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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call For Papers International Journal of IT and Web
Datum: Sat, 21 Oct 2017 16:56:34 +0200 (CEST)
Von: g_alkhatib <g_alkhatib(a)orange.jo>
Antwort an: g_alkhatib <g_alkhatib(a)orange.jo>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
Topics Covered
- Cloud computing architectures, models, and applications
- Web user interfaces design, development, and usability engineering studies
- Integrated user profile, provisioning, and context-based processing
- Mobile, location-aware, and ubiquitous computing
- Quality of service and service level agreement issues among integrated systems
- Security, integrity, privacy, and policy issues of web-based systems
- Virtual teams and virtual enterprises: communication, policies, operation, and innovation
- Web systems engineering design
- Information filtering and display adaptation techniques for wireless devices
- Internet of Things (IofT) studies, models, and applications
- Metrics-based performance measurement of IT-based and web-based organizations
- Web systems performance engineering studies
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) research in web engineered systems
- Software agent-based systems and applications
- Web systems architectures: distributed grid computers and communication systems
- Ontology and semantic web studies
- Web services architectures, standard- and XML-based systems, and composition
Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished articles will be considered. INTERESTED AUTHORS MUST CONSULT THE
JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at http://www.igi-global.com/publish/contributor-resources/before-you-write/ PRIOR TO
SUBMISSION. All article submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of the Editorial Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review. Final
decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers. All submissions must be forwarded electronically.
All submissions inquiries should be directed to the attention of: mishap
Ghazi I. Alkhatib, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE) E-mail: Alkhatib(a)orange.jo
Ghazi Alkhatib
Member, Academic Advisory Board - IGI Global Publisher, USA
Founder & Editor-in-Chief - Since 2006
the International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering - www.igi-global.com/ijitwe
Indexed by Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), SCOPUS, ACM Library, and Ulrich's
Editor, Advances in Web Technologies and Engineering Book Series, since 2006.
Both Published by IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA
The Hashemite University - Zarqa - Jordan
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] Call for Articles: Special Theme on Technology Enhanced
Assessment in Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Education in the Bulletin
of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology
Datum: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 12:15:16 -0600
Von: Sabine Graf <sabine.graf(a)ieee.org>
Antwort an: Sabine Graf <sabine.graf(a)ieee.org>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
(ISSN 2306-0212)
publication of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning
Technology (TCLT)
* Special Theme: Technology Enhanced Assessment in Formal, Non-Formal and
Informal Education
* Deadline for submission: November 17, 2017
* Peer-reviewed
The Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology (TCLT) aims
at publishing and disseminating current research about new and emerging
learning technologies as well as their design, usage, application, and
evaluation in different contexts of technology enhanced learning.
The special theme of this issue will focus on topics related to technology
enhanced assessment in formal, non-formal and informal education, including
(but not limited to) research on concepts and/or designs of systems, tools,
technologies and approaches for assessment in formal, non-formal or informal
educational settings; practical applications of such systems, tools,
technologies and approaches; case studies, exploratory studies and pilot
studies that utilize such systems, tools, technologies or approaches to
assess learners' performance, knowledge or other abilities; and evaluations
of such systems, tools, technologies and approaches.
Articles that are not in the area of the special theme are most welcome as
well and will be published in the regular article section. The Bulletin of
the Technical Committee on Learning Technology invites research articles for
the next issue. This issue will be published in Volume 19, Issue 2.
*** All research articles will go through a thorough peer-reviewing process
Submission procedure:
1. Authors have to follow the IEEE author guidelines when preparing their
articles (please see http://www.ieeetclt.org/content/authors-guidelines for
further information)
2. The articles in the bulletin are limited to 4 pages. Over-length articles
will not be published.
3. The manuscripts should be either in Word or RTF format. Any figures used
in the contributions would be required separately in a graphic format (gif
or jpeg). The figures should also be embedded in the text at appropriate
4. To submit your article, please go to
http://ieeetclt.athabascau.ca/bulletin/pkp-ojs/index.php/tclt/login and
login (or click on "Not a user? Register with this site" to register). Once
you are logged in, please click the "New Submission" button to submit your
For further information please see http://www.ieeetclt.org/content/bulletin
and http://ieeetclt.athabascau.ca/bulletin/pkp-ojs/index.php/tclt/index.
For any questions, please contact us at: tclt-bulletin(a)ieee.org
Best regards,
Sabine Graf
Charalampos Karagiannidis
(Editors of the Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request(a)lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi
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Betreff: [wkwi] CfP: "Personal ICT: Design, use and impacts" auf der
ECIS 2018
Datum: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 18:18:08 +0200 (CEST)
Von: Manuel Trenz <manuel.trenz(a)wiwi.uni-augsburg.de>
Antwort an: postmaster(a)seda.wiai.uni-bamberg.de
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
hiermit möchten wir Sie gerne auf den Call for Papers des Tracks
"Personal ICT: Design, use and impacts" im Rahmen der 26. European
Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2018) hinweisen. Etwaige
Mehrfachzustellungen über die verschiedenen Kanäle bitten wir dabei zu
Wir würden uns sehr über Einreichungen aus Ihren Reihen freuen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Manuel Trenz
Christian Matt
Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen
*CALL FOR PAPERS – ECIS 2018 Track "Personal ICT: Design, use and impacts"*
26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2018)
June 23rd – 28th 2018 / Portsmouth, UK (http://www.ecis2018.eu)
*Deadline for paper submissions: November 27^th 2017*
The rapid diffusion of powerful technology has infused our lives with a
plentitude of devices and services. With more mobile devices than people
on earth and a growing number of products and services entering
individuals’ private sphere, this area of digitization calls for further
attention. Such personal ICT serve a plentitude of purposes and range
from devices such as smartphones, smartwatches, smart home and health
trackers; services such as instant messengers and advanced personal
assistants; to complex peer-to-peer ecosystems such as social networks,
sharing services, and collaborative systems.
Accordingly, this track focuses on the design, use and impacts of these
devices, services and complex product-service systems that are
preliminary aimed at individuals in their different and varying roles as
consumers, family members, friends, and citizens. This track aims at
conflating perspectives on (1) the unique aspects of designing and
building such ICT, (2) their impacts on individuals, organizations, and
society, as well as (3) the challenges in managing them. For the benefit
of individuals, firms, and society, this track seeks to gather insights
that can be used to actively shape – i.e. understand, facilitate, and if
necessary limit - the role of these novel technologies in individuals’
everyday lives.
The track aligns well with the ECIS 2018 conference theme “Beyond
Digitization - Facets of Socio-Technical Change” since the digitization
of individuals’ personal spheres is shaped by strong interactions
between social and technical aspects.
We encourage both full paper and research-in-progress paper submissions
on the topic from all theoretical and methodological perspectives.
Topics include but are not limited to:
• Management and use of personal ICT
− Interaction patterns with personal ICT
− Discontinuance of personal ICT
− Interdependencies between different devices and services in
individuals’ ICT portfolios
• Impact of personal ICT
− Positive direct impacts (e.g., convenience, happiness, health
improvements, …)
− Negative direct impacts (e.g., exhaustion, physical well-being, …)
− Indirect impacts on third parties (e.g., family, peers, society,
− Rebound effects (e.g., reduced creativity)
• Design of personal ICT
− Approaches to develop ICT and related services tied to the needs of
− Design characteristics for personal ICT
High quality and relevant papers from this track will be selected for
fast-tracked development towards Internet Research
Manuel Trenz, University of Augsburg, Germany
Christian Matt, University of Bern, Switzerland
Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Aalto University, Finland
Marc Adam, The University of Newcastle, Australia
Benedikt Berger, LMU Munich, Germany
Verena Dorner, KIT, Germany
Pnina Fichman, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Russell Haines, Old Dominion University, USA
Sabrina Hauff, University of Augsburg, Germany
Aban Lubna, University of Canberra, Australia
Brad McKenna, University of East Anglia, UK
Jani Merikivi, Aalto University, Finland
Christoph Peters, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Jella Pfeiffer, KIT, Germany
Verena Tiefenbeck, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Ofir Turel, California State University, Fullerton, USA
Wael Soliman, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
*Dr. Manuel Trenz*
Akademischer Rat
Universität Augsburg | Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Lehrstuhl für Information Systems und Management | Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call For Papers - NTMS 2018 - Paris, France
(Submission Deadline: November 12 (Extended))
Datum: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 00:41:28 +0400
Von: Mohamad Badra <mbadra(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP]
- Extended Submission Deadline: November 12, 2017
- All accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore®
- Best papers of the conference will be considered for publication in the
Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks journal.
9th IFIP International Conference on
New Technologies, Mobility and Security
26 - 28 February 2018, Paris - France
Technically co-sponsored by IEEE, IEEE COMSOC & IFIP TPC6
NTMS'2018 is the 8th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies,
Mobility and Security that will be held in Paris, France from 26 to 28
February 2018.
NTMS'2018 aims at fostering advances in the areas of New Technologies,
Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing, Ad hoc and Ambient Networks, QoS,
Network Security and E-commerce, to mention a few, and provides a dynamic
forum for researchers, students and professionals to present their
state-of-the-art research and development in these interesting areas.
The event will be combined with tutorial sessions and workshops.
Tutorials will precede the main program, aiming at the dissemination of
mature knowledge and technology advances in the field. Two or more Workshops
will immediately follow the main conference, offering the opportunity for a
more focused exchange of ideas and presentation of on going research
relevant to following tracks (More information and the full call-for-papers
can be found on the conference web):
>>>>>>> Track 1 : Mobility & Wireless networks
>>>>>>> Track 2: Security
>>>>>>> Track 3: New Technologies & services
- Papers Submission Deadline : November 12, 2017 (EXTENDED)
- Papers Acceptance Notification: December 20, 2017
- Papers camera-ready: January 10, 2017
The manuscripts should be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format
(double-column, 10-pt font).
Submission via EDAS (NTMS 2018)
General co-Chair
Guy Pujolle, LIP6, France
Rui L Aguiar, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
TPC Chair
Danda B. Rawat, Howard University, USA
Anna Kobusinka, Poznań University of Technology, Poland
TPC co-Chairs (New Technologies Track)
Toktam Mahmoodi, King’s college London, United Kingdom
Christian Jacquenet, Orange Labs, France
TPC co-Chairs (Mobility/Wireless Track)
Kaori Yoshida, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Miquel Payaró, CTTC, Spain
TPC co-Chairs (Security Track)
Timo Kyntäjä, VTT, Finland
Takoua Abdellatif from Polytechnic School of Tunisia, Tunisia
Keynote/Tutorial co-Chairs
Pascal Lorenz, University of Haute Alsace, France
Takeo Fujii, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Demo Chair
Jalel Ben Othman, University of Paris, France
Workshops chair
Elyes Ben Hamida, IRT SystemX, Paris, France
Benoit Charroux, EFREI, France
Publicity Chair
Mohamad Badra, Zayed University, UAE
Finance/Sponsor Co-Chair
Ibrahim Hajjeh, Fransec, France
Organization Chair
Layth Sliman, EFREI Engineering School, France
Local organization members
Pierre-Marie Bajan - irt-systemx.fr
Niezi Mharsi - irt-systemx.fr
Joseph Kamel irt-systemx.fr
Antoine Durand - irt-systemx.fr
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for papers 12th International Workshop On
Value Modelling and Business Ontologies (VMBO), VUA Amsterdam, The
Datum: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 18:46:11 +0000
Von: Gordijn, J. <j.gordijn(a)vu.nl>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for papers 12th International Workshop On Value Modelling and Business Ontologies (VMBO), VUA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
See also: https://vmbo2018.e3value.com/
Special theme: Value-aware design of information systems
Increasingly, information systems have a business and consumer value aspect. For example, end-user services such as Netflix and Spotify actually are information systems that produce economic value directly. In this edition of VMBO, we are seeking contributions that discuss the influence of new business insights (e.g. service-dominant logic) on information system design and the other way around.
The importance of modelling the essence of enterprises on a level that abstracts from operational details is increasingly recognized. Two recognized enterprise modelling approaches are value modelling and business ontologies. Business ontologies provide abstract descriptions of enterprises in their business context, focusing on what is needed to create and transfer value. Value modelling is a business modelling approach that focuses on the value objects exchanged in business networks. Business ontology and value modelling research is conducted using instruments like REA (Resources, Events, Agents), the Business Model Canvas, the e3value tool set, VDML and the Enterprise Engineering framework.
The goals of the VMBO workshop series are to bring together researchers with an interest in value modelling and business ontology in order to present and discuss the current state of enterprise or business modelling and to identify key areas for further research. The theme of this year's workshop is value aware design of information system, but other papers are welcome as well.
If you are interested in joining, please submit a paper in the following categories:
* full paper (maximum of eight pages), which describes original research contributions, present problems or challenges encountered in practice or report industrial cases and practices;
* short discussion paper (maximum of four pages), which describe your main ideas. We encourage you to focus on ideas in progress for which you would like to get feedback from other workshop participants.
Full papers will be published with CEUR proceedings. Also, the best full papers will be invited to submit an extended version of the paper to a special issue of Organisational Design & Enterprise Engineering (Springer). We also support the submission of VMBO papers (both short and full) afterwards to a special issue of a journal, e.g. the Journal of Applied Ontology (JAO) or the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA).
Note that papers submitted as short papers will be reviewed only marginally. The program committee will use the papers to put together a final program; the aim is to accommodate all relevant papers with sufficient quality.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
* Service ontology for business
* Service-oriented view of business ontology
* Enterprise Engineering
* Business modelling of service exchanges
* Value modelling fundamentals
* Value modelling applications and experiences
* Business ontology fundamentals
* Business ontology applications and experiences
* Role of value modelling in enterprise architecture
* Ontology-driven enterprise system development
* Ontology-aware enterprise systems
* Pragmatic Web Ð theory and applications
* Ontological representations of aggregated data
* Business ontology / value models for auditing
* Business ontology / value models for managerial decision making
* Business ontology / value models for strategy exploration
* Business ontology / value models for business process management
Important dates
* Jan 7, 2018 Paper submission deadline
* Jan 21, 2018 Notification of acceptance
* Feb 7, 2018 Camera ready for full papers
* Feb 7, 2018 Registration deadline
* Feb 26-27, 2018 VMBO Workshop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
How to submit
Submit your paper preferably in PDF format and following the proceedings style of Springer LNCS on Easychair
The workshop is organized in cooperation with SIKS (Netherlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems). SIKS-PhD-students can participate for free, but there is a limited number of seats available. SIKS PhD candidates are strongly encouraged to participate. They can include participation in the workshop in their educational program.
VMBO 2018 will be held at the VUA Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The VUA campus is just one train stop away from Schiphol airport. Moreover, the Thalys (international high speed train) also stops at Schiphol airport. There are hotels in the neighbourhood of the university campus (walking distance). If participants want to stay in the city centre in Amsterdam that is also possible. The VU campus can be reached by metro or tram from the city centre.
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Cfp: JSIS special issue on Digital Work and
Organizational Transformation
Datum: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 08:15:39 +0000
Von: Galliers, Robert <rgalliers(a)bentley.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Papers:
Strategic Perspectives on Digital Work and Organizational Transformation
Special Issue
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Guest Editors
Joao Baptista, Warwick Business School, UK
Mari-Klara Stein, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Jungwoo Lee, Yonsei University, South Korea
Mary Beth Watson-Manheim, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Stefan Klein, WWU Munster, Germany
Continuing the tradition of publishing research on the strategic significance of IT in organizations, this special issue of The Journal of Strategic Information Systems seeks original research on strategic perspectives on the future of work and digital transformation of modern organizations. Strategy often lags behind digital transformations in the workplace that emerge bottom-up driven by user’s adoption of new digital media. This special issue takes a strategic perspective, by interrogating the strategic significance of the digital transformation of organizing, and the role of strategy in driving this process. Technology driven organizational transformation is often presented as pushed by organizations (Besson and Rowe, 2012) but more recent studies suggest we need a closer look at actual practices (Peppard et al., 2014, Whittington, 2014) and a more grounded view of digital transformations that better capture emerging movements such as agile (Rigby et al., 2016) and open strategy (Baptista et al., 2017, Hautz et al., 2017). The special issue follows from previous calls for research in this area (Forman et al., 2014, Zammuto et al., 2007) but is particularly interested in research that captures the digitization of the workplace with an emphasis on implications to strategy and the nature of organizing covering strategic aspects and impacts of new dynamics and patterns of work, new structures and ways of organizing, new capabilities and practices, leadership styles and approaches, places and spaces of work with an outlook into the future of organizing.
Internal communication tools of the late 1990s based on email and intranets are gradually being enhanced and often replaced by more powerful platforms based on social media, collaborative and networking software that keep workers connected to content and colleagues (Martini et al., 2009, McAfee, 2006) but eventually become integral to the lifeblood and day-to-day running of the organization (Baptista, 2009). These tools are increasingly supported by more advanced data-driven intelligent engines (Newell and Marabelli, 2015, Galliers et al., 2017) that learn from use of documents and exchanges to suggest actions and expected behaviors. This is the vision portrayed by the platform companies such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook and others that are positioning themselves as complete digital solutions for the enterprise. Many large organizations enticed by the potential of a more connected, engaged, empowered and smart workforce adopt these technologies in the hope of driving innovation and attracting new talent and more agile teamwork and flexibility – ultimately adding value and gaining competitive advantage (Andriole, 2010). However, while striving to achieve these benefits, organizations face significant challenges (Kane et al., 2010) and unintended consequences (Baptista et al., 2010) often owing to misinformed views on the social and contextual dynamics of knowledge systems (Marabelli and Newell, 2012) that require new perspectives to understand the role of digital media in organizational activity and strategy (Von Krogh, 2012, Spagnoletti et al., 2015, Haefliger et al., 2011, Majchrzak et al., 2013).
Early research on adoption of email (Lee, 1994, Markus, 1994, Orlikowski, 2000, Cecez-Kecmanovic et al., 1999, Watson-Manheim et al., 1998), intranets (Newell et al., 2001, Damsgaard and Scheepers, 2000, Lamb, 2003, Lamb and Davidson, 2005, Duane and Finnegan, 2003) and knowledge management systems (Swan et al., 1999, Pan and Scarbrough, 1998, Jarvenpaa and Tanriverdi, 2003, Wasko and Faraj, 2000) illustrate the importance of the social, formal and informal dimensions at the core of these technologies in the workplace. The valuable lessons from this early work have somehow been lost, and despite recent work on the effects of social media use within organizations (Huang et al., 2013, Leonardi et al., 2013, Leonardi and Vaast, 2016), there is insufficient research capturing the effects of these new and more advanced digital media that now shape modern workplaces. Research is required into the deep effects of these new and more advanced digital platforms in transforming work practices and perceptions of individual roles and identity (Stein et al., 2013) and the very nature of work (Lee, 2016) – and ultimately the strategy and structural arrangements of today’s organizations (Baptista et al., 2017).
We do know that many organizations are moving forward with strategic intent to integrate these advanced workplace technologies in the fabric of their organizations (Dery et al., 2017), seeking more open and fluid collaboration, sharing and engagement (Vodanovich et al., 2010). However, this journey fundamentally ‘rewires’ the organization and the work environment (Watson-Manheim et al., 2002). Tensions emerge when traditional organizational structures based on centralized and command-and-control systems persist even as new ways of working based on digital platforms for open participation are expected (Denyer et al., 2011, Watson-Manheim and Belanger, 2007). These tensions become the catalysts for the development of new capabilities (Huang et al., 2015) that have the potential to move organizations towards new forms of organizing and strategizing (Baptista et al., 2017).
It is therefore important to explore these deep effects of new workplace technologies and their potential for transforming the dynamics, patterns and structure of organizations –, all in the context of their strategic significance. The resultant research agenda requires novel theoretical and methodological approaches to observe the unfolding of the effects of these new technologies in the workplace, and on practices, policy, governance, strategy, leadership and other fundamental aspects of organizing. It is also worth considering the usefulness of established theories that have been developed based on traditional organizations, pre-digitization, and consider the need to develop new theory or deploy theories from other fields to explain the new dynamics and deeper effects of digitization in modern workplace settings. Forward-looking studies are encouraged, in particular those investigating the effects of increased automation, machine learning, augmented reality and the fusion of digital, technological and human dimensions in the workplace.
Some of the topics of interest of this special issue include the following:
- Strategic opportunities and drivers of adoption of digital workplace technologies for organizations and individuals
- Emerging patterns and dynamics of work: organizational and individual perspectives
- Features and functions of new workplace technologies and their role in organizational transformation and strategy
- Process, phases and mechanisms of integration of workplace technologies into the fabric and strategy of organizations
- Changing of spatial and temporal dimensions of work
- Organizational adjustments to increased connectedness, participation and engagement in the strategic progression of the organization
- Structural mechanisms and framing devices to legitimise digital working
- Emergent tensions in digital work and the development of new organizational and individual capabilities
- Work fragmentation and nomadic work practices
- Implications (e.g., policy and governance) of increased feedback, transparency and open collaboration
- Managing and structurally integrating digital activity and feedback as a strategic input in the organization
- New structural and strategic conditions to support employee participation and engagement
- Emergence of new practices and forms of leadership in modern workplace settings.
We welcome studies that address one or more of these topics or that specifically contribute to our understanding of digital work in modern workplace settings, and their significance to strategizing. The special issue is open to any type of research and methodological approach and encourages innovative research methods and designs that allow for rigorous but rich and current insights into this phenomenon. Either qualitative or quantitative, or mixed, approaches are welcome. We also expect to publish exploratory research based on detailed observations of practices through participant observations and shadowing that provide the basis to advance new concepts and theory. The analysis of large data sets based on computational methods and text analysis is also welcomed. We also welcome studies that draw on concepts and theories from other fields such as strategy, organizational studies and HR.
There will be opportunity for interested authors to discuss their research plans with members of the editorial team of the special issue at the 5th CNoW pre-ICIS 2017 workshop. Participation in this event is highly recommended and requires sending an email with a two-page summary of the research to one of the editors by 4th December 2017. This summary should include 1. Key phenomena and research question 2. Theoretical and conceptual framing 3. Methods and case material 4. Expected contributions bearing in mind the strategic locus of JSIS. Logistical details regarding location and timing for this session will be provided to the participants in due course.
To be considered for publication, papers must be submitted electronically by March 31st, 2018. In line with JSIS convention, selected manuscripts will be sent out for blind review. Authors are instructed to follow the Guide for Authors for the journal, available at the journal’s website http://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-journal-of-strategic-information-syste…<http://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-journal-of-strategic-information-syste…>. Please choose "Special Issue: Digital Work and Organizational Transformation” as the paper type in the online submission system. Further enquiries about the special issue can be directed to Joao Baptista (j.baptista(a)wbs.ac.uk)<mailto:j.baptista@wbs.ac.uk)> and Mari-Klara Stein (ms.digi(a)cbs.dk<mailto:ms.digi@cbs.dk>).
Indicative timetable:
September 2017 Call issued
December 2017 ICIS Pre-conference workshop
March 31st 2018 Deadline for papers
July 2018 Reviews returned
November 2018 Revised papers submitted
January 31st 2019 Final papers due
September 2019 Special issue published
ANDRIOLE, S. 2010. Business Impact of Web 2.0 Technologies. Communications of the ACM, 53, 67-79.
BAPTISTA, J. 2009. Institutionalisation as a process of interplay between technology and its organisational context of use. Journal of Information Technology, 24, 305-319.
BAPTISTA, J., NEWELL, S. & CURRIE, W. 2010. Paradoxical effects of institutionalisation on the strategic awareness of technology in organisations. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 19, 171-183.
BAPTISTA, J., WILSON, A. D., GALLIERS, R. D. & BYNGHALL, S. 2017. Social Media and the Emergence of Reflexiveness as a New Capability for Open Strategy. Long Range Planning, 50, 322-336.
BESSON, P. & ROWE, F. 2012. Strategizing information systems-enabled organizational transformation: A transdisciplinary review and new directions. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 21, 103-124.
CECEZ-KECMANOVIC, D., MOODIE, D., BUSUTTIL, A. & PLESMAN, F. 1999. Organisational change mediated by e-mail and intranet - an ethnographic study. Information Technology & People, 12, 9-26.
DAMSGAARD, J. & SCHEEPERS, R. 2000. Managing the crises in intranet implementation: a stage model. Information Systems Journal, 10, 131.
DENYER, D., PARRY, E. & FLOWERS, P. 2011. “Social”,“Open” and “Participative”? Exploring Personal Experiences and Organisational Effects of Enterprise2. 0 Use. Long Range Planning, 44, 375-396.
DERY, K., SEBASTIAN, I. & MEULEN, N. V. D. 2017. The Digital Workplace is Key to Digital Innovation. MISQ Executive, 16, 135-152.
DUANE, A. & FINNEGAN, P. 2003. Managing empowerment and control in an intranet environment. Information Systems Journal, 13, 133-158.
FORMAN, C., KING, J. L. & LYYTINEN, K. 2014. Information, Technology, and the Changing Nature of Work. Information Systems Research, 25, 789–795.
GALLIERS, R. D., NEWELL, S., SHANKS, G. & TOPI, H. 2017. Datification and its human, organizational and societal effects: The MARK strategic opportunities and challenges of algorithmic decision-making. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 26, 187-190.
HAEFLIGER, S., MONTEIRO, E., FORAY, D. & VON KROGH, G. 2011. Social Software and Strategy. Long Range Planning, 44, 297-316.
HAUTZ, J., SEIDL, D. & WHITTINGTON, R. 2017. Open strategy: Dimensions, Dilemmas, Dynamics. Long Range Planning, 50, 298-309.
HUANG, J., BAPTISTA, J. & GALLIERS, R. D. 2013. Reconceptualizing rhetorical practices in organizations: The impact of social media on internal communications. Information & Management, 50, 112-124.
HUANG, J., BAPTISTA, J. & NEWELL, S. 2015. Communicational ambidexterity as a new capability to manage social media communication within organizations. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 24, 49-64.
JARVENPAA, S. & TANRIVERDI, H. 2003. Leading virtual knowledge networks. Organizational Dynamics, 31, 403-412.
KANE, G., MAJCHRZAK, A. & IVES, B. 2010. Special issue on enterprise and industry applications of social media. MIS Quarterly Executive, 9, iii-iv.
LAMB, R. 2003. Intranet Boundaries as Guidelines for Systems Integration. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 7.
LAMB, R. & DAVIDSON, E. 2005. Understanding intranets in the context of end-user computing. Database for Advances in Information Systems, 36, 64.
LEE, A. S. 1994. Electronic mail as a medium for rich communication: An empirical investigation using hermeneutic. MIS Quarterly, 18, 143.
LEE, J. 2016. Drivers and Consequences in Transforming Work Practices. The Impact of ICT on Work. Singapore: Springer.
LEONARDI, P. & VAAST, E. 2016. Social Media and Their Affordances for Organizing: A Review and Agenda for Research. Academy of Management Annals.
LEONARDI, P. M., HUYSMAN, M. & STEINFIELD, C. 2013. Enterprise Social Media: Definition, History, and Prospects for the Study of Social Technologies in Organizations. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 19, 1-19.
MAJCHRZAK, A., FARAJ, S., KANE, G. C. & AZAD, B. 2013. The Contradictory Influence of Social Media Affordances on Online Communal Knowledge Sharing. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 19, 38-55.
MARABELLI, M. & NEWELL, S. 2012. Knowledge risks in organizational networks: The practice perspective. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 21, 18-30.
MARKUS, M. L. 1994. Electronic Mail as the Medium of Managerial Choice. Organization Science: A Journal of the Institute of Management Sciences, 5, 502.
MARTINI, A., CORSO, M. & PELLEGRINI, L. 2009. An empirical roadmap for intranet evolution. International Journal of Information Management, 29, 295-308.
MCAFEE, A. 2006. Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration. MIT Sloan Management Review, 47, 21.
NEWELL, S. & MARABELLI, M. 2015. Strategic opportunities (and challenges) of algorithmic decision-making: A call for action on the long-term societal effects of ‘datification’. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 24, 3-14.
NEWELL, S., SCARBROUGH, H. & SWAN, J. 2001. From Global Knowledge Management to Internal Electronic Fences: Contradictory Outcomes of Intranet Development. British Journal of Management, 12, 97.
ORLIKOWSKI, W. J. 2000. Using Technology and Constituting Structures: A Practice Lens for Studying Technology in Organizations. Organization Science, 11, 404-428.
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PEPPARD, J., GALLIERS, R. & THOROGOOD, A. 2014. Information systems strategy as practice: Micro strategy and strategizing for IS. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 23, 1-10.
RIGBY, D. K., SUTHERLAND, J. & TAKEUCHI, H. 2016. Embracing agile: How to master the process that’s transforming management. Harvard Business Review, 94, 40-50.
SPAGNOLETTI, P., RESCA, A. & SÆBØ, Ø. 2015. Design for social media engagement: Insights from elderly care assistance. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 24, 128-145.
STEIN, M.-K., GALLIERS, R. D. & MARKUS, M. L. 2013. Towards an understanding of identity and technology in the workplace. Journal of Information Technology, 28, 167-182.
SWAN, J., NEWELL, S., SCARBOROUGH, H. & HISLOP, D. 1999. Knowledge management and innovation: networks and networking. Journal of Knowledge Management, 3, 262-75.
VODANOVICH, S., SUNDARAM, D. & MYERS, M. 2010. Research Commentary—Digital Natives and Ubiquitous Information Systems. Information Systems Research, 21, 711-723.
VON KROGH, G. 2012. How does social software change knowledge management? Toward a strategic research agenda. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 21, 154-164.
WASKO, M. & FARAJ, S. 2000. “It is what one does”: why people participate and help others in electronic communities of practice. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 9, 155-173.
WATSON-MANHEIM, M. B. & BELANGER, F. 2007. Communication Media Repertoires: Dealing with the Multiplicity of Media Choices. MIS Quarterly, 31, 267-293.
WATSON-MANHEIM, M. B., CHUDOBA, K. M. & CROWSTON, K. 2002. Discontinuities and continuities: a new way to understand virtual work. Information Technology & People, 15, 191-209.
WATSON-MANHEIM, M. B., NARASIMHAN, S. & RHEE, H.-S. 1998. Communication and Coordination in the Virtual Office. Journal of Management Information Systems, 14, 7-28.
WHITTINGTON, R. 2014. Information systems strategy and strategy-as-practice: A joint agenda. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 23, 87-91.
ZAMMUTO, R. F., GRIFFITH, T. L., MAJCHRZAK, A., DOUGHERTY, D. J. & FARAJ, S. 2007. Information Technology and the Changing Fabric of Organization. Organization Science, 18, 749-762.
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Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: 2018 IEEE 22nd International
Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (IEEE CSCWD
2018), May 9-11, 2018, Nanjing, China
Datum: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 17:41:46 -0400
Von: Shen, Weiming <Weiming.Shen(a)nrc-cnrc.gc.ca>
An: 'Computational Science Mailing List
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP)
The 2018 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (IEEE CSCWD 2018) May 9-11, 2018, Nanjing, China
Design of complex artifacts and systems requires the cooperation of multidisciplinary design teams. The 2018 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (IEEE CSCWD 2018) provides a forum for researchers and practitioners involved in different but related domains to confront research results and discuss key problems. The scope of CSCWD 2018 includes the research and development of collaboration technologies and their applications to the design of processes, products, systems, and services in industries and societies. Collaboration technologies include theories, methods, mechanisms, protocols, software tools, platforms, and services that support communication, coordination and collaboration among people, software and hardware systems. Related fields of research include human-computer interaction, business process management, collaborative virtual environments, enterprise modeling, security and privacy, as well as social aspects and human factors related to collaboration and design.
The major topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:
* Collaboration theories and methodologies
* Collaboration methods, mechanisms, and protocols
* Collaboration platforms, software tools, and services
* Collaborative computing (Agents, Clouds, Grids, Web Services, Blochchains)
* Collaborative processing of Big Data
* Collaborative virtual environments
* Collaborative wireless sensor networks and Internet of Things
* Collaborative workflows
* Collaborative workspaces
* Interoperability, ontology and semantics
* Security and privacy in collaborative systems
* Collaboration technology applications in aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing
* Collaboration technology applications in architecture, engineering, and construction
* Collaboration technology applications in business and administration
* Collaboration technology applications in healthcare and homecare
* Collaboration technology applications in infrastructure and facility management
* Collaboration technology applications in intelligent buildings and smart homes
* Collaboration technology applications in logistics and transportation
* Collaboration technology applications in power and energy
* Collaboration technology applications in social networks and entertainment
Submission of Papers
Papers reporting original research results and experience are solicited. Each paper, written in English, is limited to 6 pages (IEEE proceedings format), including references and illustrations. Electronic submissions in PDF format are strongly recommended. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the conference to present the paper.
Submission Web Site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cscwd2018
All submitted papers will be reviewed by program committee members and selected based on their originality, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE categorized conference proceedings and will be submitted for indexing to EI (Compendex), DBLP and other indexing services. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit revised and expanded version of their papers to be considered for publication in special issues of well-known international journals (confirmed with Elsevier Journal: Advanced Engineering Informatics).
Dr. Fang Dong,
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Southeast University, China
Dr. Weiming Shen
National Research Council Canada
Important Dates
October 30, 2017 Paper submission due
February 28, 2018 Author notification
March 31, 2018 Final papers due
March 31, 2018 Author registrations due
May 9-11, 2018 Conference
Organized by
Southeast University, China
Co-Sponsored by
IEEE SMC Society
CSCWD International Working Group
computational.science mailing list
Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Contributions - IEEE Engineering
Management Review
Datum: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:28:46 +0000
Von: Sarkis, Joseph <jsarkis(a)wpi.edu>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues,
IEEE Engineering Management Review, the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS) journal of practice, after 45 years, is transitioning into an original content outlet, beginning with its 2018 volume.
We have a new structure and a new editorial team from various organizations and institutions of higher learning from throughout the world.
We would like to invite high quality professional-practical works with interesting, novel, and even provocative insights into Engineering, Technology, and Innovation Management.
More information about the journal scope, topics, and the editorial team can be found at: http://www.ieee-tems.org/ieee-engineering-management-review/
Please feel free to contact us if you wish to contribute and have questions.
Joe S.
[Description: Description: WPI]
Joseph Sarkis, Ph.D.
Foisie School of Business
Phone: 508.831.4831
Email: jsarkis(a)wpi.edu<mailto:jsarkis@wpi.edu>
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609-2280, USA
Orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0143-804X
Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/F-4508-2014
Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55910798700
Scholar Google: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5DfbYR7MkqMC&hl=en&oi=ao
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: IS Innovation, Adoption and Diffusion at ECIS
Datum: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 09:31:21 +0000
Von: Laumer, Sven <sven.laumer(a)uni-bamberg.de>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2018)
Track 25 IS Innovation, Adoption and Diffusion
June 23-28, 2018, Portsmouth, UK (http://ecis2018.eu/)
Deadline for paper submissions: November 27, 2017 (strict deadline!)
Short Description of the Track
When the technology acceptance model (TAM, Davis 1989) was developed in 1989 computers were new and alien to many organizations and individuals. At that time, technologies were designed to automate administrative and transactional work typically by utilizing large enterprise systems. Now digital technologies are ubiquitous in every aspect of our societies, work, and lives. With an unrelenting pace of innovation, organizations and consumers now face many new dilemmas, new questions, and new uncertainties. On the one hand, users might feel challenged to adapt to changes induced by new digital technologies. On the other hand, users might employ digital technologies to reap benefits for the individual or organization. Studying these different forms of technology use is important, as Thomas Davenport concluded in his keynote at the CIO symposium at ICIS 2015 in Fort Worth, as a discipline, "we need to begin preparing people for the impacts of these technologies". While digital technologies infuse and shape our daily lives, many core theoretical perspectives derive from the time when computers where new and not widely used by many individuals. Hence, there is a need to reconsider old theories, to develop new theories and to employ novel methodological approaches in order to understand how individuals, organizations or societies adopt and use information technology. Therefore, we solicit contributions that advance theory and employ diverse methodological approaches (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, design science, action research, data analytics etc.) that extend understanding of the diffusion of digital technologies.
Potential topics include:
* Organizational adoption and use of digital technologies
* Individual adoption, use, and discontinuance of digital technologies
* Factors enabling or inhibiting acceptance and use of digital technologies
* Positive and negative consequences of using digital technologies for both organizations and individuals
* New theoretical perspectives on acceptance, use and diffusion of digital technologies
* New methodological approaches to study acceptance, use and diffusion of digital technologies
Track Co-Chairs
Sven Laumer, University of Bamberg, Germany
Jason Thatcher, Clemson University, USA
Christian Maier, University of Bamberg, Germany
Track Associate Editors
Bassellier, Geneviève
Bernardi, Roberta
Cheung, Christy MK
Choudri, Jyoti
Claggett, Jennifer
Dwivedi, Yogesh
Eckhardt, Andreas
Haggerty, Nicole
Hsu, Carol
Jeyaraj, Anand
Koch, Stefan
Mills, Annette
Miranda, Shaila M.
Schwarz, Andrew
Sun, Heshan
Tams, Stefan
Tarafdar, Monideepa
Tiefenbeck, Verena
Turel, Ofir
Weitzel, Tim
Wright, Ryan
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: 1st CFP (deadline extension) -Educational Technologies (July
8-11, 2018)
Datum: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 03:39:19 -0400
Von: EISTA 2018 <cfp-summer(a)mail.iiisconferences2018.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu.ac.at
IIIS 2018 Conferences
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
We would like to inform you that we extended to * *December 6^th , 2017*
* the submission deadline for your potential contribution in the area
"Educational Technologies" or any other included in the *16^th
International Conference on Education and Information Systems,
Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2018*
(http://www.2018iiisconf.org/eista), to be held on *July 8 - 11, 2018*,
in Orlando, Florida, USA, jointly with:
* The 12^th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics,
and Informatics: IMSCI 2018
* The 22^nd World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and
Informatics: WMSCI 2018
* The 11^th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and
Technological Innovation: IMETI 2018
The respective web sites of the above events and the others being
jointly organized can be found at the general CFP posted at:
*To submit your article, please click the "Authors" tab on the
conference website*. Submissions for face-to-face and virtual
presentations are both accepted.
*The new deadlines for this first CFP are the following*:
* December 6^th , 2017: Article submissions
* December 6^th , 2017: Invited session proposals
* January 17^th , 2018: Notifications of acceptance
* February 14^th , 2018: Uploading of camera-ready or final version
IMSCI/EISTA and all its collocated events are being *indexed by
Elsevier's SCOPUS* since 2005. The 2018 proceedings will also be sent to
Elsevier's SCOPUS.
Authors of *early submissions* to EISTA 2018 (or any of its collocated
events) and, consequently, of early acceptances and registrations will be:
1. Considered in the selection of *keynote speakers* because this
selection will need additional reviews.
2. Invited for submitting a *second paper* on special topics; which, if
accepted, will require *no additional fee for its presentation*.
These topics, which will be selected by the Organizing Committee,
are very important topics, but are not necessarily among the usual
grants priorities. The IIIS will finance this kind of papers which
are important for many authors but are not among the priorities of
policy makers in organizations which might financially be supporting
participations in conferences.
Details about the following issues have also been included at the URLs
given above:
* Pre- and post-conference virtual sessions.
* Virtual participation.
* Two-tier reviewing combining double-blind and non-blind methods.
* Access to reviewers’ comments and evaluation average.
* Waiving the registration fee of effective invited session organizers.
* Best papers awards.
* Publication of best papers in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics,
and Informatics (JSCI), which is indexed in EBSCO, Cabell, DOAJ
(Directory of Open Access Journals), and Google Scholar, and listed
in Cabell Directory of Publishing Opportunities and in Ulrich’s
Periodical Directory. (All papers to be presented at the conference
will be included in the conference printed and electronic proceedings)
Please consider forwarding to the appropriate groups who might be
interested in submitting contribution to the above mentioned collocated
events. New information and deadlines are posted on the conference and
the IIIS web site (especially at the URL provided above).
Best regards,
EISTA 2018 Organizing Committee
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