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Betreff: [WI] SLSP 2017: call for participation
Datum: Fri, 06 Oct 2017 11:05:15 +0200
Von: GRLMC <grlmc(a)grlmc.com>
Antwort an: GRLMC <grlmc(a)grlmc.com>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
SLSP 2017: call for participation *To be removed from our mailing list,
please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*
SLSP 2017
Le Mans, France
October 23-25, 2017
Organized by:
Computer Science Lab (LIUM)
University of Le Mans
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
Monday, October 23
09:00 - 09:30 Registration
09:30 - 09:40 Opening
09:40 - 10:30 Haizhou Li: Recent Advances in Singing Synthesis -
Invited lecture
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:15
Mercedes García Martínez, Loïc Barrault and Fethi Bougares. Neural
Machine Translation by Generating Multiple Linguistic Factors
Denis Jouvet, Katarina Bartkova, Mathilde Dargnat and Lou Lee. Analysis
and Automatic Classification of Some Discourse Particles on a Large Set
of French Spoken Corpora
Javad Nouri and Roman Yangarber. Toward Learning Morphology of Natural
Language as a Finite-state Grammar
12:15 - 13:45 Lunch
13:45 - 15:00
Ferdinand Fuhrmann, Anna Maly, Christina Leitner and Franz Graf. Three
Experiments on the Application of Automatic Speech Recognition in
Industrial Environments
Sahar Ghannay, Yannick Estève and Nathalie Camelin. Enriching Confusion
Networks for Post-processing
Alp Öktem, Mireia Farrús and Leo Wanner. Attentional Parallel RNNs for
Generating Punctuation in Transcribed Speech
15:00 - 15:15 Break
15:15 - 16:30
Céline Manenti, Thomas Pellegrini and Julien Pinquier. Unsupervised
Speech Unit Discovery using k-means and Neural Networks
Gueorgui Pironkov, Stéphane Dupont, Sean Wood and Thierry Dutoit. Noise
and Speech Estimation as Auxiliary Tasks for Robust Speech Recognition
Radek Šafarík and Jan Nouza. Unified Approach to Development of ASR
Systems for East Slavic Languages
Tuesday, October 24
09:00 - 09:50 Bhiksha Raj Ramakrishnan: An Introduction to Neural
Networks - Invited lecture
09:50 - 10:20 Coffee break
10:20 - 11:35
Sadeen Alharbi, Madina Hasan and Anthony A.J. Simons. Detecting
Stuttering Events in Transcripts of Children's Speech
Kevin El Haddad, Ilaria Torre, Emer Gilmartin, Huseyin Cakmak, Stéphane
Dupont, Thierry Dutoit and Nick Campbell. Introducing AmuS: The Amused
Speech Database
Abdelwahab Heba, Thomas Pellegrini, Tom Jorquera, Régine André-Obrecht
and Jean-Pierre Lorré. Lexical Emphasis Detection in Spoken French using
F-BANKs and Neural Networks
11:35 - 11:50 Break and Group photo
11:50 - 13:05
Michal Novák, Katerina Rysová, Magdaléna Rysová and Jirí Mírovský.
Incorporating Coreference to Automatic Evaluation of Coherence in Essays
Etienne Papegnies, Vincent Labatut, Richard Dufour and Georges Linarès.
Graph-based Features for Automatic Online Abuse Detection
Mathias Quillot, Cassandre Ollivier, Richard Dufour and Vincent Labatut.
Exploring Temporal Analysis of Tweet Contents from Cultural Events
13:05 - 14:35 Lunch
14:35 - 15:35 Poster presentations
Sina Ahmadi. Recurrent Neural Network Based Language Models for Spelling
and Grammatical Error Correction
Sunil Kumar Kopparapu and C. Anantaram. Reusing General Purpose ASR for
Domain Specific Speech Recognition Using Posteriors
Seongmin Mun, Guillaume Desagulier and Kyungwon Lee. How Can We Capture
Multiword Expressions?
Roelant Ossewaarde, Roel Jonkers, Fedor Jalvingh and Roelien Bastiaanse.
Automated Detection of Unfilled Pauses in Speech of Healthy and
Brain-damaged Individuals
Amit Sangroya, C. Anantaram, Mrinal Rawat and Sunil Kumar Kopparapu. A
Bio-inspired Mechanism to Improve Accuracy of ASR Output Sentences
Patrice A. Yemmene and Ron C. Chiang. Automatic Speech Recognition for
Ngiemboon Language in Mobile and Cloud Computing
16:00 - 18:00 Touristic visit
Wednesday, October 25
09:00 - 09:50 Paolo Rosso: Author Profiling in Social Media: The
Impact of Emotions in Discourse Analysis - Invited lecture
09:50 - 10:20 Coffee break
10:20 - 11:35
Manny Rayner, Nikolaos Tsourakis and Johanna Gerlach. Lightweight Spoken
Utterance Classification with CFG, tf-idf and Dynamic Programming
Máté Ákos Tündik, Balázs Tarján and György Szaszák. Low Latency MaxEnt-
and RNN-based Word Sequence Models for Punctuation Restoration of Closed
Caption Data
Jan Vanek, Daniel Soutner, Josef Psutka and Jan Zelinka. A
Regularization Post Layer: An Additional Way how to Make Deep Neural
Networks Robust
11:35 - 11:50 Break
11:50 - 13:05
Gil Rocha and Henrique Lopes Cardoso. Towards a Relation-based Argument
Model for Argumentation Mining
Jose Patino, Héctor Delgado and Nicholas Evans. Speaker Change Detection
using Binary Key Modelling with Contextual Information
Marie Tahon, Gwénolé Lecorvé, Damien Lolive and Raheel Qader. Perception
of Expressivity in TTS: Linguistics, Phonetics or Prosody?
13:05 - 13:15 Closing
13:15 - Lunch
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Betreff: [EDEN-News] Open Classroom Conference Athens - Conference
Datum: Fri, 06 Oct 2017 12:44:11 +0100
Von: OCC Athens <athens(a)eden-online.org>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Kopie (CC): EDEN Newsletter <eden-news(a)eden-online.org>
Circular head
Conference Programme Available
20-22 October, 2017
Registration is free!
<http://openschool2017.ea.gr/?q=registration-conference> | VENUE
<http://openschool2017.ea.gr/?q=venue> | PRE-CONFERENCE EVENT
<http://openschool2017.ea.gr/?q=preconference-event> | STAYING IN
ATHENS <http://openschool2017.ea.gr/?q=athens>
The aim of the conference is to introduce and discuss the notion of the
“Open School”. A school that effectively introduces innovations in
education is an engaging environment not only for the students and
teachers. It re-designs learning to accommodate and include difference
and brings together families, community groups, local businesses,
experts, universities, and others into an innovation ecosystem.
Conference highlights
Conference registration will start on 20 October 2017 at 17:00, followed
by the Conference Opening Session: “From Open Classrooms to Open
Schools” at 18:30. EDEN's Secretary General, *Dr. Andras Szucs *will
give the opening speech.
The keynote speakers include:
* *Angelos Lazoudis*, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Greece
* *Rosa Doran, Núcleo* Interativo de Astronomia, Portugal
* *Dr Elias Messinas*, Ecoweek, Israel
* and a *representative of IEP, Institute of Educational Policy*, Greece
Angelos LazoudisRosan DoranElias Messinas
The social event "Schools serving their communities: Observation Night
at the School Observatory" will take place on Friday from 21:30.
Saturday, 21 October 2017 has a busy schedule, packed with interesting,
colourful sessions and workshops, focusing on New Pedagogies for Open
Schools, STEM approaches in Open Schools, Open School: an inclusive
environment, New Technologies for Open Schools, to name just a few major
For more information on the schedule, see the detailed conference
programme *here*
Pre-conference event
t-mailOn Friday *20 October 2017 from 13:00 to 17:00*, the
pre-conference event "How to promote the development of self-regulated
learning for primary school children?" will take place.
The *tMAIL - Teacher Mobile Application for Innovative Learning*
<http://www.tmailproject.eu/> project team has developed a mobile
application that supports primary school teachers in the promotion of
their students SRL skills. This free of charge event is an opportunity
for the participating teachers to test the app, try their hands on Self
Regulated Learning (SRL), familiarise themselves with the theoretical
background and learn techniques how to integrate the teaching of SRL in
their classroom activities.
Registration for the conference
Attendance at the conference is free, however, a registration is
necessary. Please register *here*
Data collected for the purposes of the Open Schools for Open Societies
2017 will never be released without your consent and will only be used
for the organization of administrative issues concerning your attendance
at the conference.
Important dates and deadlines
Submission of full Papers & Posters (for publication in the
proceedings): 10 October 2017
Conference Dates: 20-22 October 2017
Conference Venue: Athens, Greece
Once again, the Open Classroom Conference returns to Athens, one of the
world's leading destinations. Of course, everyone knows the ancient
history of the city and the myths surrounding it. Today, as a city
dating back to antiquity, Athens is an interesting case study of
architecture and is home to a variety of styles, from Greco-Roman to
Neoclassical to modern.
The beginning of October brings warm, sunny days, with only a small
chance of rain, and an average daily temperature of 19-20°C - perfect
for exploring the city, especially as the number of tourists decreases
after the summer months.
To help plan your stay, here are some useful sites:
*Sights of Athens* <http://www.sightsofathens.gr/>
*Lonely Planet*
*Trip Advisor*
Conference website: *http://openschool2017.ea.gr/*
Inquiries in relation to the conference should be sent to:
*zygouritsas(a)ea.gr <mailto:zygouritsas@ea.gr>* and
*athens(a)eden-online.org* <mailto:athens@eden-online.org>
The Open Classroom Conference is the initiative of EDEN supported by the
ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union
EDEN - European Distance and E-Learning Network Secretariat
Tel: +36 1 463 1628, 463 2537 Fax: +36 1 463 1858
E-mail: athens(a)eden-online.org <mailto:athens@eden-online.org>
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Challenges for Large-Scale Deployment of Smart
IoT technologies in HCI 2018
Datum: Fri, 6 Oct 2017 08:53:00 +0000
Von: peng alex <alexchaox(a)hotmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear colleagues,
I would like to invite you to consider submitting a paper and participating in the parallel session entitled 'Challenges for Large-Scale Deployment of Smart IoT technologies' that I am chairing. This session will be one of the parallel sessions of the 6th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (http://2018.hci.international/DAPI) in the context of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 15 - 20 July 2018.
In recent years, many different types of smart and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are emerging in our lives, cities and society, and cover various areas like transportation, healthcare, energy management, public safety, industry, agriculture - to name a few. However, empirical evidence shows that many of these innovative technologies are still in a pilot testing stage, and that their large-scale deployment is still fraught with crucial challenges and difficulties. This session aims to provide a multidisciniplary forum for researchers to share their insights on key challenges and barriers that can affect successful deployment of smart and IoT technologies, as well as to discuss critically how such challenges may be overcome in specific contexts.
FYI, all papers will appear in the Conference Proceedings to be published by Springer in a multi-volume set in the LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) series (http://2018.hci.international/proceedings). The proceedings will also be indexed by ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, EI Engineering Index and Scopus.
Important deadlines
Monday, 15 January 2018: Full Paper (typically 12 pages but no less than 10 and no more than 20 pages) through the CMS, for the review process
Monday, 29 January 2018: Notification of review outcome
Friday, 9 February 2018: Submission through the CMS of the camera-ready version (full papers, typically 12 pages but no less than 10 and no more than 20 pages) of all papers
Please contact me (penggch(a)mail.sysu.edu.cn) as soon as possible if you are interested in this session. So then I can send you a formal invitation from the conference system.
Kind regards,
Alex Peng
Professor, School of Information Management, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Honorary Research Fellow, Information School, University of Sheffield, UK
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] IT Service Management and Data Centers Track -
GITMA 2018 - Deadline is Nov.15.2017
Datum: Tue, 3 Oct 2017 19:00:21 -0500 (CDT)
Von: mmora(a)securenym.net
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Kopie (CC): jorge.marx.gomez(a)uni-oldenburg.de
Mexico City, Mexico
Conference Dates: July 08-10, 2018
Submission Due Date: November 15, 2017
This track invites submissions derived from applied research which
addresses management and engineering problems, issues, and challenges
found currently in the Data Center and IT Function responsible for
providing right-sized IT services of value to their internal and external
users. Data Centers are core assets required for releasing the expected IT
services and the organizations invest relevant financial resources for
their deployment. Thus, ITSM and Data Centers are tied naturally, and ITSM
includes Data Center issues. We consider applied research no just already
implemented solutions in real settings but also solution proposals highly
feasible to be applied. In brief words, we consider applied research
papers to be naturally and highly relevant for both IT academic and
practitioner audiences. Our aim is to establish a knowledge-sharing bridge
between the global research and practitioner communities interested in
ITSM and Data Center topics. Thus, we invite to academic and practitioners
to submit papers mainly on the following topics:
 ITSM process frameworks and standards (ITIL, MOF, ITUP,
 DevOps and ITSM
 DevOps and Agile Approaches
 IT Operations Management
 IT Operations Control and Monitoring Tools
 Data Centers Management
 Data Center Maturity Models
 Green Data Centers
 Risk Management in Data Centers
 Disaster Recovery Planning in Data Centers
 Cloud-based Data Centers
 Software Defined Data Centers
 Software Defined Networks
 Virtualization Tools
 DCIM Tools
 Open Source Tools for ITSM
 Open Source Tools for Data Centers
 Open Source Platforms for Clouds (OpenStack, CloudStack,
 Design of IT services
 Decision-Making Support Systems for ITSM
 Security Management in Data Centers
The best 4-5 papers will be selected (extended versions) for a special
issue of IJITSA journal (indexed by SCOPUS and Web of Science) to be
published in the 2019 year.
Jorge Marx Gómez, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Manuel Mora, UAA, Mexico
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: Seventh International Conference on BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY,
Datum: Tue, 3 Oct 2017 10:53:56 +0100
Von: BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY, 2017 <bs(a)2100projects.org>
Antwort an: bs(a)2100projects.org
An: Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Seventh International Conference on BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY, 2017
Management, Technology and Learning for Individuals, Organisations and Society in Turbulent Markets
Póvoa de Varzim
November 15-17, 2017
Join and Experience an Innovative Conference Organisation
Extended Deadline for Full Papers / Ext. Abstracts / Abstracts submission: October 27, 2017
Looking forward to meeting you in Póvoa de Varzim (Portugal) next November 2017, accept our best regards.
The conference co-chairs,
- Goran D. Putnik (putnikgd(a)dps.uminho.pt), University of Minho, Portugal
- Paulo Ávila (psa(a)isep.ipp.pt), School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
PS: We would appreciate the dissemination of this information within your institution, other interested groups and your colleagues and friends that may be interested.
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Betreff: [AISWorld] BPM 2018 - Call for Papers
Datum: Mon, 2 Oct 2017 18:07:17 +0200
Von: Cinzia Cappiello <cinzia.cappiello(a)polimi.it>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
BPM 2018 - 16th International Conference on Business Process Management
Call for Papers
September 9-14, 2018, Sydney, Australia
The annual BPM conference is the premium forum for researchers and practitioners in business process management. BPM is a broad discipline, covering topics that range from formal methods in computer science to techniques in information systems engineering, to management science methods. Therefore, not only different research topics are addressed, but also different research methods are employed that require different evaluation criteria in the peer reviewing process.
To accommodate for this diversity, the BPM conference introduces a new structure. This structure is based on three tracks that cover not only different phenomena of interest and research methods but, consequently, also different evaluation criteria. To implement this structure, each track has a dedicated track chair and a dedicated program committee. The track chairs, together with a consolidation chair, are responsible for the scientific program. Through this new structure we aim to broaden the BPM community and position the BPM conference as a forum for all aspects of the broad business process management discipline.
Track I invites papers that follow computer science research methods. This includes papers that investigate the underlying principles of BPM systems, computational theories, algorithms, and methods for modeling and analyzing business processes. This track also covers papers on novel languages, architectures, and other concepts underlying process aware information systems, as well as papers that use conceptual modeling techniques to investigate problems in the design and analysis of BPM systems. Papers in Track I are evaluated according to computer science standards, including sound formalization, convincing argumentation, and, where applicable, proof of concept implementation, which shows that the concepts can be implemented as described. Since papers typically do not have an immediate application in concrete business environments, empirical evaluation does not play a major role in Track I.
You should send your paper to Track I if:
- It provides foundational results about the underlying principles and concepts of BPM systems.
- It advances the state of the art in BPM through the investigation of formal methods and algorithms.
- It contributes to the definition of novel concepts, languages, and architectures for BPM systems.
- It tackles conceptual modelling issues of BPM systems and their environment.
- It investigates novel concepts of BPM systems through the development of proof-of-concept implementations.
Track Chair: Marco Montali
Senior PC: Florian Daniel, Dirk Fahland, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Thomas Hildebrandt, Marcello La Rosa, John Mylopoulos, Manfred Reichert, Jianwen Su, Hagen Völzer, Matthias Weidlich.
Track II invites papers that follow information systems engineering methods. The focus is on the investigation of artifacts and systems in business environments, following the design science approach. Papers in this track are expected to have a strong empirical evaluation that critically tests criteria like usefulness or added value of the proposed artifact. This track covers business process intelligence, including process mining techniques, and the use of process models for enactment, model-driven engineering, as well as interaction with services and deployment architectures like the Cloud. It also covers BPM systems in particular domains, such as digital health, smart mobility, or Internet of Things. Empirical evaluations are important to show the merits of the artifact introduced. A self-critical discussion of threats to validity is expected. Formalization of problems and solutions should be used where they add clarity or are beneficial in other ways.
You should send your paper to Track II if:
- It has a significant technical contribution.
- Its results are empirically evaluated.
- It reports on a system that you designed, with a maturity of at least a prototype. i.e., it can be evaluated in an application context.
- It follows the design science approach.
Track Chair: Ingo Weber
Senior PC: Wil van der Aalst, Boualem Benatallah, Boudewijn van Dongen, Jan Mendling, Cesare Pautasso, Hajo Reijers, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Pnina Soffer, Barbara Weber, Jianmin Wang
Track III invites papers that aim at advancing our understanding of how BPM can deliver business value, for instance how it builds organizational capabilities to improve, innovate or transform the respective business. Papers that study the application and impact of BPM methods and tools in use contexts based on empirical observation are highly welcome.
Areas of interest include a wide range of capability areas that are relevant for BPM, such as strategic alignment, governance, methods, information technology, and human aspects including people and culture. We seek contributions that advance our understanding on how organizations can develop such capabilities in order to achieve specific objectives in given organizational contexts. Papers may use various strategies of inquiry, including case study research, action research, focus group research, big data analytics research, neuroscience research, econometric research, literature review research, survey research or design science research. Papers will be evaluated according to management and information systems standards.
Authors of selected papers in this track will be invited to submit revised and extended versions of their work for a special issue in the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) on “Business Process Management and Digital Innovation”.
You should send your paper to Track III if:
- It makes a contribution to an organizational challenge.
- It builds on and draws from real-world organizational endeavors in BPM.
- It extends the BPM body of knowledge to better contribute to strategy delivery.
- It advances our understanding and methodology of BPM to support digital innovation.
- It contributes to solving grand societal challenges through BPM.
Track Chair: Jan vom Brocke
Senior PC: Jörg Becker, Alan Brown, Mikael Lind, Peter Loos, Amy van Looy, Olivera Marjanovic, Jan Recker, Maximilian Röglinger, Michael Rosemann, Theresa Schmiedel, Peter Trkman
Each paper will be submitted to exactly one track. Please use the track descriptions above to decide where to send your paper. Authors may contact track chairs for clarification. Papers must be formatted according to Springer's LNCS formatting guidelines. Submissions must be in English and must not exceed 16 pages. The title page must contain a short abstract clarifying the relation of the paper with the topics above. The paper must clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the results achieved, and the relation to other work. Student papers are treated as regular papers in the review process. Importantly, the contribution underlying a student paper must be carried out mainly by the student(s), but others (advisors, collaborators, etc.) can appear as authors as well. When submitting the paper, student papers must be clearly marked as such in the EasyChair system. To be eligible for the best student paper award, student papers have to be presented at the conference by a student author.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via the BPM 2018 EasyChair submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bpm2018.
Submissions must be original contributions that have neither been published previously nor submitted to other conferences or journals while being submitted to BPM 2018. Authors are encouraged to adhere to the best practices of Reproducible Research (RR), by making available data and software tools for reproducing the results reported in their papers.
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the conference and present the paper. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to special issues in Elsevier’s Information Systems (Tracks I and II) and in Palgrave’s European Journal of Information Systems (Track III).
The BPM Forum will host innovative research which has high potential of stimulating discussion at the conference but does not fully meet the quality criteria for the main conference. Those papers will be invited to the BPM Forum and published in full length in a separate post-proceedings volume in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing series, as well as being presented during the main conference. There will not be short papers at the conference.
First-time submitters to BPM may request to be considered for a pre-submission shepherding program in which a selected BPM PC member advises on the presentation and positioning of a shepherded paper. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact the PC Chairs (bpm2018(a)easychair.org) by 23 January, 2018.
Marco Montali (Track Chair, Track I)
Ingo Weber (Track Chair, Track II)
Jan vom Brocke (Track Chair, Track III)
Mathias Weske (Consolidation Chair)
Abstract submission: 5 March, 2018
Full papers submission: 12 March, 2018
Notifications: 14 May, 2018
Camera ready papers: 11 June, 2018
Remark: Deadlines correspond to anywhere on earth (‘AoE’ or ‘UTC-12′)
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [computational.science] CFP Second Tutorial on the SARL Agent
Programming Language
Datum: Mon, 02 Oct 2017 12:34:37 +0000
Von: stephane.galland(a)utbm.fr
An: computational.science(a)lists.iccsa.org
Second Tutorial on the SARL Agent Programming Language
The 9th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2018)
May 08-11, 2018 Porto, Portugal
Research on Agents and Multi-Agent Systems has matured during the last decade and many effective applications of this technology are now deployed.
SARL aims at providing the fundamental abstractions for dealing with concurrency, distribution, interaction, decentralization, reactivity, autonomy and dynamic reconfiguration. These high-level features are now considered as the major requirements for an easy and practical implementation of modern complex software applications. We are convinced that the agent-oriented paradigm holds the keys to effectively meet this challenge. Considering the variety of existing approaches and meta-models in the field of agent-oriented engineering and more generally multi-agent systems, our approach remains as generic as possible and highly extensible to easily integrate new concepts and features.
The SARL Tutorial 2018 provides introduction and explanation the modeling and implementation of multiagent systems with the SARL agent programming language.
The tutorial session will be held in Porto, Portugal (08-11 May 2018) during the 9th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks, and Technologies (ANT 2018). The exact date will be provided into the ANT-28 program.
==== Tutorial Outline ====
The following points will be treated duing the tutorial.
- Genesis of SARL.
- Basic Concepts (Agent, Event, Space, Behavior) with simple examples.
- Using Agent Communication Language with SARL
- Doing simulation with SARL: traffic and drone simulation examples.
- Major installation guidelines
The duration of the tutorial is 1:30.
Online resources: http://www.sarl.io
==== Tutorial Chairs ====
Stéphane GALLAND <stephane.galland(a)utbm.fr>, Burgundy Franche-Comte University, France
Nicolas GAUD <nicolas.gaud(a)utbm.fr>, Burgundy Franche-Comte University, France
Sebastian RODRIGUEZ <sebastian.rodriguez(a)gitia.org>, Universidad Technologica National, Argentina
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Betreff: [AISWorld] cfp: 17th Annual Security Conference
Datum: Sun, 1 Oct 2017 21:05:47 -0400
Von: Gurpreet Dhillon <gpdhillon9(a)gmail.com>
An: AISworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 17th Annual Security Conference
Securing the Interconnected World
March 26-28, 2018
The Tuscany
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Submissions: January 15, 2018.
The nature and scope of the Information Security field has evolved over the
past several years. No longer are we just concerned with protecting the
technical edifice. Our emphasis has become more holistic and we tend to
consider all aspects of information protection as central to the field of
security. The Annual Security Conference provides a forum for discourses
in Security, Assurance, and Privacy that will define the moment and provide
a useful basis for nurturing further dialogues.
Contributions in the form of research papers, panel proposals, and case
studies are invited. All submissions are peer-reviewed and considered for
publication in the Journal of Information System Security (
http://www.jissec.org), European Journal of Management Studies and
Information and Computer Security.
Further details and submission instructions can be found at:
General Chair
Gurpreet Dhillon, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Co-Conference Chairs
Dionysios Demetis, University of Hull, UK
Steve Furnell, University of Plymouth, UK
Program Chair
Mark Harris, University of South Carolina, USA
Mark Schmidt, St. Cloud State University, USA
Romilla Syed, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
European Outreach Chairs
Ella Kolkowska, Örebro University, Sweden
Miranda Kajtazi, Linnæus University, Sweden
International Program Committee
Atif Ahmad, University of Melbourne, Australia
Ian Angell, London School of Economics, UKIMG_0424
James Backhouse, London School of Economics, UK
Rita Barrios, Compuware, USA
Stefan Beißel, EUFH, Germany
Mario Caldeira, ISEG University of Lisboa, Portugal
Nathan Clarke, University of Plymouth, UK
David L. Coss, College of Charleston, USA
Eduardo Vera Cruz, University of Lisboa, Portugal
Meledath Damodaran, University of Houston-Victoria, USA
John D’Arcy, Notre Dame University, USA
Dionysis Demetis, University of Hull, UK
Robert Erbacher, Utah State University, USA
Jean-Noel Ezingeard, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Solange Ghernaouti-Hélie, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Sanjay Goel, State University of New York at Albany, NY, USA
Karin Hedstrom, Orebro University, Sweden
Anat Hovav, Korea University Business School, S. Korea
Fredrik Karlson, Orebro University, Sweden
Ella Kolkowska, Orebro University, Sweden
Michael Lapke, University of Mary Washington, USA, USA
Jeff May, James Madison University, USA
Jean-Henry Morin, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Krish Muralidhar, University of Kentucky, USA
Sergio Nunes, ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal
Yasser Omar, ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal
Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece
Mario Romāo, ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal
Nancy Russo, Northern Illinois University, USA
Carlos Salema, IST University of Lisboa, Portugal
Rathindra Sarathy, Oklahoma State University, USA
Filipe de Sá-Soares, University of Minho, Portugal
Reijo Savola, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Oulu, Finland
Richard S. Swart, Utah State University, USA
Junyuan Zeng, Samsung Research America, USA
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