-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: iiWAS2010/MoMM2010, 8-10 November 2010, Paris, France
Datum: Fri, 14 May 2010 16:32:01 +0200
Von: iiWAS2010 - MoMM2010 Conferences <iiwas2010(a)iiwas.org>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Friends and colleagues,
Knowing about your expertise and eminence in the field, it is an honour anda pleasure to invite you to submit a paper to the 12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications& Services (iiWAS2010) and the 8th international conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2010).
This year, iiWAS2010 and MoMM 2010 will be held on November 8-10 in Paris, France in conjunction with the International Conference on Ambient Systems,Networks and Technologies (ANT-2010).
In addition to paper presentations, the conferences program will consist ofdistinguished keynote presentations, exciting tutorials, a Masters and Doctoral Colloquium (MDC), and the Emerging Research Projects and Work in progress Symposium (ERPAS). Together with the collocated workshops, these conferences will guarantee a vibrant and international event.
All conferences papers will be included and indexed in ACM digital library and extended versions of selected papers will be published in high quality journals special issues.
Details of the CFPs, tracks and workshops can be found at:
The submission deadline is June 4th for full papers and July 2nd for short papers and workshop papers.
We would also like to ask you to help us to distribute the calls for papersto your colleagues and students as well as any professional mailing lists to which you may have access. Please contact us if you have any inquiry, need more information, or may be an extension of the deadlines.
Thank you very much and we are looking forward to receiving your submission.
Best Regards,
David Taniar
(iiWAS2010 Scientific Committee Chair)
Eric Pardede
(iiWAS2010 General Committee Chair)
Ismail Khalil
(iiWAS2010 Steering Committee Chair)
This message has been sent to you because of your eminence in the field. We apologize if you received multiple copies of it. Should you prefernot to receive further updates concerning the iiWAS and MoMM 2010 conferences, reply to this email with the subject line (REMOVE).
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP: GameSec 2010 - Deadline extended to 31 May 2010
Datum: Fri, 14 May 2010 14:30:37 +0300
Von: Albert Levi <levi(a)sabanciuniv.edu>
Organisation: Sabanci University
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*** Paper submission deadline extended. New deadline is 31 May 2010. ***
GameSec 2010 - Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security
22-23 November 2010, Berlin, Germany
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 31 May 2010
Acceptance date: 23 August 2010
Camera-ready due: 15 September 2010
Industry Gold Sponsor: Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
Industry Silver Sponsor: Frauenhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute
Technical co-sponsors:
IEEE Control System Society
International Society of Dynamic Games
In-cooperation with ACM SIGSAC
GameSec 2010, the inaugural Conference on Decision and Game Theory for
will take place on the campus of Technical University Berlin, Germany, on
November 22-23, 2010.
Securing complex and networked systems and managing associated risks become
increasingly important as they play an indispensible role in modern life
at the
turn of the information age. Concurrently, security of ubiquitous
data, and computing pose novel research challenges. Security is a
problem due to the complexity of underlying hardware, software, and network
inter- dependencies as well as human and social factors. It involves
making in multiple levels and multiple time scales, given the limited
available to both malicious attackers and administrators defending networked
GameSec conference aims to bring together researchers who aim to establish a
theoretical foundation for making resource allocation decisions that balance
available capabilities and perceived security risks in a principled
manner. The
conference focuses analytical models based on game, information,
optimization, decision, and control theories that are applied to diverse
security topics. At the same time, the connection between theoretical
models and
real world security problems are emphasized to establish the important
loop between theory and practice. Observing the scarcity of venues for
researchers who try to develop a deeper theoretical understanding of the
underlying incentive and resource allocation issues in security, we
believe that
GameSec will fill an important void and serve as a distinguished forum of
highest standards for years to come.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Security games
* Security and risk management
* Mechanism design and incentives
* Decentralized security algorithms
* Security of networked systems
* Security of Web-based services
* Security of social networks
* Intrusion and anomaly detection
* Resource allocation for security
* Optimized response to malware
* Identity management
* Privacy and security
* Reputation and trust
* Information security and watermarking
* Physical layer security in wireless networks
* Information theoretic aspects of security
* Adversarial machine learning
* Distributed learning for security
* Cross-layer security
* Usability and security
* Human behavior and security
* Dynamic control of security systems
* Organizational aspects of risk management
* Cooperation and competition in security
* and more...
Submission instructions will be available on the conference website.
authors are encouraged to submit a PDF version of their full papers in the
announced format and in a font no smaller than 10-points. The initial
are limited to 12 single-column pages to decrease the workload of volunteer
reviewers. The camera-ready version of accepted papers is limited to 20
single-column pages. The conference language is English.
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS). The proceedings will also be made available
by Springer in full-text electronic form via Springerlink.
Steering Board
Tansu Alpcan (TU-Berlin, T-Labs)
Nick Bambos (Stanford Univ.)
Tamer Basar (Univ. of Illinois)
Anthony Ephremides (Univ. of Maryland)
Jean-Pierre Hubaux (EPFL)
2010 Organizers
General Chair:
Tansu Alpcan (TU-Berlin, T-Labs)
TPC Co-Chairs:
- John Baras (Univ Maryland)
- Levente Buttyan (Budapest Univ.)
Publicity Co-Chairs:
- Zhu Han (Univ. of Houston)
- Albert Levi (Sabanci Univ.)
Publication Chair:
Holger Boche (TU-Berlin, HHI)
Finance and Registration Chair:
Slawomir Stanczak (TU-Berlin, HHI)
Local Chair:
Jean-Pierre Seifert (TU-Berlin, T-Labs)
Administrative Assistant:
Christine Kluge (TU-Berlin, T-Labs)
Technical Program Committee
* Imad Aad (Nokia Research, Switzerland)
* Eitan Altman (INRIA, France)
* Sonja Buchegger (KTH, Sweden)
* Mario Cagalj (Univ. of Split, Croatia)
* Srdjan Capkun (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
* Lin Chen (Univ. of Paris-Sud 11, France)
* John Chuang (UC Berkeley, USA)
* Sajal K. Das (Univ. Texas at A., USA)
* Merouane Debbah (Supelec, France)
* Mark Felegyhazi (ICSI -Berkeley, USA)
* Jens Grossklags (Princeton Univ., USA)
* Are Hjorungnes (Univ. of Oslo, Norway)
* Eduard A. Jorswieck (Tech. Univ. Dresden, Germany)
* Iordanis Koutsopoulos (Univ. of Thessaly, Greece)
* Jean Leneutre (Telecom ParisTech, France)
* Xiang-Yang Li (Illinois Inst. of Tech., USA)
* Li (Erran) Li (Bell Labs., USA)
* M. Hossein Manshaei (EPFL, Switzerland)
* Pietro Michiardi (EURECOM, France)
* John Mitchell (Stanford Univ., USA)
* Refik Molva (EURECOM, France)
* Pierre Moulin (Univ. of Illinois at UC, USA)
* Ariel Orda (Technion, Israel)
* David C. Parkes (Harvard Univ., USA)
* George C. Polyzos (AUEB, Greece)
* Radha Poovendran (Univ. of Washington, USA)
* Svetlana Radosavac (DoCoMo Labs., USA)
* Walid Saad (Univ. of Oslo, Norway)
* Yalin Sagduyu (Univ. of Maryland, USA)
* Stefan Schmid (Tech. Univ. Berlin/T-Labs, Germany)
* Mudhakar Srivatsa (IBM Research, USA)
* Slawomir Stanczak (Tech. Univ. Berlin/HHI, Germany)
* Georgios Theodorakopoulos (EPFL, Switzerland)
* Amit Vasudevan (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA)
* Jean Walrand (UC Berkeley, USA)
* Nan Zhang (George Washington Univ., USA)
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: 4th International Web Rule Symposium
Datum: Fri, 14 May 2010 23:15:34 +0800 (HKT)
Von: jessica.rowsell(a)beaconwall.com <jessica.rowsell(a)beaconwall.com>
Antwort an: jessica.rowsell(a)beaconwall.com
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
[Apologies for multiple postings]
2nd Call for Papers
4th International Web Rule Symposium:
Research Based and Industry Focused
October 21-23, 2010, Washington, DC, USA
Co-located with the 13th Business Rules Forum
Overview and Aim
The International Web Rule Symposium has evolved from an annual series
of international workshops since 2002, international conferences in 2005
and 2006, and international symposia since 2007. This year, the 4th
International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML-2010) will be held near
Washington, DC, USA, co-located with the 13th Business Rules Forum, the
world's largest Business Rules event. RuleML-2010 is devoted to
practical distributed rule technologies and rule-based applications,
which need language standards for rules (inter)operating in, e.g., the
Semantic Web, Enterprise Systems, Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems,
Event-Driven Architectures, and Service-Oriented Applications.
RuleML-2010 is a research-based, industry-focused symposium: its main
goal is to build a bridge between academia and industry in the field of
rules and semantic technology, and so to stimulate the cooperation and
interoperability between business and research, by bringing together
rule system providers, participants in rule standardization efforts,
open source communities, practitioners, and researchers. The concept of
the symposium has also advanced continuously in the face of extremely
rapid progress in practical rule and event processing technologies. As a
result, RuleML-2010 will feature hands-on demonstrations and challenges
alongside a wide range of thematic tracks. It will thus be an exciting
venue to exchange new ideas and experiences on all issues related to the
engineering, management, integration, interoperation, and interchange of
rules in distributed enterprise intranets and open distributed
Conference Theme
This year, we particularly welcome submissions that address applications
of Web rule technologies for business and information systems. We invite
you to share your ideas, results, and experiences: as an industry
practitioner, rule system provider, technical expert, developer, rule
user or researcher, exploring foundations, developing systems and
applications, or using rule-based systems. We invite high-quality
submissions related to (but not limited to) one or more of the following
Track Topics
Rules, Semantic Technology, and Cross-Industry Standards
Rules in current industry standards, including:
* XBRL: Extensible Business Reporting Language
* MISMO: Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Org
* FIXatdl: FIX Algorithmic Trading Definition Language
* FpML: Financial products Markup Language
* HL7: Health Level 7
* Acord: Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development
(Insurance Industry)
* Rules for Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), e.g., rules for
internal audit, SOX compliance, enterprise risk management (ERM),
operational risk, etc
* Rules and Corporate Actions
- Rule Transformation and Extraction
* Transformation and extraction with rule standards, such as SBVR, RIF and
* Extraction of rules from code
* Transformation and extraction in the context of frameworks such as
KDM (Knowledge Discovery meta-model)
* Extraction of rules from natural language
* Transformation or rules from one dialect into another
- Rules and Uncertainty
* Languages for the formalization of uncertainty rules
* Probabilistic, fuzzy and other rule frameworks for reasoning with
or incomplete information
* Handling inconsistent or disparate rules using uncertainty
* Uncertainty extensions of event processing rules, business rules,
reactive rules, causal rules, derivation rules, association rules,
or transformation rules
- Rules and Norms
* Methodologies for modeling regulations using both ontologies and rules
* Defeasibility and norms: modeling rule exceptions and priority relations
among rules
* The relationship between rules and legal argumentation schemes
* Rule language requirements for the "isomorphic" modeling of legislation
* Rule based inference mechanism for legal reasoning
* E-contracting and automated negotiations with rule-based declarative
- Rules and Inferencing
* From rules to FOL to modal logics
* Rule-based non-monotonic reasoning
* Rule-based reasoning with modalities
* Deontic rule-based reasoning
* Temporal rule-based reasoning
* Priorities handling in rule-based systems
* Defeasible reasoning
* Rule-based reasoning about context and its use in smart environments
* Combination of rules and ontologies
* Modularity
- Rule-based Event Processing and Reaction Rules
* Reaction rule languages and engines (production rules, ECA rules, logic
event action formalisms, vocabularies/ontologies)
* State management approaches and frameworks
* Concurrency control and scalability
* Event and action definition, detection, consumption, termination,
* Dynamic rule-based workflows and intelligent event processing
(rule-based CEP)
* Non-functional requirements, use of annotations, metadata to capture those
* Design time and execution time aspects of rule-based (Semantic) Business
Processes Modeling and Management
* Practical and business aspects of rule-based (Semantic) Business Process
Management (business scenarios, case studies, use cases etc.)
- Rule-Based Distributed/Multi-Agent Systems
* rule-based specification and verification of distributed and
multi-agent system
* rule-based distributed reasoning and problem solving
* rule-based agent architectures
* rules and ontologies for semantic agents
* rule-based interaction protocols for multi-agent systems
* rules for service-oriented computing (discovery, composition, etc.)
* rule-based cooperation, coordination and argumentation in multi-agent
* rule-based e-contracting and negotiation strategies in multi-agent systems
* rule interchange and reasoning interoperation in heterogeneous
Distributed/Multi-Agent Systems
We also welcome submissions on miscellaneous rule topics, such as
- Rules and ontologies
- Execution models, rule engines, and environments
- Graphical processing, modeling and rendering of rules
Case studies, experience reports, and industrial problem statements are
particularly encouraged.
RuleML-2010 Challenge
The RuleML-2010 Challenge is one of the highlights of RuleML-2010. Rules
are used in interesting and practically relevant ways to, e.g., derive
useful information, transform knowledge, provide decision support, and
provide automated rule-based monitoring, enforcement, validation or
management of the behavioral logic of an application. The Challenge
offers participants the chance to demonstrate their commercial and open
source tools, use cases, and applications.
This year Rule Challenge will have the following theme:
"Modelling Rules in the Temporal and Geospatial Applications"
The participants of the Challenge have the opportunity to understand
the current trend of rule technology and standard development in the
temporal and geospatial domain including:
- temporal modelling and reasoning;
- geospatial modelling and reasoning;
- cross linking between temporal and geospatial knowledge;
- visualization of the rules with graphics models in order
to favour the end-user interaction.
See, for more details (including submission guidelines)
Conference Language
The official language of the conference will be English.
Authors are invited to submit original contributions of practical
relevance and technical rigor in the field, experience reports and
show/use case demonstrations of effective and practical rule-based
technologies, or applications deployed in distributed environments.
RuleML-2010 Submission Guidelines, Springer Proceedings, Best Paper
Papers must be in English and may be submitted at
Full Papers (15 pages in the proceedings)
Short Papers (8 pages in the proceedings)
Please upload all submissions by also conforming to the following guidelines:
* Papers must be uploaded as PDF files in LNCS format
* Whenever possible, indicate as a first keyword the track to which the
is submitted.
To ensure high quality, submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewed
by 3 PC members based on originality, significance, technical soundness,
and clarity of exposition. Authors are requested to upload the abstracts
of their papers before May 25, 2010 and to upload their complete papers
by June 1, 2010. The selected papers will be published in book form in
the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. The best
paper from all submissions will be determined by the PC and a Best Paper
Award will be presented at the Symposium. All submissions must be made
electronically. A selection of revised papers will be resubmitted to
a special issue of a journal.
Review Process
The submitted papers will pass the blind review process. At least three
members of the Program Committee will review each submission.
Important Dates:
RuleML-2010 Symposium
Abstract submission deadline: May 25, 2010
Paper Submission deadline: June 1, 2010
Notification of acceptance: July 7, 2010
Camera ready due: July 28, 2010
Symposium dates: October 21-23, 2010
RuleML-2010 Challenge (dates to be confirmed)
Submission deadline for demo papers and
demo systems: September 3, 2010
Notification of accepted demo papers
and demo systems: September 17, 2010
Submission deadline for
demo systems only: October 1, 2010
(contingent on availability of demo slots)
Notification for demo
systems only: October 15th, 2010
Conference Venue
RuleML-2010 will take place at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center,
which is located 5 miles southwest of Washington, DC.
The symposium is co-located with the 13th Business Rules Forum.
Hilton Alexandria Mark Center
5000 Seminary Road, Alexandria, Virginia, United States 22311
Internet: http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/DCAAHHF-Hilton-Alexandria-Mark-
Program Committee
General Chairs
Mike Dean, Raytheon BBN Technologies, USA
Said Tabet, RuleML Initiative, USA
Program Chairs
John Hall, Model Systems, UK
Antonino Rotolo, University of Bologna, Italy
Liaison Chair
Mark Proctor, Red Hat, UK
Publicity Chair
Patrick Hung, University of Waterloo, Canada
Rule Responder Chairs
Efstratios Kontopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Kalliopi Kravari, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Track Chairs
Rules, Semantic Technology, and Cross-Industry Standards
Tracy Bost, Valocity, USA
Robert Golan, DBMind, USA
Rule Transformation and Extraction
Mark Linehan, IBM, USA
Rules and Uncertainty
Davide Sottara, University Bologna, Italy
Nikolaus Wulff, University of Muenster, Germany
Rules and Norms
Thomas Gordon, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Guido Governatori, NICTA, Australia
Rules and Inferencing
Grigoris Antoniou, Information Systems Laboratory, FORTH, Greece
Antonis Bikakis, Information Systems Laboratory, FORTH, Greece
Rule-based Event Processing and Reaction Rules
Alex Kozlenkov, Betfair Ltd., UK
Adrian Paschke, Free Univ. Berlin, Germany
Rule-Based Distributed/Multi-Agent Systems
Nick Bassiliades, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Costin Badica, University of Craiova, Romania
RuleML-2010 Challenge Chairs
Enrico Francesconi, ITTIG-CNR, Italy
Monica Palmirani, University of Bologna, Italy
Fabio Vitali, University of Bologna, Italy
RuleML-2010 Program Committee
Hassan Ait-Kaci, IBM, Canada
Sidney Bailin, Knowledge Evolution, USA
Matteo Baldoni, University of Turin, Italy
Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs, USA
Bernhard Bauer, University of Augsburg, Germany
Mikael Berndtsson, University of Skövde, Sweden
Pedro Bizarro, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Jonathan Bnayahu, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel
Guido Boella, University of Turin, Italy
Peter Bollen, University of Maastricht, Netherlands
Jordi Cabot, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
Carlos Castro, Unversidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Donald Chapin, Business Semantics Ltd, UK
Federico Chesani, University of Bologna, Italy
Horatiu Cirstea, Loria, France
Claudia d'Amato, University of Bari, Italy
Juergen Dix, Technische Universitaet Clausthal, Germany
Weichang Du, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Andreas Eberhart, Fluid Operations, Germany
Jenny Eriksson Lundström, Uppsala University, Sweden
Opher Etzion, IBM, Israel
Todd Everett, Nationwide, USA
Maribel Fernandez, King’s College London, UK
Enrico Francesconi, ITTIG-CNR, Italy
Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
Adrian Giurca, Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus, Germany
Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, University of Patras, Greece
Stijn Heymans, Technischen Universität Wien, Austria
Minsu Jang, E&T Research Institute, Korea
Yuh-Jong Hu, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece
Manolis Koubarakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Wolfgang Laun, Thales Rail Signalling Solutions GesmbH, Austria
Ching Long Yeh, Tatung University, Taiwan
Ian Mackie, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Christopher Matheus, Vistology, USA
Craig McKenzie, SAIC Ltd., UK
Jing Mei, IBM, China
Zoran Milosevic, Deontik, Australia
Anamaria Moreira, URFN, Brazil
Leora Morgenstern, IBM, USA
Joerg Mueller, Technische Universitaet Clausthal, Germany
Chieko Nakabasami, Toyo University, Japan
Monica Palmirani, University of Bologna, Italy
Alun Preece, Cardiff University, UK
Maher Rahmouni, HP Labs, UK
Dave Reynolds, HP Labs, UK
Graham Rong, MIT Sloan School of Management, USA
Giovanni Sartor, University of Bologna, Italy
Marco Seirio, RuleCore, Sweden
Silvie Spreeuwenberg, LibRT, The Netherlands
Giorgos Stamou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Giorgos Stoilos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Nenad Stojanovic, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Umberto Straccia, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Terrance Swift, XSB Inc., USA
Leon Van der Torre, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Jan Vanthienen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Fabio Vitali, University of Bologna, Italy
George Vouros, University of the Aegean, Greece
Kewen Wang, Griffith University, Australia
Segev Wasserkrug, IBM, Israel
RuleML-2010 Partners
Partner Organizations
W3C: The World Wide Web Consortium
Media Partners
Springer LNCS
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Last Call For Papers: computer science and computer
engineering conferences, USA, paper submission deadline: May 21, 2010
Datum: Fri, 14 May 2010 00:26:00 -0400
Von: wcom10(a)worldcomp.cviog.uga.edu (WORLDCOMP'10 Congress Conferences)
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Call For Papers - Deadline: May 21, 2010
The 2010 World Congress in Computer Science,
Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
July 12-15, 2010, USA
Inspec / IET / The Institute for Engineering and Technology,
DBLP / CS Bibliography, and others.
This announcement is ONLY for those who missed the opportunity
to submit their papers in response to earlier announcements
(authors who have already been notified that their papers have
been accepted/not-accepted should IGNORE this announcement.)
You are invited to submit a full paper (about 7 pages) for
consideration (see instructions below); full papers will be
considered for both, oral presentation and publication in the
conference proceedings (as well as consideration for various
journal special issues and book projects). Abstract submissions
(one/two-page) will be considered for poster presentations and
one/two-page publication in the proceedings.
WORLDCOMP'10 is composed of a number of tracks (joint-conferences,
tutorials, and workshops); all will be held simultaneously, same
location and dates: July 12-15, 2010. For the complete list of
joint conferences, see below.
May 21, 2010: Submission of papers for evaluation
June 5, 2010: Notification of acceptance
June 21, 2010: Registration
July 12-15, 2010: WORLDCOMP'10 Congress (all joint-conferences)
July 24, 2010: Camera-Ready Papers Due for publication in the
Final Edition of the proceedings.
This is a Call For Papers for publication in the Final Edition
of the conference proceedings. All papers submitted in response
to this announcement will be evaluated for publication in the
Final Edition of the proceedings (publication date: late August
2010; the Final Edition of the proceedings will be shipped to
the registered authors of accepted papers after the conference).
The conference proceedings will be published in both, printed
book/ISBN form as well as online.
Prospective authors are invited to submit/upload their full papers
in pdf or MS doc (about 7 pages, single spaced with the font size
of 10 or 11) to the following web site:
Full papers will be considered for both, oral presentation and
publication in the conference proceedings (as well as consideration
for various journal special issues and book projects). Abstract
submissions (one/two-page) will be considered for poster
presentations and one/two-page publication in the proceedings.
All reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable. Authors of
accepted papers will later be asked to follow a particular
typing instructions to prepare their final paper for publication.
Papers must not have been previously published or currently
submitted for publication elsewhere. The first page of the paper
should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation, postal
address, and email address for each author. Accepted papers
will be published in the final edition of the respective
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for
originality, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness.
In cases of contradictory recommendations, a member of the
conference program committee will be charged to make the final
decision (accept/reject) - often, this would involve seeking help
from additional referees by using a double-blinded review process.
In addition, all papers whose authors included a member of the
conference program committee will be evaluated using the
double-blinded review process. 32229
All proceedings of WORLDCOMP will be published and indexed in:
Inspec / IET / The Institute for Engineering& Technology,
DBLP / CS Bibliography, and others.
(all will be held simultaneously; ie, same location and dates)
o BIOCOMP'10 - 11th Int'l. Conference on Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology
o CDES'10 - 10th Int'l Conference on Computer Design
o CGVR'10 - 14th Int'l Conference on Computer Graphics and
Virtual Reality
o CSC'10 - 7th Int'l Conference on Scientific Computing
o DMIN'10 - 6th Int'l Conference on Data Mining
o EEE'10 - 9th Int'l Conference on e-Learning, e-Business,
Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government
o ESA'10 - 8th Int'l Conference on Embedded Systems and
o FCS'10 - 6th Int'l Conference on Foundations of Computer
o FECS'10 - 6th Int'l Conference on Frontiers in Education:
Computer Science and Computer Engineering
o GCA'10 - 6th Int'l Conference on Grid Computing and
o GEM'10 - 7th Int'l Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary
o ICAI'10 - 12th Int'l Conference on Artificial Intelligence
o ICOMP'10 - 11th Int'l Conference on Internet Computing
o ICWN'10 - 9th Int'l Conference on Wireless Networks
o IKE'10 - 9th Int'l Conference on Information and Knowledge
o IPCV'10 - 14th Int'l Conference on Image Processing, Computer
Vision,& Pattern Recognition
o MSV'10 - 7th Int'l Conference on Modeling, Simulation and
Visualization Methods
o PDPTA'10 - 16th Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Processing Techniques and Applications
o SAM'10 - 9th Int'l Conference on Security and Management
o SERP'10 - 9th Int'l Conference on Software Engineering
Research and Practice
o SWWS'10 - 6th Int'l Conference on Semantic Web and
Web Services
A link to each of the above conferences can be found at:
See the following web site for a partial list:
See the following web site for a partial list:
The Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC), University of
California, Berkeley, USA; Collaboratory for Advanced Computing
and Simulations (CACS), University of Southern California, USA;
Intelligent Data Exploration& Analysis Lab., University of
Texas at Austin, Texas, USA; Harvard Statistics Department
Genomics& Bioinformatics Lab., Harvard University,
Massachusetts, USA; BioMedical Informatics& Bio-Imaging Lab.,
Georgia Institute of Technology& Emory University, Georgia,
USA; Hawkeye Radiology Informatics, Department of Radiology,
College of Medicine, University of Iowa, USA; Minnesota
Supercomputing Institute, University of Minnesota, USA; Center
for the Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics, Georgia
Institute of Technology, USA; Medical Image HPC& Informatics
Lab. (MiHi Lab), University of Iowa, USA; University of North
Dakota, USA; NDSU-CIIT Green Computing& Communications Lab.,
North Dakota State University, USA; Knowledge Management&
Intelligent System Center (KMIS) of University of Siegen,
Germany; UMIT, Institute of Bioinformatics and Translational
Research, Austria; SECLAB of University of Naples Federico II,
University of Naples Parthenope,& Second University of Naples,
Italy; National Institute for Health Research; World Academy of
Biomedical Sciences and Technologies; High Performance
Computing for Nanotechnology (HPCNano); Supercomputer Software
Department (SSD), Institute of Computational Mathematics&
Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences; Int'l
Council on Medical& Care Compunetics; The UK Department for
Business, Innovation and Skills, UK; VMW Solution Ltd.;
Scientific Technologies Corporation; HoIP - Health without
Boundaries; Space for Earth Foundation; and Manjrasoft (Cloud
Computing Technology company), Melbourne, Australia.
WORLDCOMP 2010 will be composed of research presentations, keynote
lectures, invited presentations, tutorials, panel discussions,
and poster presentations. In recent past, keynote/tutorial/panel
speakers have included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer/
architecture, U. of California, Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler
(known as Father of Nanotechnology), Prof. John H. Holland (known
as Father of Genetic Algorithms; U. of Michigan), Prof. Ian Foster
(known as Father of Grid Computing; U. of Chicago& ANL),
Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer/VR, U. of California, Berkeley),
Prof. Barry Vercoe (Founding member of MIT Media Lab, MIT),
Dr. Jim Gettys (known as X-man, developer of X Window System,
xhost; OLPC), Prof. John Koza (known as Father of Genetic
Programming, Stanford U.), Prof. Brian D. Athey (NIH Program
Director, U. of Michigan), Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna (pioneer,
U. of Southern California), Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program Director
and Consultant), Prof. Jun Liu (Broad Institute of MIT& Harvard U.),
and many other distinguished speakers. To get a feeling about the
conferences' atmosphere, see the 2009 delegates photos available at:
Featured keynote speakers for 2010 are (this is a partial list;
there are 24 other keynotes/invited talks): Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh
(Father of Fuzzy Logic) and Dr. Firouz Naderi (Head, NASA Mars
Exploration Program/2000-2005 and Associate Director, Project
Formulation& Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA).
Caliber of WORLDCOMP:
Thanks to authors and speakers of WORLDCOMP congress and members
of the editorial board who informed us of the following good news:
According to "Microsoft Academic Search" (a Microsoft initiative)
all tracks of WORLDCOMP are listed as worldwide "Top-ranked
Conferences" (based on various metrics, including the number of
citations). You can access "Microsoft Academic Search" and
specific information extracted from it (in reference to WORLDCOMP
conferences) from the link below:
This email was sent to: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CFP KDML 2010
Datum: Fri, 14 May 2010 08:37:11 +0200
Von: Martin Atzmueller <atzmueller(a)cs.uni-kassel.de>
An: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement **
** Please forward to anyone who might be interested **
Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning (KDML-2010)
October 4-6, 2010 in Kassel, Germany
The workshop Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning
(KDML) in 2010 is organized by the special interest group of the GI
on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining and Machine Learning (FG-KDML,
former FGML). The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for
database and machine learning oriented researchers with interests in
knowledge discovery and data mining. To foster the connections
between both communities there is the opportunity to present your own
working group or department by an overview poster during the workshop.
The organizers seek research and/or application oriented papers
related to all aspects of machine learning, data mining, and
knowledge discovery in databases. Besides of previously unpublished
original scientific or application oriented contributions, also
articles describing ongoing work with preliminary results as well as
articles already published in 2010 at an international conference or
journal are welcome. There will also be room for system demonstrations
(poster and/or software).
The workshop is part of the workshop week Learning - Knowledge
Discovery - Adaptivity (LWA-2010). This provides the chance to meet
researchers from the special interest groups on Adaptivity and
Interaction, on Information Retrieval, and on Knowledge Management.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Mining and analysis of networks and graphs
* Text mining
* Web mining
* Distributed data mining
* Ubiquitous knowledge discovery
* Unsupervised& semi-supervised learning
* Visual analytics
* Rule learning
* Social network analysis
* Bioinformatics applications
* Knowledge discovery in inductive databases
* Knowledge discovery in data streams
* Temporal knowledge discovery
* Multi-objective learning
Important Dates
* June 27th, 2010: Paper submissions deadline
* August 2nd, 2010: Author Notification
* August 13th, 2010: Camera ready copies due
* October 4th-6th, 2010: KDML 2010 in Kassel, Germany
The articles should be submitted as PDF or PS file and are limited to
8 pages. Format templates and style files for the articles are
available from the LWA-2010 web page:
Please use the Easy-Chair System for submitting your paper as described at:
* Martin Atzmüller, Universität Kassel
* Dominik Benz, Universität Kassel
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Deadline extended: MCIS 2010: Information Economics
& Business
Datum: Thu, 13 May 2010 20:46:31 +0300
Von: Daphne Raban <draban(a)gsb.haifa.ac.il>
An: <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit a paper to the MCIS 2010
conference (http://www.mcis2010.org) and particularly to our track on
Information Economics and Business. A description of the track is
included below.
Important dates:
Deadline for all submissions: *May 15*, 2010
Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2010
Camera-ready versions: July 15, 2010
Conference: September 12-14, 2010
5th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems - MCIS 2010
Tel Aviv, Israel, September 2010
Track proposal
Track title: *Information Economics and Business *
* *
Track description: **
*Information is a constant challenge to economic theory and business
practice. It is ubiquitous and still hard to find on demand,
over-abundant and still insufficiently available to decision-makers,
subject to private ownership while it is, by nature, meant to be free.
The increased digitization of information and the rise of the Internet
as key medium that accommodates it as both "stocks" and "flows" account
for a wide range of innovative developments in managing information at
large. The Economics of Information, born as a stand-alone discipline in
the pre-digital phase of the post-industrial age, is now facing the
challenge of shaping the underlying rationalities applicable to dealing
with information across organizations, markets, communities and networks. *
* *
*Organizational boundaries are blurred when it comes to information
systems. Technologies that were conceived in the public domain find
their way to organizational applications. Systems that were previously
well-defined products are turning more and more into service models
which are provided by external suppliers. How do companies monetize
previously non-marketable technologies or information resources? How do
decision makers evaluate such systems and resources? Are the known
business models sufficient or are new models needed to sustain the
technological and cultural changes brought about by the advent of
creative industries and the rise of the creative class? These are some
of the questions that this track wishes to address.*
* *
*We invite submissions of papers (academic and practical, full research
and research-in-progress) dealing with, but not limited to, the following:*
*IS investment decisions*
*IS performance and ROI*
*New information business models *
*Information markets*
*Innovative pricing of digital goods*
*The value of information*
*Web 2.0-based collaborative economy*
*Proprietary vs. Open Source Software *
*Digital information: fee or free ?*
We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Daphne Raban and Horatiu Dragomirescu
Daphne Raban, Ph.D.
School of Management and C.R.I.
University of Haifa
draban(a)gsb.haifa.ac.il <mailto:draban@gsb.haifa.ac.il>
http://gsb.haifa.ac.il/~draban/home <http://gsb.haifa.ac.il/%7Edraban/home>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 1st Karlsruhe Summer School on Service Research - SECOND
Datum: Thu, 13 May 2010 12:18:51 +0200
Von: Stephan Bloehdorn <stephan.bloehdorn(a)kit.edu>
An: Stephan Bloehdorn <stephan.bloehdorn(a)kit.edu>
SECOND CALL FOR PARTICIPATION (Apologies for cross-postings)
*** Early Bird Registration Fee until May 15th ***
1st Karlsruhe Summer School on Service Research
Karlsruhe, Germany, July 18th to 22nd/23rd 2010
Web: http://www.service-summer.org
Email: info(a)service-summer.org
The Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) is pleased to invite you to participate in the Karlsruhe Service Summer 2010.
Through a connected series of events, the Karlsruhe Service Summer seeks to bring together experts from academia and industry as well as interested students in the field of Service Research.
Specifically, the Karlsruhe Service Summer consists of the 1st Karlsruhe Summer School on Service Research (from July 18th to 22nd) which culminates in the 2nd Karlsruhe Service Summit (on July 23rd).
The Karlsruhe Service Summer is furthermore associated with the Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop on Service Value Networks (from July 25th to 30th) and the 5th European Young Researchers Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing (on July 16th and 17th).
1st Karlsruhe Summer School on Service Research (July 18th-22nd 2010):
The event will bring together international experts in the field of Service Research with PhD students, young scientists and practitioners from industry.
Through lectures, tutorials and social events, the Summer School will provide a forum for participants to discuss and learn about Service Research. Participants can benefit from the expertise of the lecturers and share experience with fellow attendees. Furthermore, the Summer School will foster interdisciplinary research and collaboration opportunities among international students and researchers interested in the different fields within Service Research.
The Summer School program combines lectures in the fields of
- Service Innovation
- Service Design
- Service Economics
- Service Architecture
- Service Semantics& Intelligence
These will be complemented by further attractive offers such as excursions, lab sessions, interactive workshops and panel sessions.
2nd Karlsruhe Service Summit (July 23rd 2010):
Summer School attendees are cordially invited to the 2nd Karlsruhe Service Summit on July 23, a recurring event where KSRI invites leading executives as well as experts from industry and academia to discuss the next steps towards a service-led economy.
Summer School Speakers include up to now:
- John Davies (British Telecom)
- Bo Edvardsson (Karlstads University, Service Research Centre)
- Nicola Guarino (Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento)
- Willem-Jan van den Heuvel (Tilburg University, European Research Institute of Services Science (ERISS))
- Hans-Arno Jacobsen (University of Toronto)
- Steven O. Kimbrough (University of Pennsylvania)
- Stephen Kwan (San Jose State University)
- Birgit Mager (Cologne International School of Design)
- Orestis Terzidis (SAP Research)
- Tuure Tuunanen (University of Auckland)
The list is complemented by a set of high-profile Service Summit speakers. Keep an eye on http://www.service-summer.org for both events.
The summer school is open to qualified and motivated candidates. Ph.D. students, post-docs, and practitioners from industry are encouraged to apply.
The application deadline is June 15th 2010.
Regular fee: 510€
Early Bird Registration Fee (until May 15th 2010): 450€
Special rates are available for participants from IBM and KIT.
We further offer preconfigured registration packages that include accommodation at IBIS Hotel Karlsruhe.
Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI)
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP International Workshop on The Web and
Requirements Engineering (WeRE'10)
Datum: Thu, 13 May 2010 01:30:55 +0200
Von: Jose-Norberto Mazon <jnmazon(a)gmail.com>
Antwort an: jnmazon(a)dlsi.ua.es
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
International Workshop on The Web and Requirements Engineering (WeRE'10)
In conjuntion with Requirements Engineering (RE 2010) Conference
Sydney, Australia, September 28th, 2010
Conference Web Site: http://www.re10.org
Motivation& Purpose
The International Workshop on the Web and Requirements Engineering
(WeRE) will offer an international forum for exchanging ideas on both
using Web technologies as a platform for requirements engineering, and
applying requirements engineering in the development and use of
web-based applications. We invite to submit original, high-quality
papers that present on-going work on new ideas and experiences with
Requirements Engineering and the Web. The workshop will focus on
discussion and exchange of ideas among researchers, designers, and users
who are working or are interested in any combination of these two main
In the last decade, the number and complexity of web-based applications
and the amount of information they offer has been growing exponentially.
In the context of Software Engineering, design methods and methodologies
have been introduced to support the development of these complex
applications in a systematic way. However, most of these methodologies
focus on design and neglect other tasks, notably requirement analysis
and quality management. However, in the development of traditional
(non-web) applications both practitioners and process experts regard
requirements engineering as a phase of crucial importance in the
development process. It is well-known that the most common and
time-consuming errors as well as the most expensive ones to repair, are
those caused by inadequate engineering of requirements. Moreover,
web-based applications demand new requirements engineering techniques
that need to be adapted to a large, open and changing community which
can deal with navigational requirements, and broad in scope so that they
can account for business processes as well as web usability. These new
techniques will need to offer more participatory environments to support
effective collaboration among stakeholders. In this context, the Web
(especially Web 2.0 applications), provide a convenient platform to
allow stakeholders and users alike more active participation in
requirements engineering.
Topics of interest
The scope of the WeRE workshop includes but is not limited to:
-Web requirements elicitation and analysis
-Web requirements validation and verification
-Web engineering methods and tools supporting requirements
-Traceability in Web requirements
-Modeling of requirements, goals, and domains in Web engineering
-Prototyping and simulation in Web requirements engineering
-Evolution of Web requirements
-Alignment between business and Web requirements
-Social, cultural, and cognitive factors in Web requirements engineering
-User-centred analysis and design
-Domain specific modelling languages addressing requirements for Web
-Web 2.0 and requirements engineering
-Requirements engineering for rich internet applications
-Model-driven approaches based on requirements models for Web
applications and rich internet applications
Submission Guidelines
We encourage two types of original papers depending on the maturity of
the work: full papers (must not exceed 8 pages) and short papers (must
not exceed 4 pages). Full papers should include evidence to support the
contribution (e.g. proof of concept, or case studies) and discussion on
research findings and their theoretical and practical significance.
Short papers can report on going research activities showing preliminary
Paper submission will be electronic by using the EasyChair system at
Accepted papers will be published as workshop proceedings in the IEEE
Digital Library. The paper submission must be in the IEEE CS Press
Proceedings format (see guidelines at
We are also negotiating a special issue in a JCR journal for the
publication of extended versions of the best contributions to the workshop.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: June 10, 2010
Notification to authors: July 10, 2010
Camera-ready papers: July 28, 2010
Workshop date: September 28, 2010
Workshop Chairs
Irene Garrigós
Dept. of Software and Computing Systems, Lucentia Research Group
University of Alicante, Spain
Email: igarrigos(a)dlsi.ua.es
Jose-Norberto Mazón
Dept. of Software and Computing Systems, Lucentia Research Group
University of Alicante, Spain
Email: jnmazon(a)dlsi.ua.es
Nora Koch
Programming and Software Engineering Department, Institute for Informatics
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Email: kochn(a)pst.ifi.lmu.de
María José Escalona
Department of Computer Languages and Systems
University of Seville, Spain
Email: mjescalona(a)us.es
John Mylopoulos
Department of Information and Communation Technology
University of Trento, Italy
Email: jm(a)disi.unitn.it
Program Committee
Silvia Abrahao (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Davide Bolchini (Indiana University, USA)
Marco Brambilla (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Travis Breaux (Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State University)
Jordi Cabot (École des Mines de Nantes , France)
Sven Casteleyn (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels)
Jean Louis Cavarero (University of Nice, France)
Florian Daniel (University of Trento, Italy)
Xavi Franch (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya )
Piero Fraternalli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Martin Gaedke (Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany)
Athula Ginige (University of Western Sydney, Australia)
Paolo Giorgini (University of Trento, Italy)
Emilio Insfran (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Ivan Jureta (University of Namur, Belgium)
Manuel Mejías (University of Sevilla, Spain)
Maria Ángeles Moraga (University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain)
Ana Moreira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Óscar Pastor (Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain)
Vicente Pelechano (Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain)
Gustavo Rossi (University of La Plata, Argentina)
Norbert Seyff (City University London, UK)
Ambrosio Toval (University of Murcia, Spain)
Roel Wieringa (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Marco Winckler (Université Toulouse, France)
Eric Yu (University of Toronto, Canada)
Konstantinos Zachos (City University London, UK)
Jose Jacobo Zubcoff (University of Alicante, Spain)
Jose-Norberto Mazón
Lucentia Research Group
University Institute for Computing Research (IUII)
Dept. Software and Computing Systems
PO BOX 99. E-03080
Phone : +34-965903400 ext:2737
Fax : +34-965909326
E-mail: jnmazon(a)dlsi.ua.es
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] 4th International Workshop on Event-Driven Business
Process Management
Datum: Wed, 12 May 2010 09:38:01 +0200
Von: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke(a)gmx.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
[ our apologies should you receive this message more than one time ]
4th International Workshop on Event-Driven Business Process Management
collocated with BPM 2010
Hoboken, NJ, USA from September 13-16, 2010
The recently coined term «Event-Driven Business Process Management» (EDBPM)
is nowadays an enhancement of BPM by new concepts of Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA), Event Driven Architecture (EDA), Software as a Service
(SaaS), Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) and Complex Event Processing
(CEP). In this context BPM means a software platform which provides
companies the ability to model, manage, and optimize these processes for
significant gain. As an independent system, CEP is a parallel running
platform that analyses and processes events. The BPM- and the CEP-platform
correspond via events which are produced by the BPM-workflow engine and by
the -- if distributed - IT services which are associated with the business
process steps. Also events coming from different event sources in different
forms can trigger a business process or influence the execution of a process
or a service, which can result in another event. Even more, the correlation
of these events in a particular context can be treated as a complex,
business level event, relevant for the execution of other business processes
or services. A business process -- arbitrarily fine or coarse grained -- can
be seen as a service again and can be "choreographed" with other business
processes or services, even between different enterprises and organizations.
Loosely coupled event-driven architecture for BPM provides significant
* Responsiveness. Events can occur at any time from any source and
processes respond to them immediately, whenever they happen and wherever
they happen.
* Agility. New processes can be modeled, implemented, deployed, and
optimized more quickly in response to changing business requirements.
* Flexibility. Processes can span heterogeneous platforms and
programming languages. Participating applications can be upgraded or changed
without breaking the process model.
Workshop Themes
Authors are invited to submit novel contributions in the prior described
problem domain.
* Event-driven BPM: Concepts
o Role of event processing in BPM
o Business Events: types and representation
o Event stream processing in business processes
o Data- and event-driven business processes
o Evaluation/ROI of event-driven BPM
o Event-driven SOA
o EDA and BPM
o Real/time awareness in BPM
o Context in BPM
* Design-time CEP and BPM
o Modelling languages, notations and methods for event-driven BPM
o Event Patterns: Definition / Creation / Representation /
o BPMN and event processing
o Modelling unknown/similar events in business processes
o Modelling events in human-oriented tasks
o Semantics/Ontologies for event-driven BPM
o Publish/subscription mechanism and process modelling
* Run-time CEP and BPM
o Event pattern detection
o BPEL and event processing
o Reasoning about unknown/similar events
o Distributed event processing
o Dynamic workflows
o Ad-hoc workflows
* Applications/Use cases for event-driven BPM
o Event-driven monitoring/BAM
o Event-driven SLA monitoring
o Domains: Logistics, Automotive, ...
o Event processing and Internet of Services
Workshop Format
The Workshop is planned as a full-day event, including a keynote, paper
presentations, lightning talks, demos, posters, and a moderated, open
discussion with the clear goal of agreeing upon a research roadmap for
event-driven Business Process Management research, by taking into account
new challenges, described earlier.
A possible agenda:
* 9:00 -- 9:30 Opening and Keynote
* 9:30 -- 13:00 Paper Presentations
* 13:00 -- 14:00 Lunch
* 14:00 -- 15:00 Lightning Talks
* 15:30 -- 17:00 Moderated Community Discussion: A Roadmap for
Event-driven Business Process Management Research
* 18:00 -- 21:00 Poster and Demo Presentations and Get-Together
For the keynote, we aim at a high-profile speaker, who will give a rather
visionary view on the role of Future Internet for BPM and vice versa. For
the moderated community discussion, we will have senior experts from our
Program Committee and Experts from an industrial background. A clear
objective of that discussion is to yield a first draft of a respective
research agenda.
Important Dates
Deadline paper submissions: 21 May 2010
Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2010
Camera-ready papers: 25 July 2010
Workshops: 13 September 2010
The following types of submission are solicited:
* Long paper submissions, describing substantial contributions of novel
ongoing work. Long papers should be at most 12 pages long.
* Short paper submissions, describing work in progress. These papers
should be at most 6 pages long.
* Use case submission, describing results from an edBPM use case. These
papers should be at most 4 pages long.
Papers should be submitted in the new LNBIP format
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-487211-0). Papers have
to present original research contributions not concurrently submitted
elsewhere. The title page must contain a short abstract, a classification of
the topics covered, preferably using the list of topics above, and an
indication of the submission category (Long Paper/ Short Paper).
For submission, please visit
Organizing Committee
Nenad Stojanovic
FZI -- Research Center for Information Technologies at the University of
Karlsruhe, Germany.
Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
nstojano (at) fzi.de
URI: http://www.fzi.de/ipe/mitarbeiter.php?id=483
Opher Etzion
IBM Research Lab in Haifa
OPHER (at) il.ibm.com
Adrian Paschke
Corporate Semantic Web, Free University Berlin, Germany and RuleML Inc.,
AG-CSW (Corporate Semantic Web)
Institute for Computer Sciences
Free University Berlin
Königin-Luise-Str 24/26
14195 Berlin, Germany
paschke (at) inf-fu-berlin.de
Program Committee
(see Website)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: First Annual Workshop on Health IT and
Economics (WHITE 2010)
Datum: Tue, 11 May 2010 10:28:13 -0400
Von: Ritu Agarwal <ragarwal(a)rhsmith.umd.edu>
An: AISWorld(a)lists.aisnet.org
*WHITE 2010*
*The First Annual Workshop on Health IT and Economics*
*October 8-9, 2010, Washington, DC*
*Chair:* Ritu Agarwal
*Program co-chairs:* Guodong (Gordon) Gao and Jeffrey S. McCullough
Health information technology (IT) holds the potential to improve the
quality and reduce the cost of healthcare delivery. However, this
potential has yet to be realized. Significant challenges remain
regarding design, implementation, utilization, and evaluation of health
IT, and there is a compelling need for research that can inform both
policymakers and practitioners.
The /Workshop on Health IT and Economics (WHITE)/ will expand the
frontiers of health IT research. This workshop will provide a forum for
leading researchers to disseminate their work and network within a
growing and vibrant community. /WHITE/ will foster collaborations
between academia, government, and industry. The workshop will also offer
policymakers and practitioners the opportunity to shape the evolving
health IT research agenda. Likewise, researchers will gain insights into
emerging issues of practice and policy.
Ultimately, a full understanding of health IT and its implications can
only be gained through an interdisciplinary approach that crosses
traditional academic silos. Insight into the unique challenges and
opportunities that health IT poses requires collaboration across diverse
fields of research including business, economics, health services,
health informatics, and computer science. A key objective of /WHITE/ is
to build and nurture such as interdisciplinary research community.
We solicit papers on a wide range of topics, including: understanding
technology adoption barriers; managing the assimilation of health IT
into workflows and organizations; quantifying the benefits of health IT
investments; designing measures and incentives for meaningful use;
defining health data standards; developing business models for health
information exchanges; and measuring how patients utilize online
clinical information.
The first annual /WHITE /meeting will be held in Washington DC in
October 8-9, 2010. The workshop will be hosted by the Center for Health
Information and Decision Systems (CHIDS) at the Robert H. Smith School
of Business, University of Maryland, College Park. CHIDS
(_www.rhsmith.umd.edu/chids_ <http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/chids>) was
established in 2005, and is the first academic research center focused
on health information and decision systems in a leading business school.
Please submit an extended abstract of no more than 5 pages to
*whitepaper(a)rhsmith.umd.edu *by *Aug 10, 2010*. The abstract can be
based on work-in-progress or work published within the past year.
Abstracts will be reviewed for novelty, rigor, and policy impact.
Authors will be notified of decisions within three weeks.
Please check _http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/chids/white_ for further
information and updates.
Ritu Agarwal**
Professor and Dean's Chair of Information Systems
Director, Center for Health Information and Decision Systems
Robert H. Smith School of Business
4327 Van Munching Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-1815
301.405.3121 TEL
301.405.8655 FAX*_