-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP 5th International Workshop on
Event-Driven Business Process Management @ BPM 2011
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 06:08:55 +0100
From: Janiesch, Christian <c.janiesch(a)sap.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
5th International Workshop on Event-Driven Business Process Management
collocated with BPM 2011
Clermont-Ferrand, France from August 28th to September 2nd, 2011
The recently coined term<Event-Driven Business Process Management> (EDBPM) is nowadays an enhancement of BPM by new concepts of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Event Driven Architecture (EDA), Software as a Service (SaaS), Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) and Complex Event Processing (CEP). edBPM11 will continue the work of previous edBPM workshops in exchanging novel ideas, methods, tools and solutions for the event-driven BPM, with the main goal to connect research and industry in better understanding what can be done from the research point of view and what is the need from the industry/business point of view.
In this context BPM means a software platform which provides companies the ability to model, manage, and optimize these processes for significant gain. As an independent system, CEP is a parallel running platform that analyses and processes events. The BPM- and the CEP-platform correspond via events which are produced by the BPM-workflow engine and by the - if distributed - IT services which are associated with the business process steps. Also events coming from different event sources in different forms can trigger a business process or influence the execution of a process or a service, which can result in another event. Even more, the correlation of these events in a particular context can be treated as a complex, business level event, relevant for the execution of other business processes or services. A business process - arbitrarily fine or coarse grained - can be seen as a service again and can be "choreographed" with other business processes or services, even between d!
ifferent enterprises and organizations.
Loosely coupled event-driven architecture for BPM provides significant benefits:
* Responsiveness. Events can occur at any time from any source and processes respond to them immediately, whenever they happen and wherever they happen.
* Agility. New processes can be modeled, implemented, deployed, and optimized more quickly in response to changing business requirements.
* Flexibility. Processes can span heterogeneous platforms and programming languages. Participating applications can be upgraded or changed without breaking the process model.
Authors are invited to submit novel contributions in the prior described problem domain.
* Event-driven BPM: Concepts
o Role of event processing in BPM
o Business Events: types and representation
o Event stream processing in business processes
o Data- and event-driven business processes
* Design-time CEP and BPM
o Modelling events in human-oriented tasks
o Semantics/Ontologies for event-driven BPM
o Publish/subscription mechanism and process modelling
* Run-time CEP and BPM
o Event pattern detection
o BPEL and event processing
o Reasoning about unknown/similar events
* Applications/Use cases for event-driven BPM
o Event-driven monitoring/BAM
o Event-driven SLA monitoring
The following types of submission are solicited:
* Long paper submissions, describing substantial contributions of novel ongoing work. Long papers should be at most 12 pages long.
* Short paper submissions, describing work in progress. These papers should be at most 6 pages long.
* Use case submission, describing results from an edBPM use case. These papers should be at most 4 pages long.
Papers should be submitted in the new LNBIP format (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-487211-0). Papers have to present original research contributions not concurrently submitted elsewhere. The title page must contain a short abstract, a classification of the topics covered, preferably using the list of topics above, and an indication of the submission category (Long Paper/ Short Paper).
Submission via easychair, link soon at http://icep-edbpm11.fzi.de/.
Paper submissions: May 6, 2011
Notification of acceptance: June 2, 2011
Camera-ready papers: June 17, 2011
Workshops: August 29, 2011
Nenad Stojanovic
FZI - Research Center for Information Technologies at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Opher Etzion
IBM Research Lab in Haifa
Adrian Paschke
Corporate Semantic Web, Free University Berlin, Germany and RuleML Inc., Canada
Christian Janiesch
SAP Research Center Brisbane, Australia
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP 3M4SE @ EDOC 2011
Datum: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 12:43:35 +0100
Von: <m.e.iacob(a)utwente.nl>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*** Extended deadline for workshop paper submissions: 29 March 2011 ***
Second International Workshop on
Models and Model-driven Methods for Service Engineering (3M4SE 2011)
in conjunction with the
Fifteenth IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2011)
"The Enterprise Computing Conference",
August 29 - September 2, 2011, Helsinki, Finland
Recent developments in meta-modelling and model transformation
techniques have led to increasing adoption of model-driven engineering
practices. The increase in interest and significance of the model-driven
approach has also accelerated its application in the development of
large (distributed) IT systems to support (collaborative) enterprises.
Shifting attention from source code to models allows enterprises to
focus on their core concerns, such as business processes, services and
collaborations, without being forced to simultaneously consider the
underlying technologies. Different concerns are typically addressed by
different models, with transformations between the models and ultimately
to the source code. Although the model-driven approach offers
theoretical benefits for the development, maintenance and evolution of
enterprise computing systems and corresponding service-oriented
solutions, a number of issues for the practical application of the
approach still exist. In order to solve these issues further advances in
models (business goals, pragmatic interoperability, semantic
interoperability) and model-driven methods (design concepts, languages,
meta-models, profiles, specification frameworks) are necessary.
This workshop aims at helping the convergence of research on
model-driven development and practical application of the model-driven
approach in the area of enterprise computing and service engineering.
The workshop addresses questions with respect to the requirements on,
concepts for, properties of and experience with models and model-driven
methods for service engineering in the area of enterprise computing. A
special focus will be on the combined application of model-driven and
semantic approaches in the different phases of the service lifecycle.
* Model-driven service-oriented design process, milestones and design
guidelines for service engineering (business goals, pragmatic
interoperability, semantic interoperability);
* Modelling techniques for Service-Oriented Architectures (design
concepts, languages, meta-models, profiles and specification frameworks);
* Full lifecycle requirements management for service systems;
* Modelling of non-functional and Quality-of-Service characteristics;
* Modelling, analysis and execution of service compositions;
* Model-driven design patterns;
* Platform-independent modelling techniques;
* Mappings and transformation patterns from platform-independent models
to specific technology platforms (Web Services, J2EE, .NET, etc.).
* Limitations of metamodel-based techniques for service engineering, and
alternative techniques;
* Model-driven service description, publication and discovery;
* Platform models and generic platform types;
* Use of viewpoints, relations and correspondences between viewpoints
for model-driven service-oriented design;
* Implications of (middleware) platform characteristics for the
model-driven design process;
* Empirical studies and experience reports on models and model-driven
The workshop welcomes submissions of full papers (8 to 10 pages long)
and position papers (around 4 pages) in the IEEE Computer Society
format. Full research papers should describe original results that have
not been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. These papers
will be evaluated for scientific or technical contribution, originality,
appropriateness and significance.
Position papers should describe new insights gained, should define new
problems or research directions and/or pose challenges for researchers.
These papers will be evaluated based on their appropriateness,
significance, clarity and on their potential to trigger interesting
discussions on the day of the workshop.
All submissions must comply with the IEEE Computer Society conference
proceedings format guidelines (please use the latest template as there
have been updates recently). Submissions must be in English.
Submissions should be submitted in PDF format using the EasyChair system
(see http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=3m4se2011).
All papers will be refereed by at least 3 members of the International
Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published pre-conference, in the EDOC
short-papers and workshops' proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society
Press and will be accessible through IEEE Xplore and the IEEE Computer
Society Digital Library. The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper
from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore)
if the paper is not presented at the workshop.
Important Dates
Paper Submission: March 29, 2011
Paper Notification: May 7, 2011
Camera Ready Copy Due: June 1, 2011
Workshop: August 29-30, 2011 (precise date t.b.d.)
Workshop Co-chairs
Marten van Sinderen (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Luís Ferreira Pires (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Maria-Eugenia Iacob (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Program Committee (provisional)
Dave Akehurst (Thales, UK) João Paulo Almeida (Federal University of
Espírito Santo, Brazil) Colin Atkinson (University of Mannheim, Germany)
Mariano Belaunde (France Telecom R&D, France) Remco Dijkman (Eindhoven
University, The Netherlands) Marlon Dumas (Queensland University of
Technology, Australia) David Frankel (David Frankel Consulting, USA) Roy
Grønmo (SINTEF, Norway) Slimane Hammoudi (ESEA, France) Patrick Hung
(University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada) Peter Linington
(University of Kent, UK) Oscar Pastor (Universidad Politecnica de
Valencia, Spain) Dick Quartel (Novay, The Netherlands) Richard Soley
(Object Management Group, USA) Maarten Steen (Novay, The Netherlands)
Antonio Vallecillo (University of Málaga, Spain) Branimir Wetzstein
(University of Stuttgart, Germany) Chi-Hung Chi (Tsinghua University,
China) Lea Kutvonen (University of Helsinki, Finland) Schrahram Dustar
(Vienna University of Technology) Antonio Brogi (University of Pisa,
Italy) Clever de Farias (University of Soa Paulo, Brazil)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: CEC 2011 Call For Papers (September 5-7, 2011 - Luxembourg)
Datum: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 19:37:49 +0800
Von: cfp(a)grid.chu.edu.tw
An: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
The 13th IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC' 11)
September 5-7, 2011 - Luxembourg, Luxembourg
The IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC) is the
premier forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss
the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns
in the field of E-Commerce technologies and Enterprise Computing. CEC is
the annual conference of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee
on E-Commerce. The program of CEC’11 will consist of invited talks,
technical paper presentations, tutorials, industry sessions, workshops,
and panel discussions.
We invite submissions of high quality papers describing fully developed
results or on-going work on the following topics:
- Enterprise Architecture
- Service Value Networks
- Digital Ecosystems
- System Design for Collaboration and Negotiation
- Business Process Modelling and Management
- Mobile Business Applications
- Security and Trust
- Human Computer Interaction
- Social Networks
- eGovernment
- Cloud Computing
- Green IT/Green Supply Chains
- Semantic Web and Ontological Engineering
Industrial Track:
Linked to CEC 2011, an industrial track will be organised in terms of
the third working conference on Practice-driven Research on Enterprise
Transformation (PRET2011). Earlier editions where organised as the
industrial track to the CAiSE conference in 2009, and the 2010
Enterprise Engineering Week. PRET2011 will have its own call-for-papers
aiming for papers, which clearly bridge between research and application
in industry.
Important Dates:
- Workshop and Tutorial proposals deadline: March 31, 2011
- Submission deadline: May 16, 2011
- Notification of acceptance: June 13, 2011
- Camera-Ready copy due: July 4, 2011
- Conference and Workshop program: September 5-7, 2011
Conference Organization Committee:
General Co-Chairs:
Birgit Hofreiter, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
Eric Dubois, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Program Co-Chairs:
Thomas Setzer, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany
Claude Godart, University Henri Poincare, Nancy 1, France
Erik Proper, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Workshop Chair:
Haijo A. Reijers, University of Eindhoven, Netherlands
Tokuro Matsuo, Yamagata University, Japan
Publicity Co-Chair:
Selmin Nurcan, University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, France
Christian Pichler, Research Studio Austria, Austria
Ching-Hsien (Robert) Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Jiangning Wu, Dalian University of Technology, China
Publication Chair:
Lianne Bodenstaff, University of Twente, Netherlands
Industry Track Co-Chairs:
Heiko Ludwig, IBM Research
Andreas Friesen, SAP Research
Frank Harmsen, Ernst & Young
Web Chair:
Khaled Gaaloul, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Local Organising Chair:
Jean-Charles Bernacconi, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Steering Committee:
Kuo-Ming Chao, Coventry University, UK
Jen-Yao Chung, IBM Research, USA
Christian Huemer, TU Vienna, Austria
Birgit Hofreiter, Univ. of Liechtenstein
Kwei-Jay Lin (Chair), Univ. California, USA
Heiko Ludwig, IBM Research, USA
To unsubscript, please click the following link
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Special Issue of JWS: Reasoning with Context in the
Semantic Web
Datum: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 09:42:24 +0200
Von: ARCOE <organization(a)arcoe.org>
An: organization(a)arcoe.org
(Apologies for multiple postings.)
Call for Papers:
Special Issue of the Journal of Web Semantics on
"Reasoning with context in the Semantic Web"
Mechanisms for reasoning with context have become increasingly
important factors in the Semantic Web. There is a growing need for
general and robust reasoning techniques that make it possible to
integrate heterogeneous knowledge or to use homogeneous knowledge across
different domains.
Research on this topic has so far, and not surprisingly, concentrated
on formal ontologies, i.e., on the logical structures that encode the
semantics of a software's domain of application. Work on the Semantic
Web as well as on information integration, distributed knowledge
management, multi-agent and distributed reasoning has focussed on the
relationship between an ontology and its context. This has aimed at
clarifying how to relate knowledge that is distributed over many
resources. Recent Semantic Web specific developments suggest that
aspects of this relation can be captured by means of named graphs (to
express meta-information), the use of provenance (to track the context
where data/axioms came from) and querying (to facilitate reasoning).
Other neighbouring research areas, though, have also investigated
topics that shed light on how to reason with context in the Semantic
Web. Ontology Engineering and Maintenance, for instance, has tackled the
problems faced by ontology engineers when developing and maintaining an
ontology. The yielded automation of the process of ontology development
and of its phases (e.g. knowledge elicitation, revision cycles,
alignment with pre-existing ontologies etc.) has improved efficiency,
reduced the introduction of unintended meanings into ontologies and in
general made explicit the relationship between an ontology and its
development context. Finally, research on Problem Solving and Agent
Communication has explored how an agent's ontology needs to change at
run-time because of interactions with its context – for instance with
other agents whose ontologies are not known or with new non-classifiable
world situations. This type of research has delivered a deeper
understanding of the evolution of an ontology and is often based on
non-monotonic reasoning, belief revision or changes of signature, i.e.,
of the grammar of the ontology's language, with a minimal disruption to
the original theory.
* Topics of interest:
This special issue aims at bringing together work on reasoning with
context in the Semantic Web from the integration, development and
evolutionary perspectives described above. Submitted articles, which may
describe either theoretical results or applications, must clearly
pertain to the Semantic Web and/or to semantic technologies. They should
present either Semantic Web specific approaches to reasoning with
context, or approaches that have characteristics that are interesting
for the Semantic Web (e.g., scalability, bounded reasoning), or
approaches that are of value to a larger community containing a
non-trivial Semantic Web sub-community (e.g. revision/update techniques
and error pin-pointing).
Submissions are welcome on topics relevant to reasoning with context
in the Semantic Web and that include but are not limited to:
- Named graphs
- Provenance
- Knowledge representation languages for semantic technologies
- Planning and reasoning about action and change in the Semantic Web
- Ontology fault diagnosis and repair
- Pinpointing of logical errors in contexts and ontologies
- Explanation and justifications in DL ontologies
- Ontology and context evolution, debugging, update and merging
- Inconsistency handling in contexts and ontologies
- Uncertainty handling, defeasible reasoning and argumentation in ontologies
- Non-classical belief revision
- Context revision and theory change in DL ontologies
- Ontology and context versioning
- Semantic difference in ontologies and in contexts
- Information and knowledge integration
- The role of context and ontology in distributed reasoning and
knowledge management
- Heuristic and approximate reasoning
- Bounded reasoning and bounded rationality in the Semantic Web
- Adaptive systems and reconfiguration
- Ontology-based data access
- Querying
- Multi-Agent systems in the Semantic Web
- Temporal and spatial reasoning
- Normative reasoning in the Semantic Web
- General problem solving for semantic technologies
- Machine learning for the Semantic Web
- Philosophical foundations of reasoning about context and ontology
- Comparison of uses of contexts and ontologies
* How to submit:
Maximal length of submissions is 25 pages. Authors should upload
submissions on Elsevier's Electronic Submission System at
Choose "Reasoning with context in SW" as article type. See the link
"Guide Authors" on the above url for instructions.
* Important dates:
- Submission deadline: 15 June 2011
- First-round reviews: 5 September 2011
- Revised papers submitted: 30 September 2011
- Final acceptance decisions: 31 October 2011
- Tentative publication date: April 2012
* Guest editors:
- Alan Bundyhttp://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/bundy
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Jos Lehmannhttp://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/people/staff/Jos_Lehmann.html
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Ivan Varzinczakhttp://en.varzinczak.net16.net
CSIR Meraka Institute, South Africa
Send enquiries and communications to: organization [at] arcoe [dot] org
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Third SoEA4EE Workshop (in EDOC) - ***
Deadline Extension to March 29***
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 23:26:40 +0100
From: Selmin Nurcan <nurcan(a)univ-paris1.fr>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
Third International Workshop on Service oriented Enterprise Architecture
for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE'11)
in conjunction with EDOC 2011
August 30th, 2011, Helsinki, Finland
Selmin Nurcan – University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Rainer Schmidt – Aalen University, Germany
Papers submission deadline: March 29, 2011
Detailed Call for Papers is below. It is also available at:
There is a more and more common understanding, that not the ownership of
IT resources but their management is the foundation for sustainable
competitive advantage . According to Ross et al., smart companies define
how they (will) do business (using an operating model) and design the
processes and infrastructure critical to their current and future
operations (using an enterprise architecture).
The management of information technology resources should be done with
the application of engineering principles, called enterprise
engineering. Enterprise Engineering allows deriving the Enterprise
Architecture from the enterprise goals and strategy and aligning it with
the enterprise resources, but it may also be supported by the Enterprise
Architecture if the latter is documented. Enterprise architecture aims
(i) to understand the interactions and all kind of articulations between
business and information technology, (ii) to define how to align
business components and IT components, as well as business strategy and
IT strategy, and more particularly (iii) to develop and support a common
understanding and sharing of those purposes of interest. Enterprise
architecture is used to map the enterprise goal and strategy to the
enterprise’s resources (actors, assets, IT supports) and to take into
account the evolution of this mapping. It also provides documentation on
the assignment of enterprise resources to the enterprise goals and
strategy. To this end, advantageous patterns (best practices) can be
reused and alternative design solutions can be compared. Furthermore,
enterprise architecture may be checked for compliance with laws,
regulatory rules etc. Finally, enterprise architecture facilitates the
measurement the performance and efficiency of the resources used.
There are different paradigms for creating enterprise architecture. The
most important regarding the purpose of this workshop is to encapsulate
the functionalities provided by IT resources as services. By this means,
it is possible to clearly describe the contributions of IT resources
both in terms of functionality and quality and to define a
service-oriented enterprise architecture. Service-oriented enterprise
architecture easily integrates wide-spread technological approaches such
as SOA or emerging ones as the cloud computing because they also use
service as structuring paradigm. Service-oriented enterprise engineering
further develops the enterprise engineering approach selecting service
as governing paradigm. The enterprise goals and strategies are mapped to
a service-oriented enterprise architecture.
Service-oriented enterprise architecture differentiates four layers of
services. Thus, its scope is much broader than the scope of the
service-oriented architecture (SOA) and also includes services not
accessible through software such as business and infrastructure
services. Services of different layers may be interconnected in service
(value) nets to provide higher level services.
1. Business services are services, which directly support business
processes. Business processes can also be developed dynamically
(on-the-fly) using business services which are available in a repository
for a given business domain. An example is call-centre services provided
by an external service provider.
2. Software services exist as two types: (i) human-oriented
applications, which are provided as Software as a Service, (ii)
application services which are part of so-called
Service-Oriented-Architectures that are a popular paradigm for creating
enterprise software .
3. Platform Services provide support of the development of applications.
They provide services for the execution of applications, middleware
stacks, web servers etc.
4. Infrastructure services are more hardware-flavoured services, which
are provided using computers. They may have a human addressee but
contain many infrastructure services such as providing computing power,
storage etc. They are an important topic in management and practice
collections such as ITILV3 or standards such as ISO/IEC 20000 have
gained a high popularity.
The goal of the workshop is to develop concepts and methods to assist
the engineering and the management of service-oriented enterprise
architectures and the software systems supporting them. Especially three
themes of research shall be pursued:
1. Alignment of the enterprise goals and strategies with the
service-oriented enterprise architecture
2. Design of the service-oriented enterprise architecture
3. Mapping of service-oriented enterprise architecture to enterprise
During the workshop we will discuss the following topics:
1. Alignment of the enterprise goals and strategy with the
service-oriented enterprise architecture
- Which interdependencies exist between services and business strategy?
- Which concepts and methods are necessary to align services with the
business strategy?
- Which new potentials to reengineer business processes are created by
- How are non-functional requirements derived from enterprise goals and
- How are services aligned with non-functional requirements?
- How are services aligned with compliance requirements?
- Are the compliance and governance requirements enforced using
service-oriented enterprise architectures?
2. Design of service-oriented enterprise architecture
- How are business, software, platform and infrastructure services defined?
- How are business services assigned to business processes?
- How are business services assigned to non-functional requirements?
- How are service (value) nets -consisting of business, software,
platform and infrastructure services- created?
- How does service-oriented enterprise architecture, interrelate with
cloud computing?
- How do meta-services differentiate for business, software, platform
and infrastructure services?
- How are appropriate meta-services designed?
- Which phases do the lifecycle of business, software, platform and
infrastructure services contain?
- How can the fulfilment of non-functional requirements be monitored?
- Which benchmarks and key performance indicators should be applied to
- Which approaches exist for the continual improvement of services?
3. Mapping of service-oriented enterprise architecture to enterprise
- Which resources are relevant for Service-oriented Enterprise Architecture?
- How are services mapped to enterprise resources?
- Which approaches exist to map services to resources?
- Which information system architectures are adequate for services?
- How can non-functional requirements be mapped to capacity planning of
The 2011 SoEA4EE workshop will be organised in collaboration with the
TEAR workshop. The SoEA4EE 2011 workshop will be held on the 30th of
August, while the TEAR workshop will be held on the 29th of August. The
organisers of both workshops explicitly invite visitors to visit both
workshops, in order to further the integration between the two communities.
Where the TEAR workshop focuses on EA in general, the SoEA4EE workshop
focuses on the role of the service oriented paradigm in the context of EA.
Authors of papers on topics (that were included in past TEAR
call-for-papers) such as:
- Integrating service oriented and legacy architectures,
- Service design on application and business levels,
- Service orientation as EA design paradigm,
- Service oriented architecture (SOA) and EA,
are invited to submit these papers to the SoEA4EE workshop instead of TEAR.
Authors of papers dealing with Enterprise Architecture without any link
to service orientation in its widest sense are invited to submit these
papers to TEAR instead of SoEA4EE.
Full papers (8-10 pages in the IEEE-CS format) describing mature results
are sought. In addition, short papers (4 pages in the IEEE-CS format)
may be submitted to facilitate discussion of recent research results and
ongoing projects. The paper selection will be based upon the relevance
of a paper to the main topics, as well as upon its quality and potential
to generate relevant discussion. All contributions will be peer reviewed
based on the complete version, being full or short.
All papers published in the EDOC 2011 workshop proceedings must be in
the IEEE Computer Society format
(http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting). It is strongly
recommended that all papers are already in this format when they are
first submitted to workshops. This gives precise picture of the paper
length and avoids rework if the paper is accepted.
Please submit your paper to nurcan(a)univ-paris1.fr
At least one author of each accepted workshop paper will have to
register for the whole EDOC 2011 conference and attend the workshop to
present the paper. Analogously to previous years, there will be no
workshop-only registration at EDOC 2011. If a paper is not presented in
the workshop, it will be removed from the workshop proceedings published
in the IEEE Xplore digital library.
The SoEA4EE workshop has been a full day workshop in conjunction with
EDOC’09 in New Zealand and with EDOC’10 in Brasil.
The link for the proceedings of EDOC 2009 workshops is:
The link for the proceedings of EDOC 2010 workshops is:
All papers will be published in the workshop wiki (www.soea4ee.org)
before the workshop, so that everybody can learn about the problems that
are important for other participants. The workshop will consist of long
and short paper presentations, brainstorming sessions and discussions. A
workshop report will be created collaboratively using the workshop wiki.
Paper submission: 29 March 2011
Author notification: 7 May 2011
Camera-ready due: 1 June 2011
João Paulo A. Almeida - Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Judith Barrios - Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
Khalid Benali - LORIA, Nancy, France
Ilia Bider - IbisSoft, Sweden
Joao Falcao e Cunha - University of Porto, Portugal
Chiara Francalanci - Politechnico Milano, Italy
Xavier Franch - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Francois Habryn - KSRI, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Sung-Kook Han - Won Kwang University, South Korea
Ron Kenett - KPA Ltd., Israel
Peter Kueng - Crédit Suisse, Switzerland
Marc Lankhorst - Novay, The Netherlands
Michel Léonard - University of Geneva - Switzerland
Lin Liu - Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Hui Ma - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Florian Matthes - Technical University Munich, Germany
Selmin Nurcan - Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Erik Proper - Public Research Centre - Henri Tudor, The Netherlands
Gil Regev - EPFL& Itecor, Switzerland
Guang-Jie Ren - IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA, USA
Sebastian Richly - University Dresden, Germany
Dominique Rieu - LIG, Université de Grenoble, France
Colette Rolland - Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Michael Rosemann - Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Shazia Sadiq - University of Queensland, Australia
Gerhard Satzger - Karlsruhe Service Research Institute, Germany
Rainer Schmidt - Aalen University, Germany
James C. Spohrer - IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA, USA
Michael zur Muehlen – Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Maître de Conférences / Associate Professor
*Présentation du Master SIC apprentissage*
Salon des Masters de Gestion
12 Mars 2011 – 12h-12h25 au Panthéon
12 place du Panthéon – Amphi 4
(toute la journée) stand dans la galerie Soufflot – Sorbonne
*Salon des Meilleurs Masters, MS et MBA*
Samedi 5 Mars 2011 de 10h - 19h
Grande Halle de la Villette Espace Charlie Parker
Submit a paper to the 3d Workshop on Service oriented Enterprise
Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE'2011)
in conjunction with EDOC'2011;
Paper submissions deadline: March 15, 2011
Published IEEE Xplore digital library proceedings
Submit a paper to the *CAISE'11 Forum*
Paper submissions deadline: March 21, 2011
June 22-24, 2011, London
Post-proceedings with the extended versions will be published
as a Springer LNBIP volume.
Don't miss the 12th edition on Business Process Modeling, Development
and Support (BPMDS'2011) in conjunction with CAISE'2011
*BPMDS is henceforth a WORKING CONFERENCE in conjunction with CAISE*.
June 20-21, 2011, London
Previous Springer LNBIP proceedings:
The University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne has been
running for the last 14 years, a highly successful 2-year Masters
programme (SIC - apprenticeship) that is now open to Foreign students
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Centre de Recherche en Informatique
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AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Participation - Fifth
International Research Workshop on Advances and Innovations
in Software Testing
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 17:14:22 -0500
From: Tom Meservy <tmeservy(a)gmail.com>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Fifth International Research Workshop on Advances and
Innovations in Software Testing
The University of Memphis
Systems Testing Excellence Program
FedEx Institute of Technology
(and then click on the Testing Workshop 2011 link)
May 2-3, 2011
Memphis, Tennessee
_Call for Participation_
The Fifth International Research Workshop on Advances and
Innovations in Software Testing is scheduled in Memphis
Tennessee at the FedEx Institute of Technology
(fedex.memphis.edu <http://fedex.memphis.edu>) on May 2-3,
2011. The workshop aims to bring together the very best
research and industry practice on the subject of Software
The workshop is organized by the Systems Testing Excellence
Program (STEP) (step.memphis.edu <http://step.memphis.edu>)
at the University of Memphis. STEP is an interdisciplinary
program under the auspices of the Departments of Computer
Science, Management Information Systems and Computer
Engineering, and FedEx Institute of Technology.
The workshop will be a mixture of presentations and open
discussions, and it is anticipated that attendees from both
academic and industry practice will benefit greatly from the
free interchange of ideas and methodologies on display.
Keynote addresses will be delivered by two leading
scholars/practitioners in the field of systems testing:
· Dr. Steven Hutchison, Defense Information Systems
Agency, Test and Evaluation Executive
· Ralph H Groce III, Wells Fargo Retirement, Chief
Technology Officer
Please visit our web site for more detailed information,
including registration and accommodations:
We hope to see you at this year’s International Research
Workshop on Advances and Innovations in Software Testing.
Thomas Meservy
Assistant Professor of MIS
Systems Testing Research Fellow of the FedEx Institute of
University of Memphis
email: tmeservy(a)memphis.edu <mailto:tmeservy@memphis.edu>
skype: tmeservy
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] [ESORICS 2011] Deadline
Approaching (March 21, 2011)
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 11:44:01 +0100
From: Claudio Agostino Ardagna (claudio.ardagna)
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
***Submission Deadline March 21, 2011 23:59 PST***
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2011)
September 12-14, 2011, Leuven, Belgium
ESORICS is the annual European research event in Computer Security. The
Symposium started in 1990 and has been held in several European
countries, attracting a wide international audience from both the
academic and industrial communities. Papers offering novel research
contributions in computer security are solicited for submission to the
Symposium. The primary focus is on original, high quality, unpublished
research and implementation experiences. Submitted papers must not
substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are
simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
We encourage submissions of papers discussing industrial research and
Suggested topics include but are not restricted to:
* Access Control
* Accountability
* Ad hoc Networks
* Anonymity
* Applied Cryptography
* Attacks and Viral Software
* Authentication and Delegation
* Biometrics
* Database Security
* Digital Content Protection
* Distributed Systems Security
* Electronic Payments
* Embedded Systems Security
* Inference Control
* Information Hiding
* Identity Management
* Information Flow Control
* Integrity
* Intrusion Detection
* Formal Security Methods
* Language-Based Security
* Network Security
* Phishing and Spam Prevention
* Privacy
* Risk Analysis and Management
* Secure Electronic Voting
* Security Architectures
* Security Economics
* Security and Privacy Policies
* Security for Mobile Code
* Security in Location Services
* Security in Social Networks
* Security Models
* Security Verification
* Software Security
* Steganography
* Systems Security
* Trust Models and Management
* Trustworthy User Devices
* Web Security
* Wireless Security
Submission of papers: March 21, 2011 23:59 PST *FIRM - NO extensions*
Notification to authors: May 20, 2011
Camera-ready copies: June 17, 2011
The proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS Series. All
submissions should follow the LNCS template from the time they are
submitted. They should be at most 16 pages (using 11-point font),
excluding the bibliography and well-marked appendices. Committee members
are not required to read the appendices, so the paper should be
intelligible without them. All submissions must be written in English.
Authors must submit their papers by March 21, 2011, using the symposium
web site and following the requirements stated there.
All accepted papers should be presented at the Symposium; therefore,
their authors must be prepared to sign a copyright transfer statement.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register to the
symposium, by the early date indicated by the organizers, and present
the paper.
* Bart Preneel, K.U.Leuven
* Vijay Atluri, Rutgers University
* Claudia Diaz, K.U.Leuven
* Claudio Ardagna, Universita' degli Studi di Milano
* Mikhail Atallah, Purdue University (US)
* Michael Backes, Saarland University and MPI-SWS (DE)
* Feng Bao, Institute for Infocomm Research (SG)
* Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University (US)
* Carlo Blundo, Universita' di Salerno (IT)
* Jan Camenisch, IBM Research - Zurich (CH)
* Srdjan Capkun, ETH Zurich (CH)
* Veronique Cortier, LORIA-CNRS (FR)
* Jason Crampton, Royal Holloway, University of London (UK)
* Frederic Cuppens, IT TELECOM Bretagne (FR)
* George Danezis, Microsoft Research (UK)
* Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Universita' degli Studi di Milano (IT)
* Roger Dingledine, The Tor Project (US)
* Orr Dunkelman, Weizmann Institute (IL)
* Simon Foley, University College Cork (IE)
* Dieter Gollmann, Hamburg University of Technology (DE)
* Thorsten Holz, Ruhr-University Bochum (DE)
* Sushil Jajodia, George Mason University (US)
* Stefan Katzenbeisser, T.U. Darmstadt (DE)
* Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University (US)
* Aggelos Kiayias, University of Athens (GR)
* Michiharu Kudo, IBM Research - Tokyo (JP)
* Klaus Kursawe, University of Nijmegen (NL)
* Adam Lee, University of Pittsburgh (US)
* Ronald Leenes, University of Tilburg / TILT (NL)
* Peng Liu, Pennsylvania State University (US)
* Javier Lopez, University of Malaga (ES)
* David Molnar, Microsoft Research (US)
* Steven Murdoch, University of Cambridge (UK)
* Gregory Neven, IBM Research - Zurich (CH)
* Radia Perlman, Intel Corporation (US)
* Indrakshi Ray, Colorado State University (US)
* Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Ruhr-University Bochum (DE)
* Rei Safavi-Naini, University of Calgary (CA)
* Pierangela Samarati, Universita' degli Studi di Milano (IT)
* R. Sekar, Stony Brook University (US)
* Basit Shafiq, Rutgers University (US)
* Vitaly Shmatikov, University of Texas Austin (US)
* Einar Snekkenes, Gjovik University College (NO)
* Paul Syverson, Naval Research Laboratory (US)
* Patrick Traynor, Georgia Institute of Technology (US)
* Carmela Troncoso, K.U.Leuven (BE)
* Jaideep Vaidya, Rutgers University (US)
* Will Winsborough, University of Texas at San Antonio (US)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Special Issue on: “Usability Design for
Learning and Education in Virtual Worlds" - DEADLINE EXTENSION
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 11:17:42 +0200
From: Panaggiotis Zaharias <zaharias(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
International Journal of Human Computer Studies
Call for papers
Special Issue on: “Usability Design for Learning and Education in
Virtual Worlds”
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 31 March 2011
Review results: 30 June 2011
Revised manuscripts due: 30 August 2011
Final decisions: 15 October 2011
Instructions for submission:
* The submission website for this journal is located at:
To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified
for inclusion into the special issue PLEASE SELECT 'Special Issue:
Usability Design' when you reach the "Article Type" step in the
submission process.
Guest Editors
1) Panagiotis Zaharias,
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
2) Brad Mehlenbacher,
NC State University, USA
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] EuroMPI 2011 Call For Papers
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:59:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: adanalis(a)eecs.utk.edu (Antonios Danalis)
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
* EuroMPI 2011 Call for Papers *
* *
* Santorini, Greece *
* September 18-21, 2011 *
* *
* www.eurompi2011.org *
EuroMPI is the primary meeting where the users and developers of MPI and other message-passing programming environments can interact. The 18th European MPI Users' Group Meeting will be a forum for the users and developers of MPI, but also welcome hybrid programing models that combine message passing with programming of modern architectures such as multi-core, or accelerators. Through the presentation of contributed papers, poster presentations and invited talks, attendees will have the opportunity to share ideas and experiences to contribute to the improvement and furthering of message-passing and related parallel programming paradigms.
Topics of interest for the meeting include, but are not limited to:
* Algorithms using the message-passing paradigm
* Applications in science and engineering based on message-passing
* User experiences in programming heterogeneous systems using MPI
* Tools and environments for programming heterogeneous systems using MPI
* MPI implementation issues and improvements
* Latest extensions to MPI
* MPI for high-performance computing, clusters and grid environments
* New message-passing and hybrid parallel programming paradigms
* Interaction between message-passing software and hardware
* Fault tolerance in message-passing programs
* Performance evaluation of MPI applications
* Tools and environments for MPI
Submissions on applications demonstrating both the potential and shortcomings of message passing programming and specifically MPI are particularly welcome.
Proposals for co-located workshops are welcome. EuroMPI 2011 will also hold an outstanding papers session, where the best papers selected by the program committee will be presented.
Important Dates:
* Submission of full papers and poster abstracts: May 8th, 2011
* Author Notification: June 12th, 2011
* Camera Ready papers due: July 10th, 2011
* Tutorials: September 18, 2011
* Conference: September 19-21, 2011
General chair:
Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee, USA)
Program co-chairs:
Yiannis Cotronis (University of Athens, Greece)
Anthony Danalis (University of Tennessee, USA)
Dimitris Nikolopoulos (University of Crete, Greece)
Finance chair:
Dimitris Nikolopoulos (University of Crete, Greece)
Local arangement chair:
Yiannis Cotronis (University of Athens, Greece)
Program Committee:
Richard Barrett
Gil Bloch
George Bosilca
Aurelien Bouteiller
Ron Brightwell
Yiannis Cotronis
Erik D'Hollander
Anthony Danalis
Bronis De Supinski
J.-C. Desplat
Frederic Desprez
Jack Dongarra
Edgar Gabriel
Francisco Javier GarcÃa Blas
Markus Geimer
Al Geist
Brice Goglin
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan
Sergei Gorlatch
Andrzej Goscinski
Richard Graham
William Gropp
Thomas Herault
Torsten Hoefler
Joshua Hursey
Yutaka Ishikawa
Tahar Kechadi
Rainer Keller
Stefan Lankes
Alexey Lastovetsky
Pierre Lemarinier
Ewing Lusk
Tomas Margalef
Jean-François Mehaut
Bernd Mohr
Raymond Namyst
Christoph Niethammer
Dimitrios Nikolopoulos
Rolf Rabenseifner
Michael Resch
Casiano Rodriguez-Leon
Robert Ross
Frank Schmitz
Martin Schulz
Jeff Squyres
Rajeev Thakur
Vinod Tipparaju
Carsten Trinitis
Jesper Larsson Träff
Jan Westerholm
Roland Wismüller
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] 8th ICESAL 2011, Thassos island, Greece
-Submission extended April, 3, 2011
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 02:19:47 +0200
From: Constantinos J. Stefanou <stefanou(a)acc.teithe.gr>
To: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
8th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and
Logistics (ICESAL) 2011
Thassos Island, Greece, July 10-13, 2011
Call for Papers
The 8th ICESAL 2011 Organizing Committee cordially invites
contributors from academia, industry and research from all over the
world to submit their original research and/or a proposal to organize
a seminar, a workshop or a panel discussion in the forthcoming
conference which will be held on the July 10-13, 2011 in Thassos
Island, Greece.
The conference seeks to investigate thoroughly how the disciplines of
Enterprise Systems, Accounting, Finance, Logistics, Management and
Education or their interaction can enhance business performance in the
contemporary complex and competitive environment. As it was the case
with the previous conferences, presenters and attendees are expected
to come from both the MIS/Computer Science and the
Accounting/Logistics/Management fields.
All submissions will be in English and will be double blind reviewed.
The conference accepts completed research papers, research-in-progress
papers, extented abstracts, workshop and panel proposals.
A best paper award, based on the marks assigned by the reviewers and
the final decision of the conference chairs, will be awarded at the
conference. This paper as well as the best papers will be considered
for publication in a major international journal.
Sunbmission deadline
Extended abstract, workshop /panel proposal, research-in-progress or
full length research paper: April 3, 2011
Conference Co-Chairs
•Vicky Arnold, University of Central Florida, USA
•Constantinos J. Stefanou, Alexander Technological Educational
Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
•Steve G. Sutton, University of Central Florida, USA
For any question please e-mail icesal(a)icesal.org
Constantinos J.Stefanou, MSc, PhD
Dept. of Accounting
Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki
P.O. BOX 141, 57400 Thessaloniki
Tel./Fax: +30 2310 791206
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