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Subject: [wkwi] HMD324 - Aufruf für Beiträge [wkwi]
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 17:15:23 +0100 (CET)
From: MEIER Andreas <andreas.meier(a)unifr.ch>
Reply-To: postmaster(a)seda.wiai.uni-bamberg.de
Liebe Kolleginnen
Liebe Kollegen
Ich bin Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift 'HMD - Praxis der
Wirtschaftsinformatik’, die von Springer aufgelegt wird
Zur Zeit planen meine beiden Kollegen Alex Denzler
https://www.hslu.ch/de-ch/hochschule-luzern/ueber-uns/personensuche/profile… und
Michael Kaufmann
https://www.hslu.ch/de-ch/hochschule-luzern/ueber-uns/personensuche/profile… von
der Hochschule für Informatik, Luzern, mit mir zusammen das Heft HMD324
mit dem Schwerpunkt Blockchain. In der Beilage schicke ich Ihnen den
Vorschautext zu.
Nun zu meinem Wunsch und zu meiner Frage: Hätten Sie Lust und Zeit, ev.
mit Vertretern aus der Praxis ein spannendes Fallbeispiel zu Blockchain
beizusteuern? Der Beitrag müsste nach den Autorenrichtlinien der HMD
http://www.springer.com/computer/journal/40702 verfasst werden und 10
bis 12 A4-Seiten umfassen, inkl. Abbildungen und Literatur.
Einreichefrist wäre spätestens Ende Juni 2018. Danach würden zwei
Gutachten erstellt, um etwelche Verbesserungen aufzuzeigen. Sobald der
Beitrag angenommen ist, wird er Online First publiziert. Im Dezember
2018 kommt das Schwerpunktheft HMD 324 über Blockchain auf den Markt.
Das Schwerpunktheft HMD324 über Blockchain beginnt mit einem
Ueberblicksbeitrag, der die Blockchain Technologie erläutert und
Nutzenpotenziale einschätzt. Danach folgen ca. 8 Beiträge, die sich
spezifischen Anwendungen der Blockchain Technologie widmen. Könnten Sie
einen solchen Anwendungsfall ev. in Zusammenarbeit mit einem Anwender
Wenn ja, wäre ich Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie mir in den nächsten Tagen
einen Proposal einreichen könnten mit:
- Arbeitstitel
- Liste der Autoren mit Adresse
- Abstract (ca. 1/2 A4-Seite)
- Inhaltsgliederung
- erste Literaturangaben
Wir benötigen diese Angaben, da wir thematische Überschneidungen
weitgehend vermeiden wollen.
Es würde mich freuen, wenn Sie einen attraktiven Anwenderbeitrag
beisteuern könnten.
Mit den besten Grüssen aus der Schweiz, Andreas Meier
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Subject: [AISWorld] 31st Bled eConference: Digital Transformation -
Meeting the Challenges - final deadline
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 11:13:24 +0100
From: Andreja.Pucihar(a)fov.uni-mb.si
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
The Bled eConference invites you to submit a research paper to the 31st
annual international conference.
We would like to kindly remind you that deadline for final submission is
March 16, 2018.
This year’s theme is Digital Transformation: Meeting the Challenges.
The conference will be held in June 17-20, 2018 (http://bledconference.org
We offer a fast review in case needed to plan your trip in advance.
Bled eConference's highlights: - The conference is shaping electronic
interactions since 1988
- Strong relationships and cooperation with journals
- Coaching of PhD-students and postgraduates – Graduate Students
Consortium and Students ePrototype Bazaar - The Bled Forum for
interactive poster presentations
- Panels and Workshops
- EU projects dissemination meetings; enabling project partners to
connect with other similar projects and to disseminate results to a
wider community.
Beside regular tracks related to digital commerce and digital
transformation, the conference is organising the following special
interest tracks:
1. Social Media
2. Big Data/Data Science
3. eHealth
4. eWellbeing
5. Business Models
6. Education in the Digital Economy,
7. Factory of the Future / Smart Factories
8. Blockchain
Please note that the final deadline for submissions is March 16, 2018
More information about the conference is available at the conference
website: http://bledconference.org/
Detailed call for papers: http://bledconference.org/call-for-papers/
Looking forward to our cooperation and best wishes!
Andreja Pucihar
BledConference team
Andreja Pucihar, PhD
Associate Professor of Information Systems
University of Maribor
Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Kidriceva cesta 55a 4000 Kranj
Skype ID: apucihar
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - Data-Driven Government: Creating Value from
Big and Open Linked Data at HICSS'19
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 12:14:12 +0000
From: Judie Attard <judie.attard(a)adaptcentre.ie>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Apologies for cross-posting
CALL FOR PAPERS: 52nd HICSS 2019, Maui, Hawaii
In the Digital Government Track
Web: http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-52/digital-government/
Author instructions and submission details:
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2018 | 11:59 pm HST
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: August 17, 2018
The opening of more and more data and the ability to collect more and
more data using low-cost devices enabled by Internet of Things (IoT)
result in a data-driven government. Nevertheless, data is useless unless
it is used to create value from it. For this, data needs to be shared,
processed and analyzed with traditional and advanced methods towards
operational and strategic decision-making.
Data-driven government refers to sensing and the subsequent collecting
of all kinds of data using machine-readable data formats. This data can
be used for internal purposes, but also for opening the data to the
public to create transparency, and accountability or to enable
participation and even business innovation. Open data can be combined
with all kind of data sources to infer and generate value. This can
result in recommendations for improving the public sector, business
model innovation and the creation of transparency. These developments
are resulting in drastic changes of the public sector.
The rise of all kinds of data has resulted in the demand for new
approaches for organizing, storing, processing, analyzing, curating,
linking and visualizing results of data. These approaches all form part
of data value chains, which enable data users to extract value from the
data. Although there is a huge potential, how the exploiting of data
should be accomplished and what is the impact of public organizations is
not understood. All these developments impact the operation of
governments and their relationship with the public. There are changes at
the technical, organizational, managerial and political level that
impact the capabilities needed, the making of policies and traditional
institutional structures.
This minitrack is aimed at discussing theories, methodologies,
experience reports, literature and case studies in the field of Big &
Open Linked Data (BOLD), Information Processing, Data Analytics, and
Data Value in Government. We solicit for papers covering both
organizational and technical aspects and combining theory and practice.
Papers taking interdisciplinary approaches and covering a multitude of
aspects are strongly encouraged. Furthermore, we promote a diversity of
research methods to study the challenges of this multifaceted discipline
including best practices, case studies, design approaches, literature
reviews and interviews.
Minitrack topics include, but are not limited to:
Open Data Practices, Technologies and Applications in Government
Impact of data-driven government and society on the technical,
organizational and institutional level
Big & Open Linked Data (BOLD)
Metadata and semantic approaches
Data value, data value chains, and data governance
Data analytics, processing, intelligence and visualization
Data-driven strategies and policies
Data quality, privacy, trust and security
Internet of Things (IoT) for data-driven government
Changing relationship between government, private organizations and society
Methods and technologies leading to enhanced digital public services
Data-driven public sector innovations and applications
Architectural standards, principles and frameworks
Technical, semantic, organizational, managerial and legal/policy aspects
of interoperability
System development, implementation and agile approaches for digital
public services
System, user, data and process-based integration
Co-creation using data and citizen engagement
Information and cloud infrastructures, shared services, cloud providers
Reuse and data quality and ownership
Semantic ontologies, web services and modeling for governmental
Cloud computing, Software as service (SaaS), ICT-services, scalability,
reliability, flexibility
Data platforms, interoperability, information sharing and public
business models
Cross-organizational modeling and visualization ranging from the
organizational to technical level
Service-oriented architectures, web services, semantic web services,
orchestration and composition
Citizen-driven and entrepreneurial approaches based on open data
Adoption, failure and success factors and organization of a data-driven
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Marijn Janssen (Primary contact)
Delft University of Technology
m.f.w.h.a.janssen(a)tudelft.nl <mailto:m.f.w.h.a.janssen@tudelft.nl>
Judie Attard
Trinity College, Dublin
judie.attard(a)adaptcentre.ie <mailto:judie.attard@adaptcentre.ie>
Charalampos Alexopoulos
University of the Aegean
alexop(a)aegean.gr <mailto:alexop@aegean.gr>
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for papers - HICSS-52 - DISTRIBUTED LEDGER
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2018 18:45:38 +0100
From: Liudmila Zavolokina <zavolokina(a)ifi.uzh.ch>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for papers
- Part of the Internet and the Digital Economy Track
- 52nd annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
HICSS-52: January 8-11, 2019| Maui, Hawaii
- April 15: Paper submission begins
- June 15: Paper submissions deadline
- August 17: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
- September 22: Deadline for authors to submit final manuscript for
- October 1: Deadline for at least one author to register for HICSS-52
Among other promising technologies, Distributed Ledger Technologies
(DLTs), often referred to as Blockchain, promise to be one of the most
disruptive technologies since the invention of the internet’s TCP/IP
protocol, yet this technology so far lacks scholarly attention and
coverage in peer-reviewed literature. The combination of some DLT
characteristics, e.g. accountability, pseudonymity or distributed
network topology, as well as the first cryptocurrency Bitcoin, drew
enormous attention given the ubiquitous amount of possibilities for
which this technology can be used since its invention in 2008 by Satoshi
Nakamoto. Whereas TCP/IP lowered the cost of transferring data between
two parties dramatically, DLTs have the potential to reduce the cost of
transactions (i.e. transfer of assets and value) dramatically. DLTs can
enable the secure transfer of any asset worldwide with nearly instant
accountability by specifically cutting out intermediary trust holders
due to the capabilities of the network’s proof-of-X
trust-building-processes, e.g. the Bitcoin proof-of-work mining concept.
More recent developments that build on top of DLTs, like smart contracts
and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) take the possibilities
of programmable secure transactions even further.
In this context, companies, governments, and whole industries are facing
dramatic organizational change and transformation processes with regard
to their value chains while adopting DLTs. This minitrack welcomes
fundamental research regarding methods and techniques, issues, and key
challenges, as well as organizational approaches for understanding the
potential of DLTs for business models, value chains, emerging
competitive landscapes and new start-ups employing this technology.
Research may cover any industry or organizational form and may focus on
the technology layer or strategic organizational challenges, opening
this track both to the IT and economic/management science community to
reflect their increasing dependency on each other. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
1. Current state of the art of blockchain technologies and smart contracts
2. Applications of blockchain technology and their potential in
different areas (finance, insurance, healthcare and pharmaceuticals,
energy sector, manufacturing, transportation, automotive industry,
provenance, government sector etc.)
3. Blockchain and Internet of Things (machine-to-machine interaction,
automated devices, blockchain for metered appliances, etc.)
4. Impact on business models (change of existing business models,
emergence of new business models, disruptive business models, etc.)
5. Organizational transformation through blockchain technology
(distributed autonomous organizations, etc.)
6. Impact on the value chain (disintermediation, change of actors,
advantages and disadvantages, etc.), the internet and the digital economy.
7. Regulatory aspects of blockchain technology and implications for risk
8. Technical issues of blockchain technology (emergent protocols,
consensus mechanisms, scalability, reliability, security, challenges of
implementation, etc.)
9. Philosophical issues on use of blockchain technology (governance of
blockchain society, decentralization of society, building of community
and collaboration)
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Isabell Welpe (Primary Contact)
Technical University of Munich
welpe(a)tum.de <mailto:welpe@tum.de>
Liudmila Zavolokina
University of Zurich
zavolokina(a)ifi.uzh.ch <mailto:zavolokina@ifi.uzh.ch>
Helmut Krcmar
Technical University of Munich
krcmar(a)in.tum.de <mailto:krcmar@in.tum.de>
Pascal Mehrwald
Technical University of Munich
pascal.mehrwald(a)tum.de <mailto:pascal.mehrwald@tum.de>
Information Management Research Group
Department of Informatics
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14
CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland
E-Mail: zavolokina(a)ifi.uzh.ch <mailto:zavolokina@ifi.uzh.ch>
Phone: +41 44 635 75 83
Room: 2.D.11
Web: http://www.ifi.uzh.ch/imrg <http://www.ifi.uzh.ch/imrg>
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: AdaptiveCM 2018 (Adaptive Case Management)
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2018 15:53:21 +0100
From: ilia <ilia(a)ibissoft.se>
To: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear colleagues,
Please consider submitting a position, idea or research paper or an
experience report to
The 6th International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other
non-workflow approaches to BPM (AdaptiveCM 2018), 16 October 2018
Attached to: EDOC 2018 https://www.edoc2018.conf.kth.se/
Full info on the event - see http://acm2018.blogs.dsv.su.se/
Short overview - see below
While practitioners are trying to overcome the restrictions of workflow
thinking, the research on the topic is somewhat lagging. The goal of
this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to
discuss theoretical and practical problems and solutions in the area of
non-workflow based approaches to BPM in general, and Adaptive Case
Management (as a leading movement) in particular. This workshop is aimed
to promote new, non-traditional ways of modelling and controlling
business processes, the ones that promote and facilitate collaboration
and creativity in the frame of business processes.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
*Non-workflow process management:*
--Theoretical views on business processes not based on the workflow
--Non-workflow paradigms and process modeling methodologies
--Agile business process management
--Process management based on cooperation
--Non-prescriptive process specifications (e.g. constraint-based,
declarative, etc.)
--Teaching non-workflow approaches
*Adaptive Case Management:*
--Characteristics and application area for Adaptive Case Management (ACM)
--Comparative analysis of tools and applications that support ACM
--Process analysis in ACM
--Knowledge management for ACM
--ACM vs. BPM
--Empirical studies of Case Management Processes
--Level of automation achievable in ACM that does not convert ACM into
--Process improvement for case and adaptive case management
--Teaching non-workflow approaches
*Decision Modeling and Management:*
--Supporting decision-making for knowledge worker
--Decision modeling
--Decision making in ACM: cases, theories, best practices
--Extending process models with decision models
--DMN, Business Rules and other techniques in non-workflow and ACM
Workshop Co-CHAIRS:
Irina Rychkova - Associate Professor, Ph.D, Centre de Recherches en
Informatique, Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, France
Ilia Bider - Tech Dr., Stockholm University & Ibissoft, Stockholm, Sweden
Keith Swenson - Vice President of Research and Development, Fujitsu
America, USA
Important Dates:
Deadline for paper submissions: June 8, 2018
Expected abstract submission (desirable): June 1, 2018
Acceptance notification: July 20, 2018
Camera ready: August 10, 2018
Workshop: October 16, 2018
The proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and
be accessible through IEEE Xplore and the IEEE Computer Society Digital
Dr. Ilia Bider
Process- och systemutvecklingskonsult at IbisSoft.se
Lektor & Forskare/Docent i data- och systemvetenskap at DSV.su.se
ilia(a)ibissoft.se +46 (0)8 164998
Software project as a socio-technical system:http://bit.ly/1TKgnf6
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [computational.science] SAS 2018: Call for Papers
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2018 15:09:07 +0000
From: Urban Caterina <caterina.urban(a)inf.ethz.ch>
To: Urban Caterina <caterina.urban(a)inf.ethz.ch>
SAS 2018
25th Static Analysis Symposium
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, August 29th-August 31st, 2018
= = = New: Invited Talks, Invited Tutorials, Affiliated Events = = =
= = = Submission deadline approaching: April 6th, 2018 = = =
Static Analysis is widely recognized as a fundamental tool for program
verification, bug detection, compiler optimization, program
understanding, and software maintenance. The series of Static Analysis
Symposia has served as the primary venue for the presentation of
theoretical, practical, and application advances in the area. The 25th
Static Analysis Symposium, SAS 2018, will be held in Freiburg im
Breisgau, Germany. Previous symposia were held in New York, Edinburgh,
Saint-Malo, Munich, Seattle, Deauville, Venice, Perpignan, Los Angeles,
Valencia, Kongens Lyngby, Seoul, London, Verona, San Diego, Madrid,
Paris, Santa Barbara, Pisa, Aachen, Glasgow, and Namur. The proceedings
of the conference will be published in the Advanced Research in
Computing and Software Science (ARCoSS) subline of the Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
The technical program for SAS 2018 will consist of invited lectures and
presentations of refereed papers. Contributions are welcomed on all
aspects of static analysis, including, but not limited to: - Abstract
- Abstract interpretation - Automated deduction
- Data flow analysis - Debugging - Deductive methods
- Emerging applications - Model checking - Program optimization and
transformation - Program synthesis
- Program verification - Security analysis - Tool environments and
- Theoretical frameworks - Type checking
Paper Submission
Submissions can address any programming paradigm including concurrent,
constraint, functional, imperative, logic, object-oriented, aspect,
multi-core, distributed, and GPU programming. Papers must describe
original work, be written and presented in English, and must not
substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are
simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with refereed
proceedings. Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of
significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. They
should clearly identify what has been accomplished and why it is
significant. Paper submissions should not exceed 15 pages in Springer's
Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS format, excluding bibliography
and well-marked appendices (we may admit additional pages for the final
version). Program Committee members are not required to read the
appendices, and thus papers must be intelligible without them.
Submissions are handled online:
Artifact Evaluation
As in previous years, we are encouraging authors to submit a virtual
machine image containing any artifacts and evaluations presented in the
paper. The goal of the artifact submissions is to strengthen our field's
scientific approach to evaluations and reproducibility of results. The
virtual machines will be archived on a permanent Static Analysis
Symposium website to provide a record of past experiments and tools,
allowing future research to better evaluate and contrast existing work.
Artifact submission is optional. We accept only virtual machine images
that can be processed with Virtual Box. Details on what to submit and
how will be sent to the corresponding authors by mail shortly after the
paper submission deadline. The submitted artifacts will be used by the
program committee as a secondary evaluation criterion whose sole purpose
is to find additional positive arguments for the paper's acceptance.
Furthermore, an Artifact Evaluation Committee will assess artifacts and
will award an "Artifact Approved" stamps to accepted papers that come
with an artifact that allows to reproduce the results presented in the
paper. Submissions without artifacts are welcome and will not be penalized.
Important Dates
- Full paper submission: April 6th, 2018 (anywhere on earth) - Artifact
submission: April 20th, 2018 (anywhere on earth) - Notification: June
5th, 2018 - Final version due: July 6th, 2018
- Conference: August 29th-August 31st, 2018
Radhia Cousot Young Researcher Award
Since 2014, the program committee of each SAS conference selects a paper
for the Radhia Cousot Young Researcher Best Paper Award, in memory of
Radhia Cousot, and her fundamental contributions to static analysis, as
well as being one of the main promoters and organizers of the SAS series
of conferences.
Invited Talks
- Aws Albarghouthi (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Program Fairness through the Lens of Formal Methods
- Zak Kincaid (Princeton University, USA)
Non-linear Invariant Generation via Recurrence Analysis
- Ruzica Piskac (Yale University, USA)
Firewall Repair and Verification of Configuration Files
- Sharon Shoham (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Verification of Distributed Systems Using First-Order Logic
Invited Tutorials
- Roberto Bagnara (University of Parma/BUGSENG, Italy)
MISRA C and its Role in the Development of Safety- and Security-Critical
Embedded Software
- Ken McMillan (Microsoft Research, USA), Oded Padon (Tel Aviv
University, Israel)
Ivy: Safety Verification by Interactive Generalization
- Peter O'Hearn (University College London/Facebook, UK)
Experiences developing and deploying a concurrency analysis at Facebook
Affiliated Events
- 9th Workshop on Static Analysis and Systems Biology (SASB 2018)
Chairs: Tatjana Petrov (IST Austria, Austria) and Ankit Gupta (ETH
Zurich, Switzerland)
- 9th Workshop on Tools for Automatic Program Analysis (TAPAS 2018)
Chair: Fausto Spoto (University of Verona/Julia Srl, Italy)
Program Chair
- Andreas Podelski (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Program Committee
- Domagoj Babic (Google Inc., USA)
- Sam Blackshear (Facebook, USA)
- Marc Brockschmidt (Microsoft Research, UK) - Swarat Chaudhuri (Rice
University, USA)
- Bor-Yuh Evan Chang (University of Colorado Boulder, USA) - Jerome
Feret (INRIA/ENS/CNRS, France) - Ashutosh Gupta (TIFR, India) - Nicolas
Halbwachs (Verimag/CNRS, France) - Lukas Holik (Brno University of
Technology, Czech Republic)
- Barbara Koenig (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
- Boris Koepf (IMDEA Software Institute, Spain) - Shuvendu Lahiri
(Microsoft Research, USA)
- Hakjoo Oh (Korea University, South Korea)
- Sylvie Putot (École Polytechnique, France)
- Francesco Ranzato (University of Padova, Italy)
- Jakob Rehof (TU Dortmund University, Germany)
- Xavier Rival (CNRS/ENS/INRIA, France)
- Sriram Sankaranarayanan (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
- Harald Sondergaard (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
- Alexander J. Summers (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Ashish Tiwari (SRI International, USA)
- Caterina Urban (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Lenore Zuck (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
- Damien Zufferey (MPI-SWS, Germany)
- Florian Zuleger (TU Wien, Austria)
Artifact Evaluation Chair
- Xavier Rival (CNRS/ENS/INRIA, France)
Publicity Chair
- Caterina Urban (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
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Subject: [AISWorld] 2018 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence
(AmI 2018): Second Call for Papers
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2018 17:23:59 +0200
From: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE(a)acm.org, confs-submit(a)hri.org, hellas(a)lists.psu.edu,
aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, SIGIR(a)LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
2018 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2018)
Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus, 12-14 November, 2018
Ambient intelligence refers to normal working and living environments
being surrounded by embedded devices that can merge unobtrusively and in
natural ways using information and intelligence hidden in the network
connecting these devices (e.g. The Internet of Things). Such devices, each
specialised in one or more capabilities, are intended to work together based
on an infrastructure of intelligent systems, to provide a variety of
improving safety, security and the quality of life in ordinary living,
and working environments.
The 2018 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2018) has a
focus on the role of Ambient Intelligence
"Towards a Smart and Human Centered Internet of Things".
We invite submissions of full and short papers as well as posters,
original research. AmI 2018 is an interdisciplinary venue for leading
international researchers, designers, and practitioners that present and
discuss new results in Ambient Intelligence.
AmI builds on the success of thirteen predecessor conferences, which
started in 2003 with the EUSAI-event in Veldhoven, The Netherlands. More
information about the AmI series can be found here:
http://ami-conferences.org .
The Proceedings of AmI 2018 will be published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Furthermore, Springer will sponsor
the Best Paper Award with 1,000 EUR.
AmI 2018 will revolve around the focus topic “Towards a Smart and Human-
Centred Internet of Things” that follows the vision of Calm Technology,
where technology is useful but does not demand our full attention or
interfere with our usual behavior and activities.
Relevant research topics include, but are not limited to:
• Sensors and Actuators Networks
• Ambient Networking and Communication
• Mobile, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing
• Internet of Things and Interconnected devices
• Internet of Humans and Human Sensors
• Artificial Intelligence Models, Methods and Techniques
• Machine Learning, Data mining and Big Data
• Modelling Context Awareness and Location-based Services
• Agent Technologies and Multi-agent Platforms
• Cloud Computing for Intelligent Ambients
• Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction
• Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality
• Symmetric Interaction in Real and Virtual worlds
• Reliability, Assurance and Safety
• Security, Privacy and Trust
• Systems Architecture and Middleware
• Software Development Methodologies and Tools
• Robotic Companions
• Industrial Internet and Industry 4.0
• Sustainability and Fair Trade
• Smart Homes and Intelligent buildings
• Energy Efficiency
• Ambient Assisted Living
• Healthcare and Well-being
• Smart Cities
• Connected Cars and Autonomous Driving
• Pervasive Games in Hybrid Worlds
• Ambient Intelligence Education
• Evaluation methods and techniques for Trials
• Citizen science, Living labs, Maker communities
Papers must be anonymized to facilitate blind review. Authors are
encouraged to minimize any references that may reveal the identity of the
authors and their institutions. Relevant references to an author's previous
research should not be suppressed but instead referenced in a neutral way.
All papers will be reviewed by at least three Program Committee members.
The length of each paper including figures and references may not exceed
16 pages for regular papers and 6 pages for short papers. The posters
session aims to collect papers showing work in progress and thus raise
opportunities to present and discuss current work in an informal setting.
These papers will be presented as posters in the conference. Poster
contributions may not exceed 2 pages, including figures and references.
For more information about what should be considered a regular, short
or poster contribution, please refer to the conference web site.
All paper and poster submissions must be written in English and submitted
in PDF format. Submission of a paper or poster should be regarded as an
undertaking that, should the paper or poster be accepted, at least one
of the
authors will attend the conference to present the work.
For preparation of papers and posters please follow the instructions for
authors available at the Springer LNCS Web page
Authors of full and short papers as well as posters are welcome to submit
using the conference review system:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ami2018 .
This year's best paper awards are graciously sponsored by Springer with
1,000 EUR.
The authors of the best papers to be accepted at AmI 2018 will be invited to
submit substantially extended and revised versions of their papers with at
least 70% new material to a special journal issue for AmI 2018 to be
published in the Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanised Computing,
by Springer.
• Paper and Poster Submissions due: 17th June 2018
• Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 22nd July 2018
• Camera-Ready Versions due: 29th July 2018
• Author Registration: 5th August 2018
General Chair
• George Roussos, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Program Chairs
• Achilleas D. Kameas, Hellenic Open University, Greece
• Kostas Stathis, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Workshops Chairs
• Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, University of Rome, Italy
• Fariba Sadri, Imperial College, UK
Local Organization Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
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Subject: [AISWorld] [Final CfP] 4th Workshop on Managing the Evolution
and Preservation of the Data Web - MEPDaW 2018 @ ESWC2018 - Final
Deadline Extended now 19th March!
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2018 12:05:54 +0100
From: Javier D. Fernández <jfernand(a)wu.ac.at>
Reply-To: jfernand(a)wu.ac.at
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
CALL FOR PAPERS: 4th Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation
of the Data Web - MEPDaW 2018
Co-located with 15th ESWC 2018, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Submission (extended&final): 19th March 2018
Workshop: June 3rd or 4th (to be announced)
Web: https://mepdaw2018.ai.wu.ac.at/
There is a vast and rapidly increasing quantity of scientific,
corporate, government, and crowd-sourced data published on the emerging
Data Web. Open Data are expected to play a catalyst role in the way
structured information is exploited on a large scale. This offers a
great potential for building innovative products and services that
create new value from already collected data. It is expected to foster
active citizenship (e.g., around the topics of journalism, greenhouse
gas emissions, food supply-chains, smart mobility, etc.) and world-wide
research according to the “fourth paradigm of science”.
Published datasets are openly available on the Web. A traditional view
of digitally preserving them by “pickling them and locking them away”
for future use, conflicts with their evolution. There are a number of
approaches and frameworks, such as the Linked Data Stack, that manage a
full life-cycle of the Data Web. More specifically, these techniques are
expected to tackle major issues such as the synchronisation problem (how
to monitor changes), the curation problem (how to repair data
imperfections and add value over time), the appraisal problem (how to
assess the quality of a dataset), the citation and provenance problem
(how to cite a particular version of a linked dataset, how to keep the
lineage/provenance of the data), the archiving problem (how to retrieve
the most recent or a particular version of a dataset), and the
sustainability problem (how to support preservation at scale, ensuring
long-term access).
Managing the evolution and preservation of linked open datasets poses a
number of challenges, mainly related to the nature of the Linked Data
principles and the RDF data model. Since resources are globally
interlinked, effective citation measures are required. Another challenge
is to determine the consequences that changes to one LOD dataset may
have implications to other datasets linked to it. The distributed,
dynamic nature of LOD datasets furthermore introduces additional
complexity, since external sources that are being linked to may change
or become unavailable. Finally, another challenge is to identify means
to afford on-going access to continuously assess the quality of such
dynamic datasets.
- Submission (extended&final): 19th March 2018
- Notification: 5th April 2018
- Final version: Wednesday 18th April 2018
- Workshop: June 3rd or 4th (to be announced)
== TOPICS ==
- Management of Data Versioning
* Representation and maintenance of data versions and changes (change
representation, change detection)
* Efficient indexing to resolve time-based queries
* Efficient versioned data access (retrieval, sharing, distribution,
* Languages to query versioned data stores
* Benchmarking of versioning data stores
* Change patterns and dynamics
- Reasoning of Evolving Knowledge
* Evolving patterns extraction
* Predicting evolving knowledge
* Reasoning for trend analysis
* Reasoning for knowledge shift detection
* Exploitation of reasoning results to recommendation systems
- Visualization and Presentation of Evolving Knowledge
* Browsing evolving knowledge
* Visualizing trends
* Visual summarization of knowledge sub-domains
* User interfaces for evolving knowledge presentation
- Data Preservation
* Digital preservation for the Web of Data
* Dynamics of context or background (tacit) knowledge
* Design of evolution-aware Linked Data applications (for appraisal,
storage management, interlinking, analysis)
* Crawling
- Data Quality and Provenance:
* Incremental quality assessment and validation for evolving knowledge
* Quality trends and prediction for changing knowledge
* Automated repair based on historical context or predictions
* Provenance in evolution
- Ontology Evolution and Concept Drift:
* Representation of evolving ontologies
* Efficient access of different versions of an ontology
* Detection and prediction
* Ontology change impact assessment
* Long lived transactions for knowledge bases
We envision three types of submissions in order to cover the entire
spectrum from mature research papers to novel ideas/datasets and
industry technical talks:
A) Research Papers (max 15 pages), presenting novel scientific research
addressing the topics of the workshop.
B) Position Papers, Demo papers and System and Dataset descriptions (max
5 pages), encouraging papers describing significant work in progress,
late breaking results or ideas of the domain, as well as functional
systems or datasets relevant to the community.
C) Industry & Use Case Presentations (max 5 pages), in which industry
experts can present and discuss practical solutions, use case
prototypes, best practices, etc., in any stage of implementation.
Papers should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS format
in PDF or equivalent in HTML format (encouraged). Authors new to HTML
submissions can look into the Research Articles in Simplified HTML
(RASH) Framework (https://github.com/essepuntato/rash) or dokeli
(https://github.com/linkeddata/dokieli). HTML articles can be submitted
by either providing an URL to their article (in HTML+RDFa, CSS,
JavaScript etc.) with supporting files, or an archived zip file
including all the material.
All papers should be submitted to
All accepted papers will be published in the CEUR workshop proceedings
We will provide an award for the best research paper submitted.
Selection criteria include the innovative nature of work, the importance
and timeliness of the topic, and the overall readiness and quality of
the writing. We particularly encourage student submissions, which will
be given preference.
- Jeremy Debattista (ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
- Javier D. Fernández (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
- Jürgen Umbrich (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
- Maria-Esther Vidal (Universidad Simon Bolivar and Technische
Informationsbibliothek (TIB);
- James Anderson, Dydra
- Axel Polleres, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
- Rob Brennan, ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Maribel Acosta, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
- Natanael Arndt, AKSW, Leipzig, Germany
- Ioannis Chrysakis, FORTH-ICS, Greece
- Valeria Fionda, University of Calabria, Italy
- Giorgos Flouris, FORTH-ICS, Greece
- Marios Meimaris, ATHENA R.C., Greece
- George Papastefanatos, ATHENA R.C., Greece
- Ruben Taelman, Ghent University, Belgium
- Harshvardhan J. Pandit, ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Steffen Lohmann, Enterprise Information Systems, University of Bonn,
Email: mepdaw(a)googlegroups.com
Twitter: @mepdaw
Homepage: https://mepdaw2018.ai.wu.ac.at/
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] ToC International Journal of Knowledge Management
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2018 22:36:09 -0800
From: Murray Jennex <mjennex(a)mail.sdsu.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org, Murray Jennex <mjennex(a)mail.sdsu.edu>
Abstract Announcement for International Journal of Knowledge Management
(IJKM) 14(1)The contents of the latest issue of:
*International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM)*
Volume 14, Issue 1, January - March 2018
Indexed by: Compendex (Elsevier Engineering Index), INSPEC, PsycINFO®,
SCOPUS, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
*For a complete list of indexing and abstracting services that include this
journal, please reference the bottom of this announcement.*
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 1548-0666; EISSN: 1548-0658;
Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA
Editor-in-Chief: Murray E. Jennex (San Diego State University, USA)
*Note: The International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) has an Open
Access option, which allows individuals and institutions unrestricted
access to its published content. Unlike traditional subscription-based
publishing models, open access content is available without having to
purchase or subscribe to the journal in which the content is published. All
IGI Global manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review
editorial process.*
Knowledge Discovery From Vernacular Expressions: An Application of Social
Media and Sentiment Mining
Nishikant Bele (International Institute of Health Management Research, New
Delhi, India), Prabin Kumar Panigrahi (Department of Information Systems,
Indian Institute of Management Indore, Indore, India), Shashi Kant
Srivastava (Department of Information Systems, Indian Institute of
Management Indore, Indore, India)
This article describes how knowledge discovery is a frontier research issue
of knowledge management, and social media provides an opportunity for
knowledge discovery that was at no other time as virtuous as the present.
Despite the fact that, the articulations in national dialects via web-based
networking media is mounting day by day. This discovery endeavor in
regional languages is rare. The usage of Hindi, the Indian National
language, is also observing the similar trend. Any expression in social
media contains multiple features. Discovering the hidden sentiments behind
these features have wider functions. This article is the first attempt to
mine the opinion at the features level in the Hindi language. The principle
contribution of this article is the development of context specific corpus
in the Hindi language. Based on this corpus authors extract the sentiments
on one of the prominent leader of India at the feature level. Opinion
mining conclusion based on present work is reproduced likewise in the
subsequent election results.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Social-Media-Based Knowledge Sharing: A Qualitative Analysis of Multiple
Shouhong Wang (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, USA), Hai
Wang (Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada)
Social media continues to proliferate. This article presents a qualitative
analysis of twelve cases of social-media-based knowledge sharing. The
analysis reveals six categories of knowledge sharing in the social context.
The analysis indicates that personalization of the organization entities
and socialization of the participation on social media for knowledge
sharing are two key success factors. The findings suggest that the social
dimension, which has been absent from the traditional knowledge management
models, broadens the scope of sustainable knowledge sharing practices in
the digital society.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Our Knowledge Management Hubble May Need Glasses: Designing for Unknown
Real-Time Big Data System Faults
William H. Money (The Citadel, Charleston, USA), Stephen J. Cohen
(Microsoft Corporation, Oakton, USA)
This article analyzes the properties of unknown faults in knowledge
management and Big Data systems processing Big Data in real-time. These
faults introduce risks and threaten the knowledge pyramid and decisions
based on knowledge gleaned from volumes of complex data. The authors
hypothesize that not yet encountered faults may require fault handling, an
analytic model, and an architectural framework to assess and manage the
faults and mitigate the risks of correlating or integrating otherwise
uncorrelated Big Data, and to ensure the source pedigree, quality, set
integrity, freshness, and validity of the data. New architectures, methods,
and tools for handling and analyzing Big Data systems functioning in
real-time will contribute to organizational knowledge and performance.
System designs must mitigate faults resulting from real-time streaming
processes while ensuring that variables such as synchronization,
redundancy, and latency are addressed. This article concludes that with
improved designs, real-time Big Data systems may continuously deliver the
value of streaming Big Data.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Knowledge Sharing Barriers in Vietnamese Higher Education Institutions
Canh Van Ta (Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment University, Hanoi, Vietnam),
Suzanne Zyngier (University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia)
This article explores the barriers for sharing knowledge effectiveness in
Vietnamese higher education institutions (HEIs). Data were analyzed and
triangulated from interviews, and focus groups from different universities
and from government and university websites. Three significant factors were
identified: bureaucratic management causing a lack of autonomy in
decision-making, poor knowledge management systems, and weak individual
absorptive capacity. The results demonstrate these three factors as a
significant influence on academic staff to share absorb and create new
knowledge measured by journal publication output, and graduate quality. The
research findings provide insights on the Vietnamese higher education
landscape in the transition from a centralized economy to a market economy.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
To Ask or Not to Ask: The Roles of Interpersonal Trust in Knowledge Seeking
Michael Jijin Zhang (Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, USA), Honghua Chen
(Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, China)
This article looks to investigate the roles of interpersonal trust in
knowledge seeking. Specifically, the article examines and tests the effects
of two distinct types of interpersonal trust (affect-based trust and
cognition-based trust) on willingness to seek two different types of
knowledge (explicit and tacit). Using data from a survey of 143 employees
from Chinese firms, the article found that both types of interpersonal
trust positively related to explicit knowledge seeking, as well as tacit
knowledge seeking. The article also found that cognition-based trust had a
stronger relationship with seeking of both explicit and tacit knowledge
than affect-based trust. Implications for future research and practice are
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the
Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM)* in your institution's library. This
journal is also included in the IGI Global aggregated *"InfoSci-Journals"*
database: www.igi-global.com/isj
Mission of IJKM:
The primary objective of the *International Journal of Knowledge Management
(IJKM)* is to provide a comprehensive cross discipline forum for advancing
the understanding of the organizational, technical, human, and cognitive
issues associated with the creation, capture, transfer and use of knowledge
in organizations. The secondary objective of this Journal is to share
knowledge among researchers and practitioners with respect to the design,
development, implementation and maintenance of effective knowledge
management systems. The journal publishes high quality empirical and
theoretical research covering all aspects of knowledge management. In
addition to full-length research manuscripts, the journal publishes
insightful research and practice notes as well as case studies from all
areas of knowledge management.
Indices of IJKM:
- ACM Digital Library
- Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC)
- Bacon's Media Directory
- Burrelle's Media Directory
- Cabell's Directories
- Compendex (Elsevier Engineering Index)
- CSA Illumina
- DEST Register of Refereed Journals
- EBSCOhost's Library/Information Science & Technology Abstracts with
- Gale Directory of Publications & Broadcast Media
- GetCited
- Google Scholar
- JournalTOCs
- KnowledgeBoard
- Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)
- MediaFinder
- Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)
- PsycINFO®
- The Index of Information Systems Journals
- The Standard Periodical Directory
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
- Web of Science
- Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Coverage of IJKM:
The* International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM)* covers all
aspects of the knowledge management discipline, from organizational issues
to technology support to knowledge representation. High quality submissions
are encouraged using any qualitative or quantitative research methodology.
Submissions are especially encouraged covering the following topics:
- Basic theories associated with knowledge creation, knowledge
management, and organizational memory
- Case studies of knowledge management and organizational memory systems
- Cognitive theories of knowledge management and organizational memory
- Design of information and communication systems that facilitate
knowledge transfer and sharing
- Enablers and inhibitors of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer
- Global issues in knowledge management and organizational memory
- Issues related to the capture, storage, search, retrieval, and use of
knowledge and organizational memory
- Knowledge acquisition and transfer processes
- Knowledge management in small and medium enterprises
- Knowledge management strategy
- Knowledge management training issues
- Knowledge reuse in organizations
- Knowledge transfer and sharing behaviors within emergent
organizational forms such as virtual communities
- Methodologies and processes for developing knowledge management systems
- Metrics and effectiveness of knowledge management and organizational
memory systems
- Organizational and economic incentive structures for knowledge sharing
and use
- Organizational culture impacts on knowledge management
- Organizational learning
- Use of semantic networks, topic maps, the Internet, digital documents,
XML, taxonomies, ontologies, and other technologies to implement knowledge
management systems
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission
AISWorld mailing list
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Subject: [AISWorld] 1st call-for-submissions: Pre-ECIS workshop on
developing philosophy papers for publication
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2018 22:30:06 +0000
From: Mary Tate <mary.tate(a)qut.edu.au>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Pre-ECIS Workshop: Developing Philosophy Papers for Publication in
Information Systems Journals, June 25, 2018 at the 26th European
Conference on Information Systems / Portsmouth, UK
Philosophy papers can be difficult to publish in Information Systems,
and it can be difficult to find a supportive environment in which to
incubate philosophy-related works. This paper-development workshop aims
to offer support for "in-development" philosophy-related papers and
assist authors with developing a path to publication. Researchers with a
general interest in philosophy in IS research are also welcome to attend
and participate as discussants. This workshop will provide assistance
and actionable advice to scholars in preparing their philosophy based
papers for publication in IS journals. The aims are to:
1) Strengthen and build the community of scholars working with
philosophic concepts to understand how philosophic concepts can inform
analysis of information systems research.
2) Provide an opportunity for scholars to reflect and gain feedback on
work in progress or receive new perspectives.
3) Provide support for researchers that are starting to explore using
philosophic theory within Information Systems
4) Provide a space for scholars interested in various philosophies to
engage in common theoretical debates.
Workshop chairs:
Michael Cuellar, Georgia Southern University, USA
Mary Tate Queensland, University of Technology, Australia Lars Taxén,
Linköping University, Sweden
Gurivender Tejay, St. Thomas University, USA
Keynote Speaker: Professor Jan Recker, EIC of Communications of the
Association for Information Systems
Workshop format:
The workshop will take place over a full day. The workshop will consist
of a key note, short paper presentations (5-10 minutes) followed by
discussion, and breakout sessions. The workshop programme has been
designed to encourage discourse and advance the use of philosophic
content in Information Systems, enable new connections between scholars
deploying philosophic content and help scholars develop their papers for
Workshop Timetable:
09.00: Welcome, participant introductions, and overview of the workshop.
09:15: Key note presentation: Dr Jan Recker, E-I-C of Communications of
the Association for Information Systems
10:30: Break.
10:45: Short paper presentations. 13:00: Lunch break.
14:00: Breakout group work (organized by shared interests and themes)
17.00: Workshop end.
Submission details and dates:
-Participants may submit either an extended outline (5 pages) or a
complete paper: April 15, 2018 -Paper will be reviewed and comments
returned: May 15, 2018
-Final papers should be submitted by June 15, 2018
-Participants submitting papers or abstracts will be asked to review one
or two other submissions and act as discussants at the workshop
Email submissions to Michael Cuellar: mcuellar(a)georgiasouthern.edu
Paper submission is not required for attendance at the workshop.
For workshop programme and further details please see:
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