-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Tutorials - Petri Nets 2011 -
Kanazawa, Japan
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2010 18:47:44 +0100
From: Aalst, W.M.P. van der <W.M.P.v.d.Aalst(a)tm.tue.nl>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
Call for Tutorials
Petri Nets 2011 - Kanazawa, Japan
****************** Call for Tutorials ********************
*********** Petri Nets 2011 *************
The 32nd International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency (Petri Nets 2011) will take place in Kanazawa, Japan, from Wednesday June 22 until Friday 24, 2011.
It is co-located with the 11th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2011).
Tutorials will take place on Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 June.
Additional information about the conference will be published via http://www.jaist.ac.jp/acsd-petrinets2011/
Proposals for high-quality tutorials on Petri Nets or related to Petri Nets, from academic research to industrial applications, are sought.
Tutorial levels may be intermediate, or advanced.
A tutorial's basic purpose is to introduce researchers to a new or emerging area or to provide deeper insight into a particular topic.
Tutorials can be one day or half a day.
Tutorial Proposal Requirements
All proposals must be written in English.
They should be submitted by January 5th 2011.
Proposals should be no more than 3 pages in length and contain the following information:
- Title and brief technical description of the tutorial.
- A brief description of why and to whom the tutorial is of interest for people attending the Petri Net conference, i.e., describe the expected audience and the relevance for this audience.
- A list of previous venues at which this tutorial (or similar
tutorials) has been presented.
- The names and contact information (web page, email address) of the presenters.
- A brief biography (approx. 150 words) of each presenter.
The local Petri Net conference organization will take care of the production of the tutorial notes based on the material provided by the presenters.
Proposals may be submitted in any one of the following formats:
ASCII text, PostScript, PDF or Microsoft Word.
Please send your proposals and any inquiries by electronic mail to both Workshop& Tutorial chairs:
- Wil van der Aalst
E-mail: w.m.p.v.d.aalst (at) tue.nl
- Jetty Kleijn
E-mail: kleijn (at) liacs.nl
- Deadline submission proposals: January 5th 2011
- Notification: February 1st 2011
- Tutorial (if accepted): Monday/Tuesday June 20/21 2011
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: IT Professional Special Issue on
Social Networking & Collaboration (deadline extension to
Dec. 13, 2010)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2010 21:26:10 -0600
From: Ali Tafti <atafti(a)illinois.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers (CFP): IT Professional
Social Networking & Collaboration
Due to a number of requests, we have extended the deadline
to Dec. 13, 2010.
Submission Deadline: originally 1 Dec 2010, now extended to
13 Dec 2010
Publication: July/August 2011
Information technology has transformed social networking and
collaboration. Increasingly, businesses use social
networking technologies to foster knowledge management and
to transform their approach to marketing, advertising,
research, and stakeholder engagement. As individuals and
businesses discover the potential and value of IT-enabled
social networks, there is a need to articulate and quantify
the antecedents of adoption, diffusion, business value, and
societal impacts of social networks.
The July/August 2011 issue of IT Professional will focus on
social networking and collaboration. Topics of interest
include, but aren't limited to, the following:
* Emerging applications of social networking and
collaboration in business processes and personal life
* Approaches to assess the value of social networking
and collaboration at the individual, business, and societal
* Best practices to implement social networking and
* Use of social networking and collaboration in the
nonprofit and government sectors
* Potential and pitfalls of social networking and
* Applications and value of social networking and
collaboration in emerging economies
We welcome research summaries; articles on best practices,
strategies, and policies; case studies; experience reports;
and essays on the current state of practice relating to
social networking and collaboration.
Feature articles should be no longer than 4,200 words (with
tables and figures each counting as 300 words) and have no
more than 20 references. Illustrations are welcome. For
detailed author guidelines, please visit
<http://www.computer.org/itpro/author.htm>. For more
information about this journal and special issue, see
To submit an article, see
For more information, contact the Guest Editors:
* Sunil Mithas, University of Maryland
* Thomas Costello, UpStreme
* Ali Tafti, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] INCT 2011 (Springer published)
Datum: Thu, 02 Dec 2010 18:47:00 +0530
Von: diwt(a)dirf.org
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
The First International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INCT
Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
June 28-30, 2011
The INCT 2011 proceedings will be published in the Communications in
Computer and Information Science Series of Springer LNCS
The first international conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INCT
2011) offers the opportunity for institutes, research centers, engineers,
scientists and industrial companies to share their latest investigations,
researches, developments and ideas in area of Innovative Computing
Technology, which covers huge topics. The INCT intends to bridge the gap
between different areas of digital information management, science and
technology. This forum will address a large number of themes and issues. The
conference will feature original research and industrial papers on the
theory, design and implementation of computing technologies, as well as
demonstrations, tutorials, workshops and industrial presentations.
This conference (INCT 2011) will include presentations of contributed papers
by invited keynote speakers.
Conference papers will include but not limited to the following topics:
Innovative Computing Systems and Applications
Applied Information Systems
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Cloud Computing
Computational Intelligence
Data and Network mining
Data Stream Processing in Mobile/Sensor Networks
Database Systems
Digital Image/Video Processing
E-Learning, e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Government
Fault Classification and Pattern Recognition
Green Computing
Grid computing
Human-Computer Interaction
Intelligent Condition Monitoring
Mobile network and systems
Multimedia and Interactive Multimedia
Payment Systems
Peer-to-peer social networks
Precision Farming
Web Farming
Signal Processing
Soft Computing: Fuzzy and Neural Network Systems, optimization algorithms
Software Engineering
Intelligent Farming: Web farming, Web irrigation
Ubiquitous Computing
User Interfaces, Visualization and Modeling
Virtual Reality
Web services
WWW Applications and Technologies
XML and other Extensible Languages
All the papers will be reviewed and the accepted papers in the conference
will be published in the “Communications in Computer and Information
Science” ((www.springer.com/series/7899) of Springer Lecture Notes Series
and will be indexed in many global databases including ISI Proceedings and
The INCT proceedings will also be indexed by dblp. In addition, all the
accepted papers (for Journals) will be published in the following special
issues journals after substantial revision and modification.
1. Journal of Digital Information Management
2. International Journal of Web Applications
3. International Journal of Information Studies
4. Journal of Computational Linguistics
5. Journal of E-Technology
6. Journal of Networking Technology
7. Journal of Information Technology Review
8. Journal of Information Security Research
9. Journal of Intelligent Computing
General Chair
Hojat Ahmadi, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Program Chairs
Daisy Jacobs, University of Zululand, South Africa
Ezendu Ariwa, London Metropolitan University, UK
Program Co-Chairs
Simon Fong, University of Macau, China
Vladimir Fomichov, State University, Russia
Important Dates
Paper submission December 31, 2010
Notification of acceptance January 31, 2011
Camera ready March 1, 2011
Registration April 1, 2011
INCT 2011 June 28 - 30, 2011
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] AAAI-11: Final Call for
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2010 01:36:34 +0000
From: Thomas Lukasiewicz <Thomas.Lukasiewicz(a)comlab.ox.ac.uk>
Reply-To: Thomas.Lukasiewicz(a)comlab.ox.ac.uk
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
/Call for Proposals/
*AAAI-11 Tutorial Forum*
Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
August 7-11, 2011 * San Francisco, California, USA
/Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence/
The AAAI-11 Program Committee invites proposals for the Tutorial Forum of the Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11). The Tutorial Forum will be held August 7-8, 2011 in San
Francisco. Anyone interested in presenting a tutorial at AAAI-11 should submit a proposal to the 2011 Tutorial Forum Cochairs (listed below) via EasyChair.
*What Is the Tutorial Forum?*
The Tutorial Forum provides an opportunity for junior and senior researchers to spend two days each year freely exploring exciting advances in disciplines outside their normal focus. We believe this
type of forum is essential for the cross fertilization, cohesiveness, and vitality of the AI field. We all have a lot to learn from each other; the Tutorial Forum promotes the continuing education of
each member of the AAAI. To encourage full participation by technical conference registrants, no separate fee will be charged for admittance to the Tutorial Forum in 2011.
AAAI is interested in proposals for advanced tutorials at the leading edge of AI. We are particularly interested in tutorials that offer two types of knowledge. The first type provides in-depth
background tools to help educate researchers and students for the purpose of conducting AI research; examples of this type of tutorials from AAAI-10 include "Sampling Techniques for Probabilistic and
Deterministic Graphical Models," "Voting Theory," and "Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for MDPs." A second type of tutorial provides a broad overview for an AI area that potentially crosses
boundaries with an interesting application area; examples of this type of tutorial from AAAI-10 include "Exploiting Statistical and Relational Information on the Web and in Social Media: Applications,
Techniques, and New Frontiers," "Towards Intelligent Web Search: Inferring Searcher Intent," and "Machine Learning Meets Knowledge Representation in the Semantic Web."
Our goal is to present a diverse program that includes core areas of AI, new techniques from allied disciplines that can inform research within AI, and conversely emerging applications of AI
techniques to new areas. Previous years' tutorial programs provide an indication of the scope and variety of possible topics. The list is not exclusive; indeed, we are expressly interested in topics
that we would not have imagined to mention. Finally, note that we very much welcome proposals for educational approaches that go beyond the traditional format of four-hour tutorials, exploiting the
flexibility that the open format program offers.
*Submission Requirements*
We need two kinds of information in the proposals: information that will be used for selecting proposals and information that will appear in the tutorial description brochure. The proposal should
provide sufficient information to evaluate the quality of the technical content being taught, the quality of the educational material being used, and the speakers' skill at presenting this material.
Each proposal should include at least the following:
/Goal of the tutorial:/ Who is the target audience? What will the audience walk away with? What makes the topic innovative?
/History:/ List of previous venues and approximate audience sizes, if the same or a similar tutorial has been given elsewhere; otherwise an estimate of the audience size.
/Content:/ Detailed outline and list of additional materials, augmented with samples, such as past tutorial slides and survey articles, whenever possible. Be as complete as possible.
/Tutorial description:/ A short paragraph summarizing the tutorial outline, and the intended duration of the symposium (default is four hours).
/Prerequisite knowledge:/ What knowledge is assumed of the target audience.
Please also submit the following information about the team of presenters: name, mailing address, phone number, email address; background in the tutorial area, including a list of publications and/or
presentations; any available examples of work in the area (ideally, a published tutorial-level article or presentation materials on the subject); evidence of teaching experience (courses taught or
references); and evidence of scholarship in AI or computer science.
*Submission Deadline*
Proposals must be received by December 3, 2010. Decisions about the tutorial program will be made by January 14, 2011. Speakers should be prepared to submit their tutorial descriptions and bios by
January 28, 2011, and to post completed course materials on their websites by July 1, 2011. Submissions must be in pdf format and made via EasyChair at
*Tutorial Cochairs*
Thomas Lukasiewicz
Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Wolfson Building, Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3QD, UK
0044-1865-273839 (fax)
Patrick Pantel
Microsoft Research
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: Using Actor-Network Theory to
Understand Development
Datum: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 17:27:50 +0000
Von: Richard Heeks <Course.Idpm-3(a)manchester.ac.uk>
An: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
This is a call for papers on use of actor-network theory in
international development, with an initial deadline for abstracts of
10 January 2011.
Actor-network theory has emerged over the past twenty years as a major
conceptual force in social science. To date, though, it has hardly
been applied within development studies. Yet the potential for ANT in
the study of development has never appeared greater. The growing
recognition of agency, process and relations among all development
actors. The greater use of networks of individuals and organisations
to deliver development. The increasing role played by technology in
development processes. All these point to a prospective value of
actor-network theory in helping us understand development today.
We are therefore organising a workshop and journal special issue to
bring together new work applying actor-network theory in international
development research. Our aim is to explore the extent to which ANT
can improve our understanding of development.
At this initial stage, we wish to retain as broad a scope as possible
for papers; from the more conceptual to the more practical; from those
engaging with the overall ANT project to those which apply particular
tools and sub-concepts; and from those which value ANT to those which
critique its application in development. In all cases, we will be
looking for some reflection on the contribution that ANT can make.
The following timeline will be observed:
- 10 January 2011 - prospective authors to submit an abstract of
200-400 words outlining their proposed paper to: ant4dev(a)gmail.com
- 1 February 2011 - authors to be notified of response to abstract
- 31 May 2011 - draft papers due (7,000-9,000 words), and workshop
rapporteurs appointed
- 30 June 2011 - workshop in London for presentation and discussion of papers
- 30 Sept 2011 - finalised papers due
Some travel funding will be made available for attendance at the
London workshop. Papers will still be considered from those who are
unable to attend the workshop.
We will collate a selection of submitted papers for publication as a
special issue in one of the leading development studies journals.
Selected papers will be subject to further review in line with journal
submission procedures.
If you have any queries prior to abstract submission, do please ask.
Richard Heeks (Centre for Development Informatics, University of
Manchester, UK)& Shirin Madon (Information Systems and Innovation
Group, LSE, UK); Email: ant4dev(a)gmail.com
Call URL: http://bit.ly/ANT4DCall
AISWorld mailing list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] Call for Breaking News Abstracts,
Workshop/Tutorial Proposals: WIMS'11
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 08:50:02 +0100
From: WIMS'11 <wims11(a)vestforsk.no>
To: wims11(a)vestforsk.no
[Apologies if you receive this more than once. Kindly
disseminate the WIMS'11 call in any lists you subscribe, and
among your colleagues and students.]
International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and
Semantics (WIMS'11) <http://wims.vestforsk.no/index.html>
Sogndal, Norway(May 25-27, 2011)
The WIMS'11 call for papers got a tremendous response.
Thanks for your support. Now, the conference program
committee would like to invite proposals and/or abstracts
for the following 3 new calls.
*Call for Breaking News - Abstracts*
The WIMS'11 program will feature several invited talks,
peer-reviewed contributed talks, tutorials , workshops and
posters. However, in addition, as an innovation for WIMS’11,
some time at the conference will be set aside for late
"breaking news" posters submitted on the basis of a two-page
abstract. These posters may report on
* ongoing or unpublished projects
* projects already completed elsewhere
* partially developed ideas
* negative results etc.
and are meant as informal forum to encourage discussion.
Abstracts should summarize and highlight why the projects
will be of interest to the WIMS community. Submitted
two-page abstracts will be peer reviewed and presentation of
these at the Conference will lead to publication in the
WIMS’11 Proceedings.
Abstracts on all aspects of Web Intelligence, Mining and
Semantics are strongly encouraged, including but not limited to:
* Semantics-driven Information Retrieval
* Semantic Agent Systems
* Semantic Data Search
* Interaction Paradigms for Semantic Search
* Evaluation of Semantic Search
* User Interfaces
* Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
* Web Mining
* Ontology Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Knowledge Bases
* Ubiquitous Computing
* Semantic Deep Web and Intelligent e-Technology
* Representation Techniques for Web-based knowledge
* Quality of Life Technology for Web Document Access
* Rule markup languages and systems
* Machine Learning & Knowledge Discovery
* Semantic 3D media and content
* Optimization-based Data Mining and Web Intelligence
* Web Personalization and Recommender Systems
* Social Search and Web Logs Analysis
* Opinion Mining for Business Intelligence
* Natural Language Processing and Web Intelligence
* Intelligent Web Interaction
* Service-Oriented Intelligence
* Collaborative Agents
* Human-Oriented Knowledge
* Scalability vs. expressivity of reasoning on the Web
*The best breaking news poster from all submissions will be
determined by the PC and a Best 'Breaking News' Award will
be presented at the conference.
*How to submit*
The length ofbreaking news abstractis 2 pages in ACM format.
Please note that the submission format is MS Word or PDF.
The two-page abstracts must be written in English and
formatted according to the ACM guidelines.Author
instructions and style files can be downloaded at
Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to attend the
conference and present their work. Selected extended
abstracts will be invited to appear in a special issues of
reputed journals in the field.Submissions will be considered
if they are received by 23:59, *March 1st 2011*, Universal
Time (Greenwich Mean Time).
*Breaking news abstracts must be sent to*Chair, Program
Committee (E-mail: wims11(a)vestforsk.no
*Call for Workshop Proposals*
The WIMS'11 international program committee invites
proposals for workshops. The accepted workshops from this
call will be included in the WIMS'11 main program.
Workshop proposals must provide a forum for discussion in
areas of special interest within the broader sense of/web
intelligence, web mining///and/web semantics/. The scope of
the workshops is also to acknowledge the impact of web
intelligence, mining and semantics and their wider
applications in the information society.
The organisers of successful workshops will be responsible
for their own reviewing process, website, and to co-ordinate
the collection and delivery of camera ready material and ACM
copyright transfer.Accepted papers in workshops will be
published in the WIMS'11 proceedings and disseminated
through the ACM Digital Library. Selected extended papers
will be invited to appear in a special issues of
reputed/journals///in the field.
Proposals should be not more than 4 pages in length, should
be in text or PDF format. It should contain the following
* A title of the workshop
* Name, affiliation, postal address and email of contact
* Names and affiliations of organisers
* A 150 word abstract
* Aims and scope
* Important dates
* Description of the proposed workshop
* Duration of the workshop (half day, full day etc.)
Submissions will be considered if they are received by
23:59, *December 15th 2010*, Universal Time (Greenwich Mean
*Please send your enquiries and workshop proposals directly
to *The Chair, Program Committee (wims11(a)vestforsk.no
*Call for Tutorial Proposals*
WIMS'11 also welcomes Tutorial and/or Demonstration
proposals. WIMS'11 will include tutorials and/or
demonstrations (on new applications) providing in-depth
background on subjects that are of broad interest to the Web
mining and Web semantics community. This track aims to
foster interaction and collaboration among participating
practitioners and academics, and to provide developers with
a place to showcase new practical implementations of
state-of-the-art systems in the areas of interest to the Web
Intelligence and Semantics community.
The tutorials will be part of the main conference technical
program. Proposal papers must be no less than 3 pages and no
more than 12 pages, and must provide a sense of both the
scope of the tutorial and depth within the scope.
First page of the proposals should include contact
information (name, email, address, telephone number, and FAX
number) and a brief bio of the presenters. If the proposed
tutorial has been given previously, the proposal should
include where the tutorial has been given and how it will be
modified for WIMS'11.The intended length of the tutorial (1
or 2 or 3 hours) should also be indicated, together with
justification that a high-quality presentation will be
achieved within the chosen time period and the indication of
the main learning outcomes.
Demonstrations will be an opportunity for showcasing
innovative Semantic Web related implementations and
Submitted tutorial/demonstration papers will be reviewed
prior to publication, and may be rejected for publication,
if either the technical quality of the paper is insufficient
or the content of the paper does not match the content of
the tutorial. Tutorial/Demonstration papers will be
published in the conference proceedings as part of the ACM
International Proceedings Series and will be disseminated
through the ACM Digital Library.
Please note that the submission format is MS Word or PDF.
The proposal must be written in English and formatted
according to the ACM guidelines. Author instructions and
style files can be downloaded at
Submissions will be considered if they are received by
23:59, *December 15th 2010*, Universal Time (Greenwich Mean
*Tutorial proposals must be sent to*Robert Engels (E-mail:
robert.engels(a)esis.no <mailto:robert.engels@esis.no>)
PO Box 163,
Phone: +47 916 85 607
Fax: +47 947 63 727
E-mail: wims11(a)vestforsk.no <mailto:wims11@vestforsk.no>
More tweets from @wims2011
Please visit the official conference website for further
information: http://wims.vestforsk.no/
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] BPM - Call for papers
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 07:42:54 +0100
From: Laurent d'Orazio <laurent.dorazio(a)isima.fr>
To: Laurent d'Orazio <laurent.dorazio(a)isima.fr>
BPM 2011
9th International Conference on Business Process Management 2011
August 29-September 2, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Call for Research Papers
BPM 2011 is the ninth conference in a series that provides the most
distinguished research forum for researchers and practitioners in all
aspects of BPM including theory, frameworks, methods, techniques,
architectures, systems, and empirical findings. With an acceptance rate
in previous editions at around 13% the conference has a record of
attracting innovative research of highest quality, from a mix of
disciplines including Computer Science, Management Information Science,
Services Computing, Services Science, and Technology Management.
This year’s conference will continue with the broad-based themes of
previous editions, and strives to strengthen and expand in several key
directions . The conference encourages emerging research on new
conceptual models for BPM that attempt to unify core aspects of BPM,
including process management, data management, business rules and
requirements, and analytics. The conference also encourages the
increasing interest in applying established and new techniques, such as
model-driven architectures, Web services and Web architectures, SOA, and
Cloud Computing, to the specific challenges of BPM. In this context, the
conference is also looking for contributions on implementation
techniques and details for process or Web service execution engines with
focus on new application areas. Finally, the conference seeks to attract
papers that highlight the pervasive need for BPM capabilities across
application areas outside of business management, including healthcare
delivery, digital government, disaster management, and management of
scientific and other academic endeavors, and that highlight how new
techniques can solve the distinctive challenges arising in those diverse
areas. Awards will be given to the best papers in different categories.
BPM 2011 will be held in Clermont-Ferrand, France, and will be organized
by the LIMOS Laboratory (http://www.isima.fr/limos/), CNRS, Université
Blaise Pascal. The conference will take place at the campus des cezeaux
which is located about minutes from the city center. Clermont-Ferrand is
a medium-sized city located in the heart of Auvergne, one of the most
beautiful regions of France: ancient volcanoes, lakes and gorges,
historic sites and Romanesque architecture make its wealth. Information
about the venue and local area are provided on the conference website:
http://bpm2011.isima.fr/ .
Research topics include, but are not limited to:
Process modeling languages, notations and methods
Data-aware and data-centric approaches to BPM
Reference process models
Variability and configuration of process models
Process simulation and static analysis
Automated process composition and synthesis
Process metadata and semantic reasoning
Process patterns and standards
Foundations of business process models
Security and Privacy aspects in business process modeling
Process-oriented software architectures
Service-oriented architectures for BPM
Workflow management systems and infrastructure
Security and Privacy aspects of business process execution
Automated planning for business process execution
Resource management in business process execution
Process componentization and component repositories
Distributed process execution
Cloud computing in support of BPM
Models and theory of workflow as data
Process tracing and monitoring
Dynamic process analysis and Process performance measurement
Process mining and learning
Process data warehousing
Data streaming in business processes
Process exception handling
Process change management
Monitoring and provenance across change
Adaptive and context-aware processes
Case handling
Process-enhanced groupware
People-intensive processes
User-centric aspects of BPM design
User-centric aspects of process management and use
Cross-organizational processes
Globally distributed process management
Integrating strategy, process, people and IT
Task sourcing through social networks
Knowledge-intensive processes
Data-driven business processes
Distributed and mobile processes
Inter-process planning and coordination
Scientific processes / grid workflows
Business process lifecycle management
Relationship of business strategy and business process
Success factors and measures in BPM
BPM governance and compliance management
BPM Maturity
Adoption and Practice of BPM
Case Studies and Experience Reports in BPM
BPM in support of business networks
Conference Paper Submission
BPM 2011 invites research submissions on all topics related to business
process management, including but not limited to those listed above.
Research papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair
system at 13 March 2011.
Initial submissions must be received no later than 6 March 2011
(including at least title and abstract). Final papers must be submitted
by 13 March 2011. Submission details and formatting instructions are
given at the website. All accepted papers will be included in the
conference proceedings published by Springer-Verlag in their LNCS
series. For each accepted paper, at least one author is required to
register for the conference and should plan to present the paper.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version
of their paper to a special issue Information Systems (an Elsevier
Science Journal).
Additional Conference Activities
The BPM 2011 conference will include a diverse set of tracks and
activities in addition to the main research track. As with previous
editions of the conference, there will be several associated workshops
that explore newly emerging approaches, methods, and technologies in the
BPM space. All or most of these workshops will be held on 29 August
2011. The Demo Track will showcase new, innovative systems that
illustrate key BPM functionalities. The proceedings of the workshops,
and short papers describing the demos, will be published in a volume of
Springer’s Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). The
Industrial Experiences track aims at bridging the viewpoints of leading
research outcomes with practical demands and industrial experience;
practitioners are encouraged to submit papers reporting on innovative
industrial implementations and applications of BPM methods and
techniques, with a particular emphasis on their impact on information
technology use or business practice. The conference will include
tutorials on cutting-edge frameworks and associated principled
techniques for solving BPM challenges. There are plans for a Doctoral
Consortium, that will provide students in advanced stages of their
dissertation work an opportunity to share their research with peers,
world-class researchers, and industry experts in Business Process
Management. Finally, a summer school directly following the main
conference is envisioned.
Preliminary conference schedule
Abstract submissions: 6 March 2011
Final paper submissions: 13 March 2011
Notification of acceptance: 13 May 2011
Camera-ready papers: 12 June 2011
Doctoral Symposium: 28 August 2011
Workshops + industry day: 29 August 2011
Conference: 30 August - 1 September 2011
Summer school: 2 September, 2011
Mailing-Liste: wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] PACIS 2011: Call for Workshops and
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 16:10:41 +1000
From: Jan Recker <j.recker(a)qut.edu.au>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org <aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org>
*15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
**- Call for Workshops and Tutorials -*
*Brisbane, Australia
July 8-11, 2011
The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
is the main international Information Systems (IS)
conference and the only AIS sponsored conference in the
Pacific Asia Region.
PACIS 2011 will run for three days preceded by a Doctoral
Consortium and relevant meetings. The main conference is
being hosted by the Information Systems Program of the
Faculty of Science and Technology at Queensland University
of Technology (QUT), and the Doctoral Consortium by
University of Queensland (UQ). QUT is located in the Central
Business District of Brisbane, with UQ 8 kilometres upriver
by ferry. Brisbane is the fastest growing city in Australia
and one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the
western world. With 1.7 million people, Brisbane offers the
infrastructure and facilities of a global metropolitan hub.
One hour from the Gold Coast and just south of the Barrier
Reef, Brisbane is within easy reach of rain forest, pristine
beaches and much more.
The Conference Theme: is "*/Quality IS Research in Pacific/
/Asia/*", emphasizing the growing importance of the region
as a source of internationally recognised top-tier research
in Information Systems, and the growing recognition of value
from IS contributions and developments beyond the discipline.
We now invite submissions for *workshop* and *tutorial*
proposals to be included in the PACIS 2011 Conference
Program. Workshops/tutorials are meant to facilitate the
focused exchange of ideas and experiences between
researchers, and to stimulate discussions on emerging IS
issues and the related challenges. In line with the
conference theme of "Quality IS Research in Pacific Asia",
workshops/tutorials concentrate in-depth on new or promising
research topics, or on promoting rigor in qualitative and
quantitative research methodologies are particularly
encouraged. Proposals for half-day or one-day workshops are
Each proposal should include the following information:
-Title of proposed workshop/tutorial, where applicable
-Brief biography of each organizer and key invite speakers,
where applicable
-An outline of the workshop/ tutorial theme, goals, planned
activities, and a brief discussion on intended audience, and
expected audience numbers
A suggested standard format for workshop/tutorial proposal
is attached and also provided at the PACIS 2011
workshops/tutorials website. All proposals should be
directed to the PACIS 2011 Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs
in electronic form (plain text or PDF) by the deadline
indicated below.
*Important Dates:*
Deadline for workshop/tutorial proposal submission: March 7,
Notification of proposal acceptance: April 29, 2011
Workshops and Tutorials: July 8, 2011
*Organizing Committee*
/PACIS 2011 Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs/
Siew Kien Sia, Nanyang Technological University, Email
asksia(a)ntu.edu.sg <mailto:asksia@ntu.edu.sg>
Jan Recker, Queensland University of Technology, Email:
j.recker(a)qut.edu.au <mailto:j.recker@qut.edu.au>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] CFP: EGU 2011. Delivering
observational data to the scientific community
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 20:14:42 +0100
From: Jesus Carretero <jesus.carretero.uc3m(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: jcarrete(a)arcos.inf.uc3m.es
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
(apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call)
*European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria,
3-8 April 2011
Earth& Space Science Informatics Session
Please consider to submit an abstract to the "Delivering observational
data to the scientific community" session. This session covers new
methods, policies, and technologies involved in the distribution of
large scientific datasets, with a special focus on sharing experiences
and learnt lessons.
If you consider to submit an abstract please visit:
Delivering observational data to the scientific community
Deadline for abstracts: *_10 January 2011_*
We are looking forward to receive your abstracts,
Juan M. Tirado (University Carlos III)
Fernando Félix (INSA S.A.)
Antonio de la Fuente (ESA)
Antonio Plaza (University of Extremadura)
Jesús Carretero
Informatics Engineering Vice-Dean
Full Professor. Computer Architecture Group
University Carlos III of Madrid
Avda. Universidad, 30. 28911 Leganés, Madrid. Spain
Tel: +34 916249458 Fax: +34 916249129
e-mail: jesus.carretero(a)uc3m.es
Web: http://www.arcos.inf.uc3m.es/~jcarrete
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] MIS Quarterly Call for Papers: On
Sociomateriality of Information Systems and Organizing
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 13:21:12 -0600
From: Jan DeGross <degro003(a)umn.edu>
To: aisworld(a)lists.aisnet.org
Guest Editors:
Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, University of New South Wales
Bob Galliers, Bentley University
Ola Henfridsson, Viktoria Institute
Sue Newell, Bentley University
Richard Vidgen, University of New South Wales
Submission Deadline: September 11, 2011
We invite papers that offer fresh thinking and an innovative approach to
the intertwining of the social/human and material/ technological of IS
and organizing and the ways to research, understand, and conceptualize
IS-organizing sociomateriality. Whether submitting empirical or
theoretical/conceptual papers, we encourage authors to question the
accepted separation of the technical and the social and other
taken-for-granted assumptions about IS and organizations. We also
encourage authors to explore novel research methodologies that are not
based on conventional dichotomies between idealism and materialism,
subjectivism and objectivism. We seek intellectually and conceptually
challenging, as well as practically relevant and inspiring papers that
contribute to debates and stimulate advancement of knowledge in our and
related fields.
Papers that develop sociomaterial theories of IS and organizing, papers
that present rich field studies of practice that go beyond illustration
to demonstrate and build sociomaterial theory, and papers that explore
the epistemological and methodological implications of sociomateriality
are particularly welcome.
To view the full Call for Papers, please go to the MIS Quarterly website
at http://www.misq.org/
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