-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: Fourth Workshop in Information Security Theory
and Practice (WISTP 2010) - Security and Privacy of Pervasive Systems
and Smart Devices
Datum: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 05:12:49 -0400
Von: Claudio Agostino Ardagna <claudio.ardagna(a)unimi.it>
Antwort an: Claudio Agostino Ardagna <claudio.ardagna(a)unimi.it>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
Security and Privacy of Pervasive Systems and Smart Devices
April 13-14, Passau, Germany - http://www.wistp.org/
The impact of pervasive and smart devices on our daily lives is ever
increasing, and the rapid technological development of information
technologies ensures that this impact is constantly changing. It is
imperative that these complex and resource constrained technologies
are not vulnerable to attack. This workshop will consider the full
impact of the use of pervasive and smart technologies on individuals,
and society at large, with regard to the security and privacy of the
systems that make use of them.
The workshop seeks submissions from academia and industry presenting
novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of security
and privacy of pervasive systems and smart devices, as well as
experimental studies of fielded systems.
We encourage submissions that address the application of security
technology, the implementation of systems, and lessons learned. We
encourage submissions from other communities such as law and business
that present these communities' perspectives on technological issues.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Access control
* Ad hoc networks security
* Anonymity
* Biometrics, national ID cards
* Data and application security and privacy
* Data protection
* Delay-tolerant network security
* Digital rights management (DRM) in pervasive environments
* Domestic network security
* Embedded systems security and TPMs
* Human and psychological aspects of security
* Human-computer interaction and human behavior impact for security
* Identity management
* Information assurance and trust management
* Interplay of TPMs and smart cards
* Intrusion detection and information filtering
* Mobile codes security
* Mobile commerce security
* Mobile devices security
* New applications for secure RFID systems
* Peer-to-peer security
* Privacy enhancing technologies
* RFID and NFC systems security
* Secure self-organization and self-configuration
* Security in location services
* Security issues in mobile and ubiquitous networks
* Security metrics
* Security models and architecture
* Security of GSM/GPRS/UMTS systems
* Security policies
* Security protocols
* Sensor networks security
* Smart card security
* Smart devices applications
* Vehicular network security
* Wireless communication security
* Wireless sensor node security
Paper submission due: November 20, 2009 (midnight Samoa time)
Notification to authors: January 17, 2010
Author registration: February 1, 2010
Camera-ready due: February 1, 2010
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal, a
conference, or a workshop with proceedings. Papers should be at most
15 pages including the bibliography and well-marked appendices (using
11-point font and reasonable margins), and should be in single-column
format. Committee members are not required to read the appendices,
and so the paper should be intelligible without them. All submissions
should be appropriately anonymized (i.e., papers should not contain
author names or affiliations, or obvious citations). Submissions are
to be made to the submission web site
(http://www.wistp.org/submission-details/). Only pdf files will be
accepted. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection
without consideration of their merits. Papers must be received by the
deadline of November 20, 2009. Accepted papers will be published by
Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The
camera-ready version of the accepted papers must follow Springer
guidelines (a Latex source file will be required).
If a submitted paper is mainly the result of the work of a student
author, this paper could have the chance to be selected as "Best
student paper" (even if the paper has been written with senior
co-authors). To participate to this selection process, please add the
word "STUDENT" in the affiliation field in the submission form.
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be
presented at the workshop. At least one author of each accepted paper
is required to register with the workshop and present the paper. For
authors presenting multiple papers, one normal registration is valid
for up to two papers.
General Chairs
* Joachim Posegga, University of Passau, Germany
* Konstantinos Markantonakis, Royal Holloway University of
London, UK
Program Chairs
* Pierangela Samarati, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Michael Tunstall, University of Bristol, UK
Workshop/Panel/Tutorial Chair
* Damien Sauveron, University of Limoges, France
Publicity Chairs
* Claudio A. Ardagna, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Ioannis G. Askoxylakis, FORTH-ICS, Greece
* Gerhard Hancke, ISG, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Local Organization
* Joachim Posegga, University of Passau, Germany
Program Committee
* Rafael Accorsi, IIG, University of Freiburg, Germany
* Claudio A. Ardagna, Department of Information Technologies,
Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Francois Arnault, XLIM, University of Limoges, France
* Ioannis G. Askoxylakis, FORTH-ICS, Greece
* Gildas Avoine, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
* Angelos Bilas, FORTH-ICS & University of Crete, Greece
* Carlo Blundo, University of Salerno, Italy
* Marco Casassa Mont, HP Labs, UK
* Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Department of Information
Technologies, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Jan de Meer, Brandenburg Technical University (BTU), Germany
* Estibaliz Delgado, European Software Institute (ESI), Spain
* Tassos Dimitriou, Athens Information Technology, Greece
* Sara Foresti , Department of Information Technologies,
Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Flavio Garcia, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
* Stefanos Gritzalis, Info-Sec-Lab, University of the Aegean, Greece
* Yong Guan, Iowa State University, USA
* Gerhard Hancke, ISG, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
* Ragib Hasan, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
* Olivier Heen, INRIA, France
* Jaap-Henk Hoepman, TNO and Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
* Michael Huth, Imperial College London, UK
* Sotiris Ioannidis, FORTH-ICS & University of Crete, Greece
* Sokratis Katsikas, Dept. of Technology Education & Digital Systems,
University of Piraeus, Greece
* Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, Canada
* Michiharu Kudo, IBM Research, Japan
* Konstantinos Markantonakis, ISG-SCC, Royal Holloway
University of London, UK
* Olivier Markowitch, ULB, Belgium
* Fabio Martinelli, Information Security Group, IIT-CNR, Italy
* Sjouke Mauw, SATOSS of Compute Science and Communications,
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
* Keith Mayes, ISG-SCC, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
* Carlos Maziero, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana State
Curitiba PR, Brazil
* Chris Mitchell, ISG, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
* Stefaan Motte, NXP Semiconductors, Belgium
* Jose Onieva. Computer Science Department, University of Malaga, Spain
* Rolf Oppliger, eSECURITY Technologies, Switzerland
* Dan Page, Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK
* Stefano Paraboschi , University of Bergamo, Italy
* Pierre Paradinas, INRIA & CNAM, France
* Gerardo Pelosi, University of Bergamo, Italy
* Erik Poll, SOS (Security of Systems) group of the Radboud
University Nijmegen, Netherlands
* Konstantinos Rantos, GSPAEG at the Hellenic Ministry of Interior,
Public Administration and Decentralisation, Greece
* Kui Ren, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
* Vincent Rijmen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
* Rei Safavi-Naini, Center for Information Security and Cryptography,
University of Calgary, Canada
* Damien Sauveron, University of Limoges, France
* Daniel Schreckling, Institute for IT Security and Security Law,
University of Passau, Germany
* Byron Thomas, SiVenture, UK
* Erik Zenner, Technical University of Denmark, Danemark
* Bo Zhu, Computer Security Laboratory, University of Concordia, Canada
WISTP Steering Committee
* Angelos Bilas, FORTH-ICS & University of Crete, Greece
* Jaap-Henk Hoepman, TNO and Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
* Konstantinos Markantonakis, Royal Holloway University of
London, UK
* Chris Mitchell, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
* Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Catholic University of Louvain,
* Damien Sauveron, University of Limoges, France
* IFIP WG 11.2 Pervasive Systems Security
For further inquiries, please contact Damien Sauveron at
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: newsletter Update: WWW2010 Call for Papers
Datum: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 17:49:21 -0400
Von: newsletter(a)iw3c2.org
Antwort an: info(a)www2010.org
An: newsletter(a)iw3c2.org
<W><W><W> C A L L F O R P A P E R S <2><0><1><0>
19th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2010)
April 26-30, 2010 / Raleigh, North Carolina USA
Key dates for authors:
2009/10/26 -- Abstracts due for papers and demos
2009/11/02 -- Papers and demos due
2009/11/15 -- Tutorial proposals due
2009/12/11 -- Panel proposals due
Early 2010 -- Posters & Late Breaking Results due
Main topics of interest:
-- Search
-- Data Mining and Machine Learning
-- Bridging Structured and Unstructured Data
-- Social Networks
-- Semantic Web
-- Security and Privacy
-- Internet Monetization
-- Software Architecture and Infrastructure
-- Performance, Scalability and Availability
-- Networking and Mobility
-- Users Interfaces and Rich Interaction
-- Rich Media
For more information, please visit:
Call for Papers
Submissions site:
Twitter updates:
With kind regards,
WWW2010 Organizing Committee
<W><W><W> C A L L F O R P A P E R S <2><0><1><0>
Upcoming newsletters, subscribing, etc.
The Newsletter will be sent periodically, roughly once every month
leading up to the conference.
You may subscribe to, or unsubscribe from the Newsletter at
<http://www.iw3c2.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter> or send an email to
"contact" at "iw3c2" dot "org".
newsletter mailing list
Visit WWW2010 http://wwwconference.org/www2010
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] CFP: Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS)
Datum: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 16:27:37 -0500
Von: Changchit, Chuleeporn <Chuleeporn.Changchit(a)tamucc.edu>
Antwort an: Changchit, Chuleeporn <Chuleeporn.Changchit(a)tamucc.edu>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS)
Editor-in-Chief: Chuleeporn Changchit, Texas A&M University - Corpus
The mission of the Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS) is
to serve both academics and practitioners as a reliable source on issues
of information privacy and security. The Journal is a high quality
refereed journal that seeks support from academicians, industry experts
and specific government agencies. The JIPS focuses on publishing
articles that address the paradoxical nature of privacy versus security
amidst current global conditions. It is increasingly important that
various constituents of information begin to understand their role in
finding solutions to achieve a delicate balance between security and
The JIPS will facilitate understanding of the information assurance
technical framework as it pertains to government agencies, companies and
individuals. The topics may include the information privacy and security
issues pertaining to initiatives on counter-terrorism efforts around the
world, the impact of U.S. federal regulation and compliance issues
facing global corporations, the impact of privacy and security
initiatives within small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and e-gambling.
Article submissions are encouraged from both academics and
practitioners. Each issue will include high quality articles from
academics and practitioners, case studies, book reviews, and industry
interviews. The Journal addresses issues of privacy and security from a
global perspective and will consider articles with a cross-functional
focus. The Journal will include articles in the following areas:
- Information Assurance frameworks
- Network security and impact on corporate infrastructure
- Privacy laws and impact on information compliance issues
- The duality of privacy and security and impact on corporate operations
- Governmental regulations and changes on information security
- Data transfer issues across nations, states, and corporations
- Privacy and security requirements in B2B and B2C information flows
- Cross-functional aspects of information assurance and requirements
faced by various business functions within companies
- Web sites, portals and the issue of trust
- Information privacy and security as it relates to end-users
- Applications and case studies in privacy and security issues facing
business organizations, government agencies and individuals
- Emerging topics such as biometrics, software utilities, and IT
obligations and how they change the business environment
Review Process
Each article will be blind-reviewed by three members of the editorial
review board. Reviewer recommendation will be considered by the
Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor. For a revision and rewrite, a
revised paper will be sent to one of the Editors for final approval. The
final decision will be made by the Editor-in-Chief.
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission
guidelines at http://jips.cob.tamucc.edu/submission.htm
All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Chuleeporn Changchit at
Chuleeporn Changchit, Ph. D. Phone: (361) 825-5832
Professor of MIS Fax: (361) 825-5609
Room 136 Faculty Center E-mail:
College of Business, Unit 5808
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
6300 Ocean Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS)
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CfP: Information Systems Special Issue on "Management and
Engineering of Process Aware Information Systems"
Datum: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 16:55:39 +1000
Von: Jan Recker <j.recker(a)qut.edu.au>
An: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
*Motivation and Background*
Process-aware information systems are at the heart of an ongoing trend
that has seen the attention of information systems engineers and
managers shift from data and objects to the processes that the
information system is intended to support, enable or enact. This trend
has resulted in a myriad of approaches to support the analysis, design,
implementation, execution and maintenance of information systems,
ranging from those supported by groupware to those supported by workflow
management systems and more recently business process management
systems. We subsume such different information systems with a “process
focus” under the umbrella of Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS). A
PAIS is a work system that supports the delivery of products and/or
services to customers by processing information on the basis of explicit
process models.
Process awareness has emerged as a guiding principle not only in the
design and analysis of information systems, but also as a management
discipline in its own right. As a result, PAIS are complex systems in
which managerial and organizational aspects are often entangled with
system analysis, design and implementation aspects. An integrated
understanding of these complementary aspects is essential to reap the
potential benefits of PAIS. However, management and engineering aspects
of PAIS have to date mostly been studied separately. On the one hand,
the information systems engineering community has concentrated on PAIS
analysis, design and implementation, using for example case handling
systems, workflow technology, business process management systems or
service-oriented architectures. On the other hand, the information
systems management community has focused on the impact of information
systems technology to support process-oriented organizations, or the
management of cultural and organizational change to enable process
improvement. Overall these research streams have remained isolated from
one another, and no studies exist that fully embrace the holistic and
boundary-spanning nature of PAIS.
*Scope and Aims*
The aim of this special issue is to provide a forum to bridge the
viewpoints of the information systems engineering community and the
information systems management community, as it pertains to PAIS. The
special issue explicitly advocates multi-disciplinary approaches that
expand and integrate isolated research efforts in engineering and
management of PAIS, or that bridge design-oriented with behavioral IS
research efforts.
Of particular interest to the special issue are studies showing how
management and organizational aspects have an impact on the design and
implementation of business processes, or how emerging technology
frameworks and paradigms (such as service-oriented architectures, Web
2.0 and cloud computing) affect the management and organization of PAIS.
Accordingly, the special issue encourages studies that use a mixed or
multiple-method approach spanning empirical research and design science.
To facilitate this integrated perspective into PAIS, the editorial board
of this special issue brings together researchers from the management
and engineering communities of PAIS research and who have a commitment
to fostering open dialogue and knowledge sharing between these communities.
*About the Journal*
Information Systems is an international, peer-reviewed journal published
by Elsevier that publishes articles concerning the design and
implementation of languages, data models, algorithms, software and
hardware for information systems. Its current impact factor is 1.660 and
its five-year impact factor is 2.261.
The special issue will solicit submissions that address any phenomenon
or problem that can be ascribed to PAIS. Potential topics include but
are not limited to:
- success, failure and contingency models for PAIS
- usability, effectiveness and efficiency studies of PAIS
- PAIS-related standards, their development, adoption, and use
- PAIS modeling and design methods
- management of process model repositories
- collaborative process modeling and PAIS-enabled process collaboration
- open-source software for PAIS
- service-oriented and cloud-based architectures for PAIS
- PAIS monitoring and performance measurement
- decision support in the context of PAIS
- impact of emerging technology on PAIS management
- flexibility and change management in PAIS
- philosophical and methodological issues in research on PAIS
- industry-specific requirements towards PAIS
- learning and education in PAIS
- PAIS lifecycle management**
- strategic alignment of PAIS**
- governance of PAIS**
* *
*Review Process*
All submissions will be peer-reviewed in accordance with the reviewing
standards of the journal of Information Systems. This special issue
follows a developmental review process. The objective is to apply very
high standards of acceptance while ensuring fair, timely and efficient
review cycles. The review process consists of three phases as outlined
/Phase A: Extended Abstract Review (Optional)/
In this phase, potential authors are encouraged to submit a 2-3 page
extended abstract of their proposed papers by e-mail to the special
issue editors. The special issue editors will review the abstracts and
provide feedback regarding (1) the potential of the proposed paper to
make an innovative and substantive contribution to the field; and (2)
the appropriateness of the proposed paper to the special issue.
/Phase B: First-round review/
During this phase, authors shall submit a full version of their papers.
The submissions will be reviewed by the editors, with the assistance of
a group of invited domain experts. The editors will provide their
recommendations and feedback to the authors for revision and development
of the submitted papers. The objectives of this phase are to: (1)
provide a timely turnaround so that authors get a clear indication of
the reactions to their work, (2) enable promising works to develop into
solid publishable material, (3) improve the success rates of high
quality work by providing feedback at each developmental milestone and
(4) ensure the high quality standards of IS in an efficient manner.
The papers that successfully complete this stage will be invited to
submit a revised version to the final peer review phase. We are also
planning to provide an opportunity for authors who successfully complete
this stage, to present their research results as part of a workshop
affiliated with one of the major international IS conferences prior to
submitting these papers for the peer-review phase.
/Phase C: Second-round review/
The authors of papers successfully completing Phase B will be asked to
submit a fully revised version of their manuscript for second
peer-review phase. Final acceptance decisions will be made after authors
received the chance to respond to the second-round review, if required.
Extended abstract submission (*optional*): 15 November 2009
Feedback from editors on abstract: 1 December 2009
Full initial paper submission deadline: 15 January 2010
1st round feedback: 15 April 2010
Revised paper submission deadline: 1 October 2010
2nd round feedback: 1 January 2011
Final paper submission deadline: 15 April 2011
Acceptance decision deadline: 15 May 2011
Camera-ready paper submission deadline: 15 June 2011
Publication of special issue: 4th quarter 2011
* *
Extended abstracts may be submitted by e-mail to Jan Recker (j.recker at
qut.edu.au). Submission of extended abstracts is optional.
Full manuscripts must be submitted via the online submission system for
Information Systems (http://ees.elsevier.com/is/). Please indicate that
this is a submission to the Special Issue on Engineering and Management
of PAIS. Authors should follow the guidelines for submissions to
Information Systems, available from the Elsevier homepage:
Manuscripts typically do not exceed 30 pages in length.
* *
*Special Issue Editorial Board*
/ /
/Guest Editors:/
*Dr Marlon Dumas* is Professor of Software Engineering at University of
Tartu, Estonia. From 2000 to 2007, he held various academic appointments
at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. He has
also been visiting professor at University of Grenoble (France) and
visiting researcher at SAP Research, Australia. His research interests
include Business Process Management, Service-Oriented Architecture and
Web Technology. His research findings have been published in journals
such as /ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology/, /IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering/ and /IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering/. He was program co-chair of the 6^th
International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2008). He
holds two patents in the field of BPM, and several other pending patent
applications. He is co-editor of a textbook on Process-Aware Information
Systems (John Wiley and Sons, 2005).
*Dr Jan Recker* is Senior Lecturer at the Information Systems Program at
Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia. His research
interests include Process Standards, User-centred Analysis and Design of
Process-aware Information Systems, Process Flexibility and Post-Adoptive
Usage. Findings from his research have been published in journals such
as the /Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information
Systems/, the /Scandinavian Journal for Information Systems/, the
/Communications of the Association for Information Systems/, the
/Australasian Journal of Information Systems/, the /Business Process
Management Journal/, and others. Jan serves on the editorial board of
two journals, is editor of two journal special issues, and co-chairs the
ER-BPM workshop series.
*Dr Mathias Weske* is Professor of Computer Science and chair of the
business process technology research group at Hasso Plattner Institute
at University of Potsdam, Germany. His research interests include
business process modelling and analysis, process choreographies,
modelling methodologies, and service computing. He leads Oryx, an open
source project on business process management. Dr. Weske has published
over 80 scientific papers and twelve books, including a textbook on
business process management. He is on the steering committee of the BPM
conference series. He is a member of ACM, IEEE, and GI, and he is the
chairperson of EMISA, the German Computer Science Society Special
Interest Group on Development Methods for Information Systems and their
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive
Computing Systems (EICS 2010)
Datum: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 16:42:56 +0200
Von: Marco Winckler <winckler(a)irit.fr>
Antwort an: Marco Winckler <winckler(a)irit.fr>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
(call for papers)
ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems
Berlin, Germany | June 21-23, 2010
EICS is the second international conference devoted to the engineering
of usable and effective interactive computing systems. Systems of
interest will include traditional workstation-based interactive systems,
new and emerging modalities (e.g., gesture), entertaining applications
(e.g., mobile and ubiquitous games) and development methods (e.g.,
extreme programming).
EICS focuses on methods and techniques, and the tools that support them,
for designing and developing interactive systems. It brings together
people who study or practice the engineering of interactive systems,
drawing from the HCI, Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering,
CSCW, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Systems and Game Development communities.
EICS’2010 encompasses the EHCI (Engineering Human Computer Interaction,
sponsored by IFIP 2.7/13.4), DSV-IS (International Workshop on the
Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems), CADUI
(International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces)
and TAMODIA (International Workshop on Task Models and Diagrams).
Submissions are invited that address some aspect of the engineering of
human-computer interactive systems. Topics include but are not limited to:
* Modeling interaction and interactive systems,
* Engineering processes for interactive systems (e.g. design,
implementation, prototyping and testing),
* Integrating interaction design into the software development process,
* Interactive systems specification,
* Requirements engineering for interactive systems,
* Software architectures for interactive systems,
* Dynamic generation/composition of interactive systems,
* Specifying users' activities.
Research Papers, Practice and Experience Reports, Late Breaking Results,
Demonstrations, Doctoral Consortium submissions and Workshop proposals.
Accepted contributions will be published in the ACM SIGCHI proceedings
2010 as well as in the ACM Digital Library.
All categories except late breaking results:
* Submissions: January 18, 2010
* Review notification: March 15, 2010
* Final submissions (Camera-ready papers): April 15, 2010
Late breaking results (camera-ready papers)
* Submissions: March 20, 2010
* Review notification: April 15, 2010
Further information on the web site: http://eics-conference.org
PS. Apologizes for cross-posting.
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Deadline Extension: TSE Special Issue on Software
Services and Service-Based Systems
Datum: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 13:51:07 +0200
Von: Andreas Gehlert <Andreas.Gehlert(a)sse.uni-due.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Special Issue on
Guest Editors: Carlo Ghezzi - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Klaus Pohl - University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Abstract submission deadline: 01 NOVEMBER 2009 (extended)
Paper submission deadline: 17 NOVEMBER 2009 (extended)
Website: http://www.s-cube-network.eu/tse
NOTE: Abstract submission by 01 November 2009 is MADATORY
The special issue aims at providing a comprehensive view of the
software engineering approaches investigated by current research on
software services and service-based systems. Submitted articles can
from theoretical foundations to empirical studies. In any case, a
validation of the proposed approaches is required. Topics of interest
include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Adaptation and evolution, including human in the loop adaptation and
- Business-process alignment
- Capturing and analyzing context
- Composition and orchestration of software services
- Design and architecture of software services and service-based systems
- Infrastructure and middleware support
- Life-cycle models and processes for service-based systems
- Monitoring, testing and verification of services and service-based
- Negotiation and service-level agreements
- Quality assurance of service-based systems
- Requirements engineering for services and service-based systems
- Service quality modelling
The service-oriented paradigm is emerging as a new way to engineer
systems that are composed of and exposed as services for use through
standardized protocols.
Service-based systems are pushing traditional software engineering
problems - such as requirements, specification, distribution,
componentization, composition, verification, and evolution - to their
extreme. Different stakeholders, with diverse and possibly conflicting
goals are involved: Clients may use or compose existing services for
their own benefit. Service integrators may compose third-party services
to provide new, added-value services. Service providers develop, deploy,
manage, and evolve software services for a marketplace. When a service
exposed, a specification of its functional and quality properties is
available to allow other parties to search, discover, negotiate, use,
bind them dynamically.
Service-based systems can be seen as a radical evolution from
component-based systems. They are made out of services, which are
autonomous parts that may evolve at runtime and that are independently
conceived and developed by different stakeholders. Service-based systems
must be able to cope with this and other kinds of changes such as
in the requirements, in business processes, in the context or in the
services they rely on. Moreover, they should offer a variety of
strategies to cope with changes ranging from self-adaptation to human in
the loop adaptation
Extreme flexibility and continuous change may conflict with
dependability. Most traditional software engineering approaches
understand quality assurance as a development-time concern.
systems require that quality assurance is extended over the entire
lifetime of a system, including runtime, when it is operational and
providing service. For example, it is necessary to monitor a running
system and its context, and check whether it continues to fulfil its
requirements, after an adaptation of the system has occurred or a new or
even different service has been included in the system.
Abstracts should be e-mailed to the guest editors at
carlo.ghezzi(a)polimi.it and klaus.pohl(a)sse.uni-due.de followed by the
online full paper submission at the IEEE TSE submission site
(https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cs-ieee) with a note/tag designating
the manuscript to this special issue. Submissions must conform to the
journal's submission guidelines (http://www2.computer.org/portal/
Abstract Submission deadline (mandatory): 01 November 2009 (extended)
Submission deadline: 17 NOVEMBER 2009 (extended)
First review results: 31 January 2010
Revisions due: 15 March 2010
Second review results: 15 May 2010
Final version due: 15 June 2010
Publication: Nov/Dec 2010
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] New Book: The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and
Datum: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 08:03:29 +0100
Von: Ilan Oshri <Ilan.Oshri(a)wbs.ac.uk>
Antwort an: Ilan Oshri <Ilan.Oshri(a)wbs.ac.uk>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring
by Ilan Oshri, Julia Kotlarsky and Leslie P. Willcocks
The global offshore outsourcing market for IT and business services
exceeded $55 billion in 2008 and some estimates suggest an annual growth
rate of 20% over the next five years. Furthermore, over 200 firms from
the Forbes 2000 companies and 50 per cent of the Fortune Global 500 had
offshored IT and business process activities through captive centres,
making a total of about $9bn of business. The phenomenon of offshoring
and offshore-outsourcing is certainly expanding. It has become
increasingly important to understand the phenomenon, not least as a
basis for suggesting what directions it will take, its impacts, how it
has been conducted, and how its management can be better facilitated.
This book offers a broad perspective on various issues relating to the
sourcing of systems and business processes in a national and global
context. The authors examine both the client's and the vendor's
involvement in sourcing relationships by putting the emphasis on the
capabilities that each side should develop prior to entering a
relationship but also that they should develop as a result of their
interactions with each other.
Some of the endorsements we received for this book:
'Written by outstanding academics well-recognized for their expertise on
the topic, this long-awaited book is a must have to anybody embarking on
the process of global sourcing or seeking to enhance their existing
knowledge. It provides a comprehensive conceptual overview of three
crucial aspects of global sourcing - strategy, governance, and daily
management - supplemented by well-researched case studies and lively
examples.' - Professor Natalia Levina, NYU Stern School of Business
'In a truly globalized world, customers are looking not just at delivery
excellence from service providers, but also global execution
capabilities. Outsourcing providers need to look beyond standardized
services to include innovation and transformation capabilities, embedded
into their offering. This requires providers to focus on the customer's
business, understand the issues and then provide solutions. This book
provides a very good customer-centric view of how providers need to
approach the market.' - Girish Ramachandran, Corporate Director -
Strategic Business, Tata Consultancy Services
'Outsourcing and offshoring are commonplace terms, but they're often
poorly understood and inexpertly practiced. Yet there is much 'out' left
in 'sourcing,' and even more 'off' ahead of us in 'shoring.' The
Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring is an intelligent user's
manual – essential reading for those starting out as well as those who
find they may have strayed off course.' - Dr. John Hindle, Senior
Manager, Global Marketing, Accenture
'Out of sight but not out of mind' could well be the motto of this book.
It is a 'must read' for those studying the global phenomenon and in
managing outsourcing relationships. The frustrations and rising costs
experienced by many can and need to be avoided. The Handbook of Global
Outsourcing and Offshoring goes a long way in providing insights drawn
from real-world experience in reducing the risks.' - Professor Robert D.
Galliers, Provost, Bentley College.
'Sourcing optimization is a key strategic lever being deployed by global
corporations as they adapt to the challenging business and economic
climate. Sourcing practitioners will find this book a useful guide in
terms of avoiding the common pitfalls that impact the success of such
initiatives. The examples used in the book are free of jargon, drawn
from real-life situations and easy to relate to.' - Srikanth Iyengar,
Associate Vice President,Global Head of Business Development - SGS,
Infosys Technologies Limited
'The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring is outstanding. It is
both insightful and practical. It is useful for companies that are
considering outsourcing as a growth strategy as well as those that out to provide high quality outsourcing services to its clients
globally.' - John Peng, Sr. Vice President, Global Strategic Account
iSoftStone Information Service Corp
'The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring provides a broad and
in-depth understanding of outsourcing from the client perspective. From
the early days of outsourcing, client and provider companies alike have
made innumerable mistakes. This handbook provides valuable guidance
about what it takes to avoid the pitfalls and outsource successfully.
This should be a required reference for any company considering
outsourcing.' - Wendell O. Jones, Outsourcing pioneer and thought leader
The content of the book:
Overview Of The Global Sourcing Marketplace
Sourcing Models: What And When To Outsource/Offshore
Country Attractiveness For Sourcing
Supplier Core Capabilities And Strategies For Sustainability And Growth
Leveraging Knowledge And Expertise
Client Perspective: Vendor Selection Strategy, Retained Management
Capabilities And Legal Issue
The IT Outsourcing Life Cycle And The Transition Phase
Governance Of Outsourcing Projects
Managing Distributed Teams
Emerging Issues In Sourcing Strategy
Our short bios:
ILAN OSHRI is Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Rotterdam
School of Management Erasmus, the Netherlands. He holds a PhD in
Strategic Management and Technological Innovations from Warwick Business
School, UK. His main research interest lies in the area of learning,
knowledge management and innovation in global teams. His work has been
widely published in books and journals (www.ilanoshri.com).
JULIA KOTLARSKY is Associate Professor of Information Systems,
Information Systems and Management Group, Warwick Business School, UK.
She holds a PhD in Information Systems and Management from Rotterdam
School of Management Erasmus, the Netherlands. Her research interests
revolve around managing knowledge, social and technical aspects of
globally distributed software development teams, and IT outsourcing.
Kotlarsky has written on this subject and her work has been widely
published in books and journals (www.juliakotlarsky.com).
LESLIE WILLCOCKS is Professor of Technology Work and Globalization and
Director of the Outsourcing Unit at the London School of Economics and
Political Science, UK. He has co-authored 29 books and over 150 refereed
journal papers on the management of information and communications
technologies, and their impact on organizations. He is Editor of the
Journal of Information Technology and is internationally recognized for
his academic research and his advisory work for major corporations and
government agencies.
Kind regards,
Scanned for Warwick Business School by iCritical.
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [isworld] International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and
Technological Innovation
Datum: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 02:49:24 -0400
Von: Arthur Tatnall <arthur.tatnall(a)vu.edu.au>
Antwort an: Arthur Tatnall <arthur.tatnall(a)vu.edu.au>
An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network <isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org>
The contents of the latest issue of:
International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation
Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association
Volume 1, Issue 4, October-December 2009
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 1942-535X EISSN: 1942-5368
Published by IGI Publishing, Hershey-New York, USA
Editor-in-Chief: Arthur Tatnall, Victoria University, Australia
Arthur Tatnall, Victoria University, Australia
This fourth issue of the first volume of the International Journal of
Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation (IJANTTI) marks the end
of the first, highly successful year of the new journal. This issue
contains four very different articles, dealing with the use of
actor-network theory to analyze the reasons that more girls do not proceed
to higher education in IT, an investigation of the development and
implementation of IT strategy, the discussion of issues in intercultural
communication, and the combination with social network analysis to conduct
an investigation of chronic disease self-management models.
To read the preface, please consult this issue of IJANNTI in your library.
�What�s Your Problem?� ANT Reflections on a Research Project Studying
Girls Enrolment in Information Technology Subjects in Postcompulsory
Leonie Rowan, Griffith Institute for Educational Research, Australia
Chris Bigum, Griffith Institute for Educational Research, Australia
Despite more than thirty years of gender reform in schools, the
percentages of girls enrolled in information technology subjects in the
post-compulsory years of education has remained persistently low: often
under 25%. This article investigates data collected during an Australian
Research Council Linkage Grant project (2005-2007) focused on identifying
the reasons for this under-representation and ways in which the situation
could be changed. This article looks beyond the official recommendations
of the project to explore how the research experience and the data combine
to raise important questions about the limits of research in this area.
The authors discuss the difference between the researchers� perception of
the problem under consideration and the participants� perception of the
same issue.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
The S�ANT Approach to Facilitate a Superior Chronic Disease
Self-Management Model
Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Center for the Management of Medical Technology
(CMMT), Stuart School of Business, and Institute of Technology, Chicago,
Rajeev K. Bali, Coventry University, UK
Steve Goldberg, INET International, Canada
Diabetes is one of the leading chronic diseases, and its prevalence
continues to rise exponentially. This article presents the case for the
application of a pervasive technology solution in the form of a
wireless-enabled mobile phone to facilitate superior diabetes management.
In so doing, the authors highlight the need for employing the S�ANT
approach (Wickramasinghe and Bali, 2009) - namely the incorporation of
actor-network theory and social network analysis - in order to support a
network centric healthcare solution.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
An Actor-Network Analysis of a Case of Development and Implementation of
IT Strategy
Tiko Iyamu, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Arthur Tatnall, Graduate School of Business, Victoria University,
Increasingly, many organizations are highly dependent on support from
information technology (IT). Even though Carr has controversially argued
that IT does not matter, there seems to be prima facie evidence that even
the most ambitious business vision still needs IT to enable it. As such,
there has been much focus and emphasis on technologies and less attention
on non-technical components in the development and implementation of IT
strategy. This study focuses on the connection between the technical and
nontechnical, including the relationships between actors in the
development and implementation of IT strategy. The authors describe how
actor-network theory (ANT) is employed to investigate the impact of
non-technical factors on the development and implementation of IT strategy
in an organization. ANT is used to provide a useful perspective on the
importance of relationships between both human and non-human actors.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
Actor-Network Theory in Intercultural Communication: Translation through
the Prism of Innovation, Technology, Networks and Semiotics
Magdalena Bielenia-Grajewska, University of Gdansk, Poland
This article discusses the place of the actor-network theory in
intercultural communication. To narrow the scope of the research, the
author concentrates on the role of participants in one type of
intercultural exchange, namely in translation. Thus, such issues as
translator(s), translation, languages, texts, and units are given a
detailed study. An attempt will be made to show how ANT is useful in this
area of cross-cultural communication.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the
International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation
(IJANTTI) in your institution's library. This journal is also included in
the IGI Global aggregated "InfoSci-Journals" database: <www.infosci-journals.com>.
Mission of IJANTTI:
The mission of the International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and
Technological Innovation (IJANTTI) is to provide a forum for both general
discussion of actor-network theory (ANT), and examples of its use in
offering explanations for socio-technical phenomena, particularly those
related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). It is over
twenty years now since Latour, Callon, and Law put together their ideas
and concepts in the first papers on ANT, but for some time ANT was
regarded by many as little more than a curiosity. In recent years however,
the ICT research community has begun to discover the power of using ANT as
an explanatory framework for many of the things in which it is interested.
Implementation and use of information and communication technologies
inevitably involves the interactions of both technology and people, and
this is the area in which ANT is particularly useful. The main goal of
this journal will be to facilitate international growth in the body of
research investigating the value of using actor-network theory as a means
of understanding socio-technical phenomena and technological innovation.
Coverage of IJANTTI:
This journal covers a range of topics related to actor-network theory
(ANT). These topics will include the development of actor-network theory
itself, as well as case studies of its use to assist in the explanation of
various socio-technical phenomena. It will also include topics relating to
technological innovation; both those using actor-network theory as an
explanatory framework and those using other approaches. Possible topics
include, but are not restricted to:
Analytical case studies of the use of ANT for investigating technological
applications in various other areas
Analytical case studies of the use of ANT to investigate the
implementation and use of information and communication technologies
Case studies, involving ANT or other analytical frameworks, of
technological innovation, and the implementation and use of information
and communication technologies
Comparison of the various different approaches to framing technological
Descriptions of ANT research methods, and the conduct of ANT research
Development, evaluations, criticisms, and triumphs of ANT
Innovation translation as an approach to explaining technological
Other approaches to the explanation of technological innovation, including
innovation diffusion, the technology acceptance model, and ecological
models of innovation
Other papers relating to examples of technological innovation
Proposals of analytical frameworks that build on, and go beyond ANT
Use of ANT in the investigation of historical examples of technological
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission
guidelines at www.igi-global.com/ijantti.
All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:
Editor-in-Chief: Arthur Tatnall at Arthur.Tatnall(a)vu.edu.au
The AISWorld LISTSERV is a service of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.aisnet.org). To unsubscribe, redirect, or change subscription options please go to http://lyris.isworld.org/. You are subscribed to AISworld as: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at. Each Sender assumes responsibility that his or her message conforms to the AISWorld LISTSERV policy and conditions of use available at http://lyris.isworld.org/isworldlist.htm.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] Einladung zur Fachtagung "Die nächsten 20 Jahre der
Datum: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 07:47:26 +0200
Von: <Event(a)eict.de>
An: <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir laden Sie herzlich ein zur
*„Die nächsten 20 Jahre der Informationsgesellschaft“
** * am 6. November 2009, 10:00-17:00 Uhr
im bcc Berliner Congress Center, Alexanderstraße 11, 10178 Berlin
Diskutieren Sie gemeinsam mit namhaften Experten und Entscheidern aus
Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft die Entwicklungen, Trends und
Innovationen der IKT und Medien.
*Es laden ein*
· Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Arnold Picot (Münchner Kreis e.V., LMU München)
· Christopher Schläffer (Deutsche Telekom AG, Münchner Kreis e.V.)
· Bernd-Wolfgang Weismann (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie)
· Dr. Udo Bub (EICT GmbH)
· Dr. Reinhold Achatz (Siemens AG, Münchner Kreis e.V.)
· Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Eberspächer (Münchner Kreis e.V., TU München)
· Robert A. Wieland (TNS Infratest GmbH, Münchner Kreis e.V.)
Die Fachtagung auf einen Blick:
*Vorabendveranstaltung „Wissen schafft Zukunft“* am 5. November 2009, ab
19:00 Uhr
Wir laden alle Teilnehmer herzlich zur Auftaktveranstaltung am Vorabend
der Fachtagung in das* **KARLSSON* Berlin (www.karlsson-berlin.de
<http://www.karlsson-berlin.de/>) ein. Hören Sie erste Ergebnisse der
Zukunftsstudie zu Impulsen für die Wirtschaft und tauschen Sie sich in
lockerer Atmosphäre mit anderen Teilnehmern aus.
*Fachtagung (mit Workshops)* am 6. November 2009, 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
Auf der Tagung werden die Ergebnisse der internationalen Delphi-Studie
„Zukunft und Zukunftsfähigkeit der IKT und Medien“ vorgestellt.
Diskutieren Sie mit uns in vier parallelen Workshops sowie im
Interaktionsraum ausgewählte Themen, um konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen
für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik abzuleiten. Die Ergebnisse der
Fachtagung werden in den IT-Gipfelprozess mit einfließen.
Themenfelder der Workshops:
1. *Gesellschaftliche Implikationen der IKT-Entwicklung*
Wie verändert die IKT unsere Gesellschaft?
2. *Innovationspolitik IKT*
Welche Rahmenbedingungen benötigt die IKT?
3. *Infrastrukturentwicklung und Schlüsseltechnologien*
Wo liegen die Technologiefelder der Zukunft?
4. *Innovationstreiber IKT in zentralen Anwendungsbranchen*
Wie werden IKT und Medien in Zukunft wirken?
Hier können Sie den Programmflyer
Bitte registrieren Sie sich unter:
bzw. www.muenchner-kreis.de
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme und auf spannende Diskussionen mit Ihnen!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Mario Druse
Mario Druse
Communications / Event Management
European Center for Information and Communication Technologies - EICT GmbH
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
10587 Berlin
+49-30-3670-235-17 (office)
+49-30-3670-235-12 (fax)
www.eict.de <http://www.eict.de>
Supervisory Board:
Christopher Schläffer (Chairman), Prof. Dr. Kurt Kutzler (Deputy
Chairman), Prof. Dr. Ralf Guido Herrtwich, Prof. Dr. Stefan Jähnichen,
Jon S. von Tetzchner
CEO: Dr. Udo Bub
Commercial register: Amtsgericht Berlin HRB 102184 B, VAT ID No: DE
Corporate seat: Berlin
Mailing-Liste: WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: WI-admin(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/mailman/listinfo/wi
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [wkwi] 2nd Call for Papers Schwerpunktheft 5/2010
BISE/Wirtschaftsinformatik: Konstruktionsforschungin der
Wirtschaftsinformatik - Einreichungsschluss 2009-12-01
Datum: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 21:18:21 +0200 (CEST)
Von: robert.winter(a)unisg.ch
Antwort an: postmaster(a)idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
BISE/Wirtschaftsinformatik – 2nd Call for Papers für Schwerpunktheft 5/2010
: Konstruktionsforschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Die gestaltungsorientierte Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik dominiert
nicht nur in den deutschsprachigen Ländern, sondern es finden sich auch
viele gestaltungsorientiert arbeitende Forschende u.a. in Nordeuropa, den
Niederlanden, Italien und Australien. Während beschreibungsorientierte
Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik auf Theoriebildung, d.h. die
Erarbeitung und Validierung generischer Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen zielt,
ist das Ziel gestaltungsorientierter Wirtschaftsinformatikforschung die
Konstruktion nützlicher, generischer Problemlösungen für relevante,
wichtige Probleme im Kontext des Einsatzes von Informations- und
Kommunikationssystemen in Unternehmen, Verwaltungen oder im Privathaushalt.
Sowohl beschreibungsorientierte wie auch gestaltungsorientierte
Wirtschaftsinformatik-Forschung wird durch „Meta-Forschung“ begleitet, die
entsprechende Erkenntnisprozesse und -ergebnisse reflektiert und
Qualitätskriterien für die Rigorosität des jeweiligen Ansatzes definiert.
Für die gestaltungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatikforschung wird die
„Meta-Forschung“ im Folgenden als Konstruktionsforschung bezeichnet.
In der beschreibungsorientierten Forschung ist quantitative statistische
Signifikanz als Rigorositätskriterium etabliert – aber die
Problemlösungsrelevanz der Ergebnisse variiert stark. Im Gegensatz dazu ist
in der gestaltungsorientierten Forschung der Problemlösungsnutzen als
Relevanzkriterium etabliert – aber die Rigorosität der Konstruktion und
Evaluation der Artefakte variiert stark.
Konstruktionsforschung ist wichtig, da die Rigorosität
gestaltungsorientierter Wirtschaftsinformatikforschung weit weniger stark
spezifiziert und allgemein akzeptiert ist als ihr beschreibungsorientiertes
Pendant. Zwar findet sich eine Vielzahl konkreter Vorschläge für nützliche
Artefakte. Zum Gegenstand, zu Zielen, zum Prozess oder zu
Evaluationsstandards gestaltungsorientierter Forschung gibt es einzelne
Beiträge, jedoch keine belastbare Übereinkunft. Ein Beispiel ist die
Debatte, inwieweit Theorien bzw. „überprüfbare Gestaltungshypothesen“ neben
Konstrukten, Modellen, Methoden und Instanziierungen zulässige Gegenstände
gestaltungsorientierter Wirtschaftsinformatikforschung sein dürfen oder
Beiträge aus Forschung und Praxis sind u. a. zu folgenden Themenfeldern
- Gegenstand gestaltungsorientierter Wirtschaftsinformatik-Forschung
- Ergebnistypen gestaltungsorientierter Wirtschaftsinformatik-Forschung
- Erkenntnisprozess gestaltungsorientierter Wirtschaftsinformatik-Forschung
- Anspruchsgruppen gestaltungsorientierter Wirtschaftsinformatik-Forschung
und ihre Anforderungen
- Kreativität und Innovation in gestaltungsorientierter
- Ziele gestaltungsorientierter Wirtschaftsinformatik-Forschung
- Methoden gestaltungsorientierter Wirtschaftsinformatik-Forschung
- Evaluation gestaltungsorientierter Wirtschaftsinformatik-Forschung
(konstruktive wie auch analytische Qualitätssicherung)
- Konstruktionsprinzipien gestaltungsorientierter
- Die Rolle der Informatik in gestaltungsorientierter
Einreichung von Beiträgen
Bitte senden Sie vollständige Beiträge bis spätestens 2009-12-01 an Prof.
Dr. Robert Winter (robert.winter(a)unisg.ch). Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise
zu formaler Gestaltung und Umfang von Beiträgen für die
WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK / Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE).
Vollständige Beiträge sollten höchstens zehn Druckseiten umfassen; das
entspricht 50.000 Zeichen einschließlich Leerzeichen, abzüglich 5.000
Zeichen je Seite an Bildern. Beiträge müssen in deutscher oder englischer
Sprache verfasst sein und als *.doc- oder *.rtf-Dokumente eingereicht
werden. Ausführliche deutschsprachige Autorenrichtlinien stehen unter
http://www.wirtschaftsinformatik.de zum Download bereit.
Eingereichte Beiträge werden anonymisiert von mehreren Gutachtern in einem
doppelt-blinden Verfahren auf Relevanz, Originalität und fachliche Qualität
beurteilt. Neben den Herausgebern des Schwerpunktthemas und jenen der
Zeitschrift wirken dabei weitere ausgewiesene internationale
Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis mit.
Ergänzend zu den Aufsätzen sind auch Beiträge zum Schwerpunktthema für
andere Rubriken der Zeitschrift willkommen, z. B. für WI – State of the
Art, WI – Schlagwort und WI – Interview. Derartige Beiträge senden Sie
bitte direkt an den Geschäftsführenden Herausgeber Hans Ulrich Buhl
Angenommene Beiträge erscheinen identisch in Deutsch und Englisch. Die
deutschsprachige Fassung erscheint in WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, die
englischsprachige in Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE).
Angenommene Beiträge werden in enger Zusammenarbeit von Autoren und einem
professionellen Übersetzerteam übersetzt.
Einreichung von vollständigen Beiträgen: 2009-12-01
Benachrichtigung der Autoren: 2010-02-05
Abschluss der ersten Überarbeitung: 2010-04-11
Benachrichtigung der Autoren: 2010-05-28
Ggf. Abschluss einer zweiten Überarbeitung: 2010-06-27
Geplanter Erscheinungstermin Heft 5/2010: Oktober 2010
Herausgeber des Schwerpunkthefts
Prof. Dr. Robert Winter, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität
St. Gallen, Robert.Winter(a)unisg.ch
Prof. Dr. Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University,