-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Call for Papers - Jubiläumskonferenz: 20. Workshop
Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien, 18.-20.10.2017, Dresden
Datum: Thu, 8 Jun 2017 15:22:21 +0000
Von: Eric Schoop <eric.schoop(a)tu-dresden.de>
Antwort an: Eric Schoop <eric.schoop(a)tu-dresden.de>
An: wi(a)lists.kit.edu <wi(a)lists.kit.edu>
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
hiermit erhalten Sie den Call for Papers der GeNeMe 2017.
Wir freuen uns über Einreichungen aus Ihren Arbeitsgruppen und begrüßen
Sie gerne im Oktober in Dresden.
30.06.2017 Deadline für die Einreichung von Beiträgen
31.07.2017 Benachrichtigung der Autoren
15.08.2017 Frühbucher-Deadline
31.08.2017 Deadline für die Einreichung angenommener Beiträge
Org. Komitee:
Prof. Dr. Nina Kahnwald, DGUV Hochschule der Deutschen Gesetzlichen
Prof. Dr. Eric Schoop, TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler, TU Dresden
Details zu Themen, Formalia und Kontakt unter www.geneme.de
Mit freundlichem kollegialem Gruß
Eric Schoop
Eric Schoop
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Eric Schoop
Lehrstuhlinhaber / Head of Chair
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik,
insbesondere Informationsmanagement
Faculty of Business and Economics
Chair of Wirtschaftsinformatik – Information Management
D-01062 Dresden
Tel:+49 (351) 463-32845
Fax:+49 (351) 463-32171
E-Mail: eric.schoop(a)tu-dresden.de <mailto:eric.schoop@tu-dresden.de>
Web: http://wiim.wiwi.tu-dresden.de
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Last CFP GROUP 2018 (apologies for cross posting)
Datum: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 20:55:57 +0000
Von: Müller, Claudia <Claudia.Mueller(a)uni-siegen.de>
Antwort an: Müller, Claudia <Claudia.Mueller(a)uni-siegen.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Call for Submissions
ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work
January 7-10, 2018, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
http://group.acm.org <http://group.acm.org>
For over 25 years, the ACM International Conference on Supporting
GroupWork (GROUP) has been a premier venue for research on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work, Human Computer Interaction, Computer
Supported Collaborative Learning and Socio-Technical Studies. The
conference integrates work in social science, computer science,
engineering, design, values, and other diverse topics related to
group work, broadly conceptualized. Group 2018 continues the tradition
of being truly international and interdisciplinary in both
organizational structure as well as participants.
Key goals for the program are to encourage and facilitate researchers
within CSCW and HCI to interact across disciplinary boundaries. We
encourage high-level research contributions from interdisciplinary
groups to present work that might be difficult to place within one
simple category. We are open to diverse and innovative research methods,
and to contributions across broad areas such as systems, society,
participation, critique, collaboration, and human interaction. GROUP
2018 in particular would like to encourage systems designers, builders,
and researchers from industry, academia, government and other interested
groups to participate. Participation at GROUP takes many different
forms. In 2018, we will continue two new submissions categories that
were introduced in 2016. First, GROUP 2018 will again offer the
opportunity to authors of newly published papers from the Journal of
CSCW (http://link.springer.com/journal/10606) to present their papers in
the conference. Second, the submission category “Design Fictions” will
be maintained.
Submissions to the conference are welcome in the form of:
·*Research Papers*(both short and long). This venue gives the occasion
to present and interact with the audience. Accepted papers will be
published in the Conference Proceedings and ACM Digital Library. Please
use the ACM SIGCHI format for submissions. We invite archival
submissions in the form of either full Papers or shorter contributions
(Notes). A Note is a brief report of a more limited, but definitive,
outcome or theoretical development. There is no page limit for Papers or
Notes, although clear rationale should be given for Papers that exceed
10 pages or for Notes that exceed 4 pages. Research Paper submissions
must be completed online at https://new.precisionconference.com/group.
·*Working Papers* (WP) are contributions in which the authors are
working towards an archival journal submission and would like to discuss
their work with their colleagues at GROUP. Our goal is to broaden the
conversations at GROUP, with a format that may appeal to colleagues
whose primary publications are in journals, rather than conference
papers. WPs will not be published in the conference proceedings, but
will be distributed in a paper conference supplement at the
GROUP conference for the attendees only. Therefore, you are free to seek
formal publication of a draft journal submission that appears in a WP.
The WP review process will be *lightweight*, without any revisions asked
to the authors, to expand the GROUPcommunity and discussions. Please
send submissions directly to co-chairs at wp(a)group2018.org
·*Design Fictions – Fictive Futures*.Exploring Future Research
Agendas. We seek submissions that imagine possible futures for
research on the relationships between computers and people.
Submissions will include two portions: a fictional document related
to the conduct of research and an author statement about the
document. The fiction document could be an extended abstract, a call
for papers, an excerpt from API documentation, a book review, a
study protocol for IRB review, or any other relevant type. The
author statement should connect that document to current events,
cite ongoing research in the field, or otherwise extrapolate how the
envisioned future might arise from our given present. This statement
will be especially important for abstracts (which are too short to
explain their rationale), API documentations (which typically do not
provide a historical rationale), and other documents that on their
own may be exceptionally short and/or vague. Because Design Fictions
are archival contributions, we recommend a minimum length of 3
pages, and as many as 10 pages. Please use the ACM SIGCHI Format for
submissions. The reviewing process will be the same as the general
track, and Design Fiction papers or notes will be included in the
proceedings. Design Fiction submissions must be completed online at
·*Posters and demos*. Posters and demos are an opportunity to present
late-breaking and preliminary results, smaller results not suitable for
a Paper or Note submission, innovative ideas not yet validated through
user studies, student research in early phases, and other research best
presented in this open format. Posters and demos will be displayed at a
special session in the conference when poster and demo authors will be
available to discuss their work. Poster submissions should include an
extended abstract no longer than 4 pages, including all figures and
references, in ACM SIGCHI Format (available here
<http://www.sigchi.org/publications/chipubform>). In addition,
submissions should also include a separate Tabloid (A3 or 11 x 17
inches) sized draft of the poster for review purposes. Both the extended
abstract and the poster draft should include author names (these are not
anonymous submissions). Please send submissions directly to co-chairs at
posters(a)group2018.org <mailto:posters@group2018.org>.
·*Workshops*. Workshops provide an informal and focused environment for
the information exchange and discussion ofGroup related topics. We offer
half or full day workshop venues. Proposals should include an abstract
(max 150 words), a title, description of workshop theme, aim, goals,
activities and potential outcomes. It should also specify audio/visual
equipment needed, maximum number of participants, the duration of the
workshop (half or full day) and the names and backgrounds of the
organizer(s). Please submit a maximum of four pages, using the ACM
SIGCHI format <http://www.sigchi.org/publications/chipubform> for
submissions. We encourage topics suitable for developing new ideas and
deep discussions. Please send submissions directly to co-chairs at
workshops(a)group2018.org <mailto:workshops@group2018.org>.
·*Doctoral Colloquium*. The Doctoral Colloquium provides a forum for
sharing ongoing Ph.D. projects of participants with other advanced Ph.D.
students and distinguished faculty for mentoring and feedback. Space is
limited, so an application of up to four pages is required, in the ACM
standard format <http://www.sigchi.org/publications/chipubform>. Please
contact the workshop co-chairs at dc(a)group2018.org
Accepted research papers, notes, Design Fictions, posters, and doctoral
colloquium extended abstracts are published in the ACM Press Conference
Proceedings and in the ACM digital Library. Accepted Workshop proposals
will be published in a paper-based supplement.
*Conference Topics*
·Theoretical and/or conceptual contributions about key concepts relevant
to CSCW and HCI, including critique.
·Social, behavioral, and computational studies of collaboration and
·Technical architectures supporting collaboration.
·New tool/toolkits for collaborative technologies.
·Ethnographic studies of collaborative practices.
·Coordination and workflow technology.
·Social computing and contexts of collaboration.
·Online communities, including issues of privacy, identity, trust, and
·Cooperative knowledge management.
·Organizational issues of technology design, use, or adaptation.
·Strategies for use of technology in business, government, and newer
forms of organizations.
·Emerging technologies and their design, use, or appropriation in work,
home, leisure, entertainment, or education.
·Learning at the workplace (CSCL at work, Technology-Enhanced Learning,
·Co-located and geographically-distributed teams, global collaboration.
·Cultural and cross-cultural collaboration and communication.
·Mobile and wearable technologies in collaboration.
·Innovative forms of human computer interaction for cooperative
*Important Dates*
*Papers and Notes*
Abstract and Title Submission: June 23, 2017
Papers and Notes Submission Deadline: July 1, 2017
Papers and Notes Decisions Announced: September 15, 2017
(Camera ready Oct 27)
*Design Fictions*
Submission Deadline: July 1, 2017
Design Fictions Decisions Announced: September 15, 2017
(Camera ready Oct 27)
*Doctoral Colloquium*
Applications Deadline: July 10, 2017
Doctoral Colloquium Decisions Announced: September 15, 2017
(Camera ready Oct 27)
Proposals Deadline: July 14, 2017
Workshop Proposals Decisions Announced: Friday, July 28, 2017
Workshop Participants Papers Deadline(s): Oct/Nov 2017, may vary per
(Camera ready Oct 27)
Deadline: September 18, 2017
Posters/Demos Decisions Announced: October 16, 2017
(Camera ready Oct 27)
*Working Papers (WP)*
Deadline: Oct 2, 2017
Working Papers Decisions Announced: October 27, 2017
Conference dates: January 7-10, 2018
If you have questions, please contact the conference organizers:
*General Chairs: *Andrea Forte, Drexel University; Michael Prilla,
Clausthal University of Technology; Adriana Vivacqua, Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro
chairs(a)group2018.org <mailto:chairs@group2018.org>
*Papers Chairs:* Claudia Müller, Universität Siegen; Lionel Robert,
University of Michigan
papers(a)group2018.org <mailto:papers@group2018.org>
*Design Fictions Chairs:* Nora O’Murchú, University of Limerick; Bonnie
Nardi, University of California Irvine
df(a)group2018.org <mailto:df@group2018.org>
*Working Papers Chairs:* Lars Rune Christensen, IT University of
Copenhagen; Jacki O’Neill, Microsoft Research India
wp(a)group2018.org <mailto:wp@group2018.org>
*Posters Chairs:* Pamela Wisniewski, University of Central Florida;
Birgit Krogstie; NTNU,
posters(a)group2018.org <mailto:posters@group2018.org>
*Workshop Chairs:* Thomas Ludwig; Universität Siegen; Libby Hemphill,
Illinois Institute of Technology
workshops(a)group2018.org <mailto:workshops@group2018.org>
*Doctoral Consortium Chair:* David McDonald, University of Washington
dc(a)group2018.org <mailto:dc@group2018.org>
Best regards,
Claudia & Lionel
(Papers Chairs GROUP 2018)
group.acm.org <http://group.acm.org>
*Program Committee*
Mark Ackerman
University of Michigan
Valerie Bartelt
University of Denver
Pernille Bjorn
University of Copenhagen
Jeanette Blomberg
IBM Almaden Research Center
Claus Bossen
Aarhus University
Nina Boulus-Rodje
University of Copenhagen
Erin Brady
Indiana University –Purdue University Indianapolis
Alissa Centivany
Western University
Yung-Ju (Stanley) Chang
National Chiao Tung University
Yunan Chen
University of California, Irvine
Luigina Ciolfi
Sheffield Hallam University
Gregorio Convertino
Informatica Corporation
Dan Cosley
Cornell University
Tawanna Dillahunt
University of Michigan
Xianghua (Sharon) Ding
Fudan University
Gunnar Ellingsen
UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Ingrid M Erickson
Syracuse University
Rosta Farzan
University of Pittsburgh
Casey Lynn Fiesler
University of Colorado, Boulder
Susan Fussell
Cornell University
Sukeshini Grandhi
Eastern Connecticut State University
Erik Grönvall
IT University Copenhagen
Tom Gross
University of Bamberg
David Gurzick
Hood College
Carl Gutwin
University of Saskatchewan
Aaron Halfaker
Wikimedia Foundation
Stephen Hayne
Colorado State University
Libby Hemphill
Illinois Institute of Technology
Shuyuan Ho
Flordia State University
Yun Huang
Syracuse University
Kori Inkpen
Microsoft Research
Tomoo Inoue
UTsukuba, JPN
Josh Introne
Michigan State University
Michal Jacovi
IBM Research - Haifa
Nassim Jafarinaimi
Georgia Institute of Technology
Isa Jahnke
University of Missouri
Mohammad Jarrahi
University of North Carolina
Jeremiah Johnson
Purdue University
Malte Jung
Cornell University
Michael Koch
Bundeswehr University Munich
Airi Lampinen
Mobile Life Center
Myriam Lewkowicz
Troyes University of Technology
Tun Lu
Fudan University
Thomas Ludwig
University of Siegen
Stephan Lukosch
Delft University of Technology
Ioanna Lykourentzou
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Jennifer Marlow
Michael Muller
IBM Research
David McDonald
University of Washington
Lisa Nathan
University of British Columbia
Netta IIvari
University of Oulu
Alexander Nolte
University of Pittsburgh
Oded Nov
New York University
Jacki O'Neill
Microsoft Research, India
Sergio Ochoa
UChile, CHI
Steve Oney
University of Michigan
Sun Young Park
University Michigan
Casey Pierce
University of Michigan
Fabiano Pinatti
University of Siegen
Kathleen (Katie) Pine
Arizona State University
Volkmar Pipek
University of Siegen
Anne Marie Piper
Northwestern University
Wolfgang Prinz
Fraunhofer FIT
Dave Randall
University of Siegen (Visiting Professor)
Madhu Reddy
Northwestern University
David Redmiles
University of California, Irvine
Alexander Richter
IT University Copenhagen
Aleksandra Sarcevic
Drexel University
Florian Schaub
University of Michigan
Bryan Semaan
Syracuse University
Sadat Shami
IBM Research
Patrick C. Shih
Indiana University
Carla Simone
University di Milano-Bicocca
Hanna Söderholm
University of Boras
Norman Makoto Su
Indiana University
Chengzheng Sun
NYU, Singapore
Hilda Tellioglu
Vienna University of Technology
Matthieu Tixier
Troyes University of Technology
Manfred Tschegili
University of Salzburg
Hao-Chuan Wang
National Tsing Hua University
Leon Watts
University of Bath
Anne Weibert
University of Siegen
Andrea Wiggins
University of Maryland
Susan Winter
University of Maryland
Pamela J. Wisniewski
University of Central Florida
Volker Wulf
University of Siegen
Naomi Yamashita
Xi Jessie Yang
University of Michigan
Sangseok You
University of Michigan
Prof. Dr. Claudia Mueller
Assistant Professor IT for the ageing society
Information systems and new media
University of Siegen
Kohlbettstr. 15
Office: US-F 115
57072 Siegen/ Germany
fon: +49 271 740 4076
fax: +49 271 740 3384
https://www.wiwi.uni-siegen.de/wirtschaftsinformatik/mitarbeiter/wmitarbeit…www.inclusive-ageing.com <http://www.inclusive-ageing.com/>
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Final CfP HICSS Knowledge Management and
Information Security Minitrack
Datum: Sun, 11 Jun 2017 16:12:04 -0700
Von: Murray Jennex <mjennex(a)mail.sdsu.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*Final CFP*
*HICSS 2018 January 3-6, 2018 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii*
*TRACK:* Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems
*MINITRACK:* Knowledge Management and Information Security Minitrack
The purpose of this Minitrack is to focus on research on the intersection
of knowledge management and organizational or individual security.
Specifically, we have heard and read many times in the last several decades
that the most important asset of an organization is the knowledge of its
employees. While this knowledge can be a target of sophisticated
cyber-attacks or fraud, most likely the leaking of knowledge can happen
because of careless organizational practices, asset misuse, or behavior of
employees. Organizations put in place many technology-based security
measures (firewalls, filtering systems) to guard against attacks, yet it is
not that easy to guard against the human-side of security practices. An
organization can have the best security technology in place, yet a careless
employee talking or emailing or posting on Facebook about the ‘new
development’ at the company bypasses all this security technology with ease.
Furthermore, one can find lot of information about current projects done by
a company by searching the web. How can an organization effectively protect
its intellectual property remains an unanswered question. What type of
security and intelligence techniques are out that that can protect the
intellectual property? What are the best ways to train employees so that
they would spot potentially criminal activity, such as fraud, among
employees? Could crowdsourcing be used in this case, meaning asking
employees to vote on a particular issue to determine whether it represents
a potential threat? Could implementation of KMS potentially cause legal
problems because some KM artifacts could be uncovered during discovery and
used as evidence against a company?
· This minitrack seeks papers that investigate issues related to
security and protection of intellectual assets and explore how
organizations can use security measures to protect their KM practices.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Securing intellectual assets;
- Filtering messages regarding current business practices on social
media (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn)
- Legal concerns when implementing KMS;
- Techniques used to scan employee communication channels (e.g., email,
Facebook, text messages);
- Security strategies within and outside the company boundaries;
- Training employees on potential threats to security breaches;
- Preventative measures to secure KM assets;
- Knowledge loss risk management;
- Impact of immigration and cultural issues on potential KM security
- Using KM security to mitigate impacts of retirement and worker
- Measuring risk of knowledge loss due to security breach;
- Security models and architectures for knowledge systems;
- Modeling risk in knowledge systems;
- Tradeoffs in knowledge systems between security and knowledge sharing;
- Technologies for knowledge system security.
*Alexandra Durcikova* (Primary Contact)
The University of Oklahoma
*Murray E. Jennex*
San Diego State University
*Deadline for paper submissions: *June 15, 2017 11:59 PM Hawaii
*Notification of acceptance: *August 17, 2017
*Final paper due: * September
22, 2017
*Conference:* January
3-6, 2018
Please see http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-and-minitracks/authors/ for
author instructions.
Alexandra Durcikova, PhD
Assistant Professor of MIS
The University of Oklahoma
307 West Brooks, Room 305D
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-4006
Ph: (405) 325-3213
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP MCIS 2017 Track: Blockchain Applications
Datum: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 08:39:09 +0000
Von: Efpraxia Zamani <efpraxia.zamani(a)dmu.ac.uk>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*CALL FOR PAPERS - Apologies for cross-postings*
*MCIS 2017 Track: Blockchain Applications*
The 11th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems will be held in Genoa, Italy on 4-5 September 2017
Submission deadline 20 June 2017
The blockchain constitutes the backbone of cryptocurrencies, such as the Bitcoin, and together with smart contracts, they have been attracting the interest of both practitioners and academics. The blockchain itself provides an alternative way for creating and maintaining records in an open, secure and verifiable manner based on the consensus of a network of unknown peers.
This track welcomes theoretical perspectives and empirical studies on the nature and application of the blockchain, and the related technologies; cryptocurrencies and smart contracts, regardless of their method of inquiry; empirical (qualitative/quantitative/mixed) studies, conceptual papers and Research in Progress papers are all equally welcome.
The theme of the track is purposefully broad and therefore submissions are welcome from all the different Information systems sub-disciplines (e.g., operations management, information systems management, business process engineering) as well as from disciplines that are closely relate to relevant issues (e.g., sociology, finance, philosophy, management, law).
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Ethical Issues and Blockchain Applications
- Privacy and Trust
- Regulation issues
- New markets and market intermediaries
- Legal Aspects and Blockchain technology
- Innovation, social responsibility and new applications
- Applications for the Internet of Things building on the blockchain
- Big data, data processing and cryptocurrencies
- The role of the miner
Track Co-chairs:
Efpraxia Zamani (efpraxia.zamani(a)dmu.ac.uk<mailto:efpraxia.zamani@dmu.ac.uk>)
Angelika Kokkinaki (kokkinaki.a(a)unic.ac.cy<mailto:kokkinaki.a@unic.ac.cy>)
Svetlana Sapuric (sapuric.s(a)unic.ac.cy<mailto:sapuric.s@unic.ac.cy>)
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] CfP HICSS-51 minitrack on Knowledge Value, Success and
Performance Measurements - Deadline: June 15
Datum: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 12:01:42 +0200
Von: Stefan Smolnik <fuh(a)smolnik.net>
Antwort an: Stefan Smolnik <fuh(a)smolnik.net>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
(Apologies for cross-postings of this announcement.)
51th Annual Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51)
January 3-6, 2018 (Wednesday-Saturday)
Hilton Waikoloa Village (http://www.hiltonwaikoloavillage.com
Minitrack: Knowledge Value, Success and Performance Measurements
Part of the Track: Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems
Minitrack description:
Research into knowledge systems, knowledge management (KM),
organizational memories, and organizational learning has been affected
by investigations such as implementation aspects, system developments,
or knowledge flows during a number of years. Therefore, a high maturity
level of KM research has been achieved. However, organizational
knowledge/KM initiatives are more and more faced with budget cuts and
justification demands due to intense competition in today’s business
environments. The influences of the rapid pace of globalization and of
the ongoing liberalization of national and international markets lead to
the emergence of increased pressure on existing companies. Project
managers of knowledge/KM initiatives like Chief Knowledge Officers need
to justify their budgets and, thus, are in need of qualitative and
quantitative evidence of the initiatives’ success. In addition, ROI
calculations and traditional accounting approaches do not tell an
adequate story when proposing knowledge-based initiatives. This
minitrack explores research into strategies, methodologies, and stories
that relate to measuring this success. In addition, this minitrack will
be used to explore the bodies of performance measurements that define
the current state of research in measuring knowledge system, KM,
organizational memory, and organizational learning success. Eventually,
another purpose of this minitrack is to present research on how to value
knowledge-based initiatives.
Topics relevant for submissions include, but are not limited to, the
* Frameworks and models for assessing knowledge systems, knowledge
management, and/or organizational memory systems
* Methodologies and processes for measuring knowledge systems, knowledge
management and/or organizational memory success and performance
* Impact of knowledge use, knowledge management strategy, organization,
systems, culture, and other issues on knowledge
management/organizational memory success
* Organizational effectiveness/efficiency due to knowledge
management/organizational memory/organizational learning, knowledge and
organizational memory use
* Knowledge systems, knowledge management, organizational memory, and
organizational learning metrics
* Knowledge systems, knowledge management, organizational memory, and
organizational learning success factors and key performance indicators
* Benchmarking of knowledge systems/knowledge management/organizational
memory initiatives
* Case studies of knowledge systems, knowledge management and
organizational memory success and performance measurements
* Measuring knowledge systems, knowledge management and/or
organizational memory performance in global organizations and globally
dispersed communities
* Effectiveness and/or efficiency of knowledge systems/knowledge
management/organizational memory systems
* Modeling and measuring the impact of social software on knowledge
system/knowledge management performance
* Defining knowledge systems, knowledge management and organizational
memory success
* Rigorous anecdotes and user stories and their theoretical basis to
facilitate the value of knowledge-based initiatives
* Developing grounded theory approaches to valuing knowledge-based
* Understanding knowledge-based initiatives’ activities and output as
service offerings and exploring their productivity
* Usage, adoption and success of knowledge management methods
For additional information or to submit abstracts, please contact the
minitrack co-chairs:
Murray E. Jennex (Primary Contact), San Diego State University, USA,
mjennex<at>mail.sdsu.edu <http://mail.sdsu.edu>
Stefan Smolnik, University of Hagen, Germany,
Stefan.Smolnik<at>FernUni-Hagen.de <http://n.de>
David T. Croasdell, University of Nevada, Reno, USA, davec<at>unr.edu
Important Dates for HICSS-51 Paper Submission:
April 1, 2017: Paper submission begins
June 15, 2017 | 11:59 pm HST: Paper submission deadline
August 17, 2017: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 22, 2017: Deadline for authors to submit final manuscript for
October 1, 2017: Deadline for at least one author of each paper to
register for HICSS-51
For further submission information, please see the general HICSS-51 Call
for Papers (http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-and-minitracks/authors
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP MCIS 2017 Track: IoT-enabled IS Transform
Business and Life
Datum: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 13:29:50 +0300
Von: Cleopatra Bardaki <cleobar(a)aueb.gr>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
MCIS 2017 Track: IoT-enabled IS Transform Business and Life
11th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Genova, Italy, 4-5
September 2017
Submission deadline: 20 June 2017
'IoT-enabled IS Transform Business and Life' Track - Description
In an Internet of Things (IoT) environment, people, animals, products,
assets, computing devices, machines etc. (things) are uniquely identifiable
and they can send over the network information and knowledge about their
properties (e.g. identity, status, location, origin, history, ownership) and
their surrounding environment. IoT technologies (e.g. sensors, RFID, NFC)
are deployed in 'things' of our everyday life and collect and transmit their
status data in information systems. In other words, IoT signals a society
where humans, computers, things are connected and communicate at any time
and place.
Considering that over 50 billion 'things' are expected to be connected with
the Internet by 2020, the direct, IoT-enabled access to their information
paves the way for a huge variety of applications that are expected to
revolutionize every aspect of our daily business and social routine. For
example, the big data collected from the connected 'things' can fuel
business performance improvements because their analysis can provide new
business insights that can support rapid, more effective decision making.
Respectively, a 'smart' home can monitor elderly people to prevent harmful
events. Generally, home automation, healthcare, recycling, product lifecycle
management, supply chain management and environment monitoring are just a
few of the IoT application areas.
Topics include but are not limited to:
. Design science models for IoT services (e.g. system architectures,
design principles, middleware solutions, etc.)
. Data analytics and Big data for IoT ecosystems
. Data quality challenges of IoT
. Ecological impact of IoT
. IoT effect on business processes and performance
. Digitalization of industry and economy based on IoT
. IoT effect on human/ employee behavior
. Cost vs. Benefit Evaluation of IoT applications
. Implications of IoT for change in organizational life
. IoT and users interactions
. IoT-enabled Green organizations
. Smart Cities
. Privacy and security for IoT services
. IoT Applications and Services: home automation, healthcare, etc
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Betreff: [AISWorld] HICSS-51: Final CFP - Minitrack: Organizational
Issues of Business Intelligence, Business Analytics and Big Data
Datum: Thu, 8 Jun 2017 07:37:57 +0000
Von: Olivera Marjanovic <olivera.marjanovic(a)sydney.edu.au>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
51st Annual Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51)
January 3-6, 2018 (Wednesday-Saturday)
Hilton Waikoloa Village (http://www.hiltonwaikoloavillage.com)
Track: Organizational Systems and Technology Track
Minitrack: Organizational Issues of Business Intelligence, Business Analytics and Big Data
Recent developments and the evolution of data and technologies in the business intelligence and analytics space has given rise to new opportunities, innovation and challenges for individuals, organizations and society. The internet of things has begun to create more demand for real time analytics and visualization. The emergence of major vendors (such as Amazon and Microsoft) in the cloud services arena is making cloud based BI a reality for both small and medium businesses as well as large corporations. The more prevalent use of predictive & prescriptive analytics and data science is heightening BI and analytics skill shortages experienced by companies.
Meanwhile, there is an ongoing major shift in the industry of organizations leveraging pervasive, self-service analytics. The push for self-service analytics that include a portfolio of analysis tools, algorithms and visualizations has enabled agile decision making through effective business insights. In addition, the growth in this space has led to societal implications as the social impact of big data and analytics are felt more strongly and benefits underdeveloped and underrepresented parts of the globe. The evolution and innovation experienced has created a state of excitement and flux in the BI, analytics and big data space. Starting from a rich historic advancement in decision support systems, to more recently big data, internet of things, machine learning and cognitive analytics, this space continues to present a wide variety of research questions and challenges for researchers to explore.
This minitrack, now in its 28th year, is the longest running HICSS minitrack related to business intelligence, business analytics and more recently big data, that continues to rise in relevance to both academia and practice. Its main focus remains on the organizational issues of BI/BA and big data implementations, rather than the data science and IT perspectives. This particular focus, as well as its long history of research embedded in Decision Support Systems and other research predecessors of contemporary BI/A, creates a minitrack with a rich comprehensive view of organizational issues.
This minitrack will accept papers focused on the business and organizational aspects of business intelligence, business analytics and big data rather than technology or data science. Contributions from the fields of theory building, design research (methods and models), action research as well as analyses of existing or innovative applications are welcome. We invite papers that investigate topics which include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Emerging Trends in Business Intelligence, Business Analytics and Big Data:
- Cognitive analytics
- Real-time business intelligence and analytics
- Mobile and pervasive BI/BA
- Innovative applications of big data and advanced business analytics
- Cloud BI/BA
- Self-service BI and rapid fire BI
· Business Intelligence/Business Analytics/Big Data Applications:
- Collaborative BI/BA Performance management and dashboards
- Customer relationship management, supply chain management, and E-commerce
- Geographical information systems and spatial analytics
- Digital manufacturing and internet of things
- Social media & big data/BI/BA
- Open data and big data/BI/BA
- Data lakes and modern big data/BI/BA implementation frameworks
- Data visualization strategies
· Managerial Issues
- Data-driven business models and innovation
- Business challenges of big data
- Business value and big data/BI/BA success
- Big data/BI/BA strategy, governance, and maturity models
- Security, privacy and ethical issues
- Societal impact of big data/BI/BA
- Big data/BI/BA challenges in NFP organizations
- April 1, 2017: Paper submission begins.
- June 15, 2017 | 11:59 pm HST : Paper submission deadline
- August 17, 2017 : Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
- September 22, 2017 : Deadline for authors to submit final manuscript for publication
- October 1, 2017 : Deadline for at least one author of each paper to register for HICSS-51
- January 3-6, 2018: HICSS-51 Conference
For further submission information, please see the general HICSS-51 Call
for Papers (http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-and-minitracks/authors).
Minitrack Co-chairs:
Olivera Marjanovic (Primary Chair)
The University of Sydney Business School, Australia
Barbara Dinter
Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Thilini Ariyachandra
Xavier University, USA
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Final CFP: FGCT 2017
Datum: Wed, 07 Jun 2017 14:28:27 +0530
Von: diwt(a)dirf.org
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Sixth International Conference on Future Generation Communication
Irish Computer Society, Dublin
August 21-23, 2017
Technically co-sponsored by IEEE UK & RI
(IEEE Explore proceedings)
Co-located Workshops
The 9th International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Wireless
Networks (PEWiN-2017)
First International Workshop on "IoT and Antenna Design"
First International Workshop on "Signal processing and radio resource
allocation for decentralized and self-organized 5G networks"
In the last decade, a number of newer communication technologies have
been evolved, which have a significant impact on the technology, as a
whole. The impact ranges from incremental applications to dramatical
breakthrough in the society. Users rely heavily on broadcast technology,
social media, mobile devices, video games and other innovations to
enrich the learning and adoption process.
This conference is designed for teachers, administrators, practitioners,
researchers and scientists in the development arenas. It aims to provide
discussions and simulations in the communication technology at the broad
level and broadcasting technology and related technologies at the micro
level. Through a set of research papers, using innovative and
interactive approach, participants can expect to share a set of research
that will prepare them to apply new technologies to their work in
teaching, research and educational development amid this rapidly
evolving landscape.
Topics discussed in this platform are not limited to-
Emerging cellular and new network architectures for 5G
New antenna and RF technology for 5G wireless
Modulation algorithms
Circuits, software and systems for 5G
Convergence of multi-modes, multi-bands, multi-standards and multi-
applications in 5G systems
Cognitive radio and collaborative transmissions in 5G
Computing and processing platform for 5G
Programming models and development tools to enable 5G systems
Small cells and heterogeneous networks
Metrics and Evaluation of 5G systems
Standardization of 5G
Deployment options such as small cells, eICIC, MIMO and CoMP
LTE/WiFi interworking, carrier aggregation, dual connectivity
C-RAN, D-RAN, mmWave, Massive MIMO and ultra-low latency
Higher protocol layers
Latency and traffic scheduling
Broadcast technology
Future Internet and networking architectures
Future mobile communications
Mobile Web Technology
Mobile TV and multimedia phones
Communication Security, Trust, Protocols and Applications
Communication Interfaces
Communication Modelling
Satellite and space communications
Communication software
Future Generation Communication Networks
Communication Network Security
Communication Data Grids
Collaborative Communication Technology
Intelligence for future communication systems
Forthcoming optical communication systems
Communication Technology for Elearning, Egovernment, Ebusiness
Games and games designing
Social technology devises, tools and applications
Crowdsourcing and Human Computation
Human-computer communication
Pervasive Computing
Grid, crowd sourcing and cloud computing
Hypermedia systems
Software and technologies for E-communication
Intelligent Systems for E-communication
Future Cloud for Communication
Future warehousing
Future communication for healthcare and medical devices applications
Future communication for Mechatronic applications
All presented papers in the conference will be published in the
proceedings of the conference and submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital
The conference will have workshops on specific themes, industrial
presentation, invited talks and collaborative discussion forums.
Important Dates
Submission of Papers: June 10, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: July 06, 2017
Camera Ready: August 05, 2017
Registration: August 05, 2017
Conference Dates: August 21-23, 2017
The selected papers after extension and modification will be published
in many peer reviewed and indexed journals.
Journal of Digital Information Management (Scopus/EI)
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (Scopus
and EI Indexed)
Technologies (Scopus/EI)
Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy
General Chair
Ezendu Ariwa, UK IEEE Chair for Broadcasting, UK
Programme Chairs
Yong Yue, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Adrian FLOREA, Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania
Submissions at http://www.socio.org.uk/fgct/paper-submission/
Contact: fgct at socio.org.uk
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Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: 12th Workflows in Support of
Large-Scale Science (WORKS) Workshop
Datum: Tue, 6 Jun 2017 11:38:38 +0300
Von: Ilia Pietri <ipietri(a)di.uoa.gr>
An: computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
******* WORKS 2017 Workshop *******
Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science Workshop
Monday, 13 November 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Held in conjunction with SC1 <http://sc17.supercomputing.org/>7, The
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis
Paper submission deadline: 30 July 2017
Call For Papers
Data-intensive workflows (a.k.a. scientific workflows) are routinely used
in most scientific disciplines today, especially in the context of
high-performance, parallel and distributed computing. They provide a
systematic way of describing a complex scientific process and rely on
sophisticated workflow management systems to execute on a variety of
parallel and distributed resources. With the dramatic increase of raw data
volume in every domain, they play an even more critical role to assist
scientists in organizing and processing their data and to leverage HPC or
HTC resources, being at the interface between end-users and computing
This workshop focuses on the many facets of data-intensive workflow
management systems, ranging from actual execution to service management and
the coordination and optimization of data, service and job dependencies.
The workshop covers a broad range of issues in the scientific workflow
lifecycle that include: data-intensive workflows representation and
enactment; designing workflow composition interfaces; workflow mapping
techniques to optimize the execution of the workflow for different
infrastructures; workflow enactment engines that need to deal with failures
in the application and execution environment; and a number of computer
science problems related to scientific workflows such as semantic
technologies, compiler methods, scheduling and fault detection and
The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:
Big Data analytics workflows
Data-driven workflow processing (including stream-based workflows)
Workflow composition, tools, and languages
Workflow execution in distributed environments (including HPC,
clouds, and grids)
Reproducible computational research using workflows
Dynamic data dependent workflow systems solutions
Exascale computing with workflows
Workflow fault-tolerance and recovery techniques
Workflow user environments, including portals
Workflow applications and their requirements
Adaptive workflows
Workflow optimizations (including scheduling and energy efficiency)
Performance analysis of workflows
Workflow debugging
Workflow provenance
Interactive workflows (including workflow steering)
Paper Submission
Important Dates
Papers Due: 30 July 2017
Notifications of Acceptance: 9 September 2017
E-copyright registration completed by authors: 1 October 2017
Final Papers Due: 1 October, 2017
The paper must be at most 10 pages long. The proceedings should be
formatted according to http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template.
WORKS papers this year will be published in collaboration with SIGHPC and
will be available from both ACM and IEEE digital repositories.
WORKS 2017 Organizing Committee
– PC Chairs
Sandra Gesing, University of Notre Dame, USA
Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester, UK
– General Chairs
Johan Montagnat, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS),
Sophia Antipolis, France
Ian Taylor, Cardiff University, UK and University of Notre Dame, USA
– Steering Committee
David Abramson, University of Queensland, Australia
Malcolm Atkinson, University of Edinburgh, UK
Ewa Deelman, USC, USA
Michela Taufer, University of Delaware, USA
– Publicity Chairs
Rafael Ferreira da Silva, USC, USA
Ilia Pietri, University of Athens, Greece
WORKS 2017 Program Committee
Pinar Alper, King's College London, UK
Ilkay Altintas, San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA
Khalid Belhajjame, Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Adam Belloum, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Ivona Brandic, TU Wien, Austria
Kris Bubendorfer, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Jesus Carretero, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Henri Casanova, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Ewa Deelman, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
Rafael Ferreira Da Silva, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
Daniel Garijo, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
Sandra Gesing, University of Notre Dame, USA
Tristan Glatard, CNRS, France
Daniel Katz, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Tamas Kiss, University of Westminster, UK
Dagmar Krefting, HTW Berlin, Germany
Maciej Malawski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Anirban Mandal, Renaissance Computing Institute, USA
Marta Mattoso, Federal Univ. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Andrew Stephen Mcgough, Newcastle University, UK
Paolo Missier, Newcastle University, UK
Jarek Nabrzyski, University of Notre Dame, USA
Daniel de Oliveira, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
Ilia Pietri, University of Athens, Greece
Radu Prodan, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK
Ivan Rodero, Rutgers University, USA
Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester, UK
Domenico Talia, University of Calabria, Italy
Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Chase Wu, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: Hyper-Efficient OpenStack Cloud
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Betreff: [computational.science] CFP SPIFEC 2017 (ESORICS workshop):
1st European Workshop on Security and Privacy in Fog and Edge Computing
Datum: Mon, 05 Jun 2017 11:09:42 +0200
Von: roman <roman(a)lcc.uma.es>
An: computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
*** Apologies for multiple copies ***
C a l l F o r P a p e r s
SPIFEC 2017: 1st European Workshop on Security and Privacy in Fog and
Edge Computing
(In conjunction with ESORICS 2017)
Oslo, Norway, September 14, 2017
Website: https://www.nics.uma.es/pub/spifec
The main goal of Fog Computing and other related Edge paradigms, such as
Multi-Access Edge Computing, is to decentralize the Cloud and bring some
of its services closer to the edge of the network, where data are
generated and decisions are made. Cloud-enabled edge platforms will be
able to cooperate not only with each other but with the cloud,
effectively creating a collaborative and federated environment. This
paradigm shift will fulfill the needs of novel services, such as
augmented reality, that have particularly stringent requirements like
extremely low latency. It will also help improve the vision of the
Internet of Things by improving its scalability and overall
functionality, among other benefits.
To enable this vision, a number of platforms and technologies need to
securely coexist, including sensors and actuators, edge-deployed
systems, software-defined networks, hardware virtualization, data mining
mechanisms, etc. However, this paradigm shift calls for new security
challenges and opportunities to leverage services for new scenarios and
applications. The field of edge computing security is almost unexplored,
and demands further attention from the research community and industry
in order to unleash the full potential of this paradigm.
This workshop expects original research papers on, but not limited to,
the topics described below:
• Edge devices security
• Attacks and Countermeasures to Edge computing platforms
• Authentication and Access control in Edge computing
• Accountability and Accounting in Edge computing
• Identity management systems in Edge computing
• Secure federation of Edge computing devices
• Secure Orchestration and Management of Edge devices
• Secure Software-Defined Networking for Edge computing
• Secure Virtualization in Edge Computing
• Secure Migration of resources in Edge Computing
• Data and Computation integrity in Edge Computing
• Trust and Reputation Management in Edge computing
• Privacy in Edge Computing
• Intrusion Detection and Prevention systems for Edge computing
• Digital Forensics in Edge Computing
• Risk Analysis in Edge Computing
• Incident Management in Edge Computing
Important dates:
- Submission deadline: 30th June 2017
- Authors’ notification: 30th July 2017
- Camera ready version: 27th August 2017
Paper Submission Guidelines:
Submissions must be made through EasyChair at:
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or submitted to another conference or journal. Papers
must be written in English and they must adhere to the LNCS template
from the time they are submitted. Submitted papers should be at most 16
pages (using 10-point font), excluding the bibliography and well-marked
appendices, and at most 18 pages total. Only PDF format is accepted.
Revised accepted papers will be published as a joint post-proceedings by
Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series with
other ESORICS Workshops (confirmed). Authors of accepted papers must
guarantee that their papers will be presented at the conference.
Papers must be received by the aforementioned dates, 11:59 p.m. American
Samoa time (UTC-11)
Organisation Committee
PC Chairs
- Rodrigo Roman University of Malaga, Spain
- Chunming Rong University of Stavanger, Norway
General Chair
- Ruben Rios University of Málaga, Spain
Program Committee
- Ketan Bhardwaj Georgia Tech, USA
- Egemen K. Çetinkaya Missouri University of Science and
Technology, USA
- Xiaofeng Chen Xidian University, China
- Nathan Clarke Plymouth University, UK
- Mauro Conti University of Padova, Italy
- Jose M. De Fuentes University Carlos III Madrid, Spain
- Roberto Di Pietro Nokia Bell Labs, France
- Martin G. Jaatun SINTEF, Norway
- Donghyun Kim Kennesaw State University, USA
- Costas Lambrinoudakis University of Piraeus, Greece
- Qun Li College of William and Mary, USA
- Kaitai Liang Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
- Flavio Lombardi Roma Tre University of Rome, Italy
- Javier López University of Malaga, Spain
- Masahiro Mambo Kanazawa University, Japan
- Haralambos Mouratidis University of Brighton, UK
- Abderrahmen Mtibaa New Mexico State University, USA
- Jose A. Onieva University of Malaga, Spain
- Fernando M.V. Ramos University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Pierangela Samarati Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
- Juan E. Tapiador University Carlos III Madrid, Spain
For any inquiries please contact the PC Chairs at:
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