-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Requirements Engineering Track at the 34th ACM
Symposium on Applied (SAC-2019)
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2018 13:18:20 +0000
From: Isabel Sofia Sousa Brito <isabel.sofia(a)ipbeja.pt>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]
Requirements Engineering Track, 12th Edition
at the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC-2019) Cyprus
April 8-12, 2019 For over thirty years, the ACM Symposium on Applied
Computing (SAC) has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer
scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application
developers from around the world. The 12th Edition of the Requirements
Engineering Track (RE-Track'19) is part of the 34th ACM Symposium on
Applied Computing. SAC 2019 is hosted by University of Cyprus, Cyprus.
The objective of this track is to explore different advances in
Requirements Engineering in a general way, its relation with different
areas, reducing the gap between software engineering solutions and the
way one specific domain of knowledge was seen up to given point.
IMPORTANT DATES ================ Sep 10, 2018: Submission of regular
papers and SRC abstracts Nov 10, 2018: Notification of papers and
posters and SRC acceptance/rejection Nov 25, 2018: Camera-ready copies
of accepted papers/SRC
PAPER SUBMISSION ================= Authors are invited to submit in all
areas of Requirements Engineering. The program committee will blindly
review submissions to that track. The author(s) name(s) and address(es)
must not appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference should be
in third person. This is to facilitate blind review. Please find the
template here: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template
Please note that the maximum page length for the conference is 8 pages
(without extra-fee), 10 is the maximum (with extra-fee). Submissions
should be printable on a standard printer on common paper formats, such
as US letter and A4.
Papers should not be submitted to more than one ACM-SAC track. Paper
submissions should be done electronically through the following websites:
(for regular papers) https://www.softconf.com/i/sac2019/
(for SRC papers) https://www.softconf.com/i/sac-src2019/
Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the
paper/poster in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy
attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for the
paper/poster to be included in the ACM/IEEE digital library. No-show of
registered papers and posters will result in excluding them from the
ACM/IEEE digital library.
STUDENTS COMPETITION ====================== Active graduate students
seeking feedback from the scientific community on their research ideas
are invited to submit abstracts of their original unpublished and
in-progress research work in areas of experimental computing and
application development related to SAC 2019 Tracks. Please visit SAC
2019 website at https://www.sigapp.org/sac/sac2019/
TOPICS ======= Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the
Requirements elicitation, analysis, documentation
Requirements specification languages, methods, processes, and tools
Requirements management, traceability, viewpoints
Modelling of requirements, goals, and domains
Non-functional, quality requirements
Requirements engineering for scientific areas
Requirements engineering and software architecture
Requirements engineering for specific domains such as security, law, games
Automated reasoning techniques and natural language processing for RE
Agile requirements engineering
Aspect-oriented requirements engineering
Agent-oriented requirements engineering
Requirements in service-oriented environments
Case studies and experiences in requirements engineering
Social, cultural, and cognitive factors in requirements engineering
Requirements engineering education and training
Requirements and simulation
Evolution of requirements over time, product families and variability
Model-Driven requirements engineering
Quality of requirements
TRACK CO-CHAIRS ================ Maria Lencastre (mlpm(a)ecomp.poli.br)
Universidade de Pernambuco, Brazil
João Araújo (joao.araujo(a)fct.unl.pt) Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
PROGRAM COMMITTEE ==================== Andreas Opdahl (University of
Bergen, Norway)
Angelo Susi (University of Trento, Italy)
Carla Silva (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Daniel Berry (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Daniel Mendez, (TUM, Germany)
Emilio Insfran (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Eric Yu (University of Toronto, Canada)
Fabiano Dalpiaz (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Grischa Liebel (Chalmers, Sweden)
Guenther Ruhe (University of Calgary, Canada)
Isabel Brito (IPBeja, Portugal)
Jennifer Horkoff (Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Jaelson Castro (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Joao Pimentel (Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brazil)
John Mylopoulos (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Jose Luis de la Vara (Universidad Carlos III Madrid, Spain)
Julio Leite (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
Lawrence Chung (University of Texas, Dallas)
Lidia López (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Marcos Kalinowski (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil)
Maya Daneva (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Mehrdad Sabetzadeh (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Miguel Goulao (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Nan Niu (University of Cincinnati, USA)
Nelly Condori-Fernandez (UDC, Spain) (VUA, The Netherlands)
Oscar Pastor (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Renata Guizzardi (UFES, Brazil)
Seok-Won Lee (Ajou University, Republic of Korea)
Sepideh Ghanavati (Texas Tech University)
Zhi Jin, (University of Beijing, China)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2018 10:05:44 +0200
From: Artur Lugmayr <artur.lugmayr(a)ambientmediaassociation.org>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Long/Short Papers, Abstracts, Demos and Posters
In conjunction with the IEEE Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality (AIVR)
- 10th-12th December 2018
- Taichung, Taiwan
- Submission Deadline: 14th October 2018
- Website:
- Submission System:
- Workshop proceedings published in an Scopus indexed proceedings series
- Best papers will be published as edited book, or journal special issue
The objective of this workshop is to invite scholars and practitioners to
discuss synergies between interface and
experience design in artificial intelligent reality virtual and augmented
environments. The aim is to gather a cross-
disciplinary team of contributors researching HCI related issues
contributing to this fascinating newly emerging
domain. We especially seek contributions from experts with a background in
computer science, HCI,
psychology/cognitive sciences, culture/communication studies, design and
art to develop this fascinating
intersection. Aspects can range from user-experience, technologies
supporting end-users, practical applications,
methods, content production, cultural implications, communication theories,
up to more artistic approaches in
artificial intelligent interaction.
While AI's main aim is to replicate human intelligence, AR and VR focuses
its research efforts on the creation of
artificial worlds either in complete virtual world, or as part of our
physical environment. Many examples that bridge
the two fields have emerged recently, e.g. intelligence in digital games
and the utilization of computer graphics
hardware for deep learning and AI. Philosophical discussions around issues
arising in this new area range from ideas
when things start to think to Alan Turing's work. In this workshop, we
would like to raise a question: what would
happen when artificial worlds start to think, and how we humans can
interact and communicate with AI through e.g.
affective interfaces? Thus, while AI and VR/AR went rather distinct
research pathways, we attempt to bring them
together, and discuss different aspects at the intersection of machine
intelligence and human interaction in a mixed
The workshop intends to attract a broad range of contributions to develop
this scholarly field during a full day venue.
As the emphasis is on creating the synergy between VR/AR and AI/ML, we are
not limited to particular areas; instead,
the following exemplary topics might help to gather ideas for a possible
contribution: affective and emotional
computation, communication with AI, digital game analytics, utilization of
computer graphics hardware for deep
learning, personalization and recommender systems, UX with agents and
physical robots, cultural robotics, or AI in
information visualization.
The workshop program stretches over a full-day, and will contain a
combination of invited keynote presentations,
oral presentations, posters, and demonstrations.
The workshop proceedings will be published in a Scopus indexed proceedings
series, and the very best contribution
will be published in an edited book from a highly reputable publisher which
has been pre-arranged. Depending on
the quality and amount of contributions, we are also considering to publish
a journal special issue within an indexed
• Interaction design for AIVR
• Multimodal AI supported interaction design
• Artificial intelligence and machine learning in AIVR
• Emotions and AI in VR, AR, and smart objects
• Human-Computer-Interaction with AI in virtual worlds
• Human communication through AIVR
• Emotion enriched human-AI collaboration
• AI in digital games and other application areas
• User-Experience and interaction with AIVR
• Affective human-virtual world interaction
• Design of emotionally intelligent AIVR
• Recommender systems and personalisation in AIVR
• Information visualisation in AIVR
• Communication theory and cognitive science
• Affective ambient intelligence in mixed realities
• UX with AI agents in AIVR
• Brain interfaces in AIVR
• AI based emotion mediated communication in AIVR
• Authoring emotional intelligent interaction in AIVR
• Multimodal affective interfaces in AIVR
• Human-human emotional communication in AIVR
The workshop proceedings will be published in a Scopus indexed proceedings
series with an ISBN number as part of
the Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME) workshop series. The very best
contributions will be published in an
edited book from a highly reputable publisher which has been pre-arranged.
Please note that only selected high
quality contributions will be published as part of the edited book.
However, during the workshop a common journal
article co-authored between all workshop participants will be published as
an introduction chapter.
* 14/10/2018: Deadline for workshop papers
* 21/10/2018: Notification of accepted workshop papers
* 29/10/2018: Camera ready workshop papers
* 31/10/2018: Registration for the Workshop
* 10/12/2018: Workshop Day
The workshop program stretches over a full-day, and will contain a
combination of invited keynote presentations,
oral presentations, posters, and demonstrations. We are calling for paper
submissions of extended abstracts
between 2-5 pages long, following the submission format of IEEE Manuscript
Formatting guidelines. Please choose
one of the three submission categories:
* Abstract: 1-2 pages long
* Short paper, demo, or poster: 2-4 pages long
* Long paper: 4-6 pages long
Please download the paper template from:
The copyright form can be downloaded from:
Your submission should include: scanned signed copyright form + original
contribution in word or latex + pdf of the
paper. Add ALL your files (copyright form, word document/latex files,
scanned copyright form) into ONE zip file.
Upload the zip file to the workshop submission system on:
We strongly recommend the ideas and topics from the following papers prior
your submission or as part of a paper
submission in its discussion section:
* Lugmayr, A. et al., 2017. Cognitive Big Data. Survey and Review on Big
Data Research and its Implications: What is
Really “New”? Cognitive Big Data! Journal of Knowledge Management
(JMM), 21(1). Available at:
Journal of Knowledge
* Sun, M., Zhao, Z., and Ma, X. (2017). Sensing and Handling Engagement
Dynamics in Human-Robot Interaction
Involving Peripheral Computing Devices. In Proc. CHI2017 (to appear).
* Zhu, F., Fang, K., and Ma, X. (2017). Exploring the Effects of Strategy
and Arousal of Cueing in Computer-Human
Persuasion. In Proc. CHI2017 EA (to appear).
* Yang, Y., Ma, X., and Fung, P. (2017). Perceived Emotional Intelligence
in Virtual Agents. In Proc. CHI2017 EA (to
* Ma, X. (2016). Developing Design Guidelines for a Visual Vocabulary of
Electronic Medical Information to Improve
Health Literacy. Interacting with Computers.
* Zhu, K., Ma, X., Chen, H., and Liang, M. (2016). Tripartite Effects:
Exploring Users' Mental Model of Mobile Gestures
under the Influence of Operation, Handheld Posture, and Interaction Space.
International Journal of Human-
Computer Interaction.
* A. Lugmayr, E. Serral, A. Scherp, B. Pogorelc, and M. Mustaquim,
“Ambient media today and tomorrow,”
Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 71, 2014, pp. 7-37 Available:
* ZHU Kening, ZHU Rongbo, H SAMANI, BB JALAEIAN, PaperIO: a 3D interface
towards the internet of embedded
paper-craft, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2014
Kening Zhu, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong
Artur Lugmayr, VisLab, Curtin University, Australia
Xiaojuan Ma, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Florian ‘Floyd' Mueller, RMIT, AUSTRALIA
Ulrich Engelke, Data 61, CSIRO, AUSTRALIA
In case of questions, please don't hesitate to contact:
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 2018 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence
(AmI 2018): Last Mile for Workshop Papers Submission
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2018 14:32:27 +0300
From: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE(a)acm.org, confs-submit(a)hri.org, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
2018 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2018)
Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus, 12-14 November, 2018
*** Submission Deadline: 31st August 2018 (extended) ***
Ambient intelligence refers to normal working and living environments
being surrounded by embedded devices that can merge unobtrusively and in
natural ways using information and intelligence hidden in the network
connecting these devices (e.g. The Internet of Things). Such devices, each
specialised in one or more capabilities, are intended to work together based
on an infrastructure of intelligent systems, to provide a variety of
improving safety, security and the quality of life in ordinary living,
and working environments.
Accompanying the main conference, the following two workshops will be
WS-AFFIN 2nd Workshop On Affective Interaction With Avatars and Robots
http://ws-sime.com/ws-affin <http://ws-sime.com/ws-affin>
Behavioral Change and Ambient Intelligence for Sustainability
Both workshops invite full-papers, work-in progress and position papers
that address one or more of the topics of interest.
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three Program
Committee members from the corresponding workshop.
All accepted full papers and posters will appear in the conference
proceedings published by Elsevier under the ENTCS Journal series. Papers
must be submitted in PDF format adhering to the ELSEVIER Journal format
and should follow the publication policies of ENTCS.
The macros can be obtained on the ENTCS Macro Web Site
http://www.entcs.org <http://www.entcs.org/> along with detailed
instructions about preparing the
papers for the series.
• Paper Submissions Due: 31 August, 2018 (extended)
• Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 10 September, 2018
• Camera Ready Versions Due: 25 September, 2018
• Author (of workshop papers) Registration: 25 September, 2018
A few papers from each workshop will be selected by the workshop chairs
and invited for submission to a special issue of MDPI Applied Sciences
The final paper should have at least 30% extra material and will be reviewed
as any MDPI submission.
General Chair
• George Roussos, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Program Chairs
• Achilleas D. Kameas, Hellenic Open University, Greece
• Kostas Stathis, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Workshops Chairs
• Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, University of Rome, Italy
• Fariba Sadri, Imperial College, UK
Local Organization Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call For Papers: IEEE International Conference on
Software Architecture (ICSA 2019)
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 10:05:30 -0400
From: bastian.tenbergen(a)oswego.edu
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
ICSA 2019
IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture
March 25-29, 2019
Hamburg, Germany
ICSA cordially invites contributions related to all aspects of software
architecture. Submissions can be made in the following categories:
* Technical track
* New and Emerging Ideas (NEMI) track
* Software Architecture in Practice (SAIP) track
* Tool Demonstrations track
* Early Career Researchers Forum (ECRF-ICSA 2019)
* Workshops
* Tutorials
The International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2019) is the
premier gathering of practitioners and researchers interested in software
architecture, in component-based software engineering and in quality aspects
of complex software systems.
ICSA continues the tradition of a working conference, where researchers meet
practitioners and where software architects can explain the problems they
face in their day-to-day work and try to influence the future of the field.
Interactive working sessions will be the place where researchers meet
practitioners to identify opportunities to create the future.
The increasing size of software systems and the emergence of increasingly
autonomous systems is asking for innovative software engineering practices.
The way software is being developed and maintained is rapidly changing and
must take into account multifaceted constraints like fast-changing and
unpredictable markets, complex and changing customer requirements, pressures
of shorter time-to-market, rapidly advancing information technologies, just
to name a few of these new aspects. To cope with such constraints, software
is increasingly produced according to rapid continuous software engineering
development processes. The theme of ICSA 2019 is "Architectures to
interconnect Services and Systems".
We welcome original contributions that explore and explain the role of
architecture in current systems as well as in near future systems. This
conference looks at what can be learned from our software architecture
history, experience, studies, and best practices.
*Call for Papers*
We solicit the software architecture community original submissions of the
following types:
*Technical Papers*
Technical research papers (10 pages) should describe original and
significant results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, or experimental
research in software architecture research or industrial practice. The
novelty of the contribution needs to be clearly described and the results
validated. Technical research papers are limited to 10 proceedings pages,
and will be evaluate based on soundness, significance, verifiability, and
presentation quality, in that order.
Topics of interest for the conference include (but are not limited to) the
following themes:
* Architecture & CI, CD and DevOps,
* Microservices
* Model driven engineering for continuous architecting
* Up-front architecture and agile development
* Architecting Systems of Systems, IoT systems, CPSs, software ecosystems,
self-adaptive systems, or autonomous systems
* Component based software engineering and architecture design
* Architecture evaluation and quality aspects of software architectures
* Automatic extraction and generation of software architecture descriptions
* Re-factoring and evolving architecture design decisions and solutions
* Architecture frameworks and architecture description languages
* Linking architecture to requirements and/or implementation
* Preserving architecture quality throughout the system lifetime
* Reusable architectural solutions
* Software architecture knowledge management
* Software architecture for legacy systems and systems integration
* Architecting families of products
* Cultural, economic, business and managerial aspects of software
* Software architects roles and responsibilities
* Training, education, and certification of software architects
* State-of-the-art and state-of-practice in software architecture
* Industrial experiments and case studies
*Anonymization, Formatting and Submission Instructions*
Please note that ICSA 2019 will pursue a double-blind review process for the
main Technical track (only), therefore all submissions to this track have to
fulfill the double-blind reviewing requirements, see
nstructions/index.html. Papers submitted to the ICSA2019 technical track
that disregard these review requirements will not be reviewed but
All submissions must conform to the Author Instructions, see
All papers are to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission
system https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsa2019 by the submission
deadline, and must not have been published before.
For more information please contact the Program Committee chairs through the
email contact address <mailto:icsa2019@easychair.org>
All accepted technical track contributions will be published in ICSA 2019
proceedings, and appear in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
*New and Emerging Ideas*
The goal of the New and Emerging Ideas (NEMI) track at ICSA 2019 is to
encourage the software architecture community to propose new software
architecture research visions and ideas, which can potentially challenge the
status quo of the software architecture discipline (research and practice)
and point to new directions and opportunities.
*Types of submissions*
The ICSA 2019 NEMI track seeks the following types of contributions:
*New Ideas*:
* Visions or new directions supported by a strong and well motivated
scientific foundation or practical application;
* Arguments or results that challenge established results or beliefs, giving
evidence that calls for fundamentally new directions, opening up new
research avenues or software architecture practices;
* Radically new approaches, techniques, or theories that can bring new
results to software architecture research or practice.
*Emerging Results*:
* Not yet fully mature research results, that may lack full validation but
that still can stimulate discussions; papers should trigger discussion and
raise awareness and reflection on specific topics, in research and/or
industrial practice.
NEMI papers must clearly motivate and illustrate a rationale for changing
current practice and/or research in software architecture. Evaluation
results are not required for NEMI papers (but if such results exist, then
they may be presented, if only to give the reviewers a feel about the
evaluation plan). Strong argumentation and reasoning is expected to inspire
the readers.
NEMI provides a forum for innovative, thought-provoking insights in software
architecture in order to accelerate the exposure of the community to early
and on-going yet promising and potentially inspiring innovations in industry
and academia.
NEMI papers are not second-class ICSA research track papers. NEMI is a forum
for first-class contributions that provide novel, soundly motivated
directions and emerging results in research and practice.
In principle, the track addresses the same topics of interest as those of
the technical paper track. However, NEMI authors are encouraged to combine
these topics in new ways, to establish connections to other fields outside
of classical software architecture, push the boundaries of software
architecture to new avenues, as well as to argue for the importance of
software architecture research and practice in areas not explicitly listed.
*Out of scope*
A NEMI submission should not be just incremental results on existing
research, nor disguised advertisements for previously published results,
products, tools or methods, or experience reports. ICSA 2019 has several
tracks and workshops where such works can be submitted.
All submissions will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria:
* Value: the problem is worth exploring, ideally real world use-inspired.
* Impact: the potential for disruption of current practice and/or research;
* Originality: new insights or ideas/visions;
* Rationale: soundness of the justification, reasoning and argumentation;
* Evaluation: appropriate consideration of relevant literature and/or
research evaluation to demonstrate originality, arguments and limitations;
* Quality: overall manuscript quality.
*Formatting and submission Instructions*
All NEMI submissions must conform to the Author Instructions
nstructions/index.html, and must not exceed *four pages*, including all
text, references, appendices, and figures. No double-blind, but single-blind
review will apply to NEMI papers. All papers are to be submitted
electronically via the NEMI EasyChair submission system
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsa2019nemi, by the submission
deadline. Submissions must not have been published elsewhere and must not be
under review or submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration for
ICSA 2019 NEMI track..
Note that in addition to an oral plenary presentation at the conference,
authors of accepted papers may also bring a poster describing their work to
further showcase their work to a broader ICSA audience.
For more information please contact the NEMI track chairs through the email
contact address <mailto:icsa2019nemi@easychair.org>
All accepted technical track contributions will be published in ICSA 2019
Companion proceedings, and appear in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
*Software Architecture in Practice*
The ICSA Software Architecture in Practice (SAIP) Track provides
practitioners and researchers a platform to present and discuss the most
recent innovations and findings in the field of software architecture by
means of experience reports and talks. Topics of interest are the same as
for the ICSA 2019 Technical Track.
*Types of Submissions and Publication*
We solicit the following types of submissions:
*SW Architecture in Practice papers* (4-8 pages) address industry-relevant
software architecture problems through systematic investigations. Full
papers may describe industry-relevant experience and best practices.
Successful applications of research ideas in industrial settings are
welcomed as well as negative results that rigorously describe why a research
approach cannot be applied. Empirical analyses of industry-relevant software
architecture issues may help both practitioners and researchers.
The evaluation criteria are potential impact, repeatability, and real-world
focus. An extensive discussion of the context in which the result was
obtained is useful to transfer an approach to other contexts. Full papers
will appear in the ICSA Companion proceedings.
*Technical talk proposals* (2 pages) must feature current trends in the
industry on the practice of software architecture presenting ideas that are
both inspirational and informative. Proposals should make clear why the talk
is interesting to ICSA SAIP attendees. Each accepted talk will be of 30
minutes duration. Extended abstracts of the accepted talks will appear in
the ICSA Companion proceedings.
*Formatting and Submission Instructions*
All submissions must conform to the Author Instructions
nstructions/index.html. No double-blind, but single-blind review will apply
to SAIP papers. All papers are to be submitted electronically via the
EasyChair submission system
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsa2019saip, and must not have been
published before.
For more information please contact the SAIP track chairs through the email
contact address mailto:icsa2019saip@easychair.org
*Tool Demonstrations*
The ICSA 2019 Tool Demonstrations track provides researchers, practitioners,
and educators with a platform to present and discuss the most recent
innovations and findings in the field of software architecture by means of
live tool presentations. We distinguish two categories of tool demo
submissions addressing any aspect of tool support to help software
architects, researchers, and practitioners:
*Tools used in practice*, either from commercial vendors or open-source
projects. These demonstrations should focus on practical applications within
the different activities of software architecting and should particularly
show how they advance the current state of the practice. New ideas and
features are particularly welcome.
*Research tools* from academic or industrial research environments. These
demonstrations are intended to highlight underlying scientific contributions
and show how scientific approaches have been transferred into a working
Both categories may range from early prototypes to in-house or
pre-commercialized products. Authors of regular ICSA papers are also welcome
to submit an accompanying tool paper by adding information regarding the
actual demo as an appendix, as described further under submission
We especially appreciate tool demos in line with the theme of ICSA 2019,
which is "Architectures to interconnect Services and Systems" - leveraging
advances like cross-functional and cross-national teams, scaling research to
industry scale problems, bridging customer-developer divides, and working in
an 'intelligent connected' world. Of course tool demos on other topics of
Software Architecture are welcome too.
*Submission Requirements*
Submissions of papers for tool demonstrations must:
* Have a maximum length of 4 pages, describing the technology or approach,
how it relates to other industrial or research efforts, including
references, and what the expected benefits are.
* Have an appendix of maximum 2 pages (not included in the page count) that
provides a brief description of how the presentation will be conducted,
information on tool availability, maturity and the web-page for the tool (if
one exists).
* Clearly state the tool category: in-practice or research.
* Must conform to the Author Instructions
nstructions/index.html. No double-blind, but single-blind review will apply
to tool demo track submissions.
* Are to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsa2019tool, and must not have been
published before.
Optionally, the submission can be accompanied with a video (maximum length
of 5 minutes) in high resolution. In this case, a link to a page where the
video can be viewed needs to be included in the appendix. Note that the
video is not mandatory, but if it is available, it will be used to the
benefit of the evaluation of the submission.
Tool demos papers and accompanying artifacts will go through a peer review
process and accepted papers will be included in the IEEE companion
For more information please contact the track organizers through the contact
address icsa2019tool(a)easychair.org
*Early Career Researchers Submissions*
The goal of the Early Career Researchers Forum (ECRF-ICSA 2019) is to
inspire and bring together early career researchers in the field of software
architecture. This forum provides a vibrant place for discussing potential
and ongoing research at any stage, from ideas to results. This forum strives
to provide a friendly environment for early career researchers to present
their research proposals and early results, and get feedbacks and
inspirations from experienced researchers. This forum stimulates
interactions between early career researchers and experienced academic and
industry members of the community by offering a two-stage submission process
that will enable early career researchers to obtain feedbacks on their
Participation is open to research candidates (PhD or Masters), industrial
researchers or recent PhD graduates who want to share and improve their
research in the field of software architecture.
*Submission and Process*
The submission shall be a written report of between 6-8 pages. The format of
the submission shall be in IEEE format (see Author Instructions). Each
submission shall include the following:
*Part 1: Research Submission*
Each submission should include the following information
. The title of your submission
. Your information (name, affiliation, and e-mail address)
. An abstract of your research
. Motivations and goals justifying the importance of your research
. Research questions and hypotheses that describes what you want to
achieve, solve or demonstrate
. A discussion of the existing and related works that your research is
built upon, especially explaining why these works do not solve the
problem(s) that you have identified
. Description of the research methods and the collection of your
. Description of your potential contributions or contributions
. Description of your research agenda
Note that the scope of this submission is not limited to one area of
research, it could be a research agenda that connects several related
research questions. Please submit this part through the Easychair submission
system https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecrficsa2019.
*Part 2: Recommendation Letter*
Ask your main research advisor (in case of research candidates) or
supervisor (in case of PhD graduates or industry researcher) for a letter of
recommendation. This letter should include:
. Your name and position
. Current status of your research
. An endorsement of the publication of your submission
The letter should be in PDF format and should be sent directly by your
advisor via e-mail to the ECRF-ICSA2019 Chairs through this email address
mailto:ecrficsa2019@easychair.org. This recommendation letter will be held
confidential. The e-mail subject should have the subject "ICSA2019-ECRF
Recommendation" plus your Last Name.
In the first round, one member of the programme committee will provide
feedbacks and comments to each initial submission. Based on the initial
feedbacks, some early career researchers will be invited to improve their
works for resubmissions. Submissions in the second round will be evaluated
by two committee members. A selection will take place based on the quality
and potential of the research and its relevance to Software Architecture.
Selected submissions will be accepted for publications and talks in the ECRF
Submissions that are selected by the program committee members will be
invited to publish in the ICSA 2019 Companion Proceedings.
*Presentation and Discussion*
All early career researchers who have their submissions accepted must
present in the ECRF-ICSA 2019. The chairs of ECRF reserve the rights not to
publish the paper of an absentee. A researcher shall have 15 minutes to
present their research and research agenda. Experienced researchers shall
provide feedbacks and facilitate discussions.
*Workshop Proposals*
ICSA 2019 workshops provide a unique forum for researchers and practitioners
to present, learn, discuss and explore the latest experiences, challenges,
trends and emerging R&D results in the field of software architecture. A
workshop is not a mini-conference. The goal of workshops is to provide a
forum for participants to engage in intensive discussion and explore the
topic from different perspectives.
Workshops can be half-day or one-day events. Potential topics for workshops
are the same as, but not limited to, those of the ICSA 2019 Technical track.
Workshop chairs are responsible for submission and selection of papers.
Submissions must follow the IEEE Computer Science proceedings format, as
workshop proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Digital Library. Workshop
organizers may allow for different types of contributions (e.g., short and
long papers), but a workshop paper should not exceed a maximum of 8 pages in
IEEE format.
*Formatting and Submission Instructions*
All workshop proposals must conform, at time of submission, to the IEEE
Formatting Guidelines
Proposals must be written in English and not exceed 4 pages in length. They
are submitted through the Easychair submission system
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsa2019ws by the proposal
submission deadline.
Proposals should contain:
1. Motivation and objectives of the workshop
* Title and acronym of the workshop
* Motivation and objectives of the workshop topic (not exceeding 500
words) (Note: If your workshop is accepted then this description will be
used as early publicity.)
* A more detailed discussion of the anticipated outcomes of the workshop
(e.g., open research problems to pursue, validation objectives, empirical
studies, why the topic needs to be explored in a workshop setting etc.)
* Information about previous editions of the same workshop (if any)
* Potential connection with other ICSA events (if any)
2. Workshop format and needed services
* What will be the format and timings for the workshop? (e.g., position
talks, keynotes, breakout sessions, panel discussions, experiments, paper
presentation and discussion,or a combination thereof)
* What are the requirements in terms of rooms, equipment, and support
staff? (e.g., do you need special room layout or assistance from student
3. Target audience
* What backgrounds should the workshop attendees have?
* What is the range (min, max) for number of attendees for the workshop?
* What mix of industry and research participants is being sought?
* Please outline a strong and proactive publicity plan, including
information about the expected number and type of contributions and the
initial acceptance rate.
* Who are the potential Keynote speakers? In particular can you attract
keynote speakers from from industry?
4. Workshop contributions and evaluation
* What types of contribution are being solicited for the workshop? (e.g.,
full papers, position papers, posters, demos, experiments, or other
interactive sessions)
* What type of evaluation process will be used?
5. Workshop duration and timetable
* Indicate if you plan for a half-day or a full-day workshop and provide a
timetable for the structure of the event
6. Organizers and program committee
* Names and bios of organizers
* List of the potential program committee members
7. Draft call for papers for the workshop (a one page call for papers that
you intend to send out if your workshop is accepted)
*Evaluation Criteria*
Workshop proposals will be reviewed in a separate evaluation process from
research papers. Acceptance will be based on:
* evaluation of the workshop's potential to advance the state of research
and/or practice or bridging disciplines, between research and practice;
* timeliness and expected interest in the topic;
* relevance to the conference topics (See the topics of interest in the
ICSA 2019 conference site);
* the potential for attracting an appropriate number of participants;
* organizers' ability to lead a successful workshop and attract
* balance and synergy with other ICSA events.
A workshops may be canceled or merged with others after the early
registration deadline if too few participants have registered to make the
event viable.
For more information please contact the ICSA2019 workshop chairs through
this email contact address mailto:icsa2019ws@easychair.org
Tutorials at the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA
2019) provide a valuable opportunity for conference participants to expand
their knowledge and skills in specific research topics under the umbrella of
software architecture. Tutorials will be held before the main ICSA 2019
conference in half-day or full-day sessions (25th and 26th of April, 2019).
Type of submission
A tutorial proposal consists of 2-4 pages containing sections that describe
the relevance of the topic, including the state of the art, the
implementation of the planned tutorial session, as well as the background of
the presenter(s). In particular, the proposal should contain:
* Tutorial title (one line).
* A summary of 350 words (maximum) suitable for posting on the conference
web site.
* Topic description and relevance for the ICSA community: this section
should include (i) a description of the topic, (ii) the state of art in the
topic, (iii) the intended audience - profile of the ideal targets - for the
tutorial, and (iv) the relevance for ICSA. The topic should be described in
detail, stressing its importance and timeliness, including the 2 or 3 key
take-away messages the audience should leave with.
* Implementation section: this section should include (i) the duration of
the proposed tutorial - half or full day, if both durations are suitable
submit two proposals with different outlines - (ii) a preliminary schedule
of events including estimated times, (iii) a detailed description of what
the tutorial will cover, (iv) a justification of the tutorial for the
expected audience, and (v) an explanation of how the tutorial will be
conducted - lecture, hands on exercise, facilitated discussion, group
activity, role playing, game, etc. - including a description of materials to
be included in the tutorial notes.
* The Presenter(s)' Background section: this section should include
affiliation, relevant biographical information (250 words maximum), as well
as summaries of the presenters' technical, presentation, and tutorial
qualification and experience. This section should include a description of
where and when the tutorial has been offered previously and the past number
of attendees.
*Submission Instructions and Evaluation Criteria*
Tutorial proposals must be submitted via email
mailto:icsa2019-tutorials@informatik.uni-hamburg.de. They will be reviewed
by the organizers. Acceptance will be based on:
* Evaluation of the tutorial's interest to the community (research and/or
* Timeliness and expected interest in the topic
* Organizer's ability to lead a successful tutorial
* Balance and synergy with other ICSA 2019 events
For more information please contact the ICSA2019 workshop chairs through
this email contact address
*Important Dates*
Please note that all submission dates have been moved to earlier ones
*Technical Track*
Abstract (mandatory) due 29 November 2018
Full Papers due 06 December 2018
Notification of acceptance 17 January 2019
Camera-ready due 07 February 2019
List of accepted papers publication 19 January 2019
Technical program publication 09 February 2019
*New and Emerging Ideas, Software Architecture in Practice, and Tool
Demonstrations Track*
Abstract (mandatory) due 29 November 2018
Papers due 06 December 2018
Notification of acceptance 17 January 2019
Camera-ready due 07 February 2019
*Early Career Researchers Forum*
Abstract (mandatory) due 03 December 2018
Submission due 10 December 2018
First round feedback 21 December 2018
Resubmission due 07 January 2019
Notification of acceptance 14 January 2019
Camera-ready due 04 February 2019
Proposal submission 21 September 2018
Proposal notification of acceptance 30 September 2018
Workshop CfP publication 14 October 2018
Paper submission 17 January 2019
Paper notification 07 February 2019
Workshop program publication, possible cancellation notice 08
February 2019
Camera-ready due 21 February 2019
Workshop days 25 and 26 March 2019
Proposal Submission 25 January 2019
Proposal Notification 01 February 2019
Possible cancellation notice 08 February 2019
Camera-Ready Tutorial Summary 08 February 2019
Tutorial handouts 15 February 2019
Tutorial days 25 and 26 March 2019
Early registration deadline 28 February 2019
Author registration deadline 07 February 2019
Conference 25 - 29 March 2019
*Organizing Committee*
General Chair: Matthias Riebisch, University of Hamburg, Germany
Local Chair: Sebastian Gerdes, University of Hamburg, Germany
Finance Chair and Conference Desk: Stephanie Schulte Hemming, University of
Hamburg, Germany
Program Co-Chairs: Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, The Netherlands,
Uwe Zdun, University of Vienna, Austria
New and Emerging Ideas Track Co-Chairs: Matthias Galster, University of
Canterbury, New Zealand,
and Eltjo Poort, CGI, The Netherlands
SW Architecture in Practice Co-Chairs: Wilhelm Hasselbring, University of
Kiel, Germany,
and Heiko Koziolek, ABB Corporate Research, Germany
Early Career Researchers Forum Co-Chairs: Claus Lewerentz, Brandenburg
University of Technology, Germany, and
Anthony Tang, Swinburne University, Australia
Tool Demonstrations Co-Chairs: Tomáš Bureš, Charles University Prague, Czech
Republic, and
André van Hoorn, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Workshop Co-Chairs: Ipek Ozkaya, SEI, U.S.A, and
Eoin Woods, Endava, UK
Tutorials Co-Chairs: Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Universidade Federal da
Bahia (UFBA), Brazil, and
Michael Stal, Siemens Corporate Technology, Germany
Publicity Chair: Paula Rachow, University of Hamburg, Germany
Social Media Chair: Bastian Tenbergen, State University of New York at
Oswego, U.S.A.
Publications Chair: Stephanie Schulte Hemming, University of Hamburg,
Student Volunteers Chair: Sandra Schröder, University of Hamburg, Germany
*Follow us on Social Media*
Twitter: @ICSAconf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICSAconf
WikiCFP: http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=63338
For updated and detailed information about ICSA 2019, please visit
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Date Extended - Call for Papers: IMTC 2018- 4th
TECHNICAL INNOVATIONS on October 5-6, 2018
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 10:25:46 +0530
From: IMTC-2018 Track 1 <track1imtc18(a)ctgroup.in>
To: drhpsingh83(a)gmail.com
*You are invited to participate in IMTC’18- 4th INTERNATIONAL MULTI-TRACK
5-6, 2018 **at CT Institute of Engineering, Management & Technology,
Shahpur, Jalandhar, Punjab, India *
*IMTC-2018 is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary international and
annual conference that provides the ideal opportunity to bring together
professors, researchers and higher education students of different
disciplines to discuss new issues and discover the most recent researches
HUMANITIES in a multicultural atmosphere.*
*Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:*
*Track 1: Engineering (Computer Science Engineering, Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Information Technology)*
* Data Mining • Expert Systems and artificial Intelligence • Digital Signal
Processing • Multimedia Signal Processing • Image Processing and Pattern
Recognition • Robotics • Information & Communication • Optical and Wireless
Communications • Internet Technologies • Ad-Hoc and Mobile Communications •
Wireless Sensor Networks • Concurrent, Distributed and Parallel Computing •
System Modeling and Simulation • Soft Computing • Optimization Algorithms •
Embedded Systems • VLSI & Digital System Design • Cloud Computing •Antenna
& Electromagnetic • Bioinformatics •Control Systems*
*Track 2: Engineering (Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and
Electrical Engineering, Architecture)*
Civil Engineering*:*
*Modern Trends in Civil Engineering • Building Energy Conservation and
Green Architecture • Bridge and Tunnel Engineering • High-rise Structure
and Large-span Structure • Municipal Engineering • Town Planning • Water
Resource Engineering • Transportation Engineering • Geotechnical
Mechanical Engineering:
*Design and Manufacturing Engineering • Materials Science and Engineering •
Mechatronics and Automation • Industrial and Systems Engineering • Textile
and Leather Technology • Automobile Engineering • Production Technology •
Electrical Engineering:
*Electric Drives and Control • Power Generation, Transmission and
Distribution • Smart Grids Technologies & Applications • Renewable Power
Generation and its Efficient Utilization • Electricity Market in Smart Grid
• Power System Engineering & its applications • Electrical Machines •
Instrumentation Engineering*
*Smart Cities • Green Architecture • Climate Responsive Architecture •
Architecture Conservation • Architecture Design & Planning*
*Track 3: Applied Sciences*
*Effect of e-Waste on Human Health • Biofertilizers and Biopesticides •
Waste water treatment and reclamation • Biodiversity & Its Allied Areas*
*Nanophysics • Solid State Physics • Astrophysics and Space Science •
Nuclear Physics • Plasma Physics • Quantum Physics • Mathematical Physics •
Microwaves Tubes • Radiation Physics • Thin Films • Particle Physics •
Statistical Physics • Electromagnetic Theory • Atomic and Molecular Physics
• Geophysics*
*Nano Science & Technology • Biochemistry & Chemistry of Life • Chemistry
of Food & Nutrition • Green Chemistry and Technology • Chemistry for
Quality of Life • Nuclear Science & Technology • Biotechnology &
Innovations • Polymers and Supramolecular Chemistry • Drug Design and
Development & Therapies • Environmental Chemistry •Chemistry of Energy &
New Fuels • Water Chemistry •Synthetic & Physical Chemistry*
*Calculus of Variations • Coding Theory • Difference and Functional
Equations • Discrete Mathematics • Field Theory and Polynomials • Fluid
Mechanics and Solid Mechanics • Fourier Analysis • Functional Analysis •
Functions of a Complex Variable • Fuzzy Mathematics • Functional Analysis •
Number Theory • Numerical Analysis • Operations Research, Optimization •
Statistical Mechanics, Structure Of Matter •Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms
• Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations •Rings and Algebras*
Communication skills:
*To connect with the world •Soft skills-the soul of profession • Interview
game of mind etc.*
* Track 4: Pharmaceutical Sciences & Biotechnology*
*Stem Cell • Environment Science • Food Technology • Healers • IPR
Scenarios • QBD • Entrepreneurship • Pre-clinical Models •
Pharmacovigilance • Regulatory Aspects • Clinical Documentation • CADD •
Molecular Screening • Structural Analogues • GPP • Data Management •
*Track 5: Technical Innovations/Business Management/Hotel Management &
*Globalization: Challenges & Opportunities for Industry • Technical
Innovations and World of Advertising • Sustainable Growth & Development •
Manpower Training for Organized & Unorganized Business Sector • Management
of Change • Market Competitiveness • Evolving Technologies for
Manufacturing and Improving Products • Cost, Price & Profitability
Management • Quality Management Aspects • Business Potential in upcoming
Fields viz. Nanotechnology, Food Tech, Biotech, IT • Corporate Social
Responsibility Initiative using Technical Innovations*
*All the accepted full papers are going to be published in the Proceedings
with an ISBN number and will be given to the participants on the conference
day along with conference kit. Selected papers will be further peer
reviewed for possible publication in UGC approved journals.*
*Paper Submission Due *
*Aug 01, 2018* *Aug 15, 2018*
*Notification of Acceptance*
*Aug 15, 2018 Aug 20, 2018 *
*Camera Ready Submission*
*Sep 02, 2018*
*Registration Close *
*Sep 05, 2018*
* Conference Dates*
*Oct 5-6, 2018*
*Track1 : track1imtc18(a)ctgroup.in <track1imtc18(a)ctgroup.in>*
*Track2 : track2imtc18(a)ctgroup.in <track2imtc18(a)ctgroup.in>*
*Track3 : track3imtc18(a)ctgroup.in <track3imtc18(a)ctgroup.in>*
*Track4 : track4imtc18(a)ctgroup.in <track4imtc18(a)ctgroup.in>*
*Track5 : track5imtc18(a)ctgroup.in <track5imtc18(a)ctgroup.in>*
*Type of Participation*
*Registration Fee*
*Industry Delegates*
*Rs. 5000.00*
*Rs. 2500.00*
**Research Scholars & P.G Students*
*Rs. 1800.00*
*Delegates/ Accompanying Guest (without conference kit)*
*Rs. 1000.00*
*Accommodation in campus*
*Rs. 300.00 (per day)*
*The registration fee can be paid in the following bank account through
*A/C Name*
*CT Institute of Engineering Management & Technology*
*A/C Number*
*IFSC Code*
*Shahpur, Jalandhar, Punjab*
****While submitting proof of transfer of registration fee, author should
submit the Online/NEFT/RTGS/IMPS Bank Transaction ID.*
*By recognizing ingenuity and importance of full length and
presented paper to conference, one paper in each track will be nominated
for “Best Paper Award”.*
*The conference manuscript submission format and other instructions can be
downloaded from **http://imtc.ctgroup.co.in/ins*
*IMTC'18 is composed of a number of tracks, including: tutorials, sessions,
workshops, posters, and panel discussions. You are invited to submit
your paper for consideration.*
*Organizing Committee*
*Conference Website: http://www.imtc.ctgroup.co.in
*Email ID: **imtc18(a)ctgroup.in <imtc18(a)ctgroup.in>*
*Contact: +91 9814529333, +91 7837037815, +91 9646060500*
*UE-II Pratappura Road, Shahpur, 144020, Punjab, India *
*http://www.ctgroup.in/ <http://www.ctgroup.in/> *
* Ph: 0181-5055127-28, Fax: 0181-5055130*
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Subject: [WI] 2nd CfP: WI2019 - Track "Umweltinformatik und
nachhaltiges Wirtschaften"
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 09:11:44 +0200
From: Alexander Boden <bogenfreund(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: Alexander Boden <bogenfreund(a)gmail.com>
To: fb-mci(a)lists.gi.de, fgcscw(a)gi-ev.de, fg-mi(a)lists.gi.de,
(Bitte entschuldigen Sie eventuelle Mehrfachzustellungen.)
2nd Call for Papers für den WI2019-Track “Umweltinformatik und
nachhaltiges Wirtschaften”
14. Internationale Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2019), 24.-27.
Februar 2019 in Siegen
Track Chairs
Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez, Universität Oldenburg
Dr. Alexander Boden, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information
Technology FIT
Das betriebliche Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement umfasst sowohl die
ökonomische, soziale als auch die ökologische Dimension
unternehmerischen Handelns. Der Einsatz von Informations- und
Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) ist dabei notwendige Voraussetzung
für die erfolgreiche Etablierung in Unternehmen. Auch in
Privathaushalten verbreiten sich in Form von Apps und Webservices
zunehmend technische Ansätze des Informationsmanagements, etwa in den
Bereichen Hauswirtschaft, Mobilität und Wohnen (Smart Homes). Dabei
können grundsätzlich zwei Perspektiven unterschieden werden:
Einerseits rückt die IKT selbst durch erhöhten Energie- bzw.
Ressourcenbedarf im Leistungserstellungsprozess in das Blickfeld
interner und externer Stakeholder (nachhaltiges IT-Management). Das in
der Praxis diskutierte “Green-IT” liefert hierzu erste Ansätze.
Andererseits kann die IKT durch die informatorische Absicherung
unternehmerischer oder hauswirtschaftlicher Entscheidungen (z. B.
Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme) unterstützen und somit die
Realisierung von Optimierungspotenzialen im Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
ermöglichen (IT-for-Green). Eine zentrale Fragestellung ist, wie und
welche Erkenntnisse sowie Konzepte der Wirtschaftsinformatik hierfür
genutzt werden können.
Der Track fokussiert sowohl Konzepte eines nachhaltigen IT-Managements
als auch die IT-Unterstützung der ökonomischen sowie ökologischen
Dimensionen des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements in Betrieben und
Privathaushalten und erörtert Forschungsfragen, Perspektiven und State
of the Art Anwendungen in diesem Feld. Aufgrund der interdisziplinären
Natur des Themenfeldes ist es das Ziel, dass Experten aus
verschiedenen Fachrichtungen teilnehmen.
Einreichungen von Beiträgen sind insbesondere, aber nicht
ausschließlich, zu den folgenden Themen erwünscht:
o Blockchain-Anwendungen im Kontext der Ressourceneffizienz und
o Konzepte und Methoden Betrieblicher Umweltinformationssysteme (BUIS)
zur Gestaltung nachhaltiger Produktions- und Zuliefernetzwerke
(Sustainable Supply Chains) insbesondere unter dem Einfluss der
o Integration von Betrieblichen Umweltinformationssystemen und
Enterprise Resource Planning Systemen im Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
o Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement für IT-Organisationen – Managementkonzepte
und Frameworks (z. B. Vorgehens- und Reifegradmodelle)
o Green-IT Kennzahlensysteme bzw. Performance-Measurement-Systeme (z.
B. Green-IT Scorecards), Lebenszyklusanalysen von IT-Ressourcen
o IT-Ressourcenmanagement
o Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien und Energieeffizienz
o Nachhaltigkeitsreporting und -kommunikation inklusive
Stakeholderorientierung und Möglichkeiten des Citizen Science zur
Partizipation an Nachhaltigkeitsaktivitäten
o IKT-gestütztes nachhaltiges Wassermanagement
o Nachhaltiger gemeinwohlorientierter IKT-Einsatz
o Technologie-Innovation für nachhaltige Mobilität (z. B. Mobilität
für smarte Städte und Regionen, Integration autonomer Fahrzeuge)
o IT-gestütztes Management von Umweltrisiken
o Modellierung und Simulation umweltrelevanter Prozesse
o Sustainable Supply Chain Management
o Umweltinformationsmanagement
o Ansätze des Sustainable Interaction Design
o Verbraucherinformatik, insbesondere nachhaltiger Konsum
o Gestaltungs- und Aneignungsstudien zu IT-Unterstützung in den
Bereichen nachhaltiges Haushalten, Mobilität, Wohnen
o Arbeiten im Bereich Verbraucherinformatik und digitaler Konsum
o Anwendung weiterer und Ausweitung bestehender Methoden der
angewandten Informatik auf dem Gebiet der Stoffstromanalyse (Material
Flow Analysis) und innerhalb von BUIS.
o Ausblick auf neue Konzepte und Technologien, die im Umfeld des
Rahmenthemas angesiedelt sind.
Der Track richtet sich an Anwender, Softwarehersteller sowie
Wissenschaftler aus den Bereichen der Betrieblichen Umwelt- und
Wirtschaftsinformatik sowie den Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften.
Associate Editors
Prof. Dr. Hans-Knud Arndt, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Dr. Daryoush Vaziri, H-BRS
Prof. Dr. Burkhardt Funk, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Prof. Dr. Jantje Halberstadt, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Dr. Marco Jahn, Fraunhofer FIT
Dr. Thomas Klenke, Universität Oldenburg
Prof. Dr. Andreas Möller, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
PD Dr. Bernhard Nett, Universität Siegen / ArWiSo e.V.
Prof. Dr. Peter Niemeyer, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Dr. Martin Stein, Universität Siegen / Zentrum für Digitalisierung der
Wirtschaft Südwestfalen
Prof. Dr. Dirk Schreiber, H-BRS
Dr. Andreas Solsbach, Universität Oldenburg
Dr. Martin Weibelzahl, Fraunhofer FIT / Universität Augsburg
Prof. Dr. Volker Wohlgemuth, HTW Berlin
Wichtige Termine
Einreichung der Beiträge: 31.08.2018
Benachrichtigung über Fast and Constructive AE Rejects: 14.09.2018
Benachrichtigung über Review-Ergebnisse: ab 12.10.2018
Einreichung der überarbeiteten Beiträge: 26.10.2018
Alle weiteren Informationen zur Konferenz finden Sie unter http://wi2019.de/
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jorge Marx Gómez und Alexander Boden
Dr. Alexander Boden
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT
Schloss Birlinghoven, St. Augustin, Germany
Phone +49 2241 14-2085
Skype alexander.boden
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 18th Hybrid Intelligent Systems - Porto -
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 08:48:55 +0530
From: Ajith Abraham <ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org>
Reply-To: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
To: dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu, GASCHEDULING(a)jiscmail.ac.uk,
SUPPORT-VECTOR-MACHINES(a)jiscmail.ac.uk, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, aisworld
<aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>, aco-list(a)iridia.ulb.ac.be
CC: Niketa Gandhi <niketa(a)gmail.com>
** Second Call for Papers **
Apologies for cross-posting. Kindly help to distribute this CFP to your
mailing list.
-- The 18th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'18)
Proceedings of HIS’17: http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319763507
Indexed by: SCOPUS, Thomson ISI Web of Science, DBLP etc.
History of HIS series: http://www.mirlabs.net/his18/previous.php
HIS 2018: Scopus Proceedings
All accepted and registered papers will be published in AISC Series of
Springer, indexed in ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google
Scholar and Springerlink. (Listed in UGC approved list, please refer List
1- Page 32 - S.No. - 1375) (http://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/
** Important Dates **
Paper submission due: September 30, 2018
Notification of paper acceptance: October 31, 2018
Registration and Final manuscript due: November 15, 2018
Conference: December 13 - 15, 2018
About HIS'18:
Conference Objective:
Hybridization of intelligent systems is a promising research field of
modern artificial/computational intelligence concerned with the development
of the next generation of intelligent systems. A fundamental stimulus to
the investigations of Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS) is the awareness in
the academic communities that combined approaches will be necessary if the
remaining tough problems in artificial/computational intelligence are to be
solved. Hybrid Intelligent Systems are getting popular due to their
capabilities in handling several real-world complexities involving
imprecision, uncertainty and vagueness. The objectives of HIS'18 are to
increase the awareness of the research community of the broad spectrum of
hybrid techniques, to bring together AI researchers from around the world
to present their cutting-edge results, to discuss the current trends in HIS
research, to develop a collective vision of future opportunities, to
establish international collaborative opportunities, and as a result to
advance the state of the art of the field. HIS'18 invites novel
contributions/papers of soft computing and pattern recognition from
fundamental aspects to various practical applications. All accepted and
registered papers will be included in the conference proceedings expected
to be published by Springer.
Topics (not limited to):
** Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Architectures **
Interactions between neural networks and fuzzy inference systems
Artificial neural network optimization using global optimization techniques
Fuzzy clustering algorithms and optimization techniques
Fuzzy inference system optimization using global optimization algorithms
Hybrid computing using neural networks - fuzzy systems - evolutionary
Hybrid optimization techniques (evolutionary algorithms, simulated
annealing, tabu search, GRASP etc.)
Hybrid of soft computing and statistical learning techniques
Models using inductive logic programming, logic synthesis, grammatical
inference, case-based reasoning
Autonomic computing
Hybridizatiion with novel computing paradigms: Qantum computing, DNA
computing, membrane computing etc.
** Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Applications **
Image and Signal Processing
Internet Modeling, Communication and Networking
Data mining
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Business Information Systems
Control and Automation
Special topics
Submission Guidelines:
Submission of paper should be made through the submission page from the
conference web page. Please refer to the conference website for guidelines
to prepare your manuscript.
Paper format templates:
HIS’18 Submission Link:
* Organizing Committee *
General Chairs:
Ana Maria Madureira, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal
Ajith Abraham, Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA
Technical Committee (Please refer website):
For technical contact:
Ajith Abraham
Email: ajith.abraham(a)ieee.org
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP International Journal of Hyperconnectivity and
the Internet of Things (IJHIoT)
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2018 16:35:57 -0500
From: Maurice Dawson <maurice.e.dawson(a)gmail.com>
To: irma-l(a)irma-international.org, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
The International Journal of Hyperconnectivity and the Internet of Things
(IJHIoT) promotes innovative, interesting and rigorously developed
conceptual and empirical contributions and encourages theory based multi-
or interdisciplinary research. This journal covers topics relating to IoT
and the current age of hyperconnectivity including security concerns,
applications of IoT, development and management of the IoT, wearable
computing, IoT for home automation, smart cities, and other environments.
The Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Hyperconnectivity and
the Internet of Things(IJHIoT) invites authors to submit manuscripts for
consideration in this scholarly journal. The following describes the
mission, coverage and guidelines for submission to IJHIoT.
*View CFP at*
Submit a Paper to the International Journal of Hyperconnectivity and the
Internet of Things(IJHIoT)
Editor-in-Chief: Maurice Dawson (University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA)
Published Semi-Annually. Est. 2017.
The mission of the International Journal of Hyperconnectivity and the
Internet of Things(IJHIoT) is to explore a range of related topics and
generate research debates in relation to cyber security, hyperconnectivity,
Internet of Things (IoT), Web of Things (WoT), and Internet of Everything
(IoE). Targeting researchers, practitioners, academicians, government
officials, military professionals and other industry professionals. IJHIoT
provides a forum to discuss technical, human, societal, and policy issues
in relation to hyperconnectivity, and IoT. Articles published in IJHIoT
deal with a vast number of issues concerning usage, failure, success,
policies, strategies, security concerns, the development, and integration
of IoT applications in organizations in and across developed, emerging and
developing nations.
Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the
*Hyperconnectivity and IoT topics:*
Internet of Things (IoT)
Web of Things (WoT)
Internet of Everything (IoE)
Service oriented IoT Architecture
IoT Application Programming Interface (API)
IoT platform
IoT devices
IoT management
IoT development
System of systems concepts
IoT and cyber security topics
*IoT cyber security:*
IoT network security
Data security
IoT asset management
Secure software for IoT
Software logistics for IoT
Security engineering
IoT risk management
IoT platform and environment topics
*SCADA platforms:*
Smart cities
Data mining
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Standard Development Organizations (SDO)
System usability
Technology Adoption
Wearable Computing
Network Architecture
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their original
empirical research articles 5,000-7,000 words in length. Interested authors
must consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions at
All submitted articles will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis by
no fewer than 3 members of the journal’s Editorial Review Board and 1
Associate Editor. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection
will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers and at the sole
discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.
Indexed with ACM Digital Library and Cabell's Directories
All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Maurice Dawson, D.Sc., Ph.D.
Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
*Maurice Dawson Jr., **D.Sc., Ph.D., SMIEEE *
Director of IIT Center for Cyber Security and Forensics Education (C2SAFE)
Assistant Professor of Information Technology and Management
Fulbright Scholar 2017-2018, 2014, Senior IEEE Member
*Illinois Institute of Technology | School of Applied Technology*
ORCID: 0000-0003-4609-3444 <http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4609-3444>
ResearcherID: I-4843-2016
Scopus Author ID: 55812601600
Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Hyperconnectivity and the
Internet of Things
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Book Chapters "Essentials of Blockchain
Technology", CRC Press/Taylor&Francis
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 07:41:37 +0800
From: Kuan-Ching Li <kuancli(a)pu.edu.tw>
To: LIST AISWORLD <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Apologies if multiple copies of this call are received
Call for Book Chapters
** Essentials of Blockchain Technology **
(Chapman & Hall/ CRC Big Data Series)
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA
Important Dates
*** Proposal Submission
Sept 1,
- Proposal (Acceptance/Rejection): September
0, 2018
- Sample Chapter (Acceptance/Rejection): November 10, 2018
- Complete Chapter Submission (to editors): Jan 10, 2019
- Submission of Chapters (to publisher): Jan 20, 2019
- Publication Time: Q3/2019 (estimated)
All types of transactions such as purchase orders, payments, account
tracking and delivery tracking may take place every single second. The
business goal is to ensure the smooth completion of end-to-end
transactions and reduce vulnerabilities. More and more people are
looking at a new technology - Blockchain. A blockchain – originally
blockchain – is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks,
which are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block contains
typically a hash pointer as a link to a previous block, a timestamp
and transaction data. By design, blockchains are inherently resistant
to modification of the data.
A blockchain is an open, distributed ledger that can record
transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and
permanent way. As a promising technique to achieve decentralized
consensus, Blockchain helps achieve benefits critical to enterprises
and create extraordinary opportunities for businesses to come together
in new ways. Particularly in finance, it has been successfully applied
to digital cryptocurrencies and Blockchain-based systems have received
significant attention in both academia and industry.
Book co-editors intend to invite experts and successful case
participating members to contribute discussions on topics related to
performance, benchmarking, durability, robustness, as well data
gathering and management, algorithms, analytics techniques for
transactions processing and implementation of applications.
* Topics
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Theories of blockchain and its evolution
- Applications with blockchain technique
- Protocols and algorithms based on blockchain
- Smart contract and distributed ledger
- Blockchain and Bitcoin security
- Distributed consensus and fault tolerance mechanisms
- Blockchain schemes for decentralization
- Security, privacy and trust management, and performance optimization
of blockchain and decentralized schemes
- Attacks on blockchain based systems
- Blockchain-based lightweight data structures for IoT data
- Blockchain-based IoT security solutions
- Blockchain in CPS, social networking, crowdsourcing, crowdsensing,
5G, edge and cloud computing
- Lightweight clients and simple payment verification in Bitcoin
* Proposal submission
A proposal for a book chapter is needed from prospective authors
before the proposal *submission due date*, describing the objective,
scope, and structure of the proposed chapter (no more than 5 pages).
With the chapter proposal, please also submit a brief biography of
each author. Acceptance of chapter proposals will be communicated to
lead chapter authors after a formal double-blind review process, to
ensure relevance, quality, and originality. The submission of chapter
proposals should be sent directly via email to editors.
* Book Editors
Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan, kuancli(a)gm.pu.edu.tw
Xiaofeng Chen, Xidian University, China, xfchen(a)xidian.edu.cn
Hai Jiang, Arkansas State University, USA, hjiang(a)astate.edu
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA, bertino(a)purdue.edu
* Additional Information
Inquiries and chapter proposal submissions can be forwarded
electronically by email, to: Kuan-Ching Li (email:
kuancli(a)gm.pu.edu.tw), Xiaofeng Chen (email: xfchen(a)xidian.edu.cn),
and Hai Jiang (email: hjiang(a)astate.edu) .
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers/Speakers/Panelists: Dara Science
and Blockchain (DSBC2018)
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2018 20:46:39 +0000
From: Woo, Carson <Carson.Woo(a)sauder.ubc.ca>
To: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers, Speakers, and Panelists
Data Science & Blockchain (DSBC2018) Workshop
Autonomous (and semi-autonomous) systems such as drones and driverless
cars start to play more and more important roles in military and our
daily lives.
How to develop high quality software for (semi-) autonomous systems and
prevent cyber-attacks has become a major concern of both the research
community and industries. It is a consensus that high quality software
and cyber defense will greatly enhance the survivability of the
autonomous systems and the human operators/passengers. Many experts also
claim: using decision science/AI/machine learning techniques will result
in better (semi-) autonomous systems. In the same time, there is
significant interest in exploring a relatively new technique --
blockchain, which may play an increasingly important role in many areas.
We believe the recent R&D efforts of data science, blockchain, and
DevOps techniques will significantly change the way of (semi-)
autonomous system design, operation, and management.
The DSBC (Data Science & Blockchain) workshop will be held on October 22
- 25, 2018 in Xi'an, China (co-located with ER2018 Conference). The
focus of this workshop is to identify promising research directions for
applying data science, blockchain, and DevOps techniques in the design
and development of the preferred but not limited to (semi-) autonomous
systems. The relationship between these techniques and conceptual
modeling will also be explored.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Data Science:
- New algorithms for extracting embedded conceptual models (entities and
relationships) from bigdata
- Data science techniques for (Semi-) Autonomous System Design
- Blockchain:
- Theories, protocols, and algorithms of blockchain
- Conceptual Models of Blockchain
- Security and privacy of Blockchain
- Performance evaluation/optimization of Blockchain
- Real-life applications of blockchain
- DevOps
- Frameworks and conceptual models of DevOps
- Sec DevOps
- DevOps for (Semi-) Autonomous Systems
Workshop Chairs:
- Peter Chen, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, PeterChen(a)cmu.edu
- Carson Woo, University of British Columbia, Canada,
Program Committee Members:
- Arne Solvberg, NTNU, Norway
- Rong Chang, IBM Research
- Oscar Paster, Universitat Polit¨¨cnica de Val¨¨ncia, Spain
- Hasan Yasar, Software Engineering Institute, CMU, USA
- Heinrich C. Mayr, Alpen-Adria-Universit?t Klagenfurt, Austria
Important Dates
(A) paper submissions for presentation of your work at the workshop and
publication in the workshop proceedings (by Springer or another
publisher) after the workshop is over,
- Submission of abstracts: ASAP
- 1st Submission of full papers: August 30, 2018
- 2nd Submission of full papers: September 15, 2018
- Notification of acceptance: no later than 10 days after submission
- Camera-ready copies due: (after the workshop is over)
(B) Special Journal Issue: Selected papers and invited talks in the DSBC
workshop may be chosen for submitting an extended version for publishing
in a special issue of Data & Knowledge Engineering (an Elsevier
Journal). Some other selected papers may be considered for publication
in journals such as "Frontiers in Blockchain."
Submissions Formatting Guidelines
Papers must be in English and submitted as Word or PDF-files. Any
standard formats (such as Springer LNCS, IEEE, ACM, etc.) will be
acceptable for initial evaluation for presentation at the workshop.
After the workshop, selected authors will be notified to reformat the
papers for publication in the workshop proceedings, Data & Knowledge
Engineering Journal, or Frontiers in Blockchain journal.
Submitted papers must be original and not submitted or accepted for
publication in any other workshop, conference, or journal.
Submission Guidelines
Submission to DSBC 2018 will be electronically only. Submission must be
done via Easychair at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=er2018 .
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