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Betreff: [WI] CfP Informatik 2017: Enterprise Architecture Management
in Forschung und Praxis
Datum: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 17:50:46 +0000
Von: Brockmann, Carsten <carsten.brockmann(a)capgemini.com>
Antwort an: Brockmann, Carsten <carsten.brockmann(a)capgemini.com>
An: 'wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de' <wi(a)lists.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Kopie (CC): Czarnecki, Christian <czarnecki(a)hft-leipzig.de>
Konferenz INFORMATIK 2017
Enterprise Architecture Management in Forschung und Praxis
Einreichung von Beiträgen: bis 15.05.2017
Entscheidung über die Annahme: bis 05.06.2017
Einreichung der druckfähigen Version: bis 30.06.2017
Einreichungsprozedur: Bitte Beitrag per eMail versenden an
Carsten.Brockmann(a)capgemini.com <mailto:Carsten.Brockmann@capgemini.com>
Der Workshop „Enterprise Architecture Management“ wird sich mit Methoden
und Modellen des EAM auseinandersetzen, dies auch unter dem Blickwinkel
des Leitthemas INFORMATIK 2017 „Digitale Kulturen“ und dem damit
verbundenen Wandel von Organisationen.
Im Rahmen des Workshops sollen daher existierende EAM-Frameworks sowie
deren Anwendung in Wirtschaft und im öffentlichen Sektor verglichen und
untersucht werden. Ferner sind Ansätze für LEAN EAM und das
„Leanisieren“ von TOGAF fokale Themen des Workshops. Eine Rolle spielen
außerdem Referenzarchitekturen für spezifische Industrien sowie die
Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf EAM.
Beiträge können u.a. zu folgenden Themen eingereicht werden:
•Lean EAM
•Leanisieren von TOGAF
•EAM im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
•Neue EAM-Ansätze im Kontext der Digitalisierung
•EAM im privaten Sektor
•EAM im öffentlichen Sektor
•Industrie- und Organisationsspezifische Referenzarchitekturen
•Vergleich von EAM-Frameworks
•Fallstudien für die Einführung von EAM-Frameworks in Organisationen
•Erfolgsfaktoren für EAM im Mittelstand
•Marktstudien zu EAM-Tools
•Themen, die mit den oben genannten oder mit EAM allgemein verwandt sind
Folgende Beitragstypen werden angenommen:
·Ausführliche Forschungsbeiträge mit bis zu 14 Seiten
·Kurze Forschungsbeiträge (Research in progress) mit bis zu 6 Seiten
·Praxisbeiträge/Fallstudien mit bis zu 6 Seiten
•Dr. Carsten Brockmann (Hauptansprechpartner), Capgemini Deutschland
•Prof. Dr. Christian Czarnecki, Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig
•Dr. Eldar Sultanow, Capgemini Deutschland
Beste Grüße:
Carsten Brockmann
Email_CBE.gif*Dr. Carsten Brockmann*
Business Technology | Application Services
Capgemini | Germany
Mobile: +49 (0)151 4025 0081
e-mail: carsten.brockmann(a)capgemini.com
www.de.capgemini.com <http://www.de.capgemini.com/>
*People matter, results count.*
Firma: Capgemini Deutschland GmbH
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Antonio Schnieder • Geschäftsführer: Dr.
Michael Schulte (Sprecher) • Jost Förster • Dr. Peter Lempp • Dr.
Volkmar Varnhagen
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 98814
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and is the property of the Capgemini Group. It is intended only for the
person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient,
you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy, disseminate,
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Submit to the HICSS Hawaii conference minitrack on
User Experience (UX) In Information Systems (IS) for Health and Wellness
Datum: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 17:20:40 +0000
Von: Aretha Wright <aretha(a)aisnet.org>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Researching User Experience and e-Health? Submit to the HICSS Hawaii conference minitrack on User Experience (UX) In Information Systems (IS) for Health and Wellness
Smartphones and a vast array of new wearable devices are empowering patients and healthcare professionals, and bringing a fundamental shift in the health monitoring and decision making process, putting the consumers (patients) in charge. Today's consumers are less impressed by basic usability and functionality, and they seek compelling user experiences.
This minitrack provides an outlet for health and wellness IS research that includes user experience as a part of the IS concept or evaluation. Research is welcomed on any work that focuses on engaging and effective experiences for their intended users (health consumers, patients, caregivers, medical professionals, and others) using various methodologies (theory- building, concept testing, qualitative, and quantitative work). Research from both industry and academia is encouraged.
The following list provides examples of suitable topics; however, submissions that fit the general theme of the mini track are not limited to these topics:
* Analysis, design, development, and evaluation of systems with engaging and effective user experiences for health and wellness technologies through variety of equipment such as wearable, mobile or hand held devices, robots, gaming consoles, as well as conventional laptops and other hardware.
* Wellness self-monitoring and management systems
* Home health care devices and applications
* Management tools for chronic care
* Social media applications (e.g., peer support, information acquisition)
* Diagnostic tools and monitors
* Fitness and exercise applications
* Personal health record (PHR) applications
* Patient care monitoring systems
* Media and devices to better enable communication between doctor and patient
* Telemedicine devices
* Systems assisting patients in self-management, maintaining safety, and communicating with medical professionals
* Online information sources such as WebMD
* Preventive care systems
* Interaction issues in new technologies to empower and inform healthcare for consumers
* Interaction issues in navigating the wealth of health information on the Internet
* HCI issues in using health technologies across cultures or geographic regions
** HICSS-51 promises to be the most exciting HICSS conference ever, and we encourage you to be a part of it!
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Ann Fruhling
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Soussan Djamasbi
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Rich Burkhard (Primary Contact)
San Jose State University
Dr. Rich Burkhard
School of Information Systems and Technology
College of Business
San Jose State University
One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [fai-saso] Extended Deadline: SASO 2017 - IEEE International
Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, September
18-22, Tucson, Arizona
Datum: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 10:32:48 +0200
Von: Markus Esch <newsletter(a)saso-conference.org>
An: fai-saso(a)listserv.uni-augsburg.de
The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
(SASO 2017)
Extended abstract submission: May 8, 2017
Extended paper submission: May 24, 2017
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; 18-22 September 2017
Part of FAS* - Foundation and Applications of Self-* Computing Conferences
Collocated with:
The International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC 2017)
Aims and Scope
The aim of the Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems conference series (SASO) is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of research on the foundations of engineered systems that self-adapt and self-organize. The complexity of current and emerging networks, software, and services can be characterized by issues such as scale, heterogeneity, openness, and dynamics in the environment. This has led the software engineering, distributed systems, and management communities to look for inspiration in diverse fields (e.g., complex systems, control theory, artificial intelligence, chemistry, psychology, sociology, and biology) to find new ways of designing and managing such computing systems in a principled way. In this endeavor, self-organization and self-adaptation have emerged as two promising interrelated approaches. They form the basis for many other so-called self-* properties, such as self-configuration, self-healing, or self-optimization.
SASO aims to be an interdisciplinary meeting, where contributions from participants with different backgrounds leads to the fostering of a cross-pollination of ideas, and where innovative theories, frameworks, methodologies, tools, and applications can emerge.
The eleventh edition of the SASO conference embraces this inter-disciplinary nature, and welcomes novel contributions to both the foundational and application-focused dimensions of self-adaptive and self-organizing systems research.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Systems theory: nature-inspired and socially-inspired paradigms and heuristics; inter-operation of
self-* mechanisms; theoretical frameworks and models; control theory;
- System properties: robustness; resilience; stability; anti-fragility; diversity; self-reference and reflection; emergent behavior; computational awareness and self-awareness;
- Systems engineering: reusable mechanisms and algorithms; design patterns; architectures; methodologies; software and middleware development frameworks and methods; platforms and toolkits; multi-agent systems;
- Theory and practice of organization: self-governance, change management, electronic institutions, distributed consensus, commons, knowledge management, and the general use of rules, policies, etc. in self-* systems
- Theory and practice of adaptation: mechanisms for adaptation, including evolution, logic, learning; adaptability, plasticity, flexibility
- Socio-technical systems: human and social factors; visualization; crowdsourcing and collective awareness; humans-in-the-loop; ethics and humanities in self-* systems;
- Data-driven approaches: data mining; machine learning; data science and other statistical techniques to analyze, understand, and manage behavior of complex systems;
- Self-adaptive and self-organizing hardware: self-* materials; self-construction; reconfigurable hardware;
- Education: experience reports; curricula; innovative course concepts; methodological aspects of self-* systems education;
Applications and experiences with self-* systems in any of the following domains are of particular interest:
+ Smart systems: smart grids, smart cities, smart environments, smart homes, etc.
+ Industrial automation: embedded self-* systems, adaptive industrial plants, Industry 4.0, cyber physical systems
+ Transportation: autonomous vehicles, traffic optimization
+ Autonomous systems: aerial vehicles, undersea vehicles, autonomous robotics
+ Internet of Things: self-* for network management, self-* applied to cyber security
We are looking for contributions that present new fundamental understanding of self-adaptive and self-organizing systems and how they can be engineered and used, including: novel theoretical or experimental results, novel design patterns, mechanisms, system architectures, frameworks, tools, and practical experiences in building or deploying systems and applications. Contributions contrasting different approaches for engineering a given family of systems, or demonstrating the applicability of a certain approach for different systems, are equally encouraged. Likewise, papers describing substantial innovation or insights in the use and communication of self-* systems in the classroom are welcome.
Where relevant and appropriate, accepted papers will also be encouraged to participate in the Demo or Poster Sessions.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: May 8, 2017
Paper submission: May 24, 2017
Notification: June 30, 2017
Camera ready copy due: July 12, 2017
Conference: September 18-22, 2017
Submission Instructions
Submissions can be up to 10 pages, formatted according to the standard IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide, and submitted electronically in PDF format.
Please submit your papers using the SASO 2017 conference management system https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=saso2017.
The proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, and made available as a part of the IEEE Digital Library. Note that a separate Call for Poster and Demo Submissions will also be issued.
As per the standard IEEE policies, all submissions should be original, i.e., they must not have been previously published in any conference proceedings, book, or journal and must not currently be under review for another archival conference. We also highlight the IEEE policies regarding plagiarism and self-plagiarism (http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/ID_Plagiaris…).
Review Criteria
Papers should present novel ideas in the cross-disciplinary research context described in this call, motivated by problems from current practice or applied research. Both theoretical and empirical contributions should be highlighted, substantiated by formal analysis, simulation, experimental evaluations, or comparative studies, etc. Appropriate references must be made to related work. Because SASO is a cross-disciplinary conference, we encourage papers to be intelligible and relevant to researchers who are not members of the same specialized sub-field.
Authors are also encouraged to submit papers describing applications. Application papers should provide an indication of the real-world relevance of the problem that is solved, including a description of the domain, and an evaluation of performance, usability, or comparison to alternative approaches. Experience papers are also welcome, especially if they highlight insights into any aspect of design, implementation or management of self-* systems that would be of benefit to practitioners and the SASO community.
All submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed and evaluated based on the quality of their technical contribution, originality, soundness, significance, presentation, understanding of the state of the art, and overall quality.
Conference General Chair
Ada Diaconescu
Telecom Paris-Tech, Paris, FR
Program Chairs
Peter Lewis,
Aston University, Birmingham, UK
Sam Malek,
University of California, Irvine, USA
Hella Seebach,
Augsburg University, Augsburg, DE
fai-saso mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Conference on Data Science Submission System now Open
Datum: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 02:57:06 +0000
Von: Zheng, Zhiqiang <ericz(a)utdallas.edu>
An: 'aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org' <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The submission system of the first Conference on Data Science is now open at http://2017.dsconf.org/submission-guidelines/. You are cordially invited to submit a paper. The Conference on Data Science is a pre-conference of the annual INFORMS meeting and is to be held on October 21, 2017 in Houston, Texas. The CFP is available at http://2017.dsconf.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2017/01/INFORMS-Conferen… .
Conference on Data Science is a premier research conference dedicated to developing novel data science theories, algorithms, and methods to solve challenging and practical problems that benefit business and society at large. The conference invites innovative data science research contributions that address business and societal challenges from the lens of statistical learning, data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The conference invites original research addressing challenges ranging from marketing and finance problems to problems in health care, energy, cybersecurity, fraud detection, social network services, talent analytics, privacy, credibility, etc. Contributions on novel methods may be motivated by insightful observations on the shortcomings of state-of-the art data science methods in addressing practical challenges, or may propose entirely novel data science problems. Research contributions on theoretical and methodological foundations of data science, su
ch as optimization for machine learning and new algorithms for data mining, are also welcome.
Research contributions may include:
* Novel predictive modeling approaches
* Novel performance measures of data science methods that account for important
* practical implications
* Data science methods for health care: chronic disease management, preventative care, etc.
* Prediction of rare events and anomaly detection
* Methods for induction and inference with missing values
* Data science for industrial applications: energy, education, finance, supply chain, ecommerce, etc.
* Data-driven methods for effective risk management
* Data-driven methods for cyber security
* Data acquisition, integration, cleaning, and best practices
* Visualization analytics for business data
* Novel methods for social network analysis
* Mobile analytics
* Large-scale recommendation systems and social media systems
* Novel methods for text analytics and natural language processing
* Experiences with big data project deployments
* Deep learning and AI business applications
Important Dates:
Paper submission Open: April 10th, 2017
Paper submission Deadline: June 20th, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: August 20th, 2017
We look forward to receiving your paper submissions, and to seeing you at the conference!
Information to authors:
* Maximum of 15 pages (excluding abstract, references, tables and figures), printable on
* 8.5 x 11-inch paper
* 12-point font with one-inch margins on four sides
* Double-spaced
* Indicate on the front cover whether the bulk of the work was done by a student
* Blind submissions are encouraged but not required
Organizing Committee:
Honorary Chairs
Olivia Sheng, University of Utah
Alexander S. Tuzhilin, New York University
Conference Chairs
Xiao Fang, University of Delaware
Hui Xiong, Rutgers University
Zhiqiang (Eric) Zheng, University of Texas at Dallas
Program Chairs
Ahmed Abbasi, University of Virginia
Weiguo (Patrick) Fan, Virginia Tech
Maytal Saar-Tsechansky, University of Texas, Austin
Publicity Chairs
Leman Akoglu, Carnegie Mellon University
Shawn Mankad, Cornell University
Paul Pavlou, Temple University
Nachiketa Sahoo, Boston University
Qiang Ye, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Kang Zhao, University of Iowa
Web Chair
Harry Wang, University of Delaware
Finance Chair
Alan Wang, Virginia Tech
Best Regards,
Eric Zheng
Professor of Information Systems
Jindal School of Management
University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, TX 75080
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Deadline approaching ALL FOR PAPERS Journal of
Information Technology & Tourism (JITT) Special Issue on Recommender
Systems in Tourism
Datum: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 06:46:45 +0300
Von: Tsvi Kuflik <tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Journal of Information Technology & Tourism (JITT)
Special Issue on Recommender Systems in Tourism
Guest editors: Julia Neidhardt, Daniel Fesenmaier, Tsvi Kuflik, and Wolfgang Wörndl
The focus of this special issue is on the specific challenges for recommender systems in tourism. In particular, there are considerably more complicated scenarios than finding the best product for a user. Planning a vacation usually involves searching for a reasonably large set of products that are interconnected (e.g. means of transportation, lodging, attractions etc.), with a rather limited availability, and where contextual aspects may have a major impact (spatiotemporal context, social context, environmental context). In addition and most importantly, products are emotionally “loaded” and therefore decision taking is not based only on rational and objective criteria. As such, providing the right information to visitors of a tourism site at the right time about the site itself and various services nearby is challenging. Additionally and in contrast to many other domains, information providers are normally SMEs and do not have full information about available opportunities. Finally, there is no single, standard format to house this information and with this diversity, building effective recommendation systems within the tourism domain is extremely challenging.
The rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in general and the Web in particular has transformed the tourism domain whereby travellers no longer rely on travel agents/agencies. Indeed, recent studies indicate that they are now active in searching for information and composing their vacation packages according to their specific preferences. When onsite, they search for freely available information about the site itself rather than renting a visitor guide that may be available, but considered to be expensive and sometimes outdated. However, like in many other cases, the blessing of the web comes with a curse – the curse of information overload. Recommender systems have been suggested as a practical tool for overcoming this information overload.
Topics of specific interest
Important aspects and topics to be discussed evolve around (but are not limited to):
● Specific applications and case studies (evaluation)
● Specific methods and techniques in the domain
● Novel ICT and its impact on travel and tourism
● Integrating data from various sources, i.e., catalogues, Linked Open Data, and usage logs
● Context and mobility
● Cold-Start problem
● Preference elicitation
● Emotions and recommenders
● Group recommenders / Decision making
● Interaction concepts with personal and group (on-site public or desktop) displays
● Information needs, information access (incl. visualization) and search patterns
● Collaboration, communication and sharing aspects in the tourist information consumption
● Personalized explanations and feedback of recommendation systems
● Digital storytelling, narratives, smart summaries and recommendation explanations
- Papers are required no later than April 30th, 2017.
- Notification of outcome will be provided by June 15th, 2017.
- Revised papers should be submitted by August 1st, 2017.
Please submit manuscripts through the Springer online system (if you are a new author to the system you will be required to create a system login). https://www.editorialmanager.com/jitt/
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out.
The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.
The journal imposes no hard limits on the paper length as long as what authors write is important. Submissions that exceed 40 pages in journal format (including illustrations and references) should, however, be accompanied by a short justification as to why a briefer discussion of their research results.
Full author instructions may be found here: http://www.springer.com/business+ <http://www.springer.com/business+&+management/business+information+systems/…> &+management/business+information+systems/journal/40558
Any questions related to this special issue should be directed to:
- Dr. Julia Neidhardt, TU Wien, Austria julia.neidhardt(a)ec.tuwien.ac.at <mailto:julia.neidhardt@ec.tuwien.ac.at>
- Prof. Daniel R. Fesenmaier, University of Florida, USA drfez(a)ufl.edu <mailto:drfez@ufl.edu>
- Prof. Tsvi Kuflik, The University of Haifa, Israel tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il <mailto:tsvikak@is.haifa.ac.il>
- Dr. Wolfgang Wörndl, TU München, Germany woerndl(a)in.tum.de <mailto:woerndl@in.tum.de>
Tsvi Kuflik, PhD.
Associate Professor
The University of Haifa
Email: tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il <mailto:tsvikak@is.haifa.ac.il>
Home page: <https://sites.hevra.haifa.ac.il/tsvikak> https://sites.hevra.haifa.ac.il/tsvikak
Tel: +972 4 8288511
Fax: +972 4 8288283
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for papers: UMUAI Special Issue on
"Personalized Delivery of Cultural Heritage Content"
Datum: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 08:21:45 +0300
Von: Tsvi Kuflik <tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for papers: Special Issue on "Personalized Delivery of Cultural Heritage Content"
Digital cultural heritage is now a mature field, in which information technologies are used in the service of preserving cultural heritage. The digital form of resources allows for the exploitation of advances in data analytics, semantics, information retrieval, user interaction, profiling and personalization in order to develop new, exciting and stimulating cultural heritage experiences in tourism and education.
This special issue of the User Modelling and User Adapted Interaction (UMUAI) journal aims to form a reference point for the field of personalized delivery of cultural heritage content. We invite works that present and/or review the current state of the art in theory and practice, as well as promising recent advances in the area of aligning the delivery process for cultural heritage content to the needs, goals, characteristics and preferences of individual users and groups of users. The issue is broad in scope, with the caveat that emphasis should be on the link between cultural heritage and personalization techniques; works dealing exclusively with one of the two topics will be deemed out of scope.
Topics of interest
- Semantic modelling for cultural heritage content and its application to personalized content delivery.
-- Advances in knowledge representation.
-- Metadata standards and datasets.
-- Automated reasoning and computational argumentation for personalized explanations and feedback.
- Personalization/recommendation technologies applied to cultural heritage content.
-- Profiling techniques for individuals, groups and crowds.
-- Context awareness in cultural heritage venues and cities.
-- Applications in cultural, educational or touristic experiences.
-- Personalized storytelling.
-- Adaptive navigation and browsing.
- Crowdsourcing and crowd computing methodologies, tools and case studies and their application to personalization in Cultural Heritage.
-- Creativity and collaboration.
-- Social interaction and argumentation.
-- Mixed Crowd and AI- based processing approaches to personalization
- Personalized interaction with cultural heritage content.
-- PCs and mobile personal devices.
-- Multi-touch interfaces.
-- Information booths.
-- Public and shared displays
Paper submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (up to four pages) to the special issue editors via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umuaich2017. Promising and in-scope works will be invited for extension into full submissions, from which point on a standard reviewing process will be followed. Submission and detailed formatting instructions for full papers are available at the journal's site at http://www.umuai.org/paper_submission.html
Important dates
Abstract due: November 30th, 2017
Full submission invitation: December 15th, 2017
Manuscript due: February 28th, 2018
First notification to authors: April 30th, 2018
Revised submission deadline: June 15th, 2018
Final notification to authors: July 31st, 2018
Publication date: End of 2018 / start of 2019, as per UMUAI’s publication schedule
Guest editors
Manolis Wallace, ΓΑΒ LAB – Knowledge and Uncertainty Research Laboratory, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese
Martín López-Nores, Department of Telematics Engineering, University of Vigo
Yannick Naudet, Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology (LIST), 5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, L-4362 Esch/Alzette
Tsvi Kuflik, Information Systems Department, The University of Haifa
Tsvi Kuflik, PhD.
Associate Professor
The University of Haifa
Email: <mailto:tsvikak@is.haifa.ac.il> tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il
Home page: <https://sites.hevra.haifa.ac.il/tsvikak> https://sites.hevra.haifa.ac.il/tsvikak
Tel: +972 4 8288511
Fax: +972 4 8288283
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Betreff: [AISWorld] 8th International Conference on Information,
Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2017): Sixth Call for Papers
Datum: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 15:05:04 +0300
Von: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
irlist(a)lists.shef.ac.uk, SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE(a)acm.org, confs-submit(a)hri.org,
hellas(a)lists.psu.edu, aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*** Sixth Call for Papers ***
8th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications
IISA 2017
Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
28 - 30 August, 2017
*** Extension Deadline: 22nd May 2017 ***
The International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and
Applications (IISA) series offers a forum for the constructive interaction and
prolific exchange of ideas among scientists and practitioners from different
research fields such as computers, mathematics, physics, biology, medicine,
chemistry, experimental psychology, social sciences, linguistics, and
engineering having the goal of developing methodologies and tools for the
solution of complex problems in artificial intelligence, biology, neuroscience,
security, monitoring, surveillance, healthcare, sustainability in energy
sources, governance, education, commerce, automation, robotics,
optimization, image, speech and natural languages, and their integration.
IISA 2017 is the eighth conference in the IISA series, technically
co-sponsored by IEEE, BAIF, the University of Piraeus and the University
of Cyprus.
The IISA 2017 proceedings will be published by IEEE and be included
in the IEEE DL.
The conference is intended as an international forum for researchers and
professionals in all areas of Information, Intelligence, Systems, and
Applications. We invite submissions of papers presenting high-quality
original research and developments for the conference tracks listed below.
The conference venue is the Golden Bay Beach Hotel (http://www.goldenbay.com.cy)
perfectly situated at the edge of the tourist part of Larnaca, right on a long
and wide stretch of fine and clear sandy beach, 10 km from the town center,
just 15 km from Larnaca International Airport and 30 minutes from the
capital city of Nicosia. This prestigious 5* hotel is renowned for its excellent
facilities, combined with impeccable service and finest cuisine in luxurious
The conference will last for three days and will feature tutorials, technical
paper presentations, workshops, and distinguished keynote speeches.
Instructions to Authors
Papers must be submitted in IEEE Conference Style format, which can be
downloaded from http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
Papers must be limited to 6 pages in length.
Topics of Interest
We welcome all submissions in the subjects of IISA related (but not limited)
to the following tracks and topics:
Track I: Information Processing and Intelligence
• Advances in databases
• Information systems
• Information and data management
• Data mining, warehousing and knowledge extraction
• Recommender systems
• Digital rights management
• Processing of Social and Emotional Interactions
• Biological and artificial neural networks
• Biological and artificial immune systems
• Cognitive science
• Neuroscience
• Computational biology
• DNA computing
• Evolutionary computing and genetic algorithms
• Bayesian networks
• Expert systems & intelligent agents
• Swarm intelligence
• Fuzzy logic systems
• Kernel methods - support vector machines
• Ensemble classifiers
• Emerging machine learning paradigms
• Decision making techniques
• Knowledge-based systems
• Ambient-ubiquitous intelligence
• Robotics and automation
• Affective computing
Track II: Multimedia Systems and Networks
• Advances in audio/video and multimedia processing
• Signal mining
• Signal visualization
• Human-machine interaction
• Multimodal systems
• Multimedia systems
• Autonomous Computing
• Distributed computing
• Quantum computing
• Mobile computing
• Green computing
• Trusted computing
• Proactive computing
• Cloud computing
• Ubiquitous computing
• Networking
• Sensing, sensory systems and sensor networks
• Design and implementation
• Real time systems
Track III: Educational Informatics
• Adaptive and personalized learning
• Student modeling
• Intelligent tutoring systems
• E-learning and mobile learning
• Social media and learning
• Educational games
• Computer-supported collaborative learning
• Big data in education and learning analytics
• Affective computing in learning systems
• Smart learning environments
• Virtual and augmented reality in education
• Risk management in education
• Learning management systems
• Content management systems
• Learning technologies for students with special needs
Track IV: Cyber Security
• Watermarking, cryptography, cryptanalysis, steganography, and
• Privacy and authentication
• Malicious software analysis
• Information, computer and network security
• Infrastructure security
• Forensics
• Biometrics
Track V: Smart Energy and Smart Cities
• Methodologies and tools for assessing the energy status in smart cities
• Intelligent sensors and data analytics for energy optimization
• Monitoring and control of energy resources
• Smart grid
• Fault detection
• Decision support systems in energy planning and scheduling
• Middleware for urban computing
• Intelligent transportation systems
• Public displays for modern cities
• Impact of urban computing in modern cities
• Case studies and best practices
• Big city data
• Culture for smart cities
Track VI: Healthcare
• E-health, mobile health and smart health
• Infrastucture for smart health
• Advanced devices and robotics for smart health
• Ambient intelligence in assisted living
• Health information systems
• Healthcare management
• Case studies
Track VII: Applications
• E-government and m-government
• E-commerce and m-commerce
• E-entertainment and m-entertainment
• E-legal and m-legal services
• Personalized systems and services
• Enabling technologies, frameworks and standards
• Empirical evaluations
• Simulation and evaluation via simulation
• Case studies
• Applications in culture and heritage
• Applications in tourism
• Applications in natural resource management
• Applications in disabilities and to people at need
Important Dates
• Submission of Papers: May 22, 2017 (extended)
• Notification of Acceptance: June 05, 2017
• Camera-ready Submission: June 12, 2017
• Registration and Payment for Authors: June 12, 2017
• Conference Dates: August 28-30, 2017
Program Chairs
• N. Bourbakis, Wright State University, USA
• G. A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• G. A. Tsihrintzis, University of Piraeus, Greece
• N. Virvou, University of Piraeus, Greece
Program Committee
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: Foundations and Trends in
Information Systems
Datum: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 20:56:18 +0000
Von: George, Joey F [SCIS] <jfgeorge(a)iastate.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Foundations and Trends in Information Systems (http://www.nowpublishers.com/ISY) is seeking review articles for publication. The journal publishes only review articles, and it only publishes 4 articles per year. Currently, AIS members can get free access through the AIS e-library.
Just about any information systems topic is acceptable, although we are looking specifically for reviews on such topics as cloud computing management, analytics and big data, health information systems, neuroscience and information systems, mobility, and security.
If you are interested in submitting a review to Foundations and Trends in Information Systems, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, Joey George, Iowa State University (jfgeorge(a)iastate.edu<mailto:jfgeorge@iastate.edu>).
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Betreff: [AISWorld] HotPETs 2017 Call for Talks
Datum: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 17:51:20 +0200 (CEST)
Von: Wouter Lueks <wouter.lueks(a)imdea.org>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies to those who receive multiple copies of this CfT]
Call for Talks: HotPETs 2017
10th Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs 2017)
Held in conjunction with the 17th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium
July 21, 2017
General information: https://petsymposium.org/2017/hotpets.php
The Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs) fosters new ideas and spirited debates on privacy. We are calling for engaging and informative 10-15 minute talks on hot topics in privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), with each talk to be followed by a 5-10 minute question period. Short, written talk proposals should be sent by May 8th, 2017, to hotpets17(a)petsymposium.org (details below). The nature of HotPETs' discussion-oriented format is especially suited to works in progress and new ideas that have not yet been fully formed.
Submission Deadline: May 8th
Submission Notification: May 15th
Send submissions or questions to hotpets17(a)petsymposium.org.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Anonymous communications and publishing systems
Censorship resistance
Challenges in deploying PETs
Cryptographic protocols with application to privacy
Economics of PETs
Genetic privacy
Human computer interaction with PETs
Impact of PETs in the wild
Interdisciplinary privacy
Legal issues surrounding PETs
Location privacy
Online surveillance
Privacy and identity management
Privacy-enhanced access control and authentication
Privacy in databases
Privacy in social networks
Public policy regulating the use and development of PETs
Usability of PETs
User studies of PETs
Who should submit:
We invite submissions from activists, artists, developers, journalists, lawyers, public servants, researchers, scholars, and any others who can give a compelling, novel talk about privacy and privacy-enhancing technologies. PETS and HotPETS attract world-renowned experts on the research, development, and practice of PETs. If you are excited to give a talk to such a group, and you think they would be excited to hear it, then you should submit. Some example talks:
* Researcher describing recent research results or a work in progress, especially on a novel or newly-important topic in privacy or security
* Experiences from an activist working with PETs "on the ground"
* Software developer describing a recent experience with a privacy-enhancing tool they built
* Government official discussing interactions between technology and the development of privacy or security-related policy
What to submit:
We invite two-page talk proposals that give an overview of what you intend to present, including any results or conclusions you intend to share. HotPETs strives for engaging talks and focused discussions, and so proposals should display exciting ideas that can be communicated clearly and with brevity.
We encourage you to link to additional sources of your work (e.g., software, videos, websites, papers) within your proposal. The HotPETs chairs will strive to incorporate these additional sources into the review process, although full review of material beyond what is contained in the submission text is not guaranteed.
A proposal must include a title and a list of authors responsible for the work to be presented (one of whom must give the talk). It must be no more than two pages including references. It must be submitted as a Word or PDF document, and we recommend that proposals use either the Word template or the LaTeX template. For detailed information on using these templates, see the ACM SIG Proceedings templates.
HotPETs has no official proceedings, but accepted submissions will be made available on the HotPETs website (authors may revise them after acceptance). Authors may have the option to include talk-related resources, such as slides or software, on the HotPETs website. With speaker consent, recordings of HotPETs talks may be made during the workshop and put online.
Submission Review:
The HotPETs chairs will review the submissions and make the final decisions on acceptance. The chairs may request external input or advice to make fully informed decisions.
The chairs will seek to accept submissions that have the potential to create an engaging workshop for speakers and attendees. Accepted submissions may include those that provoke interesting discussion, provide unique insight or value to the PETs community, share new and emerging PETs-related research, and have the potential to expand engagement between the PETs community and PETs users.
The chairs seek submissions that are complete and concise. They should provide a full overview of the proposed talk, including (if available) any conclusions or findings that are to be presented.
HotPETs Best Talk Award:
A goal of HotPETs is to present talks that are informative, engaging, and even entertaining. To recognize such talks, each year HotPETs concludes with a vote by the audience for its favorite talk. The talk with the most votes wins the Best Talk Award!
HotPETs chairs:
Sadia Afroz (ICSI/UC Berkeley)
Moritz Bartl (Renewable Freedom Foundation)
Tariq Elahi (KU Leuven)
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