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Betreff: [AISWorld] 2018 SIGSAND Symposium May 24-25, 2018 in Syracuse, NY
Datum: Sat, 3 Feb 2018 14:52:16 +0000
Von: Padmal K Vitharana <padmal(a)syr.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will host the 2018 Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis & Design (SIGSAND) Symposium May 24-25, 2018.
The SIGSAND Symposium has the aim of promoting and developing high quality research on all issues related to Systems Analysis & Design. Systems Analysis involves examining business problems (opportunities) and identifying possible solutions, whereas Systems Design includes the identification, specification and implementation of an information technology solution. The combined field of Systems Analysis & Design deals with all issues related to systems development and is of central importance to the Information Systems discipline.
We invite faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars to submit completed research papers, research-in-progress papers, or extended position statements on Systems Analysis & Design. Given the developmental nature of the symposium, we especially encourage papers representing early stage research and research-in-progress. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Systems Analysis & Design: Methodologies and Processes
* Systems Analysis & Design: Modeling Methods, Techniques, and Languages
* Systems Analysis & Design: Requirements Elicitation, Modeling, and Validation
* Analysis and Design for Service-Oriented Enterprises
* Contemporary Issues in Agile Development
* Strategic Software Management: Issues, Experiences, and Theory
* Technical and Managerial Issues in Open Source Development
* User Participation in Information Systems Development
* Impact of Systems Analysis and Design on IS use (e.g., adoption, information quality, etc.)
* Ontological foundations of Systems Analysis and Design
* Project Management Issues in Systems Analysis and Design
* Security Issues in Systems Analysis and Design
* Software Testing and Quality Control
* Workflow Modeling
Submissions can be anchored in a variety of research methods, including formal analysis, systems development (design science), experiments, case studies, and field studies.
Important Dates:
Submission of Manuscript - March 16, 2018
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection - March 30, 2018
Final Paper Submission - May 11, 2018
Symposium - May 24-25, 2018
The submission system for papers and symposium website:
Padmal Vitharana<mailto:padmal@syr.edu> will serve as the conference chair this year.
We look forward to seeing you in Syracuse!
Best Regards,
Binny, Roman, and Arturo
2018 SIGSAND Symposium Program Co-Chairs
Binny Samuel<mailto:samuelby@uc.edu>
Roman Lukyanenko<mailto:lukyanenko@edwards.usask.ca>
Arturo Castellanos<mailto:Arturo.Castellanos@baruch.cuny.edu>
Padmal Vitharana
Padmal Vitharana, Associate Professor
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Martin J. Whitman School of Management
721 University Avenue, Syracuse, New York 13244-2450
T 315-443-3132 F 315-443-5457 E padmal(a)syr.edu<mailto:padmal@syr.edu<mailto:padmal@syr.edu%3cmailto:padmal@syr.edu>>
Web http://whitman.syr.edu/Directory/ShowInfo.aspx?id=59
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] 25th WoLLIC 2018 (Bogotá, Colombia) - 2nd Call for Papers
Datum: Sat, 3 Feb 2018 11:37:28 -0300
Von: Ruy de Queiroz <ruy(a)cin.ufpe.br>
Antwort an: Ruy de Queiroz <ruy(a)cin.ufpe.br>
An: Evento WOLLIC <wollic(a)cin.ufpe.br>
[Please circulate. Apologies for multiple copies.]
WoLLIC 2018
25th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
July 24th to 27th, 2018
Bogotá, Colombia
Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL)
The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI)
Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL)
European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS)
European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL)
ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation (ACM-SIGLOG) (TBC)
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC)
Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (SBL)
Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Centro de Informática, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research
involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural
language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and
tutorials as well as contributed papers. The twenty-fifth WoLLIC will be
held at the Departamento de Matemáticas of the Universidad de los Andes,
Bogotá, Colombia, from July 24th to 27th, 2018. It is sponsored by the
Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), the Interest Group in Pure and
Applied Logics (IGPL), the The Association for Logic, Language and
Information (FoLLI), the European Association for Theoretical Computer
Science (EATCS), the European Association for Computer Science Logic
(EACSL), ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation
(ACM-SIGLOG) (TBC), the Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), and
the Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (SBL).
Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular
interest in cross-disciplinary topics. Typical but not exclusive areas
of interest are: foundations of computing and programming; novel
computation models and paradigms; broad notions of proof and belief;
proof mining, type theory, effective learnability; formal methods in
software and hardware development; logical approach to natural language
and reasoning; logics of programs, actions and resources; foundational
aspects of information organization, search, flow, sharing, and
protection; foundations of mathematics; philosophy of mathematics;
philosophical logic; philosophy of language. Proposed contributions
should be in English, and consist of a scholarly exposition accessible
to the non-specialist, including motivation, background, and comparison
with related works. Articles should be written in the LaTeX format of
LNCS by Springer (see authors instructions at
<http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0>). They
must not exceed 12 pages, with up to 5 additional pages for references
and technical appendices. The paper's main results must not be published
or submitted for publication in refereed venues, including journals and
other scientific meetings. It is expected that each accepted paper be
presented at the meeting by one of its authors. (At least one author is
required to pay the registration fee before granting that the paper will
be published in the proceedings.) Papers must be submitted
electronically at the WoLLIC 2018 EasyChair website. (Please go to
<http://wollic.org/wollic2018/instructions.html> for instructions.) A
title and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by Mar 11, 2018,
and the full paper by Mar 18, 2018 (firm date). Notifications are
expected by Apr 15, 2018, and final papers for the proceedings will be
due by Apr 22, 2018 (firm date).
The proceedings of WoLLIC 2018, including both invited and contributed
papers, will be published in advance of the meeting as a volume in
Springer's LNCS series. In addition, abstracts will be published in the
Conference Report section of the Logic Journal of the IGPL, and selected
contributions will be published (after a new round of reviewing) as a
special post-conference WoLLIC 2018 issue of a scientific journal (to be
Xavier Caicedo (Univ de Los Andes, Colombia)
José Meseguer (Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Elaine Pimentel (Univ Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)
Renata Wassermann (Univ de São Paulo, Brazil)
(more to be confirmed)
ASL sponsorship of WoLLIC 2018 will permit ASL student members to apply
for a modest travel grant (deadline: May 1st, 2018). See
<http://www.aslonline.org/studenttravelawards.html> for details.
Mar 11, 2018: Paper title and abstract deadline
Mar 18, 2018: Full paper deadline
Apr 15, 2018: Author notification
Apr 22, 2018: Final version deadline (firm)
Siddharth Bhaskar (Haverford College, USA)
Torben Braüner (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Hazel Brickhill (University of Bristol, UK)
Michael Detlefsen (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Juliette Kennedy (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Sophia Knight (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Alex Kruckman (Indiana University, USA)
Maricarmen Martinez Baldares (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
Frederike Moltmann (CNRS, France)
Lawrence Moss (Indiana University, USA) (CHAIR)
Cláudia Nalon (University of Brasília, Brazil)
Valeria de Paiva (Nuance Comms, USA, and University of Birmingham, UK)
Sophie Pinchinat (IRISA Rennes, France)
David Pym (University College London, UK)
Ruy de Queiroz (Univ Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Revantha Ramanayake (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Giselle Reis (Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar)
Jeremy Seligman (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Yanjing Wang (Peking University, China)
Fan Yang (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Samson Abramsky, Johan van Benthem, Anuj Dawar, Joe Halpern, Wilfrid
Hodges, Juliette Kennedy, Ulrich Kohlenbach, Daniel Leivant, Leonid
Libkin, Angus Macintyre, Luke Ong, Hiroakira Ono, Valeria de Paiva, Ruy
de Queiroz, Jouko Väänänen. (Former Member: Grigori Mints (deceased).)
Jaime A. Bohórquez (Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería, Bogotá, Colombia)
Xavier Caicedo (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) (Local co-chair)
Nicolás Cardozo (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia)
Maricarmen Martínez (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) (Local co-chair)
Anjolina G. de Oliveira (Univ Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil)
Ruy de Queiroz (Univ Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil) (co-chair)
Camilo Rocha (Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia)
Contact one of the Co-Chairs of the Organising Committee.
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2018 - CFP - Strategic Implications of
Blockchain, Bitcoin, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
Datum: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 11:42:17 -0600
Von: Dan J. Kim <danjongkim(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
We kindly invite you to submit your research paper to the "Strategic
Implications of Blockchain, Bitcoin, and the Internet of Things (IoT)"
mini-track under Strategic and Competitive Uses of Information Technology
(SCUIT) Track of the 2018 AMCIS conference, which will take place on 16-18
August, 2018 in New Orleans, LA.
Mini-track description:
It is widely speculated that the Blockchain distributed data architecture
will be important with wide ranging applications. The Blockchain structure
takes advantage of cryptography, redundancy, and self-validation to create
an amazingly robust, secure, and potentially anonymous distributed data
structure. The security of the Blockchain structure has been proven in the
extreme environment of cryptocurrency, where Blockchain is the basis of
bitcoin. While Bitcoin has become a legitimate currency accepted in
thousands of stores, its true test of data security is that it has been
accepted in some of the least reputable transactions in the world. Bitcoin
is sometimes called a "trustless" technology, not because it is trustworthy,
but because it reduces or eliminates the need for parties to trust each
other and the need for banks, governments, or other 3rd parties to verify
data and transactions.
The ability to have absolute confidence in data and transactions without a
centralized clearinghouse can radically affect accounting, auditing, risk
management, information systems, banking, financial services, national
sovereignty, currency markets, supply chains, marketing, privacy and may
form the backbone for the much heralded "Internet of Things (IoT)." Many of
future IoT applications will depend on the level of trust between devices
and people. Papers in this mini-track would investigate the role of
blockchain as an enabling technology for financial transactions,
cryptocurrencies, and the proliferation of the Internet of Things.
The submission deadline is Feb 28, 2018 (CST).
Submission guidelines:
Submit your paper: https://amcis2018.aisnet.org/
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Mini-track Chairs:
Foaud H. Mirzaei, University of North Texas, foad.hassanmirzaei(a)unt.edu
Russell Torres, University of North Texas, russell.torres(a)unt.edu
Dan J. Kim, University of North Texas, dan.kim(a)unt.edu
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [wkwi] KDD 2018 Call for Applied Data Science Papers
Datum: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 19:07:43 +0100 (CET)
Von: Ehmke, Jan Fabian <jan.ehmke(a)ovgu.de>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)seda.wiai.uni-bamberg.de
KDD 2018 Call for Applied Data Science Papers
Key dates
Submission: February 11, 2018
Notification: May 6, 2018
Camera-ready: May 25, 2018
Short Promotional Video (Required): June 4, 2018
Source Code and Presentation (Optional): June 4, 2018
All deadlines are at 11:59PM Alofi Time. There will be absolutely no exception to these deadlines.
We invite submissions of papers describing designs and implementations of solutions and systems for practical tasks in data mining, data analytics, data science, and applied machine learning. The primary emphasis is on papers that either solve or advance the understanding of issues related to deploying data science technologies in the real world.
Submitted papers will go through a peer review process.
The Applied Data Science Track is distinct from the Research Track in that submissions focus on real-world problems and systems that are deployed or are in the process of being deployed. Submissions must clearly identify one of the following three categories they fall into: “deployed”, “in-progress”, or “observational”. The ADS Chairs might shift a submission from one category to another, if they find that the submission is misplaced. The criteria for submissions in each category are as follows:
- CATEGORY Deployed: Must describe implementation of a system that solves a significant real-world problem and is in current use. The paper should present the problem, its significance to the application domain, the decisions and tradeoffs made when making design choices for the solution, the deployment challenges, and the lessons learned. Evidence must be provided that the solution has been deployed by quantifying post-launch performance. Papers that describe enabling infrastructure for large-scale deployment of applied machine learning also fall in this category. An example might be a deployed system that collects heartbeat audio from mobile phones during a marathon race and uses machine learning to identify potentially irregular signals and to alert support personnel.
- CATEGORY In-progress: As above, except that the system has not been deployed yet or (rarely!) a conclusion has been reached that the problem is unsolvable. In addition to the content required for deployed solution papers, in-progress papers must explain what fundamental insights were achieved so far, what milestones were reached, and what are the obstacles to deployment. Straightforward improvements over trivial baseline solutions are unlikely to qualify. Continuing the example above, an in-progress paper might present a system that achieves reasonable error rates in an experiment with many volunteers but suffers from interferences among mobiles that are located very close to each other.
- CATEGORY Observational: Must describe important insights into the input data and/or the performance of a significant real world applications and explain their practical impact. Continuing the example above, an observational paper might present an analysis of a large number of recordings taken during in-hospital cardiac stress tests juxtaposing the system’s performance to that of human cardiologists, the correlation between “murmurs” and other heart tests, the size of the models that can analyze the audio satisfactorily, etc, and from here derive whether such a system is currently realistic or will have to wait for better sensors and more on-device computing power.
Pointers to example papers for each category, taken from KDD 2017 Applied Data Science Track, can be found under
Submission directions
KDD is a dual track conference hosting both a Research track and an Applied Data Science track. Due to the large number of submissions, papers submitted to the Research track will not be considered for publication in the Applied Data Science track and vice versa. Authors are encouraged to read the track descriptions carefully and to choose an appropriate track for their submissions. Following KDD conference tradition, reviews are not double-blind, and author names and affiliations should be listed.
Submissions are limited to a total of 9 (nine) pages, including all content and references, and must be in PDF format and formatted according to the new Standard ACM Conference Proceedings Template.
For LaTeX users: unzip acmart.zip, make, and use sample-sigconf.tex as a template; Additional information about formatting and style files is available online at: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. Papers that do not meet the formatting requirements will be rejected without review.
Website Submissions for KDD 2018 are being accepted at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kdd18
Important policies
- Reproducibility
Submitted papers will be assessed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, insightfulness, depth, clarity, and reproducibility. Authors are strongly encouraged to make their code and data publicly available whenever possible. Algorithms and resources used in a paper should be described as completely as possible to allow reproducibility. This includes experimental methodology, empirical evaluations, and results. The reproducibility factor will play an important role in the assessment of each submission.
- Authorship
Every person named as the author of a paper must have contributed substantially both to the work described in the paper and to the writing of the paper. Every listed author must take responsibility for the entire content of a paper. Persons who do not meet these requirements may be acknowledged, but should not be listed as authors. Post-submission changes to the author list are not allowed.
- Dual submissions
Submitted papers must describe work that is substantively different from work that has already been published, or accepted for publication, or submitted in parallel to other conferences or journals. However, there are several exceptions to this rule:
1. Submission is permitted for a shorter version of a paper submitted to a journal, but not yet published. Authors must declare such dual-submissions on the submission form and must ensure that the journal in question allows concurrent submissions to conferences.
2. Submissions are permitted for papers presented or to be presented at seminars, conferences or workshops without proceedings.
3. Submissions are permitted for papers that have previously been made available only in the form of technical report with no peer reviews, in particular on arXiv.
Conflicts of interest
During the submission process, enter the email domains of all institutions with which you have an institutional conflict of interest. You have an institutional conflict of interest if you are currently employed or have been employed at this institution in the past three years, or you have extensively collaborated with this institution within the past three years. Authors are also required to identify all PC/SPC members with whom they have a conflict of interest, eg, advisor, student, colleague, or coauthor in the last five years.
For each accepted paper, at least one author must attend the conference and present the paper. Authors of all accepted papers must prepare a final version for publication, a poster, and a three-minute short video presentation.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by ACM and also appear in the ACM Digital Library. The rights retained by authors who transfer copyright to ACM can be found here.
AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date for KDD 2018 is on or after Jul 11, 2018. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] EMISA'18 2nd CfP --- NEW: EMISA Journal Option
Datum: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 21:09:24 +0000
Von: Michael Fellmann <michael.fellmann(a)uni-rostock.de>
Antwort an: Michael Fellmann <michael.fellmann(a)uni-rostock.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>,
'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Kopie (CC): Kurt Sandkuhl <kurt.sandkuhl(a)uni-rostock.de>
EMISA'18 Call for Contributions
Call for Contributions
*9th International Workshop on*
*Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA'18)*
NEW: Cooperation with EMISA-Journal (details see below)
May 24-25, 2018 – Rostock, Germany
The strategic importance of enterprise modelling has been recognized by
an increasing number of companies and public agencies. Enterprise
modelling delivers the 'blueprints' for co-designing and aligning
business and enterprise information systems such that they complement
each other in an optimal way. Achieving such interplay requires a
multi-perspective approach taking organizational, economic, and
technical aspects into account. In a world of cloud, social and big
data, additional challenges for enterprise modelling and the design of
information systems architectures emerge, e.g., in respect to the design
of data-driven processes or processes enabling cross-enterprise
collaboration. To deal with these challenges, a close cooperation of
researchers from different disciplines such as information systems,
business informatics, and computer science will be required.
EMISA 2018 is the ninth international workshop in a series that provides
a key forum for researchers and practitioners in the fields of
enterprise modelling and the design of information system (IS)
architectures. The workshop series emphasizes a holistic view on these
fields, fostering integrated approaches that address and relate business
processes, business people and information technology. The workshop is
open for a broad range of subjects. Possible topics include, but are not
limited to:
·Enterprise modelling: languages, methods, tools
·Patterns for enterprise modelling
·Patterns for information systems architectures
·Model life cycle management
·Model evolution
·Model configuration and model variants
·Model quality: metrics, case studies, and experiments
·Process modelling and process-aware information systems
·Collaborative enterprise modelling
·Model-driven architectures
·Model-driven IS development
·Component- and service-oriented software architectures
·Service engineering and evolution
·Service composition, orchestration and choreography
·Complex event processing and event-driven architectures
·Human aspects in enterprise modelling
·Modelling social information and innovation networks
·Information systems in the cloud
·Mobile enterprise services
EMISA 2018 calls for submissions in the following categories:
1)*PhD Research Proposals:*EMISA 2018 invites PhD students to submit
research proposals. There will be a dedicated slot in the program to
discuss PhD research proposals including the current status and the
further plan of the research work. PhD research proposals shall be
submitted as a short paper of 5 pages.
2)*Current Research Talk Proposals*: EMISA 2018 invites proposals for
scientific talks of international excellence. Eligible are proposal
submissions that are based on published or accepted papers from
international conferences or journals. Proposals for research talks
shall be submitted as an extended abstract of 2 pages.
3)*Novel Directions Talk Proposals:*EMISA 2018 invites proposals for
talks that motivate a novel research direction, outline the research
gaps to address, and carve out major challenges. These talks shall serve
as a stimulus for discussions as part of a dedicated slot in the
workshop program. Novel directions talk proposals shall be submitted as
a short paper of 5 pages.
NEW: EMISA Journal Option: Selected novel direction papers will be
forwarded to the EMISA-Journal for publication applying a fast tracking
procedure. EMISA “International Journal of Conceptual Modeling” is a
scholarly peer-reviewed open access journal with a unique focus on novel
and innovative conceptual modeling research and its applications – see
Proposals can be submitted according to instructions on the EMISA 2018
All submissions have to strictly follow the formatting guidelines of
LNI. Template and explanations can be found at
Submissions have to be made via easychair.org:
All accepted submissions (PhD Research, Current Research, Novel
Directions) will be published in the next print edition of EMISA Forum.
The short papers proposing PhD Research or a Novel Directions Talk will
also be published as an electronic CEUR proceedings volume.
The workshop is organized by the GI Special Interest Group on Design
Methods for Information Systems (GI-SIG EMISA, www.emisa.org
<http://www.emisa.org>), which provides a forum for researchers from
various disciplines who develop and apply methods to support the
analysis and design of information systems. EMISA 2018 will take place
in Rostock, Germany.
n*Important Dates*
Submission of proposals: March 18, 2018
Notification of acceptance: April 9, 2018
Final paper version: April 29, 2018
n*Program Committee Co-Chairs*
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michael Fellmann, University of Rostock, Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurt Sandkuhl, University of Rostock, Germany
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Betreff: [WI] CfP: [Deadline extended: Feb 18th] - BIS 2018 - 21st
International Conference on Business Information Systems
Datum: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 09:20:59 +0100
Von: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
Antwort an: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
An: wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Extended Conference Paper Deadline Feb. 18th
Open CfPs for BIS 2018 Workshops
21st International Conference on Business Information Systems
BIS 2018
Berlin, Germany
July 18-20, 2018
Deadline for submissions: February 18, 2018
(Proceedings in Springer's LNBIP series)
Digital Transformation - an imperative for today's business markets
Nowadays, digital technologies transform the way the business is made,
the companies grow, the links between people are created and evolve,
as well as many other domains. The digital transformation means that
digital usages inherently enable new types of innovation and creativity
in various domains. In general, Digital Transformation can be defined
as an integration of digital technology into all areas of business,
resulting in fundamental changes to how businesses operate and how they
deliver value to their customers. The BIS Conference traditionally has
focused on actual trends of development, implementation and application
of business information systems in different domains. Thus, to continue
this tradition, the upcoming edition of BIS will focus on the Digital
Transformation that affects both individual businesses and whole
domains, such as e.g. administration, communication, art, medicine,
healthcare, finance and science.
The Digital Transformation is described as "the total and overall
societal effect of digitalization". Digitization has enabled the
process of digitalization, which resulted in transformation of existing
business models, socio-economic structures, legal and policy measures,
organizational patterns, cultural barriers, etc. There are a number of
reasons why businesses undergo Digital Transformation. The main
argument is that they simply have to. With the evolving business
markets, companies that want to succeed must understand how to apply
technology to support strategical decisions and realise the visions.
However, there are many ways how it may be achieved. Thus, the BIS 2018
Conference wants to drive the discussion of Digital Transformation
related to problems, challenges and opportunities for today’s business
markets. We invite researchers and business practitioners to present
and publish their latest research results. Our goal is to enable
sharing theoretical and practical knowledge of ongoing Digital
Transformation activities and thus to inspire researchers to think
outside the box. We hope that the inspirations from the Conference will
lead to further innovations being the next stage of Digital
Topics include (but are not limited to):
Big and Smart Data and Artifical Intelligence
* data science and digital transformation
* smart machines, artifical intelligence, and cognitive computing in
business systems and applications
* business intelligence
* linked (open) data
* knowledge representation and reasoning
* big data analytics
* real-time big data analysis and streaming analytics / stream reasoning
* standards, data models, and business models for big & smart data
* corporate semantic web and semantic web applications
* digital curation technologies
* data and information quality
* information extraction and information retrieval
* sentiment analysis, emotion mining
* data integration from Web information sources
* modelling and describing evolving data sources
* information gathering for supporting knowledge-intensive enterprises
Business and Enterprise Modelling
* requirements for enterprise modelling
* modelling of enterprise architecture
* quality of enterprise models
* change management
* enterprise modelling theory
* enterprise modelling practice, case studies, and action research
* decision modelling
* governance, risk, and compliance modelling
* standards, conceptualizations, notations, and ontologies
* business design patterns
* business models and (open) innovation
ICT Project Management
* tools and techniques
* stakeholder and user management
* effort, time, and cost estimation
* resources management
* risk management
* quality management
* global and virtual development teams
Process Management
* (semantic) business process management
* event-driven busines process management
* adaptive and dynamic processes
* supply chain processes
* scientific workflows in a business context
* ERP implementations
* integration of data and processes
* collaborative BPM
* value chain design
* business rules, decision models, and decision management
* complex event processing
Smart Infrastructures
* cloud computing
* fog and edge computing
* security and privacy
* (micro) services architectures
* sensor systems
* software-defined infrastructures
* smart ledger / blockchain
* agent systems and collective intelligence
* internet of things and cyber-physical systems
* industry 4.0
Social Media and Web-based Business Information Systems
* social CRM
* social user experience
* social media in business
* social media and privacy
* social media analytics
* social network analytics
* social computing
* social sentimental analysis
* communities and crowedsourcing
* social semantic web and pragmatic web
* web/social web/distributed search
* personalized search and recommendation
* user interfaces and human computer interaction
Applications, Evaluations, and Experiences
* smart cities
* smart manufacturing
* e-business
* e-health
* e-government
* business related e-science
* mobile applications
* industry specific applications
* future directions and interdiciplinary relations
BIS 2018 proceedings are planned to be published as a volume in Lecture
Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series by Springer Verlag.
Information for LNBIP authors may be found at
Submission: http://bis.ue.poznan.pl/bis2018/submission-guidelines/
* language of publication: English
* paper must not exceed 12 LNBIP pages (including abstract and references)*
* please include a 100-word abstract at the beginning of the paper,
which clearly presents the achievement or contribution of the paper
* please include 4-7 keywords best describing your paper
* we understand that you submit your original work that has not been
published or submitted elsewhere, and that you agree to publish your
work when it is accepted by the Program Committee; you will be required
to send a signed copyright form as required by Springer at a later stage
* at least one author should register for the conference and present the
paper; only registered authors’ papers will be included in the proceedings
* the authors will prepare the final manuscript in time for its
inclusion in conference proceedings
Submission system is available at EasyChair:
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Betreff: [fai-saso] 12th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive
and Self-Organizing Systems - SASO 2018 CFP
Datum: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 08:51:28 +0100
Von: Antonio Bucchiarone <bucchiarone(a)fbk.eu>
An: fai-saso(a)listserv.uni-augsburg.de
*** Apologies for multiple postings ***
SASO 2018, Trento, Italy
12th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing
- SASO 2018 -
September 3-7, 2018
Trento, Italy
Part of FAS* - Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems
Co-located with the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing
(ICAC 2018)
The aim of the Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems conference
series (SASO) is to
provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of research on the
foundations of
engineered systems that self-adapt and self-organize. The complexity of
current and
emerging networks, software, and services can be characterized by issues
such as scale,
heterogeneity, openness, and dynamics in the environment. This has led
the software
engineering, distributed systems, and management communities to look for
inspiration in
diverse fields (e.g., complex systems, control theory, artificial
intelligence, chemistry,
psychology, sociology, and biology) to find new ways of designing and
managing such
computing systems in a principled way. In this endeavor,
self-organization and
self-adaptation have emerged as two promising interrelated approaches.
They form the basis
of many other so-called self-* properties, such as self-configuration,
self-healing, or
self-optimization. SASO aims to be an interdisciplinary meeting, where
contributions from
participants with different backgrounds leads to the fostering of a
cross-pollination of
ideas, and where innovative theories, frameworks, methodologies, tools,
and applications
can emerge.
The twelfth edition of the SASO conference embraces this
interdisciplinary nature, and
welcomes novel contributions to both the foundational and
application-focused dimensions
of self-adaptive and self-organizing systems research. We are looking
for contributions
that present new fundamental understanding of self-adaptive and
self-organizing systems
and how they can be engineered and used.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Self-* Systems theory: nature-inspired and socially-inspired
paradigms and heuristics;
inter-operation of self-* mechanisms; theoretical frameworks and models;
control theory;
- Self-* System properties: robustness; resilience; stability;
anti-fragility; diversity;
self-reference and reflection; emergent behavior; computational
awareness and
- Self-* Systems engineering: reusable mechanisms and algorithms;
design patterns;
architectures; methodologies; software and middleware development
frameworks and methods;
platforms and toolkits; multi-agent systems;
- Theory and practice of self-organization: self-governance, change
electronic institutions, distributed consensus, commons, knowledge
management, and the
general use of rules, policies, etc. in self-* systems;
- Theory and practice of self-adaptation: mechanisms for adaptation,
including evolution,
logic, learning; adaptability, plasticity, flexibility;
- Socio-technical self-* systems: human and social factors;
visualization; crowdsourcing
and collective awareness; humans-in-the-loop; ethics and humanities in
self-* systems;
- Data-driven approaches to self-* systems: data mining; machine
learning; data science
and other statistical techniques to analyze, understand, and manage the
behavior of
complex systems;
- Self-adaptive and self-organizing hardware: self-* materials;
reconfigurable hardware;
- Self-* Systems Education: experience reports; curricula; innovative
course concepts;
methodological aspects of self-* systems education;
- Applications and experiences with self-* systems: smart grid, smart
cities, smart
homes, adaptive industrial plants, cyber-physical systems; autonomous
vehicles and
robotics; traffic management; self-adaptive cyber-security; Internet of
Things; fog/edge
computing; etc.
Abstract submission: April 16, 2018
Paper submission: April 23, 2018
Notification: June 4, 2018
Camera ready copy due: July 2, 2018
Conference: September 3-7, 2018
Submissions can have up to 10 pages formatted according to the standard
IEEE Computer
Society Press proceedings style guide. Please submit your papers
electronically in PDF
format using the SASO 2018 conference management system:
The proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press, and
made available as a
part of the IEEE Digital Library. Note that a separate Call for Poster
and Demo
Submissions will also be issued. As per the standard IEEE policies, all
submissions should
be original, i.e., they should not have been previously published in any
proceedings, book, or journal and should not currently be under review
for another
archival conference. We would like to also highlight IEEE’s policies
regarding plagiarism
and self-plagiarism (http://www.ieee.org/.../ID_Plagiarism.html). Where
relevant and
appropriate, accepted papers will also be encouraged to participate in
the Demo or Poster
Papers should present novel ideas in the cross-disciplinary research
context described in
this call, motivated by problems from current practice or applied
research. Both
theoretical and empirical contributions should be highlighted,
substantiated by formal
analysis, simulation, experimental evaluations, or comparative studies,
etc. Appropriate
references must be made to related work. Due to the cross-disciplinary
nature of the SASO
conference, we encourage papers to be intelligible and relevant to
researchers who are not
members of the same specialized sub-field. Authors are also encouraged
to submit papers
describing applications. Application papers should provide an indication
of the real-world
relevance of the problem that is solved, including a description of the
domain, and an
evaluation of performance, usability, or comparison to alternative
approaches. Experience
papers are also welcome, especially if they highlight insights into any
aspect of design,
implementation or management of self-* systems that would be of benefit
to practitioners
and the SASO community. All submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed
and evaluated
based on the quality of their technical contribution, originality,
significance, presentation, understanding of the state of the art, and
overall quality.
Antonio Bucchiarone (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, IT)
Alberto Montresor (University of Trento, IT)
Jake Beal (Raytheon BBN Technologies, USA)
Nelly Bencomo (Aston University, UK)
Jean Botev (University of Luxembourg, LU)
Le informazioni contenute nella presente comunicazione sono di natura
privata e come tali sono da considerarsi riservate ed indirizzate
esclusivamente ai destinatari indicati e per le finalità strettamente
legate al relativo contenuto. Se avete ricevuto questo messaggio per
errore, vi preghiamo di eliminarlo e di inviare una comunicazione
all’indirizzo e-mail del mittente.
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
material. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and
delete the material.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP -- ISECON 2018 -- San Antonio, TX -- April 5-7,
Datum: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 12:46:40 -0600
Von: Brian Reithel <breithel(a)bus.olemiss.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Information Systems Education Conference
April 5-7, 2018
San Antonio, TX
Paper submission deadline:
EXTENDED: February 28, 2017
Dear Colleague,
Please consider submitting a paper to ISECON 2018 this year. Since 1982,
the ISECON conference has provided a wonderful opportunity for CIS, MIS,
IT, and CS faculty members from a wide variety of institutions – including
international attendees – to gather, share experiences, and learn from each
other. We continue that legacy of delivering a collegial environment for
intellectual and professional growth this year in the historic "Alamo City"
of San Antonio, Texas, at the beautiful Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk hotel.
More information about the conference, including the Call for Papers and
the online paper submission facility, can be found at:
The conference theme for 2018 is “Apps, Agility, Adaptivity, and
Scalability: Information Systems for the Next Generation”.
At this year's conference, many of the discussions will revolve around
emerging technologies and techniques that will address IS-related
opportunities and challenges expected to arise over the next decade.
Participants will also explore new perspectives on legacy technologies and
their continuing evolution in this new and challenging marketplace.
Papers are invited on the following topics and other issues related to
expected changes in IS education between now and 2028:
• Mobile Applications
• HTML5 and Web Application Development
• Cloud-based Systems
• Scalable Architectures
• Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
• Data Warehouse Systems
• Big Data and Analytical Systems
• NoSQL and Other Emerging Database Technologies
• Classical and In-Memory Database Systems
• Networking Concepts
• Agile Development
• Online Learning
• Teaching Tools
• IS Cases and Case-Based Teaching
• Effective Pedagogy for IS Education
• Research in Progress
• Student Papers
• On-Demand Training, Education, and Learning
• Accreditation, Assessment, and Curriculum for IS Education
• Ethics, Privacy, and Intellectual Property in a Connected World
• Globalization and Information Systems
• Intelligent Systems
• Knowledge Management Systems
• Internet of Things
• Electronic Commerce
• IT Security and Digital Forensics
• Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
• Emerging Technologies
Each year, ISECON benefits from the involvement of a number of repeat
attendees as well as new participants. We encourage you to please share
the news about this year’s conference with anyone you know who might be
interested in this long-standing and welcoming academic conference.
Thanks and hope to see you in San Antonio,
Brian Reithel
ISECON 2018 Program Chair
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP - AMCIS 2018 Minitrack: Virtual Communities and
Social Media in Health Care
Datum: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 15:37:46 +0000
Von: Brenda L. Eschenbrenner <eschenbrenbl(a)unk.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers
24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS’18)
August 16-18, 2018
New Orleans, LA
Track: Virtual Communities and Collaboration
Minitrack: Virtual Communities and Social Media in Health Care
Virtual environments provide new platforms for individuals to acquire and share information regarding health concerns. Virtual communities can provide an additional means for patients to provide support to one another facing similar health issues. Healthcare providers are utilizing virtual environments to connect with patients and consult with other providers, while healthcare organizations are creating new ways to manage and improve healthcare operations. Virtual environments present new channels to educate the public on various topics such as healthcare crises or managing chronic diseases. It also provides opportunities to garner information from individuals to identify emerging issues, such as flu epidemics. However, concerns also arise with leveraging virtual environments for healthcare-related purposes, such as patient privacy and information accuracy.
Hence, this minitrack seeks to explore the opportunities as well as the issues associated with virtual communities and social media in health care. We encourage paper submissions that study the development, use, and assessment of virtual communities and social media in healthcare, which can be from a variety of perspectives (e.g., patient, healthcare provider, and healthcare organization). We welcome papers that study the application of virtual communities and social media in this context as well as challenge such applications. This minitrack is open to both theoretical and empirical studies, and is open to all research methods (e.g., survey, field study, case study, experimentation).
Potential topics may include (but are not limited to):
* Development of frameworks for evaluating virtual communities and social media in health care
* Theoretical models describing the development, use, and assessment of virtual communities and social media in health care
* Research on novel, innovative uses of virtual technologies and data analytics for health care communities and social media
* Examinations of implementations, adoptions, and outcomes of virtual communities and social media in health care along with factors influencing these activities
* Meta-analyses and meta-syntheses of research and the implications for virtual communities and social media in health care
* Issues, limitations, and barriers surrounding virtual communities and social media in health care
Submission Process:
Paper submissions must be made electronically through AMCIS 2018 Manuscript Submission Site https://confs.precisionconference.com/~amcis18/. Papers will be peer reviewed using a double-blind system.
Important Dates:
Jan. 15, 2018: Submission system opens
Feb. 28, 2018: Completed Research and ERF submissions due
April 18, 2018: Initial decisions for Completed Papers and ERFs
More information is available at http://amcis2018.aisnet.org/ or by contacting the minitrack co-chairs.
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Brenda Eschenbrenner
Department of Accounting and Finance
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Xiaofeng Chen
Department of Decision Sciences
Western Washington University
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-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2018 - CFP - ICT Collaboration in
Cross-Organizational, International, and Global Settings
Datum: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 20:07:57 +0100
Von: Maria Madlberger <maria.madlberger(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2018, August 16-18,
2018 in New Orleans, LA, USA
Track: ICTs in Global Development (SIGGlobDev)
Minitrack: ICT Collaboration in Cross-Organizational, International, and
Global Settings
With growing integration of corporations, public authorities, non-profit
organizations, project teams, and individuals in cross-organizational,
international and global settings, ICT collaboration is getting
increasingly relevant. ICT in cross-organizational, international, and
global settings can facilitate collaboration and enable improved business
processes in many contexts, e.g., supply chains, product development, or
project management. It is characterized by high complexity and challenges
such as differences in ICT infrastructure, business processes, culture,
legal regulations or the economic environment. This minitrack invites
research that contributes to a clearer understanding of ICT collaboration
processes, their challenges, success factors, and benefits in
cross-organizational, international, or global settings. All methodological
approaches, including case studies, surveys, literature reviews, design
science etc. are welcome.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Inter-organizational, international, or global ICT collaboration
* ICT collaboration in national or international supply chains, global
value chains or value networks
* Processes of ICT collaboration in global development
* Knowledge transfer in international ICT collaboration
* Comparative cross-country research on ICT collaboration
* Impact factors of cross-organizational, international, or global
* Diffusion of collaborative technologies in emerging economies
* Standardization or standards adoption of collaborative technologies
and/or processes
* Country-specific case studies on cross-organizational collaboration
* International or global ICT project management
* Mobile applications or social media as facilitators of ICT collaboration
February 28, 2018: Deadline for Completed Research and ERF (Emergent
Research Forum) submissions
April 18, 2018: Author notification
August 16-18, 2018: Conference
For complete instructions for authors and information about the conference,
visit the AMCIS 2018 website at http://amcis2018.aisnet.org
Maria Madlberger, Webster Vienna Private University,
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maria Madlberger
Department of Business and Management
Webster Vienna Private University
Praterstrasse 23, 1020 Vienna, AUSTRIA
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