(a)irit.fr>
To: Cassia TROJAHN <Cassia.Trojahn(a)irit.fr>
** Apologies for multiple postings **
The Fifteenth International Workshop on
November 2nd or 3rd, 2020,
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) Workshop Program,
Ontology matching is a key interoperability enabler for the Semantic Web,
as well as a useful technique in some classical data integration tasks
dealing with the semantic heterogeneity problem. It takes ontologies
as input and determines as output an alignment, that is, a set of
correspondences between the semantically related entities of those
These correspondences can be used for various tasks, such as ontology
merging, data interlinking, query answering or navigation over knowledge
Thus, matching ontologies enables the knowledge and data expressed
with the matched ontologies to interoperate.
The workshop has three goals:
To bring together leaders from academia, industry and user institutions
to assess how academic advances are addressing real-world requirements.
The workshop will strive to improve academic awareness of industrial
and final user needs, and therefore, direct research towards those needs.
Simultaneously, the workshop will serve to inform industry and user
representatives about existing research efforts that may meet their
requirements. The workshop will also investigate how the ontology
matching technology is going to evolve, especially with respect to
data interlinking, knowledge graph and web table matching tasks.
To conduct an extensive and rigorous evaluation of ontology matching
and instance matching (link discovery) approaches through
the OAEI (Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative) 2020 campaign:
To examine similarities and differences from other, old, new
and emerging, techniques and usages, such as web table matching
or knowledge embeddings.
This year, in sync with the main conference, we encourage submissions
specifically devoted to: (i) datasets, benchmarks and replication studies,
services, software, methodologies, protocols and measures
(not necessarily related to OAEI), and (ii) application of
the matching technology in real-life scenarios and assessment
of its usefulness to the final users.
TOPICS of interest include but are not limited to:
Business and use cases for matching (e.g., big, open, closed data);
Requirements to matching from specific application scenarios (e.g.,
public sector, homeland security);
Application of matching techniques in real-world scenarios (e.g., in
cloud, with mobile apps);
Formal foundations and frameworks for matching;
Novel matching methods, including link prediction, ontology-based
Matching and knowledge graphs;
Matching and deep learning;
Matching and embeddings;
Matching and big data;
Matching and linked data;
Instance matching, data interlinking and relations between them;
Privacy-aware matching;
Process model matching;
Large-scale and efficient matching techniques;
Matcher selection, combination and tuning;
User involvement (including both technical and organizational aspects);
Explanations in matching;
Social and collaborative matching;
Uncertainty in matching;
Expressive alignments;
Reasoning with alignments;
Alignment coherence and debugging;
Alignment management;
Matching for traditional applications (e.g., data science);
Matching for emerging applications (e.g., web tables, knowledge graphs).
Contributions to the workshop can be made in terms of technical papers and
posters/statements of interest addressing different issues of ontology
as well as participating in the OAEI 2020 campaign. Long technical papers
be of max. 12 pages. Short technical papers should be of max. 5 pages.
Posters/statements of interest should not exceed 2 pages.
All contributions have to be prepared using the LNCS Style:
and should be submitted in PDF format (no later than August 10th, 2020)
through the workshop submission site at:
Contributors to the OAEI 2020 campaign have to follow the campaign
and schedule at http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2020/.
August 10th, 2020: Deadline for the submission of papers.
September 11th, 2020: Deadline for the notification of
September 21st, 2020: Workshop camera ready copy submission.
November 2nd or 3rd, 2020: OM-2020, Virtual Conference.
Contributions will be refereed by the Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings
as a volume of CEUR-WS as well as indexed on DBLP.
1. Pavel Shvaiko (main contact)
Trentino Digitale, Italy
2. Jérôme Euzenat
INRIA & Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
3. Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz
City, University of London, UK & SIRIUS, University of Oslo, Norway
4. Oktie Hassanzadeh
IBM Research, USA
5. Cássia Trojahn
IRIT, France
PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be completed):
Alsayed Algergawy, Jena University, Germany
Manuel Atencia, INRIA & Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
Zohra Bellahsene, LIRMM, France
Jiaoyan Chen, University of Oxford, UK
Valerie Cross, Miami University, USA
Jérôme David, University Grenoble Alpes & INRIA, France
Daniel Faria, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciéncia, Portugal
Alfio Ferrara, University of Milan, Italy
Marko Gulic, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Wei Hu, Nanjing University, China
Ryutaro Ichise, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Antoine Isaac, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & Europeana, Netherlands
Naouel Karam, Fraunhofer, Germany
Prodromos Kolyvakis, EPFL, Switzerland
Patrick Lambrix, Linköpings Universitet, Sweden
Oliver Lehmberg, University of Mannheim, Germany
Majeed Mohammadi, TU Delft, Netherlands
Peter Mork, MITRE, USA
Andriy Nikolov, Metaphacts GmbH, Germany
George Papadakis, University of Athens, Greece
Catia Pesquita, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Henry Rosales-Méndez, University of Chile, Chile
Kavitha Srinivas, IBM, USA
Giorgos Stoilos, Huawei Technologies, Greece
Pedro Szekely, University of Southern California, USA
Ludger van Elst, DFKI, Germany
Xingsi Xue, Fujian University of Technology, China
Ondrej Zamazal, Prague University of Economics, Czech Republic
Songmao Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
More about ontology matching:
Best regards,
Cassia Trojahn
Assistant professor
Université de Toulouse 2, France
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Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Subject: [WI] CFP - VISSOFT 2020: 8th IEEE Working Conference on
Software Visualization
Date: Tue, 05 May 2020 20:43:10 +0200
From: David Baum <david.baum(a)uni-leipzig.de>
Reply-To: David Baum <david.baum(a)uni-leipzig.de>
Organization: Universität Leipzig
To: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
8th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2020)
September 28-29, 2020, Adelaide, Australia
Software visualization is a broad research area whose general goal is
to enhance and promote the theory, realization, and evaluation of
approaches to visually encode and analyze software systems, including
software development practices, evolution, structure, and software
runtime behavior. Software visualization is inherently
interdisciplinary, drawing on theories and techniques from information
visualization and computer graphics and applying these in the software
engineering domain.
The VISSOFT conference is a venue for publishing and discussing
research related to software visualization. VISSOFT brings together a
community of researchers from software engineering, information
visualization, computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and data
science to discuss theoretical foundations, algorithms, techniques,
tools, and applications related to the visualization of software.
VISSOFT 2020, co-held with ICSME 2020, encourages a variety of
submissions that address outstanding challenges in software systems
using visualization. This includes technical papers, empirical
studies, applications, case studies, and papers that present novel
ideas and tools.
- Innovative visualization and visual analytics techniques for
analysis of software engineering data. This includes source code,
dependencies, repositories, developer social networks such as
StackOverflow and GitHub, mobile app reviews, documentation,
runtime logs, and DevOps data.
- Visualization to support software development activities,
including design, requirements engineering, program comprehension,
software testing, and debugging.
- Interaction techniques and algorithms for software visualization.
- Visualization-based techniques in software engineering education.
- Integration of software visualization tools with development
- Empirical evaluation of software visualizations, including eye
- Industrial experience with using software visualization.
- Applications of new technologies to enhance software
visualization, including virtual reality, augmented/mixed reality,
gamification, and artificial intelligence.
- Analytical approaches to understand software-related aspects based
on data science concepts.
We solicit papers that present original, unpublished research results.
Papers will be rigorously reviewed by an international program
committee. In addition to technical papers, VISSOFT features a New
Ideas or Emerging Results (NIER) track and a Tool Demonstrations (TD)
track. All accepted submissions will appear in the conference
proceedings and the IEEE Digital Library.
**Technical papers**:
A technical paper contribution must describe an in-depth and mature
research result relevant to software visualization. The content of a
technical paper can be at a maximum 10 pages long (including all
figures, tables, and appendices). However, the 10 page limit does not
include the bibliography, which is limited by two additional pages.
The submission of a video (up to 5 minutes in length) to accompany the
paper is highly encouraged to show interaction possibilities. Authors
who wish to submit a video can submit the video together with their
paper if the size of the video is smaller than 50 MB, otherwise a URL
to the video should be provided.
After the notification, authors can also submit an artifact (tool,
data, model, etc.)
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vissoft2020
**NIER/TD Track**:
The NIER/TD Track of VISSOFT accepts two types of contributions: New
Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) and Tool Demonstrations (TD). Both
NIER and TD contributions have a page limit of 5 (including
NIER contributions describe work-in-progress and preliminary exciting
results. Authors are encouraged to include open questions and even
provocative hypotheses to get early feedback on their research ideas.
A sound evaluation is not required for NIER contributions. One of the
goals of the NIER Track is to foster collaboration among different
research groups.
Tool Demonstrations describe the design or actual utilization of
software visualization tools, with a focus on the architecture of the
tool or its use to gain new insights. During the conference, we will
organize an informal tool demonstration session where authors of TD
papers are requested to demonstrate their tools. The submission may
also contain a link to a screencast (e.g., YouTube or Vimeo) to show
the interaction possibilities offered by the tool.
Abstract submission: June 22, 2020
Technical paper submission: June 26, 2020
NIER/TD paper submission: June 26, 2020
Artifact submission: August 1, 2020
Author notification: July 24, 2020
Camera-Ready: August 7, 2020
Conference date: September 28-29, 2020
**Statement on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)**
The VISSOFT Organizing Committee is aware of the current COVID-19
situation. At this time, the conference is planned to take place as
scheduled. The committee will continue monitoring conditions and will
provide updates if plans change.
Stay safe & we hope to see you at VISSOFT 2020!
Craig Anslow (General Chair)
Andreas Schreiber and Takashi Ishio (Program Co-Chairs)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] iCFP HICSS-54 Minitrack on Emerging Issues in
Distributed Group Decision-Making
Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 18:50:21 +0000
From: Anil Aggarwal <aaggarwal(a)ubalt.edu>
To: AISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues:
After successful sessions last five years, we are continuing our mini
track on Emerging Issues in Distributed Group Decision-Making:
Opportunities and Challenges at the HICSS Conference. We invite you to
submit your paper to our minitrack . A call for papers is attached.
Anil Aggarwal
University of Baltimore
Doug Vogel
Harbin Institute of technology
Yuko SJ Murayama
Tsuda College
CALL FOR PAPERS FOR the Mini-track
Emerging Issues in e-collaboration Distributed Group Decision-Making:
Opportunities and Challenges<http://home.ubalt.edu/ntsbagga/hicss_54.htm>
(Part of the Collaboration Systems and Technology track )
Grand Hyatt Kauai
Given the current turbulent state of world economy, outsourcing is
coming under tremendous pressure. Companies are no longer providing
long-term contracts but are renewing them based on deliverables from
outsourced companies. This is putting tremendous pressure on teams to
deliver quality product on time. Team adaptability and team
configuration are becoming crucial to meet deadlines. Teams must be able
to adapt quickly to the changing environment. Agile teams adapt and
deliver quickly and provide maximum customer satisfaction. By
definition, however, agile teams must be co-located. Can distributed
teams be agile and adaptable? This requires careful team configuration.
Distributed teams face many challenges of time, location,
infrastructure, language, customs, socialization and politics. This is
further compounded in globally distributed teams by diversity,
nationality and cultural issues. As old issue are resolved, new
challenges emerge that require knowledge from multiple disciplines such
as information systems, social sciences, international management,
leadership and political science. It is almost impossible for one
individual to have expertise in so many domains, which makes this a very
challenging but ultimately rewarding collaborative area of research.
Given the richness and research potential of this area, it is essential
to brainstorm and bring diverse points of view to develop underlying
theory and frameworks. The mini track will attempt to accomplish these
The mini track will address emerging issue such as diversity, culture,
adaptability and agility related to teams in distributed group decision
making, as well as the underlying theories of group dynamics,
coordination, communications and decision-making in distributed
environments, in creation of competitive advantage.
Examples of topics in the discussion of globally distributed decision
making mini-track will include the following (but are not limited to):
* eCollaboration in distributed teams
* Fake news impact on ecollaboration
* Swift team collaboration
* Sub groups impact on eCollaboration
* Big data collaboration
* E-government(s) inter- , intra-collaboration
* Collaboration through crowdsourcing
* Disaster management in distributed teams
* Delivering health services through collaboration
* Economics of distributed decision making in the clouds
* Trust and distrust as motivator in distributed decision making
* Can agile teams be globally distributed?
* Agile/Adaptable team configuration in globally distributed teams
* The "e (internet)" to "m (mobile)" transformation of globally
distributed teams
* Communication and coordination in globally distributed teams
* Diversity issues in globally distributed teams
* Customer satisfaction, performance and "trust" building in globally
distributed teams
* Synchronous and asynchronous decision making in globally distributed teams
* Comparison of issues across internal, inter-, intra and offshore
distributed teams
* Turbulent economy and its impact on outsourcing
* Models of globally distributed agile/adaptable teams
* Knowledge creation, transfer and integration across globally
distributed teams
* Leadership/cohesiveness issues in globally distributed teams
* Issues related to functional and dysfunctional globally distributed teams
* Security, privacy and risk associated with globally distributed teams
* Case Studies (success/failures) related to decision making by globally
distributed teams
Contact Information for Mini-Track Chair:
Dr. A. K. Aggarwal**
University of Baltimore, USA
Dr. Doug Vogel
Harbin Institute of technology
Dr. Yuko SJ Murayama
Tsuda College
Important Deadlines:
June 15, 2020: Paper Submission Deadline (11:59 pm HST)
August 17, 2020: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 4, 2020: Deadline for A-M Authors to Submit Revised Manuscript
for Review
September 22, 2020: Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for
October 1, 2020: Deadline for at least one author of to register for
HICSS-54Instructions for
Paper Submission:
* HICSS papers must contain original material not previously published,
or currently submitted elsewhere.
* Do not submit the manuscript to more than one mini-track. If unsure
which mini-track is appropriate, submit the abstract to the Track Chair
for guidance.
* Submit your full paper according to the detailed formatting and
submission instructions found on the HICSS website. Note: All papers
will be submitted in double column publication format and limited to 10
pages including diagrams and references. HICSS will conduct double-blind
reviews of each submitted paper.
HICSS conferences are devoted to advances in the information, computer,
and system sciences, and encompass developments in both theory and
practice. Invited papers may be theoretical, conceptual, tutorial or
descriptive in nature. Submissions undergo a double-blind peer referee
process and those selected for presentation will be published in the
Conference Proceedings. Submissions must not have been previously published.
For the latest information visit the HICSS web site at:
Tung Bui, Conference Chair
Email: tungb(a)hawaii.edu
Thayanan Phuaphanthong, Conference Administrator
Email: hicss(a)hawaii.edu<mailto:hicss@hawaii.edu>
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] UPDATED DEADLINE due to COVID-19 delay: Call for
Papers: SAIS 2020 - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, September 11-12, 2020
Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 17:23:48 +0000
From: Bernie Farkas <BFARKAS(a)ut.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: Call for Papers - SAIS 2020 - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,
September 11-12, 2020
UPDATED DEADLINE due to COVID-19 delay: July 31, 2020
** If your paper was accepted and you have not requested a refund, you
do not need to resubmit. Your paper is accepted for the September
Conference **
You can find the detailed CFP and paper templates on the SAIS website -
Twenty-Second Annual Conference of the Southern Association for
Information Systems September 11-12, 2020 Marina Inn at Grande Dunes,
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
The annual Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS), an
official chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), will
hold its 23rd SAIS conference at Marina Inn at Grande Dunes in beautiful
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina from September 11-12, 2020. We invite
submissions of abstracts, papers, panels, tutorials, and workshops, from
academia, business, or government on current topics in all areas of
information systems. Accepted abstracts and papers will be included in
the conference proceedings and published in the AIS eLibrary.
Papers submitted by student authors are eligible for one of three award
categories: Best Undergraduate Student Paper, Best Graduate Student
Paper, Best Ph.D. Student Paper. The Best Graduate and Ph.D. Student
Paper selection(s) are eligible for cash prizes up to $200. The other
submitted papers are eligible for the Best Conference Paper Award. The
author(s) of the selected Best Conference Paper will be invited to
submit an extended version of the submitted paper to be fast-tracked for
publication in the Journal of the Southern Association for Information
Systems (JSAIS).
July 31 2020 - Submission deadline for abstracts, completed papers,
research-in-progress, panels/tutorials/workshops August 14, 2020 -
Acceptance notification August 14, 2020 - Deadline to make hotel
reservations at the group conference rate August 28, 2020 - Deadline for
author registration & submission of final versions of accepted papers
September 11-12, 2020 - SAIS 2020 Conference
For more information on the Conference, please consult the SAIS website
(http://sais.aisnet.org/) or the VP-Program Chair at
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CfPs: IST'2020 within FedCSIS'2020
Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 11:33:01 +0200
From: Ewa Ziemba <ewzi60(a)gmail.com>
To: AISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
***************************** COVI-19 Information
We would like to assure everybody that FedCSIS 2020 will take place, the
submitted and accepted papers will be published and sent for indexations as
usual. In case the conference cannot be staged in real setting of beautiful
Sofia, we will provide a virtual web-based avenue for it. We look forward
to receiving your contributions as usual and guarantee that FedCSIS 2020
will be another memorable and rewarding conference.
FedCSIS organizers
Track 4: Information Systems and Technologies IST'2020
15th Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems FedCSIS'2020
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
06-09 September 2020
Dear friends and colleagues,
Are you interested in sharing and discussing your research on integrating
and creating synergy between disciplines of information technology,
information systems, and social sciences, i.e. economics, management,
business, finance, and education? If yes, then please consider submitting
our Track 4 IST'2020.
The track addresses the issues relevant to information technology and
necessary for practical, everyday needs of business, other organizations
and society at large. This track takes a socio-technical view on
information systems and, at the same time, relates to ethical, social and
political issues raised by information systems. It seeks new studies in
many disciplines to foster a growing body of conceptual, theoretical,
experimental, and applied research that could inform design, deployment and
usage choices for information systems and technology within business and
public organizations as well as households.
Extended versions of high-marked papers presented at technical sessions of
IST 2015-2019 have been published with Springer in volumes of Lecture Notes
in Business Information Processing: LNBIP 243, LNBIP 277, LNBIP 311, LNBIP
346, and LNBIP 380.
Extended versions of selected papers presented during IST'2020 will be
published in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing series
(LNBIP, Springer).
Authors can submit their paper to the technical sessions:
Advances in Information Systems and Technology (AIST'20),
Data Science in Health, Ecology and Commerce (DSH'19) (2nd Special Session
DSH'20), https://www.fedcsis.org/2020/dsh;
Information Systems Management (15th Conference ISM'20),
Knowledge Acquisition and Management (26th Conference KAM'20),
Important dates:
Paper submission (sharp / no extension): May 15, 2020
Position paper submission: June 9, 2020
Author notification: June 30, 2020
Final paper submission and registration: July 15, 2020
Conference date: September 6-9, 2020
Chairs of IST'2020 Track:
Ewa Ziemba, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Guangming Cao, Ajman University, United Arab Emirates
Daphne Raban, University of Haifa, Israel
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