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Betreff: [AISWorld] Last CFP: Fourth World Congress 2015 in Malaysia
Datum: Wed, 5 Aug 2015 10:09:56 +0000
Von: Hazel Ann <hazel.sdiwc(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: Hazel Ann <hazel.sdiwc(a)gmail.com>
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The submission has been extended to August 15, 2015! SUBMIT YOUR PAPER NOW.
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** The Fourth World Congress on Computing, Engineering and Technology (WCET)
** Event Overview
The Fourth World Congress on Computing, Engineering and Technology (WCET) brings together leaders from governments, NGOs, international organizations, research institutions and private sectors to discuss the cutting edge topics in the area of computing, security, digital information, green computing, and other related topics. This multi-conference event provides the opportunity for all researchers to share and promote their knowledge.
EEETEM2015 - The International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, and Mechatronics
GCIRE2015 - The International Conference on Green Computing, Intelligent and Renewable Energies
Important Dates
Submission Dates The submission is open from now until [DEL: Aug. 08, 2015 :DEL] Aug. 15, 2015
Notification of Acceptance August 23, 2015
Camera Ready Submission Open from now until August 29, 2015
Registration Open from now until August 29, 2015
Conference Dates September 8-10, 2015
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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP The 2nd International Conference on Vehicle
Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems - VEHITS 2016
Datum: Wed, 5 Aug 2015 12:48:50 +0100
Von: Calendar Sites <calendarsites(a)insticc.org>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 2nd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent
Transport Systems VEHITS 2016
Website: www.vehits.org
23 24 April, 2016
Rome, Italy
Regular Papers
Paper Submission: October 27, 2015
Authors Notification: February 1, 2016
Camera Ready and Registration: February 16, 2016
Position Papers
Paper Submission: January 5, 2016
Authors Notification: February 9, 2016
Camera Ready and Registration: February 23, 2016
Workshop Proposal: November 11, 2015
Doctoral Consortium
Paper Submission: February 16, 2016
Authors Notification: February 24, 2016
Camera Ready and Registration: March 4, 2016
Special Sessions
Special Session Proposal: November 20, 2015
Tutorials, Demos and Panel Proposals
December 16, 2015
Sponsored by:
INSTICC Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and
In Cooperation with:
ABVE Associação Brasileira do Veículo Eléctrico
Logistics Partner:
SCITEVENTS Science and Technology Events
The purpose of the 2nd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and
Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS) is to bring together engineers,
researchers and practitioners interested in the advances and applications in
the field of Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems.
This conference focuses on innovative applications, tools and platforms in
all technology areas such as signal processing, wireless communications,
informatics and electronics, related to different kinds of vehicles,
including cars, off-road vehicles, trains, ships, underwater vehicles, or
flying machines, and the intelligent transportation systems that connect and
manage large numbers of vehicles, not only in the context of smart cities
but in many other application domains.
VEHITS 2016 will be held in conjunction with CSEDU 2016, SMARTGREENS 2016,
WEBIST 2016, CLOSER 2016 and IoTBD 2016.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under
an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.
SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/) and every
paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the
SCITEPRESS Digital Library.
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier
Index) and Scopus.
The awards will be announced and bestowed at the conference closing session.
Please check the website for further information:
VEHITS 2016 will have several invited keynote speakers, who are
internationally recognized experts in their areas. Their names are not yet
Oleg Gusikhin, Ford Research & Adv. Engineering, United States
Markus Helfert, Dublin City University, Ireland
Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not
exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics,
although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related
sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following
main topic areas:
* Driver Behavior Analysis
* Navigation Systems
* Autonomous Vehicles and Automated Driving
* Vision and Image Processing
* Vehicle Environment Perception
* Pattern Recognition for Vehicles
* Cognitive and Context-aware Intelligence
* Automotive Control and Mechatronics
* Off the Road Vehicles
* Traffic and Vehicle Data Collection and Processing
* Big Data Analytics for Intelligent Transportation
* Urban Mobility and Multimodal Transportation
* Congestion Management and Avoidance
* Public Transportation Management
* Parking Management and Electronic Parking
* Intelligent Infrastructure and Guidance Systems
* Traffic Theory, Modeling, and Simulation
* Air, Road, and Rail Traffic Management
* Ports and Vessel Traffic Management
* Road Safety and Transport Security
* Real-time Incident Detection
* Information Systems and Technologies
* Wireless Sensor Networks
* Automatic Tolls
* Geographic Information Systems
* Cooperative Driving and Traffic Management
* V2V, V2I, V2X
* Vehicular Networks
* Security and Safety
* Cognitive Radio
* Communication Protocols
* Connected Services
* Remote Diagnosis
* Vehicle Telematics
* Vehicular Cloud Computing
* Mobility and the Internet of Vehicles
* Big Data and Vehicle Analytics
* City Mobility and Ecodriving
* Electric Vehicles
* Fuel Cell Vehicles
* Hybrid EVs
* Smart Grid and V2G
* Systems Modeling and Simulation
* Engine-Efficiency and Emissions Control
* Power Management
* Alternative Fuels
* Transport for People with Disabilities
VEHITS Secretariat
Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq.
2910-595 Setubal - Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 184
Fax: +44 203 014 8813
e-mail: vehits.secretariat(a)insticc.org
Please check further details at the conference website www.vehits.org
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [WI] Cfp AIS SIGPRAG Pre-ICIS workshop on ”Practice-based
Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts”
Datum: Wed, 05 Aug 2015 13:13:38 +0100
Von: Markus Helfert <markus.helfert(a)computing.dcu.ie>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Call for Papers
AIS SIGPRAG Pre-ICIS workshop on
”Practice-based Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts”
December 12, 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Background – pragmatic perspectives
There have been many calls in the information systems (IS) community for
a stronger pragmatic focus. This can be seen in a growing interest for
research approaches and methods in IS that emphasize contribution to
practice and collaboration between the practice and academia. Action
research, which aims for knowledge development through collaboration and
intervention in real settings, is achieving more and more academic
credibility (Baskerville & Myers, 2004; Davison et al, 2004). This can
also be said about design science research that aims for the generation
of new and useful artifacts (Hevner et al, 2004; Gregor & Jones, 2007).
Research through evaluation has had a long and venerable place in IS
research (Ward et, 1996; Serafeimidis & Smithson, 2003). Several
approaches and frameworks that combine or integrate elements from the
above-mentioned approaches have also emerged, e.g. practice research
(Goldkuhl, 2011), collaborative practice research (Mathiassen, 2002),
practical science (Gregor, 2008), engaged scholarship (Mathiassen &
Nielsen, 2008), action design research (Sein et al, 2011) and technical
action research (Wieringa & Morali, 2012). Underlying these different
approaches is a quest for practical relevance of the conducted research
(Benbasat & Zmud, 1999; Van de Ven, 2007; Wieringa, 2010). It is not
enough to only “mirror” the world through descriptions and explanations
but a pragmatic orientation recognizes intervention and design as a way
of knowing and a means for building knowledge about social and
institutional phenomena (Aakhus, 2007). There is a need for knowledge of
other epistemic kinds that contributes more clearly to the improvement
of IS practices.
A pragmatic orientation can also be seen in the increasing interest in
the conceptualization of practices, activities, agency and actions.
Practice theorizing has gained an increased attention in IS studies
(Orlikowski, 2008; Leonardi, 2011). There has been an interest for
agency and action oriented theories in IS for quite some time; e.g.
activity theory (Nardi, 1996), structuration theory (Orlikowski, 1992),
social action theorizing (Hirschheim et al, 1996), human agency
theorizing (Boudreau & Robey, 2005) and language action perspective
(Winograd & Flores, 1986). From this follows also an interest for social
and pragmatic views of the IT artifact (Aakhus & Jackson, 2005). This
includes views of the IT artifact as contextually embedded and carriers
of those social contexts (Orlikowski & Iacono, 2001) and such artifacts
being tools for action and communication (Ågerfalk, 2003; Markus &
Silver, 2008). Design research practice and the contributions to
practice through appropriation of knowledge and methods and the
contributions to academia through knowledge artifacts has been discussed
(Donnellan, Sjöström, Helfert, 2012).This enhanced practice and action
orientation follows a growing awareness within IS scholars towards
pragmatism as a research foundation (e.g. Goles & Hirschheim, 2000;
Ågerfalk, 2010; Goldkuhl, 2012). It is not the case that IS scholars
suddenly become pragmatists in their research orientation. It is rather
the case that there is move from an implicit pragmatism to an explicit
one (Goldkuhl, 2012). For a long time IS scholars have addressed
practical problems with an interest for improvement. That interest has
led to the extensive development of methods, models and constructive
frameworks for not only the design of IT artifacts, but also related to
several other IS/IT phenomena like e.g. innovation management, business
process management, project management, IT service management just to
mention a few. These methods actually reveal an on-going search for
knowledge of other epistemic kinds for advancing understanding of
information technology, information systems, and practice.
Workshop focus
This AIS SIGPRAG Pre-ICIS workshop has a general orientation towards
pragmatic perspectives on IS as described above. The focus is on
“Practice-based Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts”. This means
an emphasis on digital artifacts as embedded in social practices and
carriers of elements in such practices. It emphasizes also the
innovative nature of designing new artifacts and new practices. The
workshop acknowledges different sub-themes within this broad workshop theme:
· Ways to research practice-based design and innovation of
digital artifacts
· Ways to conceptualize and describe practices
· Ways to conceptualize and describe digital artifacts
· The processes of innovation and design of digital artifacts and
Topics within these sub-themes are described below.
Workshop purpose
This workshop is arranged in the same spirit and a continuation of
earlier successful SIGPRAG workshops on “Practice research”, “IT
Artifact Design & Workpractice Improvement” and “Action Research &
Design Research Integrations”.
This SIGPRAG workshop intends to bring scholars and practitioners
together for a knowledge exchange and development on research
foundations and practical contributions concerning the design and
innovation of digital artifacts and practices. The SIGPRAG workshop is
intended to be a developmental arena with thoughtful and constructive
feedback from reviews and comments on site. The workshop should be a
place where you can present ideas in papers and get fruitful feedback
for further development of the papers. A developmental arena means also
taking responsibility for pushing contributions further to high-quality
journal publications. From earlier SIGPRAG workshops (ADWI-2012,
ADWI-2013 and ADWI-2014) several papers have been pushed further into
special issues in the open access journal Systems, Signs & Actions. At
least one special issue will be arranged in Systems, Signs & Actions
inviting promising papers from this SIGPRAG workshop. The theme will be
decided on later. We will possibly also work with some other outlet for
another special issue. This depends on the outcome of the workshop.
The workshop can include papers from diverse fields of IS. Topics
following the identified workshop sub-themes are listed below.
Ways to research practice-based design and innovation of digital
artifacts; empirical research approaches such as:
· Practice research
· Action research
· Design science research
· Action design research
· Case study research
· Evaluation research
· Discourse analysis
· Pragmatic inquiries
· Practitioner – research collaborations
Ways to research practice-based design and innovation of digital
artifacts; knowledge creation approaches such as:
· Design theory development
· Method design/refinement
· Grounded theory development
· Multi-grounded theory development
· Practical theory development
Ways to conceptualize and describe practices; for example:
· Symbolic interaction
· Language action
· Socio-materiality
· Institutionalism
· Actor-networks
· Infrastructure evolution
· Socio-instrumentalism
· Distributed cognition
· Distributed agency
Ways to conceptualize and describe digital artifacts; for example:
· Ensemble view
· Socio-technical view
· Contextual view
· Functional tool view
· Affordance view
· Communicative action view
The processes of innovation and design of digital artifacts and
practices; for example aspects such as:
· Innovation strategies
· Openness in innovation
· Design thinking
· Collaborative design
· Stakeholder interactions (power-playing vs. value balancing and
informed consensus building)
· Practice understanding and diagnosis
· Wicked problems
· Problem formulation
· Values and goals articulation
· Idea generation
· Idea capture
· Design conversations
· Idea visualization (modeling, prototyping)
· Strategies for testing and evaluation
Dates and submission details
Submissions: September 30, 2015
Notification: October 31, 2015
Final manuscripts: November 30, 2015
Workshop: December 12, 2015
The workshop website is http://sigprag.net/. The workshop will follow an
ordinary scientific procedure with submission of papers and selection of
papers through peer-review (pursued by an international program
committee). Papers are expected to be between 5-16 pages. We welcome
full research papers as well as shorter papers (work-in-progress or
position papers). For submissions we use the EasyChair system
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sigpragws2015). A format
template can be found at the workshop website (http://sigprag.net/).
Workshop proceedings will be electronically published and distributed.
There will be a small workshop fee covering catering.
Workshop co-chairs
Brian Donnellan, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland
Göran Goldkuhl, Linköping University, Sweden (goran.goldkuhl(a)liu.se)
Jonas Sjöström, Uppsala University, Sweden (jonas.sjostrom(a)im.uu.se)
Mark Aakhus, Rutgers University, NJ, USA (aakhus(a)rci.rutgers.edu)
Markus Helfert, Dublin City University, Ireland
AIS Special interest group on Pragmatic IS research (AIS SIGPRAG),
Programme Committee
Michel Avital, Denmark
Rodney Clarke, Australia
Stefan Cronholm, Sweden
Matt Germonprez, USA
Rob Gleasure, Ireland
Shirley Gregor, Australia
Ola Henfridsson, UK
Philip Huysman, Belgium
Matt Levy, USA
Kalle Lyytinen, USA
Matthew Mullarkey, USA
Matti Rossi, Finland
Gerhard Schwabe, Switzerland
Christian Tornack, Germany
Roel Wieringa, the Netherlands
More members to be announced.
Aakhus M (2007) Communication as Design. Communication Monographs, Vol
74 (1), pp 112–117
Aakhus M, Jackson S (2005) Technology, Interaction and Design. In K.
Fitch & B. Sanders (Eds.), Handbook of Language and Social Interaction
(pp. 411–433). Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ
Ågerfalk P J (2003) Information Systems Actability: Understanding
Information Technology as a Tool for Business Action and Communication,
Ph D diss, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping
University Ågerfalk P J (2010) Getting Pragmatic, European Journal of
Information Systems, Vol 19 (3), pp 251–256 Baskerville R, Myers M
(2004) Special issue on action research in information systems: making
IS research relevant to practice – foreword, MIS Quarterly, Vol 28 (3),
p 329-335 Benbasat I, Zmud R W (1999) Empirical research in information
system research: The practice of relevance, MIS Quarterly, Vol 23 (1), p
3-16 Boudreau M-C, Robey D (2005) Enacting Integrated Information
Technology: A Human Agency Perspective, Organization Science, Vol 16
(1), p 3–18 Davison R M, Martinsons M G, Kock N (2004) Principles of
canonical action research, Information Systems Journal, Vol 14, p 65–86
Donnellan B, Sjöström, J, Helfert M (2012) Applying Product Semantics to
Design Research, IFIP Working Group 8.2 Conference : Shaping the Future
of ICT Research: Methods and Approaches, University of South Florida,
Tampa Goles T, Hirschheim R (2000) The paradigm is dead, the paradigm is
dead … long live the paradigm: the legacy of Burell and Morgan, Omega,
Vol 28, p 249-268 Goldkuhl G (2011) The research practice of practice
research: theorizing and situational inquiry, Systems, Signs & Actions,
Vol 5 (1), p 7-29 Goldkuhl G (2012) Pragmatism vs. interpretivism in
qualitative information systems research, European Journal of
Information Systems, Vol 21 (2), p 135-146 Gregor S (2008) Building
theory in a practical science, in Hart D, Gregor S (Eds, 2008)
Information Systems Foundations: The role of design science, ANU E
Press, Canberra Gregor S, Jones D (2007) The Anatomy of a Design Theory,
Journal of AIS, Vol 8 (5), p 312-335 Hevner A R, March S T, Park J, Ram
S (2004) Design science in information systems research, MIS Quarterly,
Vol 28 (1), p 75-115 Hirschheim R, Klein H, Lyytinen K (1996) Exploring
the intellectual structures of information systems development: a social
action theoretic analysis, Accounting, Management & Information
Technology, Vol 6 (1/2), pp. 1-64 Leonardi P (2011) When flexible
routines meet flexible technologies: affordance, constraint, and the
imbrication of human and material agencies, MIS Quarterly, Vol 35 (1),
pp. 147-167 Markus L, Silver M (2008) A foundation for the study of IT
effects: A new look at DeSanctis and Poole’s concepts of structural
features and spirit, Journal of the AIS, Vol. 9 (10/11), pp 609-632
Mathiassen L (2002) Collaborative practice research, Information
Technology & People, Vol 15 (4), p 321-345 Mathiassen L, Nielsen P A
(2008) Engaged Scholarship in IS Research. The Scandinavian Case,
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol 20 (2), p 3–20 Nardi B
A (Ed, 1996) Context and consciousness. Activity theory and
human-computer interaction, MIT Press, Cambridge Orlikowski W J (1992)
The Duality of Technology: Rethinking the Concept of Technology in
Organizations, Organization Science, Vol 3 (3), p 398-429 Orlikowski W J
(2008) Sociomaterial Practices: Exploring Technology at Work,
Organization Studies, Vol 28 (9), p 1435–1448 Orlikowski W J, Iacono C S
(2001) Desperately seeking the “IT” in IT research – a call to
theorizing the IT artifact, Information Systems Research, Vol 12 (2), pp
121-134 Sein M, Henfridsson O, Purao S, Rossi M, Lindgren R (2011)
Action design research, MIS Quarterly, Vol 35 (1), p 37-56 Serafeimidis
V, Smithson S (2003) Information systems evaluation as an organizational
institution – experience from a case study, Information Systems Journal,
Vol 13, pp 251–274 Van de Ven A (2007) Engaged scholarship: A guide for
organizational and social research, Oxford University Press, Oxford Ward
J, Taylor P, Bond P (1996) Evaluation and realisation of IS/IT benefits:
an empirical study of current practice, European Journal of Information
Systems, Vol 4, pp 214-225 Wieringa R (2010) Relevance and problem
choice in design science, in Winter R, Zhao J L, Aier S (Eds. 2010)
Proceedings DESRIST 2010, LNCS 6105, Springer, Berlin Wieringa R, Morali
A (2012) Technical action research as a validation method in information
systems design science, Proceedings DESRIST 2012, LNCS 7286, Springer,
Berlin Winograd T, Flores F (1986) Understanding computers and
cognition: A new foundation for design, Ablex, Norwood
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-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Last Mile: Second IEEE/ACM
International Conference on Big Data Computing (BDC 2015)
Datum: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 19:39:58 +0300
Von: Announce Announcements <announce(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
An: Computational Science Mailing List
*** Last Mile ***
Second IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing
(BDC 2015)
December 07-10, 2015, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Co-located with the 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference
on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2015)
*** FINAL EXTENDED DEADLINE: 7 August, 2015 ***
Rapid advances in digital sensors, networks, storage, and computation along
with their availability at low cost is leading to the creation of huge collections
of data -- dubbed as Big Data. This data has the potential for enabling new
insights that can change the way business, science, and governments deliver
services to their consumers and can impact society as a whole. This has led
to the emergence of the Big Data Computing paradigm focusing on sensing,
collection, storage, management and analysis of data from variety of sources
to enable new value and insights.
To realize the full potential of Big Data Computing, we need to address
several challenges and develop suitable conceptual and technological
solutions for dealing them. These include life-cycle management of data,
large-scale storage, flexible processing infrastructure, data modeling,
scalable machine learning and data analysis algorithms, techniques for
sampling and making trade-off between data processing time and accuracy,
and dealing with privacy and ethical issues involved in data sensing, storage,
processing, and actions.
The International Symposium on Big Data Computing (BDC) 2015 -- held in
conjunction with 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud
Computing (UCC) 2015, December 7-10, 2015, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol,
Cyprus, aims at bringing together international researchers, developers,
policy makers, and users and to provide an international forum to present
leading research activities, technical solutions, and results on a broad range
of topics related to Big Data Computing paradigms, platforms and their
applications. The conference features keynotes, technical presentations,
posters, and workshops.
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research manuscripts
that demonstrate current research in all areas of Big Data Computing.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
I. Big Data Science
· Analytics
· Algorithms for Big Data
· Energy-efficient Algorithms
· Big Data Search
· Big Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning, and Best Practices
· Visualization of Big Data
II. Big Data Infrastructures and Platforms
· Programming Systems
· Cyber-Infrastructure
· Performance evaluation
· Fault tolerance and reliability
· I/O and Data management
· Storage Systems (including file systems, NoSQL, and RDBMS)
· Resource management
· Many-Task Computing
· Many-core computing and accelerators
III. Big Data Security and Policy
· Management Policies
· Data Privacy
· Data Security
· Big Data Archival and Preservation
· Big Data Provenance
IV. Big Data Applications
· Scientific application cases studies on Cloud infrastructure
· Big Data Applications at Scale
· Experience Papers with Big Data Application Deployments
· Data streaming applications
· Big Data in Social Networks
· Healthcare Applications
· Enterprise Applications
One or more best paper awards will be given for outstanding contributed
Authors are invited to submit papers electronically. Submitted manuscripts
should be structured as technical papers and may not exceed 10 letter size
(8.5 x 11) pages including figures, tables and references. Authors should
submit the manuscript in PDF format and make sure that the file will print
on a printer that uses letter size (8.5 x 11) paper. The official language of
the meeting is English. All manuscripts will be reviewed and will be judged
on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality of
presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference attendees. Papers
conforming to the above guidelines can be submitted through the BDC 2015
paper submission system:
Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research that is not
currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not
following these guidelines will be rejected without review and further action
may be taken, including (but not limited to) notifications sent to the heads of
the institutions of the authors and sponsors of the conference. Submissions
received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately
structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the conference
PC Chair for more information.
At least one author of each paper must be registered for the conference in
order for the paper to be published in the proceedings. Presentation of an
accepted paper at the conference is a requirement of publication. Any paper
that is not presented at the conference will not be included in IEEE Xplore.
Selected papers from BDC 2015 will be invited to extend and submit to the
Special Issue on Big Data Computing in the IEEE Transaction on Cloud
· Paper submissions due: 7 August, 2015 (final extension!)
· Notification of acceptance: 21 August, 2015
· Camera ready papers due: 21 September, 2015
· Early and author registration deadline: 21 September, 2015
· Proceedings-published posters due: 28 August, 2015
· Notification of acceptance: 18 September, 2015
· Camera ready posters due: 21 September, 2015
General Chairs
· Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
· George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus
Program Committee Chairs (bdc15-chairs(a)datasys.cs.iit.edu)
· Amy Apon, National Science Foundation, USA
· Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology & Argonne National Laboratory,
· Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Program Committee Vice Chairs
· Ilkay Altintas, University of California, San Diego, USA
· Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK
Program Committee Members
· Alexander Rasin, DePaul University, USA
· Alok Choudhary, Northwestern University, USA
· Abhishek Chandra, University of Minnesota, USA
· Andre Luckow, BMW IT Research Center, USA
· Daniel Katz, University of Chicago and Argonne National Lab, USA
· Dongfang Zhao, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
· Douglas Thain, University of Notre Dame, USA
· Florian Schintke, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
· Giuliano Casale, Imperial College London, UK
· Jaliya Ekanayake, Microsoft, USA
· Jessica Chen-Burger, Heriot-Watt University, UK
· Judy Qiu, Indiana University, USA
· Justin Wozniak, Argonne National Lab, USA
· Ke Wang, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
· Kesheng (John) Wu, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
· Kyle Chard, University of Chicago and Argonne National Lab, USA
· Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
· Marco Netto, IBM Research, Brazil
· Matei Ripeanu, University of British Columbia, Canada
· Matei Stroila, HERE, USA
· Nagiza Samatova, North Carolina State University, USA
· Paolo Missier, Newcastle University, UK
· Paul Watson, NewCastle University, UK
· Peter Burnap, Cardiff University, UK
· Rahul Potharaju, Microsoft, USA
· Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Argonne National Lab and University of Chicago, USA
· Robert Ross, Argonne National Lab, USA
· Samer Al-Kiswany, University of British Columbia, Canada
· Scott Klasky, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
· Wei Tang, Argonne National Lab, USA
· Weidong Shi, University of Houston, USA
· Xiaolin (Andy) Li, University of Florida, USA
· Yanlong Yin, Bloomberg, USA
· Yong Chen, Texas Tech University, USA
· Yong Zhao, University of Electronic Science and Technology, China
· Zhao Zhang, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Cyber Chair
· Dongfang Zhao, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Local Organizing Committee Chair
· George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
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please send an email to [announce(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy] with the
single word 'remove' in the subject of the email.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: WoTBD 2015 (IEEE xplore) - IET- INSPEC, IJCDS
Journal Special Issue
Datum: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 11:43:18 +0300
Von: Wael Elmedany <waelelmedany(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
------------------------------ Call For Paper
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate
researchers this Call for Papers. Our apologies if you receive multiple
copies of this message.
2015 International Symposium on Web of Things and Big Data
* (WoTBD 2015)*
*http://wotbd.info/ <http://wotbd.info/> *
18-20 October 2015, Manama, Bahrain
in conjunction with
The Fifth International Conference on e-learning: Cognitively Informed
Technology, October 2015, Bahrain
The aim of International Symposium on Web of Things and Big Data (WoTBD
2015) is to foster interaction of researchers, exchange of new ideas, and
to enhance communication between academia and industry in the area of Web
of Things. The development in Internet of Things (IoT) is growing fast that
has leads to connecting millions of devices through the internet, it is
well known today as Web of Things. Big data is high volume, high velocity,
and/or high variety information assets that require new forms of processing
to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process
optimization. WoTBD 2015 is co-located with The Fifth International
Conference and Exhibition on "Cognitively Informed Technology" from 5th to
8th of October 2015, Manama, Bahrain.
*Symposium topics include (but are not limited to) the following:*
- Sensor Networks
- Embedded Web Resources
- Mobile Internet of Things
- Data Mining
- Cloud computing
- Cloud infrastructure for mobile application development
- Internet of Things device or circuit design
- Internet of Things applications and services
- Smart Home and Smart cities.
- Security for homes, businesses and public settings
- Internet of Things analytics
- Big Data Models and Algorithms
- Big Data Architectures
- Big Data Management
- Security Applications of Big Data
- Mobile Applications Architecture and Design
- Healthcare at home and in hospitals
- Semantic web technologies
*Journal Special Issue*
Extended version of selected papers in the Symposium will be published as
special issue on *The International Journal of Computing and Digital
Systems (IJCDS)* <http://journals.uob.edu.bh/computing>
*Papers must be formatted according to IJCDS format*
[image: stand] <http://journals.uob.edu.bh/computing>
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research works on
above and other topics related to Web of Things and Big Data. Submitted
papers must not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
Please, indicate clearly the corresponding author and include up to 6
keywords and an abstract of no more than 400 words. Submitted research
papers may not overlap with papers that have already been published or that
are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with
proceedings. Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers
will be selected based on their originality, relevance, contributions,
technical clarity and presentation. Submission implies the willingness of
at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if
accepted. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will
be registered and presented at the Symposium.
Paper Format
The submitted paper must be formatted according to IEEE manuscript
templates. The IEEE Template can be found at IEEE - Manuscript Templates
for Conference Proceedings
Paper Length
Submitted technical papers must be no longer than 6 pages including all
figures, tables and references.
Paper Submission
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically using the The
Online EDAS conference management system
<https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=20451&track=72851> in PDF format before
the deadline (see Important Dates).
The submission processes will be managed by EDAS <https://edas.info/>. If
you have used this system before, you can use the same username and
password. If this is your first time using EDAS, you will need to register
for an account by clicking "create a new account"
<https://edas.info/newPerson.php?noauth=1> button. Upon completion of
registration, you will get a notification email from the system and you are
ready for submitting your paper. You can upload and re-upload the paper to
the system by the submission due date.
All accepted papers will be scheduled for oral presentations and will be
printed in WoTBD'2015 symposium proceedings and published in the conference
workshops proceedings, which is published in IEEE xplore Digital Library
Submission Deadline:
Aug 15, 2015
Authors Notification:
Aug 30, 2015
Final Manuscript Due:
Sept 15, 2015
Symposium Chair
*Dr. Wael M El-Medany*
Department Of Computer Engineering,
University Of Bahrain, Bahrain
[image: SoE]
Authors mailing list
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] PoPETs 2016 call for participation
Datum: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 11:56:23 -0400 (EDT)
Von: Tariq Elahi <mtelahi(a)uwaterloo.ca>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies to those who receive multiple copies of this CFP]
CALL FOR PAPERS - PoPeTs 2016, Issue 2 / PETS 2016
The deadline for PoPETs 2016, Issue 2 is about one month away: August
31, 2015. PoPETs/PETS now has 4 deadlines a year; submit whenever you
feel ready!
Read the CFP below for more details on our hybrid journal/symposium
model, which includes the option to resubmit with major revisions to a
subsequent deadline. See the web site for full information, including
submission guidelines.
Papers must be submitted via the submission server for Issue 2
at: https://cgi.soic.indiana.edu/~pets2016/issue2/.
We look forward to your submissions!
Call for Papers
16th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2016)
Darmstadt, Germany
July 19 â July 22, 2016
The annual Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) brings
together privacy experts from around the world to discuss recent
advances and new perspectives on research in privacy technologies. PETS
addresses the design and realization of privacy services for the
Internet and other digital systems and communication networks.
PETS seeks paper and panel submissions for its 16th event to be
organised by TU Darmstadt and held in Darmstadt, Germany, on July 19 â
July 22, 2016. Papers should present novel practical and/or theoretical
research into the design, analysis, experimentation, or fielding of
privacy-enhancing technologies. While PETS has traditionally been home
to research on anonymity systems and privacy-oriented cryptography, we
strongly encourage submissions on a number of both well-established and
emerging privacy-related topics.
New model as of PETS 2015: Papers undergo a journal-style reviewing
process and accepted papers are published in the journal Proceedings on
Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs). PoPETs, a scholarly, open
access journal for timely research papers on privacy, has been
established as a way to improve reviewing and publication quality while
retaining the highly successful PETS community event. PoPETs will be
published by De Gruyter Open, the world's second largest publisher of
Open Access academic content, and part of the De Gruyter group, which
has over 260 years of publishing history.
NEW as of PETS 2016: PETS 2016 also solicits submissions for
Systematization of Knowledge (SoK) papers. These are papers that
critically review, evaluate, and contextualize work in areas for which a
body of prior literature exists, and whose contribution lies in
systematizing the existing knowledge in that area. To be suitable for
publication, SoK articles must provide an added value beyond a
literature review, such as novel insights, identification of research
gaps, or challenges to commonly held assumptions. SoK papers will follow
the same review process as other submissions, and will be published in
PoPETs and presented at the PETS 2016 event.
Authors can submit papers to PoPETs four times a year, every three
months on a predictable schedule. Authors are notified of the decisions
about two months after submission. In addition to accept and reject
decisions, papers may be provided with âmajor revisionâ decisions, in
which case authors are invited to revise and resubmit their article to
one of the following two submission deadlines. We endeavor to assign the
same reviewers to revised versions. Papers accepted for publication
within or before the February deadline round will be presented at that
year's symposium. Note that accepted papers must be presented at PETS.
Authors are encouraged to view our FAQ about the submission process.
Important Dates
All deadlines are 17:00 UTC
Issue 2:
Paper submission deadline: August 31, 2015 (firm)
Rebuttal period: October 12 - 14, 2015
Author notification: November 2, 2015
Camera-ready deadline for accepted papers and minor revisions (if
accepted by the shepherd): December 2, 2015
See https://petsymposium.org/2016/cfp.php for dates for issues 3 and 4.
Papers which were submitted to a previous PETS deadline and invited to
resubmit after major revisions can submit the revised paper up to two
weeks after the stated deadline. Such papers must however be registered
by the usual deadline. Papers which were not submitted to a previous
deadline or submissions which were rejected from a previous PETS issue
must be submitted by the stated deadline. To be considered as a major
revision, papers invited to resubmit must be registered in one of the
next two rounds following the decision; otherwise the paper will be
treated as a new submission.
Suggested topics include but are not restricted to:
Behavioural targeting
Building and deploying privacy-enhancing systems
Crowdsourcing for privacy
Cryptographic tools for privacy
Data protection technologies
Differential privacy
Economics of privacy and game-theoretical approaches to privacy
Forensics and privacy
Human factors, usability and user-centered design for PETs
Information leakage, data correlation and generic attacks to privacy
Interdisciplinary research connecting privacy to economics, law,
ethnography, psychology, medicine, biotechnology
Location and mobility privacy
Measuring and quantifying privacy
Obfuscation-based privacy
Policy languages and tools for privacy
Privacy and human rights
Privacy in ubiquitous computing and mobile devices
Privacy in cloud and big-data applications
Privacy in social networks and microblogging systems
Privacy-enhanced access control, authentication, and identity management
Profiling and data mining
Reliability, robustness, and abuse prevention in privacy systems
Systems for anonymous communications and censorship resistance
Traffic analysis
Transparency enhancing tools
General Chair (gc16(a)petsymposium.org)
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, TU Darmstadt
Program Chairs/Co-Editors-in-Chief (pets16-chairs(a)petsymposium.org)
Claudia Diaz, KU Leuven
Apu Kapadia, Indiana University Bloomington
Program Committee/Editorial Board:
Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University
Sadia Afroz, UC Berkeley
Elena Andreeva, KU Leuven
Adam Aviv, United States Naval Academy
Erman Ayday, Bilkent University
Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University
Mihir Bellare, University of California, San Diego
Steven Bellovin, Columbia University
Matt Blaze, University of Pennsylvania
Nikita Borisov, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ian Brown, Oxford Internet Institute
Sonja Buchegger, KTH
Kevin Butler, University of Florida
Aylin Caliskan-Islam, Drexel University / Princeton University
Jan Camenisch, IBM Research â Zurich
Kostas Chatzikokolakis, Lix Ecole Polytechnique
Graham Cormode, University of Warwick
Lorrie Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University
George Danezis, University College London
Anupam Datta, Carnegie Mellon University
Emiliano De Cristofaro, University College London
Roberto Di Pietro, Bell Labs France
Roger Dingledine, The Tor Project
Orr Dunkelman, University of Haifa
Serge Egelman, UC Berkeley
William Enck, NC State University
Roya Ensafi, Princeton University
Zekeriya Erkin, TU Delft
David Fifield, University of California, Berkeley
Bryan Ford, Yale University / EPFL
Ian Goldberg, University of Waterloo
Thomas GroÃ, Newcastle University
Carl Gunter, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Seda Gurses, NYU / Princeton University
Marit Hansen, Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein
Nadia Heninger, University of Pennsylvania
Ryan Henry, Indiana University Bloomington
Cormac Herley, Microsoft Research
Amir Herzberg, Bar Ilan University
Alejandro Hevia, Universidad de Chile
Raquel Hill, Indiana University Bloomington
Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Radboud University Nijmegen
Nick Hopper, University of Minnesota
Amir Houmansadr, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Yan Huang, Indiana University Bloomington
Jean-Pierre Hubaux, EPFL
Rob Jansen, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Aaron Johnson, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Mohamed Ali (Dali) Kaafar, NICTA Australia
Seny Kamara, Microsoft Research
Jonathan Katz, University of Maryland
Stefan Katzenbeisser, TU Darmstadt
Aggelos Kiayias, University of Athens
Negar Kiyavash, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bart Knijnenburg, Clemson University
Yoshi Kohno, University of Washington
Aleksandra Korolova, Stanford / Google / University of Southern California
Tanja Lange, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Peeter Laud, Cybernetica
Brian Levine, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Nick Mathewson, The Tor Project
Damon McCoy, New York University
Tyler Moore, Southern Methodist University
Martin Mulazzani, SBA Research
Shirin Nilizadeh, UCSB
Helen Nissenbaum, New York University
Guevara Noubir, Northeastern University
Kenny Paterson, Royal Holloway, University of London
Adrian Perrig, ETHZ
Bart Preneel, KU Leuven
Thomas Ristenpart, University of WisconsinâMadison
Mike Rosulek, Oregon State University
Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, University of Calgary
Angela Sasse, University College London
Micah Sherr, Georgetown University
Adam Smith, Pennsylvania State University
Thorsten Strufe, TU Dresden
Paul Syverson, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Patrick Traynor, University of Florida
Michael Tschantz, UC Berkeley
Kami Vaniea, University of Edinburgh
Yang Wang, Syracuse University
Joss Wright, Oxford Internet Institute
Matthew Wright, UT Arlington
HotPETs Chairs (hotpets16(a)petsymposium.org)
Sadia Afroz, UC Berkeley
Moritz Barti, Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights
Aaron Johnson, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
PET Award Chairs (award-chairs16(a)petsymposium.org)
Nicholas Hopper, University of Minnesota
Carmela Troncoso, GRADIANT / IMDEA
Publicity Chairs (publicity16(a)petsymposium.org)
Tariq Elahi, University of Waterloo / KU Leuven
Kat Hanna
Publications Chair (publication16(a)petsymposium.org)
Qatrunnada Ismail, Indiana University Bloomington
Stipend Chairs (pets2016-stipend(a)petsymposium.org)
Roger Dingledine, The Tor Project
Andrei Serjantov
Local Organizing Team
Ann-Kathrin Braun
Thomas Schneider (family support, childcare)
Submission Guidelines
Papers to be submitted to the PET Symposium must be at most 15 pages
excluding bibliography and appendices and 20 pages total in De Gruyter
Open format (zip file). PC members are not required to read the
appendices, which should only be used to support evidence of the
submission's technical validity, e.g., for detailed security proofs.
Also, all papers must be anonymized (more information below). Papers not
following these instructions risk being rejected without consideration
of their merits.
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings.
The paper should start with the title and an abstract. The introduction
should give some background and summarize the contributions of the paper
at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader.
Anonymization of Submissions
All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality and relevance
through double-blind reviewing, where the identities of the authors are
withheld from the reviewers. As an author, you are required to make a
good-faith effort to preserve the anonymity of your submission, while at
the same time allowing the reader to fully grasp the context of related
past work, including your own. It is recognized that, at times,
information regarding the identities of authors may become public
outside the submission process (e.g., if a pre-print is published as a
technical report or on a pre-print server) â the PC will ignore this
external information. Minimally, please take the following steps when
preparing your submission:
* Remove the names and affiliations of authors from the title page.
* Remove acknowledgment of identifying names and funding sources.
* Use care in referring to related work, particularly your own. Do not omit references to provide anonymity, as this leaves the reviewer unable to grasp the context. Instead, reference your past work in the third person, just as you would any other piece of related work by another author.
Papers describing experiments with users or user data (e.g., network
traffic, passwords, social network information), should follow the basic
principles of ethical research, e.g., beneficence (maximizing the
benefits to an individual or to society while minimizing harm to the
individual), minimal risk (appropriateness of the risk versus benefit
ratio), voluntary consent, respect for privacy, and limited deception.
Authors are encouraged to include a subsection on Ethical Principles if
human subjects research is conducted, and such a discussion may be
required if deemed necessary during the review process. Authors are
encouraged to contact PC chairs before submitting to clarify any doubts.
Accepted papers will be published as an Open Access Journal by De
Gruyter Open, the world's second largest publisher of Open Access
academic content, and part of the De Gruyter group, which has over 260
years of publishing history. Authors retain copyright of their work.
Papers will be published under an open-access policy using a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license.
Best Student Paper Award
The Andreas Pftzmann PETS 2016 Best Student Paper Award will be selected
at PETS 2016. Papers written solely or primarily by a student who is
presenting the work at PETS 2016 are eligible for the award.
Papers will need to be submitted via the PETS 2016 submission server.
The URL for Issue 2 is: https://cgi.soic.indiana.edu/~pets2016/issue2/.
As with the last several years, part of the symposium will be devoted to
HotPETs â the "hottest," most exciting research ideas still in a
formative state. Further information will be published on the PETS 2016
website soon.
Panel Submissions
We also invite proposals of up to 2 pages for panel discussions or other
relevant presentations. In your proposal, (1) describe the nature of the
presentation and why it is appropriate to the symposium, (2) suggest a
duration for the presentation (ideally between 45 and 90 minutes), and
(3) suggest some possible presenters.
Submit your proposal in the same manner as a PoPETs paper by the
February deadline. (All panel proposals received by the February
deadline will receive full consideration for that year's PETS.) Please
begin your panel title with "Panel Proposal:". The program committee
will consider panel proposals along with other symposium events and will
respond by the paper decision date with an indication of its interest in
scheduling the event.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] PoPETs 2016 call for participation
Datum: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 11:56:23 -0400 (EDT)
Von: Tariq Elahi <mtelahi(a)uwaterloo.ca>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies to those who receive multiple copies of this CFP]
CALL FOR PAPERS - PoPeTs 2016, Issue 2 / PETS 2016
The deadline for PoPETs 2016, Issue 2 is about one month away: August
31, 2015. PoPETs/PETS now has 4 deadlines a year; submit whenever you
feel ready!
Read the CFP below for more details on our hybrid journal/symposium
model, which includes the option to resubmit with major revisions to a
subsequent deadline. See the web site for full information, including
submission guidelines.
Papers must be submitted via the submission server for Issue 2
at: https://cgi.soic.indiana.edu/~pets2016/issue2/.
We look forward to your submissions!
Call for Papers
16th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2016)
Darmstadt, Germany
July 19 â July 22, 2016
The annual Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) brings
together privacy experts from around the world to discuss recent
advances and new perspectives on research in privacy technologies. PETS
addresses the design and realization of privacy services for the
Internet and other digital systems and communication networks.
PETS seeks paper and panel submissions for its 16th event to be
organised by TU Darmstadt and held in Darmstadt, Germany, on July 19 â
July 22, 2016. Papers should present novel practical and/or theoretical
research into the design, analysis, experimentation, or fielding of
privacy-enhancing technologies. While PETS has traditionally been home
to research on anonymity systems and privacy-oriented cryptography, we
strongly encourage submissions on a number of both well-established and
emerging privacy-related topics.
New model as of PETS 2015: Papers undergo a journal-style reviewing
process and accepted papers are published in the journal Proceedings on
Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs). PoPETs, a scholarly, open
access journal for timely research papers on privacy, has been
established as a way to improve reviewing and publication quality while
retaining the highly successful PETS community event. PoPETs will be
published by De Gruyter Open, the world's second largest publisher of
Open Access academic content, and part of the De Gruyter group, which
has over 260 years of publishing history.
NEW as of PETS 2016: PETS 2016 also solicits submissions for
Systematization of Knowledge (SoK) papers. These are papers that
critically review, evaluate, and contextualize work in areas for which a
body of prior literature exists, and whose contribution lies in
systematizing the existing knowledge in that area. To be suitable for
publication, SoK articles must provide an added value beyond a
literature review, such as novel insights, identification of research
gaps, or challenges to commonly held assumptions. SoK papers will follow
the same review process as other submissions, and will be published in
PoPETs and presented at the PETS 2016 event.
Authors can submit papers to PoPETs four times a year, every three
months on a predictable schedule. Authors are notified of the decisions
about two months after submission. In addition to accept and reject
decisions, papers may be provided with âmajor revisionâ decisions, in
which case authors are invited to revise and resubmit their article to
one of the following two submission deadlines. We endeavor to assign the
same reviewers to revised versions. Papers accepted for publication
within or before the February deadline round will be presented at that
year's symposium. Note that accepted papers must be presented at PETS.
Authors are encouraged to view our FAQ about the submission process.
Important Dates
All deadlines are 17:00 UTC
Issue 2:
Paper submission deadline: August 31, 2015 (firm)
Rebuttal period: October 12 - 14, 2015
Author notification: November 2, 2015
Camera-ready deadline for accepted papers and minor revisions (if
accepted by the shepherd): December 2, 2015
See https://petsymposium.org/2016/cfp.php for dates for issues 3 and 4.
Papers which were submitted to a previous PETS deadline and invited to
resubmit after major revisions can submit the revised paper up to two
weeks after the stated deadline. Such papers must however be registered
by the usual deadline. Papers which were not submitted to a previous
deadline or submissions which were rejected from a previous PETS issue
must be submitted by the stated deadline. To be considered as a major
revision, papers invited to resubmit must be registered in one of the
next two rounds following the decision; otherwise the paper will be
treated as a new submission.
Suggested topics include but are not restricted to:
Behavioural targeting
Building and deploying privacy-enhancing systems
Crowdsourcing for privacy
Cryptographic tools for privacy
Data protection technologies
Differential privacy
Economics of privacy and game-theoretical approaches to privacy
Forensics and privacy
Human factors, usability and user-centered design for PETs
Information leakage, data correlation and generic attacks to privacy
Interdisciplinary research connecting privacy to economics, law,
ethnography, psychology, medicine, biotechnology
Location and mobility privacy
Measuring and quantifying privacy
Obfuscation-based privacy
Policy languages and tools for privacy
Privacy and human rights
Privacy in ubiquitous computing and mobile devices
Privacy in cloud and big-data applications
Privacy in social networks and microblogging systems
Privacy-enhanced access control, authentication, and identity management
Profiling and data mining
Reliability, robustness, and abuse prevention in privacy systems
Systems for anonymous communications and censorship resistance
Traffic analysis
Transparency enhancing tools
General Chair (gc16(a)petsymposium.org)
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, TU Darmstadt
Program Chairs/Co-Editors-in-Chief (pets16-chairs(a)petsymposium.org)
Claudia Diaz, KU Leuven
Apu Kapadia, Indiana University Bloomington
Program Committee/Editorial Board:
Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University
Sadia Afroz, UC Berkeley
Elena Andreeva, KU Leuven
Adam Aviv, United States Naval Academy
Erman Ayday, Bilkent University
Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University
Mihir Bellare, University of California, San Diego
Steven Bellovin, Columbia University
Matt Blaze, University of Pennsylvania
Nikita Borisov, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ian Brown, Oxford Internet Institute
Sonja Buchegger, KTH
Kevin Butler, University of Florida
Aylin Caliskan-Islam, Drexel University / Princeton University
Jan Camenisch, IBM Research â Zurich
Kostas Chatzikokolakis, Lix Ecole Polytechnique
Graham Cormode, University of Warwick
Lorrie Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University
George Danezis, University College London
Anupam Datta, Carnegie Mellon University
Emiliano De Cristofaro, University College London
Roberto Di Pietro, Bell Labs France
Roger Dingledine, The Tor Project
Orr Dunkelman, University of Haifa
Serge Egelman, UC Berkeley
William Enck, NC State University
Roya Ensafi, Princeton University
Zekeriya Erkin, TU Delft
David Fifield, University of California, Berkeley
Bryan Ford, Yale University / EPFL
Ian Goldberg, University of Waterloo
Thomas GroÃ, Newcastle University
Carl Gunter, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Seda Gurses, NYU / Princeton University
Marit Hansen, Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein
Nadia Heninger, University of Pennsylvania
Ryan Henry, Indiana University Bloomington
Cormac Herley, Microsoft Research
Amir Herzberg, Bar Ilan University
Alejandro Hevia, Universidad de Chile
Raquel Hill, Indiana University Bloomington
Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Radboud University Nijmegen
Nick Hopper, University of Minnesota
Amir Houmansadr, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Yan Huang, Indiana University Bloomington
Jean-Pierre Hubaux, EPFL
Rob Jansen, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Aaron Johnson, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Mohamed Ali (Dali) Kaafar, NICTA Australia
Seny Kamara, Microsoft Research
Jonathan Katz, University of Maryland
Stefan Katzenbeisser, TU Darmstadt
Aggelos Kiayias, University of Athens
Negar Kiyavash, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bart Knijnenburg, Clemson University
Yoshi Kohno, University of Washington
Aleksandra Korolova, Stanford / Google / University of Southern California
Tanja Lange, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Peeter Laud, Cybernetica
Brian Levine, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Nick Mathewson, The Tor Project
Damon McCoy, New York University
Tyler Moore, Southern Methodist University
Martin Mulazzani, SBA Research
Shirin Nilizadeh, UCSB
Helen Nissenbaum, New York University
Guevara Noubir, Northeastern University
Kenny Paterson, Royal Holloway, University of London
Adrian Perrig, ETHZ
Bart Preneel, KU Leuven
Thomas Ristenpart, University of WisconsinâMadison
Mike Rosulek, Oregon State University
Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, University of Calgary
Angela Sasse, University College London
Micah Sherr, Georgetown University
Adam Smith, Pennsylvania State University
Thorsten Strufe, TU Dresden
Paul Syverson, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Patrick Traynor, University of Florida
Michael Tschantz, UC Berkeley
Kami Vaniea, University of Edinburgh
Yang Wang, Syracuse University
Joss Wright, Oxford Internet Institute
Matthew Wright, UT Arlington
HotPETs Chairs (hotpets16(a)petsymposium.org)
Sadia Afroz, UC Berkeley
Moritz Barti, Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights
Aaron Johnson, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
PET Award Chairs (award-chairs16(a)petsymposium.org)
Nicholas Hopper, University of Minnesota
Carmela Troncoso, GRADIANT / IMDEA
Publicity Chairs (publicity16(a)petsymposium.org)
Tariq Elahi, University of Waterloo / KU Leuven
Kat Hanna
Publications Chair (publication16(a)petsymposium.org)
Qatrunnada Ismail, Indiana University Bloomington
Stipend Chairs (pets2016-stipend(a)petsymposium.org)
Roger Dingledine, The Tor Project
Andrei Serjantov
Local Organizing Team
Ann-Kathrin Braun
Thomas Schneider (family support, childcare)
Submission Guidelines
Papers to be submitted to the PET Symposium must be at most 15 pages
excluding bibliography and appendices and 20 pages total in De Gruyter
Open format (zip file). PC members are not required to read the
appendices, which should only be used to support evidence of the
submission's technical validity, e.g., for detailed security proofs.
Also, all papers must be anonymized (more information below). Papers not
following these instructions risk being rejected without consideration
of their merits.
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings.
The paper should start with the title and an abstract. The introduction
should give some background and summarize the contributions of the paper
at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader.
Anonymization of Submissions
All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality and relevance
through double-blind reviewing, where the identities of the authors are
withheld from the reviewers. As an author, you are required to make a
good-faith effort to preserve the anonymity of your submission, while at
the same time allowing the reader to fully grasp the context of related
past work, including your own. It is recognized that, at times,
information regarding the identities of authors may become public
outside the submission process (e.g., if a pre-print is published as a
technical report or on a pre-print server) â the PC will ignore this
external information. Minimally, please take the following steps when
preparing your submission:
* Remove the names and affiliations of authors from the title page.
* Remove acknowledgment of identifying names and funding sources.
* Use care in referring to related work, particularly your own. Do not omit references to provide anonymity, as this leaves the reviewer unable to grasp the context. Instead, reference your past work in the third person, just as you would any other piece of related work by another author.
Papers describing experiments with users or user data (e.g., network
traffic, passwords, social network information), should follow the basic
principles of ethical research, e.g., beneficence (maximizing the
benefits to an individual or to society while minimizing harm to the
individual), minimal risk (appropriateness of the risk versus benefit
ratio), voluntary consent, respect for privacy, and limited deception.
Authors are encouraged to include a subsection on Ethical Principles if
human subjects research is conducted, and such a discussion may be
required if deemed necessary during the review process. Authors are
encouraged to contact PC chairs before submitting to clarify any doubts.
Accepted papers will be published as an Open Access Journal by De
Gruyter Open, the world's second largest publisher of Open Access
academic content, and part of the De Gruyter group, which has over 260
years of publishing history. Authors retain copyright of their work.
Papers will be published under an open-access policy using a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license.
Best Student Paper Award
The Andreas Pftzmann PETS 2016 Best Student Paper Award will be selected
at PETS 2016. Papers written solely or primarily by a student who is
presenting the work at PETS 2016 are eligible for the award.
Papers will need to be submitted via the PETS 2016 submission server.
The URL for Issue 2 is: https://cgi.soic.indiana.edu/~pets2016/issue2/.
As with the last several years, part of the symposium will be devoted to
HotPETs â the "hottest," most exciting research ideas still in a
formative state. Further information will be published on the PETS 2016
website soon.
Panel Submissions
We also invite proposals of up to 2 pages for panel discussions or other
relevant presentations. In your proposal, (1) describe the nature of the
presentation and why it is appropriate to the symposium, (2) suggest a
duration for the presentation (ideally between 45 and 90 minutes), and
(3) suggest some possible presenters.
Submit your proposal in the same manner as a PoPETs paper by the
February deadline. (All panel proposals received by the February
deadline will receive full consideration for that year's PETS.) Please
begin your panel title with "Panel Proposal:". The program committee
will consider panel proposals along with other symposium events and will
respond by the paper decision date with an indication of its interest in
scheduling the event.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] LAST CFP:: CSCEET2015- Malaysia- Kuala Lumpur
Datum: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 12:57:07 +0200
Von: Natalie Walker <natalie.sdiwc(a)gmail.com>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The submission deadline has been extended to August 15, 2015. Please SUBMIT
The Second International Conference on Computer Science, Computer
Engineering, and Education Technologies (CSCEET2015)
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU), Kuala Lumpur,
September 8-10, 2015
All registered papers will be published in SDIWC Digital Library
AISWorld mailing list
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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal
of Information Technology: "Openness and Information Technology”
Datum: Sat, 1 Aug 2015 19:38:31 -0400
Von: Daniel Schlagwein <schlagwein(a)unsw.edu.au>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Dear colleagues,
Please consider submitting your work to the below special issue.
*Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the **Journal of Information
*"Openness and Information Technology”*
*Special Issue Editors:*
Kieran Conboy, NUI Galway
Joseph Feller, University College Cork
Jan Marco Leimeister, University of St. Gallen / Kassel University
Lorraine Morgan, LERO / NUI Galway
Daniel Schlagwein, UNSW Australia [corresponding]
*Aim and Purpose:*
Over the past decade, “open” phenomena enabled by information technology
(IT) have received an increasing amount of interest from information
systems (IS) researchers. Evidence of this interest can be seen in tracks
(e.g., the underlying track of this special issue, the track on “Openness
and IT” at ECIS); conferences (e.g., the IFIP Working Group 2.13 OSS
conferences); journal special issues (e.g., Whelan et al. 2014); and the
formation of the AIS Special Interest Group on Open Research and Practice
(SIGOPEN) and its related workshops (pre-ECIS and pre-ICIS).
For this special issue, we broadly understand the term “openness” to mean
the accessibility of knowledge, the transparency of action and the
permeability of organizational structures. This openness can be both a
driver for and result of new IT, the area of interest to us in this special
issue. Openness has significant implications for individuals, organizations
and societies. For example, individual users actively participate in the
creation of widely used common knowledge goods such as Wikipedia
(Germonprez et al. 2011) or Linux (Benkler 2006). A new generation of
entrepreneurs can now be seen to leverage the power of crowds in the design
and delivery of products and services (Orlikowski and Scott 2015), and for
the funding of their business ventures (Kuppuswamy and Bayus 2013). For
established businesses, openness has changed approaches to business model
architectures and innovation. This has been achieved through “internal
openness” (e.g., inner source software, internal co-creation platforms and
enterprise social software) and “external openness” (e.g., open innovation
markets, open sourcing and crowdsourcing) in organizations including LEGO
(Schlagwein and Bjørn-Andersen 2014), Philips Healthcare (Ågerfalk and
Fitzgerald 2008) and SAP (Leimeister et al. 2009). Likewise, open
technologies are central to new intra- and inter-organizational forms of
value creation supporting “ecosystems” of interdependent actors (e.g., the
app ecosystems surrounding Google’s Android, Apple’s iOS or Facebook’s
social networking platform) (Morgan et al. 2013; Benlian et al. 2015). What
is more, openness shifts power structures by relatively devaluing physical
production facilities and emphasizing the value of information and
IT-enabled business models (Chesbrough 2007) or value creation outside of
traditional organizations (Feller et al. 2008; Faraj et al. 2011). Openness
is one mechanism by which IT can create “a better world” through creating
common goods (Benkler 2006; Walsham 2012). Increasingly, the academic
sector and the research community themselves face new challenges (and
opportunities) emerging from the combination of openness and IT (Kane and
Fichman 2009; Cooper and Sahami 2013).
We invite applied, empirical and theoretical research papers that
significantly contribute to our understanding of IT-enabled openness: its
manifestations, antecedents and, most critically, its impact on
individuals, organizations and societies. We welcome and encourage
submissions from researchers using diverse epistemological and
methodological approaches. The papers will be evaluated for the
interestingness and novelty of their contributions.
Papers should focus on the concept of openness and the relationship between
IT and openness. That is, “openness and IT” should be central to the paper
and not merely provide a background for studies on generic business,
individual or social behaviour (e.g., research on individual and social
behaviour that uses social media or open source communities merely as a
background would be out of scope). Authors in doubt about whether their
papers are within the scope of the special issue are encouraged to submit
an extended abstract to the editors (see below) for feedback.
The special issue is open to all authors. Authors with papers accepted at
the “Openness and IT” track at ECIS 2013-15 are especially encouraged to
submit extended and enhanced versions of their papers.
*Topics of Interest (Examples):*
§ Open business (e.g., open business models, open ecosystems, value
§ Open capital (e.g., crowdfunding, crowd equity, cryptocurrencies)
§ Open innovation (e.g., crowdsourcing, distributed innovation,
§ Open platforms (e.g., open APIs, open content, open data)
§ Open production (e.g., open source software, open source hardware, open
§ Open scholarship (e.g., open/citizen science, open access, open
§ Open society (e.g., DIY/hacker/maker/participatory cultures, open
*Associate Editors / Editorial Review Board:*
Alexander Benlian, Darmstadt University of Technology
Ivo Blohm, University of St. Gallen
Ulrich Bretschneider, Kassel University
Michael Cahalane, UNSW Australia
Kevin Carillo, Toulouse Business School
Kevin Crowston, NSF / Syracuse University
U. Yeliz Eseryel, University of Groningen
Patrick Finnegan, UNSW Australia
Matt Germonprez, University of Nebraska Omaha
Rob Gleasure, University College Cork
Jeremy Hayes, University College Cork
James Howison, University of Texas at Austin
George Kuk, Nottingham University
Juho Lindman, Hanken School of Economics
Björn Lundell, University of Skovde
Ann Majchrzak, University of Southern California
Attila Marton, Copenhagen Business School
Jeffrey Moretz, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Jeffrey V. Nickerson, Stevens Institute of Technology
Niamh O’Riordan, NUI Galway
Timothy Olsen, Arizona State University
Pattarawan Prasarnphanich, Chulalongkorn University
Matti Rossi, Aalto University
Hendrik Send, Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
Maha Shaikh, University of Warwick
Klaas-Jan Stol, University of Limerick
Robin Teigland, Stockholm School of Economics
Xiaofeng Wang, Free University of Bozen
*Submission Guidelines:*
For preparation and submission of manuscripts, as well as general criteria
for acceptance at the Journal of Information Technology, please follow
Instructions for Authors (
http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jit/instructions.html). Papers should be
no longer than 8000 words. Concise writing is appreciated.
§ 1 Oct 2015: Optional (not a requirement to submit to the special issue):
Authors in doubt about whether their papers are within the scope of the
special issue or who otherwise wish to receive early feedback are
encouraged to submit an extended abstract to the editors.
§ 1 Jan 2016: Paper submission deadline: Late submissions cannot be
accepted. Only submissions made through the submission system will be
considered. The editorial team will screen all submitted papers and will
only forward to reviewers papers that are deemed to have a reasonable
chance of acceptance.
§ 1 Apr 2016: First round reviews and decisions.
§ 1 Jul 2016: Second round (revision) submission deadline.
§ 1 Oct 2016: Second round reviews and decisions: Papers will not undergo
more than two rounds of review (i.e., one major revision). Papers not
accepted (subject to minor revisions) in the second round will be rejected.
§ 1 Jan 2017: Final submission deadline: For accepted papers (subject to
minor revisions).
§ 1 Mar 2017: Final approval of papers.
§ 1 May 2017: Online publication of special issue (anticipated date).
Ågerfalk, P.J., and Fitzgerald, B. 2008. Outsourcing to an Unknown
Workforce: Exploring Opensourcing as a Global Sourcing Strategy, *MIS
Quarterly* 32 (2): pp. 385-409.
Benkler, Y. 2006. *The Wealth of Networks*. New Haven, CT, USA: Yale
University Press.
Benlian, A., Hilkert, D., and Hess, T. 2015. How Open Is This Platform? The
Meaning and Measurement of Platform Openness from the Complementors’
Perspective,* Journal of Information Technology (advance online
Chesbrough, H.W. 2007. *Open Business Models: How to Thrive In the New
Innovation Landscape*. Boston, MA, USA: Harvard Business School Press.
Cooper, S., and Sahami, M. 2013. Reflections on Stanford's MOOCs,
of the ACM* 56 (2): pp. 28-30.
Faraj, S., Jarvenpaa, S.L., and Majchrzak, A. 2011. Knowledge Collaboration
in Online Communities, *Organization Science* 22 (5): pp. 1224-1239.
Feller, J., Finnegan, P., Fitzgerald, B., and Hayes, J. 2008. From Peer
Production to Productization: A Study of Socially Enabled Business
Exchanges in Open Source Service Networks, *Information Systems Research* 19
(4): pp. 475-493.
Germonprez, M., Hovorka, D., and Gal, U. 2011. Secondary Design: A Case of
Behavioural Design Science Research, *Journal of the Association for
Information Systems* 12 (10): pp. 622-683.
Kane, G.C., and Fichman, R.G. 2009. The Shoemaker's Children: Using Wikis
for Information Systems Teaching, Research, and Publication, *MIS Quarterly* 33
(1): pp. 1-17.
Kuppuswamy, V., and Bayus, B.L. 2013. Crowdfunding Creative Ideas: The
Dynamics of Project Backers in Kickstarter, *SSRN Working Papers* (2234765).
Leimeister, J.M., Huber, M., Bretschneider, U., and Krcmar, H. 2009.
Leveraging Crowdsourcing: Activation-Supporting Components for IT-Based
Ideas Competition, *Journal of Management Information Systems* 26 (1): pp.
Morgan, L., Feller, J., and Finnegan, P. 2013. Exploring Value Networks:
Theorising the Creation and Capture of Value with Open Source
Software, *European
Journal of Information Systems* 22 (9): pp. 569-588.
Orlikowski, W.J., and Scott, S.V. 2015. The Algorithm and the Crowd:
Considering the Materiality of Service Innovation, *MIS Quarterly* 39 (1):
pp. 201-216.
Schlagwein, D., and Bjørn-Andersen, N. 2014. Organizational Learning with
Crowdsourcing: The Revelatory Case of LEGO, *Journal of the Association for
Information Systems* 15 (11): pp. 754-778.
Walsham, G. 2012. Are We Making a Better World with ICTs? Reflections on a
Future Agenda for the IS Field, *Journal of Information Technology* 27 (2):
pp. 87-93.
Whelan, E., Conboy, K., Crowston, K., Morgan, L., and Rossi, M. 2014. The
Role of Information Systems in Enabling Open Innovation, *Journal of the
Association for Information Systems* 15 (11): pp. 1-11.
For more information (e.g., JIT author guidelines) see
http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jit/index.html – or contact me.
Kind regards,
UNSW profile <https://www.business.unsw.edu.au/our-people/danielschlagwein>
| Current research: Crowdsourcing at LEGO
| Cloud computing at CBA
*Dr. Daniel Schlagwein* | Lecturer
UNSW Australia Business School
Quadrangle 2114, UNSW Sydney 2052
Telephone: +61293856487 | Fax: +61293854461 | Web: www.asb.unsw.edu.au
[image: UNSW Business] <http://www.asb.unsw.edu.au/>This email is intended
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you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of
this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in
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Betreff: [AISWorld] The Fifth International Conference on e-learning
"Cognitively Informed-Technology"18th - 20th Oct 2015, Manama, Kingdom
of Bahrain
Datum: Sat, 1 Aug 2015 16:59:44 +0000
Von: Ali Hussain Zolait <azolait(a)uob.edu.bh>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
The Fifth International Conference on e-learning "Cognitively Informed-Technology"
18th - 20th Oct 2015, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Dear Professor Dr.
I hope this email finds you in the best health
We in the 5th e-learning Conference would like to invite you to submit one of your good quality research paper to the 5th e-learning Conference which will be from 6th - 8th Oct 2015, in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.
The conference aims to provide an excellent opportunity for researchers, academicians and industrial partners to share and exchange new ideas, research products, technologies and applications in the area of management and quality within e-Learning. This conference covers both technical as well as the non-technical aspects of e-Learning. Main topics are identified (see below). Acceptance will be based primarily on originality, significance and quality of contribution. All accepted paper will be submitted to IEEE Xplore
For more information about the conference themes, workshops and program please visit http://econf.uob.edu.bh/conf5/Default.htm
Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to:
Organizational Strategy and Management Issues
• Higher and Further Education
• Primary and Secondary Education
• Workplace Learning
• Vocational Training
• Home Schooling
• Distance Learning
• Blended Learning
• Change Management
• Educational Management
• Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for Educational and Training Staff
• Return on e-Learning Investments (ROI)
E-Learning Curriculum Development Issues
• Philosophies and Epistemologies for e-learning
• Learning Theories and Approaches for e-learning
• e-Learning Models
• Conceptual Representations
• Pedagogical Models
• e-Learning Pedagogical Strategies
• e-Learning Tactics
• Developing e-Learning for Specific Subject Domains
Technological Issues
• Learning Management Systems (LMS)
• Managed Learning Environments (MLEs)
• Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)
• Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Tools
• Social Support Software
• Architecture of Educational Information Systems Infrastructure
• Security and Data Protection
• Learning Objects
• XML Schemas and the Semantic Web
• Web 2.0 Applications
Instructional Design Issues
• Designing e-Learning Settings
• Developing e-Learning Pilots and Prototypes
• Creating e-Learning Courses:
o Collaborative Learning
o Problem-based Learning
o Inquiry-based Learning
o Blended Learning
o Distance Learning
• Designing e-Learning Tasks:
o E-learning Activities
o Online Groupwork
o Experiential Learning
o Simulations and Modelling
o Gaming and Edutainment
o Creativity and Design Activities
o Exploratory Programming
E-Learning Delivery Issues
• e-Delivery in Different Contexts:
o Higher and Further Education
o Primary and Secondary Schools
o Workplace Learning
o Vocational Training
o Distance Learning
• Online Assessment
• Innovations in e-Assessment
• e-Moderating
• e-Tutoring
• e-Facilitating
• Leadership in e-Learning Delivery
• Networked Information and
• Communication Literacy Skills
• Participation and Motivation in e-Learning
E-Skills and Information Literacy for Learning
• Teaching Information Literacy
• Electronic Library and Information Search Skills
• ICT Skills Education:
o in Schools and Colleges
o for Business, Industry and the Public Sector
o in Adult, Community, Home and Prison Education
o Informal Methods (peer Groups, Family)
• Education for Computer-mediated
• Digital Media Studies
• Communication skills:
o Netiquette
o Online Safety for Children and Vulnerable Users
o Cybercrime Awareness and Personal Prevention
• Student Production of Online Media:
o Web Design
Digital Storytelling
Web 2.0 Tools
BRAIN: Brain information processing and informatics
• Cognitive and computation models
• Human reasoning mechanisms
• Modeling brain information processing mechanisms
• Brain learning mechanisms
• Human cognitive functions and their relationships
• Modeling human multi-perception mechanisms and visual, auditory, and tactile information processing
• Neural structures and neurobiological process
• Cognitive architectures
• Brain information storage, collection, and processing
• Formal conceptual models of human brain data
• Knowledge representation and discovery in neuroimaging
• Brain-computer interface
• Cognition-inspired complex systems
COGNITION: Artificial intelligence and cognition
• Expert systems, knowledge representation and reasoning
• Reasoning techniques, constraint satisfaction and machine learning
• Logic programming, fuzzy logic, neural networks, and uncertainty
• State space search, ontologies and data mining
• Games, planning and scheduling
• Natural languages processing and advanced user interfaces
• Cognitive, reactive and proactive systems
• Ambient intelligence, perception and vision
• Pattern recognition
Information -Technology special
o Web of Things and Big Data
Sensor Networks
Embedded Web Resources
Mobile Internet of Things
Data Mining
Cloud computing
Cloud infrastructure for mobile application development
Internet of Things device or circuit design
Internet of Things applications and services
Smart Home and Smart cities.
Security for homes, businesses and public settings
Internet of Things analytics
Big Data Models and Algorithms
Big Data Architectures
Big Data Management
Security Applications of Big Data
Mobile Applications Architecture and Design
Healthcare at home and in hospitals
Semantic web technologies
o Social Networks and Social Computing IWSNSC 2015
Impact of social networks on education
Impact of social networks on Society
Impact of social networks on Youth
Impact of social networks on Business
Social networks and social intelligence
Security, privacy and trust computational analysis of social networks
Web-based cooperative work
Knowledge community formation and support
Intelligent wireless Web
Social network analysis and mining of communities of practice
Network evolution and growth mechanisms
Information diffusion and knowledge transfer in social networks
Online communities and computer networks
The Conference will be composed of several types of contributions:
Full Papers – These include mainly accomplished research results and have 8 pages at the maximum (5,000 words).
Short Papers – These are mostly composed of work in progress reports or fresh developments and have 4 pages at maximum (2,500 words).
Reflection Papers – These might review recent research literature pertaining to a particular problem or approach, indicate what the findings suggest, and/or provide a suggestion - with rationale and justification - for a different approach or perspective on that problem. Reflection papers might also analyze general trends or discuss important issues in topics related to the conference. These have 4 pages at maximum (2,500 words).
Posters / Demonstrations – These contain implementation information or work-in-progress and have two pages at maximum (1,250 words) besides the poster itself (or demonstration) that will be exposed at the conference.
Tutorials – Tutorials can be proposed by scholars or company representatives. A proposal of maximum 250 words is expected.
Invited Talks – These will be made of contributions from well-known scholars and company representatives. An abstract will be included in the conference proceedings.
Panels – Discussions on selected topics will be held. A proposal of maximum 250 words is expected.
Corporate Showcases& Exhibitions – The former enables companies to present recent developments and applications, inform a large and qualified audience of your future directions and showcase company’s noteworthy products and services. There will be a time slot for companies to make their presentation in a room.
The latter enables companies the opportunity to display its latest offerings of hardware, software, tools, services and books, through an exhibit booth. For further details please contact us on econf2015(a)gmail.com - azolait(a)uob.edu.bh
This is a blind peer-reviewed conference.
Important Dates:
16 Jan - 7 October Registration date
1st May Deadline for submission of Panels, tutorials and workshops
15 August Deadline for submitting papers
>From 30 June Notification of acceptance of full papers and short papers
>From 28 August Camera Ready versions received
Kind regards
Program Chair:
Fifth International Conference on e-Learning: Cognitively informed technology
Ali Zolait, PhD
Department of Information Systems,
College of Information Technology,
University of Bahrain,
Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: (973) 1743 7702
Fax: (973) 1744 9119
Dr. Ali Zolait
Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems
University of Bahrain
P.O. Box 32038, Kingdom of Bahrain
Courier Address: College of Information Technology, Information System Department, UOB Sakhir Campus, Building S40 Room 2026
Phone +973 1743 7702
Fax +973 17449119
Email azolait(a)uob.edu.bh
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This e-mail message and any attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipients and may contain proprietary and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not copy it, re-transmit it, use it or disclose its contents, but should return it to the sender immediately stating that you received the email in error, and then please delete the email from your system. Any views or opinions expressed in this message are solely the personal views of the sender. The contents in this email message shall not commit or bind the University of Bahrain in any way.University of Bahrain cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this message as it has been transmitted over a public network. If you suspect that the message may have been intercepted or amended, please contact the sender.University of Bahrain shall not be liable for any loss or damage which results from opening this message and attachments thereto.
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