-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP CSEDU 2013 - Int'l Conf. on Computer Supported Education
Datum: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 15:10:36 -0500
Von: CSEDU Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Antwort an: csedu.secretariat(a)insticc.org <csedu.secretariat(a)insticc.org>
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
CSEDU website: http://www.csedu.org/
May 6 - 8, 2013
Aachen, Germany
Co-organized by: RWTH
Sponsored by: INSTICC
Regular Paper Submission: November 13, 2012
Authors Notification (regular papers): January 15, 2013
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: February 5, 2013
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Dear Gustaf Neumann,
We would like to draw your attention to the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2013 - http://www.csedu.org/) whose submission deadline is scheduled for November 13, 2012. We hope you can participate in this conference by submitting a paper reflecting your current research in any of the following areas:
- Information Technologies Supporting Learning
- Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
- Social Context and Learning Environments
- Domain Applications and Case Studies
- Ubiquitous Learning
The conference will be sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) and co-organized by the Aachen University (RWTH). INSTICC is Member of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), Object Management Group (OMG), European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL) and International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP).
CSEDU 2013, the International Conference on Computer Supported Education, aims at becoming a yearly meeting place for presenting and discussing new educational environments, best practices and case studies on innovative technology-based learning strategies, institutional policies on computer supported education including open and distance education, using computers. In particular, the Web is currently a preferred medium for distance learning and the learning practice in this context is usually referred to as e-learning. CSEDU 2013 is expected to give an overview of the state of the art as well as upcoming trends, and to promote discussion about the pedagogical potential of new learning and educational technologies in the academic and corporate world.
We would like to highlight the presence of the following keynote speakers:
- Bruce McLaren, Carnegie Mellon University, CeLTech - Saarland University, United States
- Michael E Auer, Carinthia Tech Institute, Austria
CSEDU is interested in promoting high quality research as it can be confirmed by last year acceptance rates, where from 243 submissions, 12% were accepted as full papers. Additionally, 30% were presented as short papers and 15% as posters.
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers (full, short and posters) will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. HZYE
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP and EI (Elsevier Index).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SciTePress Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/). SciTePress is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
Best paper awards will be distributed during the conference closing session. Please check the website for further information (http://www.csedu.org/BestPaperAward.aspx).
Workshops, Special sessions, Tutorials as well as Demonstrations dedicated to other technical/scientific topics are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat. Workshop chairs and Special Session chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.
CSEDU 2013 will be held in conjunction with CLOSER 2013 (International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - http://closer.scitevents.org/), WEBIST 2013 (International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - http://www.webist.org/) and SMARTGREENS 2013 (International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems - http://www.smartgreens.org/) in Aachen, Germany. Registration to CSEDU will enable free attendance to any sessions of CLOSER, WEBIST and SMARTGREENS conferences as a non-speaker.
Please check further details at the CSEDU conference website (http://www.csedu.org/).
Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.
Kind regards,
Joao Teixeira
CSEDU Secretariat
Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 184
Fax: +44 203 014 8596
Email: csedu.secretariat(a)insticc.org
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Markus Helfert, Dublin City University, Ireland
Owen Foley, Galway Mayo IT, Ireland
Maria Teresa Restivo, FEUP, Portugal
James Uhomoibhi, University of Ulster, United Kingdom
Please check the program committee members at http://www.csedu.org/ProgramCommittee.aspx
Area 1: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Web-based Learning, Wikis and Blogs
- e-Learning Platforms, Portals
- Authoring Tools and Content Development
- Groupware Tools
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning
- Security Aspects
- AV-Communication and Multimedia
- Ontologies and Meta-Data Standards
- e-Learning Hardware and Software
- Digital Libraries for e-Learning
Area 2: Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
- Mentoring and Tutoring
- Pedagogy Enhancement with e-Learning
- Educating the Educators
- Immersive Learning
- Blended Learning
- Computer-Aided Assessment
- Metrics and Performance Measurement
- Assessment Software Tools
- e-Testing and new Test Theories
- Instructional Design
- Immersive Learning and Multimedia applications
- Virtual Communities of Practice
- Higher Order Thinking Skills
- Project Based Learning and Engineering Education
Area 3: Social Context and Learning Environments
- Learning Organizations
- Collaborative Learning
- Community Building
- Theoretical Bases of e-Learning Environments
- International Partnerships in Teaching
- Distance and e-Learning in a Global Context
- Cooperation with Industry in Teaching
- Higher Education vs. Vocational Training
- Course Design and e-Learning Curriculae
- Teacher Evaluation
- Assessment and Accreditation of Courses and Institutions
- Lifelong Learning: Continuing Professional Training and Development
- Sharing Resources with Developing Countries
- K-12 Students
- Pedagogical Qualification of Engineering Teachers
- Engineering Education and Ethics
- Social Media and Enhanced Learning in Engineering Education
Area 4: Domain Applications and Case Studies
- e-Learning Success Cases
- Errors in e-Learning
- Critical Success Factors in Distance Learning
- e-learning in Engineering Education
- Industrial and Medical Applications
- Interdisciplinary Programs for Distance Education
- Impact and Achievements of International Initiatives
- Joint Degrees and Interdisciplinary Programmes
- Intelligent Learning and Teaching Systems
Area 5: Ubiquitous Learning
- Accessibility to Disabled Users
- Mobile Learning (M-learning)
- Context Dependent Learning
- Standards and Interoperability
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- Technology Support for Pervasive Learning
- Virtual Labs and Virtual Classrooms
- Distance Education
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CFP CLOSER 2013 - Int'l Conf. on Cloud Computing and Services
Science (Aachen/Germany)
Datum: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 13:40:48 -0500
Von: CLOSER Secretariat <postmaster13(a)303media.net>
Antwort an: closer.secretariat(a)scitevents.org
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
CLOSER website: http://closer.scitevents.org
May 8 - 10, 2013
Aachen, Germany
Co-organized by: RWTH
Sponsored by: INSTICC
INSTICC is Member of: WfMC and OMG
Technically sponsored by: SINTEF
Regular Paper Submission: November 15, 2012
Authors Notification (regular papers): January 17, 2013
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: February 7, 2013
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
We would like to draw your attention to the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2013 - http://closer.scitevents.org) whose submission deadline is scheduled for November 15, 2012. We hope you can participate in this conference by submitting a paper reflecting your current research in any of the following areas:
- Cloud Computing Fundamentals
- Services Science Foundation for Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing Platforms and Applications
- Cloud Computing Enabling Technology
The conference will be sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC), co-organized by the Aachen University (RWTH) and technically sponsored by SINTEF. INSTICC is Member of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) and Object Management Group (OMG).
The 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2013, focuses on the emerging area of Cloud Computing, inspired by some latest advances that concern the infrastructure, operations, and available services through the global network. Further, the conference considers as essential the link to Services Science, acknowledging the service-orientation in most current IT-driven collaborations. The conference is nevertheless not about the union of these two (already broad) fields, but about Cloud Computing where we are also interested in how Services Science can provide theory, methods and techniques to design, analyze, manage, market etc.
We would like to highlight the presence of the following keynote speakers:
- Gottfried Vossen, WWU Münster, Germany
- Ivona Brandic, Vienna UT, Austria
CLOSER is interested in promoting high quality research as it can be confirmed by last year acceptance rates, where from 145 submissions, 19% were accepted as full papers. Additionally, 30% were presented as short papers and 14% as posters.
Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers (full, short and posters) will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. BXDY
A short list of presented papers will be selected for publication of extended and revised versions in a Special Issue of the Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems. Also a short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in a SSRI Series book.
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP and EI (Elsevier Index).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SciTePress Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/). SciTePress is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).
Best paper awards will be distributed during the conference closing session. Please check the website for further information (http://closer.scitevents.org/BestPaperAward.aspx).
We also would like to highlight the possibility to submit to the following Special Session, whose deadline is scheduled for March 1, 2013:
- Special Session on Security Governance and SLAs in Cloud Computing (CloudSecGov)
Workshops, Special sessions, Tutorials as well as Demonstrations dedicated to other technical/scientific topics are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat. Workshop chairs and Special Session chairs will benefit from logistics support and other types of support, including secretariat and financial support, to facilitate the development of a valid idea.
CLOSER 2013 will be held in conjunction with WEBIST 2013 (International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - www.webist.org/), CSEDU 2013 (International Conference on Computer Supported Education - http://www.csedu.org/) and SMARTGREENS 2013 (International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems - http://www.smartgreens.org/) in Aachen, Germany. Registration to CLOSER will enable free attendance to any sessions of WEBIST, CSEDU and SMARTGREENS conferences as a non-speaker.
Please check further details at the CLOSER conference website (http://closer.scitevents.org).
Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.
Kind regards,
Joao Teixeira
CLOSER Secretariat
Av. D. Manuel I, 27A 2.Esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 184
Fax: +44 203 014 8638
Email: closer.secretariat(a)scitevents.org
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Frederic Desprez, LIP / INRIA, France
Donald Ferguson, Dell, United States
Ethan Hadar, CA Technologies, Israel
Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Please check the program committee members at http://closer.scitevents.org/ProgramCommittee.aspx
Area 1: Cloud Computing Fundamentals
- Cloud Computing Architecture
- Cloud Standards
- Cloud Application Portability
- Cloud Interoperability
- Cloud Delivery Models
- Cloud Deployment Models: Public/Private/Hybrid Cloud
- Cloud Risk, Challenges, and Governance
- Business Cloud vs. Software Cloud
Area 2: Services Science Foundation for Cloud Computing
- Semantic Web Technologies
- Web Services
- Service and Systems Design and QoS Network Security
- Service-Oriented Architecture
- Internet of Services
- Service Modeling and Specification
- Service Composition
- Service Discovery
- Service Monitoring and Control
- Business Services Realized by IT Services
- Service Innovation
- Service Operation
- Service Strategy
- Service Marketing and Management
- Information and Service Economy
- Human Beings in Service Systems
- Enterprise Architectures and Services
Area 3: Cloud Computing Platforms and Applications
- Vertical Specific Cloud Services
- Mobility
- Cloud Middleware Frameworks
- Cloud Application Architectures
- Cloud Application Scalability and Availability
- XaaS
- ITaaS
- COTS and Cloud
- Cloudsourcing
- Cloud Applications Performance and Monitoring
- Development Methods for Cloud Applications
- Economics (ROI, Costs, CAPEX/OPEX,.)
- Outsourced Production Environments
- Collective Intelligence/Crowd Computing
- Context-aware Computing and Peer to Peer Computing
- Big Data Cloud Services
Area 4: Cloud Computing Enabling Technology
- Troubleshooting and Best Practices
- Monitoring of Services, Quality of Service, Service Level Agreements
- Security and Cyber Security in the Cloud
- Performance Development and Management
- Cloud Ilities (Scalability, Availability,Reliability)
- Dynamic Capacity and Performance Management
- Cloud Optimization and Automation
- Virtualization Technologies
- Disaster Recovery
- Cloud Abstraction of Composite IT Systems
- Cloud IT Systems Reuse
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 13th Industrial Exhibition on Intelligent Data and
Image Analysis IEDA 2013
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 09:50:52
From: ieda 2013 New York USA <info(a)ibai-institute.de>
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu.ac.at
Second Call for Participation
13th Industrial Exhibition on Intelligent Data and Image Analysis IEDA 2013
New York, USA
July 19 - 21, 2013
The Industrial Exhibition on Intelligent Data and Image Analysis is held on yearly basis.
The Industrial Exhibition on Intelligent Data and Image Analysis is held during the WorldCongress DSA 2013
This is an excellent opportunity for companies and institutions to show their products. Visitors and congress
participants can become aware of new products and technologies.
Present your brand new soft - and hardware
* Data Mining Software
* Web Mining & Server Log Mining Software
* WWW Mining Software for Text, Images, Video
* Information Robots
* Search Engines
* Information Managements Tools
* Library Literature Tools
* Image Analysis
* Microscopic Image Acquisition & Analysis Tools
* Standardization
* Data Warehouse
* Social Media
* Online Targeting
* Industry Design and Innovative Industrial Products with the help of Data and Signal Analysis Methods
Book Fair
Publishing Houses and institution have the oportunity to present their publiations to the participants of
the exhibition and conference.
Job Fair
Companies and institution have the oportunity to present their entity to the participants of the conference
and describe work opportunities and collaborations.
Please register now and safe 20% of the price. Form more information please visit www.iedaexhibition.com.
New York, Do, 9.Aug.2012
If you do not wish to receive this e-mail again please press this link http://ibai-institut-newsletter.de/cgi-bin/mail/manager.cgi?action=delete&e…
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Extended CFP:: ICEEE2012- Poland- IEEE
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 13:03:27 -0700
From: The International Conference on E-Learning and
E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE) <cn(a)sdiwc.net>
Reply-To: cn(a)sdiwc.net
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The International Conference on E- Learning and E-Technologies in
Education (ICEEE)
Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
Sept. 24-26, 2012
The proposed conference on the above theme will be held at Technical
University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, From Sept. 24-26, 2012 which aims to
enable researchers build connections between different digital
The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to)
research topics:
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Security Aspects?
- Immersive Learning
- Computer-Aided Assessment? ?
- Collaborative Learning?
- Errors in E-Learning
- Community Building-Accessibility to Disabled Users?
- Context Dependent Learning
- E-Learning Platforms, Portals?
- Mobile Learning (M-learning)?
- Learning Organization
- Standards and Interoperability
- Virtual Labs and Virtual Classrooms
- Digital Libraries for E-Learning
- Joint Degrees
- Web-based Learning, Wikis and Blogs
- Authoring Tools and Content Development
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning
- Medical Applications
- E-Learning Hardware and Software
- AV-Communication and Multimedia
- Ontologies and Meta-Data Standards
- Simulated Communities and Online Mentoring
- E-Testing and new Test Theories
- Supervising and Managing Student Projects
- Distance Education-Pedagogy Enhancement with E-Learning
- Metrics and Performance Measurement
- Assessment Methods in Blended Learning Environments
- Assessment and Accreditation of Courses and Institutions
- Course Design and E-Learning Curriculae
- Lifelong Learning: Continuing Professional Training and Development
- Theoretical Bases of E-Learning Environments
- International Partnerships in Teaching
- Distance and E-Learning in a Global Context
- Cooperation with Industry in Teaching-Higher Education vs. Vocational
- Critical Success Factors in Distance Learning?
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- Interdisciplinary Programs for Distance Education
- Impact and Achievements of International Initiatives
- Technology Support for Pervasive Learning
- E-Learning in Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and information engineering
- Groupware Tools
- Educating the Educators-Blended Learning
- Assessment Software Tools
- Teacher Evaluation
- E-Learning Success Cases
Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically. All papers
will be fully refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees. Before
final acceptance, all referees comments must be considered.
Important Dates
Submission Date : Aug. 15, 2012
Notification of acceptance: Aug. 25, 2012
Camera Ready submission : Sep. 15, 2012
Registration : Sep. 15, 2012
Conference dates : Sept. 24-26, 2012
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: Kaleidoscope 2013 - 'Building
Sustainable Communities'
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 08:19:32 +0200
From: Kai Jakobs <kai.jakobs(a)comsys.rwth-aachen.de>
Organization: RWTH Aachen University
To: AISWorld <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear All,
The ITU Kaleidoscope conferences are unique in that they focus on both
the technical as well as the socio-economic and policy aspects of future
communication systems and their underlying standards. See the CfP below
for details.
The 5th of its kind will be held in Kyoto, Japan, on 22 - 24 April 2013.
The deadline is 10 September - so you better start writing .......
Hope to see you there.
Building Sustainable Communities
The 5th ITU Kaleidoscope academic conference
22-24 April 2013, Kyoto, Japan
Call for Papers
Kaleidoscope 2013 Building Sustainable Communities is the fifth in a
series of peer-reviewed academic conferences organized by ITU that
brings together a wide range of views from universities, industry and
research institutions of different fields. The aim of Kaleidoscope
conferences is to identify emerging developments in Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) at an early stage to generate
successful products and services through the development of
international and open standards.
Future technologies should be designed to enhance the quality of human
life. Kaleidoscope 2013 will, therefore, highlight multidisciplinary
aspects of future ICTs including future services and applications demand
as well as socio-economic, cultural, ethical, legal, and sustainable
development policy aspects of communities of the future.
ICTs can be used as a catalyst for transforming life to meet the
challenges of the new millennium, including global economic and
financial crises, high unemployment rates, accessibility issues, global
diseases, food availability and distribution, climate change,
environmental disasters, energy consumption, transport systems, safety,
security, and welfare.
Sustainable communities will combine human-oriented technologies and
human values. Besides technical issues, building sustainable communities
also raises ethical concerns such as responsibility for future
generations and for the environment, as well as for data and information
privacy. Therefore, an improved understanding of technology, its
suitable application, and a high consideration of its potential
consequences are necessary. To address these issues, and for a co-
evolution of technology and sustainable communities, standards are
indispensable. Developing these standards will require concerted global
efforts by inter-sectoral stakeholders. This conference will help to
further such collaborations. Building Sustainable Communities is calling
for original academic papers offering innovative and bold approaches in
research and development to build smart, ethical, and sustainable
Kaleidoscope 2013 is targeted at all specialists with a role in the
field, including researchers, academics, students, engineers, policy-
makers and regulators, innovators and futurists from all over the world.
Date and venue
22 - 24 April 2013, Kyoto, Japan
Submission of papers
Prospective authors, from countries that are Members of ITU, are invited
to submit complete, original papers with a maximum length of 4,500 words
within eight pages including summary and references, using the template
available on the event website. All papers will be reviewed through a
double-blind, peer-review process and handled electronically; see
for the online submission (EDAS). Paper proposals will be evaluated
according to content, originality, clarity, relevance to the
conference's theme and, in particular, significance to future standards.
Submission of full paper proposals: 10 September 2012
Notification of paper acceptance: 12 November 2012
Submission of camera-ready accepted papers: 3 December 2012
Publication and presentation
Accepted papers will be presented during the event and published in the
proceedings and in IEEE Xplore. The best papers will be evaluated for
potential publication in IEEE Communications Magazine. In addition,
selected papers will be considered for publication in the International
Journal of Technology Marketing or the International Journal of IT
Standards & Standardization Research.
Awards of USD 5k, 3k and 2k will be granted to selected best papers, as
judged by the Steering and Technical Programme Committees. In addition,
young authors presenting accepted papers will receive a Young Author
Recognition certificate.
General Chairman
Hiroshi Matsumoto (Kyoto University, Japan)
Steering Committee
Christoph Dosch (ITU-R Study Group 6 Chairman; IRT GmbH, Germany)
Roch Glitho (Concordia University, Canada)
Kai Jakobs (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Mostafa Hashem Sherif (AT&T, United States)
Alfredo Terzoli (Rhodes University, South Africa)
Host Committee
Chairman: Tatsuro Takahashi (Kyoto University, Japan)
Tohru Asami (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Yoshikazu Ikeda (Otani University, Japan)
Yoichi Maeda (TTC, Japan)
Mitsuji Matsumoto (Waseda University, Japan)
Technical Programme Committee
Chairman: Kai Jakobs (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
The Technical Programme Committee is composed of over 100 subject matter
experts worldwide. Details will be available shortly at
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), human-oriented
technologies, technological innovation, standardization, ambient
intelligence, ubiquitous networks, Internet of Things, M2M, e-
applications, information society, ethics, sustainability, environment.
For additional information
Additional information is available on the conference website:
Inquiries should be addressed to kaleidoscope(a)itu.int
Suggested (non-exclusive) list of topics
Track 1: Technology and architecture evolution
- Long-distance and ultra-high-speed transmission network systems
- Disaster relief systems, network resilience and recovery
- Wireless sensor networks
- Optical wireless communication
- Human-centric, cognitive and context-aware systems
- Machine-to-machine communication and Internet of Things
- Body-area networks
- Near-field communications
- Environmental and biometric actuators and sensors
- Security and privacy-enhancing technologies
- Pervasive and trusted network and service infrastructure
- Mobility and nomadicity
- Adaptive antenna techniques
Track 2: ICT applications and services for sustainable communities
- e-government and e-democracy
- e-learning and e-science
- e-agriculture
- e-health and telemedicine
- Ageing and ambient assistive living
- Smart cities: utilities, transport, buildings and homes
- Innovative applications and content delivery (IPTV, games, etc.)
- Mobile payment and money transfer
- Augmented reality and technology intelligence
- Location-based services
- Service layer requirements
- XaaS (Anything as a Service)
- QoS for differentiated source
- Location services
Track 3: Social, economic and policy aspects of ICT in sustainable
- Digital rights and identity management
- Societal impact
- Legislative and regulatory frameworks
- Security, confidentiality and privacy
- Accessibility and usability
- Business models (including accounting, billing and charging)
- Standardization models
- Network neutrality
- Inclusiveness, affordability and equal access
- Internationalization and localization
- Environmental sustainability
- Ethical issues
- Regulation (for QoS, network sharing, etc.)
- Standardization and innovation management
- Stakeholder perceptions in standards
- Standards in healthcare services
Kai Jakobs
RWTH Aachen University
Computer Science Department
Informatik 4 (Communication and Distributed Systems)
Ahornstr. 55, D-52074 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: +49-241-80-21405
Fax: +49-241-80-22222
EURAS - The European Academy for Standardization.
The International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research.
The 'Advances in Information Technology Standards and Standardization
Research' book series.
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] FGCT 2012 (IEEE UK) at BCS
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2012 14:13:58 +0530
From: diwt(a)dirf.org
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
//Apology for cross-posting//
The First International Conference on Future Generation Communication
Technologies (FGCT 2012)
December 12-14, 2012
British Computer Society, London, UK
Call for Papers
You are invited to submit a paper to The First International Conference on
Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT 2012) to be held at the
British Computer Society, London, UK. Accepted papers in the conference
will be published and indexed in the IEEE Xplore. Further they will be
indexed in many global databases.
In the last decade, a number of newer communication technologies have been
evolved, which have a significant impact on the technology, as a whole. The
impact ranges from incremental applications to dramatical breakthrough in
the society. Users rely heavily on broadcast technology, social media,
mobile devices, video games and other innovations to enrich the learning and
adoption process.
This conference is designed for teachers, administrators, practitioners,
researchers and scientists in the development arenas. It aims to provide
discussions and simulations in the communication technology at the broad
level and broadcasting technology and related technologies at the micro
Through a set of research papers, using innovative and interactive approach,
participants can expect to share a set of research that will prepare them to
apply new technologies to their work in teaching, research and educational
development amid this rapidly evolving landscape.
Topics discussed in this platform are not limited to
Broadcost technology
4 G Mobile technology, including open mobile initiatives
Future mobile communications
Mobile Web Technology
Communication Security, Trust, Protocols and Applications
Communication Interfaces
Communication Modelling
Collaborative Communication Technology
Forthcoming optical communication systems
Communication Technology for Elearning, Egovernment, Ebusiness
Games and games designing
Social technology devises, tools and applications
Crowdsourcing and Human Computation
Future warehousing
The conference will have workshops on specific themes, industrial
presentation, invited talks and collaborative discussion forums.
Important Dates
Submission deadline- September 15, 2012
Notification- October 15, 2012
Camera ready- November 15, 2012
Registration - November 15, 2012
Conference dates- December 12-14, 2012
The selected papers after extension and modification will be published in
many peer reviewed and indexed journals.
Journal of Digital Information Management (Scopus/EI)
Information Journal (SCI/ISI)
Many more journals are planned
PAPER SUBMISSION AT - http://www.socio.org.uk/fgct/submission.php
Contact- fgct at socio.org.uk
Program Committee
General Chair
Ezendu Ariwa, London Metropolitan University, UK
Program Chairs
Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau
Stephanne Bressene, National University of Singapore
Program Co-chairs
Nik Bessis, University of Derby, United Kingdom
Adrian Florea, University of Sibiu, Romania
Turker Ince, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Publication Chair
Lei Li, Hosei University, Japan
P. Venkata Krishna, VIT University, India
Tariq Shareef Yunis, Applied Science University, Bahrain
PAPER SUBMISSION AT - http://www.socio.org.uk/fgct/submission.php
Contact- fgct at socio.org.uk
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Last CFP - E-Learning and E-Technologies in
Education - IEEE
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2012 21:00:13 -0700
From: The International Conference on E-Learning and
E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE) <donotreply(a)sdiwc.us>
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
The International Conference on E-Learning and
E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE)
Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
Sept. 24-26, 2012
Technical co-sponsored by IEEE Poland.
The proposed conference on the above theme will be held at
Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, From Sept.
24-26, 2012 which aims to enable researchers build
connections between different digital applications.
The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not
limited to) research topics:
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Security AspectsÂ?
- Immersive Learning
- Computer-Aided Assessment
- Collaborative LearningÂ?
- Errors in e-Learning
- Community Building-Accessibility to Disabled UsersÂ?
- Context Dependent Learning
- E-Learning Platforms, Portals
- Mobile Learning (M-learning)Â?
- Learning Organization
- Standards and Interoperability
- Virtual Labs and Virtual Classrooms
- Digital Libraries for E-Learning
- Joint Degrees
- Web-based Learning, Wikis and Blogs
- Authoring Tools and Content Development
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning
- Medical Applications
- E-Learning Hardware and Software
- AV-Communication and Multimedia
- Ontologies and Meta-Data Standards
- Simulated Communities and Online Mentoring
- E-Testing and new Test Theories
- Supervising and Managing Student Projects
- Distance Education-Pedagogy Enhancement with E-Learning
- Metrics and Performance Measurement
- Assessment Methods in Blended Learning Environments
- Assessment and Accreditation of Courses and Institutions
- Course Design and e-Learning Curriculae
- Lifelong Learning: Continuing Professional Training and
- Theoretical Bases of E-Learning Environments
- International Partnerships in Teaching
- Distance and E-Learning in a Global Context
- Cooperation with Industry in Teaching-Higher Education vs.
Vocational Training
- Critical Success Factors in Distance LearningÂ?
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- Interdisciplinary Programs for Distance Education
- Impact and Achievements of International Initiatives
- Technology Support for Pervasive Learning
- E-learning in Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and
information engineering
- Groupware Tools
- Educating the Educators-Blended Learning
- Assessment Software Tools
- Teacher Evaluation
- E-Learning Success Cases
Researchers are encouraged to submit their work
electronically. All papers will be fully refereed by a
minimum of two specialized referees. Before final
acceptance, all referees comments must be considered.
Important Dates
Submission Date : Aug. 15, 2012
Notification of acceptance : Aug. 30, 2012
Camera Ready submission : Sep. 15, 2012
Registration : Sep. 15, 2012
Conference dates : Sept. 24-26, 2012
Noah John D. Ucab
Online Marketing Staff
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] Last CFP: IEEE CSE/EUC-2012
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2012 11:09:29 +0800
From: CSE CFP <cse_cfp(a)ymail.com>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
The 15th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and
Engineering (IEEE CSE 2012)
The 10th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous
Computing (IEEE/IFIP EUC 2012)
5-7 December 2012, Paphos, Cyprus
Submission Deadline: August 10, 2012
The selected papers of EUC/CSE-2012 will be published at the following
special issues:
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (ACM)
ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (ACM and Springer)
Journal of Computer and System Sciences (Elsevier)
International Journal of High Performance Computing (SAGE Publs)
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Wiley)
Journal of Embedded Computing (IOS)
Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier)
Journal of System Architecture (Elsevier)
Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Springer)
Journal of Computing (Springer) (pending)
Contact: Prof. George A. Papadopoulos <george(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] JIST 2012 (The Joint
International Semantic Technology Conference)
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2012 07:51:38 +0900
From: Kouji Kozaki <kozaki(a)ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
* The Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST 2012)
* http://www.ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp/jist2012/
* December 2-4, 2012
* Nara, Japan
* Submissions due: 23:59 (Hawaii Time), August 24, 2012
The Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST) is a regional
federation of Semantic Technology related conferences. The mission of JIST
is to bring together researchers in Semantic Technology research community
and other areas of semantic related technologies to present their innovative
research results or novel applications of semantic technologies.
The JIST 2012 solicits the submission of original research papers on Semantic
Web and other semantic technologies, as well as papers on applications of
semantic technologies.
There are three kinds of tracks as follows;
* Regular Technical Sessions (16 pages)
* In-Use Tracks (6 pages)
* Special Tracks (6 pages)
- Special Track on Linked Data in Practice
- Special Track on Database Integration
Accepted papers for all tracks will be distributed to conference attendees
and also published by Springer in the printed conference proceedings.
* Important Dates
- Submissions due: 23:59 (Hawaii Time), August 24, 2012
- Conference: December 2-4, 2012
For detailes plese find CFPs on the website as follows;
* PDF format version for print
* Organization
** General Chair
- Riichiro Mizoguchi: Osaka University, Japan
** Program Chairs
- Hideaki Takeda: National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
- Yuzhong Qu: Nanjing University, China
** In-Use Track Chair:
- Takahiro Kawamura: Toshiba Corp., Japan
** Special Track Chair:
- Tetsuro Toyoda: RIKEN, Japan
** Poster and Demo Chairs:
- Ryutaro Ichise: National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
- Seokchan Yun: Daum Communications Corp., Korea
** Workshop Chairs:
- Zhiqiang Gao: Southeast University, China
- Hakrae Kim: Samsung Electronics, Korea
** Tutorial Chairs:
- Ikki Ohmukai: National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
- Hanmin Jung: Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea
** Publicity Chair:
- Kouji Kozaki: Osaka University, Japan
** Local Organizing Chair:
- Yoshinobu Kitamura: Osaka University, Japan
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: IEEE CollaborateCom 2012
Datum: Mon, 6 Aug 2012 11:48:48 -0400
Von: Jinpeng Wei <weijp(a)cs.fiu.edu>
Antwort an: weijp(a)cs.fiu.edu
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
The 8th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing:
Networking, Applications and Worksharing
IEEE CollaborateCom 2012
Co-Sponsored by EAI and IEEE CS
14-17 October 2012
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- The event is endorsed and sponsored by
European Alliance for Innovation and IEEE Computer Society
- Best papers will be invited in Journal Special Issues (*ALL CONFIRMED*)
[1] International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
(*Impact Factor: 1.433 in 20120 ) ***
[2] Computer and Security (*5-Year Impact Factor: 1.307)*
[3] Spring MONET
(Special Issues for 2008, 2009 & 2010 has been published)
- Supporters for *Student Travel Grants *and *Best/Student Paper Awards*
CSIRO, Australia
University of Pittsburgh
- Digital Libraries and Indexing Services
IEEEXplore, EU Digital Library (EUDL)
EI (Comendex), Google Scholar, ISI, Scopus and many more
Over the last two decades, many organizations and individuals have relied
on electronic collaboration between distributed teams of humans, computer
applications, and/or autonomous robots to achieve higher
productivity and produce joint products that would have been impossible to
develop without the contributions of multiple collaborators.
Technology has evolved from standalone tools, to open systems supporting
collaboration in multi-organizational settings, and from general purpose
tools to specialized collaboration grids. Future collaboration solutions
that fully realize the promises of electronic collaboration require
advancements in networking, technology and systems, user interfaces and
interaction paradigms, and interoperation with application-specific
components and tools.The eighth International Conference on Collaborative
Computing (CollaborateCom 2012) will continue to serve as a premier
international forum for discussion among academic and industrial
researchers, practitioners, and students interested in collaborative
networking, technology and systems, and applications.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
-Architectures, protocols, and enabling technologies for collaborative
computing networks and systems
-Autonomic computing and quality of services in collaborative networks,
systems, and applications
-Collaboration in pervasive and cloud computing environments
-Collaboration in data-intensive scientific discovery
-Collaboration in health-care environments
-Collaborative e-education, e-learning, and collaborative computing in
large scale digital libraries
-Collaborative mobile networks and infrastructures
-Collaborative technologies for fast creation and deployment of new mobile
-Collaborative, location-aware mobile systems/applications
-Collaboration techniques in data-intensive computing and cloud computing
-Collaborative sensor networks, unmanned air and ground vehicle networks &
-Collaborative, context-aware infrastructure
-Collaborative social networks & web-based collaboration
-Computer supported collaborative work with distributed systems
-Distributed collaborative workflows
-Data management and middleware support for collaborative information
systems -Energy management for collaborative networks
-Group-driven composition of systems from components
-Human-robot collaboration
-Human-centric ubiquitous collaboration
-Methodologies and tools for design and analysis of collaborative user
-Models & mechanisms for real-time collaboration
-Multi-agent technology and software technologies for collaborative
networking and applications
-Peer-to-peer and overlay networks, systems, & applications
-P2P platforms for supporting collaboration
-Security, privacy and trust management in collaborative networks,
systems, and applications
-Simulation, performance evaluation, experiments, and case studies of
collaborative networks and applications
-Software design, testing, and experimentation technology for
collaborative networking and applications
-Theoretical foundations and algorithms for collaborative networks,
applications, and worksharing
-Tools for collaborative decision making processes
-Trustworthy collaborative business processing in virtual organizations
-Visualization techniques, interaction devices and visual languages for
collaborative networks and applications
-Web services technologies and service-oriented architectures for
collaborative networking and applications
-Workflow management for collaborative networks/systems
We invite original research papers that have not been previously
published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere.
Contributions addressing all areas related to collaborative networking,
technology and systems, and applications are solicited. The submitted
manuscript should closely reflect the final paper as it will appear in the
Proceedings. Submitted papers should be 10 pages in two-column IEEE
proceeding format. The papers can be submitted in regular track or
Industry/Application track.
All submitted papers and posters will be rigorously reviewed. All
accepted papers will be made available in IEEE Xplore and other external
indexing services (DBLP database, ZB1Math/CompuServe, IO-Port, EI, Scopus,
INSPEC, ISI proceeding - pending approval). Approval is being granted for
a special issue on CollaborateCom'12 to be published on ACM/Springer
MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS (MONET). 4-6 papers on the themes related
to MONET will be selected for publication on this issue. Springer MONET
and IJCIS special issues have been confirmed.
The conference will include a poster session that highlights recent and
on-going research, experiments, and provocative ideas that have not been
published elsewhere. Poster submissions will be reviewed and one page
summaries of accepted posters will appear in the conference proceedings.
[Workshops proposals]
Proposals for half-day or full day workshops that focus on
CollaborateCom 2012 related themes are solicited. Workshop proposals
should be at most five pages, including a biographical sketch of each
instructor, and submitted to the Workshop Chairs. Proposals will be
evaluated based on the expertise and experience of the organizers and the
relevance and importance of the subject matter. Please refer to call for
workshop proposals for details.
[Panels proposals]
Proposals for panel discussions that focus on future visions for
collaborative networking, applications, and worksharing are preferred.
Potential panel organizers should submit a panel proposal of at most five
pages, including biographical sketches of the proposed panelists to the
Panel Chairs.
[Tutorial proposals]
Proposals for full and half-day tutorials are solicited. Tutorials are
intended to enhance the technical program, and as such they should be
relevant to collaborative computing, networking, worksharing, and
applications. Potential tutorial presenters should submit a tutorial
proposal of at most three pages, including: description of potential
audience and background knowledge expected from the audience, if any;
tutorial description; biographical sketch of presenter(s).
[Paper submission]
All paper, poster, panel, and workshop submissions will be handled
electronically. Please visit the conference website
www.CollaborateCom.org for detailed submission requirements and procedures.
[Important dates]
[Extended Deadlines]
Full Paper deadline: August 10th, 2012
Notification and registration opens: August 31st, 2012
Camera-ready deadline: September 20th, 2012
[Conference organizing committee]
General Chair:
Calton Pu. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh, USA
TPC Co-Chairs:
Barbara Carminati, Univ. Of Insubria, Italy
Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Univ. Of Georgia, USA
Panels Co-Chairs:
Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Mohamed Eltoweissy, Pacific Northwest National Lab and Virginia Tech, USA
Publications Chair:
Surya Nepal, CSIRO, Australia
Industry Co-Chairs:
Yuecel Karabulut, SAP, USA
Mudhakar Srivastav. IBM, USA
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Anna C Squicciarini, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Sponsorhsip Chair:
Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, CSIRO, Australia
Publicity Chair:
Jinpeng Wei, Florida International University, USA
Local Arrangments Chair:
Konstantinos Pelechrinis, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Finance Chair:
Natasa Milosevic, EAI
Conference Coordinator:
Erica Polini contact: erica.polini[at]eai.eu
[Steering Committee]
Imrich Chlamtac (Chair), Create-Net, Italy
Tao Zhang (Vice Chair), Telcordia Technologies, USA
Ken Birman, Cornell University, USA
Nim Cheung, Telcordia Technologies, USA
Arun Iyengar, IBM T.J. Watson, USA
Pradeep Khosla, Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA
Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh, USA
The European Alliance for Innovation is a dynamic eco-system for
fostering ICT enabled innovation to improve European competitiveness and
to benefit society. EAI uses open e-platforms to inspire grassroots
collaboration among all relevant actors, from organizations to
individuals, to stimulate community driven innovation to its
institutional and individual members worldwide. Through EAI,
organizations find ideas and talent, and individual innovators find
organizations for their ingenuity and craft. Join the innovation
community at www.eai.eu
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